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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 1917. LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kinds Steady for the Day Lambs Fifteen to Quarter Higher. BOOS FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Omaha, April S HIT. lUeatpts wars: Official Monday Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday... Official Thursday.... Eallmata Friday Cattle. Host. Bhesp. I.SIJ 10.3S0 1 1,454 ,! 7,009 .?( eso lt,6 a.ltl 17,U t.100 ,! 8.800 S.Z01 MOO five dsys this t.2MS S4.JII 3S.11I Rama daya laat weak. .31.1(0 44.400 a,7tl Seme days I wka. ato.Jl.617 46.(31 Ss.147 Sam day I wka. avo.32.264 72,608 37,290 Sana daya 4 wka. afo.ll, 131 41.333 43 300 Sama day. laat year.. 11.911 (2.933 42,'237 Reoetpta and disposition of Hva stock at tha Union Stock yarda for twenty-four hours andtm at 3 o clock yaaterday afternoon: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattla. Hota. Shoap. H r a f. M. ft St. P t Wabash a MlaaeUFl Pacific... 1 1 Union Pacific 13 33 14 C. N. W., aaat... 1 CAN. W.. waat.. 3 30 ! 3 C, St P.. M. O. 1 .. C, B. O.. waat... t 1 10 C. R. I. P., east .. I Minis Central 2 Total! .......... 14 H M 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattta. Hoi. 8-heap. Morris 4 Co II 274 .... Swift ft CO !1 l,ll( ,M2 Cndahy Packlnar Go 112 1,273 1,317 Armour ft Co 1(1 1,443 1,101 Hchwsrts ft Co 01 ... J. W. Murphy l.Me .... Lincoln Packing. Co...... 3 . Cudahy. Danvar 123 ... Wilson Packing Co. ...... 3-4 ... F. B. Lewis 3 .... .... J. B. Root ft Co. ....... 4 ...a i .... Crlstl .... 3 . Huffman .. 34 ' .. Bannar Brothers ........ 11 .... .... John Harvey E .... Othar buyars .....,.14.1 .... .... Totals 903 (.111 1,780 Cattle Receipt wars light, only twenty aaven oars being reported In. which was hardly enough to make a market, but what few thera were changed hand a In good season at good, steady prices, Thera was nothing oholco fa afght to make a, top on tha market Quotations en Cattle Qood to choice beeves, $11.(0(918.33; fair tn good beeves, 910.764211.30l common to fair beavea, 38.(0 10.71; good to choice hetfere, (.(010.8K; good to eholoa oows, 98.7(910.60; fair to good cows, 92.00 98.73 : common to falrcowa, fe.s0tys.06; prima feeding ataars, 19.(09 9.73; good to choice feeders, 98.7( 99.(0; fair to good feeders. 98.00 9 8.73; common to fair feeders, 98.7598.00, good to choice atocksra, 98.1099.78; took heifers. 17.009 9.7(; stock cows, 93.0098.38; stock oalves. 93.00910.(0; veal calv s, 81.00913.60; beat bulla, atags, etc., 98.O099.3O. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr No. At. Pr. ; 116 97 36 . 301 9 (0 . (( 9 76 1 380 T 09 1........1100 9 83 T.. ...... 377 9 88 1. ....... 963 10 31 IT 922 10 89 19 1181 11 23 I.. 19.. 11. 18.. 13.. 7. .1030 10 76 .10(3 11 18 .12(1 11 40 1103 11 (0 STEERS AND HEIFERS. It..,.... 379 9 1 189 (0 9 771 10 09 8. ...... 9(1 19 36 21,MUm 141 19 30 HIS ITERS. 1. ....... 490 T 73 1 (II 10 1. ....... 900 I 71 1 1131 19 10 Hogg Vndsr tha influence of light re ceipt! and a generally atronger tons all ground the circuit the hog market re act. d thla morning, most of tha offerings finding an outlet, at prlcea that were (9 loo higher than .yesterday. Tha ahlpplng demand waa not overly broad, but such hogs as shlppsrs did buy looked right round 10c above yesterday prlcea. Tha packer trade got under way In good season, opening fully 9o higher, and being as much as loo higher In apota before the does. Light hogs were uneven, aoma of them showing much greater gains than was quoted on tha general market, while othara were, as haa been tha caaa alt week, bard to sell at any prloe. The cloaa waa weak, moat of tha packera leaving tha yarda when there were allll a number of care in first ttanda. Thaee hogs that were left unaold were mainly en tha light order, though gome of them were of a decent olaas. Good butcher weight and heavy hogs ware not vary plentiful and tha general quality waa only fair, being no batter than yesterday, and If anything hardly as good. Bulk of the sarea waa made at 916,209 16.60, with a scattering of the plain atuft on down, and an extreme top of 118.70. Tha market Is still generally 16949 lower tban laat week. Representative sales: No. At. Sh. Fr No. Av. J7..1S1 ... 14 80 91. .188 ... II 99 ,.. II IB 139 16 13 100 13 41 ... 16 (9 ... II 83 1..K9 (.,919 (..9t S3.. 399 ((..379 (S..I9T (9 16 10 . 0 16 99 (19 18 40 ... 16 69 (9 16 (9 ... II 10 (1..338 ((..187 TO. .938 M..219 12.. 1(9 viat. 29.. 99 38.. 167 ... 11 3D 40 14 09 61. 