Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Owners of Continental Corner
to Build a Twelve -Story
A. H. Blank, president oi the Strand
Amusement company of Omaha, holds
an option on the northeast corner of
Fifteenth and Douglas streets, V2x
132 feet, the site of the Continental
block, which was recently destroyed
by fire. D. B. Welpton negotiated
the deal.
The option calls for an investment
of not less than $250,0(10 in a modern
building. One of the finest motion
picture theaters, with a seating capac
ity of 3.000, will be in the plant for
Omaha's new business Mock. Stores
ind offices will be included.
Mr. Blank came from his home at
Des Moines to confer with K. P. Mar
cus. R. L. Byera and M. L. Breyfogle
of Kansas City, trustees of the prop
erty, which is 132x132 feet. One of
the stipulations of the option is that
a modern building not less than
twelve stories shall be erected on the
Boost for Douglai Street.
Men who have inside information
on this deal state that this is an
other indication of the continued de
velopment of Douglas street as a
substantial business thoroughfare.
Mr. Blank owns the property occupied
by Orkin Bros, on Douglas street.
He took hold of the Strand theater
when it was dark and made a pay
ing proposition of the property.
Mr. Blank made this statement: "I
consider Omaha to have one of the
brightest" futures of any city in the
United Statea and have in mind build
ing a theater that will not only be a
credit to Omaha, but will be one of
the largest and best motion picture
theaters of the country. No expense
will be ipartd to attain this end. and
with the novelties in theater construc
tion we have in mind, this house will
be known from coast to coast. There
also will be store rooms fronting on
both iDoug'ai and Fifteenth streets."
He announced that the Strand thea
ter will be improved next summer
and will be retained as a motion pic
ture theater.
Mr. Blank is stockholder and offi
cer of the Triangle Film corporation
and vice president r f the Continental
Security company of Dca Moines. He
started hii business career in Omaha
and is now a resident of ls Moines.
He it prominently identified with the
motion picture industry.
Speeders Fined for the
Violation cf Speed Laws
Motorcycle Officer Farrand, "the
tawny ghost of the highway," who it
fast becoming the chief worry of the
autoists who break the speed laws,
arrested nine men Thursday.
He summoned Robert Connell, ion
of City Physician R. W. Connell, on
the charge of speeding patt a tchool
house, but the young man did not
appear in court. By telephone ar
rangement hit hearing was set for
Tuesday. .
Speeders arraigned were: N. H.
Hiatt, 3518 Jones street, fined $5 and
costs; William Durnier, 6305, Fort
Crook boulevard, $5 and costi; Ed
Erteni, 701 South Thirty-fourth itreet,
$7.50 and costs; Ed Sprague, 4338
Franklin treet, $5 and costs: T.
Boyle, 1109 South Tenth itreet, $7.50
nd costs; H. Bando, driver for Guy
U Smith, $5 and costs.
J. A. Mathieson wai fined $10 and
costa for driving past Sixteenth and
Douglas streets during the noon rush
at the rate of twenty miles an hour.
E. C. Bruner, 3522 South Twenty
fourth itreet, was fined .'.1 and costt
u ..Pr,ln8" n auto with bright
Son of R. B. Howell Enlists
In Aviation Section of Army
Sidney J. Cullingham, 20-year-old
on of R. Beecher Howell, general
manager of the Metropolitan Water
district, enlisted m the aviation sec
tion of the army signal corps Thurs
day. He goes in at the7 bottom, as a
private, and will take the regular
army training at Fort Logan, Colo,
before being assigned to flying
school. He laid he hoped to earn a
Vincent M. Shook, ,on of Cnar,
U Shook, 111 North Twenty-fifth
street, joined the army Friday. He is
Ltl ,Ta.1 i,"ing Cullingham, and
both lads had planned for some time
to volunteer for the war.
Irvine BaehalLr. Indianapolis. Bobb.
Merrill Company. 11. St.
Around the fortunes of a lovable
lad revolves this novel of reality and
vitality, of humor and honor, of love
of woman and love of country, of the
simple anections and of fine ideals.
The boy has you, heart from the
start He becomes the principal wit
ness to a crime and to a great event.
