Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 19, Image 19
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY APRIL 21, 1917. 19 FOR RENT HOUSES South FIVE-ROOM 'lower flat, modern; on car Una. MM Leavenworth Mu Telephone Herney i:i. riVK-ROOM eotUne, modern sxcept heat. bath, a I fc trio light. Harney 3i. 172 S. IsTH ST. ft rm all mod., 125. E. H. BENNER CO., D. M0. l-ROOM, all modern house, except heat. la . jam st, Hsrney wi. Miscellaneous. tARTLT MODERN. I-R Ell Martha Bt 113.10 T R.. 1316 Capitol Ave 15.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. fl.R.. 6!S 80. JTth Bt 15.00 -R., 1602 No. 37th St 13.60 t-R.. ii&05 Pierce St 10.00 STRICTLY MODERN. S-R.. l2i No. 27th St SI. 00 7-R,,-172. Plnkney Bt. (garage).. SO. 00 9-R.. lit So. i Sib St 32.60 10-R., J221 Dodge St 40.00 LATB. STRICTLY MODERN. I-R-, SOT So. IQth St 11.00 HEATEP ArARTJuEMBi 8TOECKBR. 126 8o. 14th St 1-R.. Ant. t: IIS lummir: $50 winter. 8-R Apt. 6.; ISO summer, !& winter. WE) HAVE OTHKRB. HcJrJ uun UVAI PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER SUOTWELL. Realtor. tOI Bo. 17th St. Doug. 6011. Office with HOME BUILDERS. WE want mora house and apartments to rent The (act that we have pracuoaup Mund ftiit our hVw lilt la conclusive Drool of the sfflomicy of our rental aervlea. If you want to Keep your piaoes rencea see ' Payno A Slatar Co., "Omaha's Rental Man," 1 Om, Wat. JJK. mog. uou. mie. a2.60 S-room and sleeping porch, strictly modern; nloo ana cooi lor summer. 637.60 ft raomi and sleeping porch, la mm building. SCOTT & HILL CO.. MeCagua Bldg. Douglas lOOf. Isio SEWARD. 6-r. twos.. 130.00. 2080 WooJ worth Ave., f rmi., 616.00. ' fan Jackson, I run., ISS.00. 117 S. 30th, 0 rms., 686.00. ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., MS Boa BWg. Tylar 183. 0 8. 13TH ST.. 10 nai mod. ex. ht, $30. 3602 Chicago St.. rmi., mod. a, bt $16, 11$ S. Hth, for colored, IS. EIRKBTT ft COMPANY. 60 Baa Bldg. Douglas 111. fc-ROOM modern home, with garage for care, close to car line, on paved street; 130 month. Douglas Jfi9fi. 2684 BXNNET ST. 6-roora bungalow, all mod.. $30. B. H. Benner Co. Doug. g06. 11C7 DAVENPORT ST. 8 rooms, new, 848.60. E. H. Banner Co. Pouglaa 6406. MOUSES tn al parte of the city. CREIGH, SONS ft CO., 601 Bea Bid. FOR RENT- APARTMENTS West. 6PLENDID location, 4 -room apartment with tiled bath ana nne poron. Apply uun N. 23d. North. VERY complete 6-aoom apartment; janitor service: private garage. 1601 Sherman Ave. Webeter 4626. FOUR-ROOM, steam-heated, 618 mo., near postofMce. Q. F. Btebbins, mio tjmcago. &JWUN-KQOM steam-heated, $36; near post oftlce. O; P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apartment four rooms, $26 month. G. P. Btebbina, 1610 Chicago. South. i'Oli RENT Attractive 4-room apt in the Phallan. 626 8. 21st Ave. Easy walking distance. H. W. Binder, 823 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Apt. Phone Tyler 1788; office phone Doug. 1264. G-KOQM modern flat, 616 S. 27th St.,..$So V. G. CAR LB ERG, 312 Brandels Thea. Bldg. 2HRFE and four-room apartments; modern; Slti S. 22i St. Phone Tyler 2248. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. . RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR. OMAHA. FQR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. 1 FOR RENT MAY 1ST. Two modern storeroom, 16x60 each, with full bitBfinents, 624 and 62,6 S. lfith St. For particulars see Conrad Young, 322 Brandfls Theater. DourIhb 1671. STOREROOM, ICth and Pine; very reason able rent; good location for small busi ness. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. ' NEW modern stores on Leavenworth be tween 24th and 2&th Sts. $30 to $60. JOHN W. ROB BIN 3; 1802 FARNAM ST. MODERN store 16th St., neftr postofllce, 75 month. G. P. Stebblns. 3610 Chicago MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR nam Bldg. First Trust Co. D. 1161. RESTAURANT With fixtures, gas Stoves, stools, at 107 South 15th St. STORE room 20x60, with basement. 1062 8. 20th St.. $21). Harney 171.5. 4718 S. 24th St., Co.. D-S406. near P. O. 3. H. Benner, Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE oITlce ronrn, In the remodeled Crounee block, 119 N, 16th St,, opposite FoptnlTic 8io to 815 per month. Conrad Ynurtp, :t2'J Br?nd"is Theater. Doug. 1671. ,'HOICE nfTk space. Balrd Bjdg., 17th and Douglas. McCaaue In v. Co. Garages and Barns. GOOD brlf-k gareg' room for 3 rnrp, 528 S. 26th St.; good brick garage, 2626 Dodge St., room -for 6 cars. Address 2620 Dodge st Miscellaneous. LANDLORDS, ATTENTION! Wa will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within 30 days If on the South Bid and in a tenable condition, or pay you a month's rent SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO INCORPORATED, CAPITAL $26,000. 