134 13 10 Bheep Only g fair run waa in eight early thla morning, hut oy mldrorenoon a pretty liberal Friday run had got In. The chute count waa twenty.flva loada, or 9,000 head, and besides theae several cars of drlve.lna were on offer. For the week receipts have been 19.119 haa!, aa against 38,799 laat week, 29,847 two weeks ago and 42,297 laat year. ; Tha outlet (or lambs was broad and fairly liberal auppllaa were cleaned up In pretty good season at generally higher prloea. Part of tha offerlnga carried wet fleeces and thla made them ooat packers mora than they appeared to on paper. In one or two spot the trade waa only ateedy, but aa at general thing galea looked fully 13o higher, and In extreme casea aales were 1 a quarter higher, considering tha oondltlon of tha lambs. Light and handy Mexican lambs, whioh made up the bluk of tha run, . sold mainly areund 91(.7(491(.39, tha latter price, which was paid for eeveral ears, being a new record. Tba fact la that bad a bunch of light, dry llextcana of good quality been here they would have been worth 919.83 or 91( 90, Judging by the way tha stuff that , waa here aold. Fed westerns at 14.40 ear rled quits g bit ef water, besides which they ahowad ft l(o advance In price over what their mates brought yesterday. Other west- ) erne, Including aome that were weighty, aold at Sl(.2(t)16.!(. The only clipped lambo that were here ware very heavy. They sold at II1.401S,60, No aheep were here on which ft market could be baaed, but they were nominally quoted atronger. About the only mature stock on offer waa a laod of Mexican weth ' ere with ft sprinkling of xearlinge. They brought 911.10, For tha week wooled lambs are In the geighborhood of 3(o higher, while clipped took la Just about steady. Old sheep have been too scarce to make ft market ntoet ' gays, but current quotatlona are aa much as 9Bo higher than tha prices In fores 00 , laat woek'a close. Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Lambs, light and handy, 15. 16016. 90; lambs, heavy, 13.001)11.30: lambs, fresh shorn, 113.000 18.76; lambs, shearing, 914.0OtJ14.80: year llnge, good to choice, I13.09e)13.7(; year, lings, fair to good, 112.009)12.00; wethers, fair to choloe, 111.(03)18.00; ewes, good to choice, 113.009)18.(0; ewea, fair to good, Ill.ooei3.09; owes, plain to culls, 17.609 10.76. , Beprsaentatlva galea; No. At. Pr. 461 fed lambs 34 993 fed wethers and yearlings.. 93 394 Mexican lambs (7 443 Mexican lambs 80 IS fed awes 73 194 fed lambs , (3 140 clipped lambs 80 149 Mexican lambs 74 116 2( 13 26 II (0 18 (0 11 36 1( 36 11 36 19 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MABKET. Cattle Weak, Hogs Strong and Sheep Chicago, April 30. Cattle Receipts, 1,900 head; market weak; native beet cattle, II. 00018. 16: stackers and feeders, 17.160) 9.90; cowa and hellers. 16.(04)11.00; oalves, I!. 50O12.76, Hega ftecelpta, 13,009 head; market atrong. (c above yesterday's average; bulk, I13.46t)16.8; tight, 14.(6l(.76; mixed, 316. 30O16.96; heavy ll(.304)l(.0l rough, 91(.30t19.40; Plga, 110.004)13.10. ' , Sheep Reootpta, 10.000 head: market atrong; wethers. I10.90()l2.10; ewes, 19.264) 12.(0; lambs, 113.004)14.09. St. Loals Oraln Market. St. Louis. April 20 Wheat No. I, 91.91; No. I hard, nominal; May, 91.(4; July, 91.19. Corn No, I, 11.14; No. 1 white, II. IIS 1.42; May, 11.47; July, 1.42. Oats No. t nominal; No. 9 whits nominal. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Wheat Market is UnuBuaUy Slow Break in Futures Causes Slump. COMMISSION MEN HOLD Omihi, April 2", JUT. Receipts of train today wera very good, hut a lata brtak in futura caufusd dutl- nM Id the local each market and tradcri could not aer-aa on nrtcM. Wheat trading wai unueualty alow and at a lata hour In tha caah mton then) had not been on oar of thli cereal reported 40 Id. Tha dmand, however, wai not over active and arilra generally were not sat Uf led with tha prlcea offered by tha ouyeri, ana, most Instances, tha com m .salon man held thftlr samples over. The position of the corn and oats markets was Utile better than that of wheat, and while there were seventy-two cars of corn and fifty-seven cara of oats received today, only a small part of these offerings were disposed of, although both of these market were quoted substantially higher. Tha demand for corn seemed to be con fined metaiy to tha white variety and the bulk of the better grades of white corn so! a around 11.67 and tl.