Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Brie City News
Mazda Lamp. Bursoaa-Oranaaa Co,
Have Root Print It New Baaoon Praia.
Platinum Wedding Rings Ed holm.
Goodrich Garden Hose at Jaa. Mor
ton & Son Co.
William L. Randall. Att'jr, has moved
his office to 437 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.
Robs Barber Shop A burglar with
a skeleton key let himself into the
barber shop of George Cocas, 217
South Twenty-fourth street, and stole
MB from the cash register.
Hayes Goes to Jail William Hayes
of Lincoln, NeD., goi a sixiy-aay sen
tence In nollce court Indecent con
duct toward a 7-year-old boy was the
charge proven against him.
Courts Close Monday The seven
district courts, county court and juve.
nils court, as well as all offices In
the court house, will be closed next
Monday Arbor day. The marriage
license office, however, will be open
in the morning.
Display Huge Flag The Farmers
Lumber and Coal company, Twenty
fourth and Boyd streets, is spreading
the patriotlo Idea by having a huge
fla. twentv-four by fifty feet, painted
on the Twenty-fourth street side of
their large plant.
Deserter Is Cantnred An army prl
vate named Kelly, charged with de
sertion, wts arrested in Nebraska.
After being held under guard at Fort
Crook he was taken to Fort ijeaven'
worth Tuesday by Sergeant Jess Alex
ander of the Fourth Guard to stand
trial for his offense.
Whisky Goes Out of Bond Whisky
is being witnarawn Dy owners irom
the United States bonded warehouse
now at an unprecedented rate. There
are two reasons for this, it Is said. One
is the approach of May 1 and the
other Is the probability of a heavy
war tax being placed upon "Boose."
Wife Says She Is Hungry A',
hungry -wife testified against Walter'
Johns, negro, In police court. She
said that he persistently refused to
support her and he squandered all
ms money on other women, xne de
fendant got a sixty-day sentence,
which was suspended when he prom-1
Isea to support neb
Patriotlo S irrlee A onion services
M all the Congregational churches of;
the city will be held at the First
Congregational church. Nineteenth
and Davenport streets, Sunday even
ing at 8 o'clock. Patriotism will be'
the theme for the evening, and N, H.
Loomls and Richard la Metcalfe will
be the speakers of the evening.
Could Not Identify Gaines Jiml
Lusk identified will Gaines, negro,
out of thirty colored men in the Mldr
Way resort Wednesday night as the,
man who robbed him of $1.68-early
la the evening at Kievenm ana Doug-
lad streets. But Thursday in notice.
court Lusk said he couldnt identify
trainee. The prisoner was zreeo.
Visitor Held Up A highwayman
celebrated the anniversary ot Faul
Revere's ride Thursday morning at 1
by sticking a gun under Sidney Vail's
nose and robbing him of $12. Vail
lives in Dow City, la. The holdup
occurred near Eleventh and Ohicago
streets. The robber had a soar on his.
face, Mr. Vail reports.
Double Wedding Misses .Clara and
Minnie Iseminger, sisters, ot Guthrie
center, la., were married to Howard
L. Christianson of Harlan, la and
Vern Cade of Guthrie Center, la., re
spectively. In the assembly room of
the Young Men's Christian associa
tion at 6:30 p. m. by Rev. B. R. Von
der Lippe, pastor of the Clifton Hill
Presbyterian church. The ring cere
mony was used. .
Grading for Now Tract Hastings
& Heyden are doing an extensive
amount of grading in South - Side
Acres, which will be placsd 'on the
market the latter part bf this week.
The constant demand for acreage in
duced them to put this addition on
the market this year Instead -of wait
ing until next year, which they
planned when they purchased the
tract, v-
Lawn Mowers and Garden Voota atj
jaa. morion .at son so.
-r" ; j.