4026 So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED to rent 6 or S-room house. West Farnam or Dundee. ALLEN ft BARRETT. Phone Douglas 7768, MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE . packing, . storage and mov ing: 219 N. 11th St Phone Douglas 304. FIDELITY JS?J& FREE Phone Douglaa 88 for complete list of vacant houses and. apart-, ments. Also for storage, moving, lfith and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 So. 16th St. Douglas 4103. Maggard- Van and two men. fiat per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving. Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 146. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In raovlnf. paeklnff and f aiorlng. ran Tyler 230 or Pougla, 4338. J C REED Expre.1 Co., Moving. O. J. LXiuUU Packing and Storag., 1207 Farnam St. Web. 27U. Doug. (146, REAL ESTATE To Exchange CLOSE IN FLATS FOR LAND. Two good, trlclly modern Bt. Lout, flata. Income $st;o per annum. Price $10, 000. Mortgage, 13.200. Owner want, land not too far from Omaha. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 801J)rnaha Nat. Bank Bug. Dongla. 480. FOR EXCHANGE A good .lork and grain farm of 100 acrea of Iowa land; building. , are nearly new, 7-room house, largo barn, tool ttoute. alio, windmill. Ice house, poul try honae, large orchard, stock scales, granary, land rolling (not rough), I mile. o B. R, town. 1. 3. Stevens, Fleasant vllls, la. REAL ESTATE To Exchange TROOM house mod. except heat; 'sou t h and east front, all clean a good home: exchange for land In Chase or Kimball Co., Neb. Ask for Mr. Nichols. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 11-30 City Nat'l Bldg. Doug. 8163. A SECTION Brown Co. land at $13.60 per acre, 30 acres broke and balance hay and pasture, will trena ror notei or acreage. 426 Brandels Bldg. Paul By done. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West HOUSE BARGAIN- Large stucco house, practically- new, near State Medical school, 4 2d and Dewey Avenue. Four bed rooma and huge sleep. Ing porch. Owner moved from city. Price, $4,660 for qulok aale. Reasonable terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL (Realtors) 641 Paxton Black. Ioug1 as 1738 . CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. $209 DOWN AND BALANCE . MONTHLY. Juft, . T-robm strictly tnndtrn born. nr th. Mtlwdr.l. Frlc.4 .t tz.800. , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., HT Omh N.t. B.nk Bldw. P. 1781. North. Five Room Modern House With Two Lots Garden and Fruit , I rooms on first floor, folly modern, very nicely finished and decorated, full cement basement, 1 room finished on the second floor; house built about 1 years; south front wUh screened front porch; quite an assortment of small fruit, garden, large chicken house and yard. This is a very nice pari 01 town, an new nuum, paved street $ blocks from school and Ames Ave, car line. Reasonably priced at $4,000. HIATT COMPANY, 4-?- Nat Bank. Tyl.r tn. MONTCLAIR STUCCO ' BUNGALOW. Just being completed. $ large light airy rooms. Living room, dining room and kitchen, downstairs. Two fine bedrooms and bath on second floor. Beautifully fin ished In oak and enamel. Lots of closet and cupboard room, Full basement Well built well located. Prloa $4,260.00. Easy ' terms, BENSON & CARMICHAEL, (REALTORS.) $42 Paxton Block, t Douglas 1732. Evenings, Walnut 1580. BIG BARGAIN IN BEMIS PARK Nine rooms, strictly modern; built for a home, with quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat; finished attic; complete basement, -plastered; full lot on Lafayette Ave. Blvd., near 18th; garage. Nonresi dent owner haa cut the price- to $6,000 for quick sale. The house alone cost better than $M00 and the lot Is worth $2,000. Investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors), Douglas $962. P19-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. STUCCO BUNGALOW HOME. Only occupied 3 months 6 rooms and bath, oak finish, modern In every way, walls all decbrated, large lot, l blocks to ,-,car, 1 block to school. Price only $3rt00. Cash or on Rasp terms (which are dead easy.) A -took will Convince you. RASP BBOS., t!0 Ketone Bldg. Tyler 731. FOR SALE. , 7-r, house, fully modem, on 33d and . Ellison Ave. This Is snap at $3,060. Terms very easy, soug. oo. W. S. FRANK, 301 Neville Blk. ' NEW BTJNOALOW. ' Five rooms, strictly modern, finished tn oak; located at 3023 N. 26th St Price, $3,160. Terms. Will take email cottage in trade, NORRIS ft NOR R IS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270, S-ROOM house, In good, repair, all modern, one-hilt blocK to oar line, fruit on otace: price $3,260; will take good second-hand auto as nrst payment Phone Owner, SIX-ROOM house, new, strictly modern just been decorated; big corner lot; one biocK to car; price cut to 13,600. Can Walnut 1888. South. A GENTLEMAN'S BOMB Overlooking Hanscbm Park. Plot lBOx 180. Contains twelve large rooms, three baths with toilets. Innumerable closets and pantries; steam heat seven fireplaces nd finished In oak and mahogany. Price ii,vuu ana on ry sa.