&S, an advance ef 2c over yestartsay's market. There was hardly any yellow corn sol 4 and only a few cars of mixed, alf hough prlcea ware quoted somewhat higher on both of these varieties. The oat market waa about unchanged, tut the demand for this cereal was very poor. Bales of standard oats were made ttt 7! Vie and 7Sc and a few cars of No. 3 white brought 12c. Rye seemed to be the only article that was In good demand and most of the sam ples of this cereal sold at record prices, No. i rye being quoted at W.M, while the No. I grade brought 91.90 and $i.9f. Earley Continued quiet with prices ad vancing steadily and the demand tot the better grades continued active, Clearances were: Wheat and flour sflual to Jr.3,000 ouTT" corn, bu. Primary wnear receipt were 711, vov on. and shipments 778,000 bu. Primary corn receipts were rzi.ocmi bu. and shipments 491.000 bu. Primary oala receipts were 734,00") bu. and shipments 1,039,000 bu. CARLOT RUrmpTS. Wheat. Corn, Oats. 133 Chicago . . . . Mlnneepolla , Duluth Omaha ...... Kansas City , Bt. Louis .... Winnipeg ... 67 81 .200 .. 3 . 31 . el . 99 ..201 71 10 (7 (3 These eales were reported! Wheet No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. 12.70. No. 4 herd winter: (4 car, 12.(8, Sample hard winter: 1 car, 12.(3; (4 car bln burnt), I2,a0. No. 4 durum (mixed); 1 oar, 12.21. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, 12.70, , Rye No. 3: 1 car, 11.11. No. 8: 1 car, 11.10; 1 car, 11.10. Barley no. i; 2-t car. 91.41. no. a: -( car, 11.36. Corn No, 3 white: 9 cara, 91.68. No. 3 white: 1 car (ehlppers' welghte), 91.(7(4! 1 cere, 11.(7, No. 4 white: 1 car. 11.66. No. I mixed: 8 cara, 11.61; 1 car, 11.41. No. 3 mixed; 1 car (near white). I1.66; I cars (shippers' weights), 11.61. Oata Standard: 2-6 car, 78c; 1 ear. 73o. No. 1 white: 4 cara (ahlppere weights), 72c: 14 cars, 71c. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 70(4o, Sample white: 2-( car, 71c. Omaha Caen Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, 12.(902.70; No. I hard, 12.0(02.49; No. 4 hard, 9.(0O2.(. Corn: No. 9 white, 11.(7(4 01.6(; No. I white, 11.(701.(7(4; No. 4 white, 11.(1(401.67; No. ( white, 11.(40 1.(6; No. 8 white, ll.(601.6(; No. 3 yellow, ll.80V4Ol.61l Nc. 3 yellow, 11.300 1.81; No. 4 yellow, It. 60O1.60V4 No. ( yel low. 91.49(40 1 60; No. ( yellow. 11.480 1.41; Nc 2 mixed. 1.30Ol.(l: No. 3 mixed, I1.60O1.61; No. 4 mixed, 11.49 01.(0; No. ( mixed, ll.4301.4l; No. 0 mixed, 1.4101.48. Oata; No. 1 white. 72 0 73(4c; standard, 71 073: No. I white, 71 0 72c; No. I whits, 70O70c Barley: Malting, 1.1001.41; No. 1 teed, 31.3601.30. Rye: No. I. ll.90Ol.ll: No. 3, ll.S0ei.90(4, Local range of optional Art. OpenT High. Low. Closs Tea. Witt. I I I May 1 19 i II 2(9 I II 2(3 July 904H 1 08Vj lis 1 tM, josh Sep. 1 79 1 33 17( 1 79tt 177 Corn.' May 1 43 1 10 149 1 4314 143 July. 1 40 mi 1 46(4 140U 1 4114 13 Bep. 1 39 1 33 130 1 10 U1H Oata. May (9 (9 I3t4 93H (9 July , (l4 31 81. (94 Bop. (3tj 6314 61 81 (3H Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan at Bryan, etock and grain brok ars, 813 Bouth Sixteenth street. Omaha: Art. Open. High. I,ow. Close. Yes. Wlit. I . 1 May I 40 I 44 336 1 W 341 July 3 03 I 11 197(4 3 00(4 306 Bap. 1 77',, 1 89 111', 1 78 179 Corn, May 1 4H 1 44 141 1 44 148 July 1 41 1 46 128 1 40 111(4 Bep. 1 S2 t 31 131 1 82(i 131(4 Oats. May 36 87 (4 (6 (8(4 July 84 (8(4 (8(4 (3(4 (4 Sap. ' (( (3 (( (6 6814 Perk. May (8 (0 81 (0 38 (0 34 (0 97 30 July 17 09 17 36 36 46 10 61 37 10 Lard. May 10 II 20 33 20 76 tO 77(4 21 July 11 13(4 It II 20 96 20 (6 21 12 Ribs. May 19 (0 19 (7(4 19 80 II 99 II 83 July I 10 08 20 17(4 II 80 II 82(4 20 07 Sugar Market. New York, April 10, Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 3.87c; molasses, 1.39c, Refined, firm: flns granulated, 7.60c. Sugar futuree opened eteadler and a few poinla below lest night's closing under continued liqui dation. Prices rallied later on covering and renewed demand from trade Interests and at noon were 8 to I polnta net higher. Sale of Bicycle Supplies Saturday at Mickel's " Every Bicycle Sundry in the House "FREE" FOR A Bicycle) Whl.tL Chai Is ETary 100 Tire Pumps, only 5c such E00 Psirs Toe Clips, at 10c pair 100 Cans Bike Enamel, only... a 15c uch 500 Bells, worth 60c, at ,. .15 ach 100 Tires, worth $3 each, at $2.25 aaeh SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ALL, Pumps Tp Baekata Tog Clips Tubes Lampa Bella Enamel ' Locks Tins Oil Carnwnt Spokes Urapbit. Our new sprlzj stock ef bikes has arriyed. See them Saturday at MICKEL'S Nebraska 15th and Harnjr StrU. NEW YORK STOCKS Speculative More Extensively Liquidated at Gross De