General von
"Tyrant" Governor,
v . Of Belgium, Is Dead
London, April , 197 Rcutcr't 'Am
sterdam .correspondent says that ac
cording to a Brussels dispatch, Gen
eral Von Billing," German governor-
general in Belgium, died Wednesday-i
General Baron Moritz Ferdinand
Von Bisiing was appointed governor
general of Belgium in November, 1914,
in succession to 'General "von Der
Goltr. He was born in; 1844. During
nis ruie in .Belgium Ueneral Hissing
nas come into prominence many
times, notably m connection with the
execution of Miss Edith Cavell, the
English nurse; frequent clashes with
Cardinal Mercier, primate of Belgium,
ana tne asportation ot Belgians.
It was reported in 1915 that he had
ordered the round up of spies and
persons suspected of working against
the Germans in Belgium and that
scores of executions followed the
carrying out of this order. He had
been Ml for more than a year.
Ufll of Nebraska Students
' Eager to Visit Omaha
Letters are going out from Dean
Engbert of the University of Ne
braska to all the departments of the
university in regard to University day
H Omaha May 4. The dean is ask
ing the heads of the various depart
ments to canvass their departments
in order to group students according
tq industrial features in Omaha they
vJish to see here.
Manager Parrish of the bureau of
publicity visited the university Tues
day in regard to this event. He found
the students and faculty very enthusi
astic. Sam Cotncr of Omaha, chairman of
the alumni committee here, will call
a meeting shortly to further some of
the local plans.
To Raise Fund to Buy Auto
For Missionary in China
Nebraska Presbyterian women,
with Mrs. P. M. Conklin of Omaha
as chairman, are raising a fund to
send an automobile to Rev. J. W. Mc
Kean, formerl. of Lowe Avenue
Presbyterian church, and now medical
missionary to Chieng Mai, China, who
has worked among the lepers there
for the last twenty-seven years. More
than $200 has been contributed, $97
of which was donated by residenti of
the eastern part of the state.
Despondency Due to Constipation.
Women often become nervous and
despondent. When this is due to con
stipation it is easily corrected by tak
ing an occasional dose of Chamber
lain's Tablets. These tablets are easy
t6 take and pleasant in effect Adv.
Declare Retired Army Officer
Referred to Petticoat a
' Badge of Cowardice.
Mrs. George W. Covell, Woman',
Christian Temperance union worker,
considered insulting some remarks
made by Colonel J. M. Banister in
his talk to the temperance women of
the city Wednesday afternoon, when
he said: .
"Anyone who opposes the president
in this time of great crisis is a traitor
and should be treated as such. The
moral influence of women in time of
war cannot be minimized. Women
of today should follow the example
of noble women of the past in sup
port of their soldiers.
"I have never heard anything so
vile, contemptible and pusillanimous as
the song sung in Omaha, 'I Didn't
Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier.' If
we did not raise our boys to be men,
we had better put dresses on them
and send them into the bakeries. If
Germany had invaded this country as
it aid aeigium and had iound our
young men smelling roses, with lace
collars around their necks, instead of
being ready to protect you at any
cost, you might have been deported
by soldiers as Belgian women have
been. A slacker should be ignored
and looked upon with contempt by
every woman.
"I resent Colonel Banister' atti-
,tude," said Mrs. Covell. "I have to
wear lace collars, but that is no dis
grace, I am insulted that he used the
petticoat as a badge of cowardice.
Men may have physical braverv. but
women have moral braverv. He and
I have something in common and he
ra moved Dy the old louthern spirit
of chivalry, but he needs to eet hia
views changed in regard to war."
Dr. Jennie M. Callfas interrupted
with protest, "I love Mrs. Covell as
much as can be. but I must protest
against this talkinor about Colonel
Banister when he came here to give
us suggestions from his practical ex
perience about our work." Mrs.
lovell subsided.
Mrs, Mamie M. Claflin. mate nrei.
dent of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance union, said: "I didn't raise
my boy to be a soldier. Mv views
re diametrically opposed to those of
t-oiqnei Banister. He is a war-loving
soldier and I am a peace-loving
woman, but we are not here to argue
now, we must do everything we can
to help our soldiers and uohnld our
president I have a vision of supply
ing hospitals with electric fans and
Victrolas, and of furnishing the many
comforts which we are able to pro
vide. While we are making this ef
fort we must make it in the ipirit of
bitter enmity to the open saloon,
which is doing such deadly things
for our young men."
