Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Sin;, Queen, Cabinet Minister
and Army Officers at Serv
ice at St. Paul's.
London, April 20. America's part
ncrship in the world war was cele
brated by a religious service today
in St. Paul's cathedral. ' The Stars
and Stripes floated from the holiest
toner of the parliament buildings at
Westminster the, first time a foreign
flag was ever displayed on that emi
nence and flew above all govern
ment buildings.
The service in the historic cathe
dral, where the most momentous oc
casions of national rejoicing and
mourning have been solemnized, was
unprecedented in being tne comment
oration of an act of anothe.- nation.
Overhead in the dim arches hung
the dust weighted and battle torn
flags of famous British regiments,
some of which had been carried
the American war of the revolution,
while among the tombs and memor
ials of famous soldiers ranged about
the walls were the names of those
who fought against the colonies in
that war.
King and Queen Attend.
The cathedral seats nearly 4.000
persons and was filled to its further
most recerses. All seats were occu
pied when King George and Queen
Mary entered, followed by the may
ors and aldermen of the twentv-aix
boroughs of London, wearing their
scarlet robes of office.
The American embassy and consu
lar staffs occupied front teats with
representatives of the Pilgrims, the
American society, the American
Luncheon club and the American
Chamber of Commerce. In the
diplomatic section were officers in the
uniforms of France, Russia, Italy, Bel
gium, Serbia, Montenegro, Roumania
and Japan.
Throughout the cathedral the army
khaki and the navy blue were 'con
spicuous. In the reserved seats there
were a large number of wounded of
ficers and soldiers, including many
Canadians and several Americans
serving with the Dominion forces.
Chancellor of the Exchequer -Bonar
Law represented the cabinet in the
absence of Premier Lloyd George.
Sermon From Historic Text
The service which followed con
sisted of the Lord's prayer, Psalms
xlvi and cxliv, lessons from Isaih lxi,
the Apostles' Creed, a prayer, the
"Battle Hymn of the Republic," a ser
mon by Bishop Brent, the hymn,
"Through the Night of Doubt and
Sorrow," benediction by the arch
bishop of Canterbury, the singing of
"The Star Spangled Banner" .and
"God Save the King."
The clergy of St. Paul's conducted
the service, assisted by the archbiah
i ) of Canterbury and the bishop of
I or.don. The text from which Bishop
Brent spoke was chosen from Macca
bees, second chapter, thirteenth verae,
"Having gone apart from the elders,
he resolved that they should go forth
and try the matter in fight, by the
help of God. And committing the
decision to the Lord of the world and
exhorting them that were with him
to contend manfully, even unto death,
for the laws, the temple, the city, the
country and' the commonwealth, he
pitched his camp, having given out to
his men the watchword, 'Victory is
God's.'" I i
Twenty-Two U. 8. Veterans.
One of the most picturesque of the
numerous processions to St. Paul's
was a group of twenty-two veterans
of the American civil -war, who
, marched from their humble head
' quarters near London bridge carry
ing American flags and a banner in
scribed, "American Civil War Veter
ans; not for ourselves, but for our
Three of the prayers offered at the
St. Paul's service were specially pre
pared for the occasion, the first one
"Thou. 0 God, hast put Into the
hearts of the president and people of
America to join the allied nations in
a great war in defense of liberty, hu
manity and justice. We pray Thee
to grant victory to our forces."
The second prayer was:.
"We pray Thee to guide the presi
dent and those to whom Thou hast
committed the government of the
United States, Grant them special
wisdom and understanding that they
may fulfill Thy divine purposes."
And the third:
"We thank Thee for the abundant
blessing Thou hast bestowed on the
people of the United States. We
pray hey may labor always to ad
vance Thy kingdom on earth, that
peace, happiness, truth and justice
may everywhere flourish and
abound." ,
Other members of the royal family
present in the cathedral included
Oueen Alexandra, the princess royal,
Princess Maud of Fife, the duke of
Connaught, Princess Patricia, Prin
cess Christian and Princesi Victoria
of Schleswig-Holstein.
