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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1917)
V- THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1917. IS BRINGING I WAITED TO TELL -TOO THAT I'M WOKlM FOR' K TRFFT r is I DlO Osct -I TRIED TO OPEN fO UKE TO AbK TOU A QUE.bTlON - OO TOO BELIEVE IN ETT1N,UP TO iWEL A LADY A tiEAT I NEVER HAD A.tEAT IN A XXJR OFFICE TODrVY- CAR. - "- , ' SOtirVw ) ii -jwrsr t t nkfcir w i -. i a. .. i m i UP TOO- J '"J WOFOR- ACWvflN0Qw BELIEVE WCETTINCOP' fTUM ' 111 m I X . N f I n fi -3 wrpTriB I , . I. I Tr swie v t rv,... .. r 1 I I .. FATHER f. y ' 1'T y Drawn for The Bee by George McManus OMAHA DEFEATED BY GRIZZLY RALLY Single ly Oakes, Triple by Butcher and Single by Mills Turn Trick. SIX TO TIVE FOR BEARS Denver, Colo., April 20. After two men were put, a single by Oakes, a triple by Butcher, who led the West ern league in batting last year, and a single by Mills enabled Denver to score two runs in the last half of the ninth, overcoming a lead Omaha es tablished in the first inning and win ning. Score: OMAHA. AB. It. H. PO. A. E. Bin, 2b 4:2031 Trelan. 2b 2 10 2 3 1 Thompson, cf . . . R 1 6 0 fl King, 8 0 1 5 0 Smith, lf....i... 4 0 1 1 IK t Brotten, c 3 1 1 4 0 0 Brokaw. lb 1 0 1 10 1 Lyck, It 4 0 2 1 l ' II O'Toole, p 4 0 0 1 1 t Totals 30 6 10 "2 12 2 AB. R. Wufflel, b 6 0 Kelleher, M S 0 Oattj ct 6 1 Butcher, If. 5 1 Mills, lb 6 1 Hartman, rf 4 0 Slianley. 2b 4 1 Shestak, 0 4 2 McCoy, p 0 O Harrington, p... 4 0 H. PO. A. B. Total ...41 12 27 1! t Two oat when winning runs icored. Omaha 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 Denver 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 J Left on bases: Omaha, Denver, f. Two-base hits: Mills, Shestak, Burg. Three base hit: Butcher. Home runs: Brottem, Shestak. Bases on balls: Oft McCoy, 2: off Harrington, 7. Struck out: By Har rington, 4: by O'Toole, 2. Hits: Off O'Toole, 13 in nine Innings: off McCoy, a and 4 runs in two and one-third Innings; off Harrington. 7 and 1 run In eight and one-third Innings. Sacrifice fly: Krug. .Sacrifice hit: Brottem. Double play: Shanley to Mills, t.olen bases: THompson. lrelan, Brokaw. Tims of game: Two hours and five minutes. Umpires: McGUvrayand Miller. Lincoln Loses to Joplin In Opening Game of Season Joplin, Mo., April 20. A triple by Collins, a recruit catcher, scored two men in the eighth inning and enabled Joplin to defeat Lincoln in the open ing game. 5 to 3. Hall was wild and Lincoln filled the bases in the ninth, but lacked ability to hit in the pinch. Score: sLINCOLN. JOPLIN. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. C'ltilVl 8 0 0 0 OOvore.lf 6 12 0 0 SmiUUb 3 13 3 lC'h'no,3b 3 10 10 Byles8,cf 4 110 Dalton,cf 8 8 3 0 Lober.rf 8 12 1 OH' .2 1 11 0 0 3 1 2 llloran.rf 4 0 10 0 Holmoa 0 0 0 0 OL'd' 2 14 8 1 ' Butler. 5 2 8 2 OHoche.Sb 2 112 1 Lamb, 3 b 2 0 0 6 Cllonroe.c 0 0 110 Block 0 0 0 0 0Colllns,c 8 14 0 0 Hohrer.o 6 17 1 (ISanders.p 2 0 0 2 0 Gregory. P 4 10 6 lMG'ner,o 0 0 0 0 0 Hall.p 1 0 0 3 0 Total 32 S 24 II 8 To tali 2? 8 27 12 2 Batted for Griffin In ninth. Batted for Lamb In ninth. Batted for Sanders in fifth. Lincoln .. 