Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1917. BIRD PARADE MOST GORGEOUS AFFAIR Wonderful Array of Singing Talent and Fine Colors March Down Farnam. ROBINS LEAD PROCESSION By A. R. GROH. Did you see the bird parade? All the birds in Douglas county, marching down Farnam street and through the business section of the city! Surel You didn't see it? Well, I'll tell you about it. It took hours to pass. For there ' areprobable three times as many birds as people in Douglas county, say 600,000. The only human being in the parade was Miles Greenleaf, the grand mar shal. (He's a "bird," too, but hasn't any feathers.) First came the robin division, 150, 000 strong. Marching twenty abreast and with only three feet between ranks, this division alone was four miles long! , Then came the red-winged black birds, who live in low places around the city. Easy for the Kids. "Caw, caw, caw." Here come the crows. A fine division of big fellows. "These crows are 'duck soup' for the kids," the grand marshal told me. "hey build great big nests -ut of coarse twigs and they build them out where everybody can see them. Not satisfied with that, they sit around and holler about it and call in the neighbors and show 'em the nest. No wonder the kids find 'em." Here's ' a division of respectable sparrows. Not English sparrows are these. The English sparrows, which are nearly as numerous as robins, were barred from the parade, because of their bad reoutation. These are chipping sparrows, which live in vines, field sparrows which nest out in hot, open places, song sparrows and the big Harris sparrows. Western meadow larks come next. They're singing, and well they may for they are about the most beautiful singers in the country. Next is the woodpecker division, the northern flicker or yellow ham mer, downy, hairy and red-headed woodpeckers, with beautiful color ings. And the tittle Wren. Here come the chickadees, the cow birds, goldfinches, house wrens, blue birds, bronzed grackles, chewinks. bluejays, Baltimore orioles. The oriole weaves its nest into a wonderful sack like form that hangs out at the very end of a branch. The parade is already about fifteen miles long, but still they come, each division with a different song. Rose breasted grosbeaks and brown thrash ers pass and then comes a small but gorgeous division of cardinal birds. All red are they except their faces, which are black and they are singing most entrancingly. Then come the wood thrushes. Well, well. Look, who's here. Who! Who! Why it's the owls screech owls, long-eared ow ls and short-eared owls. Here comes a fierce division of log gerhead shrikes or "butcher birds," bloodthirsty fellows, who kill small animals and weaker birds, and then stick their bodies on barbs and thorns and tear them to pieces. Have Color and Can Sing. Another brilliant division follows, the scarlet tanagers, crimson colored, with black wings. Splendid singers! And the parade ends with a division of kingfishers, birds which nest in the ground near the river and catch fish for their living. Hello! What's this rag-atag. bob tail rabble following in the wake of toe parade? Why tf it isn't the F.nar- lish sparrows, chirping and squabbling and "chewing the. rag!" They were ruled out of the parade, but they come tagging on behind, anyway. Were just as good as anv bird." they say. "Can't keep us out of this parade. You didn t think we had so manv birds here, did you? Neither did I un til I interviewed the grand marshal and other well-informed bird lovers. And these aren t all. Thev are onlv the principal kinds. There are dozens of other varieties that are seen here. Saloon Kepers Plead Guilty to Amended Charge Amos Bray of Millard and Henry Anderson of Florence, saloon keep ers arrested in raids by Sheriff Clark several weeks ago, pleaded guilty in county court to keeping disorderly houses and were fined $25 and costs each. At the instigation of the county attorney's office the charges were amended from selling liquor after hours. REY. F. W. LEAVITT SCORES DR. BALTZLY President of Ministerial Union Declares Lutheran Pastor's Utterances Unpatriotic. COMMENDS SAVIDQE STAND Rev. F. W. Leavitt. president of the Ministerial union of Omaha and pas tor of Plymouth Congregational church, takes issue with Rev. O. 1). Baltzly ot Kountze Memorial Luth eran church for what he terms Dr. Baltzly's unpatriotic stand on the I'nited States war with Germany. Mr. Leavitt says: By F. W. LEAVITT. In The Bee of Wednesday evening Rev. Oliver D. Baltzly is quoted as saying that all day Tuesday he was kept busy answering telephone calls of people who approved' his published utterance in opposition to the pres ent course of the United States, and that only two criticisms came to his ears I desire, in just as strong and Diit lie a way as possible, to speak for the