&uo casn required. SOUTH; OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4025 a S4th St ' Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous. MONTCLAIR BUNOALOW. Stucco construction, 6 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $3,800. Easy terms. Another new build ing ror 13,660. Call Douglas 1723 days. wainut 1680 evenings. WORLD kEALTYCO! Sun Theater BuMfltnr r. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. R. S. TRUMBULL, 1106 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. B ITT 4. REAL ESTATE Investments Acre Tract on West Dodge Near Peonie Farm Sightly, rich land, will make an. excellent investment tor someone. Prices only $1,000 per acre. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. 902 City National Bank Bldg. Phoii Douglas 756. FARNAM ST. LOT NEAR 24TH ST. FOR SALE I own a lot of about $0 ft. frontage on Farnam street near, with good brick Improvements, which I will sell for $100 per foot lees than any lot offered by an a. at along the block. Will take half cah. balance at 6 per cent for five years. Write me at once for full Information If you want to buy. Box 5321, Bee. FOR a safe Investment, guaranteed 7 per cent of 81.00 to I&.OOC.OO. HOME BUILDERS $1.40 SHARES are the best In every way. . Office, 17 th end Douglas St, Omaha APARTMENT. $76,000 Income IS per cent; one. year old; very fine location; mortgage $25,000 and will accept $0,000 In trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS 4 CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPKCULATIVB PROPERTY. A, P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS, 30 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ptv H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware BIS., Specialist Persistent Advertisinff la the Rnarl to Success, REAL ESTATE Unimproved Wcit XS"KUS" Ask us for the 10 reasons why wa think Vaverly Park is a good buy. Finished lots as low aa $5S0. $10 cash. Harrison & Morton, tn omana. Nat Douglas 314. North, AFTER looking at M1NNATCBA 100 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the bast proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota. IF YOU will coma out today you will anderatand why the otnera are buying, CHARLS VV. MARTIN & CO. 743 Omaha Kat Ba nk Bldg. Tyler HT. Miscellaneous. HAVK tract of ground bounded by three streets, with sewer ana water in. contain Ing 30 lota Anyone wanting building lots it would pay them to investigate, can be used for a suburban home. Do not compare this with acreage. This Is right In the city, close to car Hne and good school. Can give terms. For further in formation see TRAVER BROTHERS, 810 First National Sank Bldg. Douglas$l8$. BgAUTlFUL ' ot lots. rice $20, only 12 cash and 6Q cents per wee Doug. 1391. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED4, $ and 4-room houses that can be sold for $100 cash, balance 111 per month send complete daseriptloa Meat letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 180 Farnaam. Tel. Poif. jfOO. LISTING houses to rent or sen on small cash payments, have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 1S Karbac aim. v. 1107. LIST your I and l-room houses with ua WB 8 ELL THEM. OSBOKNJfl REALTY CO.. Tyler 4Pfl, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE Six-room, two-story stucco. Block and half from street oar. Price $4,600. Rea sonable terms. Benson & Carmichael (REALTORS.) $42 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. 1SARUAI.N DUNDEE LOT, EAST FRONT. 16l) cih, 761126 feat. P. D. WEAD. 810 SO. 18TH ST. FOR SALE Dundee 6-rnom modern bun,& low: oak finish; . bargain; from owner. Walnut 2815. 6-ACKl'l blk., Falrocro and Brownell Hall dlatrlgt. Snap. C. J. Canan. Florence. FLORENCE Real Eitate Co.. Phone Flo. 803. Miscellaneous. v BRAND NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW On aa acre- of ground, located about R blocks from city limits, not far from' schools and car line. Can buy additional ground very reasonable. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1614 HARNEY STREET. 