clines of 3 to 7 Points. . SELLING IS PROFESSIONAL New York. April 20. Speculative stocks, notably those which are likely to bear th greater burden of the governments forth coming policy of war taxation, were more extensively liquidated today at groaa da rllnea of two to aeven polnte. Foremost among theae laauee were the leading muni tions and equlpmenta, olla, motor and to IvircoB, with an admixture of kindred epa claltka. Helling waa largely of professional origin, but the aevere ahrlnkage later forced In veatment offerlnga of high grade laaties. The aethark embraced fertilizers, papera and utilities, eapeclelly gas shares. Ralla opened the aeaalon at galna of 1 to 2 points on the tentstlve rate order granted by the Tnteratate Commerce oommlaaion. but theae advances were soon dlaalpated In whole or part. New Haven duplicated Its recent minimum of MV,, making partial re covery with other ralla on belated ahort covering The more noteworthy recessions of the day Included Bethlehem Steel new stock, which fell 4 point to 116, with 4 for the old shares at 128; Sioas-Sheffleld, 7 points, at 'I; New York Airbrake, (, at 184: OuK Statea Steel, 6, ml 121; Industrial Alcohol, ft. at 102; Union Bag and Paper, 4, at 90, and 4 for omo tiaa t 138. Ravereala of 3 to 4 polnte were reglatered by Atlantic, Clulf A. Weat Indlea, General Motors, American Tobacco, Mexican Petro leum, Texas company. United statea Rubber, Dletlllcra' Securltlea, American SStno and Welts-Ka-rsjo Kxpress. Marines were heavy, with other shipping moat of the time, but rebounded briskly toward the cloee. United States Steel made an extreme loas of 1 at 110, but was freely taken on the decline and rallied atmcst a point. Final prices In moat Instances were 1 to 2 points above lowest quotations. Total sales, 640,000 snares. The only feature of the Irregular bond market waa a 3-polnt rise In New York Central refunding 4(4e. Total sales of bonds, oar value. 82,860,000. United States bonds wars erratic, regis tered 2a losing per cent end reglatered 2s 1 per cent, coupon 4s advancing 1 per cent. Number of ealea and range of prices of leading atocks Open. High. Low. Cloaa. Am. Beet Sugar .. (.100 2 (0 91(4 American Can 30,000 46 46 43 Am. Car & Fndry 600 6 84' Am. Locomotive (00 (7 66 16 Am. Smelt, aV Rfg. Am. Stifrar Rfg. . , Am. Tel. & Tel. . . . Am. Z.. Lead A H. Anaconda Copper,, Atchlaon Atl.O. W.1.S.8 L. Baltimore A Ohio Butte A Sup. Cop. Cel. Petroleum.... 2,200 99(4 1(4 200 111(4 111 110 200 123(4 123 121 1,400 22 30 21 10 600 77 76 76 3,'300 102 102 102 1,100 99 96 98 1,7110 76 76 76 1,200 42 41 41 (00 20 20 20 800 161 1(0(4 160(4 1,800 84 82(4 82 1,700 (1 60 80 1,400 81 79 80 600 114 113 113 Canadian Paclfto.. Central Leather... Ohea. A Ohio.... C, M. ft St. P C. A N. W C, R. I. A P., ctfs Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel ft Iron Corn. Prod. Rfg.,. 46 V4 1.700 63 100 47 62 46 23 69(4 62 46(4 23 60(4 46 12 300 23 Crucible StBel 103,000 (2(4 Cuba Cane Sugar 6,200 48 44 11 DIs. Securities.... 8.300 14 Kris 1,600 31 27(4 2! Oeneral Electric... Gen. Motors G. N. pfd O. N. Ore, ctfs.... Illinois Central.... Inapir. Copper..... 800 163 162(4 163 11,800 101 98 100 (,100 110 109 110 1 800 80 (0 10 (.900 104 104 103 3,800 66 64(4 64 Inter. M M. pfd.. 32,800 7 41(4 38 78 78 40 83 32 Inter. Nickel 7.300 40(4 87 22 Inter. Paper 900 K. c. southern 400 32(4 Kentfeeott Copper. 1,100 43 42 43 Loula. A Nash..... 400 131 131 111 44 86 41(4 28 17 22 4 Maxwell Motors... 1,600 46 43 Mex. Petroleum... 7,100 87 86 Miami Copper 1,600 41 41 Missouri Pacific... 8,000 39 28 Montana Power... 200 13 98 Nevada Copper.... 900 22 22 N. Y. Central 1,800 16 12 N. T., N. H. A H. 4,400 41 81 4,400 41 81 40 00 138 138 128 9,200 104 103 103 Norfolk A Weatern Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall 700 21 11 21 Pennsylvania 1,300 (2 (3 12 42 Plttaburgh Coal... 1,600 44 42 Ray Con, Copper.. 8,200 29 28 Reading 16,900 96 94 Rep. Iron A Steel. , 4,200 79 77 Shattuck Arls. Cop. 300 24 24 Southern Pacific. 8 400 16 94 29 06 77 14 4 southern Railway.. 9,900 29 28 84 btudeoaker corp... 11,400 86 84 Taxaa Co 4,700 210 206 207 Union Pacific 16,000 188 136 136 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 33,000 101 102 104 U. B. Steel 118,100 112 110 111 U. 8. Steel, pfd.... 400 113 113 117 Utah Copper 7.700 111 109 110 Wabash pfd. "B" 2,600 26 26 25 Weatern Union... 