ADMIRAL HENRY T. MAYO AND HIS FLAGSHIP Admiral Henry T. Mayo, commander
of the United State Grand fleet and the mighty super-dreadnought that is hi flagship. If
the United States fleet goes into action at any time against the German High Seas fleet it
would be the Pennsylvania with Admiral Mayo on board that would be in the van of
the dreadnought divisions.
, V Ifn ' fa ill 4f
President Writes Congressman
Conscription Means Best Fit
ted Men Shall Serve.
War School Grows
Fast Here, Over 125
Men Being Enrolled
Omaha's war school is growing
fast. More than 125 young men are
now enrolled to receive instruction
and drill, preparatory to qualifying for
appointment as officers in the army
reserve corps.
The members of the school will as
semble at the end of the Dundee car
line, for its first open-air drill at 9
o'clock Sunday morning. Drillmaster
Frank L. Burnside, who will instruct
them, will be in charge.
Taylor Belcher, was electedk chair
man and treasurer of the school last
night at the regular session at the
army building. J. J. Fraser, Cuthbert
rotter and Belcher were named as an
executive committee to direct the
chool. These three men attended the
Plattsburg training camp last summer.
Aspirants for appointment to the
reserve officers' corps will hereafter
ipply to attend training camp at Fort
Snelling, Minn., instead of taking ex
aminations here, in accordance with
the. following orders received from
army headquarters by Captain Bower,
local examining officer:
"Suspend examination of applicants
for reserve officers of infantry, cav
lary, coast artillery and field artillery.
Hform applicants thev should aDDlv
for permission to attend training
ft was announced that such appli
cations should be made to the adiu-
tant, Central department,
States army, Chicago.
Dr. I. M. Banister, retired enlnnrl
of the army medical corps, was the
speaker at last night's school. He told
of first aid behind the firing line and
of the importance of health and sani
tation in the arrgy.
"Rookie" Soldiers Lead
Fremont Defense Parade
Fremont, Neb.,. April 20. (Special
Telegram) Five hundred persons last
night formed the Dodge county
Drancn ot tne JNeprasKa ueiense i
league. The meeting followed a
parade in which ninety automobiles
decorated with flags and bunting took
part. A company of rookie soldiers
led the procession. A. W. Jefferis of
Omaha made the principal speech.
Ray Nye of Fremont was elected pres
ident. T. J. Mahoney's Death Causes
Postponement of Banquet
Out of respect for the memoty of
Timothy J. Mahoney, who died sud
denly at Washington, D. C,, Thurs
day, the banquet which the Knights
of Columbus planned for Sunday eve
ning in honor of Archishop Harty,
has been postponed. Mr. Mahoney
was the first grand knight of Omaha
council and the first state depupty for
The initiation of forty-five new
members into the order will take
place at Metropolitan hall Sunday aft
ernoon as originally planned'.
Boy Scouts Will Plant
Gardens to "Feed Soldiers"
In the movement for every Boy
Scout to "feed a soldier," scout
masters at an executive meeting last
night in the Patterson block decided
to ask each of the 500 Boy Scouts to
plant vegetable gardens in their back
yards, 16x16 feet.
The truck gardens will not inter
fere with the scout plan to cultivate
a ten-acre tract west of Elmwood
Family Unhurt Around Table
Cleared by Ligfltning Bolt
While L. Stevens, 1928 South
Fourteenth street, and wife, were
seated around the supper table last
night, lightning struck their home, up
setting the kitchen stove and knock
ing alt the dishes from the table. Al
though blinded for an instant by the
flash, neither was hurt. Fart of the
chimney was knocked down by the
bolt. A fire started on the roof was
extinguished by the fire department.
Four Sets of
Brothers Enlist
Four sets of .brothers were
among Thursday's army recruits.
They were: Clifford C. and Bert
A. Graves, Bellevue, Neb.; Har
vey R. and Lyman C. Sorenson,
Hartington, Neb.; Charles H. and
Garden A. Peterson, Audubon,
la.; Robert E. and William H.
Hindman, Hornick, la.
