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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
2 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. "MAC" BALDRIGE IS ' TAPPED AT OLD Ell Omaha Student One of the Tew of the Country to Be So Highly Honored. LUTHZR KOUNTZE IN LIST Malcolm Baldrige, (on of Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Baldrige, was one of the Yale men honored at the an nual "tap day" exercise! held at Yale college Thursday, being tapped for the famous Skull and Bones. It. was one of thi honors that could be con ferred upon a Yale undergraduate. Young Baldrige was i member of the Yale foot ball team last season. He is ranked as one of the prominent athletes of the eastern university and has won fame as wrestler, as well as other branches of sport. The Omaha young man is probably the only sop of old Eti from this city honored at the "Up day" exercises in recent years. Most of the Yale grad uates of the younger generation here were "tech" students and therefore not eligible to societies like Skull and Bones and Scroll and Keys. j . L. L. Kountre of the well known Omaha family was tapped for Scroll and Key when he was a student at Yale years ago. Welkins Rustin, Omaha Hig. school '89, '.as killed during an in stance at Yale having been run Into a wagon tongae on the street. Younger former Yale men here could not recall an instance of another Omahan being honored at the "tap day" exercises in the last few years. Exercise Earlier. "Tap day" exercises were held at Yale college Thursday, six weeks in advance of the customary day the last Thursday in May, because of the ex traordinary conditions created by the war. Eleven of the undergraduates elected to the senior societies were tapped at Palm Beach, Fla., where they are serving with the: Yale serial coast patrol unit. Among these fit were tapped fir Skull and fynes and six for Scroll and Keys. A feature of tht exercises was the tapping of Charles P. Taft, 2d, son of former President Taft, as the fif teenth, or last, man to Skull and Bones the highest honor that could be accorded. Newell Garfield of West Mentor, O., a grandson of the mar tyred president, was the first man tapped (or "Bones," the next honor ary choice. , Robert B. Deins of Fhoenixville, Pa., refused a tender from Keys and j was tapped by Skull and Bones. I Ethan A. Shepley of St. Louis was tapped by Scroll and Keys after he (tad refused an election to Wolf's Head. Among others tapped by the three societies were: Skull and Bones Charles J. Stew art, Dallas, Tex. t i . T-. n ( . jappea ei raim pcacn Ancmus L. Gates, Clinton, Is. Scroll and Keys Wilatarth ' S. Lewis, Alameda, Cat. Creighton Pharmacy Juniors : ' ' Give Banquet to Seniors -' Juniors of Creighton pharmacy de partment entertained the seniors at the Hotel Loyal Thursday. Prof. I. C. Arledge was toaetmester. Toasts were by: Dean H. C. Newton,. Dr. H. F. Gerald, Prof. L. A. Johndon, R. A. Stewart, president of th senior class; Will F. Gadhe, president of the junior class, and Sheriff H. R. Bryan of Idaho. UNCLE SAM'S COMMANDER OF THE AIR Captain J. L. Jayaa, If. 8. N., In chart of the aeronautic station at Pansacola, whera naval aviators ar trained. I i m jjbf J CAM. a-3. JAW. TWO MAIN TURKISH FORCES DEFEATED British War Office ReporU in Mesopotamia and South ern Palestine. . LONG FRONT IS CAPTURED , London, April 20. General Maude, commanding the British force in Mesopotamia, has forced a passage of the Shatt-Et-Adhem, attacked the Turkish main positions and completely routed the Turkish forces, says an official statement issued today by the British war department. So far 1,244 Turks have been taken prisoners. The general officer commanding the British forces in Egypt reports in an official statement to the war office that on April 17- the British advanced north of tha Wadi Ghuze, in southern Palestine and captured the Turkish advanced positions along a front of six art3 one-half miles. Six Killed in Fire and ' ' Panic at Indianapolis Indianapolis, Ind., April 20. Six persons are dead and a score of other are suffering from minor In juries as a result of a fire which Is said to have resulted from an ex plosion of moving picture films In the office of a film exchange here last night. A score of women were hurt in the panic that followed. The dead: DR. MARTHA B. KBM.ER. pbyelelen. HARRY ROWLAND. II, an implore at Ihe Col Metor company, LDONA ORirriN, II, Robert ORtrrm. 