Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 17, Image 17

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Emergency Shower the Latest.
April shower for the bride are not
the damp dismal affairs that the words
suggest. In truth they are not the
effusions of Jupiter Pluvius, but in
the modern sense parties at which
iriends of the bride-to-be unite in
pouring into her delighted hands vari
ous tokens of their affection which
:r.ay prove useful to her in her new
position as matron of a house.
Some people have been accused of
priving showers for mercenary reasons.
Not long ago a dear middle-aged
madame threw up her hands in holy
horror over a shower which she had
attended. "Why," said she, "they
didn't ask intimate friends of the
young bride; they invited everybody,
irom the young people up to me, just
o see how much they could get I"
Serious charge 1
Some showers, however, are de
lightful and acceptable to all con-
ccrned. One of these affairs wis
the novel shower given by Miss Helen
Clifton last evening after her dinner
party in honor of Miss Dorotha
Skriver. You have heard of kitchen
and tin showers, miscellaneous and
fancy-work showers, linen showers
and apron showers, but have you ever
heard of an emergency shower? And
what do you think an emergency
shower is? Nota gift of gauze, ban
dages, court plaster and medicine for
the emergency drug case, but a shower
tor the emergency shelf of the pan
Pantries are put in modern houses,
are they not? The guests brought
bottles of pickles and jams and jel
lies in great number, so that for some
tune after the bride is in her new
home when friends call for tea on a
Sunday evening she need not fret,
for safely tucked away on the shelf
will be these emergncy supplies.
ft - Jm
."' v jji Vj
Wedding Anniversary Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harris will
give a large dinner party at the
Blackstone this evening in honor of
their twenty-fifth anniversary. An
electric fountain in the center of the
table will be massed with purple
sweet peas and yellow jonquils, and
purple candles will also be used.
Events of the Day.
Miss Katherine Thummel enter
tained seventy guests at tea from 4
to 6 o'clock in honor of Miss Mary
Burkley, a May bride, and Mrs. Har
old Blomfield-Brown of Honolulu,
who is making an extended visit in
the city. Sweet peas of various col
ors were arranged in a large bowl on
the tea table and lavender unshaded
candles completed the decorations.
Women of St. Peter's parish will
give a card party at Metropolitan hall
this evening. The president, Miss
Cassie Riley, will be assisted by
twenty hostesses.
About fifty-eight guests will be
present at the Omaha-Peru club ban
quet and reunion at the Young Wo
men's Christian association this eve
ning. Miss Katherine Gould and Miss
Ruth Anderson gave a pretty lunch
eon at the home of the former in
honor of Miss Gertrude Aikin and
Mrs. Warren Howard. Five small
tables, seating four guests each, were
set. The tables were decorated with
basket of sweet peas tied with bows of
pink tulle. Single kewpies marked
the places of all the guests, except
at the table of the bride and the bride-to-be.
There the bride and groom
kewpies were place cards.
Mrs. Leonard Everett gave a small
luncheon at her home in Council
Bluffs for her guest, Mrs. Everett.
Mrs. Ralph Kiewit had an informal
afternoon kensington in hotfor of
Mrs. Clem Waldron of Beach, N. D.
when seven members of the Rolye
club were the guests.
Thursday evening Miss Mae O'Brien
will entertain at bridge. The illness
of Miss Welch's mother, Mrs. Edward
Welch, may cause change in the ar
rangements for the wedding dinner,
which was to have been given Friday
evening By tne bride s parents.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. Jay Morgan entertained the
Delta Whist club at luncheon Thurs
day at her home. A basket of laven
der, sweet peas and pink roses formed
the centerpiece and corsage bouquets
of sweet peas were the favors. Three
tables were placed for the game and
Mrs. Morgan held the high score. The
next meeting of the club will be with
Mrs. L. W. Jaynes Mav 3.
Judge and Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh
entertained at dinner last evening in
honor of Miss Gertrude Aikin, and
their son, Willard, whose marriage
will be an event of the next week.
Decorations were in pink and white
roses with bridal place cards. Covers
were laid for the five members of
the bridal party and for Miss Grace
Slabaugh, Mr. Grant McFayden and
Mr. George Engler.
Social Affairs Planned.
In honor of Miss Anna Welch,
whose marriage to Mr. Joseph Mullin
will take place next Saturday, many
parties have been given and are to be
?;ven next week. Saturday afternoon
Miss Marie Foley is entertaining at
bridge; Monday Mrs. John D. Weir
ill be hostess at a luncheon at the
Rlackstone; the same evening Miss
Katherine Sullivan will have a bridge;
Miss Evelyn McCaffrey has invita
'.ions out for a bridge Tuesday after
noon; Mrs. Harry Welch will give
jnother bridge party in the evening;
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Will
Schopp will be the bridge hostess, and
Surprise for Bachelors.