3 ACRES. High and sightly location in beautiful Keystone Park. Convenient to Jitney line and paved road. Price for quick sale $1,600.00. Terms. If you want a high cla.ii piece of acreage at a cheap prtae, it will pay. you to investigate this. Walnut HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION! On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and you can pfty for It on small monthly payments, without extra Interest, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL $25,000. 492R 8. 24th St. ; Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES On the South Side, on full alsed lots, ranging from $1,600 to 83.000, In different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools-and churches; can be bought from us on a email cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. ft ACRR tracts, 8476, $10 down, $7.50 mo. Close In near oar. Doug. 6074. FINANCIAL $7,000 MTGE., bearing 6 pat. aeml-annual, secured by property valued at $21,000. Tal mage -Loom la Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for .nortgage loans. City Nat'l Bank Bldg. $600,600 city and farm loans, 4H per cent, Eselln. 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Real Estateoarrt and Mortgages. City and Farm Loans 8, 6' and $ per cent Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real eatate for j sale. J. H. Dumont A Co., 416-18 Keellne Bldg., 17th and-Harney. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, 6H and 6 per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO, aiia douir ii in, I'msna, neo. 5 PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences In amounts $8,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1838 Farnam 8L MONEY to loa.i on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gagea. Kloke Inv.- Co., Omaha. &tt AND 0 per cent farm and city first mort gages for sale, E. H. Lougeo, Inc., 611 Keellne Bldg. 8HOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. 5V2 CITY GARVIN BROS.. LOANS. Om, Nat Bk. Bldg. 5C7 MOUEY HARRISON A MORTON, fO $16 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EABT NEB. FARMS. O'KKEFE It. E. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6, 6 and $ per cent w, h. -rnomas, Keenne stag. Doug. 1648. INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Automobile. C. A. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. 1100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg.. lhth and Farnam Sts. LOW RATES. C. G. CARLBERG, 113 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685, Abstracts of Title. "Title,' Guarantee and Abstract Co.'( . 805 S. 17th St. ground floor. Kerr Bonafn ny Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED A1JSTHACT CO., oldest abstract of- nre in mnrasKa. zus Brandels Tneatcr. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insuranc. com. panle. 644 Brandels Bid,.. Omaha. Nsb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. RAISE ALFALFA In FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cuttlnsr $0 days $60 and $90 annually on $60 land. 626 Paxton Blk Walnut 2687 (evenings). California Lands. FOR SALE -IMPROVED FRUIT, DAIRY and atook farms, 30, 40 or more meres. In vicinity of Fresno, San Joaquin "alley, heart of wlnterless California, greatest raisin belt In world; now paying good profits; bouses, barns, fenoes, live stock everything r.eady; crops In many Instances paying better than $100 an acre. in, 600 will buy a $10,000 place, with long time on balance. Your farm Income will take care of future payments. Only limited number of farms can be had on thee terms, so write today. I will gladly put you In touch with those having farms for aale. C. L. 0EAGRAVES. Industrial Commissioner, A. T, A 8 F. By.. 1007 Ry ExcIl, Chicago FARM AND RANCH LANDS KEAs CAREFULLY $3$ aaree rich oler loam, well fenced, 11 acres under plow,' 30 acres splendid clover, balance light brush In pasture. very easily cleared for cultivation. Fine modern 10-room bouse, with heat, bath, ate. Strictly modern hlProofad barn, ISilOO; granary, poultry house, hog house, blacksmith shop, eorn eriu, i silos. private creamery, windmill, sheds, ete. nice aiivle. plum and tame cherry or chard; 31 fin Holateln oows, II Holsteln heifers, coming fresh; 4 steers, 10 Hoi stein calves, l full. blood Hoisieln bull, good hornet. 1 yearling colt; new, lm proved milking machine,1 grab, binder, corn binder, corn planter, i auo ruiers,'. mn ant at rat r If a to dilate hi InailftF. 