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 8 Joplin 0 0101 103 6 Two-base hits: Davore, Cochrane, Roche. Three-base hits: Collins, Smith. Left on hascs: Lincoln, 13; Joplin, 8. - Sacrifice hits: Holmes, Cochrane, Roche, Dal ton, Smith. Stolen bases: Lober, Grlfftn. Hits and earned runs: Off Sanders, 6 and 1 In lx Innings; off Hall, 3 and 1 in three in nings; off Gregory, 8 and 4 In nine Innings. Bases on bulls: Off Gregory, 7; off San ders. 3; off Hall. 6. Struck out: By Gregory, 4; by Sanders, 8; by Hall, 1. Hit y pitched ball: By Sanders (Lamb), Passad balls: Rohrer. Collins (2). Um pires; Shannon and Flllman, Military-Training Will Be Given Sioux City Team Sioux City, la., April 20. Military training for the base ball players of the Sioux City Western league team was announced by E. J. Hanlon, presi dent of the club. Mr. Hanlon has arranged with Ser geant Charles A. Butler, army re cruiting officer in Sioux City, to drill he squad each afternoon when the team is playing a home series from 2 to 2:30 o'clock. American AsMcuUion. At Columbus: R. H. E. Indianapolis ...0 0000200 0 2 7 0 Columbus 1 1103002 " 8 10 1 Batteries: Xlogge, Caweon and Gossett, Schang; Kahler and Coleman. Rain at other points. SATURDAY 100 dandy French Briar Pipes with straight or curved genuine Ambrole bits. These are 75c sellers the world over. Tracy's special price for Saturday TRACY BROS. CO., Distributors for Te Be Ce The Best 5c Cigar. 1415 Douglas Street. Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. NAT. LEAGUE. W. I Pet. VT. U Pet. Denver ... 3 0 MflOIVew York.. 6 1 .714 it. Joseph. 3 0 1.000t. Louis.. I 3 .7 foplln .... 1 0 ,67l?htcago ... 6 4 .666 iloux City. 2 1 .333'Boaton .... 8 8 .714 A'lchlta ..13 .00nhlla 8 4 .439 O. Moines. 0 2 .0001 Pittsburgh S 7 .300 Lincoln ..0 1 ,f)003rooklyn , 1 6 .143 Dmah ... 0 3 .000 Cincinnati 6- I .000 AMER LEAGUE. I AIMER? ASS N. Chicago 6 2 .760lnd'polls... 8 3 .800 Boston ... 6 2 .71 4' Kan. City.. 4 8 .467 Cleveland. 4 4 .S71Loulflvllle . 6 8 .667 New T'k.. 4 2 .6671 Milwaukee. 4 1 .00 St. Louis.. 4 4 .SOOIMlnn'roIls. 3 2 .600 Wanh't'n . 2 6 .286'Columbus . 4 6 .400 Detroit ... 3 .a&otroledo .... I 8 .111 Phila'phla. 3 6 ,376st. Paul ..0 .000 Garnet Today. Western League Omaha, at .Wlehlta, Sioux City at Joplin, Dea Moines at Denver, Lincoln at St. Joseph. National League Boston at New York, Brooklyn at Philadelphia, Chicago at Pitts burgh, Cincinnati at St, Louis. American League St. Louis at Chicago, Detroit at Cleveland, Boston at Philadelphia, Washington at New Tork. American Association Indianapolis at Columbus, Louisville at Toledo, Milwaukee at Minneapolis, Kansas City at St. Paul. Yesterday's Results. "WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha. 6; Denver, 6. Sioux City, 3; Wichita, 8. Des Motnes-St. Joseph, cold. Lincoln, 3; Joplin, 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boston, 4; New Tork, 8. Brooklyn, 3; Philadelphia, 4. Chicago, 1; Pittsburgh, 6. Cincinnati, 6, BL Louis, 7. AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louis, 3: Chicago, 6. Detroit, 7; Cleveland. 4. Washington, 4; Philadelphia, t. New York-Boston, rain. