Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Page 4, Image 4
4 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. APRIL 20, 1917. MAKE YOUR GARDEN HELP THE NATION Now Is the Time for All Patriot to Do Some Plant ing and Hoeing. OEOW ANYTHING EATABLE By A. R. GROH. If this article results in 1,000 extra acres of foodstuffs Wing planted this .spring it shall not have been written in vain. This extra acreage would add, for example, 25,000 to 50,000 bushels of corn to the nation's store; it would add from 75,000 to 300,000 bushels of potatoes. "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the country," as the typewriter practice line runs. Planting lime is right now. The seed must be put into the ground without delay in order that it may yield bountiful food for the nourish ment of our people and for the car goes of hundreds of ships that shall sail across the ocean, carrying the food that the allied countries need from us. No part Is too smalt to play in this work. You, King Farmer, have the biggest part. Upon you the eyes of the world are directed. You have the land, labor and machinery to produce this food. In the past you have planted and cultivated, thinking chiefly of your own profit. This year t higher re sponsibility, a patriotic duty rests upon you. Usa Every Acre. You must use every possible acre of your farm for raising food grains, vegetables, meat. Don't let a single acre "loaf." K you have a ten-acre patch or a five-acre patch or even one acre that you let lie fallow in other years, get into it with the plow this year. Un less you do, you are unfaithful to your trust. If you raise an extra five acres of corn or potatoes this summer, you will be providing food for several hundred people for t month. Can't you just see those people? If you don't raise that extra five acres of food these hundreds may go hungry, or even atarve. There's your respon sibility. Don't say to yourself, "The little extra that I could raise won't make any difference." Suppose million of our farmere each put in five extra acres of corn and raise twenty-five bushels to the acre (the average yield), it will mean 125.000,000 bushels of com. And that will feed a lot of people, or produce a lot of meat. Soldier va. Farmer. If your son wanti. to enlist as a sol dier or sailor and if you can't raise as much foodstuffs without his help, then it is his. duty to stay on the farm. He can serve his country best, under those conditions, by plowing planting and harvesting. Ydji may have to work extra hard. But - you will have ' the pleasant thought that you are doing a most useful work, that you are feeding the hungry and that you are aervii.g your country as a patriot of the first or der. All this in addition to the extra big prices you will get for everyhing you raise this year. Around the city here, nearly every vacant lot and back yard and subur ban acre is tinder cultivation this spring. Never before has there been so much small gardening. Work. Work early and late. Put forth the supreme effort for your country, for the world and for your elf. America is watching you. America expects you to do your duty. Benson Folks Try To Stop Eaces at ' Track Near There Ernest L. Underwood, Louis F. ; Trinpe, John W. Kurti and Arthur H. Marvin, Benson property owners, have started injunction proceedings in district court in an attempt to enjoin the Omaha Driving club from holding : harness race meetings at the former Douglas County Agricultural socie ty's track. The agricultural aocietr and the Metropolitan Water board are ; named as co-defendants. The Omaha ' Driving club recently took over all the agricultural society's interests at the Benson racing plant. The property Owners allege that the race track is a "public nuisance on account of the large crowds which will be attracted o the track by the horse races." They seek to enjoin the driving club from making further im provements at the track and ask that the court order the present barns to i be torn down. , Ois M. Smith, superintendent of speed and a' member of the board of directors of the driving club, which ' holds memberships in the Great West ern circuit, Iowa-Nebraska-Minnesota . circuit and the Nebraska Speed asso ciation, said that he welcomed the suit, inasmuch as it will give the courts a chance to settle the matter before the scheduled dates of the im portant race meetings. "I don't know of a metroooltan ' city in the country where high class harness racing is regarded as. a nm ' sance," said Mr. Smith. "The big cities of the east certainly do not think so. Harness racinsr. vacked bv 1 reputable business men, is as high ' class a sport as base ball, and I can't see why property owners should have any objections to it." Summer Camp Fund is - Much Nearer the Goal M. C Peters' donation of $100, that of the Hotel Men's association for , $40, and $203.49 collected Wednesday, brings the Young Women's Christian association summer camp fund up to ' $13,642.92. The goal is $20,000., .': A Bilious Attack. When you have a bilious attack . your liver fails to perform its func , tions. You become constipated. The ' food you eat ferments in your stom ach instead of digesting. This in flames the stomach and causes nau sea, vomiting and a . terrible head ache., Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean : out vour stomach and you will soon '. be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. Advertisement. YOUNGEST AND LIGHTES1 NAVAL RECRUIT. Ii r I v , -at T f -a 'ri. fc .. NOAH W. SHAW. Although he has a "high brow" name, Noah Webster Shaw, of Calla way, Neb., has military