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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
THE BEE: OMAHA, APRIL 1917. Want Ad Rates CFM THE TELEPHONE If you eatinot con venlently brine or eend In your ade. Aik for Want Ad Taker and you will re cetve the him food aarvlca aa wbaa da- llvarlnc your ad at Ihts ornce. I PHONIC TVI.FB 10M. WANT AD COLUMN'S CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS IMII, MORNINO EDITIONS !: P. H. NO AD TAKEN FOR LEAS THAN Me, ONE TIME. OB LESS THAN loo A DAT. e . CASH WITH ORDER. I P Bet "nlld I No Display.) " PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Dlaplayeu In Larter Tvne: tc per Hna ana lima le par Una, I or mora roneecutlve Inaertlona. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata 20o per Una CARD Of THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. L 10c per line .earn Inaertlen (Minimum cherie, ,0 centa), MONTHLY RATS FOR STANDING ADS. (No chare-e of copy allowed). One Una IMS Two llnea or more 11. 1) ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: Je per word ona time lVao per word, two or mora conaecutlva In aertlona. RPKCIAI. CflMHINATlOW RATE. On Land, rnultry and Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BBK lover eo.000 dally). JOTH CENTURY FARMER (over 110,000 week y). " A combined circulation whlrh will peach both the city and rural realdent. Special Rev. Ratoa. Rata. t Inaertlona In Omaha Bee and 1 tnnertion In 20th Century Farmer, per word ia te f Inaertlona Id Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In aoih Century Farmer, per word...... 10 JaO ISc (Contract ratea en application!. Movie Program Current offerings to ' the Motion Ple tura Theater In Omaha. (Chansa Dally.) Downtown PRINCESS. 1311 DOUGLAS JACK MI'I.HALI. In a RED FEATHER PHOTOPLAY. THE HERO OF THE HOUR." North DIAMOND. 2TH AND LAKE BEN WILSON nd NEVA OKKHER In THE FIRST CHAPTER THE VOICE ON THE WIRE." GRAND. KTH AND BINKET PEARL WHITE in "PEARL OF THE ARMY." AND "ORANT, POLICE REPORTER." 'oTliRof, JITH AND LOTH ROP CHARLOTTE WALKER In "THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS" called "SLOTH." PARK. KTH AND CALIFORNIA HELEN HOt.JIKS, In 4!h Chapter "A LASS OF THE LIMFlERLANDS." "8HCJRTY GOES TO COLLBUB." "JERRY'S WINNING WATS'- South APOLLO, , KTH AND LEAVKN WORTH MART MILES MINTER In "A DREAM OR TWO AGO." AND COMEDY ALSO. CCIULEVARD, J3D AND LEAVENWORTH THE ST. J. A. C. DOUBLE QUARTET OF TOUNG MEN FROM ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH WILL RENDER SEVERAL NUMBERS, HTK AND DORCAS A PATIIb'oOLD ROOSTER PLAT. . "KICK IN." A SPLENDID SI'RHHV VERSION. West IMtOi:,. tlH TARNAM CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN A MODERN VERSION "I'AMll.LE." South Side OIU'HmL.'I. JITH AND It MOI.LY KING in . THIRD CHAPTKR OF "TUB MTSTBRT OF TUB DOUBL CROSS." JIC. 14TH AND N WRDOWOOD NOVELL In A BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAY. "THE PULSE OF LIFE. . DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. WOODS Mr. Jeremiah, age TS yaara, months, 11 daya, at tha resldsneo of his dsughter, Bareh Woods, lfll Caaa St. Funeral aervire, Saturday April 11, 1111, from tha Holy Family ahurch nt a. m. Interment at Holy Seputcher. Friends ara invited. , FLOTH Mra. Paul B.. at bar residence. 3101 Burt St. Funeral Frldayat l;lt n. m. from residence to Bt. Cecelia's ehuroh at 10 o'clock, tnterimnt Holy Sepulohar eama tery. Auto aorvlca. CARD OF THANK-' Wti IWH to lliajik our many (rlenda and (-pe:laUy membrt of Degree of Honor. Ak-Har-Bm lolga No. 178. for tha kind nrrnm ahown and fo" the beautiful floral offerings during tha ttlneaa and after tha death of our bHnvrd wife and mother. A. r. Johnion. Ed ward Johneon, Harry .Fflhtieon, Monuments and Ccmeteriea. Tlia I r goat d Up lay In I he United 8 la tea. FRANK SVOBODA. i:l-2i ft. 13ih. Phono Oouslaa ISTJ-lSll. SBAUTIKCL pure white rement markera, , 8:! to MO. Redman Marker Co.. 3d floor Ware Bile, Uth and Farnam. Df. 3381. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. L L. liOUUlCR CO.. Funeral Dlractora. r. IIJi Pero, Mgr.. ;id and Cuming Bta. Phone Pouglaa TI. Auto ambulancd. HLhSK tt RIUPKN. undertakera and am hnlmera. 7l'l a. 16th. Douglaw U. iJl KKv A JtHINMTON, embalmera and fu. nral direr tora 711 8. Uth St. Tyler 171, JOHN A. aKNTLXaCaakaFd . cmbalmrr, I6S4 Leavenworth. Doug. Hit. FLORISTS. BKINO monibera of the National Plorlala' Tel r graph Delivery aaaoclatlon, we ara la poaltlon to deliver flowera on abort notice anywhere In tb U. 8. or Canada. Haas V Swoboda, Florist . I.ARHI.HT aenortment of freeh flowam. L. HENDERSON. 1510 FARNAM. 1 on tone lie Kiortet, 1914 Dougli LEE L. LARMON Douglaa 1244. TARKI'.R Flower mIui,., 411 S. Uth. D. BATHr National Florftt. 104 Farnam Ht. A. UUNAOUUE, 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following parmlta to wtd hava been laeued: Nam and ,ntd'nca. Age. William H. Poncelow, Council Bluffa, la over SI A Ilea R. Haattnga, Omaha, ovar 11 Harry B. Qrtea, Lincoln, Neb Xft I'aarl v. Rurr, Lincoln, Neb...... Rudolph 8. Poelke, Omaha...... alary Maaaay. Omaha n Otto Merta. Lincoln. Neb... 14 Margaret jseai, uncoin, Neb 17 Ml lea 8. weat. Harman, Neb....,...,.., ST Ha lie- E. Bataa. Taltamah, Neb t Jamea I. Harmon, Omaha... It aioreace uwinn, umana. .. II Morrta Stein. Omaha Mlnnla Coora. Omaha........ , a William J. Bortter. Omaha. si Biiiabeth U. Lloyd, Omaha.,.,,.,,,,,,,, l BUILDINQ PERMITS. p Building permita hava been laaued to the Coiiowing: A. B. Oamer, 1 South riftleth. brick Veneer ra.1rn and gurnar, 14,909: R. J Modira, 47)3 North Thlrij -flrat avenue, irama owviung. fs,avir. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrthe Bert A. and Gladye Simpson, 2t oouin i weniy-ninrn, girl; Wilbur A. and urace u. jonea, ei; Florence boulevard. vlrl: Adolph and Rosalia Skyhsnaky. 4701 South Thlrly.thlrd. boy; Albert O. and Mildred F. Fuller, lilt Dorcaa. UN: Orra and Mary Dawson. 