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis, 3; Columbus, 8. Rain at other points.. Three Hits in Tenth Frame Give Sioux Win Over Wichcs Wichita, Kan., April 20. Three hits in the tenth ining after two men had been retired netted Sioux City two runs and enabled them to win the first extra inning game of the season from Wichita, 3 to 2. Score: SIOUX CITY. TNCHITA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Ollm're.lf t 1 3 0 0O'dwin,2b 6 13 10 Cooney.2b BOSS 0 2 f 0 C'n'ly,3b 4 0 1 0 (17 0 0 Wats'n.rf 4 S 2 0 OCoy.rf 4 0 10 0 4 1 12 0 0H'tllng,2b t 0 0 0 6 S 1 2 4 12 10 4 110 OW'shb' 4 0 i 0 0 Crosby.e S 0 1 ORapps.a 2 1 11 1 0 T'd'sco.p 4 0 0 4 OBaker.p 3 10 2 1 Yaryan 110 0 0 Totals.. SI 0 2013 1 Batted (or Baker In tenth. Sioux City 100000000 22 Wichita 000000001 12 Two-base htta: Jones, Watson, Mets. Three base hits: Watson, Goodwin. Sacrifice hits: Watson, Baker, Henry. Double plays: Te dlsco to Itader to. Mets. Stolen bases: Gil more, Crosby, Watson. Bases on balls: Off Baker, 3; off Tedlsco, 2. Struck out: By B&ker, 11; by Tedlsco, 4. Earned runs: Wichita, 2; Sioux City, Jl. Left on bases: Wichita, 0; Sioux Clay, 10. Umplro: Jacob,. Time: 2:25. Pugilist Arrested on . Manslaughter Charge Cleveland, O., April 20. Dido Angelo, 20 years, pugilist, known in the ring as Jimmy Berry, was put un der arrest and will be arraigned in police court today charged with man slaughter, following the death of Luke Ginley, who was knocked out by Angelo in the eighth round of a box ing contest here last night. Let U Tailor Your New Suit Don't pay $30 for the very same suit we are tailoring to order for $15. Over 600 styles to select from. The season's very latest creations. Place Your Order NOW! )umie N. W. Cor. 13th and Harn.y. PIPE SALE P$15 49c f BRAVES WHIP THE GIANTS INFOURTEEN Smith Weakens in Last Bound and Boston Carries Off the Game by Two -Four. U. S. FLAG GIVEN NEW YORK New York, April 20. New York lost to Boston today in a brilliant fourteen-inning game, 4 to 2. It was a splendid pitchers' battle. Smith, a former Columbia pitcher, weakened in the fourteenth, when singles by Mas sey and Collins and a pass to Konetchy filled the bases, j. Smith forced Massey at the plate, but Kelly's single sent in Collins and Konetchy with the winning run. Before the game a large floral American flag was presented to the Giants by the Lambs' club, Digby Bell, the actor, making the presentation. The game was preceded by a parade by three men impersonating the spirit of 1776. The Boston team, led by manager oiaitings, gave a snort mili tary drill. Score: BOSTON. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E AB.H.O.A.E. tl' 6 115 OBurns.lf 6 3 2 0 1 Masaey.Zb fi. 1 2 7 lHcrsog,2b 0 2 0 10 Balley.rf 6 10 1 Oftob's'n.rf 5 0 2 0 0 Collins 1 1 0 0 0Z'me'n,3l S 0 3 3 0 Wllholt.rf 0 0 10 OFlt'ch' 5 0 2 3 0 Magee.lf 4 12 0 4 0 10 1 K' 5 1 10 2 4 1 20 1 0 I.S'lth.Sb (10 5 OUcCarty.c 3 15 2 0 0 15 0 O'Murray 0 0 0 0 0 lowdy.c 0 0 6 2 ORarldcn.c 2 0 6 2 0 Ragan.p 3 111 Oresreau.p 2 112 0 'Chap'Ilo 1 0 0 0 0?.Rmlth.p 1 0 0 3 0 Nehf.p 10 11 0'Thorpe 1 0 0 0 0 Lobcrt 1 0 0 0 0 Total... 41 0 42 24 1 . Totals.. 