Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Attorneys Say This is the Gist
of the Fight in Court
. Next Tuesday.
The fight between Mrs. Emma B
Manchester, former supreme 'guard-
ian of the Woodmrn Circle, an aux-
iliary of the Woodmen of the World,
r.r.d the faction which is opposing her,
will come before the state supreme
court next Tuesday.
Attorneys representing the oppos
ing faction are F. H. Gaines, A. W.
Jefferis and J. A. C. Kennedy. T. J.
Mahoney, prominent Omaha attor
ney, who died suddenly at Washing
ton Thursday, was to have been one
of the leading lawyers in the fight
against Mrs. Manchester. A letter
to Mr. Gaines said that he was on
hs way to Omaha to prepare for the
hearing before the supreme court
Arthur Mullen, Halleck Rose and
John J. Sullivan are Mrs. Manches
ter's attorneys.
The fight dates back a year ago,
when a controversy arose between
Mrs. Manchester, as supreme guard
' ian, and a faction that opposed her.
The executive committee of the order
contended that Mrs. Manchester was
, .-nisdirecting the activities of the field
workers. . .
Right to Control.
On December 19, 1916, the supreme
' court held that Mrs. Manchester had
the right to control the field work
until the meeting of the supreme for
est was held. x
The executive committee was en
joined on March 16 of this year from
proceeding with articles of impeach
ment against the supreme guardian.
On April 2 a special meeting of the
supreme frirest was held at Memphis,
. Tenn.,. in an attempt to settle the con
troversy. At this convention the body divided
into two factions, the opposing forces
to Mrs. Manchester contending that
' it wai but a reconvening pf the old
Want Men Discharged.
, The opposing faction declared that
the Woodmen Circle should be strict
ly a woman's organization and asked
that the field workers under her
men be discharged. She refused, ar
trclrs of impeachment were filed
against her and she was discharged.
No new supreme guardian was
tlected, Mrs. Mary E. LaRocca, vice
president, succeeding to the office.
A new meeting of the supreme for
est ia to be held at Atlanta, Ga., this
Mrs. Manchester alleges that the
body at Memphis did not constitute
majority and that ita action in dis
charging her was not legal. This is
the point now pending in supreme
According to Mr. " Gaines, chief
counsel for the opposing faction, the
real fight ia whether or not the Wood
men Circle shall be strictly an organi
zation for women.
CLEANUP DAY IN OMAHA Women and children all join in the two days' campaign.
These pictures were taken in the beautiful Hanscom Park district, showing that refuse ac
cumulates there, too. j
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Woman Teachers
Arrested as Spy
1 Suspects at Bridge
Hiking enthusiasts who wish to
, avoid detention as German spy sus
pects will avoid the Illinois Central
bridge and leave their cameras- at
home, if they take the advice of three
Omaha school ma'ams, who went a
a-hiking the other afternoon.
Miss Irma Gross, domestic science
instructor at Central High, who con
ducts the home economics' section of
The Bee; Miss Bertha Wiese, also of
the high school faculty, and Miss
Ruth Sheldon, Young Women's
Christian association gym instructor,
went on a hike to Mynster Springs,
north of Council Bluffs.
As they stood on the bluffs over
looking the river one of the number
spied the Illinois Central bridge.
"Let's hike back to Omaha- across
that bridge," suggested one of them,
i All fell in with the suggestion and
a hilt, across the bottom lands led
them, after barbed wire embarrass
ments, up to the bridge-, when
Two stalwart guardsmen confront
ed them.
"What are you doing here?- What
pictures have you in that camera?
What are your names?" they asked.
"The last question bothered me
more than any, confessed one of the
three, "I never till that moment
realized how German the names of
two of us sounded."
"We'll have to ask the lieutenant
about this," said the guardsmen, after
their queries had been answered.
The lieutenant was sent for,
' "Whose the guilty party?" he asked
in a gruff voice.
Three school ma'ams, innocent of
anything worse than a desire to hike,
gazed meekly up at nun.
Further explanations followed
then the three teachers were escorted
across the bridge released from cus
tody. They had been paraded twice
across the bridge under arrest.
Candidates Work for
Place on the H. S. Play
Nearly 100 girls have tried for pan
in the annual Central High school
senior class nlav. Over half of these
were tried out last Saturday morning
and the balance Thursday afternoon,
The boys' turn comes Saturday morn
ing. The tryouts are being carried
. out under trie direction ot n. K. Mul
ligan, athletic and dramatic coach
M iss Jessie Towne, class teacher, and
Coach Tommy Mills of Creighton. No
play Has been decided upon. Loach
Mulligan Has several good ones in
mind, but win not make his final de
cision until he makes a more thor
ough examination of the talent he
has on hand.