Washington, April 20. As one
step toward meeting opposition in
congress to the administration's
army plans, President Wilson sent a
letter to Representative Hevelin of
Kansas explaining what is meant by
selective draft and expressing earnest
hope that the bill drafted by the War
department would be passed.
The letter said in part:
"Our object is a mobilization of all
the productive and active forces of
the nation and their development to
the highest oint of efficiency and
the idea of the selective draft is that
those should be chosen for service m
the army who can be most readily
spared from the prosecution of the
other activities, which the country
must engage in and to which it must
devote a great deal ot its best energy
and capacity.
"The volunteer system does not do
this. When men choose themselves
they sometimes choose without due
regard to their other responsibilities.
Men may come from the farms or
from the mines or from the factories
or centers of business who ought not
to come, but ought to stand back of
the armies in the field and see that
they get everything that they need
and that the people of the country
are sustained m the meantime.
The president and administration
leaders in congress are confident of
the ultimate enactment of the army
bill without material changes.
Most Effective Remedy
Mother Had Ever Used
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Relieves Baby When Other
Medicines Failed
There is nothing so necessary to a
child's health and comfort as regu
larity of the bowels. All children
are especially susceptible to stomach
trouble and any overstrain of the sen
sitive organism has a tendency to ob
struct elimination. This condition is
responsible for much of the illness of
To relieve constipation a mild laxa
tive should be employed. Cathartics
and purgatives arc violent in their
action and should be avoided. Mrs.
Alfred Dubois, Mt. Holly, N. J..
says Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
without doubt the most effective rem
edy for constipation she has ever
used and that it is the only remedy
she could find for her baby. Little
Earl was badly constipated during
his first year and nothing she tried
seemed to help him until she got a
bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.
Now he is a fine, strong, healthy
boy, and she thanks Dr. Caldwell
for it -
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
combination of simple laxative herbs
with pepsin, free from opiates or nar
cotic drugs; it acts gently without
griping or other discomfort, and ap-
peals to children because of its pleas
ant taste. Druggists everywhere selt
it for fifty cents a bottle and every
mother should have it in the house for
use whenever occasion arises.
To avoid imitations and ineffective
substitutes always be sure to ask for
rtr r'aMu1t'a Svrun Peosin. See
that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's sig
nature and his portrait appear on the
yellow carton in which the bottle is
packed. A trial bottle free of charge
can be obtained by writing to Dr. W.
B. Caldwell, 455 Washington St.,
Monticello, Illinois.
1508-1510 S
Douglas St.
ft aX1 rm B-iA,
Ooen an Account I
With Me!
Your Credit
la Good
Starting 8:30 A. M. Saturday a Startling Sale of
That Are Positively Worth $25, $29.50 and $35
Unrestricted Choice at One Remarkably Low Price Saturday..
Copen, Navy, Sand, Mustard, Cold,
Apple Green, Black, Reeeda, Rose
and Tan. (
American Poplins, Men's - Wear
Serges, Poiret Twills, Gabardines,
Velours plain and fancy silk-lined
Jackets, s.
Belted models, pleated backs, large
collars, tailored collars, collars and
cuffs of contrasting fabrics; braided,
stitched and corded trimmed. Mod
els for miss of 14 to matron of 69.
Wonderful assortment.
Gold, Mustard, Navy, Copen, Apple
Green, Kelley Green, Black, Citron.
Taffetas, Poplins, Serges, Corded
Coatings, Twills, Gabardines, Velours,
Novelty Costings; full lined, half
Used and unlined.
High waisted models, belted and
loose backs; large cape collars many
of novelty contrasting fabrics;
stitched, braided and corded trimmed.
This Sale Represents Omaha's Greatest Apparel Buying Opportunity
In Suits you choose from broad assortments of the smartest
styled garments we have shown this season. Model for every type
of wear. Becoming atyles for women of every age snd size. Come
The Coats emphasize every new and clever style creation that
fashion has favored this season. Your coat wants can be supplied
here Saturday at a price that is indeed tempting. N .