15 6 12 23 2 Batted for Bailey In the fourteenth. Batted for Ragan in th. tenth. Ran for McCarty in the eighth. Batted for Tesrcau In the eighth. Batted for O. Smith In the fourteenth. Boston 0 011000000000 24 New York.,..0 010000010000 02 Two-basa hit: Herzog. Three-base hit: Konetchy. Home run: Ragan. Stolen bases: Maranvllle, Burns, Keltey. Double plays: Massey to Smith to Maranvllle, Maranvllle to Konetchy. Bases on balls: Off Tesreau, 2; off a. Smith, 1; off Rsgan, 2. Hits: Off Teereau, 4 In eight innings; oft Ragan, 6 In nine innings, titruck out: By Teereau, 6; by O. Smith, 6; by Ragan, 2: by Nehf, 2. Umpires: Byron and Qulg ley. Phlb Overcome Dodgers. Philadelphia. April 2. A home run by Cravath. which bounced into the left field bleachers In the eighth gave Philadelphia a victory over Brooklyn today, 4 to 3. Alexan der and Cheney were given aplendld sup port. Before the game there was a flag raising and a drill by three companies of United 8tates marines. Score: BROOKLYN. PHILADELPHIA.. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 0 4 0 3 10 0 0 4 19 0 3 116 0 4 0 S 0 4 110 0 Wheat.lf 2 1 10 OLudrue.lh '1' ' " 3tengel.rC 3 12 0 o:'ravth,rf 4 2 0 0 0 Cutshw.2b 4 0 0 1 (Slock. 8I 4 0... Mowry,3b 3 0 2 2 ON'lehfr.Sb 3 12 6 0 Mtller.o 4 13 0 OKillirer.c 4 15 11 Cheney.p 3 10 5 OAlexndr.p 3 0 14 0 Totals. .31 6 24 8 1 Totals.. 31 8 27 19 3 Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 02 Philadelphia ...0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 4 Two. base hits: Wheat, Stengel, Bancroft, Cq 1709 Soutl6 St OmaJfaU Stalls Menfe l! J Suits Overcoats Eaeh QaimentWorthtQMorA Men! Select Your New Suit Here Woolens and labor are higher in price than ever before known, nevertheless, Shirley, with a chain of stores extending halt across the continent, with an enormously increased business and correspond ingly large buying capacity, is able to offer everything new and nifty in men's and young men's suits and top coats, 2 50 The NEW Plan of Clothes Selling Accomplished by eliminating every unnecessary expense. No charge accounts with, resulting bad debts; no high salaried floormen or win dow dressers; no reduction sales. The result of all this, we Save You $8 on Each Garment A splendid array of belted backs for the young men, as well as the more conservative models for the older men: Come Saturday and look 'em over. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Sport Calendar Today Ban Ball tied ill mrrtlng of National Federation of Amateur Bas Ball clubs, at Detroit. Rowing University of Pennaytranla vs. lulled tata avl academy, at Annapolis. Bnh Show Annual show of Newark Kennel club, Newark X. J. Track Annnnl relay games at Drake unl Tentlty, l)e Molnew, Kiitgera-fttevens dual meet, at New Hrunswlrk, N. tf. Pennsylvania-Nary dual meet at Annapolis, Md. Cravath, Parkert. I.uderus. Home run: t'ra ath. Stolen banna: Mowrey, Cuishaw. Wheat. Liases on balls: Oft Cheney, 1; off Alex andr, 3. Struck out: By (.'heney, 3; hy Al exander, 4. Umpires: O'Oay and Branadeid. rtratea Trim Cubs. Pitlnburgh, April 20. Pittsburgh defeated (him go today, 6 to 1, due to the good r.'trhlng of Grimes, who held the v I niters to three hits. Demaree was wild. Score: CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Sefder.Sb I 1 0 3 OBtgbee.lf i 1 I 0 0 Wolter.rf 4 0 2 0 OCarey.rf .114 0 0 Doyle, 2 b 3 0 3 1 OSrhulte.rf 8 13 0 0 Mann, If 4 0 4 0 OW.Wagr.c 110 0 0 lYlllms.rf 4 0 4 0 3 1 11 0 0 3 1 11 0 0JUird.3b 4 0 3 4 0 3 0 S 0 Fischer. c 4 0 3 0 0 Kllloit.c 3 111 OKliiR.rf 0 0 10 0 Pern are, p 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 6 1 Farkrd.p 0 0 0 0 0McC'ty,2b 4 13 3 0 'Flack 1 0 0 0 OQrlmes.p 3 0 0 1 0 DoUfls,p 00010 Totals. .31 T 27 13 1 Totals.. 