By loyalty and devotion he gains his
goal of happiness and his meed of
TO THB LAST PENNT. By Edwin Lefevre,
New York. Harper Bn. 11,16.
A story of the new ideals of busi
ness and of a man who made them
work. You will find Tommy a very
original and interesting character and
his lather his chum Willetts, and
Marion, some of the other characters
in the story well worth becoming ac
quainted with.
Moor. New York. J. P. Pataam Sons.
1 1. SI.
Nicholas Denver, a recluse, granted
by his doctor a scant twelve-month of
life, awaket to a great opportunity for
good, and formulates a scheme as
wise as it seems eccentric The prize
offered to the man who is asked to
co-operate with him is so great that
refusal is impossible, though the risk
it great. All of Leslie Moore's charm
of telling, and all the sympathetic
skill with which he weaves a love
story are in this tale, the scenes of
which are laid in south Africa and on
an English estate.
A. AllaheLr, Hew Tork. D. Applston
Co. 1116.
This is the story of the five mem
bers of a little band of brave young
men led by Henry Ware, who make
it their business to protect the settle
ments of Kentucky from the Indians
and renegades who infest the coun
try. It is essentially a story of the
wilderness steeped in the forest spirit
and dealing wtih wild animals and
wilder men:
Beeeher Long. Now York. Sully A Kloln
telih. 11.26.
A book full of humor, love and
breathless action, of scenes in quaint
old Polktown, on the Rio Grande and
in the camps of the Mexican soldiers.
Wherever Janice goes she makes
friends, and no matter how perilous
the situation, the brave, trutting girl
invariably finds a way out. A vol
ume that is truly interesting and one
that will gain a host of new friends
for the "Do Something" heroine.
Prof. Thomson Lectures
To Audubons Saturday
Another special open meeting of the
Audubon society will be held Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock in the city hall
r-nCJ Pi"r- Robert Thorn
" .9 . Plamview, Neb., will lecture
?nJ .,ADi ;how- beautiful
co ored slides of native songsters. He
will I also talk to junior Audubon mem
! era Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
"ides also will be shown.
Walter Cassidy Improves;
Back May Not Be Broken
Walter Cassidy, 2502 South Elev
enth street, has made some improve
ment since he waa iniurA k., Lit:.
from the second story window of his
iTume wnne walking in his sleep. It
was thousht at th tim ,. i.;. i t.
was broken. He had numerous cuts
ana onuses Besides. Attending physi
cians nnur hliv- h. ,;tl
, miiYsi,
though at first it was thought his
. cnances were slight.
Veteran of Three Wars
Wants to. Serve in This
General L. W. Colby of Beatrice,
veteran of the civil. Indian and Snan.
ish-American wars, who wants to or
ganize a brigade of his own in Ke.
braska. has written Countv Commin.
ioncr Bedford from Washington,
where he went in the interests of the
pian, that, his chances are bright for
Despite his 71 years. General Colby
is anxious to see service in the ores.
tnt war. Commissioner Bedford, one
of General Colby's old "pals" in the
Indian wars, saya that he would like
a commission in the proposed brigade.
The commissioner is well past three
score years ana ten.
tOlllSMJRO SQUARE. By Robert Cutler.
. New Tork. Tho MauMlll.B Company.
In Louisburg Square Mr. Cutter
gives a shrewd and kindly picture of
contemporary Boston, a really inti
mate record of the society in which
he has always lived and which he
thoroughly knows. Throughout the
book dominates the love story of
Rosalind Copley. An aristocrat in
every fibre finely human, eager for
life and an almost idyilic dove, not at
ail the new woman, yet none the
less mistress of her time, she is a
true, gentle and fascinating heroine.
Ethel and boon AforM. Boston. Sh.rmen,
Pronoh Co. II. (0.
What the mountain meant to Owa-
isa and to her girls, and the influence
of the camp fire upon those within its
circle, is told with sweet simplicity.
The camp fire flame burned through
the years that came and went. . At
last the time came for the girls to
take up the real work ot lite, and a
Jtlimpse is given of the lives which
ay in wait for each girl beyond the
threshold of happy irresponsible girl
hoodlives with noble and worth
while aims because of the tender
guidance of Owaisa.