Miss Rankin Given Place
On Public Lands Committee
Washington. Aoril 19 In the liat
of republican committee assignments
approved today by the house Miss
Rajikin of Montana was given last
place on public lands.
Thrills feature
Annual Dinner of
Commercial Club
Grand opera, military drills, moral
squad activities, membership hustling
exhibitions, were crowded into the
program of the annual good fellow
ship dinner of the Commercial club
Wednesday. Some 200 members in red
caps, white caps, blue caps and green
caps enjoyed the dinner.
O. T. Eastman of the entertainment
committee and Hugh Wallace divided
honors in handling the megaphone
and announcing events from time to
A squad of guardsmen from Com
pany A, rourth Nebraska, were put
through the drill in the manual of
arms, hnng and bayonet exercises
by Sergeant Williams.
Sections of a burlesaue were stasr 1
with frank Latenser as stage carpen
ter, Vincent Hascall as Oscar Ham
merstein and Carl Siebert, pupil of
Mrs. Millie Ryan, featured in the sing
ing of Camio's Lament from 'Tali
Fred Cuscaden led in a moral sauad
consisting ol himself, Oeorge Johnson
Bob Manley, L. C. Erskine, G. D,
Whitcomb and Hugh Wallace. Th
squad wound up by singing songs and
doing a fling, but no arrests were
A squad from the membership com
mittee under H. O. Wilhelm, attacked
a prospective member and after argu
ing with him for ten minutes, got his
name on the dotted line, and thus
demonstrated to the crowd how mem
berships are obtained.
Frank Latenser sang his hit "My
name is Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall,
Samuel Hall.
Loses Ear in Battle and
Arrested for Hurling Brick
H. J, Sneer, 603 California street,
lost his left ear in an altercation with
the bartender at the California bar,
Sixteenth and California streets, on
Wednesday afternoon. . Sneez is said
to have heaved a brick through the
saloon plate glass window following
his ejection. After his ear had been
sewed on by Police Surgeon Nigro,
ne was arrested, charged with mall
cious destruction of property.
Don't Hide Them With a VeU; Re
move Them With the Othine
This prescription for ths removal
ot treckles was written by i promi
nent physican and is usually so suc
cessful in removing freckles and (riv
ing a clear, beautiful complexion that
it is sold by any druggist under guar
antee to retund the money it it tails.
Don't hide your freckles under a
veil; get an ounce of othine and re
move them. Even the first few aooli-
cations should show a wonderful im
provement, some of the lighter freck
les vanishing entirely.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength othine; it is this that
is sold on the monev-back s-uarantee.
Aavertisement. , ,
Doctor Tells How To Strengthen
Eyesight SO per cent In One
Week s Time in Many Instances
A lee Prvwrifittaa Sv Cm Hj.v Filled
and dm st Home.
Philadelphia, Pa, Tio you wear rluag?
Ara you a, vibtitn f tyn strain or othar
eye wcakneuee? It o you will be glad
to know that aceordlnr to Dr. Lewis there
ie real hope for you. Many whole eyai were
felling eay they have bed their eyei re
stored through the principle of thli won
derful free prescription. One man eaye,
efter trying It: "I wee almoit blind: could
not eee to read at all. Now I can read
everything without any gltMei - and my
eyei do not water any more. At night they
would pain dreadfully: now they feel fine
all the time. Jt was like a miracle to me."
A lady who uaed It aaye: "The atmoiphere
eemed haiy with or without glaeie. but
after uelng thla preecrlptton for fifteen
daya everything leemi clear, I can even
read fine print without gluiee." It la be
lleved that thoueanda who wear glaiaen
can now dtecard them in a reasonable
time and multitudes more will be able to
strengthen their eye so aa to be spared
the trouble and expense of ever getting
glansei. Eye troubles of many descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited by following
the simple rules. Here Is the prescription:
do to any active drug store and get a
bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon
Opto tablet In a fourth of a glass of water
and allow to dissolve, With this liquid
bathe the eye two to four times daily.
You should notice your eyes clear up per.
ctptibly right from the start and Inflamma
tion will quickly disappear. If your eyes
are bothering you, even a little, take stops
to save them now before It Is too late.