200 97 96 96 Weatlngbouss Eleo 2,300 49 48 48 Totgl salea for the day 140,000 aharss. London Stocks and Bonds. London, April SO. American aecurltles moved narrowly and closed quiet on the Stock exchange today. Silver Bar, 37 8-16d per ounce. Monejr 4 per cent. Dlecnunt Rates Bhort bills, 404 per cent; three months' bills, pl04 per cent. Mew York Money Market. New York, April 30, Mercantile Paper 4 04 per cent. Sterling Exchange (0-day bills, 14.72; commercial 60-day hllla on banks, commercial 60-day bills. 14.71; dsmand, 14.76: cables, 14.76. Silver Bar, 74c; Mexican dollars. 67 lie THE BOYS Boy Who Makaa a 50c Purchas. Pgdftig Cycle Co. Phon Douflas 166.1. Bondf OoTernment and railroad, irrefu- Ur. Tint Loam Firmer; fiO-day, Si,i per (rent; 90 dayi, 4ti4l per cent; iix moatnt, 4 4Vt, PT cunt. Call Money Firmr: hth, 8 pr cent: low, 2Vi per cent; ruling- rate. 3i per cent; lait loan, 3 per cent; closing bid, SH per', offered at Z per cent. U. B, U. ref....9a-K. C. 8. ref. ti..87V do coupon ...9 L. AN. un, 4i,...91i)i V. 8. 3w, reg !ttM.1K.AT. let 4e..70 do coupon ...SI Mo. Pac. gen. 4s,. 62 IT. S. 4i, reg.... Mont. Power 5,,9S do coupon ...lOSViN. Y. C. deb. 6s. 107 'Panama 3, cou.95 M". Pac. 4t 90 Am. For. Bee. do 3a 63 Am.T.T.clt.5 ..9840. S. I. ref. 4i..0 Anglo-French Ei. .UV,Tnc. T. A T. Bs. .90'. ArmourttCo,4H..93 Pa. con. 4 'a. .103 4 Atchlaon gen. 4. 91 do gen. 4...97H B. A O. 4n 87'Rending gen.4i .,81 '4 Cen. Leather 6a. 100 Frisco adj. 6f....69 C. P. 1st fifl S. Pac. cv. jf...l00 C. B. A Q. jt. 4a. 904 do ref. 4a 87 Rt. P gen. 4H.-97'6Southern Ry. 6a. .98 Rock Iat. ref. ..12T. & p. lat 9 C. A S. ref. 414s.. 81U. P. 4 94 D. A R. O. ref. 5a.fi54 do cv. 4n 91 H D. of C 68(1931). 98fclT. 8. Rubber 6a. .8874 Erie gen, 4....69 IX 8. Steel 6s. ..105 3 en. Elec. 6a lOBWabaah lat 101 14 at. N. lat 4a..94 Weat. VnloD 92 L C. ref. 4i 8fi "Bid. I. M. M. a ri CHICAGO GRAIN AND f ROTTCTOVff. Corn and WhMt Aetid to INew Reord Karly In 8ehn. Chicago, April 20. Giant flucuattona winging the wheat market through a range of nearly 16c a buahel left valuea today t to 1 net lower after announce ment from Washington that the aecretary of agriculture had asked congress to author tse tha national council of defense to fix maximum and minimum prices on food pro ducts during the period of the war. The close of the market waa decidedly unsettled, with May at $2.764; July, 12.00 to 12.00 4, and September, $1.17 4 taVl.78. Corn finished 44c to lc off. Oata down $.0 to lfec, and provlelona, 22c to 70c. Prices began te a hoot skyward tn the wheat crowd before trading had been In pro-grew a quarter of an hour. Advocates of conenrvatl-sm tn market operations aeeraed at first to be tn control and Initial valuea averaged easier to a notable extent In con trast with the wild advances of the prev ious day. Aa soon, however, as some of tha oarly aeltera attempted to reverae their po sition and to collect profits by timely pur chases the pit was found to be temporarily a I moat bare of offerings. A display of hysteria seldom equalled quickly followed. Assertions that there had been big acqulattons of the September de livery for the entente allies seemed to make that option especially sensitive to tha scare among shorts and there was no stopping of the advance of the market until Sep tember had soared to $1.89, a rise of nearly 13c above the lowest point on the preced ing decline. The stampede to buying, which waa Inten sified owing to reports of killing frosts and other unfavorable weather conditions In the southwest and West, carried July up to 12.11 and May to $2.44, an extreme ascent of 7c. Many automatic stop loas orders were brought Into operation by tha suddenness of the bulge and contributed to a noticeable degree to the wlldtieas of the market. Grad ually, though, the rush to the bull side exhausted Itself and an Interval that bord ered on lethargy was witnessed, owing to lack of demand, prices dropped back and all the galna disappeared. Waves of selling disturbed tha wheat market anew when word came from Wash ington that the movement for government regulation of food prices had been given definite official endorsement by the secre tary of agriculture. Breaks of 1 to ?H ensued owing partly, however, to bearish constructions placed on the Kansas state crop report, which put condition percent ages higher than soma' authorities had ex pected. Bullish aspecta of the report as to acreage abandonments tended on the other j hand to rally the market at the last Thera was a big commission house trade How America Will i Recruit Her Army ; Raising armies is more difficult, as well as more important, than raising flags, and one of the chief difficulties in the United