Maxwell rorbes. Now Tork. sully ana
Klolntolek. 11.11.
A book of up-to-date treasure hunt
ing and love story combined. Opening
in New York City with the finding
of the aeaman'a chest containing a
map and a mysterious document, the
scene is quickly shitted to the bound
ing ocean and then to a forgotten
island of the West Indies. A story
that is full of mystery and full of
pretty love scenes with the breath
of the salt lea blowing throughout
all its pages,
ours. j'Miaaoipbia. j. as. uppinoott com
pany. 11.40. ,
A novel of men and woman work
and faith. The story is of a brilliant
young rabbi, his love for a girl and
his belief in ideals, his struggle
against forces of materialism and his
resction from them. Those interested
in the spiritual life of America will
read and talk of this story, as it is
the most distinctive work of the year.
Labor, capital, orthodoxy and tree
thinking, religious belief and religious
life are among the forces which appear.
By Evaloon Stoln. Boston. Lothrop, Leo
4 Ihopard. 11.00.
Charming to both the eye and the
mind is the story of Rosechen, a lit
tle girl in the Xyrol, and a magpie,
confined in a cage in a nobleman's
castle to alone for the thievish ex
ploit of a magpie of former genera
tions that had a tragic result, this part
of the story being historic. Rosechen's
good little heart led her to disdain
tradition and great trouble teemed
likely to follow, but it chanced that
the same little girl's kindness led to
results of great importance, not only
to herself and family, but to those of
high station.
Alfred Raymond. Now Tork. Cupplos a
Loon Co. 7S Cants.
When Harry Harding bravely de
cided to leave school in order to help
his motlie' in the fight against pov
erty, he took his first long step to
ward successful manhood. How Harrv
chanced to meet mischievous, red
haired Teddy Burke, who preferred
work to school, how Teddv and Harry
became messengers in Martin Broth
ers' department store, and what hap
pened to them there is a story that
never flags in interest.
I, MART MACLANB. By Mary MaoLan..
New Tork. Frederick A. Stokea Com
upany. 11.40.
Here is a curtain drawn aside, dis
closing a soul essentially rare and un
usual, dwelling apart. Its attributes
are lyric beauty, chaotic disregard of
the conventionalities, passionate hu
manness and a sense of humor which
is elusive, creative, delicate. In the
modern world the authoress scarcely'
"k-i. v., eh:, c...
tess baring of self the reader will dis
cover odd compelling similarities to
his own strengths and weaknesses.
This is an adventure of the spirit ca'.t
in heroic dimensions an epic of
struggle and victory, heights and
depths which will hold the reader
Juvenile Fiction.
1.UUUU. uy uraco ooraon. Now Tork.
Cupplea A Leon Co, II. IS.
Fatter Carroll succeeds in coaxinc
her father to lease one of the luxuri
ous camps at Lake Placid, in the
Adirondack mountains, for the sum
mer. Chaperoned by an aunt and ac
companied by her three dearest
friends, they motor into the heart of
this delightful forest with Patsey as
chauffeur. There they meet Cecil
Vane, a young girl whose inheritance
has been filched from her by an un
scrupulous kinsman. The remarkable
manner in which the troublesome
document is finally brought to light,
restoring to Cecil the inheritance she
has despaired of ever regaining, fur
nishes material for a ttory of the
most absorbing interest. The volume
is beautifully bound in blue and gold.
THE GOOD LOSER. By E. Richard Scharor.
Philadelphia. David McKay. 60 Cents.
A very interesting and attractive
story of a lovable boy and an above
the average man. You will find it
well worth the reading.
Rena I. Halsey. Boston. Lothrop, Leo A
Nathalie Page is just such a girl of
16 as one likes to read about. Obliged
to exchange affluence in a large city
for a modest home in a small one, she
develops into capable young woman
hood by becoming a member of the
Girl Pioneers of America, that ster
ling patriotic order that seeks to re
vive the spirit of those who built up
this country. Incidentally, Nathalie
and her friends have the most enjoy
able times imaginable and the book
holds one's attention wonderfully.
n enuft ny jeoaie Howell McCarthy.