Caps an gowns will be worn by
the graduates this year. A joint
graduation will take place, in which
Central, South and Commerce will
take part
Manufacturers Call a Meeting,
bat Hot Ien a Quorum ;
, Attend.
Little disposition hat been shown
in Omaha thus far to fight the pro
posed increase of 15 per cent in
freight rates, which the Inter-state
Commerce commission tentatively
permitted to the railroads. Though
trie dispatch said that opportunity
would be given for the shippers to be
heard before the Interstate Com
merce commission with whatever ob
jections they might have, nothing has
been done tn an organized way in
Charles Pickens, manager of Pax-
ton & .Gallagher, wholesaler, and
A. C Smith of the M. E. Smith com
pany, dry good wholesaler ana man
ufacturer, attended a preliminary
conference held in Chicago on this
matter. On their return Mr. Pickens
and) M. Smith showed- tittle ineiin-
tion to fight the advance.
No Protest Planned,
T. C. Byrne, head f the Bvrne-
Hanmrer dry goods wholesale house
here, said notliinc had -been done in
an organized way to oppose the in
crease awl he did not know that any
thing would be done.
The directors of the Oman Manu
facturers' association had been sched-
Women'i $35 Suits, $18.50
That's our offer for Saturday's
selling. For mora details ice our
advertisement on page 8.
1SOS-10 Douglas St.
uled for a meeting at noon, but could
not get a quorum. ,
Frank I. Ringer, commissioner of
the Nebraska Manufacturers' associa
tion, said that the tendency would
probably be to avoid discord. "Peo
ple in a time like this will stand for
a good many things tliey "would not
stand for when the nation is not go
ing through a crisis," he said.
WitftUufirin Eaohr Hand
" Man Holds Up Saloon
A "dope fiend" bandit,, whose
hands trembled so that he was un
able to firmly hold the two guns
which he carried, held up Tony
Minardi of the - Mars'! and Scavip sa
loon, 563 South Eleventh street, and
two patrons last- night .
The bandit entered the saloon
shortly before closing time and or
dered a whisky to bolster up his
shattered nerves. He then walked
to the rear of the room took out
two revolvers which he carried in
his pockets and returned to the bar
where he ordered the proprietor and
two patrons to throw up their hands.
After backing the customers up
against the wall he told the proprietor
to open the register, from which he
took $25, the day's receipts.
- "Vou fellows haven't got any
money, have you?" he asked in a
faltering voice of the customers.
Upon receiving a negative reply,
he backed out of the saloon.
"I wasn't scared of being held up,
but I sure didn't like the way he
handled the guns," the proprietor
aaid. - "I thought every minutes that
he would lose control of himself and
fire, bis hands trembled so."'
Teamsters Say They Have
I Not Even Talked Strike
Omaha teamsters are not talking
strike, according to J. Gruhn, busi
ness agent of the Teamsters, Chauf
feurs, Stablemen and Helpers' union,
with headquarters at 513 North Six
teenth street. He says that their mass
meeting called for Sunday is simply
an organization meeting, that they
have sent a memoranda to the busi
ness men stating their grievances, but,
that they have not talked strike at all.
Mr. Gruhn says that 20 per cent of
the drivers are now getting the union
scale and he thinks the business men
will grant their requests, which are
not very heavy.
YOU naturally expect
the celebrated
"Hawes" Hats to be be
yond criticism. Our show
ing of them New Spring
Hats is assembled to well
merit your duly appreci
ated confidence. The price
We can meet yonr re
quirements in Shirts,
Neckwear, Collars, etc, to
a nicety.
Free to the Ruptured ,
Von know by your own experience the trata Is a mete auktahlrl
false prop against a collapainf wall end that It Is undermining
your hMlih. Why, theft continue to wear ftf The binding and
pnsanr pmvtnt proptf blood circulation thus robbing the
wnkemd mutclte of the aoorlshmtnt which tbfcy must ban
'" ef yea are ever even to expect them to regain their normal
v strength end eleaddty.
Weaktntd muscular tissue that the real cause of rupture,
and the logical, commoonnt thing to do is to stetoi the
lost elasticity, tone and contractile etrength te the weakened
musclte in brlt clow the hernial opening aa Mniralnisoded,
ao the rapture CANT ceae down.