and patriotic spirit. Monday he joined the -navy in Omaha. He was just as eager to fight for Old Glory as lads with names that sounded more like war, includ ing Theodore Roosevelt Berry of Neligh and William Jennings Bryan Ohlson of Forestburg, S. D who en listed at the same time. Young Shaw is now under training at the Great Lakes station. BANK TELLER SHOT - BELOWTHE HEART Carl Flodman Found Dying in Cage of Nebraska National Says it Wai Aocidental. WENT OFF WHILE LOADING Carl Flodman, receiving teller in the Nebraska National bank, Twelfth and Farnam streets, was found in the tell er's cage yesterday badly wounded with a bullet beneath his heart. He is at Immanuel hospital and Police Sur geon Nigro says his chances tor re covery are slight. , A. W. francis, another employe of the bank, found Flodman there when he came to work in the morn ing. Flodman was still able to speak and told Francis and policemen that the revolver had been accidentally die charged in his hand while he was loading it last night. He said he Kent back to the bank last night to work on hia books, as the balances had slightly varied and he had hoped to find the error by working after hours. He has been an employe of the bank for twenty years. He is 30 years old, has a wife and one child. His home is at 112 North Thirty- tirst street. Dandruf fy Heads Become Hairiest If you want plenty of thick, beau tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn t do much good to try to brush or wash it out. 1 he only aure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- solve it. then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring;-use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gent ly with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will complete ly dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace ot it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging Of the scalp will stop, and your, hair will look and reel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is alt you will need, no matter how much dand ruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. Advertisement. ENTIRE CITY GETS A GOOD SCRUBBING No Spot to Be Overlooked Through United Efforts of Many Clans. CITY DIVIDED INTO PARTS Omaha Woman's club, improvement clubs, Boy Scouts, Omaha Civic league and city street department have to-ordinated their energies in developing a system which will be used during the cleanup campaign beginning on Friday. The city has been divided into dis tricts. Depressions have been desig nated as dumping places to which wagons and trucks will be assigned on an efficiency basis. Superintend ent Parks of the street department will have , charge of the hauling. He will make the hauls as short as possible. Each district will have a central office which will keeo in touch with headquarters. Boy Scouts will serve as messengers. To Clean Entire City. The general committee issued the following statement: "The entire city is included in this general removal of rubbish. It is urged that citizens co-operate witri the city drivers. Wagons will remove only such rubbish as is permitted in the New, Positive Treatment to Remove Hair or Fuzz (Beauty Notes) Women are fast learning the value of the use of delatone for removing haw or fuzz from face,, neck or arms. A paste is made with some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy aurface. In 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed otf. the skin washed ana every bit of hair has disappeared. No fail ure will result it you are caretul to buy genuine delatone. Adv. Influenza orLa Grippe It ti qall Mrmhlot thM 4yi to nad el s olearlT dittoed treatment for laflaenia 01 1 a ttriran. In an artiola In the "laftnoet- Clinic,'1 Dr. Jm Boll ol Nw York City ayi be It eonTlnoed that loo mnoh medi cation U both unneoesiary ud Injurious. When called to a eat ol to arlDD. the patient It mually teen when the lever It presem. as wo onui wuicd uoomiuubiij mil era in the disease, baa Draotloally past ed away. Dr. BU then order that the bowele be opened freely with alte, or oltrate ol mavnoita. For the high fever, severe headache pain end general soreness, one anti.kAninra tablnS ararv ihrae honre li quickly followed by complete relief. Aak for a-a. Tsoiete, xney are auo unaxoeueu tor noaoacne, aearaitu aaaaupaios. Red Cross Applicants Prefer the Nursing Branch to the Cooking Why don't Omaha women apply for Red Cross dietetics classes? Not a single application has been made. "We are swamped with requests for first aid, surgical dressings and home nursing classes, but no one has asked for a class in dietetics," said Mrs. C. T. Kountze, chairman of instruc tion for women. Dietetics is the only other subject taught in the Red Cross classes. "The women all .want to go to the front. That's why they're all studying nursing," ventured one woman at headquarters. - "Any woman can make something for an invalid to eat. They don't have to study it," remarked another, "It's not nearly so interesting," said a third. Mrs. Ross Towle has . the newest first aid class in charge. Dr. W. Y. Thompson will instruct the class Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 and 12 o'clock at the Nurses' club. Miss Delia Coutts, just registered, is one of the few who will give her services freely, in case of need. "I will go anywhere at any time and do any work there is to do," Miss Coutts expressed preference for motor driving. city dumps. Tin cans, bottle and yard rakings will be collected. Ashes will not be hauled by the city. Do nor throw rubbish on the ash heap ana expect the driver to