29 3 24 0 0 Batted for Packard tn eighth. Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 littaburgh ....I 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Two-base hit: Zeider. Three-base hit: Big bee. Home run: Htnchman. Stolen bases: Carey, Schulte. Double play: McCarthy to Minchman. Bases on balls: Off Demaree, 4; off Grimes, 2. Hits: Off Demaree, 4 In six end ona-thlrd lnnlngn; off Packard, 8 In two-thirds inning. Struck out: By Packard. 1; by Grimes, 3. Umpires: Rlgler and Orth. Bede Lose to Cardinals. St. Louis. April 30. Three single, three buses- on balls, a hit batter, a sacrifice hit and two errors gave St. Louis sis runs in the first inning today and Cincinnati lost, 7 to 8. Score: CINCINNATI. ST. LOUI8. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 3 0 10 OR'chcr.lf 3 1(00 heau,:!b 4 1 & 4 OUetseUb 3 110 0 Souseh.rf 6 2 3 1 Olong.rf 2 0 0 0 0 6 2 t 1 4 1 10 1 0 3etE,8b 4 10 1 lH' 3 3 3 S 0 Noale.rf 6 110 0'.' 4 2 10 0 4 2 2 2 lf.S'ItlUb 3 1 S 0 1 Wrlngo,e 4 2 4 5 03nyder,c 3 16 11 Jrh'der.p 0 0 0 0 OWatson.p 3 0 0 4 0 Huhn 1 0 0 0 Ames,p 0 0 0 0 0 Rlng.p 3 0 0 S 0 Griffith 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 27 I 27 li 2 Totals 37 11 24 IS I Tlatted for Schneider In second. Batted for Ring; In ninth. Cincinnati 0 01 00000 fi fl St. Louis .... 0 001000 7 Two-base hit: Shean. Three-base hits: Hornsby, Rousch. Home run: Hornsby. Stolen bases: Rousch, Long, Miller. Double play: Betzet, Hornsby and Miller. Bases on balls: Off Schneider, 3; off Ring, 2; off Watson, 4. Hlta: Off Schneider, 4 in one Inning; off Watson, H in eight and two-thirds Innings. Struck out: By Schneider, 1; by, Watson, 2; by Ring, 3. Umpires: Klem and Emelle. Owen Dailey Claims Lightweight Title Minden, Neb., April 20. Jack Fisher of Dallas, Tex., failed' to ap pear last night for the -wrestling match scheduled to take place here between him and Owen Dailey of Axtell, Neb., who claims the light weight championship. Dailey was on hand and a large crowd gathered at the auditorium was dissappointed. SENATORS LOSE TO GONMIBHACKHEN Philadelphia Victor in Thirtcen Inning Battle With Wash ington Team. SIX TO FOUR IS SCORE Washington, April 20. Washington opened the season at home today by losing to Philadelphia, 6 to 4. in thir teen innings. Singles by Thrasher, Bates and Schang, and a sacrifice hit brought in the winning run. British and French flags flew over the grandstand and before the game Assistant Secretary Roosevelt of the Navy department raised the Stars and Stripes on a pole in centertield, while the Washington players gave an exhi bition of military drill. Vice Presi dent Marshall threw out the first ball. Score : PHILADELPHIA. WASH1NOTON. AU.H.O.A.K, AB.H.O.A.E, iVItMS 6 3 6 4 5 3 17 1 0 31ov'r,2b 4 0 4 4 0Fonler,2b 4 2 1 4 fl Hodle.lf 4 0 10 GMtlsn.rf f 2 3 0 0 4 13 1 ORlre.rf 4 10 0 0 rhshr.rf 4 1 4 0 0 Smith. If 8 14 11 M' 6 115 0 P(n'nl,.lb ft 0 X a 0 Rates Sb 5 116 OMrBMe.Ht 6 116 0 fehanVo 6 a 4 1 OHonry.r 4 1 f a 0 i.J'n s n.P 8 0 0 4 0Meiioky 110 0 0 AVm'th.o 0 0 110 Totals.. 