707 South Seventeenth, fflrl; Guslar and Martha Alice Heir. 1(14 Lake, alrl: PhlllD and Sarah Rudln. 2K7 Crown Point avenue, girl; V. A. and Mary naaiey, ,eis worm rnirty-aeventh. boy John and Katlo Cerllck, 0 South Thirty- tourin, ooy; uororier and Annie Btrlaa, 3H1 R. boy; Aufusy T. and Lydla L, Shade, Mil Arthur, (in; Frank and Mary Vanek, 1124 South Thirteenth, tin; Arnest ana nosis Kuirna, ehzq county Road, girl. Deaths Albert Dletchler, 43, hospital Mra. Clara Peteraon. 66, 4011 North Twenty- slith; Baby Pavllca, 1. Tenth and Capitol avenue; rtenry -r, uodrrey, in, 120 Cass Margaret J. Floth. 12,. 2102 Burt. I LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely rovr It If tcana by an honest person. Remarkable recov rlts are brought about avtry day through thli column. THB HONEST WAT, M you And aematbbtg or value, or a keepsake of value only te the owner, Is to Insert a small ad. The owner of (ho artlcl In moit cases la wIH- Ing to (refund tha coat of advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLITM STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having loat some article would do wll to call up tha office of tha Omaha at Council Bluffs Street Railway Company in aecartain whether they left it to tht treat ca-r. Many articles eah day ara turned In and tha company la eniloue to reetore them to tha rightful owner. Rest resultsa fair rate. The ressnns for tha growl-rig popularity are Beat Resuite and Rata of lo per wora. When yoo want both of tha above) CALL TTLKR lonO. LOST April fs, little finger ring. Canary diamond surrounded by small white dla tnonda. Reward If returned to Airs. Fred Hamilton, 60 So. 88th St. PURSE containing large mm of money. Be tween a a. m. ano noon, owner's name on Inside. Reward If returned to Bailey A Dor ranee. TAKEN from my electric at Kllpatrlck'a weaneaoay anernoon, a packages. Return to 80S So. IZd Ava for reward. No ques Monti asked. PARTY finding tha package with Mra. R. H. Fair a nam on tha outafde please re turn aama to 2431 Saratoga Court by mall. Reward. FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain OBBEN'S PHARMACT. 16th and Howard. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, RUOS, ETC., OF AN lty ROOM HOUSE AT 131 I. 1ID IT. SATURDAY, APRIL II. ' STARTS PROMPTLY AT J:I0 P. II. ' Cdnslstlnf of 1 tilth-trade Piano, 4 Hi Rugs, Bookcase and Wrltlnf Desk, Chiffonier, 4 Bed Springs and Mattresses, Muslo Cabinet, several amall Rugs, LU brary Table, Portiere, Buffet, Dining Table and Chaira, a lot or good Linoleum, 4 Dressers, Wardrobe and Folding Bed, Baby Bed Spring and Mattress. Use Range, Sanitary Couch and Pad. Oil Stove, Steel Range, large lea Boi, Walnut Bed, S Step Laddera, lea Cream Freeser. and Ltnena, Dlehea and hundreds ot artiolea too numeroua to mention. Coma to thla aala, DOWD AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEERS. ATTENTION FURNITURE BUYERS. Da not buy any furniture, ruga or fltovea unlll you aea Ua fflrat. We offer you a i:mo stock or hioh-oraub FURNITURB. ft IT a B, 8TOVB8 AND COMPLBTB HOMO OUTFITS for prao Ucally your own prlea. Wa ara forced to vacate our four-atory warehouse, and Ita antlra oontenta muat be aold at once, Bala takea placa at our alea rooma at corner 14th and Dodge a treat a Do not fall to attand. It la an opportunity of a lifetime. Hundreds hava already taken advan tage of thla wonderful opportunity. Why don't you? Special attention to out-of-town buyer. STATE FURNITURE CO., P, 1117. Cor. Uth Dodge Bta., Omaha. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. I gaa atovaa, II each; SI beds. II each; lea boxea, rugs of all kinds, tables, chaira, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunks, aultcaaea, leather daven port, Al) kin da of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting. 1110-47 N. 14th St. Tel. Webster 1007. Open till I p. m. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reaaons for the growing popularity ara Bast Reauita and a Rata of lo par word. Whan yoa want both of the abovr CALL TYLER 1000. FOR SALEPorch furniture, porch awing. icebox toapaeity too ina.), gaa atove, kitchen oabtnat, dishes, plotures, rugs. In. vulre mornlnga, til S, 7th St Peddlers need not apply. ICifi CREAM tablea and chaira, refrigerator, lea coolers, garden hoea, porch furniture, vlctrolaa and planoa. Loyal Furn. Co., 3Z8 No. lth; City Furn. Co., 107 So. nth. ONE gaa atovu, large oven, i burnera, $12; one emau-eise lea boa, vs. so, o. A. TVIl aom Tyler f.23. RI.'NH rlichl down and get your share of alt Kinds furniture at sacrifice, lfll N. lth. 14-INCH dlntng table and I leather-seat chairs; must sell at onre. 441 8. ;4tn. Barrels and Boxes. ?D -HANI) barrels, carload lota a specialty. Barrel Co.. 210 N St.. 8, Bide. Billiards and Pocket Tables. t'OR SATaE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new carom and pocket, with complete out lit, $U0; accond-hand tables at re ducxd prices: bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar atora fliturea a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWTCK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO.. 407-401 South 16th St. Jewelry, Diamonds. Watches." TWO AND FIVE-EIGHTHS karat ring, a oeauiy. box swat, nee. Harness and Saddlery. wit make them ourselvea and aell direct to consumer; no mtddleman'a profit. Why pay two profits for Inferior goods when yoa can get high grade goods at first oostf Alfred Cornish Co.. 1110 Far nam St.. Omaha, Neb. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Oroia Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. SS84. Nurseries. Seeds and Plants. FOR THAT GARDEN Progresses, avar bearing strawberry plants, ti ll per hun dred prepaid, discounts on large amount Colfax 3111. Ferguson Broa., Station D. Omaha. VI NE NURSERY STOCK AT SALES OROUN n, 1 TH AND DAVENPORT. u ATI. UTt .NCRSERY, DOUO. J050. H P. BYUD NURSERY CO.. mmmd f"ap. hoi, movra irom mn ana image, Onlpe, P. T9. Nr. and Res.. Co). 