separate it. Rub bish and cans should be put in piles at the alley or just inside the fence convenient for the teamster to shovel into the wagon. City wagons will not haul away broken furniture, old bed springs or junk iron." Wagons and trucks will be started early Friday morning. Ralph Kitchen Sells Lot On West Dodge Street Ralph Kitchen has sold the vacant lot at Nineteenth and Dodge streets which he bought a few months ago from Elmer S. Redick. The name of the purchaser and the price paid are not announced. Mr. Kitchen bought the lot for $13,500. The property ad joins the northwest corner lot on the west. Rain Cripples Lumber Market, Omahans Say George Rasmussen and J. E. Dodds have returned from Tennessee and Alabama, where they sought to pur chase lumber stock at the mills. They report the heavy rains in Tennessee have made it exceedingly difficult to get red cedar posts, poles and piling. At some places the wagons hauling the lumber out of the woods have been running hub-deep in mud, they say. Heavy Rains Swell the Streams and Delay Trains Wilh the exception of a limited area in the eastern portion, rain Wednes day night was general over Nebraska. The precipitation ranged from one fourth to two inches, the heaviest downpour being out along the North western, in Holt county. Stromsburg and numerous stations in the South Flatte country report an inch to an inch and one-half. As a result of the torrential rains, trains are late in arriving from the west, the delay being caused by soft tracks. , In the Republican river valley the streams are high, a number of the smaller ones being out of their banks. The HARDMAN Bve-FootlGrand An instrument of ex quisitely graceful lines, that occupies no mor pace than an upright piano. Caruso says: "Itt TONE is wonderful." Its price is no lest re markable Price $725 Easy Terms if desired SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. . 1311-13 FARNAM STREET nil SENT TO YOU ON pre lIillL THE WORLD FAMOUS Electric Cleaner Yes, that is eXSitly what we mean. We will send you one of our superb, BRAND NElW, (eMi Seep cleaning Frantz Premier Electric Cleaners our very latest model on 10 days' free cleaning trial. We are going to loan you this splendid cleaner for 10 whole days. Remember, this free loan won't cost yon a penny. We even pay the delivery charges. We bear every expense. You use the cleaner every day lor iu days witnout tne sugntest ODiigauon to Duy. we want you to see for yourself how it picks up threads, lint and ravelings and every speck of dust and dirt. Remember, this is the great Frantz Premier Electric Cleaner which is sold over the entire United States : the same identical cleaner which you have seen so widely advertised in the Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, Good Housekeeping and many other big national magazines. And this ia the cleaner which we now offer to send to your home today on 10 days' absolute free trial THIS GREAT OFFER opd n!y Until April Dont delay! This great free trial and easy payment offer expires sharply at 6:00 P. M. Saturday, April 21st, next. Only a limited number of these new machines will be placed in Omaha on this generous plan. Don't delay until the big rush on the last day. Simply send us the coupon below or telephone us and we will then give you the full details of this excep tional free loan offer. You can have a Frantz Premier on Free Trial this very day if you wish. No strings are attached to this free loan proposition no cost to you whatsoever. We want you to use the Frantz Premier Cleaner for 10 days just at though it were your own. Clean your carpets and your rugs with it. Try it on your furniture, your mattresses and your walls. Try it in all the nooks and corners; subject it to every test you can think of. And then, If you are not more than pleased with it, we will send a boy to get the cleaner, and the free trial will not cost you a penny. But, if you decide you simply can't get along without the cleaner, then you may keep it I And Pay Down As Your First Payment UiVL, I tp& .DU if You Decide to After the Ten Days' Free Trial Pi Bay 1 Then You Can Pay the Balance in Small, Easy Monthly Payi 30 Days Between Each Payment And remember, you are getting the rock bottom, special factory price. We do not charge you a sifigle p'enny more for these liberal terms and you are getting our very latest, guaranteed Frantz Premier Electric Cleaner a brand new machine with all the new and latest improvements. You ge the cleaner direct from the factory rsnrn nprn in iirnnnn. rtiii. near, nr h k. nn T.nn uiuu irit.f a wmik m.iwwih r MAIL THIS COUPON OR PHONE DOUG. 4894 TODAY This great offer expires promptly at 6 :00 P. M., Saturday, April 21st, next Fill out this coupon and mail it to us at once, or telephone us, or send your name and address in a letter or on a postal. The minute we hear from you we will send you the full details of this great free trial offer and special easy payment plan. We will see that you get a cleaner on absolute Free Trial this very day if you wish. . Don't wait until the big rush on the last day. Don't put this off a minute. Send the coupon, write at once or telephone our factory branch, 701 World-Herald BIdg., Douglas 4894. The Frantz Premier Distributing Co. 701 World-Herald Building Mail Coupon or Telephone Douglas 4894 liJlH" . i ' FREE OFFER COUPON Frantz Premier Distributing Co., 701 World-Herald BIdg., Omaha, Neb. Nr. me. . Address. .. . Gentlemen : Absolutely free to me, send at once details of your great free trial offer and easy payment plan and also your beauti fully, illustrated booklet.