1 hatf. rows. Monitor drill, disc, I wagons, buggy, 4 elelghs, 4 plows, litter spreader, f-h. p. gasoline engine. $h. p. steam engine, 3 rotary saws, farming mill, 10 h. p. gas trader with $ plows, water tank on trucka, I feed mills; everything as listed above at $16 an acre, $14,001 cash, balance to suit. 40 rode from school, on main road: dally mall, and telephone 4 miles from Barronett, 1 miles from Cumberland. Wis., In the finest dairy section ot the country, $0 miles from the Twin Cities. Seasonable work done, ana Immediate possession. Faulty Realty Kx change, 10$ Globe Bldg., 8U Paul, Minn, ONE CHANCE In a million, half section fine wheat and alfalfa land; ilt.uuu casn. , 000 at I er cent: easily worth $18,000. Owner says sacrifice. Who wants It T See me quick. MR. muttuw, see pes mug, California Lands. FOR SALE in Fresno and King couatlea. San Joaquin Valley. California. Ideal land for alfalfa, are In and fruit growing, stock and poultry raising. One-tenth down and - nine easy annual payments en balance at I pet. in good farm neighborhood, close to market. Over 16,000 acres of choice land, at very reasonable prices, to select from. To be sure you are getting wnai you want; yon may lease for one, two or three years with option to purchase en above terms, write ror details or tnia at tractive method of buying on terms In reach of anyone. You could ask for no fairer deal San Joaquin Valley is la the heart of wtnlerleaa California; 40 acres enough and should pay for Itself In five years. You can start here with only 11.000 and make gond. ' I will gladly place you In touch with those having the landa for ssle. This Is such an easy way to get a California farm that my advice Is to act quickly. C. L. Beagraves, in dustrlal Commissioner, A. T. A 8. F. Ry. 3107 Ry. Exch., Chicago. Michigan Lands. -OWN LAND! In a short time you can own a farm homel Be your own boss. Pay $36 to $100 down, $7 to $10 monthly per 40 acres; or lower terms for smaller tracts. These Mlchiran lands are fine for general farm ing, stork, dairying, poultry, vegctablre, fruit. Near towns, schools, markets. $1$ to 136 an acre. 71 page booklet Tree. Owner, Oeorge W. Swlgart, D1146 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown, Root crops, dairying, grating. Ideal. Fine roads, market; 141 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 3, Terms easy. George RowelL jr., 11 Bacon Blk., Mar quette, 'Mien. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or taxes: highly productive land; close to $ big markets. Write for photographs and full information. Munger, A-ll. N. T. Life Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. GREAT bargains, IS down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres gond fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only 1300. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation, balance used for posture and hay;- can practically an ne cultivated: good set buildings; this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country la thickly settled; complete set of machin ery; 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, bslance 1 and 2-year-nlds; 4 good horses, 85 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at 65 per acre; one- half cash; Immediate possession an be had Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Montana Lands. WANTED Live agents to aid In enllhn 80,000 acres near Forsythe, Mont. Liberal commissions, good equipment, right prop. osltlon. Address Frederick Washburn, 3741 Portland Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. MONTANA HOMESTEADS 16,000,000 acres. 640 or -120 at es for you. Circulars free. Write Homestead Bureau of Montana, jjept. box 846, Butte, Ment, Nebraska Lands. HERE are land bargains for the land buyer; we are going to sell the Llsco ranch in tracts to suit the purchaser; the land Is looated In Garden, Cheyenne and Deuel counties: the ranch contains 60,000 acres, fifteen miles of North Platte river front. and all the river bottom and all the Rush creek valley; a lot of good, level farm land on the table; terms one-third cash, balance t per cent Interest. Purchaser can name the else of the farm he wants. We will sell the outside first. First man up gets his choice of the land. Now Is the time to buy. D. R. Williams, Rept, Llsco Land company, Llsco, Neb. LAKE VIEW farm, 260 acres, IV miles west of Lincoln. Neb, A dairy and hog farm, well equipped with buildings. 00 acres "alfalfa. No waste land. Write for particulars. I must sell soon. C. H. An drews, 710 P St.. Lincoln. Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. ' 1,440 acre ranch Southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, price 111). 60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 3410. 510 Brandels Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments K acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As. soclatlon, 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. uougias wax. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay Is our way of draining, land. No tract too large or too wet. 'Guarantee urainage uo., Oakland, Neb. EAST central Neb., SO acres, highly Im proved zarm, close to town, snap, terms, possession at once. 8. S. and R. E. Mont gomery. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALS OR EXCHANGE. 340 acres. Ivlnr on a fin autn rrA near Henry, Coddlngton county. South Da kota. This fs a hlgh-clAEts farm, highly .m pro veat one grove, plenty ot good water. MID-WEST LAND CO., 1067 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1166, Wisconsin Lands. $2,000 FOR EVERYTHING 80 acres good soil, 27 Improved, balance easy clearing; house 16x26 and 12x14; barn for 8 head; good well; 3 good cows, 1 heifer, 1 bull, 2 calves. 2 Worses. 1 brood hog; mower, rake, plow, harrow, wagon, sleighs, 3 sets harness, small tools, etc. Must be sold, end everything goes for $2,000, with $1,200 cash, balance to suit. On main road, $ miles from Shell Lake, Wis. Chance to pick up a real snap If you act quickly. Immediate pos session. iMiu.iy iteauy aixcnange, bob Globe Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. AUTOMOBILES USED CAR BUYERS. Now Is the time to bar a good used car at half the price of a new one. Every car In good shape and sold with a money back guarantee. . 1116 Ford touring, like new $2R0 1016 Ford touring, best buy In town.. 235 ma For a touring, needs some work. 220 1914 Ford touring, rune good 188 1011 Ford touring, looks and runs like new 34$ 1116 Maxwell roadster; starter and lights 300 1916 Overland touring, like new 260 1916 Dodge, cheapest oar in town,.,, 460 E. M. F. speedster, good shape 120 We have parts of 100 ears at 60 oenta on the dollar. If you need anything let us know. AUTO SALVAGE AND EXCHANGE, 110 8. 17th St Phone Doug. 9070. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Doug. 829. 2047-49 Farnam. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland. Studebaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Bulck and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. AUTOMOBILES AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 3301 Farnam St. Douglas 111$. Chalmera $ $650 Chalmers touring , 16 t'hevrolet , 160 Su-ame-Knlght. sacrifice. TORPEDO racer, just built." 70 M. P. H. car Ma. on motor, Sallshury raring axle. H. T. magneto, etc., suitable for racing at fairs, etc., $100. Crosatown Garage, 11$ S. 34th Hi,, POUg. 4443. W1LMO MANIFOLDS. Bums gasoline, kerosene, distillate double power and mileage; cuts your fuel cost hatr. money back guarantee. W1LMO PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION 311 S. llth. D. 6196 C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. tSliMl Fsruam St. Poutlaa IIS. Alwwft any make at reason able prices. WE will trads you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO, $0th and Harney. Douglas Itll, MT 4-cylinder touring car, In flrst-olaas condition, reasonable price. Mrs. B. C Henry, Lord Lister Hospital. TELL A B1NKLRT, Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2M1 Harney St. Doug. Ib40. 600D bargain, Scrtppa Booth, out S days, run less than 160 miles; am leaving elty. uau Hd Bn.8. BARGAIN Elec trio car and rectifier, good condition. Tel. P. T76, or walnut 771. BKRTS HY "Kan-Ftx-ltT'Southeaet cor ner 30th and Harney Sts. Douglas 3H63. tAfm run iuun uor.u (.ana. AUTO EXCHANGE, 3107 FARNAM. D. 6035 NEW and used tires for sale cheap. Auto Hsivage and Exchange, no no. 17th. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT autu repairing, "service car el ware ready.1 Omaha Oarage, 1014 Har ney Bt, Tyler 666. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair cons repaired. Bayadorfer, 110 rc lBth Tires and Supplies. NEBRASKA Auto Repair Works, Services ana prioea right, ill b. liih St. D, 7o, Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar- gnlna In used machines. Victor H. Roes. "The Motorcycls Man. 17th and Leaven worth. POULTRY AND PET STOCK YOUR HATCHINGS will turn out O. K. If you use our thoroughbred Buff Orpington hatching eggs. Colfax 10 SB. ENGLISH Coach Dogalor sale. Web. $401 duuiiui in Hi iv vv lummy. TOUNO laying and setting hens, cheap. $007 N. 34th Bt. Web, 488. Airdale pups for sale. Webster il67.'u Horses Live Stock Vehicle Wanted. WANTED 100 head of hnrsea, 50 head Of oowsv pnone Benson ail or Benson iso, also Doug, $218. MEDICAL DR. E. R. TARRY, FILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B, R.x Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rerinl diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money pain until cured, write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY, 340 Bee Bldg, Omaha. Neb. WHY SUFFER? 