Mony hopelessly blind might have been
saved If they had cared for their eyes In
Note: Another prominent Physician to
whom the above article was submitted, said;
"Bon-Opto Is a very remarkable remedy.
Its constituent Ingredients are well known
to eminent eye specialists and widely pre
scribed by them. The manufacturers guar
antee It to strengthen eyesight BO per cent
In one week's time In many Instances or
refund ths money. It ran be obtained from
any good druggist and Is one of the very
few preparations I feel should be kept on
hand for regular use in almost every
family,' It Is sold Id this city by Sherman
& McConneli, c, A, Melcher and others.
bl3 vauaaV s ti -ex m
Dr. Ferdinand King-, a Nw York City Physician and Author, tart. "There
can be no strong:, yiforoui, iron men nor beautiful, healthy, roay-ehsaked
women without Iron-Nuxated Iron taken three time per daw after meals
snBurswe 01 weaat, nerroug, run-down folks
1 DO nar ravnf In ftwn iauLa' . : a a i .i .
ii. T , : , su ni-ny miianni, ATOIO Me Old tormg Of
metallic iron which may injure the teeth, corrode the stomach, and thereby
...... a . oniy organic iron nuxaten Iron. It Is dis- in this city by Sherman A MeConnslI Drug Co., and all food druggists.
The moderate smoker enjoys smoking
The excessive smoker requires it.
When you require smoking, you ar treading the danger-lins of health
It weans your body has become diseased. It's time to quit!
Quitting cigarettes is matter of will-power. The cigarette smoker's
will-power is weakened. Thers Is now an easier and shorter way.
Kills the desire for tobacco In any form in 3 days. Positively takes
.away the gnawing, void sensation. It is absolutely harmless, and
contains no habit-forming drugs. At leading druggists, or write us
for full information FREE. TRIAL BOTTLE, $1.00.
Dept 10, Omaha, Neb.
Burgess-Mash Qmm.
Thursday, April 19, 1917.
Phone Douflat 137.
You've seldom, if ever, shared in greater values than these in the
Notion Specials
Pearl buttons, doien, le.
Common pins, paper, 2c.
Rick-rack braid, bolt, Be,
Dish rags, each, Sc.
Darning cotton on card, ea,, lc.
Baby bibs, each, Be.
Scissors and shears, each, 10c.
Shopping bags, each, 10c.
Inside skirt belting, yard, Be.
Bias tape, bolt, Sc.
Dutch linen tape, 6 bolts for 10e
60-inch tape measures, each, 1
Steel thimbles, each, lc.
Darning cotton, S spools, Be.
Hair barrettes, each, Be.
Bone hair pins, box, Be.
Wire hair pins, paper, Sc.
60-yard spool silk thread, Ss.
Silk finish crochet cotton, spool,
for 4e.
Children's hose supporters, 10.
Dressing combs, each, Be.
Large hair nets with elastic, 6
for 10c.
Bursau-Naafe Cm Dewa Stain Stare
Extra Soecial!
Choice of Any Tailored Suit Friday
In the Down-Stairs Store J 295
SUIT values that are really wonderful every one a most unus
ual offering at a very special price for Friday. Suits that rep
resent the season's very newest and most favored styles. The ma
terials are :
Wool Poplins Velours Shepherd Checks
In navy, black, apple green, mustard and gold. Smart, loose coat style with
patch pockets, sash tied belt effect, the skirt has pocket gathered back with belt;
silk linings of splendid quality and exceptional value, at $12.95.
At $5.95 At this price we offer you choice of
Women's Silk Skirts
Made of a good quality of taffeta or sport stripes with pockets and button
trimmed. Or
Women's Silk Dresses
Made of poplin, new loose line effect with bolt, and all the most popular
colors are represented.
Burtw-Naia Co. Down-Sutra Stan.
Bed Spreads, $1.00
Crochet spreads for double
size beds, good weight, assorted
patterns with hemmed edge, $1.
Mercerized Napkins, 7c
18xl8-inch, good quality mer
cerized finished of assorted pat
terns. Hemmed ready for use,
each, 7c.
