Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 21. 1917. MILITARY. NOTE AT MEMnjlOHCERT Annual Event Gives Thrill of Patriotic Fervor to Audience. CHORUS SHOWS ADVANCE By HENRIETTA M. REES The second annual concert by the Menoma Chorus, under James Ed ward Carnal, conductor, took place j Thursday at the Brandeis theater and brought many interesting features with it. The chorus was assisted by Mrs. Louise Jansen Wylie and by Mr. Henry Cox and the Omaha Chamber Music society. This body of singers shows much improvement in its work over that of last year. Its quality is much prettier and there is a greater assurance and smoothness in everything that it does. The attacks were uniformly good, the rhythm well marked and at times inspiring, and the interpretations stamped with many evidences of con scientious training. The opening num ber, "The Star-Spangled Banner," iung by the chorus and audience and accompanied by piano and orchestra, vat the occasion for quite a patriotic " feature. Flag Tableau Enthusei Audience The stage was decorated with bunt ing and flags, with two immense flags forming a background behind the chorus. During the singing young girls appeared in all the boxes, wav ing American flags, and the two flags at the back parted, revealing a large Sicture of President Wilson. A hearty urst of applause greeted this novel opening. The stirring "Soldier's Chor us," from Faust, by Gounod, appro priately followed, and was highly ef fective fn its military swing, and in spiring melodies. Here and in the ar rangement of the "Beautiful Blue Danube," by Strauss, with orchestra accompaniment, the tenor section ap peared to excellent advantage, while in the "Rocking in de Win'," by IJeidlinger, and the "Song of the Tor eador," from Carmen, with Forrest Dennis in the solo part, the basses and Baritones deserved especial mention. Mr. Dennis uses his splendid bass voice easily and creditably. I Other Military Features. Many unusual features were intro duced by the "Bugle Song," by Buck. Miss Madge West, concert master of the orchestra aided the . piano accompaniment materially with the satisfying tones of her violin, and bugle off stage effectively answered the chorus in various portions of the song. A dramatic setting of "The Sword of Ferrara," by Bullard, for male chorus, and "Good Night, by Buck, completed the numbers pre sented by the chorus. Mrs. Wylie's Share. Mrs. Wylie, as usual, charmed by her luscious quality of voice, and the artistry of her singing. She presented two groups of solos in a most finished manner, and was quite overwhelmed with flowers and appreciation. "The Pine Tree," by Salter: "Bendemeer's Stream," "At Twilight,1 by Neviq, and the brilliant Clouch Lcighter, "My Lover He Comes On the Skeep9 with which sha closed her second group, were among the interesting and at tractive numbers. The Omaha Chamber Music so ciety, under Mr, Cox, besides accom panying the chorus in two numbers, played a group of compositions for string orchestra, - Accompanists a Factor. The accompaniments of Mr. Duffield for Miss Wylie, and of Miss Nora Neal for the chorus, were essential factors of the evening's pleasure. Encores were generously granted by the var ious participants, and the audience waa cordial throughout the program with hearty and generous applause. Denison Club Moves Into Its New Quarters Denison, la., April 20. (Special.) The Denison Commercial club has secured new and commodious quarters and these were formally opened to the membership and the public Tuesday evening. Members and their wives were out in full force, but not to the crowding of the rooms, which are forty by eighty. President I. B. Lyon presided. He made an address, end ing wun some original verses as to boosting the city at all times. The band financed by the club gave a number of fine selections. There were addresses by Mr. Kuehnle of this city and Dr. McEvoy of Missouri Valley. Light refreshments were served. The new quarters have four tables for bil liards and pool, besides many other accommodations tor amusements. Flour Mill and Rail Station at Griswold Burn fWUwnM I. Anril ?n ;.i -The Griswold flour mill, owned by Ed Seelev. waa entirely destrnved hv fire Wednesday afternoon, together with aeveral hundred bushels of wheat and about 400 sacks of flour. While the firemen were tfvin tn save the mill, the depot, owned joint ly oy tne Kock island and the Bur lington, caught fire and burned to the ground. There was practically no water with which to fight the fire at the depot, as the fire at the mill was taking all that the pipes would carry. Most of the fixtures tX the depot, together with the contents of the freight and express rooms, were car ried out. ' Mr. Seeley' carried about $5,000 in surance on the mill and about $1,000 on the contents. Despondency Due to Constipation. W omen often become nervous and despondent When this is due to con stipation it is easily corrected by tak ing an occasional dose of Chamber lain's Tablets. These tablets are easy to takt and pleasant in effect Adv. PRESIDENT GENERAL OF THE D. A. R. r( x !' ''TV - - ilia. Geot$3 Thicker Guernsey Washington, April 20. Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey of .Kan sas was elected president-general of the Daughters of the American Revo lution for the next three years last night over three opponents on the first ballot. Mrs. Guernsey received 677 votes; Mrs. George C. Squires of Minnesota, 263; Mrs, John Miller Horton of New York, 23S, and Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis of Illinois, 121. In a vigorously contested fight the entire ticket, headed by Mrs. Guern sey, defeated at the last election by Mrs. William dimming Mory, was swept into office. Mrs. C B. Letton of Nebraska was elected vice president general for the unexpired term. Mrs. Guernsey is a sister of Mrs. Charles H. Aull of Omaha, retiring state regent of the Nebraska Daugh ters. She is well known here, hav ing visited her sister many times. Mrs. Guernsey was the chief speaker when the state conference was held in Omaha two years ago. Mrs. Aull went to Wsshington early last week to help in her sister's campaign. Mrs. Guernsey's platform was an element of strength in her campaign. She advocated one term of three years for the president-general, rather than a two-year term with re-election; and that traveling expenses of the president-general should be psid by the officer herself. Eugene Brando of Omaha Dangerously Hurt at St. Louis St. Louis, Mo., April 20. (Special Telegram.) When a taxi in which he was riding .with the driver and Victor A. LaFayette, of New Orleans, collided with a car driven by Mrs. Carrie Edler, Eugene E. Brando of Omaha, manager of the National Lead company, suffered a concussion of the brain and minor cuts and bruises at an early hour this morn ing. ' LaFayette also was injured, but not so seriously. After treatment at the city dispensary the men were re moved to Missouri Athletic associa tion, where they are guests and where Brando is under, care of a physician. Mrs. Edler was arrested charged with careless driving and is out on bond. She says that the street was slippery and the accident unavoidable. Asks Sheriff to Help , Locate Albert Benkelman William Drayhorn of Harrison, S. D.. has appealed to Sheriff Clark- for aid in locating Albert Benkelman, whose elderly mother is reported to be in a serious condition as the re sult of -worry over her son's disap pearance. Mrs. Benkelman lives on a farm near .the South Dakota town and Mr. Drayhorn same to Omaha in search of the "wandering boy" in her behalf. The South Dalcotan said he believes the young man is in Omaha. Benkel man is 23 years old. He left home on March 21, going to Monroe, Neb from where he intended to journey on to Norfolk. He has not been heard from since. Drayhorn says the aged woman is frantic with grief, de claring that she will die unless her son returns home at once. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. . BOOKS FREE Saturday with each $1-00 pur chase. Your choice of any book on our used Fiction Table free. KIESER'S BOOK STORE Old and New Book 221 N. 16th St., Loyal Hotel. We Buy Old Books. Dorit try to Cover up a bad Complexion! clearttwith RginolSoap II your eomplextoo h rough, red or i try to cover up the defects I It deceives no one and only makes bad matters worse. Begin today te clear your skin with Realm) ftmn. Just wash your face with Reslnol Soap and hot water, dry and apply gently a little Reslnol Ointment. Let this stay on for ten minutes, then wash off with more Resinol Soap, tn a very short time roe will usually find your skin be coming beautifully eoft,elear and velvety. KMON Sou ni IMmI OlnUMntlraioldbraltdnf flats, Trtknudmhow bmUI thy in aolmli tm UMlklabattvtlMktli.lM. SUIT SALE We offer for Saturday's selling a choice lot of Women's Suits worth up to $35.00 for I1S.50. So advertisement oa pas 8. JULIUS ORKIN 1 E08-10 Douglas St. From Our Near Neighbors A roe. 141m Ann tftrl KniM of WMpIng Water waa an ovr Sunday visitor hr wltb friends, Mr. and Mm. Trti MeOrmdr wr vialtlnf relative! at Wanplna- Water Sunday. Q. W. Breazaala lft thla week lor a w dayi' stay at Chappel, Neb. Mr. nd Hn. I r. DunkaK, wno nave been 1.1 tin relative here, bave returned to their home In South Dakota. Mre. J. F. Touna and MlM Mattle Young of Cook were viaitlng relative, here the Tint or the week. Mr. and Mn, L. J. Marque nit and Mr. and Mre. B. C. Nutxman were Nebraska City visitors the latter part of the wpk. Mr. and Mre. B. C. Marquardt were vli- Itlnff- re U lives at Talma Sunday, John Jorsensen was taken to Omaha Sun day, whir he underwent an operation tor appendicitis. Hie condition 1 reported favorable. Mrs. Samuel Johnson entertained the Woman's club Wednesday afternoon. Elk horn. Funeral services for Andrew Patrick who died In an Omaha hospital last week, waa held Monday. The Knight ef Pythias lodve, of which he was a member, had chart;. Mr. Patrick was 71 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bell and children of Pa pit lion cams up Sunday mcrnint and Joined the J. O. Reefers family and all went to the Robert Warren home for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thleesen entertained friends for Mr. Thlessen's birthday Tuesday. C. c. Hoiitni and family went to Omaha Thursday. Mrs. Harry Clark and daushter, Maxlne, left Tuesday for their new home In Colum bus. Edward BUhop and family will move to the Hickey house. Joachim Bull, who has been con lined to his bed a couple of months, is up and about aialn. Miss Mildred Itouth returned to her home after several months stay at the Qaeth arue; store. Irvln ton. Mrs, Bprlng visited at the Carl Spring home In Benson Tuesday. Chester HendiiokaoD visited friends In Omaba Monday. Mrs. Lown and daughter, Martha, and Mrs. Roy Brewster of Omaha and Mrs. Mo Donald and children of Milwaukee were en tertained at the S, R. Brewster home Friday. William Stoltenberg of at the H. JU Anderson Brewster and family of nt a, . Brewster horn Mr. and Mrs. Florence visited home Sunday. Mrs, Clarence Benson vJeltd M Monday. Ladles' Aid sootsty met at Mrs. Shepard's home for supper Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Thomson and family of Omaha visited at the H, S. Thomson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madsen and daugh ter, Blsle, and Jim Madsen of Benson and Miss Dora Chrlstensen of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams were entertained at the A, C. Deln home Sunday. Chicken thieves are busy In this vicinity. Andrew Thomson lost seventy-(lv nd Oeorg Hasard lost sixty, and all the meat out ef the smoke house. Mr. and Mrs. B I oleic attended the wedding of Mrs. Blelck's sister at Benson Tuesday. Evergreen camp. Royal Neighbors of America, held a banquet Thursday evening given by the losing side In a member-getting aoneet. It waa well attended In spit of the bad weather and muddy roads. Springfield. Frank Reaeook passed th examination and has been appointed naval surgeon. He will report at once at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christiansen re turned last Tuesday from a visit to Chicago. uwrinu Nelson ox Omaha has been call ing on his school chums this week. Ben Homan of Chadron If visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Munford. Philander Bishop died at the