'Latest and Most Sclentifle Treatment lor All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 618-620 Rose Bldg. Examination and consultation free. He is curlna thou. v sands. WHY NOT YOU? Delays are dan gerous, if you can't call, write. Hour 9 a. m. to t p. m., 7:lo to 8:10 evenings. Sunday by appointment. RUPTURE Success fully treated without a surgical operation. call or write Dr. rrang H. wray. 106 Bee Bldg. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 912 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Etna. 308 Rose Bldg.'p.' 3ni. Chironractora. DR. KNOLLENBERd. HANITARTTTM Lady attendant. 34th and Farnam, D. 739B. Dr. C. J. Lawrence, Bnlrd 3ldg. D. 8461 Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-1 Rose Bldg. T. 2366 Drs. .Tohnston. 1326 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6629: PERSONAL THe Salvation Army Industrial Home eo- ncita your old clothfne. funlture. man. sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone jjoug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Ca:i and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 uoage at. BEST RESULTSA FAIR RATE The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lo per When you want both of the there CALL TYLER 1000, LITTLE girl, eight years old, looking' for iiomn who n ma coup.e. "t i Miami St., after 4 p. m. BATHS and massage. Central Bnth Insti tute, 1606 Harney St, D, 7097, Open evenings. PRIVATE - homo for sick ladles, best care, very reas. znot Bristol St. Web. 2901, MECHANO THERAPY treatments. Miss Halloran, 222-8 Neville Blk. LUELLA WEBSTER, maasags and manl- curing, bib raxton hh. Red 1400. MAE BRUQMAN, scientific masseuse and baths, ZOS Karbac h Blk. Red 8727. SCIENTIFIC massage, $30 Bee Bldg. PhoLe iougias tsij. FACE and scalp massage. 321 Neville Blk. Anna Fisher, sulphur baths, mass. D. 1669. MISS LILLY, bath, massage. U23 Farnam. Manicuring and miss, 1G23 Farnam. R. 19. EMMA BROTT massaging, 3130 Harney. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. stu, mo., H. goods, total cost, 3,60. $40, 0 mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $3.60, Smaller, large am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organized by Omaha Business Men. 432 Roue Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. LOOK! LEGAL RATE LOANS I LOOK I $ 60.00 costs you $ 1.86 for six months, 102,00 costs you 20.27 for one year. 166.00 costs you 31.30 for one year. 204.00 costs you 40.80 for one year. 300.00 costs you 60.00 for one year. Other amounts In proportion. EASY PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 3396. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Amelia L. Ranney and husband to Miles 8. McFayden, Twentieth street, 160 feet north of Jones street, east side. 70x162 ...8 1 Amelia L. Ranney and husband to Miles 8. McFayden, Nineteenth. . street, 250 feet north of Leavenworth street, east side, 60x60 1 Kate N. Houdere to Fred A. Bailey, , Main street, Benson, 46 feet east of Lynn avenue, south side, loxian Fred A. Bailey to Kate floudera, Rlggs street, Benson, 360 feet east of Con ner avenue, south side. 76x121 .... 1,100 Paul Luther Ernst and wife to Hana Olson, southwest corner Ninth and Hickory, 68x68 $.100 John H. Dumont and wife to Mary. A. Lee, northeast corner Thirty-fourth and Haakell streets. 60x128 37$ Matpe M. Mackey and husband to jnary n, unua&ra. jnirtysevaniu street, 200 feet north of SpauUing, east side, 40x114 126 Byron Reed company to Bankers' Realty company, southeast corner Twenty-fourth and Arbor streets, 47x168 1,100 Orace Orant to Harvey R. Hobart at al, Wirt street, 193 feet west of Twenty-fourth street, south aide, 100 X123-6 $00 Sewing Machine Sale Saturday Mickel's 100 Bargains Singers Whites New Homes Domestics and others $1.00 will buy a perfectly used Household machine. . $3.00 ; purchases a genuine good White machine. $4.00 is all we ask for a successful Singer. Did you ever hear tell of such bargain values as these? A SINGER, $66.00' $19.98 Good as new, not a mark on it A late style, worth $54. $5.00 for a drop head SINGER. Have you ever seen the like? $9.00 buys a drop head WHITE, A fine sewing value. $18.75 A 7-drawer Wheeler-Wilson drop head, in' bird's eye maple. A $55 style and good as new. $17.75 One of the best DOMESTIC makes. A fine drop head. A $50 value. $10.00 takes a drop head WHITE. In elegant shape. If you buy a New White Saturday you can save $5. We expect to sell 100 machines Saturday, so come early and get best choice. 