Saturday's Blouse Sale of Unusual Importance
....... More Than 1,000 Blouses in Two Dominant Groups
400 Blouses, worth to
$3, choice Saturday. ,
We just unpacked the majority of these
Beautiful Blouses. They come in fresh
sheer Voiles, Batistes, Organdies, Corded
Novelties whits and
colon sport styles.. 1
Widest range of new
styles.1 $3.00 Blouses
Saturday, at.
$a1 AP
600 Blouses, worth to (
$10, choice Saturday.
Sheer Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Taffe
tas snd Sport Silks. Beaded and embroid
ered effects in s bewildering range of unu
sually pretty styles. fK
Gold, Maize, Beige,
Whit.. p.i, t
Apricot, Sea Green,
Citron, Rose, Gray,
Navy. Actually worth
to $10. Saturday, at. .
Union Pacific Railroad
Men in Nation's Service
Donald B. Allan, Union Pacific
storekeeper, in a communication to
Judge Sears of the district court, says
that "in releasing Union Pacific men
from jury service the court is really
assisting Uncle Sam." Mr. Allan
adds that "we are short ieventy-five
men in our Omaha force now on ac
count of the shortage of common la
bor, due to enlistments and men leav
ing railroad service to take jobs at
higher figures."
The letter was prompted by the
drawing of a Union Pacific employe
for jury service.
Young Newspaper Man Gets
Commission as Naval Reserve
John G. Rayley, 3009 Harney
street, young Omaha newspaper
man, has been commissioned an en
sign in the naval reserve and as
signed to active duty as navy pub
licity director for the rprrtiit,n ca
tion in this district.
Ravlcv's commission was rereiv.H
last evening, and lie immediately
took the oath of office.
Mrs. Fanning, Actress
From Omaha, Takes Poison
Kansas City, Mo., April 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Mrs. Fanning, an
actress with the Mollie Williams com
pany, attempted suicide hy poison, in
iier room at the Hotel Edward early
today. Mrs. Fanning came to Kansas
City four days ago from Omaha with
her husband, F. B. Fanning, an actor
ir. the- same company. She will recover.
Army Quartermaster
Asks Bids on Large
Quantities of Meats
Bids on large quantities of canned
and cured meats and provisions for
the army are asked by Colonel G. S.
Bingham, in charge of the army
quartermaster depot here. He re
cently asked for bids on more than
1,000,000 pounds of bacon.
He will open bids on the following
supplies April 26 at 2 p. m.: 4,800
cans corned beef, 7,200 cans fresh
beef roast, 7,200 cans corned beef
hash, 30,000 pounds lard, 2,880 cans
breakfast bacon, 420 pounds break
fast bacon, 2,784 cans sliced beef,
8.500 pounds ham, 960 cans lard,
10,008 cans pork sausage, 6,000 cans
sausage, 216 cans beef tongue.
Child, Seriousiy Injured in
Wreck, Fears School Absence
Eleanor Murtagh, 5 years, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murtagh,
2436 Pratt street, was never absent a
day since she started to the Lothrop
kindergarten this semester.
Yesterday onher way home from
school she was seriously . injured
when run down by a motarcycle at
Twenty-fourth and Pinkney streets,
driven by Wesley Bell, colored. At
a hospital her one concern was that
she would have to be absent from
school. Her injuries consisted of se
vere scalp lacerations, body bruises
and possible internal injuries. E. O.
Phennix, colored, on the motorcycle
at the time, was arrested with Bell.
White and Colored Kid
With Full Covered Louis Heels
Splendidly Tailored
Regular $9, $10 and $12 Values
Men's New Oxfords
In the Classy and Staple
, Styles
Now In All Sizes
$4.00 to $8.00
317 South
16th St
and Onyx 1
Caltn-1 ItrV? fl
lor Mil 1 1
and WontB ij
We Save You Money There Are Reasons .
Cut the Cost of Living
by Saving on Your Ice Bills
The THERM0-CELL Refrigerator
Solves Your Ice Problem
Our Prices $7.65,v $8.75, $10.50, $13.75, $15.75
Beauties in whittf enamels. Large family' sizes, 100
pounds ice capacity, $27.50. See these now while the
present low prices can be maintained.