patriotic majority of Christian men and women who did not call up Dr. Baltzly to point out the error of his conclusions and the wrongfulness of Ms public stand. The utterance of Rev. Charles W. Savidge is on a far higher plane as to tact, reasoning and morals. Mr. Baltzly cannot be denied the right to have his private opinions, but if he persists in rallying about himself the unsympathetic element of our dodu a. tion, he will fall to the rear and miss the greatest opportunity of his life to neip in the spiritual liberation of man kind of the German people in par ticular. Prcsiden Wilson, knowing more than any of us could, of intrigues and outrages, kept the nation out of war until the moral sense of the nation was thoroughly aroused and the pres sure for war became irresistible. Even if no American lives had been lost and no American property damaged, we ought to ally ourselves with all our power against the ruthless de stroyer of human lives and human rights, of national safety and inter national covenants. We can hold up our heads and bear our sacrifices, knowing that America is once more true to the richtenus principles that animated the founders of our nation. ORCHARD 414-16-18 S. 16th St. A N D WILHELM COMPANY Noteworthy Drapery Specials Voile Curtains In ivory and ecru, with laca edge front and bottom; ex cellent values for d (J pair v 1 Ols Window C hades Made up, all ready to hang; 36 inches by 6 feet, spe- yA cial, at WC 36 inches by 7 feet 45c Sofa Pillows , Carefully made up and covered in assorted cretonnes, QC. j extra values, Saturday OC Curtain Voiles : Of a quality above the average; I extra special, Saturday, in per yard IOC. 36-Inch Muslins Especially desirable for bed room curtains; special, 11 per yard X 1 C 36-Inch Marquisettes In a wide variety of dainty de signa; special, Saturday, 1 C per yard IOC Dainty Silkolines Of rich colorings, in wide variety; Saturday, per Cretonnes In every desirable pattern, de sign and coloring. You can see and study here to every advan tage. See the Saturday specials, at, per yard 18c, 23c and 35c Attractive Reed Rockers Extra Values ( Saturday Carefully built by hand of select reed stock, finished baronial black ' and dantily upholstered in pretty i cretonnes. Reserve stock limited. $10.50 Stirring Saturday Specials From th Midwest's Grsatsst Showing of Dependable Floor Coverings A goodly selection of cross-seam rugs, made from travelers' samples, at prices that mean a saving up. to 60. A big assortment of regular rugs at special prices as follows: 9x12 Axminster Rugs, at $19.95. S21.95. nd $23.95. 9x12 Brussels Rugs, at $14.95. .$15.95 and $16.95. 9x12 Velvet Rugs, wonderful values, at $17.95 and $19.95. 6-9x7-3 Wilton Rugs, at $12.95; 6-9x9 Velvet Rugs, $12.95. Patterns and colorings to suit every requirement. Wire Door Mats Hassocks, 69c One of these at your door will Substantially built and covered save its cost many times 7 C in high-grade Wilton and velvet, over; 18x30-in. size. . . I DC and Brussels carpet ends. Headquarters for Good Linoleums Five carloads of Linoleums received during the past week speaks well for our ability to please you in Linoleums. Every desirable pattern, coloring and quality you will find here. Inlaid Linoleums, QCj Printed Linoleums, j wvt per square yard JJ per square yard. -DOWN STAIRS- The PROOF of the HERRICK Superiority Is the satisfaction it gives its thousands of users. Built of Oak Lined with spruce wood, with either I; plain or white enamel in terior iimsn, wire Bneives, re movable ice-drip pan, dry cir culation and thorough insu lation are a few of the features that make the Her rick supreme. Priced $17.50 10 $35 For Family Sizes Jacobean Oak Dining Set. 5 Pieces 4 Chairs And Table 4 juuuu ,. T,j Massive Colonial Dresser g T- . I r I - . T urB vsiue,onn r-r Saturday. . . $tfDJ Best dresser you'll see in many a day at anything like the low price quoted. Carefully built of quar tered oak, nicely finished, golden polished; size of top 22x42 inches; bevel plate mirror 24x30 inches. 61 50 Suite in cludes four full -boxed Spanish leather slip- seat dining chairs (like cut) , built of quartered oak, and fin ished Jacobean, and a 54-inch dining table (like cut), built of select quartered oak, and beauti fully finished Jacobean; table can be extended to 6 feet when emergency demands. 1 New Reed Carriages For Baby' Outing Days Designed in every detail with an eye to baby's and mother's com fort and convenience. Reeds are choice imported stock, finished in baronial browns, French gray, ivory, black and natural. 