Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE rV5E: OMAHA. Si'RDAV. APRIL 21. 1917.
Upper House Adopts Minority
Report, Which Puts Mat-
ter Up to Referendum. I
(From r Staff IVrrpsjiuiult'iit )
Lincoln, Neb., April 20. (Special
Telegram.) Unexpected opposition
to the state bill, led by Senator
Howell, resulted tin's morning in the
adoption of the minority report of the
conference committee, which puts the
matter up to the people to vote on at
the next election. this practically
kils the bill unless the house should
recede from its action yesterday. The
vote was iy to i.
Senators Frame Deal.
The defeat of the hill followed a
quiet meetinc of senators Thursday
evening:, in which Adams of Dawes
pulled the -wires 'with such success
that when the report came up it was
apparent that the opposition was fully
organized, senator Howell adopted
the tactics of attacking both reports.
both of which be contended killed the
intent of the original bill.
The vote on the bill was as follow
For the Minority Report A damn, Albert.
Bennett, Ruhrrnan, ChnppHl, JlHase, Hager,
Hammond, lnry, Howell, Kohl, Jlutle;,
MiM'lHrty. Neat, fiani nelson, Hoost, Tanner,
W'llHon of Dodge uni Wilson of Frontier 19.
Adttrtbt the .Minority Report Beat.
HUHhee, Douthett. Catea. T.ah)ierst, AleAllls
r, Mi'Miill'-n, .lurlks, Robertson, SaiutalU
Kaw.ver, Splrli 12.
Springs Roast in Resolution.
Condemnation of members of the
state siiute for tiicir action m defeat
ing the state house bill was made the
subject of a resolution introduced in
the senate by Senator Spirk of Saline
county this afternoon, which went
over one day under the rules.
Senate Eefuses to
Strike Out Censor
Clause From Bill
Washington, April 20. By a vote
of 43 to J3 the senate today defeated
a motion to strike the entire press
censorship clause from the espionage
bill. It also rejected, 40 to 34, a sub
stitute by Senator Cummins of Iowa,
designed to modify. the provisions.
Hall County Farmer
Dies of Acid Poisoning
Grand Island, Neb., April 20.
(Special. Walter Dubbs, an old-time
and prominent farmer residing in the
western part of Hall country, died
yesterday as the result of an effort to
commit suiJde by taking carbolic
acid on the day before. For several
weeks past he had been more or less
despondent. About two weeks ago
be went to Wood River, where he
put up a team of horses in the barn
and did not return for them. When
found he was in Kimball county. He
remained there until Tuesday of this
week when he was brought home.
Wednesday he went to the barn and
there drank the poison. He was re
moved to the house and every effort
was made to save his life, but death
resulted about eighteen hours later.
He leaves a wife and two sons.
House Waiting
Upon Senate to
Finish Its Work
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 20. (Special.) The
house simply "played horse" today
waiting for the senate to act on bills
before them so the lower body could
;.ile action on conference reports.
A resolution deploring the death
T. .1. Mahoncy was unanimously
adopted and the house then adjourned
u..til tomorrow.
Members are beginning to leave,
hrt should too many go the speaker
has promised they must come back
as he will not order adjournment un
less the required majority is present
and "capable of doing business."
Committeemen Resurrect
Measure to Establish State
Printing Bureau.
Kearney Gas and Electric
Plant Sold to MyerCo.
Kearney, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
A deal was closed here yesterday
whereby the L. Myer company ot
Chicago took over the Kearney Water
nd Electric Power company plant
with all its holdings. This embraces
the electric power plant, the gas
works, the Kearney canal and exten
sion lines which have already been
erected and in process of construc
tion. The deal involved $250,000. The
Myer company is the same firm
which constructed the Boelus dam and
power plant and controls many other
public utilities. C. E. Collins, vice
president of ihe Chicago corporation,
stated that from $500,000 up would be
pent on additions to the present plant
here, including widening of the canal
and creation of more power for ex
tension lines.