Linen Napkins, 8c
Heavy linen with stripe bor
der, 18xl8-inch, fine for break
fast or fruit napkins, each, Be.
Roman Towels, 3c
Good, grade wash twill or
flaxine, 16xl6-inch, hemmed
ready for use, 3c.
Oil Cloth, 14c
Good assortment of staple
patterns, also white; Friday,
only, yard, He.
Flouncing, 9c
Swiss and nainsook embroid
ery flouncings and edges, from
3 to 18 inches wide, yard, 9c.
Fancy Braids, 5c
White, black and colored
hemming braids, 3 inches wide,
per yard, Be.
Laces at 5c
Real linen and val laces, per
yard, Be.'
Clean-Up Sale of Shoes in
our Down Stairs Store
at $1.00
A CLEANUP of all the odd pairs and short lines of
women's pumps, slippers and high shoes, mostly
small sizes, but at the price quoted, they are less than
the actual cost of the soles, $1.00.
Women's Shoes at $3.65
A cleanup of all the short lines from the sec
ond floor, sample lots and discontinued lines,
lacs high shoes in black, erav and
kid, patent, gun metal and black
kid, button, no trouble In find
ing your size in this lot, at $3.68
Extra Special
Women's 9-inch lace, white fabric boots, $3.88.
Women's white canvas, buck trimmed, sport shoes, $3.88.
Child's white canvas button, Goodyear welt shoes, $1.39.
Infant's button shoes and ankle ties, 98c.
Big girl's and misses' school and dress shoes, $2.48.
Boy? shoes, all solid leather, for school wear, $2.69.
Boys' oxfords, fine velour calf, welt soles, $2.46.
Men's work shoes, tan, moose with leather soles, $2.69.
Buriaat-Naih Ca.Down Stairs Stora
Dress Flouncings, 29c
Voile and swiss tub flounc
ing of all-over embroidery, per
yard, 2. . -
Jap Crepe, 15c '
For children's school dresses,
rompers and . house dresses
splendid wearing material, per
yard, 18c.
Wash Good, IOVjC
. 40-inch voiles, ' lawns, dimi
ties, etc. Short lengths up to
10 yards, special for Friday,
at 10Ke.
Ginghams, 13c
800 patterns of 27-inch dress
ginghams to select from: All
well known brands in this lot,
at 13.
Men's Pants, 75c
Well made khaki pants, have
belt loops, cuffs, deep swing
pockets, double Stitched at ev
ery seam; sizes from 80 to 42
waist, very snecial, 7Bc. ,
Hat Pins, 10c
Special offering of Solid gold
headed hat pins with gold plat,
ed stems, different styles to se
lect from, your choice, 10c.
Corsets, at 59c -
Made of strong coutil, free
Up, long skirt, medium bust,
well boned; sizes 19 to 30; spe
cial, BBe.
Printed Linoleum at 29c
Cnoiiol ! Special purchase of printed linoleums,
y CCltn in a variety of pretty designs; full 6 feet
wide, offered to you very special Friday, 29c squara yd.
Bursail-Naah Co. Dawn Stairs Stars
Women's Fiber Silk Hose, at 29c
Qnppi'a 1 ' "5er boot "eamless, in shades
jpcviai."0f giiver, champagne, tan, copen, navy,
etc. We consider them very extreme values, at 29c. .. .
BuriMi-Nath Co. Dawa Sutra Stora
Untrimmed Hats,
Trimmed Free Friday..
A SPECIAL purchase
of seasonable hats
that were bought much
underpriced and in turn
offered much less than
regular. Every desirable
shape, black shining braids,
large sailor with plain or
turban crowns, drooping on
side, roll brims with chiffon
edge. Trimmed free of
charge Friday, a $1.95.
Burfui-Na.fc Co. Down-SLlrt Star.
Sale of Sheets and Pillow Slips
SLEEPY HOLLOW brand of sheets, extra length; the
regular hotel size, good weight, full bleached, spe
cially priced for Friday as below
Sheets, 63x99-inch, at 79c
Shaats, 72x99-inch, at 85c
Sheets, 81x99-inch, at 89c
Pillow Cases at 19c
Sleepy Hollow pillow cases to match above sheets,
sizes 42 or 45x36-inch, very special at 19c each.