New Tork. Writers' Publlehlns Company.
InrV nf 1iVl eve, am n( ti ...n...
education for Americanization of for
eigners, conducted in co-operation
with New York Board of Education
a challenge to hyphenatism.
C. fowler, Jr. Sully Klolntelch. Tl
cents. .
Articles and dialogues presenting
the practice of those affirmatives and
negativer, which together constitute
the elements of success in business
and in all other vocations.
SERBIA. By Helen Leah Reed. Norwood,
flui in. rumpton frees.
This book claims to give the aver
age reader a clear and concise ac
count of Serbian history from the
earliest times, with some attention to
the present war. It has met the ap
proval of various leading Serbians in
this country.
Hodman to Recover,
But Will Keep Bullet
Carl Flodman, the receiving teller
of the Nebraska National bank, who
shot himself accidentally Wednes
day night, will carry a .38 calbre bul
let in hit body for the rest of his
Physicians say that the bullet,
which entered below hit heart and
narrowly missed that vital organ, has
lodged in such a position in his back
that he can carry it there without
much inconvenience. It would en
danger hit life to probe for the bul
let. Flodman will recover, hospital re
ports say.
To Be Brought from Bluffs
On Charge of Auto Theft
Ed Swan son is locked in the jail
at Council Bluffs awaiting requisi
tion papers which will bring him to
Omaha to face the charge of stealing
an auto belonging to John Mullen,
240 Keeline building. Police say that
he drove the machine Wednesday
from this city to Glenwood, la., where
he ran it into a sandbank.
Fred James, alleged partner of
Swanson, is under arrest at Elmo,
Mo. He also is fighting hit return to
'Omaha by demanding requisition
Town House of Hope is
To Be Closed by Board
Chairman Payne of the board of
directors of the House of Hope ad
vised Superintendent Schreiber of the
Board of Public Welfare that the
town House of Hope at 958 North
Twenty-seventh avenue will be closed
as soon as proper disposition can be
arranged for twenty occupants.
Mr. Payne said his board has not
taken action on the resignation of
Rev. Charlea W. Savidge as superin
tendent ot the House of Hope.
German Playlet Given by
Central High Students
A German playlet, "Heinzelmann-
chen," was given by German students
of the Central High school. Every
word was spoken in German. The
cast was: Morris Mararolin as Dr.
Leo Schonbach, Elfrieda Schafer as
Irau Uberst Schonbach. Beulah Ku
lakofsky as Sidonie Lohner. Helen
Wahl as Elsa Lindemann, Margarte
McWilliams as Kathe Wollkonf.
Madalene Cohn as Grcte Schuster, and
Willard Usher as Martin Deiner.
The Horrible Handicap
of Poisoned Blood
The Innocent Suffer Even Unto the
Third and Fourth Generations, But
Relief Is Now in Sight.
It has long been accepted as a mat
ter of course that the sins of the fath
ers must be suffered by innocent pos-i
terity, yet it is hard to become rec
onciled to this condition. The heri
tage of physical infirmity is a handi
cap under which thousands must face
the battle of life.
Scrofula is probably the most no
ticeable of the transmitted blood dis
orders, though there are other more
severe diseases of the blood that pass
from one generation to another. No
matter what inherited blood taint you
may be laboring under, S. S. S. offers
hope. Thit remedy has been in gen
eral use for more than fifty years. It
is purely vegetable, and contains not
a particle of any chemical, and acts
promptly on the blood by routing all
traces of taint, and restoring it to
absolute purity.
Some of the most distressing cases
of transmitted blood poison have
yielded to the treatment of S. S. S.,
and no case should be considered in
curable until this great remedy has
been given a thorough trial. S. S. S.
acts as an antidote to every impurity
in the blood. You can obtain it at
any drug store. Our chief medical
adviser will fake pleasure in giving
you without cost any advice that your
inuivmuai case requires, wnie today
to Swift Specific Co., 36 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Ga.
iti it
Superfluou$ Hair Now
Rtmovtd, Root$ and AW
(New kitti lastsataswevs Hwm Method)
A boon to women troubled with super
fluoua hair ts th new phelnotlnt proceu.