Wymore Man and Woman
Are Hurt in Auto Wreck
Beatrice, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
E. H. Ray of Wymore sustained a
broken nose and his wife severe
bruises when a car driven by a colored
man named Daveraux, who was ac
companied by Will Cooper, Harry
Cales and Ed Cox, all Wymore resi
dents, crashed into the Ray car on
the Maryville road five miles south
of Wymore last evening. The four'
men escaped with slight bruises, but
both cars were badly smashed. Da
veraux was arrested on the charge of
driving an auto while intoxicated and
Cox and Cooper on the charge of
bringing liquor into Wymore to sell.
The men were lodged in jail to await
their hearing. The officers say they
found two sacks of booze in the car.
Dry Law of S. D. Does Not
Apply to Wood Alcohol
Pierre, S. D April 20. (Special.)
The state legal department holds that
the new prohibitory law does not in
any way prohibit the manufacture and
sale of denatured alcohol. That sec
ton 90 of the law specifically provides
lhat the law shall not apply to the
manufacture or sale of wood or de
natured alcohol for art, scientific, me
chanical and industrial purposes; that
under the formulas required by the
United States revenue department for
denaturing alcohol that it is rendered
unfit for beverage purposes.
Expects to Install Light Plant.
Greeley, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
P. A. Johanseu of Anita, la., is
planning to establish a $15,000 electri
light plant in Greeley. He has just
disposed of a plant at Anita.
Saturday's Offer at
Julius Orkin, 1508-10 Douglas
St., is a choice lot of Women's
Suits and Coats, worth up to $35,
for $18.50.
See advertisement on page 8.
Citizens of McCook
Stand By the President
McCook, Neb., April 20. (Special
Telegram.) Despite one of the worst
storms in months. 500 enthusiastic
McCook people participated in the
patriotic demonstration last night in
the Temple theater called by the
I atriotie league of Red Willow county
The McCook band, school children,
members of J. K. Barnes post,
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion and others participated in the
The following resolution was unan
imously adopted by a standing vote
and copies of the same at once tele
graphed to the senators and congress
men at Washington: -
"The patriots of Red Willow coun
ty desire to express to their represen
tatives in congress, G. W. Norris, G.
M. Hitchcock and A. C. Shallen
bergcr, that we most heartily endorse
the program of our administration in
its fight against autocracy; that we
pledge herewith our loyal support to
President Woodrow Wilson in this
grave crisis; that we request this ex
pression be conveyed at once to our
Funeral of Miss Ruth
Stetter Held at Chadron
Chadron, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
The body of Miss Ruth Stetter, a
former resident of Chadron, who died
at Loomis, N. Y., after an illness of
eight years, arrived here. Miss Stet
ter was born here in 1888. She was
a graduate of the University of Ne
braska and taught school at Ponca
until compelled to give uo work by
ill health. The body was accompanied
by Prof. H. L. Hollingsworth of
Columbia and Mrs. Hollingsworth
and other relatives. Mrs. Hollings
worth is a sister of Miss Stetter.
Barn Struck by Lightning.
Fullerton, Neb., April 20. (Spe
cial.) A barn on the farm of A. Hol
man, four miles northwest of town,
was struck by lightning Wednesday
night and destroyed. Four horses and
two cows were burned. The property
was partly covered bv insurance.
From a Staff Corrciponnpnl.)
Lincoln April 20. (Special.) The
;tnatc sifting committee, which re
sifted forty-four house hills from
the ninety on the sifting tile Thurs
day, brought forth half a dozen more
The bill establishing a state bureau
ot printing and supplies was recom
mended for third reading after the
salary of the state printing commis
sioner was cut from $.(HHI to $1,500.
Other bills brought out but not
yet acted upon:
Regulating proposed hard road
transit companies. Lancaster delega
tion bill In validate titles and con
veyances. Ten-cent bounty on pocket
gophers. Giving the Board of Control
lull authority to name institution
The senate recommended after a
sharp debate the state hail insurance
b:ll. supported by Albert and opposed
by Howell, Oberlies and others; also
the Ollis schoo redisricting bill.
Senator Beal's resolution memorial
izing congress to tax luxuries and in
comes and not to issue bonds for the
war debt, passed, 21 to 11.
Adjournment is not expected be
fore (Monday.
Austrian Minister of War
Will Retire From Office
Amsterdam, April 20. (Via Lon
don.) The Neue Freie Presse of
Vienna says that General Bobrzynski,
minister o? war, will retire from of
fice. Dr. Urban, Austrian minister
of communications, and Dr. Baern
reither, minister without portfolio,
members of the German party, whose
impending resignation was reported,
will remain in office.