143. Web. IMS. Printins and Office Supplies, COMimRClAL Vupllcaitng Co.. alao public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglas 1 103. ow i-axion M.ock. GET our pricee on Job printing. UiMl bU BXATISS PKJNTINO CO., ee Bing. Douglas 1 179. YVatera-Buxnlmrdt Pig. Co., 624 8. 13th St. Sewing Machinrt. SEWING MACHINES We rem, repair, aell needles and pari, af all aewlng machine.. Mlt'KKL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., IMh and Harney Bta. rouf. US. Store and Office Fixture,. FOR HALK. Real estate oftlva furnltura for aala. Hi Rrandele Bid,. Typewriter, and Supplies. 1Y PIE WRITERS aold. rented and repaired. Real an Oliver typewriter t month, for . Central Typewriter Etchanta, Hot Farnara. REMINGTON. Monarch and Rmlth Pr. mlera for rent: sent anywhere. Remtnstoo ui..riinn vnmpany. u. 128.. Uuaranteed Typewrltera, 41, and up. Write .or hii .upland Typ. CO.. not Podge. Miicellaneoui. ' "AVE a lot of abaflhangenl and pull. ye ... wr own price; a mill aaw. bench and other machinery; come, and look. Call at the National Mattress Co. at noon, or call Doug. ;ot after s p. nl. Ask for ISd Ray at both place.. ,. FOR SALEMiscellaneout Miscellaneous. WE HAVE moved to new location. Wa buy, sell and make desk a, eafea. showcases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fliture St Supply uo., Be w, cor. uth and Douglaa Bta. Phona Doug. 9724. OMAHA PILLOW CO, Feather a ateam renovated and made up In freah tleka coat half tha price of new pillows. Call ua for aamplea of ttcking and prtcei. 1907 Cum Ing. Douglas 2t7. TO BE AIOVKD i-room houae; good con ditl-jn; II SO. Phone Harney 4047. DRY KINDLINO WOOD. ACMS BOX COMPANY. HARNEY MIT. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE an Al pacer stallion, I years old; aura breeder, valued at $1,000; will trade for a cottagfl, property or vacant lot. Col. R. W. Oldra boa 11T. Gretna. Neb. FOR. TttADB Have Udiaan Dlctaphorra with six rarorn, tn una condition, wlH trade lor a Naoatyte or Edtaon Memeogrpfe ana china. Baa "J," Broken Bow, Neb. 13 -CIA UG ft trap grada Remington A u torn. tin; will taka In 12-10 or II heavy f.ama Smith Wewon or Colt. Walnut 11. ACRES Improved land; Ideal autjurban homa, near Miami, Florida; 100 Avocado trees. 101 8. IMh. Tyler 1011. FILMS developed free, one-day service. Xaaa Kodak StuaHa, Navtlla Blk., 15th and Harney. SAVE I-carat diamond to trade for Vic trot and cash. Box 2411, Baa. Diamonds and jewelry for shot guns, rifles ana revolvers. Friedman, 1S1L Douglaa. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 1141. Llndenbaum paya epectal prices for house hold goods and mnt clothes. Web, 7483. WANTED 2d -hand "Cretor'a" popcorn ma. china. Store-front model No. 10. Ill I Cen tral Ave,, Nebraska City. Neb. UEt THE FULL VAI.tJB FOR TOUR ID- HAND CLOTHES and SHOES. Will oatl. Htva ua a trial. Phone Douclaa I18S. JENKINS Paya highest pries for clothes, shoes, trunks. Ritd S.97. Rea., Doug. 0013. 8ELNER will treat yo right; bst prlcea paia tor turniture ana clothes, call web, 1)147 or South lfte. DIAMONDS 401 8. 16th St. SOL BEROHAN CO. CT QUICK; MUST lAVE 10 CARS FUR- WH will pay very good prlcea for your old gomes, tan us first. Doug. I4. WANT pool hall or grocery store. 4Z0 nose Blrtg, Phona Tyler TBS. B. LATTIN paya highest prices for old clothes, shoes and hats. Phona Tyler BIO. WANTED TO BUT- Few cows, fresh In mlddta of summer. Call S. SOU, FIRST-CLASS used baby carriage. Call Douglas 0231. WANTED to buy, second-hand aBVll Bos aozi. Baa. BOOKS bought. Klesar. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL Smith Tail Co., Douil.s 60. Cadillac 8," limousines and tourlnff ears. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. HI Rmge Bldg. Phone pouf. 11,,. Accordeon Plestini. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst, aoi pleatlnf. covered huttona, all alaea and atylea, hemetltchlns; pleot advlnt. era. broidery, beading, braiding, eordlng, .ya let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON ANO PLEATING CO.. loo Douglea Blk. Donglaa 1H. VAN ARM AN Pr... Pleating and Button t:o.. 33B-7 Faxton Blk. Douglaa 110.. Carpenter, snd Contractor. LESSARD A SON. IQil Cuming. Ty. I'll. Auto Ambulsnce. OUR new Invalid coach la now In servtoe. Prompt attention to all ratle, either day or night, w. c. Croaby, Webster . Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW FNOLA.ND BAKERT, II tf. tlth. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS. OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED OjOODS." Bath,. MASSEUSE by Apt.: mantruring. physical cult. Miss Walker, 134 Neville Blk. D. .3,1. EXPERIENCED operator, hatha of all klnda. Room 181. Neville Blk. lth and Harney. RITTKN'HOUSE Sanitarium; all kinds baths. 110-314 Build Blk., 17th and Douglaa. CENTRAL bath institute, Dot Harney. Doug. 7017. Anna Fisher, aulphur batlta. masa. P. lBel. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paiton-Mttchall Co., 17th and Martha Bta. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. uurhorn, Kose bldg. v Palmer achool graduate. Douglaa 1M7. Chironrtdiat. Carrie J. Burford, i0 Paaton Blk. . 4SIT. Chirooractora. Pre. S. t Bllllniham, SOUS rarn. D. TI01. Dancing Academy. T)V. T TTYTt! SAT- 8UX- axrBOoi. XJU UUAfl BALL TUBS., THURS., wi,t.,. in p. ism ot.. up. ronteaelle. Fixtures and Wiring. HTTRTflM Electrlo washing machines, iyUAXVXll electrlo Iron, end r.xtln lumps, 3313 Cuming St. Douglaa 161,. Phonozraoh Record Exchange. Omaha Specialty Co.. HI Paxton. D. ,1.,. Pianos for Rent. Vl.ha per men, A. Hoepe Co., 1H1 Pouglaa. Detectives. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, til i nsnK mag, ynona Tyiar 3610. JAM11S ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence eecurea in all esses. Tyler 111. 3. D. JOLI.T. 611 Paxton. Red 7401. Drenmaking. . MRS. H. T. Molt... 63 8. 