It la totally unllka th depilatory, lactrlral
and other mtHhoda haratofore mp)riyHl (or
tha removal of hairy growtha. It la tho
only thins that enables on te remove the
hair eortpUtaty -root and all la on'a own
home, without the aaaiatanr of an export.
Tha reault cannot b doubted, for th unr
ate thu halr-roota with her own eyes.
A a lick of phalaetino, with eaay dlreo
tlona, can be had at any druf atore. It I
entirely harmlee (a ohlld could aa(ly eat
It), ddorleaa and non-Irritating. Alwaya
aold under a monoy-back guarantee, It la
an tnntantneoue method, and o Uterolith
that tho akin ta left perfectly amnoth and
halrlase, bearing1 net tho lat evldano of
I la former dlaflf uremtnt. AdvertlaemeDt.
Good service
is the foundation
on which the Great
Western's supremacy as a
Twin City line is built.
On, the Great Western you
travel in luxurious Bteel
cars, the best money can buy sleep-
: I... H:t.i. 1 1 .t.
Jilt, a( uy liiMb aim uaAlujr vu- .
servation cars by day arrive "on (
time" almost without exception
and trainmen are kind and obliging.
Lv. Omaha..... 1 :10p.m.
Lr. Co. Bluff., :40p.m.
Ar. Ft. Dodf.. 12 :37am.
Ar. Mown ttty. t :11a.m.
Ar. St Paul.... 7:30a.m.
Ar. Minneapolis. 1:05 a.m.
T:lt a,m. S&O p.m.
7iS9a.m 4:10 p.m.
1S:U p.m. t ill p.m.
1:05 p.m.
7 :50 p.m.
8 :H p.m.
P. F. BONORDEN, C. P. and T. A.
1522 Faraam St., Omaha
Phot) Douglas 260.
Jefferg Orders Headquarters
Closed Monday that All
May Start Gardens.
All of the men and women who
constitute the official and clerical
force in Union Pacific headquarters,
in an effort to reduce the high cost
of living, will turn their attention to
agricultural pursuits. ,
As a starter of the determination
of Union Pacific people to go farm
ing and gardening, General Mana
ger Jeffcrs has issued an order that
the headquarters bui,lding will be
closed all Arbor day, next Monday.
Heretofore Arbor day has brought
with it a half holiday. This year em
ployes will devote their time and
energies to starting their gardens and
getting them into good growing con
ditions. No one is immune from the Union
Pacific gardening order and those
officials and employes who have not
started on the work of tilling the
soil, are urged to do so next Mon
day. May Move Clock Ahead.
In addition to going into the gar
dening business next Monday, there
is a probability that beginning May
1, for Union Pacific peoole who are
going to crop their back yards and
vacant lots, the clock will be pushed
ahead an hour.
Voting slips have been passed
mrougn trie headquarters orhces, giv.
ing officials and employes an oddop
tunity to say wether or not they
during the summer months desire to
report for work at 7 AS in the morning
and quit at 4:30 in the afternoon, in
stead of starting at 8:15 and quitting
at :M as now.
The outcome will depend upon the
result of the vote. It is understood,
however, that in figuring on this
extra hour of daylight in the after
noon, that the time is to be devoted
to working in gardens, instead of
Boy Scouts Report Three
Thousand Untidy Sites
Scout Executive English announces
that the recent survey of the city
conducted by Boy Scouts showed
3,258 untidy conditions around Omaha
homes and 131 vacant lots that are
illegally used as dumping grounds
for bottles, cans and ashes. '
The Scouts wilt make another sur
vey of the city Saturday, April 28. A
: tomorrow the boys will visit the
Union Pacific shops, starting from
Scout headquarters at 9:30 a. nl.
Belgian Wants to Get
Even With Kaiser Wilhelm
Julian Vermeuldean. Beleian. was
disappointed at navy recruiting head
quarters fnday morning when he
was rejected because he was not a
citizen of the United States.
"Let me join the fleet and get even
with the kaiser," he pleaded with
Lieutenant Waddell.