14. ' Mrs. m. ORirrm, mother it !ona and Robert Griffin. ', An unldentinea woman. DON'T MISS BEING At th Julius Orkin Store Satur day. Women's and Misses' Suit, Coats, Dresses. Skirts and Waist will be offered at big reductions. See aJvartlumant an nag (. a Our Windows If ran kaa been paying thvaa ar four dollars for your hats yau will find only ana difference In WOLF HATS that different is tha price, .The lime unusual styles Tho nme wonderful quality The tame exceptional value Swell Exclusive ' Caps, v $1 and $1.50 Vlfll U'S 1421 Douglas Street .W WEUIT W Jutt 1 Few Ittpt From 19th You Meet Everybody "BEATON'S'-' Liquor for Medicinal ' Use .. 11.25 Clark's Rye, full qt, 05 Bottled in Bond. $1.36 Vrmuth, Italian.... 95 11.25 Gordon Gin... 95 $1.25 Irondquoit Sherry or - Catawba, full quart 90 Perfumes , 91.00 Piver' La Trefle Extract, pe ounce .,. ....50s) 7 Be and 50c Extract, 20 odor ' to select from, per o. . .29(f $3.25 Mary Cardan Extract, per ounce .. ......V, .,$1,59 Cigars 10c La Prueba, imported, ea. 5 10c La Purencla, box of 25 for ................ -81.25 - Drug Specials ll.OOHood'a Sarsaparllla. .79t 40e box Fin Linen Stationery, for ..- 19j 50c Syrup of Fig........ 344 25c Sloan' Liniment 17 25eLustrita Cuticle Ice... 16t Photo Department Films DvIop4 Fra. $2.10 Dixit Cameras. , , .$1,50 W rent camera for lOe a day, M. Q. Developer, for. . .254 Drug Specials - 25c Carter's Liver Pills. .. .144 $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whisky, 794 SOcLavorl ..,.,,.344 25e Wright's Silver Cream PoW 17 10c Emery Boards. ....... ,54 25c Barkeeper' Friend. , , .144 25c Nature' Remedy. .174 25c Mentholatum . '. 164 fiOeNadinola Cream ..294 25c Colorite 7. , 194 60e Kodol Dyspepsia . , ... .274 50c Lambert's Listerlne. ...294 $1.00 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal, for 594 60c Durham Duplex Rator and Blade, for 54 $1.00 Teniae 794 SScCastorla 194 60c Samuel' 8-P Capsulea...294 25etustrit Nail Enamel.. 164 . ' . " Mall Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention. Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Farnam ALLIES MAKE BIG PROFITS IH WHEAT Deals Through Chicago Brok " trs Result In Cains of Many Millions in Two Months. BIO JUMP IN PRICES Chicago. April 20. The allied gov- ernments, dealing through Chicago brokers, are credited today with nav inSr made a profit of more than S3.500.000 in the last two months in turns on the grain market by chang ing irom one option to in oincr. This profit, it is said, was made by selling a line of July wheat and buy ing the September option at a price approximately SO cents below the July option. I be allies, it is said, tor a year nave slmoly hsd speculative profits forced on them. They bad .no desire to speculste, but bought for future de livery with the desire to obtain ac tual wheat. Car shortages, embar goes and the inadequacy of ocean shipping prevented deliveries at srJeci ified time and the contracts were sold out at profit running well into the millions. At the opening of th market to day lulv wheat shot up 7 cents to $2.11, and September 13H cents to i.y. Natal Market. ' nam Tttrlf. Aorll IS. Metale Lata, set imot4. Spelter, nominal! spot aaat at. Louie Siltverr. ILIIH . Copper, eulets electro, lylie, apot end aecona quarter, 110.00$ SJ. 00, u.i..l. thi. Mturlar. l2f.00CU0.QO. iron. eteady and iinchsnffd. Tin. ftrm; spot, SSS.60 Omaha Women Rejoice at Progress Of Suffrage Bill in State Senate Mrs. Anna 0. Mttcalf Gives Credit to Co-Workers for Prospective Enfranchise ment in Nebraska. NOT RESULT OP WAR SPIRIT War and the way Nebraska women are organizing to "do their bit" had nothing to do with the favorable re oort on the suffrage bill by the sen ate committee, Omaha women believe. It was Mrs. Barkley ot Lincoln working away at the senate, sitting there day after day and watching the status of the bill, to whom credit is due," said Mrs. 