States is the feeling against conscription. "There is enough patriotism in this country to get a volunteer army, and until that is demon strated untrue we should not resort to conscription," declares Senator Thomas of Colorado, while Senators Stone of Missouri and Gallinger of New Hampshire are among those who think the recruit ing problem can be best solved by increasing the soldiers' pay. Among Southern congressmen also, we find opposition to universal service on the ground that it would be inadvisable to give thous ands of negroes training in the use of arms. Samuel Gompers is also reported to be against con scription. On the other hand, a recent canvass of 476 newspapers by the National Security League reveal ed 270 of them in favor of universal military training, 49 opposed to it, and 157 non-committal. The Milwaukee Sentinel may be said to reflect the consensus of argument in favor of obliga tory military training: "Under the voluntary system in time of war, the serviceable manhood of the nation is divided into two parts. There are the patriotic young men who volunteer to go to the front and, if need be, die in order that the nation may live ; and there are the slackers who are per fectly willing to sacrifice the other fellows on the altar of patriotism. That is not a democratic ar rangement. A Democracy which offers equality of opportunity has a right to exact in return equal ity of service." Read THE LITERARY DIGEST for April 21st in order to get every viewpoint upon the great est problem that is now confronting the government. -Among other articles in this number that are of unusual public interest are: Who Will Foot the War Bill The Varioua Plant for Raiting the Vatt Sums Required and How They Affect the Individual Pocketbook Casting Bread Across the Waters Britain's Achievement at Arras Moral Climax of the War Ireland's Evil Genius Passing of the Auto-Gear -Concrete Ships D'Annunzio Salutes Us Can Billy Sunday Win New York? German Plots Among Negroes The entry of this nation into the war will have no effect upon the general policy of THE LITERARY DIGEST to give all the news from all sides. Every loyal American and Canadian will be anxious to know what the enemy is saying and doing, to under stand his viewpoint, and to form as clear an idea as possible of the trend of public feeling among the na tions arrayed against us. To the extent, then, that April 21st Number on Sale Today All Newsdealers NTi1 WsD ri1 A T PT? may now ol)tam copies of "The Literary Digest" 1 Ji TT OXyXJxVXJiJlVO in their town, nr wherA there is un arent.. direct (8) Jteaffy litest In corn and tha action of tba market was largely governed by wheat. New high price records for corn aa well aa wheat were reached, but were not maintained. Oata proved relatively weaker than other cereals. Favorable weather and crop reports favored the bear. Provisions tightened when gralna bulged In value. Declines formed the rule later and tn particular after receipt of Washing ton advtces concerning proposed government regulation. Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. I red, 2. 76; No. 1 red. nominal; No. 3 hard, 11.67; Xo. 3 hard, nominal. Corn: No. 3 yellow, II. 6201. &S; No. 3 yellow, 11.5101.654; No. 4 yellow. $1.54. Oats: Nqv- white, 694? 7114c; standard. 70l7ma Rye: No. I, $1.96.. Parley: $1.201.62. Seeds: Timothy, $6,00 t. 00; clover, $13.00i?17.00. Provisions: Pork. $38.60; lard. $20.77 20.82.; ribs, $19.40 19.7$. Butter Lower; creamery, 41 44i4c. Kggs Lower; receipt. 24,809 cases; tints, 33, 4?3x1e; ordinary firsts, 3"fk 33 fcc; at mark, cases Included, 33 34 14 e'. Potatoes Unchanged; receipts. 3$ cars. Poultry Alive, lower; fowls, 22c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of tha Day on tha Various Lead ing Commotiitlea. New York, April 20. Flour Firm. Wheat Spot, Irregular; No. 2 hard, $2.70, f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $3.49: No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $2.62, f. u. b. New York, opening navigation. Corn Spot, eaey; No. 2 yellow, $1.84, . I. f. New York. Oats Spot, easy; standard, T8tt079e. Hay Steady. Hops Steady. Hides Firm ; Bocota, 43 44c; Ceatrat American, 43c, Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 17c; sec ond, , 65c, Provision Pork, strong; mess, 40.60; family, $43.0044,00; short clear. $40.004942.00. Beef, strong; meee, $27.00 28.00; family, $29.00 31.00, Lard, weak; middle west, 121.304721.40. Tallow Strong ; city, 1394c; country, 11 4fl4!4c; apeclal, Hc, all nominal. Butter Unsettled; receipt, 6,116 tuba; creamery, higher than extras; 446c; creamery, extras, 454464c; Urate, 44 if 464c; second, 42 4 44c. Kggs Unsettled; receipts, 81.013 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 37c; fresh gathered, storage packed, firsts, 3636',4c; fresh gathered, firsts, 34 4 Hi 3 5c. Cheese Firm; receipts, 3,574 bexes: state, fresh, specials, 26 26c; same, average run, 26492Sc. Poultry Alive, steady; fowls, S4c; tur keys, 30c. Pressed, Arm; chickens, 23Q31e; fowls, 21ttt$27f4c; turkeys, 18$16c. fit. Louto StoKtk Market, St. Louis, April 20. Cattle Receipts, 10. 