Place Valuation of One
Dollar on Foot Strip
Philip Tebbina and W. B. White
horn, city appraisers, placed a valua
tion of $1 on a one-foot strip, 600 feet
long, on Thirty-fturth avenue, Lake
street to Patrick avenue. E. A.
Smith, the third member of the ap
praising board, brought in a minority
report, with a valuation of $1,000. The
city council will determine which is
This narrow strip has been of rec
ord for many years. It separates
Wise and Parmalee addition from the
street A real estate firm will plat
this addition and seeks to have the
foot strip added to the street.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25catalldruggist3
formless I
to take
i? ' Acts like Magic
Superfine, Mi-Wool, Stylish
Every man and young man owes it to himself to
see Una wonderful demonstration of tne Palace
never equaled Suit values. This is a sale that'i
absolute proof of the utterly unmatchable Suit val
ues we offer you. This great underselling store is
in a position to present you with the finest of Suits
at the lowest of prices.
The Best of Belter Styles
The style kings for Spring, in swell variations, young fellows ' nifty
fashions and men's new.regolation Spring styles. You only need to
see the fabrics to know what remarkable special qualities they are.
Purest wool Spring velours, cassimeres and worsteds. And the im
mense pattern variety includes the best things for Spring. It's a
great Suit Sale and the values are incomparable. See window display.
Soils' metal alekel
Slated penknife or com
illation school box
and nuer.
pea, pencil
Boys' Spring Noriolks
Best Norfolk Styles
Theae suits prove
leaaersnip in tni
ng. Very newest
spring Norfolk atyi
in all nobby new
taring fabric, double
wear value. 4
to U .-
I 1 1
S J v
. I
l I
For sprlna; ara ahown
tn this great Boys'
Suit display. Tailored
fiom the handsome
kind of All-Wool
Spring fabric
matchless value.
to 18
Finest Norfolk Suits
Ton can't Imagine such
elegance In Boys' Suits
In tailoring, Btyles and
fabrics they're the best
out for spring
the variety 1
magnificent; sixes
to 18
Men's Furnishings at Lowest Prices
Spring Hats
At the Palace offer Hat qualities
unknown today. Smartest of all
anapes for young
fellows and men's
new conservative
spring shapes.
The assortment
Include every
thing new In
styles and shades.
Stetaoas g34 as. 94M
Lrtest of all
Spring' Shirts
No shirt offer contains the values
and variety of this
Mie. Exceptional
ly high grade
spring shirtings.
In patterns as
colorful or con
servative as
Spring Shoes
Men, there's no tailing yon what
Rhn Wonders this deoartment of
fers. For example, here are fine
tans ana DiacKB in p
all leathers: swell W
English styles; ft- JJ
ber and leather
toles; . two-tones
and natural lasts.
Every pair guar
anteed .
Best $10 Suits
in America
Are these famous suits for men
and young men. In fabrics alone
thev are supreme. Nifty belted
Biyios, coiieKt
style, young fel- 3
lows' suits and r
men's new spring
suits In fine all
wool spring suit
ings not seen In
110 suits
Wonderful Exhibit of
the Finest $15 Suits
For men and yoanr men. Snecfsi
uiBiivy vi xxmara in every pos-
i 1 1 variation.
Rich, solid color
flannels and pur
est wool spring
suitings; hand
tailored with custom-made
We are exclusive agents for
Sweet-Orr Overalls, Shirts and
1 every pos-
Spring Neckwear
Hundreds of Tie, the newest for
spring. In every
conceivable pat
tern and color.
Pure, silks and
big, full shape
that are remarkable
the newest ror
Union men will find her th union labal upon tjita. pants,
underwear, hosiery, neckwear, suspenders, ah oca, hats juid shirts for
work or dress wear. We specialize In union label sooda t
m M a m a K
ssl' TskssTi.1 1 sir ssswTWr Tm -
v a,
k7 (X)Ra D0D6LAS
Saturday and Monday Only
6 Cents
Men, don't overlook an opportunity
tike thla Is certainly an axtraonll
nary offer. All alaet and of extra
good quality. They come In black,
oevy, tan, heliotrope and gray. .