43 13130 Oallls.p 4 0 0 It 0 M'maon 110 0 0 Ayers.p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals, .ii 13 31 19 1 Batt.'d for Hnnry in twelfth. United tor U Ml la In twelfth. Philadelphia ...3 00000000001 Washington ...0003001 00001 0 Two-bass hits: Strunk. Witt. Thi-nfl-bano hit: Judge. Stolen bus ; Bales. Double plays: Witt, Orover and Mclnnls; H trunk, R. John son and Orover; Hates, Orover and Mclnnls. Basen on balls. Off Qallia, 8; off R. Jnhnoon, 3. Hltn: Off Oallla i in twelve inning. Struck out: By (Jallta. 7; by H. Johmton, 4. Umpires: Owen and Dlneoti. Hrovrns Victors Over Chlrnjro. Chlffajo, April 20. Pitcher Nntliown lost his flrvt name in his last eighteen Blurts today, when Chicago bunched hits Id the secondilnnlnff and rinfatd Kt. Louis, & to 3. Suthoron had won fifteen ntrnltcht fames for PoTtlund, at the close of lust season and two for Ht. Louis this nontmti. Bcoro: ST. LOUIS. CIlU'At.O. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Cotton. If 4 12 0 IMabold.rf 4 12 0 0 Austin, 3b 3 2 18 4 12 0 0 4 18 0 OCollins.Sb 3 12 10 Pratt, 2b 4 12 1 01ac.kaon.lf 8 0 3 0 0 racobnn.rf 4 0 3 0 13 10 0 Marsna.ff 4 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 0 Lavan.os 4 1 I 2 OtVeaver.Sb 2 12 0 0 vcroirt,r 3 1 3 S 0Schalk,o 3 17 10 sotnron.p s o o s lcicotte.p 21020 Totals 22 7 24 12 2 Totals 36 7 27 7 0 St. Louis 1 00 0 0 10,0 0 2 CblcaRo 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 Two-base hit: Clcolts. Stolen bases: Sis- It Will Soon Be "Bone Dry" For the benefit of the consumers who are unable to be supplied with GOOD WHISKEY from their regular dealers, we now invite them to pur chase their future needs direct from the Nebraska SUNNY BROOK agency. GROTTE BROTHERS COMPANY . General Distributors". 918 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Douglas 954. Goods Delivered Promptly. FIRST COME ler, Prslt. Y.. Ci-Ulns. Sacrifice hit: Oandll. Sacrlflea files. Staler, Oandll. C'lcolte. Left on bases: Kt. Louis, Ii ; t'htraRO, 4. llaea on balls: Off fVMhorcn, 3, Hits and earned runs: off t'lcnlle, 7 hits, 2 runs In nine In nlntta; off Sothomn, T hits, 1 run in elKht In nlna. Hit hy pitched ball: Py Snihoron (Jm-kaon). struck out: Hy Ctrotte, : by aoihoron, J. Time: 1:48. Umpires: Nallin and Kvans. Tigers Defeat ( foreland, Cleveland, O., April 20. With the score tied In the ninth, two Detroit men on tho banes and two out, Young's drive over third trot by Allium and went for a home run, Detroit wtnnlnr. 7 to 4. Bnlaitd held Cleve land to four hits, but three were bunched with paases and a Detroit-error. Mcore: CL KVRLA N D. P KTROI T. AU.H.O.A.K, AHH.A.O.E. ( 4 0 10 oRush.nti 4 0 0-4 1 Jhaii' 3 0(4 IVounit.-b (3103 penk' 4 12 1 OT'ohb.rf 4 3 10 0 fVM''s.!b 3 2 3 4 Weaeh.lf 3 1 H I 0 3 10 0 OMetran.vf 2 2 3 0 0 RiMh.rf ,3 0 0 2 411300 1'urner.nb 3 0 2 0 ODyer.ftb 4 0 0 3 0 O'Nelll.o 3 0 6 3 04imfr,e 3 12 10 Morton, p 10 0 3 PHianase.o 0 0 1 0 0 Kav"uva 1 0 0 0 Alioland.p 4 10 4 0 Miller 0 0 0 0 0Mch'U'n 0 0 0 0 0 Harris 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 33 11 37 13 3 Totals.. 