horns of his daughter, Mrs. Cunningham, last Sunday. urey Miner ot cherry county visited his parents here .this week. It. A. Bates, Oeorg Bates and , David Very Special Saturday Only! RAG SET OFFER One 4x6 sewed stripe cotton Btg. Flag. One 8-ft. jointed, varnished pole, fancy brass joint and ball on top. One galvanised pole bracket to fasten on window till or porch post Only $3.59 for set We BMbe ao deliyeriee oa these While east last week Mr. Scott bought all available flags of manufacturers These seta will all ba gone by noon, probably. Don't wait if -you want one. SC0TT-0MAHA Tent & Awning Co. Opposite Auditorium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuuiiiininiuiinniiiiu Saturday Special j Castona (Fletcher's) ; It. i '". r-K. luuiornis. no a A T O V: O . n 5 t. u. a. ng syrup ana senna s Colorite, all shades 23 t Witch Hazel, pt 25e i White Rose Perfume, os. . ,29a I TAJ...., Dl. ' f uiunuuii oi zve Mary Garden, os $1.78 Fiver's La Trefle, box. ...9 river's Asurea, box. CBe Nyal's Face Cream. . .ISc, BOc vi-iii - si -. m fMSMiiflMVaJ Phone Douglas 846 16th and Howard Sta. Hlnlnlnliiliiliiliiiuliiliiiiiiiiliiiniuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiimf iiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin A BENEFIT BALL At the Swedish Auditorium Saturday Evening, April 21, J917. A R-troducUoa of Ik "Golden Day$ of California1 Glvsa y th Booster Club ot th p. p. O. ! session Cowsrirl sstii4 anwhA mi a.. ---- -mi wui a mp- siv,irsnj or en evening, a big urprie wsnei urea u who attend. Bravtofl Unlea Orchestra Startler mad a Tlstt to Otis, Colo., th ton part of th w eek. Frank Comte, Jr., went to Auburn last Wednesday and joined the Filth Nebraska real menu Mrs. E. H. Hlnkle and daughter of Jtulo are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. T, B. Nicholson, Wllltard Rtshllng and family of Omaha visited Mrs. Sarah Sag last Runday. Mrs. M. A. Roberts of Omaha has moved back to Springfield. Mrs. VInnle Nestor of Lincoln is visiting at the borne of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Armstrong. Miss Elisabeth O'Brien of Omaha was the guest of Mrs. h. A. Bates over Sunday. Mrs, Pauline Ronneau of Omaha has been visiting Mrs. Henry Gottsch this week. Mrs. C. M. Parks dtd at the home of her son lest Thursday. Funeral services were held Sunday. , Valley. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kennedy motored to Fremont Wednesday. Mrs. Q. e. kopp ana Mrs. Louis zwiebel were at Omaha Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whltmore returned Wednesday afternoon from the south, where they spent the winter. Miss Charlotte Anderson spent the week end is Fremont the guest of Miss Orpha Oalnes. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Williams moved to Fremont Thursdsy. Burton Whltmore motored to Omaha Thuiaday and brought Mrs. F. M. Butts home from a hospital. Mr. A, h. Zwiebel motored to Omaha and brought Mrs. Zwiebel home after being In a hospital for three weeks. The funeral of Mrs. Betty Egbert was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Nel son Monday at 1 o'clock. Rev. S. O. Carl sen of laaute, Minn., preached the sermon Mrs. Egbert Is survived by A. A., Roy and Mrs, Nelson of Valley: John of Iowa. Ray and Mrs. Roher of Wyoming, and Emma of Washington, all of whom were present at the funeral, Maurlns Bams and Ethet Kennedy cele brated their fourteenth birthdays by giving a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hams Thursday evening. AH the pupils In the seventh and eighth grades were In vited. Gretna. Ed Hickey nhlpped 4,000 sheep to Omaha this waek. He still has 640 steers and 1,800 hogs In th feed yards. Mlas Virginia Hardin was taken to a Council Bluffs hospital Wednesday, where she underwent an operation. Half of the alfalfa In thla county has been winter killed. Th funeral of Mr. Bishop, aged 70, who died Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cunningham La Borde, was held Tues day at the Methodist church. Miss Ruth Trumble and Roy Cockerln of Omaha were married at the MethodUt church here Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Bowen of the Methodist church of Omaha. Mrs. Cockerln Is a graduate of the Omaha Hlfh school and has attended the law school at Crelghton for three years. They will make their home In Omaba. State Division of T. P. A. Meets at Grand Island Grand Island, Neb., April 19. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Nebraska division of the Travel ers' Protective association opened here Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock with a parade of the members which formed at the Koehler hotel and marched to the Elks' club rooms, where the convention will be held. On arrival of the parade Ed Williams, president of Post E, called the meet ing to order. There was an invoca tion by State Chaplain A. V. Whiting, and an address of welcome by J. L. Cleary, mayor, and John Geddes of the Commercial club. The response was by Harry Webster, state president of the Traveling Men's Protective as sociation. This was followed by a memorial service. The main address was given by A. J. Brooks, national chaplain. A business meeting was held today, including the reports of the various committees, secretary, treasurer. A banquet for the dele gates was given at the Liederkrani hall at 6:30 o'clock, followed by a dance and cards. Officers will be elected and the next place of meeting win oe cnosen Saturday morning. Believe in Prepar edness? Are you ready for Mr. Germ? Fortify your self against cold germs and other germs by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the food that supplies the necessary warmth and strength to resist disease. A better balanced ration than meat or eggs at a much lower cost. For breakfast with milk or cream or any meal with fruits. Made et Niagara Falls, N. Y. " The Store of Individual Shops" T n Will You Let Us Convince lvlCll! You That These Are the ze Best Suits in the City, at 15.00 It will require but a few minutes probably not more than ten or fifteen to convince you of this statement. And if you are acquainted with clothing values, our task of convincing you will be very much lightened. You need only to exarnine the material from which the suits are made, exarnine carefully the wortaanship, and then t?y on the coat, vest and trousers and learn to your own satisfaction that the tailors who de signed these suits are MASTER TAILORS men who have been accustomed to mak ing the highest priced garments. ? We 've ' gained a reputation for selling the best men's clothes hereabouts at moder ate prices, and these suits at $15.00 will help us maintain that reputation. Visit . our Men's Clothes Shop Saturday, and allow us to convince you of our statements. Styles for Men and Young Men Belted Back r . Belted all around. Plain close fitting Conservative styles ; Newest weaves , ' . . Spring's favored colorings r Plain Facts About i Top Coats at 15.00 They are tailored to fit and to hold their shape. The materials include all the new spring weaves in the very newest spring colors. Every eoat cravanetted, which makes it prac tically two coats in one rain eoat and top coat .Some of them are made on long, loose lines, while others are mostly belted-in models. Ton An Sure to Find Style to Suit Ton. j y A Men's Hat Event That Should Be Told of in Type a Foot High Saturday-Sale of MEN'S HATS 1.85 7 Whatever your idea or taste in a hat, you. are warranted in coming to this store bright and early Saturday morning. Several tables are filled and sizes arranged to afford quick selection. All high grade spring hats, made by well known hat makers. Made of fine fur with the new broad brims. . They come in black, grey, green and hrown. Just a Tip-' Last fall we had a similar sale and the entire lot was sold in double time. Be the early one, when the assortment is complete. quick Mens Hosiery 30c and 50c Featuring such well known makes as Phoenix and Hole-Proof the kind that wears. Soft Collars 15c, 25c and 50c ' In fifty styles convenient case to choose from. sPrinz Neckwear 50c Four-in-hands, made in extra large shape. Exquisite spring designs. We Are Showing Some "Snappy" Earl ft Wilson and Oluett Shirts This Season. JJJJJMmiJJMI