37th. Har. lilt. Pres.maklng. silk suits specialty. Col. 1040. Mra. R. A. Connelly, 416 Karbach. R. 1794. TERRY Dresemaklng Co., 30th and Farnam, DREasMAKIXQ. reasonsble. Tyler 141. Hat Cleaners. ALL kinds bate cleaned and rebloenag; la. dies' beta speclsl. 1680 Harney. R. 4g7l. Housecleaners, WE'LL elean your bouse from top to bottom. Prlcea reaaonable. Da Luxe. D. 1361. Insurance. BANKERS' LIKE OF LINCOLN, 111-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 111,. Masseures. Fred C. Allen Sclentlflo niaaaaur; Swedleh massage; 1617 Dodge; by apra't. Hra, I to ,. Massage, chiropody, Minnie Nagle, 108.14 pairq ging.. lun and Uouglae. D. 1461. Central Bath Inst.. 1606 Harney. Doug. 7017. MISS LILLY, bath, massage. 11:8 Farnam Painting and Paper Hanging. -V v,iu,i i r.,w IVUH flUJlCl SKB FKKD PARKS. Wall Paper, Paints and Olaas. Plctura Framing. I'alntlng and Paper Hanging. ' o. iin. i-none b. 101. CHAS. CLAPP for Dalnllna and nanerhan. Ing; eailniatea free. Phona South 141. Pstntlng, paperhanglng. cleaning. H. 6779. Patent AttornvL THROES A 8TUR0BS. U. S. and foreign f ma irtqtmirm. sap nt Blag. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Intef natlonal Patent Co., tS3 Brandels. B. 6691. Ragtime. . Learn t play popular music tn 14 leasona. 16 N. Uth. Phona Web. iOM after 6 p. m. Roofing. DOES your roof leakT our product can be put right over ahlnglee. Work guaranteed. Call Homa Rooting Co., 63 Srandata Bid. Phona Doug. T768. Shoe Parlors. 8W1NB. tlean. bronio. 1833 Tamam. SAFES BARGAINS. i:ii Farnam. Theatrical Coitumaa. THEATRICAL gowna, full drras suits for rent. 106 N. 17th. JohnFeldman. p. tl. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. IH. Weddina Stationanr. WKDTINO announcements and printing. DouaUs PrlmingCo., Tel, Ponglaa 644. Where to Eat, fcAT HOME-COOKED MEALS SKW DKI.K'ATK8i4KK. Ui KARNAM Rntnui:mi8- C'AKK. OMAHA. 116 tt. H. taSurvkol Ll.NCtH.V KKn tb. 132 3. 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTOR, 8alae manager, largo eastern factory manufacturing wHl known Una medium priced car, wanta to get In touch with parties Interested in distribution proposl tlon. Do not naressarlly have to hava auto experience.) Chance of lifetime. If possessing capital and general a urn it flea tlons set In touch with ma at ones. C. J. Wnlch, Room 6(1, Fontenella Hotel, until Friday evening. FOR SALE A saloon and family liquor store, in ona of the very best manufac turing towns fn Wisconsin, population i ft, ftoo; will give long lease; no fear for county option: fine brick building, 100-foot bar; will show books for receipts. My reason for selling, want to retire from buslneaa, I have had this place for 13 years. Prefer a party who can apeak aeverai rornign lansruaces. Write for particulars to owner. Jas. W. Ross, 407 Elizabeth St.. Kenosha, Wis. FOR SALE Picture show, opera house and restaurant combined. Restaurant equip ped with aoda fountain. Only amuse, mant placa In county aaat town of Ne braska. Doing good business, good rea son tor selling. j. q, Jackson, Flat Top, I,OlO. ton SAL Si Drug stock and fixtures. Or win sen stock and rent fixtures and building, or aell stock, fixtures and build ing. Nice, clean town and a good class of people. A bargat-a for a good druggist or aocior, jiexiress j, g. Lanham, Br. Nora, Nab. Box No. t. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and atoclM of merchandise, In city or country; Quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 70 Omaha Nat. Banlc Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 183-2. TEMPERANCE saloon and lunch hauss, cigars and tobacco; good bualneas; have iwa places, want to sell ona or half ta tarest In one; exceptional opportunity, Red 1733. , VERMIN exterminator business that will show big proIts and a steady Income for me xuiure. rield large. Results extra ordinary. Investment necessary. Box VB, 0(1, FOR SALfi-Meat market In townl'ooo! with only two markets. Business guar anteed. Owner leaving town. Palace Meat Market. McCook, Neh. ENTIRE moving picture equipment for ), operating macmne. chairs, fans, ruga and stage, equipments. Phona Col rax en, or write nox 3048. Bee, CAN use good man with small capital to travel with State Right Feature Films. Experience not necessary. Manager, 210 FOR SALE Saloon, doing good business, lo- iieu in one 01 me oast theaters in Kan sas City; prlca reasonable. Address Box T-96T, Bea. FOR BALE Only garage In town of 40ft population; doing a live business; located In eastern Neb. Addresa Box T 666, Bee. IF TOU want to aell or buy a buslneaa or rooming house call on Busch ft Borghoff, 70 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 2311. MOTION plctura machine (naw and t re built), theaters supplied. Omaha Film exenange, ins a. 14th St. HOTEL for rent, no furniture; will give some bargain if taken soon. Chas. Oem- MOVING PICTURE machines, naw and ra bullt, all makes; supplies. Wsstern Sup- u vx nii, mag. NEAT, clean, complete restaurant for aale. TO OET In or out of buslneaa call on OANOESTAD, 42! Bea Bldg. Doug. J477. I guarantee aala of any business or real ea- Tata, r. v. Knlcst. Bca Bldg.. Omaha, DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1126 W. Q. W. Bldg. Red 3285. Rooming Houses. FOR SALUA 80 -room hotel, ateam heat, buu wvm wwr oain. uoing gooa business. Good reasons for selling. Will asll ehsap If taken at once. Muat aell. J. B, Volt, Red Cloud, Neb. P. O. Box US, f HOTEL of 10 rooma, lo town of 1,000 peo ple in eaaiern iettrasna, In splendid ter rltory, oan ba bought for 16,500. Invaatt- Perfijjitent AHvrhn'na T k. d.j to Succeis. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20c PER LINE, .Dusiness qs, regular rates: t Unas ona week.,.,, ,...,40c 2 Unas ona weak tjOc Each eitra line 10c per week Male. MARRIED MAN. 20, wanta position with re- avi vuuiwinr or trcnuect. Klgnt yeara axpeiienca In general carpentry; aoma experience In architectural drawing. Excellent reference. Interview. Box. 2016, WANTED Position aa shipping elark with "vi Htm; nun naa s pears experience; can giva good references. Tel- WANTED roe! tlon as watchman by rslla- hi Jjranqeis Jiiag. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants ean do own repairing. Call Harney 60tl! EXPERIENCED chauffeur in private fam- nr, marnea man; post references. Call Douglas 2328". VOUNG man wishes Job driving car, private lamiiy preierren, rnons Tyler 2616. Can gtva references. Whitewashing, windows washed, rugs beaten screens repaired, hung. Call Walnut 1866. HOUSEOLBANINO, fine paint and paper .waning, u. swts. aanuary Cleaning Co. PIANIST and organist (mala) for picture theater. Call Har. 6248. 3711 Cap. Ava. TOUNQ man wanta position driving private car. Oil Tyler 262 4-W. PAINTING and papsfhanglng. Web. 1167. Male or Female. SITUATION wanted by experienced man and wlfa on ranch or farm, wife aa housekeeper. George Chlever, Wlsner, Neb. Female. WOMAN compositor, rapid, accurate, relia ble, wanta position. Can alao distribute job type. Run smalt jobber. Slight lino injritaiicaj Anqrew not I bob, nee. SITUATION WANTED Asst. day or night cashier cafe, hotel; housekeeper or nurse, uy iiuuuiTj-aVBerj iaqy. pox no j , see. IiADT wishes position aa companion to lady In need of company. Wining to assist In nam, uo ma worn. w gpeier lyos, VTDOW with ona child desires a res pec ta bla position as housekeeper. In or out pi city, box aim?, nee. NURSE wanta position. Harney 49 4. Laundry and Day Work. WHITe laundress wanta washing and Iron Ing to do at homa; can glvo references; work dona reasonable. 2632 Chicago 84, Call Harney 4173. CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 26C PER PAIR, JayHGEJNaON a, WEBSTER 4722. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ater 187T. Prompt delivery. DAY worn wanted by experienced colored woman. Tel. Harney 3 sue. RELIABLE colored girl wanta day work Webster 3745. Mies Dunn. Buy die washing and day work. Web, 1745. Miner. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4850. " wnmi ana nice, curtains UOtie. Tvier IMS. rr: 4. -y;rv.. . . -.-r: - - . ' - DAT WORK. Call aftci p, m. M'eb. 6964. Day work, waahlng or cleaning. Wal. 3628. Hundle washing and day work. Web. 3fft3. Vx.. colored lady wants day work. Har. 6758. Holtable. col. lady wants day work. D. 6698 DAT work or house-cleaning, exp. Web. 466T. Cleanlna. dav or hr.'Mrs. Scott. Weh 374R LACE aurtalna neatly done. Colfax 2465. PAY work wanted. Webster : Hotels and Restaurants. GOOD girl for light housework; very good homa to right girl; fair wagea. Phone Harney 4286 or Harney 1268. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. OFFICE CLERK, fine position. 175. Office clsrk, food penman, 166. Office clerk, ynunv men, 161). Elrht alenosraphers, 166 ro fIS. Bookkeeper, good future, 176. THB MARTI CO., 1117 W. O. IT. Bldr. STENOQRArilERS, 166, 78l6; till. BOOKKEEPKRS. (n, 5, 66, ,76. OFFICH CLERKS. 136. 116, 6S, 166, 171. WATTS RBF. CO.. Flrat Kat. Bank Bid,. OFFICE clerk, addlnt machlneTl WESTURN RKFKRENCE A BOND ASS N. BOOKKEEPER, ateady peeltlon must be experienced, state aalary expected. AddrrHs R $01?. Bee. STBSftflRAPHER. hrlcht betlnner. ):!. 1 ESThRN ItEdSnENCE BONO ASS N. HELP WANTED MALE Professions snd Trades. ATTENTION. PAINTERS1 Wanted, In Omaha, 76 painters and paperhangsrs, 67c per hour for conv ptent men. Open shop. Addresa P. O. Box 60S. Omaha, Neb. ELECTRICIANS WANTED, Wanted In Omaha. 60 Inside wlra man who can do conduit work. 60 centa per hour and steady employment for compe tent men; open shop. Addresa P. O. box 602. Omaha. Neb. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reason for the growing popularity ara Bst Reaults and a Rata of le per word. When you want both of tha abova CALL TYLER 1000, YOUNG MEN Bass and piano players' traveling concert orchestra Juna 1; 6:6 per week; car fare. References, experi ence and training. Concert Orchestra, 717 Jones, Sioux 'City, la. WANTED Non-union machinists, m olden, pst tern makers.- bollermakers, machinery blacksmiths. Steady work, good wages. Addreas 600, Central Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. WANTED A good shoemaker at once. A man capable to do anything: steady work for the right man: no boosera need apply. Address Geo. H. Sr briefer, Grand Island, iNeo. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT flour packers wan tea ior sieaay worn; state II marrieO. or single and give references. Address Postoltlce bog 1136, Omaha. WANTED At once, a granite cutter; must be able to handle pneu. tools. Address Stuart Marbla and Granite Worka, Stuart, la. Steady work to right man. LINOTYPE operator, also make-up man; aieaay positions, nay worn, wanted at once. Book and Job work. Hippie Print ing Co., Pierre, 8. D. WANTED A first -class tailor or bushel- man at once; only firat-clana need apply. Economy Cleaners and Pressers, 1443 O St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Ona flrst-clana painter and oa per hanger; good wages to the right man. Address John Demerath. Stanton, Neb. WANTED A flrsl-class phonoaraph me. nhanlc. The Brunawlck-Balke-Collender CO.. 4ft B. 10th St, DRt'O POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-10 City National Bank Bldg. PACKING house foreman, capable taking complete charge beef killing, casing, hides, bones and tallow. Box T 663, Bea. WANTED A first class meat cutter i sausags maker. Tha Washington Market. hot uougias. WANTED General blacksmith, good floor work. M. h. Tobin A Sons, Huron, s. D, LEARN bsrber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglaa ATTENTION, ELECTRICIANS! Keep away from Omaha. Troubla en. RULER for automatic feeder; permanent position, out or city, box J2JT, Baa. WANTED A registered drug clerk. Address WANTED Two good outslas palntsrs. 2646 Dodge Bt. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Permanently, tha most succaaa- ful real aetata. Insurance, specialty or stock salesman In this vicinity. Estab lished company. No aalary nor advanoas. Unusual commissions. Legality and aala ability of securities thoroughly estab lished. Wa hava many representatives making from $600 to $3,000 each month ly. Chas. E. Doddrtdga A Co., Finance aiag., rnuaaeipfiia. ATTENTION, Land Uenl If you ara a live wire and live in southeastern Ne braska or southwestern Iowa, wa hava an attractive proposition for yon selling good land. Write Mld-Weat Land Co.. 1067 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phona Douglas 1166, WANTED Four saleamen to sell a new proposition In city. No merchandise, big money. Something every auto owner wanta. Auto Owners Service Co., 711 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Salesmen to aell Perry auto locks direct to auto owners. Commission and gaurantee, all or part time. National Auto Accessories Co., 86 Brandels Bldg. WANTED 10 good, reliable men a bo are anxtoua to earn big money; positions In tha city or outside towns, C. F. Adams Co., 623 B. 16th St. WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Donglaa 600t. Agents and Canvassers. AOENTS Don't overlook this proposition. Maka $40.00 to $60.00 weakly aura; no axparlenca necessary; selling Ilka wild fire; get In on tha ground floor and be come salea manager, Addresa Salesman agar, Room 208, 11714 N. 16th St., Omaha, Keb. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted for retail ice delivery. wast omana Fuel ana ice Co., 48 M Lraav enworth St. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS, EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand, F.aay to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL. AUTO TRAINING ASSK., , 2817 N. 20th St, Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue, CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining how we teach tha barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, etc.; largest modern equipped barber college in the weet. Holer's, 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Es tablished 1863.) NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autos and electric starters. For particulara call Douglaa 4471 or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. Temporary Address. 407 S. 20th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade; ba Independent; more titan mane your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. BOYS HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. The spring la here when out side work Is most pleasant. Our new spring uniforms have just arrived, wa ara Installing a steam pressing machine, and ex pect to keep our boys looking fresher and baiter than any ona laa on tha street. Wa guarantee $50 per month and most of our hoys maka more. File your ap plies f Ion nownecessary that you hava a bicycle, WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 1331 Farnam St. WANTED BRIGHT SOY BETWEEN 1 OR 17 TEARS. MUST HAVE GOOD HABITS. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT BOY. APPLY AT ONCE, CUD AHY OFFICE, S. SIDE. WANTED Office boy by a large manufac turing concern: must be 16 yeara old; good chance for 'advancement. Give tele phone No. and address with reply. Box sous. rjoe. BOY WANTED--Ve can'use a good, active boy, good worker, light work. Apply to auperintendent, third floor, Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 16th and Howard. WANTED Strong boy. about 18 years, to atart as wrapper and work In wholesale house. Apply at Omaha News Co., l&th and .Davenport, CAN always use boys mho want to work; minimum wage, $1.40 per day. Good chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Several boys, over 16, In our bottling department: good wages, willow Springs Distillery. 4th and Pierce Sts. WANTED Good deliver?- boy, white or colored, with or wllht ut wheel. Blake Drug Co. Webster 704. ERRAND boy, with opportunity to learn to feed press. EUdy Printing Co, zzz see Bldg. BOYS WANTED to learn trade; must be 16 yra. age. Gordon Lawless Co., 6th at Dodge. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Apply at once, make Drug Co. Webster 704. WANTED Boy for deliveries; good chance for advancement. 103 Bee Bldg. WANTED Pin boys, 3 cents per line. Omaha AUeye. 1816 Harney St. STOUT boy to learn trade. Champion Iron W orks, 16th and Jackson, WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. Bath, the Ftorlat, 1R04 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Men IB or o- sr. Railway mall rierkfl. $76 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. :7 B, Rocbeater, N. T. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. WANTED Wa ean use a limited number of man between 21 and 40 yaara of aga aa CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN, Muat ba at least 1 feet 7 Inches tall physically sound, of good character and neon ana muat coma well recommended, Apply In person between tha hours oTt 9 a. m. and 13 o'clock noon al office of Superintendent of Transportation. , Room C06. second floor. Merchants' National name Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. TEAMSTERS LABORERS Wanted by Sunderland Bros. Co. Steady worn, uooa wages, Apply at: South yard. 20th and Hickory Sta. North yard, S4th and Taylor Sta. West yard, 42d and Ixard Sts. WANT frelfht handlers. Union Prin R. Co. freight house. 9th and J ark on Sts.; good wages, steady work and chance ior aavancement. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help we ran supply you. Miurt city Emplov- meni puree u, iip v.. uroaqway. r. 41 WANTED A young man as chauffeur and iw wur i-rouna in garden, ona living at no mo prcicrreq. cox iz&v, oea. WANTED Names men wlahlna to become railway mall clerks. Commence 17ft per munm. ooi I wu, see. WANTED Registered pharmacist, capable management, iveeiy s rnarmacy, Oerlng LABORERS Union Pacific store dept. steady work. Apply Csas St. gate. WANTED Immediately, drug clerk. .lanecek a Fhirmary, Schuyler, Neb. HELP WANTED Male and Female. MARRIED couple ae Janitor and maid; llvlna quarters furnished. 