Buraw-Naih Co.-rDown-Stalr. Star..
FRIDAY we will offer a big lot of men's soft collar
' work shirts In blue, gray, light tan and 2 styles of
stripes, excellent qualities bought months ago, which
means at a very much lower
price than they could be owped
for today. In fact, the manufac
turer's price is fifty cents a doz
en of, our price to you retail. Buy
your season's supply Friday,
at 50c.
Men's Union Suits, 59c
Good quality pajama check nainsook
athletic style, webbing in ths back,
closed crotch, reduced price, 89c.
Men's Cotton Gloves, 19c
Men's leather palm canton flannel
gauntlets, slightly water damaged;
just the glove for gardening; reduced
price, lBc.
Men's Garters, at 15c '
Bought from a firm going out of the jobbing business, very
special, at ISc.
Men's Linen Collars, 10c ""
Several good styles and shapes to select from, 10s each. '
Burf-Naih Co. Dawn Stain Star
Drug Sale
Colorite, all shades, 22c.
Mentholatum, 18c.
Peroxide cream, 10c.
Cold cream, 10s.
Colgate's tooth paste, 10c.
Shaving stick, large sizs, 10c.
La Compagnie face powder, 10c
Poudre de Riz, lBc.
1-lb. Corylopsis talcum powder,
for lBc.
1-lb. can Toilet talcum powder,
for 10c.
Largs powder puffs, 10c.
Cocoanut oil soap, 4a.
Lilac rose soap, 7c.
Tar Soap, cake, 4c.
Cudahy's bath tablets, 7c.
Nail brushes, Be, 10s and ISc.
Bristle hair brushes, 29e.
Military hair brushes, 29c.
Military hair brushes, BBe.
Easy to clean spotless brush,
for BBe.
1-lb. hospital cotton, 37c.
1-pt. ammonia, 8c.
1-qt ammonia, 13e.
1-gallon ammonia, 49c.
Peroxide, small bottle, 10c
Witch hazel lotion, 10c.
Camphorated toilet cream, 10c
Epsom salts, -lb., 19c.
Hinkle's Pills, 100 in bottle, Its
Burf hi-NuK Co. Down Stairs Stora
These are Clean-Up Days in Omaha
Sapolin screen enamel, large
can, 19c
Sapolin white enamels, for all
woodwork, pint can, 39c
Sapolin furniture varnish, pint
and smooth, quart can, B9c
Climax wall paper cleaner, can,
at 8c.
2 Vt -inch black bristle varnish
brush, special, 23c
4-inch black brittle paint brush,
special, 48c
Sapolin furniture varnish, pint
can, 39c
Sapolin white enamel, for all
woodwork, quart can, 79c.
Norway-pine step lad- j Hardwood step stools,
ders, 5-foot size, I heavily varnished,
with pail shelf, 79c I folding, special, 88e
Wheel barrows, made of hardwood, patent
tray, 16-inch steel wheel, special, $2.80.
Poultry netting, 2-inch mesh, galvanized wire,
roll of 160 feet, 1 to 6 feet high, by the roll,
lc a square foot.
( CLEAN U? )
I APRIL 20-21 1 I
Garden hose, Elm 6-ply
garden hose, guar
anteed for the sea
son, 60-foot lengths:
M-inch size length,
14 -inch
size, length,
wire lawn
heavily r e
tinned, special, 49c
12-prong steel carden
rakes, long handle,
special, 25c.
Spading forks, D-han-
die, guaranteed
tines, special 79c.
Cudahy's Diamond C
yellow laundry soap,
36 for $1.00.
Cudahy's White Borax
Naphtha soap, 30
bars, $1.00.
Trans-Mississippi lawn grass,
mixture, per lb., IBs.
White Clover seed, lb., BBe.
Tampico scrub brushes, solid
back, special, Sc.
Burfaai-Naoh Co. Dawn Stalra fltara
Choice of radish, let
tuce, beet, sweet pea or
nasturtium, stand- O
ard size package, at CC