Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 1917. CODRT ENJOINS ELECTRICAL UNION Interference With Men Em , ployed on Omaha Buildings Forbidden Till Case Heard. DEMAND SCALE OF $5 A DAY A temporary injunction was granted by Judge Leslie of the dis trict court against the Electrical Workers' union to prevent its mem hers from interfering with men now at work on buildings about the city. 'lhe case will be heard April 26. Since April 1 some of the electri cal workers have quit their jobs be cause contractors refused to pay the increased scale of 6854 cents per hour, or $5 a day, demanded by the union. R. L. Cortright of the electrical workers' grievance committee says mere is no strike in the real sense of the word, as maintenance, fixture and the shop men have not been called cut. It is only the electrical, work ers in the building trades that are in volved, according to Cortright He said: "The only demand we have made is for cents per hour. We are not now asking and never have asked for a closed sjiop. We have asked ior nothing but the increased wage. We have been getting a minimum of 57i cents per hour and a maximum of about 62'A cents. Want Increase. "We notified the electrical con tractors the first day of last January ot our demand for an increase and offered to finish old jobs at the old scale. What we asked was that the new scale be paid on all jobs figured alter January 1, 1917. We thought that was fair. "The contractors promised us in writing that they would give us 62'A cents beginning January 1, 1917, but when the time came they denied they had made such a promise. Although most of our records were burned in the Continental block fire we still have that letter in our possession." The electrical workers say twelve shops are now paying the scale de manded and that sixty-seven men are benefited. Others are holding out, according to Cortright and R. C. Col lier, another electrical worker. A house brick sailed dangerously near the head of Benjamin Bennett, nonunion electrical worker in the em ploy of the LeBron Electrical com pany, while he was at work Wednes day on a building at Twenty-second and Davenport streets. G. L. Adcock and John Andras, union iron workers on the same job, were arrested, charged with throwing the brick. Judge Madden discharged the de fendants, after cautioning them to engage in no disputes over labor difficulties. Woman Gets Verdict of One Dollar Against Road The smallest verdict ever awarded by a jury in the local division of the federal court was awarded to Mrs. Antonia Rihel in her suit against the Burlington railroad. She sued for $10,000 and secured $1. She alleged that a special officer of the railroad heat her at Second and William streets, July 7, 1916. The officer was placing Mrs. Rihel's husband under arrest and had a revolver pointed at him, according to the evidence, when Mrs. Rihel interfered on behalf of her spouse. The beating fallowed. The case was on trial two days and the services of two interpreters were required. Rain Extends Over AH Of the Corn-Growing Belt The corn and wheat region got a good rain Wednesday night. The weather bureau reports that the rain fell all over this crop-important re gion except in the Ohio valley and the extreme northwest. In many places the rainfall exceed ed one inch. It was still raining out through Nebraska this morning and the local indications are for "rain and cooler tonight." The river is falling everywhere north of Plattsmouth. It fell 0.2 of an inch here in the last twenty-four hours, but is still high, 18.5, which is within haH a foot of flood stage. UfHon Pacific Railroad Men in Nation's Service Donald B. Allan, Union Pacific storekeeper, in a communication to Judge Sears of the district court, says that "in releasing Union Pacific men from jury service the court is really assisting Uncle Sam." Mr. Allan adds that "we are short seventy-five men in our Omaha force now on ac count of the shortage of common la bor, due to enlistments and men leav ing railroad service to take jobs at higher figues."- The letter was prompted by the drawing of a Union Pacific employe for jury service. Winter Kills 5,000 Tulips In the Yard of T. M. Orr Thomas M. Orr, 133 South Thirty eighth street, secretary to the presi dent of the Union Pacific railroad, lost 5,000 tuKps on account of cold weather during the last winter. Mr. Orr is a tulip fancier and for years he has raised many choice va rieties. Some of them .were imported from Holland and were valued at $5 each. Of 8,000 plants Mr. Orr said 5,000 are dead. He declared he had never known a Nebraska winter severe enough to kill the Holland tulip. To Build Dike to Keep Water High in Manawa With the receding of the water in the Missouri river, the street railway 'company is gathering a force of men to rebuild the dike at the west end of Lake Manawa, at the point where Mosquito creek flows out. The dike will be raised six inches to a foot in order to hold a good stage of water in the lake. With the lake filled to the top of the banks, company officials figure that the boat ing and bathing will be the best in years. Buried Once More S ; OFFICE BEATEN MAKINGAN ARREST Charlei Walker Tries