Six young bachelors w.ho recently
moved into their new quarters at
Thirty-sixth and Harney streets.
which they have named "The House
of Hope." Messrs. Grant and Temple
Mchavden. Herbert Hammond,
Walter and Harry Byrne and Taylor
Belcher, were given a surprise party
Wednesday evening by twenty of their
friends, who brought along refresh
ments, the evening was spent in
taking flashlight pictures and in danc
Social Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller have
given up their home and are with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Miss Katherine wewbranch was
elected to the honorary journalistic
fraternity, Theta Sigma Phi, at the
State university.
Mrs. Daisy van scoy arrived in
Omaha Tuesday from Ord. Neb-
where she has been visiting her father
and' mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mehsny,
for several weeks. She will go to
Chicago soon' for a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Robert Gillam, for
merly Miss Edyth Van Scoy of
Omaha, and Mr. Gillam. On her re
turn he will stop with Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan jjavis in Marshalltown. la.
Alpha Phi alumnae in the city who
left this morning for Lincoln to at
tend the Alpha Phi sorority banquet
this evening and the annual Nebraska
alumnae meeting tomorrow are: Mes-
dames E. B. Drake, Merrill Rohr-
bough, William Locke, Charles
Wright and Miss Ruth Thompson.
Mrs. O. S. Brooks leaves Sundav
for Portland, Ore., where she will
remain all summer.
Mrs. J. E. White has returned to
her home in Lincoln after a short
visit with her niece, Mrs. F. H,
Miss Erma Jones is confined to her
home with an attack of scarlet fever.
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Laier are
now in Excelsior Springs, where they
win dc joined soon Dy Mr. ana Mrs.
Jack Sharpe.
Two More Gifts of
$500 Each Added
To Y, W.Camp Fund
Two gifts to the Young Women's
Christian association fund were made
by Mrs. G. A. Roberts and the Gen
eral Manderson estate. Nine $500
pledges have been made, conditional
on the raising of ten subscriptions
for that amount.
Mrs. John C. Wharton, Mrs. E. W.
Nash, Ward Burgess. M. E. Smith
company, George Hoagland, Ne
braska Telephone company and an
unnamed person are the other donors.
With $233.05 added to the fund
Thursday, the total is brought up to
$14,975,97. Twenty thousand dollars
is required to purchase the desired
tract, the old South Omaha Country
Butter from California
Weakens Chicago Prices
Chicago, April 20. Chicago, said
to be the center of the greatest dairy
district in the country, was treated
to a rarity today when butter from
California made its appearance on
Southwater street attracted by high
prices. It did its bit along with mild
spring weather to weaken prices.
Newest Novelty Boots
A New York authority on styles
says: "High boots in light shades
for summer have proved so prac
tical and stylish that they are in
demand more than ever, this
spring." Those we are showing
are absolutely authentic in style,
unequaled for wearing qualities
and especially appealing in rea
sonableness of price.
Priced From $6.00 up
For the Modest Purse
The coat-of-all-wear for the spring and summer;
it is of blue, green or gold cheviot, with pouch
pockets stitched for trimming. For softness of
color and line near the face, there is a well fitting
over-collar of white broadcloth. The sailor hat
of lisere straw with a trimming of faille silk may
be had in any color.
Just the trim little suit that has the very spirit
of the spring is this of wool poplin. The skirt
has fulness in the back under a belt, and the belt
of the coat can be drawn in to fit any figure.
Beige, navy or Copenhagen blue; hat with lisere
straw crown and peanut straw brim, all one color,
or natural peanut straw brim with crown any
Parisian's "End" May Be Hear, and
Are Fighting Off "Wreckers," To The Last!
Ammunition (Stocks), Still Plentiful Enough
tor i Victory (Complete Close-Out)
Don't let ANY ONE tell you
that stocks here are too
small for selection. To tell
the truth, sold down as we
are, there STILL remains
enough of a supply to com
pletely fill an ordinary suit
shop. You see, the stock
here was SO immense orig
inally. And, besides, we are
daily uceivin NEW ship
ments of attire that was
ordered BEFORE we re
ceived notice of the early
destruction of this building.
We Already Hear
the Honitv Fnnf.
Suits, now at.
Suits, now at.
Suits, bow at.