Convince Yourself
STUART'S ADHESIF PLAPAO-PAD3 are entirely dUbrent
from the device known as the trues in the following reepectsi
FIRST. The primary and moat important object of the,
FLAP AO-PADS ia to keep constantly applied to the reined i
mniclee the medication celled Plapao, which Is contractive la
v nature, and taken together with the ingredients In the medicated
mass, is Intended te mcieeee the circulation of the blood, thus
revivifying the muscles and restoring them to their normal 1
etrength and elasticity. Then, and net until then, can yoo
aspect the rupture to dlssppesr.
8ECOND. Being made self-adheeive purposely to prevent
the pad from shining, they have therefore proven to be en
Important adjunct in retaining rupture that cannot be held by a
truss. There is no metal about the PL AP AO-PADS no straps,
buckles or springs attached. No " digging In T or grinding
pressure. They are Soft ea Velvet FleiiWe Easy to Apply
inexpensive. Continuous!? day and nighl treatment at boms. ,
Free Trial
We went yon to make a personal test of this remarkable setentfflc
treatment st our sxpenss, and the more severe the test the better we
will like it No matter if yoa have worn truss after trass snd tried
many "so-called cures" without benefit, do not give up hops. We
want to prove to yoa thet yoa can conquer your rapture, right at
home, while going shout your daily duties, and at the seme time
rid yourself of the disagreeabls, torturous trass forever. Send no :
money. This trial cosis yoa nothing now or ever. Just mail the
Coupon, but dont delay. "Bs wise today 'tis madness to defer."
TMrtriel earn ye aetWne eew er ever. NetMns
te be nuiraes. Dent put thle eST- WKITB TODAY
right sew. Use this Coupon.
Fleses lasareterlas, he. Btaes SOS gl.Unla.Me.
Oentleraen: Wllheet an? eherse Sir It, oow or ever,
pleeee eenS br return null trlel ef PLAPAO and
yewt evaegs UlvetrateS book ea rapture.
I "niTn
V t HAMS...
V Ho I
Commissioner Parks' forces
Ready to Collect Refuse
From Householders.
City Commissioner Parks perfected
his organization work for the clean
up campaigns yesterday. He decided
to postpone actual hauling on account
of rain.
Teams and wagons, trucks and men
wilt report early this morning
and will be assigned to districts cov
ering thirty-three and a half square
miles of Greater Omaha.
We will be up bright and early
tomorrow morping and are hoping
that weather conditions will favor us
in the hauling of refuse placed in al
leys and yards ready for the clean
up campaign. Citizens have done well
and we intend to do our part," Said
Mr. Parks.
The commissioner made a tour
'X hursday afternoon and declared that
unusual efforts have been made by
householders to respond to the appeal
fcr a general cleanup.
He announced that where there
are no alleys the haulers will traverse
the streets in their search for rubbish
X he city commissioner asks citizens
to be reasonable and not expect that
discarded articles of bulk be removed.
The entire city will be covered by the
wagons and trucks.
To Keep Up the Work.
The weather man was not popular
W'th Miss Katherine Worley or Mrs.
E. M. Syfert interested in the Omaha
Woman's club end of the city clean
up campaign.
"A little merry sunshine was the
only element of co-operation lack
ing." said Miss Worley.
' The cleanup work will continue
however, until the weather clears and
the rubbish is all gathered. The use
ot ten teams which the Union Stock
Yards offered for two davs will be at
the disposal of the civics committee
on call. i
Seventv-nve real estate men en.
listed in the campaign. Each one was
requested to bring the work to the
attention ot his tenants by telephone.
A South Side realtor, whose tenants
had no telephones, made the rounds
:n nis automobile m order to help the
ciub women in their efforts.
April 20. "Bucket. Broom and Brush
day," mothers and daughters will
clean out attics and basements;' April
21, fathers -and sons will "cleanup"
out of doors. s
On the civics committee with Miss
Worley are Mesdames Stella Bedford,
Wilson, Mary A. Wearne, Philip
rloran and Miss Esther Johnson,
v . .
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good. Run it in The Bee.
Marriage License Rush
Seems to Be All Over
The marriage license rush is over.
After a record breaking stampede
for the certificates following the break
with Germany, couples suddenly- de
cided that they didn't want to get
married after all, when the War de
partment issued a statement Thurs
day that the proposed draft would
take in young bridegrooms who mar
ried since the declaration of war. as
well as single men.
Nearly two score licenses were is
sued at the court house Wednesday
and Thursday.
Only one applicant for a certificate
showed up at the court house Friday
MT .ii.,, fttst tmnntrateit con
clusively whether or not those 'love
sick young men were siacKers or
not," commented a county court of
ficial. '
Boosting Garden Clubs.