London, April 20. The Austrian
political crisis has its origin, it is
said, in the desire of the Austrian
government to solve political ques
tions, such as that of language in Bo
hemia, along parliamentary lines in
stead of by autocratic measures, so as
not to run counter to democratic feel
ings, especially in Russia, hopes of
peace negotiations with which nation
are prevalent.
Greeley Merchant Buy-j Store.
Greeley, Neb., April 20. (Special.)
--Joseph Slobodny, a merchant of
this city, has closed a deal with Harry
Strickler whereby the former traded
160 acres of Greeley county land and
a half section in Brown county for a
$15,000 stock of general merchandise
belonging tothe latter at Stanton.
The Greeley county farm was valued
at $11,200. Slobodny has given his
son, Fred, the store at Stanton.
Every package every tablet of Genuine
A-pirin bears
"Th Bayer .rJ Voor Caartmtee
Craw- jt7 ofPrnHy
There is
has been
Only One
True Aspirin
V t A
The trademark
"Aspirin" (Reg. U.S.
Pat. Off.) is a guar
antee that the mono
aceticacidester ot
aalicylicacid ta thi
tablets and capsules
is of the reliable,
Bajer manufacture.
Spring Shoe Sale
Of all the Latest Styles and NoTaltiaa in Man's and Women's Footwear.
The Loyal Stores Sell Shoes from $1.00 to $3.00 less than any othen
Omaha Store.
For Women
Our entire Spring Stock of the latest styles, In
eluding high boots in kid, nubuck and canvas in the new
gray, white and combination colors.
Women's pumps from a lucky purchase that we can
offer at exceptional bargains. You can't duplicate these
values anywhere.
$2.45 to $4.95
For Men
Will you believe it? we are actually selling hundreds of pairs
of standard Men's Shoes BELOW THE WHOLESALE PRICE. These
shoes were purchased from factory samples before the price went
sky high.
Oxfords and High Shoes in button or lace in any style you wish.
We challenge you to find better values. j.r i A . 1 n,
Men's Work Shoes, large variety from $1.95 up.
rS' Srtnps A complete line of Boys' Shoes for 6chool or
r play, at the
: same low rrices.
Sar. f 1.00 to $3.00 on your shoes. Our low expense
and close buying saves you money.
Mail Orders Filled at These Prices
Loyal Hotel Bid., 16th and Capitol 2418 N St., South Sid.
"At the Sign of the Electric Shoe"
Free Discussion of the Merits
Always Leads '
to the
Copyright Hart Schaffntr Man
Hart Schaf fner & Matx
Are the best that any money will buy anywhere. The best all-wool fabrics in the world are employed in the
making style creations which are simply inimitable and the best workmanship clearly shown in Suits
and Coats that absolutely "mold" to your form. v '
Top Coats at $25.00 and $30.00
Trench Coats, Belt Coats, Smart Raglans, Box Coats, Form Fitting Coats, Chesterfield, Military and Motor
Coats; a remarkable assortment of the best styles.
Unusual Values in Fine Suits and Overcoats, at $18
From $5 to $25
Raincoats in grays, tans
and mixtures, with plaid
or pleated backs, includ
ing Trench styles; thor
oughly waterproofed and
reinforced at the seams.
Will keep you dry and
comfortable, in shower or
Come Here for a "Made -to -Measure"
Fit in Ready-Made Clothes
This is more than a statement it is a guarantee
a guarantee that the best Clothing manufac
turing organization in the United States stands
back of, further reinforced by our guarantee as
well. If the clothes don't fit then don't buy
them. The difference between the made-to-measure
price and the ready-made price js yours
to save.
Big men, stout men, tall men, short men, thin
FECTLY. Second Floor, Men's Building
Ride Up On the Moring Stairway
Golf Suits.
In Variety
Golf Suits with knicker
bocker trousers, extra
knickerbockers of import
ed and domestic fabrics,
tweeds, homespuns, also
knitted , and iridescent
fabrics. '
Golf and Sport Coats,
at $10.00 to $38.00
Splendid Offerings in Men's Furnishings
This is the representative store for the representative high grade Furnishings
and we have been rightly called the Men's Furnishing headquarters of Omaha.