'Anna Cornish Met calf, president of the Equal Franchise league. . Mrs. Metcall said the greatest joy she had ever experienced was when she notified her board members Thursday of the suffrage victory. Their surprise and joy was touch ing," she said. ' The progress of the prohibition bill during the. last week made the out come of the suffrage bill certain," was Mr. H. C. Sumney's comment. "It was bound to come. Any set of men with a sense of justice and fair play would see it. Mrs. Sumney, with Mrs. James Richardson, Mrs. Edward Burke and Mrs. T. E. Brady, worked unceasingly in the campaign, deluging members of the legislature with telegrams, tele phone calls and suffrage literature. Mrs. t. Ai. ratrnem, formerly city central suffrage chairman, was not inclined to rejoice prematurely. "I can't believe it until the governor signs the bill," sh said. "The assurance of the franchis for women in England and Russia, Presi dent Wilson's stand that the demo cratic party was pledged to give women the vote and the six or seven States which recently have given whole or partial suffrage to women this winter must have had some weight with tht Nebraska legislators," she said. . "The antis have helped, too, in the way they have rallied to do patriotic service as the suffragists also have done. The antis have demonstrated 'that woman's place is not in the home.' When there is work to be don out of the home it must be don," she added. Stecher Throws Linow .In Two Easy Falls Kansas City, Mo., April 20. (Spe cial Telegram.) Joe Stecher has again displayed his ability to apply the body scissor hold. With 4ts use he defeated Ivan Linow, a giant Rus :n, last night. He won in atraight falls, the first being gained in eight een minutes and the second in thirteen minutes, Stecher's physical condition was not what it had been in former contests here, due to a strenous cam paign. But he was too powerful for the - Russian, although Linow out weighed him by about twenty pounds. Frank Gotch referetd. THREE WIVES SUE; FOUR AREMYORCED Mrs. McEwan Says Husband In sanely Jealous He Charges ,Her With Infidelity. "TEMPER" RTJIKS HOMS Mary E. McEwan brought suit against Hamilton McEwan for divorce in district court. She alleges that her husband is insanely jealous and fre quently threatens her, She allege that he has a habit of falsely accus ing her of infidelity in the presence of strsngera. Nettie Shafer, plaintiff in a suit brought against James L. Shafer, complains that he "has such a temper that she is afraid he will kill her and her mother, with whom he ha for bidden her to associate." Anna Estelle Rumley alleges that her husband, Albert J. Rumley, "wastes his wages in idle pursuit," James B. Garnsey Is suing Grace L. Garnsey for divorc on grounds of alleged desertion. The following decrees were grant ed: France E. Crawford from Wil liam A. Crawford, May Eckle from James Eckles, Agnes Von Scoy from George Von Scoy and Louise Marks from Harry Marks. Central Hlfk Wlxa. Cantrat High aehaol naat ball alna won from tha Cralghton High acheol on tha lattar's flats yaatarday sftarneon by a accra ot S to S. Thta la tha flrat eama ot tho aoaaon for Central la the newlr forma oltr high aoheol league. Commer cial ana South High aeheola are tha ether mrmbera. ANTI-AMERICAN RIOTAT CHICAGO Five Italians Who Refused to Sbont for Germany Set Upon by Mob and Badly Beaten. ONE DIES IV HOSPITAL Chicago, April 20. Five alleged anti-American rioters are under ar rest today, following the dath of Gre garic Inquandi, who was beaten to death because he shouted "Vive Amer ica." Inquandi, with four ether, was set upon by twenty men while walk ing along West Grand avenue singing American songs and waving American .lags. Four of the men assailed es caped, but with broken ribs and biuises. Inquandi was knocked down and kicked and beaten and his skull iracturcd. He died, at a hospital. The victims were walking along the street when accosted by their as sailants and ordered to throw down their flags and shout forvGermany. This they refused to do and a fight ensued m which four wer badly beaten and Inquandi suffered fatal injuries. All of the five were of Italian blood. Alleged Traitor Arrested. Steamboat Springs, Colo., April 20. Nick Eiloff, a Bulgarian, was held in jail today on a charge of treason, having been arrested by county offi cer yesterday while a crowd was threatening to attack him for threats he was alleged to have made against the life of the president. William lilkis, a commissioner, argued with the crowd until the sheriff arrived. j Ck hehompsbn gB elden Store f The Blouse Store A fascinating pot thee first day pf real spring weather. You'll en joy wandering