Mitchell, Neb., April 20. (Speeial.)
Prof. W. C. Watson of the exten
sion department of the State univer
sity, who is giving especial attention
to garden and poultry clubs, is spend
ing the week in the North Platte val
ley. Meetings were held in Morrill
and Scotts Bluff TuesJay, in Mitchell
Wednesday and Gering Thursday.
General Debility, Mal-nntrition,
Nervousness, Weakness caused by
Dissipation and Overwork, etc.
For Sale '
At Any Reliable Pharmacy.
There Are Big Panor Stores in Pes Moines, Sioux City and Lincoln
Tive-itMp Roman Sandeli, with white Little Sunlight Shorn. In patent, with
sole! and heeli. Sites 8 VI to 11 (ray or ivory kid topi. Siiei 5 ft to 8
81.95 ' t $1.59
Better shoes for boys Extra quality shoes for women Big
values for men All at amall prices, is the motto of Panor's, the big
underselling store
For Saturday Wt Offer Many Special Oppo rftmffiei
New and classy, in plain and fancy strap
styles, of soft kid and patent with leather
Louis heels. For Saturday, ttO yl C
t tyii
That are distinctively new and
fine fitting. Both in patent and
dull leather, with j QJJ
Louis heels, at ViJO
Boots Just Arrived
Ivory Boots Ivory Cloth Tops
Pearl Gray Ail Kid Boot.
Boots: White
All white Amalfi Cloth, with white
covered Louis heels and hand
turned aoles. Special for Saturday
This same style boot, with leather
Louis heels. Special for Saturday,
at 83.45.
Smart White Kid
Light Ivory All Kid Boots
Silver Gray Silver Cloth Tops
This lot of soft white Kab Kid
leather has white covered high Louis
heels and street weight soles. Select
your size Saturday before the size
are broken, at only
One lot of genuine
white Reinskin cloth,
with covered heels. A
special offer at
BoyV Boy-Proof
A eplendie calf ahoe
that will hold the hor.
Button end Use. Slaee
H to , 1
Extra Special for Boys and Girls
Girls' School
- Shoes
Dull leather and patent.
Button and lace with
cloth and also in dull
tope. Siiei 11 H to 2
Pecks Bad '
A famotia calf shoe for
boya, in button and lace.
Siiea 2 H to
ll ,1
1 SB
Opea Saturday night
until 10 o'clock
with plenty of extra
help to servo you.
Boys' Suits
The kind that wear wc
and look right.
Sizes 8 to 7
$3.SS end $M
Sie 8 to IS
S4.80 te $10.00
Spring eiothes-Specialiy Priced
Open a Charge Account
This store has been the means of making hundreds and hundreds of men and women
happy and contented because we have enabled them to solve the problem of getting styl
ish, up-to-the-minute clothing without having the ready cash. We enable you to have
plenty of money left for other things, because our easy payment plan means that you
pay us in regular weekly, semi-monthly or monthly amounts. It's a pleasure to buy our
way you never miss the money.
We have prepared some mighty fine values for Saturday's selling. You should see
these offerings. No cash store offers any better styles, and a charge account here gives
you months and months to pay your bill. Our many pleased customers are proof enoueh
mill ..... I- i. MWW HPKKPA 0
uioi wo win ueui, yuu rigui,. LLmLIt DCUUCW-
Mere description is insufficient to explain the merits of
our wonderful showing of Spring Garments for Women.
Here are Suits, Coats and Dresses in almost endless va
rietyevery one a recognized, authoritative style, and
priced so reasonably that they stand out as some of the
best values in town. Why not come Saturday and see
these special values? , 1
Women's Suits, $24", $29", $35
Women's Dresses $1 050, $1 5, $22M
Men Cm Be Suited Here-Easily J1 M
You art not limited to a few styles. No,
sirl You choose from a broad and comprehen
sive stock which includes every new fabric made
up into classy belted models, pinch-backs, single
and double breasted; clothes with the "life and
pep" young; fellows want, as well as the more
conservative models. Surprisingly low prices
make them all the more desirable.
$18.50, $22.50, $24.50
High School Suits
With long trousers. Snappy Suits for boys
16 to 19 yean of age, at
$10.00 to $15.00
If yoa Eve out of town, write for our new
spring Catalog. Use your credit with us.
A Special in
Women's Pumps
Thet art) most exceptional
values, nni they com tn black
and whiU in all stsei, and an
worth much njora than our
apcinl prioa .