000 head; market steady; native beef steers, $7. 60 9 13. 00; yearling steer and heifers, 8. 50I2.00; rows, $6.00Q11.00; stockers and feeders, $6.0010.16; prime southern beef steers, $8.0011.60; -beef cows and heifers, $4.35ijj9.00; prim yearling steers and heif ers. $7.60flJ10.00; native calves, $S.0013.00. Hogs Receipts. 7,ft00 head; market higher; lights, $16.4616.80; pigs, tlO.V&'i 14.60; mixed and butchers, $1&.45 16.00; good heavy, $16.90 16.00; hulk, $1B.66 16.96. Sheep Receipts, IWO head; market steady; Urn hi, $13.80$16.90; ewes, $9.E012.36; yearllnga, $12.761914.36; clipped iamb, $12.0013.75, St- Joseph Live Stock Market, St. Joseph, Mo., April 20. Cattle Re ceipts, 100 head; market steady; steers, $9.60912.76; cows and heifers, $7.00011.26; calves, (S.00ll.60. Hoga Receipt, 2. BOD head; market steady; top, $16.90; bulk of sales, $16.40 if 16.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,800 head; market 1620c higher; lambs, $16.80; ewea, $12. 60p 11.00. Kansas City Lin Stock Market, Kansas City, April 10. Cattle RecMpta, 700 head; market steady ; prim fed steer. Striking Illustrations, Including Humorout Cartoon "The Digest" Policy in War and Peace FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publithert of $12.60013.86; d related beef steers, $l.3GO 13.00; western steers, $9.60$ IS. 66; cows, li. 50310. 76; heifers, $9.00011.69; atockera and feeders, $8.00011.00; bulls, $7.60012.06; calves, $8.00013.26. Hogs Receipts. 8,000 head; market strong; bulk, $16.30016.86; heavy, $16,700 16.90; packer and butcher, $16.40016.80; light, $16.OO01S.6O; pigs, $12.26014.60. Sheep Rerselpta, 2,500 head; market higher; lamb. $12.35 ft 16.80; yearlings, $13.00014.26; wethers, $12.00011.26; ewes, $11.00013.00. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Sioux City, April 20. Cattle Receipts, I0A head market steady; beef steers, $11.00 012.60; butchers, $9.60011.00; fat cowa and heifers, $7.60310.60; canners, $6.6007.50; stockers and feeders, $7.60 010.25; calves, $7.6008.76; bulls, stags, etc., $7.50010.00; feeding cow and heifers, $7.50 0 9.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market steady. 6c higher; light, $16.OO016.2O; mixed, $15.26018.66; heavy, $16.6516 70; pigs. $12.50018.00;, bulk of salea, $16,160 16,36. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady; yearlings, $12.50013.60; wethers. $11.60012.60; ewes, $10.60012.50; lambs, $13.00016.60. Lire Stock fn Sight, Receipt of Mve stock at the five principal western market: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Stonx City 300 7,000 100 Omaha 660 6,200 C,000 St. Loula 10,000 7,700 900 Chicago 1,000 16,000 10.000 Kanea City 700 3,000 2,600 Total 12.600 38,900 19,600 Coffee Market. New York, April 20. A renewat of li quidation caused further declines in the market for cotree futures here today w July contract selling at 8.10c and Decem ber at 8.40c, or 10 polnta under last, night's close. The market opened at a decline ot 4 to t points. The close was a shade up from the lowest, showing a decline of 4 to 7 polnta for the day. Sales, 34,000 bags. April, 7.39c; May, 7.96c; June, 8.04c; July, 8.13c; August. 8.20c; September, 8.27c; Oc tober, .a3c; November, 8.40c; December, 8.46c: January, 8.60c; February, 8.67c; March, 8.65c. Spot quiet; Rio 7s, lOtfc; Santos 4s, 10 He. Private cables from Brazil have been much delayed recently and comparatively few of fers were received today. Those Teaching hero were about unchanged, Santos 4s rul ing artiund 9.90c to 10.00c, London credits. The official cables reported no change In the primary market except Santos futures, which were 76 to 100 rels lower. Victoria cleared 6,000 bags and Santos 37,000 bags for New York. Omaha Hay Market. Hay Reeflpta continue light; market Arm and higher en all grades of alfalfa and prairie hay and demand good. Choice Upland Prairie $17.00018.00; No. 1, $16.00017.00; No. 2, $14.00016.00; No. 3, $10.00011.00; No 1 midland, $16.00017.00; No, 2 midland, $13,90014.00; No. 1 lowland, $13.00014.00; No. 2, $9.60010.50; No. 3, $7.6008.60. Choice Alfalfa $20.00021.00: No 1, $19.00030.0-0; standard, $18.00018.00; No. 2, $14.00016.00; No. 3, $11.00013.00. Straw Oat, $7.0007 50; wheat, $6,000 6.60. Evapomtod Apples and Dried Fnrits. New York, April 20. Evaporated Apples Market firm; fancy, ll012c; choice. 