2102 Chicago. Tyler 2S07. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPH ERS AND OFFICE G1RL8. No charge to register here. No need of it. Better come in. We can place you, BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N, BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, auto nrm. fao. Stenographer, mfg. firm, $56-$60. Stenographer, some experience, $40. THB MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER AND STENQ $76 BIBW., UUT OF TOWN $66 CASHIER AND TYPIST $36 THB CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDO. STENOGRAPHER and clerk. $45 WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS N. STENOGRAPHERS, $40T$5b"$667 $75 WATTS REF. CO., First Nat. Bank Bldg. Sea Co-Operattve Reference Co. for com mercial positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent poeltlons, opportun ities for advancement: good wagea. A aalary la paid while learn 1 nr. Parents desiring to acquaint themaelves with the working conditions or any other a taus are especially invited to accom pany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 160T Douglaa St GIRLS wanted, light, cheerful work room, good pay; power sewing machines. Apply to floor lady on third floor, Scott-Omaha WANTED Girl for factory labor Apply Skinner Mfg. Co., 14th and Jackson. LEARNbarber trade. 140j Dodge St. Household and Domestic. WANTED A thoroughly experienced maid for general housework; no washing or Ironing; must be a good cook and have references. Apply Mra. John Madden, $06 S. 36th St. WANTED Competent- girl for general housework, small family, good homelike place, good wages. 1326 So. list St. Har- ney 1546. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, where laundress Is kept; best wages. Call Harney 667. 4161 Daven port Bt, WANTED A good white girl for general housework; no washing or cooking, good nmitvm. lbii uaa, a. aotn Ave. Har. 45 7 3. WANTED Good girl for general housework; in lanarlnr kA . a , mm ij . van nainut ibv, WANTED Good girl for general housework immeaiaieiy; gooa wages; no laundry worn; ajso a monin. walnut 2681 WANTED A good girl for general hoiiae- wor wnere eecgna gin is Kept. Mrs, J. a. Bunaeriand, Walnut JfZ. WANTED A good girl to do light house work, small family; no washing. Call Tyler 2146-W. WANTED An experienced seccond girl. Mrs. C. T. Kountxa, 3926 Dewey Ave, Harney 224. COMPETENT girl for general housework: no washing; good wagea. Mra. R. C. Peters. Walnut 1710. WANTED A young girl to assist with the housework, 14$ H. lid St, Mra. Geo. Suchart. WANTED Immediately, good maid for gen eral housework; family of three. 109 No. 83d St. WANTED Competent cook, white preferred. Appiy fja go. tn Ave. Tel. Harney 674. MAID for general housework, who can go """" l"l. ll IIIUrilIHgal. IT HI, 410 QIBL to assist with general housework; no cooking, no laundry work. Hnrney 2208, GOOD girl to do housework, three In faimly. m a. gam at. uau Harney 43S. WANTED An experienced second maid. Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Harney 316. TO WORKING girl, board and room as at tendant evenings. Douglas 7161. COMPETENT white cook; three in family. uui a. asm at. Harney 300. RELIABLE girl to assist with housework. 116 S. JJd St. Walnut 1071. FOREIGN girl or woman to assist with light houaework. Douglas 6203. GIRL for general housework; no cooking, no iamiiy waaning. Harney 314V. WANTED A girt for general housework. Harney :68. 3663 Jackson St. ANTED Young girl to help with general housework. Call S. 985. WANTED Ctrl for general housework, no waahlng. good wagea. Call Walnut 392. WANTED A second girl in a private board ing nous. u is. ism. WANTED Good nurse girl. Call Walnut laiH. Hotels and Restaurants, WANTED At once, neat aoDearlna a-lrl for floor and counter work. Apply In per son. Lincoln Inn. WANTED Experienced dkhwasher i Home, Restaurant, 111 5 Farnam. WANTED At oifte, experienced waitress. Home Restaurant. 1216 Farnam. WANT ED Experienced waitress. restaurant. 601 N. 16th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Girls, colorfd preferred. Omaha raper biock co., ista and Marcy. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Kvery day la enrollment day. Book keeping,, shorthand, stenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1595. 18th and Hsrney Sta. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 230. Douglas 6890. Y. M. C A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. BEST RESULTS A FA?n RATE. The reasons for the grom-lng popularity ara Beat Reauita alfd a Rate of lo per word. When you want both of the abova CALL TYLER 1000. FURN. or mi fur. rooms, single or ennulte: wanting dtat. and good trana. web. 7814. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, RiOU HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire smong these ads rail at Tha Bea office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If mora convenient phone Tha Bea Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to jou at once. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. IF YOU want a largo, pleasant room In the Hanacom Park district, just a nsir block to csr line and only a 26-mlnuta walk to 16th and Farnam Sts. Call Har ney 1461. Breakfast served If desired. FOR RENT Now Is your rham-e to get a good room, with first-class board; high and sightly and plenty of fresh air at Irving, 2103 Leavenworth St. Tyler 1419. NICE, cool, comfortable room for one or two gentlemen; in private family; all modern; walking distance; just tha placa for summer; reasonablej Harney 4100. LARGE front parlor, rfean and nicely fur nished ; alio two completely furnished semi-basement rooms; reasonable, 311 S. 26th St. PLEASANT south room, private family, Vi cinity of two hospitals; very quiet; prefer gentlemen; reasonable; close in. Doug. FOR RENT 21)04 Florence Blvd., larBie, airy room, beautifully located : private family; home privileges; prefer nurses. Web. 1433. 