25 styles to select from. Price range $19 49 $58 IHoosier Kitchen Cabinets Sold t Easy Club TermtlfV- Seaa Bear mi farnam Benn Announcing a Selling Event for Saturday That The Women of Omaha Will Long Remember A Truly Marvelous Sale of Suits, Coats and Dresses and briefly we'll tell the reason for it When our country recently declared war, we surmised it would give many manu facturers with large stocks on hand an uneasy foeling. We immediately dispatched our buyer to New York to take advantage of the opportunity if they began unload ing. Our surmise was correct; manv of our manufacturers offered cut prices and we ought merchandise last week at prices unheard of since the Kurnpean war began. They're sll in stock and they go in this big sale Saturday. You just can't afford to miss it. HERE ARE TWO OF THE SUIT BARGAINS f ) N 1 Suits that were $25, for Suits that sold to $45, for This lot includes serge, poplin, wool jersey and gabardine suita, in tan, apple green, gray, rose, navy and black and white checks. The styles are tailored or semi- fancy in the season's best models; sizes are 16 1o 44 15 95 This lot includes high grade models from New York's foremost suit makers. Ma terials include new novelty cloths, such as gunnyburl and burella, also taffeta, silk faille and silk jersey, in the season's best style 95 IN ADDITION ALL OTHER SUITS IN STOCK ARE PRICED AT EXCEPTIONAL REDUCTIONS Charming Dresses Underpriced M vl.95 ! (Mn.75 For Dresses to $21.50 For Dresses to $31.50 And we neTer had more charming frock to offer you than will be found In thia Bale. Crepe de chine, taffeta, crepe meteor ana georgette in sport models or dressy types for afternoon wear. Every desirable style la represented in the full range of new colors. By far the prettiest dresses you're seen this season. . All Other Dresses Offered at Special Prices Smart New Coats at Reductions 95 $1495 $19 For Coats up to $21.60 For Coats up to $27.60 Coats are high In public taror this season and the smart eat ot snappy models are to be found here. Cloth coats In all the new materials and silk coals for either sport or street wear. AU the new colors, gold, biege, perriwinkle, turquoise, apple green, rose, char treuse, gray navy and black. All sites from 16 to 46. All Other Coats Offered at Special Prices A Special Saturday Offer in WAISTS Georgette and Crepe de Ciiine Qualities That Are Often Found Elsewhere at $6.50 or Even Higher. $4.95 (In all the new shades.) FREE SATURDAYS 7.1 Something every woman will want, a beau tiful hanger for waists or dresses, hesvlly enam eled In pastel shades, with nickeled hook and with two rubber tips st each end to keep the gar ment from slipping off. One wtth every purchase. A Beautiful Stock of SILK SKIRTS Taffeta Khaki Kool Silk Jersey , Pussy Willow $7.50 Silk Skirts, for S5.95 $10.00 Silk Skirts, for... $7.45 $12.50 Silk Skirts, for $9.95 $15.00 Silk Skirts, for $11.75 1621 FARNAM "WOMEN'S SHOP" 1621 FARNAM WATCH FOR AD ANNOUNCING OPEN ING OF OUR MEN'S STORE AT 1415 FARNAM STREET NEXT WEEK. iimiMi.immmmiii I I! '.J pi lay? Ittaraay! At 6 P. M. Tomorrow The 10-Day Free Trial and Easy Payment Offer Closes On the World Famous remieii I Electric Cleaner Don't delay ! Monday will be too late ! You must get your request for the Free Trial in today or tomorrow at the latest, because this great offer closes promptly at 6 p. m. Saturday. Remember tomorrow it positively the last day. , We will send you one of our superb, BRAND NEW, easy glidingand deep cleaning Frantz-Premier Electric Cleaners our very latest model on 10 days' free cleaning trial. Remember this Free Trial does not cost you a penny--absolutely no obligation to buy. We want you to see for yourself how the Frantz-Premier picks up threads, lint and ravelings and every speck' of dust and dirt. ' Clean your carpets and your rugs with it. Try it on your furniture, your mattresses, radiators, walls and portieres. Try it in all the nooks and corners. Subject it to every test you can think of. And then if you are not more than delighted with the cleaner, we will send a boy to get it. But if you simply can't get along without it, then you may keep it and pay down as first payment nlwr fcO CA If You Decide to Buy After Uniy $.OU the 10 Days' FREE TRIAL Then you can pay the balance in small, easy monthly payments, thirty days between each payment. And remember you are getting the rock-bottom price and the VERY LATEST MODEL. You buy direct from the manufacturers A BRAND NEW machine right from the factory, and, best of all, on the easiest kind of easy payments. ' Telephone Douglas 4894 or Write Today Sure Simply telephone us today or tomorrow and say that you saw our ad in The Bee and that you want the full details of this great offer. We will see that you get a Frantz-Premier Cleaner on Free Trial this very day. Don't put this off a minute. Telephone your request at once to our factory branch, 701 World Herald Building, Douglas 4894, or write us. Remember, Monday will be too late. , The Frantz-Premier Distributing Co. 701 World-Herald Building, ----- Telephone Douglas 4894 S3 J m