100 1014c; prime, 809c. Dried Fruite Prunes, active; California, 9ttHc; Oregons, lOU01Oc. Aprioots, firm; fancy, 24c. Peaches, firm; choice, 8Hc; extra choice, 9c; fancy, 9c. Raisins, ateady; loose mustatels, 810c; choice to fancy; seeded, 84 09c; seedless, 11012c; London layers, $1.80. Mlnnapolls Grain Marketj. Mniwapolls, Minn.. April SO. Flour- Fancy patent and tint eleara advanced 40a; Forming the All-America War-Group Germany Annoyed With President Wilson Saving the Soldiers From Wound Infection ' Patent Medicine Poetry Albert Ryder A Poet's Painter What Shell-Fire Has Done to Reims The Unseemliness of Funerals this is compatible with the THE DIGEST will continue whatever point it may come, holding it to be the de sire of every true patriot to know the exact situation. To crystallize the viewpoint of the day in all lands, including our own, and to present it as accurately as possible to the reader, is the aim, now as ever, of this foremost of news-magazines. Read it and judge the result for yourself. the Famoui NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK fancy patent quoted at $12.80: first clear, $10.90; other grades unchanged. Barley $1.1701.43. Rye $1.9101.92. Bran $39.00040.09. Wheat May. $3,31 W 02.31 K ; July, U22 02.3l. Cash: No. 1 hard. $2.59 01.63H : No, X northern, $2.402.6$Si No. 3 north ern. $2.6401.5&H- Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.4H 01.4IH. Oat No. 3 white, 67069o. Flaxseed $3.2714 03. 33. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, April 30. Wheat No. hard, $2.6602.75; No. 3 red, $3.7802.8t( May, $3.48; July, $1.9U 1.99 M. Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.62; No. J white, $1.62; No. 2 yellow. $1.521401.83; May, $1.48H; July, $1, 4001.404. Oats No. 2 white, 744 076o; No. 1 mixed, 73074c. ' Butter Creamery, 47c; firsts, 44c; aeo onds, 43c; packing, 3 4', 4c Eggs Firsts, 36o. Poultry Hens, 31c; roosters, lc; turkey 24c. DCBi'S REVIEW OF TRADE, Wtdenlna; Field of Business Influenced By War Conditions. New York, April 20. Tomorrow Dun' re view will say: A widening field ot business is Influenced by war conditions, and ordinary reqnfro ments in many Instances are subordinated to the pressing necessities of the govern ment. Industries and trade which had ex perienced a lull from the previous note worthy activity now respond to extentva federal buying, and overtime work ts in fluenced to accelerate the production and distribution of various supplies Intended for military uses, From many quarters com plaints of scarcity ot raw material and of labor become more insistent and oatputs are maintained with increasing difficulty, while the transportation problem still oc casions concern In not a few directions. Requests for hasty shipments on regular, contract suggest apprehension of deranged deliveries to, follow. In some branches Ib about all sections there Is manifest a die position to proceed cautiously in maktng ' new committments, and efforts to promot widespread economy among coneumera are beginning to he reflected in more careful purchasing in retail circles. Weekly bank clearings, $5,259,804.37T. Cotton Market. New York, April 20. Cot I on Futures opened steady; May, 19.90c; July, 19.47c; October, 18.40c; December, 18.45c; January, l.44c. The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of 28 to 32 points. Liverpool, April 20. Cotton Spot, easy middling good 12.38d; middling, 12.26d; low middling, 12,08d; aales, 4,000 bale. Dry Good Market. New York, April 20 staple iY-eunco tick ings today were advanced 84 cents a yard to a basis of 25 cents. Alt lines of duck and airplane cloths in stock have been cleaned up from first hands, due to largo government orders. Trade in general line of dry goods Is quieter. FOR REAL VALUES Visit the Julius Orkin Store, 1608 1510 Douglas Street, Saturday Women's Suits and Coats worth up to $35.00 will be offered at $18.50. Se adrertiaement on page 8. pat 1 First Mortgage Bonds l?t, Ot INVESTMENT Q0 Denomination $100.00, $500.00, $1,0000 A SURE AND SAFE INVESTMENT FIRST TRUST COMPANY 4th Floor, Flrat Nat. Blr. Bldg. interests of our country. to print the news, from 10 Cents from our local agent from the. Publishers. .5