100 new. ball bearing White machines for rent. Open Saturday Night Till 9 Mickel's Nebraska Cycle Co. 15th and Harney Sts. Douglas 1662. HAPPENINGS IN ' THE MAGIC CITY Work on Morte" Park Swim ming Pool Pushed to Maxi mum Speed. MARKET TOPPLES OVZS Morton park's big swimming pool ordered by the city some week, go -at a result of t campaign for park equipment by residents of the West Q and West L street districts, is well jnder course of construction. John Schulti, assistant to Park Commis sioner Hummel, has i gang of twenty men at work since April 1. The major part of the excavation hat been done. The pool will be the largest on the South Side. It is in round numbers forty by eighty feet in size and ia constructed of concrete filling. A bath house will be built alongside. Qe" crete filling will start ionii- Six weeks will be recitato finish the jol). The aj' department also p'ans to bu hlrar'icrs at the new !w ball diamond in Maple avenue. Two game were played there last Sundry 'under the auspices of city leagues. v Market Top" pies Over. With Chicago top hogs at $1570 and Omaha tops a bare 10 cents less in comparison with the $16.20 and $16.25 tops of a week ago, local ship perl believe the market is "on the run." Cattle also declined earlier in 'he week at a rapid rate, but stead led yesterday and held to $12.85 as a top. The average, sold from $9.50 up. Local commission men say packers in offering their plants to the govern ment are rfTainly responsible for the ileclint. High priced feed also cuts i figure. . Florist Dies Suddenly. . , John Krawczyk, aged 35 years, Aus trian born, a florist in the employ of Henderson florist gardens, died while at work at 9:30 o'clock .Thursday i.iuii.n., ..v ic.r.i hue aim live children. The family home is at Twen- " ty-seventh and L streets. Pleasure and Profit Young men that like smart atyle will find suits here at Flynn's that will draw from them an enthusiastic ap proval. It would be impossible to accurately describe them, but when ve say they are beautiful, we feel we are safely within the bounds of truth fullness. We want the young men of this neighborhood to see this line of suits. Don't be bashful, come in and look whether you have a penny ir your pocket or not. When we have something good it's a pleasure and a profit to share a look with you. Yours for good stuff JOHN FLYNN & CO. . Made Cltr OaaalB. Whit, .hoa, and low flats, a larg. atook. lTSSSC7. 1T1P ' t...... .M...HU .H. flats. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. It's s good tlms to try our staos barvala ttbl. Lou of nsw things shown. Crssssv, tht Hhosmsn. Ladles Now Cloth Shoos Latest shown; rin Nils cloth In Wnltt, Bslrs and Gray AA to D width. Crassiy, ths Shosman. WALL PAPBRI WALL PAPER! At rrsatly nducsd prlcss lor your spring fllsannp; - Malta your ssloction oarly. Koutsky-Psvllk Co. P. A. Stryhsr, tsfrstary and traffto man bgr of tha Llvo 8 toe It sxchangs, Is bock from Cos Molnos. whars ha took ths part of Taobr, la., shippers In aa alleged dlacrira-. Inatlon In railroad rates, that was tried bsfora tha In tars tats Comnjera oommUalon. PIRB INSURANCE, choice of II lei ding companies; prompt service, lowest rates. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 1 Saving Monoy That Is what s lot of tha tipiown people are doing In buying their fins shoes hero. It's no Joke; ws ara from 11 to $2 a pair below on men's and women's shoes. Crassey, tha Shosman. ' Arch Preasrvsr--A new shot for ladles. It vnn h.M nna I try these. Tha best thing known. Sold only at Cressay's In South Omtna. AMUSEMENTS. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Last Two Tim, of ADELE BLOOD ia "THE MANNEQUIN" And Othar Currant F.atur. MATINEE TODAY 2:15 Early Curtain Tonight, 8:05 V "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" r Mats., lS-XS-SOa 1S-M-50-75O bur Lst ahowt Sssios Oluss Sst. Nits. Airll 2S Solly Ward t "Roseland Glrls".. 1 CARNIVAL OF riATURE SVBPITB ALL WEEK Mntidar, Cliorua Olrre Content TuetrJtr, Amateurt'' Contest; Wednetdtr, Country Btore; ThurwUj, Welti CootMt; TrtAtr, "Gin Awsr" Kits; ftatur dsr, Feremll sod Bit Burprlte. CootMt open to all. faih prttM. Sometblnc doim ereiy nlte. Oft EAT CAST AND BID BEAUTY CHOHUS LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK OAYS "THE SONG AND DANCE ' FREDERICK AND PALMER HAKKI3 AND NOLEN TOSSING AUSTINS -WHEN LOVE WAS BLIND1 PHOTOPLAYS. iiliiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiena 1 1 HOLBROOK BLINN I 'TRIDE'' J MILDRED MANNING ' In "Fri.nd. in San Roaario" ' An O. H.nrr Storr s tiiiiiiHittiiiiitaii,iiii,iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiii,u litvfc M in.. mm Friday and Saturday J. WARREN KERRIGAN IN "A SON OF THE IMMORTALS" MUSE BLANCHE SWEET la . "Tha Tide, of Barnafat" smrHml,:iw"i.'wi"iWKwsMm"a