Men's Silk Shirts, From $3.95 to $10.00
We carry a greater stock, a more complete stock of Silk Shirts than
any other store in Omaha. The most attractive colorings and stunning de
signs in endless variety. Heavy Silk Crepe, Silk Taffetas, Crepe de Chine,
English Twills and Tub Silks, in every shade on the Fashion card.
"Manhattan" and "Emery" Shirts, $1.75 to $5
These are two of the bent makes we know of and are recognized
everywhere as the highest standard. Either of these labels in a Shirt
gives yon the surety of correctness In fit and best quality material,
with the niftiest and most likeable patterns.
All the new colorful Spring patterns, guaranteed "fast." A full
range of sizes. ,
Men's Shirts, at 95c and $1 .25
Made of Madras and Mercerized Fabrics, in new Spring patterns;
many with collars attached; soft and laundered cuffs. Purchase
your summer supply for little outlay at these prices. Colors are
absolutely "fast.
Men's New Fiber Silk Shirts, $2.95
The attractive features about these Shirts are the new colorings and
patterns; good wearing qualities and moderate price.
Men's Athletic Union Suits, 85c
1,250 Union Suits that usually sell at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Spring
and summer weights, in mercerized and plain fabrics of fine quality
lawn cloth, pongee, corded nainsook and repp cloth; well tailored
and perfect fitting. All sizes.
"Munsing" Union Suit
We are the exclusive Omaha selling agency for these most excellent
Suits. For durability and fit there are none better. Our stock is
complete, in all the different spring and summer weights, in. all
qualities and all sizes to fit the average man.
Silk Scarfs, at 65c
The new stripes, figured and floral patterns, etc., in beautiful color
combinations; made in the very latest, open-end styles, with "slip
easy" bands.
Fancy Silk Hose, 50c to $1.00
As low-shoe time approaches, men begin to favor the vertical and
ring stripes and fancy clocked hose for summer wear. We are show
ing a large assortment in all the new shades, in "Interwoven,"
"Phoenix" and other excellent makes.
Men's Fiber Silk Hose, 25c
200 dozen, in all the spring and summer shades; firsts and "irregu
lars" in this lot (with the very tiniest imperfections). All sizes 9 14
to 11, and a very remarkable offeringat this price.
Main Floor, Men's Building
"Cort" Shoes and Oxfords
Stand First Here
First for quality of material
first for style first for com
fort. None other that we know
of, compare with them. They
look the part of the aristocrat,
feel the part of the friend, and
act the part of perfect satis
faction. Every nair of eenu-
ine "Cort" Shoes are stamped
on the inside in gold letters, "Made by Henry Cort and Co."
$8.50, $9.00, $9.50 and $10.00
A double guarantee with every pair; the maker's and our own.
Boys' Shoes, $2.98 to $4.95
These shoes for little men are
all that they should be made
well shaped stylishly and .ex
tremely comfortable for grow
ing feet. .
"Trustworthy" Shoes, $4
Are values that it will be im
possible to duplicate. If it were
not for the fact that we con
tracted for them months ago,
we could not sell them at $4.00
a pair.
Main Floor, Men's Building
Specials in Sporting Goods
Prices You Cannot Duplicate
W,E WANT more people to know that this is the head
quarters for Sporting Goods of all kinds, and in order to
get them here, we are offering very special price in
ducements: 50c, 75c and $1.00 Dog Collars, 25c
To fit any dog, from the smallest Lap Poodle to the St. Bernard.
Every good dog collar you can think of is in this lot. You have never
seen a price like this for such good collars. ' n
Children's Roller Skates, 35c
Steel Roller Skates for boys and girls, very special, at 35c.
Children's Tennis Racquets at 50c
The stringing alone is almost worth that. Get one sure.
Our Special Bicycle, $27.50
With coaster brake and every equipment. A full $35.00 value. v
Reach Baseball Goods .
Complete stocks of these excellent Baseball Goods.
Golf Clubs and Balls in complete assortment.
Main Floor Men'. Building
Ride Up On the
brante Stores
An Entire Building
for Men's Wear