2602 ST. MARY'S AVE Strictly modern room, private family, walking distance, reasonable. Phone Douglas 1377. FRONT room In new flat, clean rooms, goad bed. plenty of hot water and beard U de sired. 2124 Douglaa. NICELY furnished, well kept, front room, modern and walking distance.'' 2717 Jaclt- Harney tfi. LINCOLN Apartments. 2102 Chicago St.. furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2H07. ST. MARY'S AVE.. 2f63 Two nicely fur- nlnhed modern front rooms; gaa range. Doug. 4432. LARGE, beautiful furnished J -room suits. private family; references. 3026 Daven port St. 3119 CALIFORNIA Two furnished rooma. modern, nice yard, reaaonable. Harney 4001. SLEEPING rooms, $1 to 12 i block froti car line. 2212 Web. 1280. ler week; ona N. 19th St., FURNISHED flrst-tlasa room and board, one or two gentlemen, Hanscom Park dis trict. Harney 1208. PLEASANT south room, fine for summer. suit Able for one person; very reasonable. 2047 Dodge St. NICE, clean; any furnished room In new Apt., close In. 410 Sweetwood Ave. Doutf. f a a h . 2611 DEWEY Two large, airy, soutll rooms; alt modern, cool for summer; reasonable. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms and one housekeeping apartment. Douglas 8S23. NICE clean modern sleeping and house- Keeping rooms. 619 So. 26th St. MODERN room for two. with breakfast; on car line. Webster 268?. 131 N. 31ST AVE. Desirable room; fine lo cation, Harney liss. 2114 CHICAGO Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. Douglas 8378. NICE rooms, $2 per week and up. 1915 uapuoi Ave. FURNISHED room. 2526 Dodge St. Housekeeping Rooms. 3-r66m cottage apartment for rent, suit able ror man and wire; all modern con veniences; In quiet private home; reason -able; walking distance. 2353 Harney tH. TWO suites of nice, clean, light housekeep ing rooms, new furniture; also single sleeping rooms, close in, walking dls tance. 2680 Harney St. Red 8298. Housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms a specialty; reasonable prices: close In. THE JAUVIS ROOMS, Phone Doug. 7056. 701-3 S. 16th St. ONE suite ot furnished housekeeping rooms wun gas range, laundry room, etc.; close In. 410 Sweetwood Ave. Phone Doug. 74oH. LARGE, beautiful furnished 3 -room suite, private family, very quiet; cloae In. Doug. 6113. 3026 Davenport St. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, wanting instance. Harney zszg Cap itol Ave. ONLY five minutes from 16th and Farnam, parlor room, with kitchenette, 2007 St. Mary's. :013 WEBSTER Nicely furnlahed suite or single housekeeping rooma, walking dis tance. 614 N. 21ST Light housekeeping rooms, wanting qistance; reasonable. Doug. 651.;. 2114 CHICAGO Two front rooms, nicely rumisneq ror houatkeeplng. Doug. 9378. THREE furnished; modern, pleasant, cool; adults, walnut 3270. 4229 Harney St. TWO nice housekeeping! rooms, reasonable. electricity, gas range. ZS2Z Farnam. TWO rooms, furnished -for light housekeep ing, ib month, call Webster 3031. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms at CIS io. zotn Bt. Phone Doug. 7630. NICE clean outside room for light house- aeeping. 1721 Davenport. SUITE OF ROOMS, nicely furnished, close i. aala Douglas. 1611 Howard, hk. and sleep, rms. Stm. heat.. 1609 CALIF. Hk. and sleep, rms. Reas'ble. OR 6-ROOM modern Date. Red 4819. Board and Room. TO WORKING girl, board and room as at- tenoant evenings. Douglas 7163. BOARD and room in private home, reason able. 604 So. 35th St. Harney 6164. BOARD and room, J6 and up; at St. James hotel. 41 G S. 13th. Hotels. ROOMS, $2 wk.; apta. with kitchenette. Steam heated. Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Two or three light housekeeping rooma; modern; furnished or unfurnished; near St. Berchman's academy. Best of references. Box 3088, Bee. s FOR RENT FURNISHED .Apartments, FURNISHED APARTMENT, 26TH AND HARNEY. T have a beautifully furnished apart ment In the "Llmvood" for rent on tha 16th, also one unfurnished. These con sist of 4 large rooma and bath. Every thing new and nifty. Rent, unfurnished, $40.00 In summer; furnished, $50.00. B. B. JOHNSTON. Doug. 3393. FIREPROOF-FL'RNISHED Close In, ever convenience, Dest service, catering only to people of refined tastes. Summer rate. W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1633. APARTMENTS, all biaes and prices, splendid location. 2un and Farnam. D. 1472. FOR RENT HOUSES West. SIX ROOMS and bath, all modern: walking distance; adults only. Harney 2049. DUNDEE 7-room house, all modem, neat Farnam car. walnut 1.558. 2;17 HARNEY ST. 9 - nil., all modern house, iars;e nacn yara. uoug. m. North. 1 S3 4 N. 2 1ST ST., 7 rooms, mod. ex. ht., $11. 4a:!!i Maple St., flee, it,, gas, 7 rooms, $18. 4016 N. 26th, mod. ex. heat, 4 rooms, $16, 2310 N. 22d, modern 6-rooin apt., $36. 1821 Miami, 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat, $16. BIO 4 RtiALTY CO., 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 3436. $23.00 7 -room modern house: newly dee orated and papered. 2516 Caldwell St. SCOTT & HILL CO., McCague Bldg. Douglas 100$. FOR RENT 7-room house. 2527 Charloj St., .modern eicept heat. Inquire at 2623 Charles St. SEVEN-ROOM house, all modern: walking distance.- 3723 Cuming. Phone Har. 3692, 8-ROOM house, all modern, with large barn. 813 No. 27th Ave. Phone Harney 3692. 8-ROOM bungalow, story and half, all mod ern; $26. 1712 N. 28th St. Red 1881. CLOSE-IN 6 -room and batb, all modern, 411 N. 37th Ave.; 130. Harney 1769. PHONE Walnut 1375 for 8-rm. mod. house. 1813 North C4th St. 126. 7-ROOM modern house. 2436 Parker. i-ROOM house. Webster 671, South CLOSK IN. ISO. 116 So. 24th Si., 9-r., strictly all modern. ULOVER 4 SPAIN. Realtors, Dougtns 39fi:v. 919-20 City Nat. Bank. 1320 S. UTH ST., water, el. light, gas, i rooms, $20, BIG 4 REALTY OO., i V lOlfi-16 W. O. W. Bldr .. Don. IU4