Suits, bow at.
Suits, bow at.
Suits, bow at.
Suits, bow at.
Suits, bow at.
. .$16.75
. .$23.75
. .$31.75
. .$34.75
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
bow at.
.$ S.7S
Drossoa, bow at .
Drosses, bow at.
Drosses, bow at.
Drosses, now at .
Drosses, now at.
Drosses, bow at.
Drosses, now at.
Drosses, aaw at.
$ 8.75
$ 6.78 Skirts, bow at. . .$
$ 7.50 Skirts, bow at. . .$
$ 8.50 Skirts, bow at. . .$
$10.00 Skirts, bow at. . .$
$12.50 Skirts, bow at. . .$
$15.00 Skirts, bow at... $10.95
PRICE Upon a Lot of 100 VERY
SELECT. Superbly Tailored
The Values Range to $25.00
Choice new Serges, Poplins and Gabardines, many
in the prevailing new Empire back models, belted
effects, etc. Shades are entrancing. It's a lot of
100 suits ordered made up just before we received
notice to vacate the building. If you seek a Spring
Suit and have an eye to economy and style
make the most of these on SATURDAY, for there
will most likely be NONE left Monday.
$4.95 Petticoats, now at. .$3.88
$5.98 "Klosfits," now at. .$4.88
$3.95 Petticoats, now at. .$2.88
3I8-30'S2 . 16 ST.
Littlte Girl Awakens to
Find Negro Near Her Bed
Fannie Lcvinson, aged 10 years, was
dreaming at 4 o'clock this morning.
She awoke from her dream to find a
black man bending over her.
The girl screamed and awoke her
mother. Mrs. Levinson shouted for-
help and the negro leaped out of the
window and got away.
Although police scoured the neigh,
borhood no trace of the daring in
truder was found. They had only a
meager description a short, stockily
built negro with a very ugly face.
The Levinson girl was not unduly
excited hy the incident.
Aluminum Ware Purchase
on Special Sale Tomorrow and for This One Day Only
At the Union Outfitting Company
16th and Jackson Streets.
Vamco Ware-Made of Pure Aluminum.
Many months ago we placed a large order for an immense
shipment of this splendid high grade Aluminum Ware. It would
be simply impossible for us to offer these goods at the prices
mentioned below if it were not for the fact that these goods were
ordered over six months ago. Come to this big sale and supply
your present as well as your future needs and, as always, you
make your own terms.
Our Big Buying Power Enables Ua to Make the
Lower Prices
Pots, with
Vamco Ware
Made of
Sale Price.
07C Seven-Cup Vamco Ware, made .
of Pure Aluminum; QQn
sale price OUC
Berlin Kettles
Vamco 'Ware, made of Pure
Aluminum, with Alminum cover
and heavy bales; 6-qt.,
sale price
Sauce Pans
Vamco Ware, made of Pure
Aluminum, six-qt, with Alumi
num Cover; sale QQ-
This B i g Aluminum
Ware Sale for One Day
Only, Saturday, April 21.
Double Cookers,
Vamco Ware,
Made of
Pure Aluminum;
Sale Price, 89c
Our Inexpensive Location Enables Us to Make the
Lower Prices
Saturday Furniture Values
Large Assortment of Porch and
Lawn Furniture at Low Prices
Large Porch Swings
Like illustration, made of solid
oak, complete with chains for
hanging; our OJJ
price J 1 00
See Our Large Line of Reed
Porch Furniture
Large 4-Pastenger
Lawn Swings
Just like illustration; strong
ly made and bolted; holds
four passengers; just the
thing for the children or
grown-ups; our QC
Sao Our Bit
Lines of Go-Carts
Folding Lawn Settees
Just like illustration, with slat
ted seat and back; strongly
made; folds com
pactly; our price. . OOC
i Sulkies With Hood
Just like illustration, fold com
pactly with one motion; full
steel construction, rubber tire
wheels; our price, QfJ
Garden and House
hold Specials
Folding ladder stools,
cut, 75c.
Five-foot step ladders, 6Sc
Spading forks, our price, 59c.
Garden Rakes, good quality,
tor Z4e.
Garden Hoes, strong blades,
tor Z4c.
50-foot lengths molded gar
den hose, guaranteed for '
the season; complete with
couplings, our pru:e,S4.93.
Save your own and the
family's health by getting
one of our sanitary re
frigerators. Large lines to
select from and at prices
n lz $8.5c
Preserving K
Made of K
Aluminum, 5?
with heavy JflJ
Eight-quart, jjjj
89c 8