30 426 16 1 Heilman out. hit by batted ball. Halted for Turner In the ninth. Hattfd for O'Neill In the ninth. Ratted for Morton In the ninth. 'Kan for Spencer in the ninth. D.-irolt 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 37 Cleveland 2 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 04 Two-baa htta: Uulalo, Speaker, Heilman, Young", Veach, Three-base hit: Spencer. Homo run: Toiing. Stolen bases: Chap man, Miller, Hush. Double plays: Veach to You nr. Crawford (unaaalated). Bases on balls: off Morton, 4: off Boland. 6. Struck out: Hy Morton. 4; by Roland, 3. Um pires: Hildobrand and O'Loughlln. Storm Prevents Creighton From Playing Nebraska Dick Rutherford with University of Nebraska base ball squad arrived in Omaha Thursday night, but because of wet grounds and cold weather, the base ball contest with Creighton was postponed. The Nebraska team left for Lincoln last night and will nor play today as had been planned. Coach Rutherford said that there was small possibility of Creighton meeting the Cornhuskers this season as he had his schedule practically full. It has been ten years since Creigh ton and Nebraska teams have met. For Good Printing at LowPrices CAM. "TVI.KB 114" rrtnlrd nnslnm rants M M IMlitf4 EiiT.lniH, JV.'rfH. .. IMntsd LMtor Harfs, aSslll W-SO Irtntd Envelop. UnelosarM 1140 BUI Hauls, Statements awl Other Print ing at Reasonable Prices, Samples and Prleea e All Binds nf rrinted Matter Kent Free I'noo Bequest ROSE PRINTERY IBtlH FARNAM. ROSE BUHPlXn. Bloomer Girls And U. P, League Open Season Today If climatic conditions show a ten dency to permit humans to frolic on (lie green this afternoon, the Union 1'itcihc base ball league and the Omaha Uloomer Girls' league will open their season! with great pomp. For several vears the Union Pa cific has always been represented in local base ball warfare by teams rep resenting various department, but this season the ink splashers decided to organize a league of their own. It will be christened this afternoon. Many ,of the Union 'Pacific employes dug their jeans and unearthed a tew jilnevs to start the league. Anyway, the job is finished and here is how and when the different teams will be seen in action: Signal Department against M. P. A., Fontenellc park, 4 p. in.; Engineers against Nebraska Di vision, Miller park, 4 p. m.; Superin tendent of Transportation against Tiaffic Department, Elmwood park, west diamond, 4 p. m.; Auditors" against Passenger Department, Thirty-second and Dewey avenue, 4 p. m. At Riverview park the Kontenelle Bloomers will battle with the River view Bloomers at 3 p. m. This will be the only contest in this league for to day. Four teams comprise this league and in all probability they will all he ready to participate in the league con tests by next Saturday. Considerable rivalry exists between the two teams. A warm game is anticipated. 594 Rooms fdr Storage These rooms are all sep arately locked and have FIREPROOF PARTITIONS and FIREPROOF DOORS. We protect your g-oods and they are safe. All at a rea sonable charge. SAFE SATISFACTORY SERVICE Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douajlaa 4163 806 So. 16th St. i Six-Year-Old Bottled in Bond, $11.00 Per Case. 12fullQts. Open Evenings Until 8 P. M. FIRST SERVED lib t