through the host of dainty blouse to see all that ia new and distinctive. Interesting are th wash blouse in a great variety, for $2.95. Seconal Floor Spring Gloves Trefous (French), 'en and two-clasp pique, in white, navy, French gray, psstel and black. Shade correct for spring wear, $2.25 and $2.75. ' - f First In All Thetir Nawnsj Suits and Dresses Appear in the" Thompson Belden store but a few short days after they make their bow to Fifth avenue, the fashion center of America. A Service That I Mar Than Mara Words'' A Tabic of Silks Values to $3, Saturday, $1.50 yard Choice' Suiting and Skirting; Silks, in plain shades and stripes. Fabrics are Satin Taffeta and Sport effects. The quantity is not larjre.'but the values are exceptionally good. aaaaaBaaaaai 0 Pongee Silks Special Prices Fifteen piece of fast colored wash pongee, launder perfectly and are ef excellent , weight for men' shirts j Saturday, $1.28 a yard. Fiv pieces of natural, pongee, desirable weight, SSc anal. $1.00 yard rafularly- Saturday, SOe a yarJ. ' ' ' ' " Silk Section Wash Bonnets for Baby Hand mad bonnet of finest mull, batiit and organdl. with dainty mbroiderie in whit and colors, Machine mad bonntti with trim ming of lace, embroidery and ribbon roetts; alto plain pin tucked styles, 65c, 75e, Sit and upward. Baby's Footwear Kid moccasin and soft ol shoes In white, pink or light blue, with patent vamp; iis 1, t, 8. Priced, 85e and fl. Third Floor Something New LJ n Neckwear Fresh arrival each day keep our fA islection perfect Recent arriv. re co"r' d collar withr iVSv rfj; cuff, mad of pongee, Oeor- ' lfett ,n' orS,ndie- Delightful for viiv 'C'r-fS Spring wear. Square tyles, lace ' XIkvJa .- trimmed and with lac insets. . Jabot collar for uit weari Ve- ffi-i-ey)iy w to1 ' Georgatta end organdie.' , V" ' Pique collar and collar with 1 Price pUasingly small. y i Have You Made Your Sweater? Now Is AVhat summer wardrobe is complete without an attrac tive wool sweater? Antici pate the need now and be ready when the time comes. A display of beautiful mod els is ready for your guid ance. : the Time Also Utopia yarns and an ex - pert instructor to assist you. Select yarns now, for prices are advancing rapidly. Wessons daily from 10 A. M. . - to noon; afternoons from 3 to 5 o'clock. Art Naadlawark, Third Floor Savings , in Toilet Goods Orange flower cream, 19c La Trefle talcum, 19c. Hair brushes, 49c. Tooth brushes, 8c. Corset Comfort If you wer asked, "What is Corset Comfort?" could you answart . To many woman com fort ia not a familiar term to us in connection with corsets. W have an ' Elastic Corset that will quickly acquaint you with comfort. Tha 'line is new and show model that encas tha hip line, low bust, flesh col or and white. $2 pair upward. Third Floor Apparel Money Will Do Extra Duty Saturday The Week-End Coat Offering Mr. Robert Nicoll, our NewYoiflc representative, purchased these gar ments from a well known coat maker of the metropolis. Hardly two coats alike. Sizes 16 to 44. An offering distinctly out of the ordinary. Two Groups of Special Interest, for $15 . Advanced models in Gabar t dine and Serge. Belted effects. Unlined, half lined and lined. For $25 An Offering Distinctly Out of the Ordinary A Bettor Wearing Silk Hose ' Cannot Be) Made, and tha Price it But $1.25 a Pair - A pure thread silk hos with toes, heel and toles mad of three thread silk lisle. A deep lisle welt with a stop run prevents garter break from extending into the leg. Wear and quality ar satisfac tory features, In black and white, out or regular .'lie, $1.25 a pair. The Best Footwear For Particular Women Sorosis ha reached th highest point of excellence in the manu facture if Women'a Shoe. They stand for th utmost in comfort, durability and daintiness of de sign. We are now showing lace and but ton boot In ivory, gray, white, champagne and brown kid with turn and welt soles. Priced $10 to $14. Street and Motor Coats of most exceptional quality. Mixtures, Serges and Gabardines in lined and half lined models. " , An Appointment With Economical Women Promptly at 8:30 o'CIock Saturday Morning Begins Our Trimmed Hat Sale Interesting news to the woman who appre ciates high quality and most unusual values. V Three Groups of Hats $5, $7.50 and $10 Among them are hataaold regularly up to $20. Value are not exaggerated. Millinery, Secorfd Floor