to Take Man Suspected of Steal ing Chickens. SPECTATORS TAKE A HAND Detective Charles Walker was beaten up by a crowd at 1108 Farnam street yesterday morning when he went there to arrest a man who was thought to be a chicken thief. A call .came from the Omaha Cold Storage company asking that an offi cer be sent there to arrest a man who was selling chickens and who was suspected of having stoien them. De tective Walker responded. He found Arthur Williams of Kansas City un loading chickens and other poultry from a wagon. The detective climbed upon the teat and- attempted to make the arrest. WilliLms threw the de tective off the seat. Two well dressed men. passing on the sidewalk,, took the cue from this row and rushed into the mixup, be ginning at once to beat up Walker. A crowd gathered, and for some reason everyone, without knowing who Walker was, began to rick and beat him. A street car conductor and an expressman then happened along, and recognizing Walker, rescued him from the crowd. They then helped Walker take Willams to jail. Walker is suf fering from a sprained ankle and a badly bruised face. Red Cross Wants To Include State In Its Territory Red Cross workers, now thorough ly organized and active here, plan to secure enlargement of the Omaha chapter's territory, in order to take advantage of the hearty co-operation being offered daily by many persons living near this city, but outside of Douglas county. "Our territory at present consists of only this county," said Secretary W. (j. Ure. Yet every day we receive applications for membership in the Omaha chapter, and also rriany offers of co-operation. We cannot now accept these, but have to refer them to the mountain district. S. P. Morris, State Capitol building. Denver, is the present head of the chapter that has authority over all of Nebraska, except Douglas county. "As Omaha is the logical center and headquarters for most of Nebraska and much of South Dakota and west ern Iowa, our executive committee will try to have that territory trans ferred to our jurisdiction." Bird Lovers May View Pictures of Specimens Beautiful streopticon pictures of Nebraska birds wilt be shown twice in Omaha Saturday by Prof. Robert Thompson of Plainview, Neb., who will lecture on them also. He has 200 bird pictures, including a remark able collection of hawks. At 2 p. m. in the Central High school auditorium he will show the pictures at the junior Audubons. t 8 p. m. in the city council chamber he will show them at the regular meeting of the Nebraska Audubon society. The public is .welcome at both lectures. Children's Coughs and Colds. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been a favorite with mothers for their children. That it has well merited the esteem in which it is held is shown by the fol lowing extract irom a letter to the manufacturers bv Mrs. T. H. Still. Charleston, 111.: "La.'t winter our little boy Z years of age had a severe cold that -settled on his lungs and we were greatly worried over his condi tion. He had a very persistent cough that hung onto him despite all t!.e treatment we gave him, until I got mm a Dottle ot t namberlain s Lough Remedy. This preparation relieved him almost immediately and two bot tlcs of it cured him." Advertisement. SAYIDGE RESIGNS FROMTHE BOARD Cries When He Asks House of Hope Direotors to Let Him Quit. MEMBERS DELAY ACTION Rev. Charles W. Savidge cried when he asked the board of directors of the House of Hope to drop him from its directory. In effect he re signed as superintendent of the town Jtiouse of Hope at 956 North Twenty seventh avenue and the new institu tion at Florence. "The board has not yet taken ac tion. We are discussing the situa tion," stated Chairman Payne. Mismanagement of the old house vas charged by the Board of Public Welfare, following an investigation by Superintendent Schreiber, who re ported an elderly woman died unat tended and another woman was burned almost fatally. Chairman, Payne and Rev. Mr. Sav idge have been estranged for two months. "I don't want to be a thorn in your flesh. It is evident that we nave been trained along different lines," said the minister to the House of Hope board. The Board of Public Welfare served notice on the House of Hope directors to close the avenue house or install proper management within two weeks. 10,000 Gallons of Gasoline Go Up In Sudden Plash Ten thousand gallons of gasoline was destroyed yesterday at 8 o'clock at the plant of the Manhattan Oil company, Eleventh and Paul itreeta. 'The hre was caused by the blow ing out of a stopper in the top of a big tank of high-test gasolinet The vapor escaping from this opening traveled 200 feet to the tar kettles of the National Roofing company, which set fire to the vapor. In an instant the whole tank of gasoline was burning. Gasoline of this quality It now worth 20'i cents a gallon, making the loss about $2,000. The blaze was spectacular and could be seen for several miles. Chartfed Ten-Spot for Sitting On Revolver mere was a soiree in progress Wednesday night at 201 North Eleventh street. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Archer were hosts. Miss Mary Nel son and Charles Nelson, who are not relatives, were guests. There was beer and music. "But this party lacks one thing," the host confided to Nelson. "You better get your mandolin and pick a :ew tunes. But Nelson was afraid to go home. "My wife is there and she will make me stay in," said Nelson. Archer volunteered to get the in strument. He did and reiiorted that the doors of the Nelson home were wine open and nobody was at home. Nelson immediately went home, ostensibly to lock the doors. He b -ought back a big revolver. He sat on the weapon and played his man dolin while tho beer flowed. Neigh bors phoned to the police. Arrests followed. "Why did you have the gun at the social?" Judge Madden asked Nelson Wednesday in police court. There was no answer. "Is it because the host had a reputa tion as a wielder of a wicked razor?" asked Prosecutor McGuire. Nelson smiled affirmatively. The gun-toter's wife paid the $10 line unpusca upon ner music-maKing spouse and led him forth by the arm. "I'll teach him to snoop around o parties witnout my consent, said Mri. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Archer and Miss Nel son were discharged. Teamsters Talk Strike: Lockout is Threatened Teamsters are discussing a strike for higher pay. Employers of team sters, sucn as tne express companies, the transfer companies and others, have indicated that a lockout will re sult if the teamsters inaugurate the proposed strike. LAUNDRY MEN WILL NOT RAISE PRICES But Say They Will Try to Meet Advanced Cost by More Efficiency. FIFTY HERE AT CONVENTION How to economize in the laundry business so as to continue to make a reasonable profit without further in creasing rates, is the problem the Ne braska Laundry Owners' association is facing now in its seventh annual convention at the Henshaw hotel. We do not intend to raise prices again, sail President n. A. lacon- berger of Omaha. Our problem is to find efficient systems of cos finding and to find ways to economize in do ing business so that we can continue to operate without further advances." Last October the laundry men put into effect an increase in their chaws. It was a kind of " increase. They diii not increase the cost of laundryuir any one articn, but added 10 per cent to the total charge on each bundle. Materials Cost More. Since that date, materials used in laundries have greatly . dvanced in cost. In regard to this President Jacobberger says: "Soap has in creased 100 per cent in the lat year or two, and 50 per cent since last October, when our increased charge went into effect. Starch has increased 75 per cent since last October. Paper and twine have made a big jump in cost. Twine has advanced 20 per cent since last October and 120 per cent since last year. , Pasttboard boxes have gone up 100 per cent since last year. Steam coal advanced 100 per cent, although this has gone down until it is now only 25 per cent higher than it formerly was. Labor has ad vaaeed 25 per cent in the last year. and 15 per cent sinre last October. Labor will advance more still, tor we intend to increase wages as soon as we can. The cost of living has gone up so that our girls have to have more money to live and we intend to give it to them as soon as we can see our way clear to do so. The cos of labor is our big item, being about 50 per cent of our gross business every week. About fifty laundrymeT from va rious parts of the state are here for the convention. H. A. Jacobberger of Omaha is president; j. A. West- ling ot fairbtiry is vice president, and A. E. Evans of Lincoln 's secretary treasurer.. The laundryire- are here for a three days' convention. Enter tainment features are by the local laundrvmen. Salesmen's Club to Put On Big Four-Reel Feature Joseph Barker, president of the Salesman's club, has just completed arrangements to bring to this city niL. i Li.. r i. , ine irouDtcs oi a oiorexeepcr, a four-reel feature film produced by the Essanay company for the National Cash Register company. It will bj presented before the members of the Salesmen's club in the Commercial club rooms at 8 p. m. next Monday. This film has been shown all the way from New York to San Fran cisco and from Chicago to New Or leans, before merchants' associations, chambers of commerce and other business organizations. It was on the programs of the National Ad club convention at Philadelphia and conventions of the national associa tions of grocers and druggists. "Paul Revere's Ride" For Kiddies at the Muse "Paul Revere's Ride,' timely both for its patriotic interest and because this is the anniversary week of the celebrated ride, will be the film shown for the special children's program at the Muse theater Saturday morning under the auspices of the educational committee of the Omaha Woman's club. "Colonel Heezaliar, Snv Dodger," and comedy and country life films will also be shown. The Strand has discontinued the children's movies. . . I.. - .l!8 .1 'J '. - -- " Z!l,::iJirT'TT Eoerff Picfurt m. mi Working Under a Continual Strain? Does a Lame Back Keep You Worn Out All the Time? MAYBE you have weak kidneys, a trouble that often follows grip, a cold, a fever, or a spell of worry, overwork or unwise habits. It shows in constant, dull, throbbing backache, or sharp twinges when stooping, lifting, getting up, or turning in bed, with headaches, dizzy spells, a tired, nervous state and irregular, abnormal kidney action. Don't neglect weak kid neys, or you run the danger of having dropsy, gravel, heart disease or Bright's disease. The kidneys are the blood filters and must work all the time to keep you in good health. Take things easier, follow regular habits, and take Doan's Kidney Pills, a remedy in use the world over, and recommended publicly in the U. S. A. by fifty thousand people. Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly worth a trial. 1 Here Are Several Omaha Cases N. Twenty-Second St. Mri. E. G. Humphrey, 1604 N. Twenty -Second St., says: "I suffered from rhaumatie pains in my shoulder and there was also difficulty with the way my kidneys acted. That show ed that they were disordered. 1 had spells of diiiiness and dark spate often appeared before me. Doan's Kid ney Pills soon relieved all these troubles." (Statement given April 16, On February 24, 1916, Mrs, Hum phrey said: "I hold as high an opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills now as ever. When my kidneys vet out of order, I use Doan's and they never fail to do me good." N. Seventeenth St. H. A. Burdlck, painter, 1662 N. Seventeenth St,, sayst "After follow ing the palntin trade for twenty three years, I was bothered by kid ney trouble. The kidney secretions were much too frequent In pa b age and scalded. My case was not a chronla one, but these symptoms had existed long enoURh to canttc me much annoyance My back ached too. After finishing five boxes of Doan's Kid ney Pills I felt well and was free from all symptoms of kidney trouble." N. Eighteenth St Charles Marley, 1186 N. Eighteenth St., says: "When I was In the west bad drinking water disordered my kidneys. They acted very Irregularly and caused me considerable trouble. My back ached pretty much all the time. When J came to get down or straighten up, t found It a great ef fort. Doan's Kidney Pills loon over came the trouble, made my back feel strong and put my kidneys In good working order. 1 am 74 years of age now and I am enjoying first-elans health." Pierce Street Mri. J. H. Appleton, 2511 pierce St., saya: "I have been subject more or less to kidney and bladder trouble for several years. Whrn I have any trouble this way my bark aches ter ribly and I feel miserable. After I take a box or two of Doan's Kidney Pills I feel fine. My kidneys act regu larly and my hark feels as strong as ever. I always recommend Doan's Kidney pills when I hear anyone com plaining of their back or kidneys." Sahler Street Mrs. J. T. Stoddard, 24U Sahler St., says: "My back caused me a great deal of misery. I had a dull ache across my kidneys and at times sharp twinges caught ma In my aides. When I got down, it was hard for me to straighten up. Bladder troubles also annoyed me. My ankles became swollen, making It hard for me to gat my ahoes on and I felt miserable all over. Three boxea of Doan's Kid ney Pills overcame that misery in my back, regulated my kidneys and helped me wonderfully In every way." N. Sixteenth St. F. A. Anderson, shoemaker, 8706 N. Sixteenth St., says! "I don't know what started It, but I got a pain in my back over my right kidney which was very annoying. Sometimes when I would get up or when I made the least move It felt as though some one wore sticking a knife into my hack. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me and I haven't been bothered since." W J 10)' IT iudnev ir ilis c Every Druggist has Doan's, 50c a Box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Mfrs. SAVE YOUR LAUNDRY MONEY By using a ( laundry Queen" The washer that has ALL the lat est conveniences. This washer's improvements begin where others leave off. Fifteen kinds of wuMnf Median tan kind, of vacuum cloanora r . i.t. i . from wnicn co cnooao. a l Easy terms if desired. Mfco s3 SOS Souti ISO. Trier 1011 08fiosttsnrtJouJa 10 PEWCIL VENUS Is bovsht by all lwho want the bst. 17 perfect black degrees, nd 1 conyloa Hbr eTry pos sible purpose. But Band VELVET Th SvpremtJC. PENCIL American Lead Pencil Co., Our Large Padded Vans- with expert movers make moving a pleasure instead of a dread. Moving, packing, storing is our specialty. . SAFE SATISFACTORY SERVICE Omaha Van and Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163 806 So. 16th St BEE PHOTO ENGRAVINGS FOR NEWSPAPERS FINE JOB WORK Anything Etched eat Copper or Zina Artists, Engraven, Electrotypars and Photographers Bae Engraving Dope, 103 Be Big. Omaha DRIVE AWAY HEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead -. and Temples A headache remedy without the dan. gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once I Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. used only externally, and in no way can affect stomach and heart as some in ternal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat Bronchitis. croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, con gestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, an pains and acnes ot the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest .(it often prevents pneumonia).