Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Senate Agrees to Bill and Soon
Will Pass It.
Lincoln, Neb., April 19. Partial
ifc'rage for the women of Nebraska
was practically assured late this aft
ernoon when the committee of the
whole in the senate passed the meas
lire, 20 to 13. There is apparently no
doubt but the bill will easily get
through the third readmit in the sen
rtc. The house has already passed
the measure.
tl:. :- it.. - l:h .1 ..... j
11115 la uiv same uiii uiai was uc-
fcalcd some time ago, but was lifted
by ti.e .sifting committee by general
The bill extends the vote to women
of all offices not specifically providd
in the state constitution, thereby al
lowing suffrage without constitutional
West Point Election Tie
Is Submitted to Court
West Point, Neb., April 19. (Spe-
o-ai.) I he clerkship ot the city ot
W est Point will be filled for the pres
ent by the former clerk, August
Kanft, who will hold over until his
successor is declared duly elected
The two candidates at the last elec
tion,' Peter Poellett and Karl Kerl,
tied, each receiving an equal number
ct votes. It was found that the old
fashioned method of drawing straws
did not apply to cities of the size of
West roint. Accordingly a trienciy
Mlit was filed by Mr. Kerl before
County Judge Dewald and the case
is set for hearing on May 7. A re
count of the ballots will then be had
and a decision forthcoming, upon the
r.-sult ot the recount, should any dif
ference be found. -The
funeral of M.j. Gertrude Kahl-
rr occurred yesterday from the Grace
iutneran church at West Foint. Mrs.
Kahler's death took place at the home
ot her daughter. Mrs. Martin Ehlers
of the north side. She was a native of
Germany and was 80 years of age at
ner death. She is survived by one
stepson, her daughter, thirteen grand
children and seventeen great grand
A mass meeting of the citizens of
Cuming county is called to meet at
West Point, aSturday afternoon, for
the organization of a County Fair as
The marriage of Henrv Stalline and
Miss Lydia K. Schmidt was solemn
ized at the German Lutheran church
on the north side by Rev. J. H. Teg
Notes From Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., April 19. (Special.)
Tl, - :i r ur l.u
nc jluj ivum.ii ui vvymorc jiciq
a meeting last evening, when Mayor
cuuieman announced inese appoint
ments: Chief of police, Arthur Gil
lespie; street commissioner, N. F.
TanlriHi . tTL.:i
Moser and W. M. Fulton; A. D. Mc-
t-anaiess was recently appointed citv
attorney, and Sam Lee water and
light superintendent.
Fred Thomas, proprietor of a rej-
lanranf at ..... k.-..L I
fore Judge Ellis yesterday on a
maigc i uiscnminauon niea ny
Charles Wellington. The complain
ant alleges that he was refused serv
ice by the proprietor.
ryn McNulty, both of Wymore, were
milieu di me i.ainotic cnurcn at
Wymore Tuesday. They will make
their home on a farm west of Blue
Company F of Wymore held t
meeting and elected Mike Hofacre
lieutenant to succeed Leslie Finlev.
resigned. His brother. Harry, was
appointed sergeant by Captain Frank
Crawtord. , ,
Frank Lebers, a resident of the
Cortland vicinity, filed a suit for
$2,999 damages against the Union Pa
cific company for injuries received
when his automobile was struck by
northbound Union Pacific motor near
Cortland on February 6. He alleges
that he sustained permanent injuries.
Mayfield Visits State
Hospital at Kearney
Kearney, Neb., April 19. (Special.)
Chairman E. O. Mayfield of the
state board, of control spent Wednes
day in Kearney on an -Inspection tour
of the state buildings and grounds
here. He was favorably impressed
with the finding, but realized after a
trip, through, the state hospital for
tuberculosis patients that many im
provements there would not come
amiss and that some of them were an
immediate need. The installation of
sun porches, one for the men's and
one for the women's ward rooms is
advocated by the7 board chairman,
these being needed to give the pa
tients some fresh air and sunshine
which are so essential to their recov
ery. The quarters for the hospital
help were also found to be inadequate
and alterations as needed will he
made here. The upper floor of the
administration building will be re
modeled to meet the needs of the help
or a cottage adjoining the state
grounds will be purchased for their
Obituary Notes
L P. BROWN, a resident of Gage
county since 1868, died Wednesday
night at his home at Beatrice, aired 84
years. The deceasfral-'bwned extensive
land Interestx in this section of the
state and for years was engaged in
stock raising southwest of the city.
He is survived by a widow and three
MRS. ABBIB CLARK died at her
home at Tabor, la., Sunday night in
the eighty-fifth year of her age. 8he
was a continuous resident of Tabor
since 1874 with her husband. Dr. P.
B. Clark, who was postmaster at Ta
bor in the early eighties. Mrs. Clark
is survived by five children. Mesdames
Nellie Evernham. Myra McClintock,
Anna Wells and Miss Battle Clark, all
of Tabor, and Herbert Clark of Fort
Morgan, Colo.
RICHARD DRAPER, oldest citizen
of Tabor, died Tuesday morning at the
home of his stepdaughters, Mrs. O. C.
Jewell, in the ninety-sixth year of his
age. The funeral took piace at the
home Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. and
the body was taken to Do Ruyter. N.
T for burial, where he lived for many
Senate Sifting Committee
Shapes Up Work With
This End in View.
(From Staff CatTMpondent.)
Lincoln, April 19. (Special.) The
senate met today in its last committee
of the hole session, and will pass
the bills recommended today on Fri
day. It is' expected the legislature
will adjourn Friday night.
To facilitate the work, the senate
sifting committee resifted the sifting
file of ninety or 100 bills, leaving
forty-four measures only to be consid
ered Friday. The senate got through
nineteen of them Thursday forenoon.
During the morning session two
ihlls were postponed, that preventing
newspaper popularity contests and
that by Bates redistributing part of
the state school fund. This distribu
tion was to give counties having
leased school lands 10 per cent of the
state school funds in proportion to
the amount of land in each county,
v Among the bills left on the final
sifting file are:
H. R. No. 248 Anti-cigarette law, to
prevent smoking 1n public plaoea.
H. R. No. 517 State hall tnimiranr.
H. R. No. 9 Lam-aster school bill.
11. R. Xo. 637 Weight! and measure
Inspection law.
H. R. No. Twenty yean to life for
burglar with a gun,
H. R. No. 68 County relief for the blind.
H. R. No. 681 Pure food law relating to
If hoi,
H. R. No. 30 Investment of state school
funds In farm loan hank bonds.
H. R. No. 668 01 1 is school redisricting
H. R. No. 585 Allows Omaha, to regulate
height of her buildings.
H. R. No. 440 The bill to establish the
state bureau of printing and supplies, was
left to die In the sifting committee's harttts.
New York Federal
Bank to Handle
Part of Big Loan
Xew York, April 19. The New
York Federal Reserve bank an
nounced today that the secretary of
the treasury had authorized an is
sue of J200,'000.000 2'A per cent gov
ernment certificates of idebtedness,
maturing July 1, 1917. It was stated
that in case the government author
izes its proposed bond issue for war
purposes subscriptions to the certi
ficates would be accepted in payment
for subscriptions to the bonds. x
More Anti-German Riots
In Brazil and Argentine
Washington, April 19. Reports of
anti-German riots in Argentina,
wholesale dismissal of nationals of
the central powers from government
works, hospitals and arsenals and the
order to German residents to evac
uate a certain suburban zone of
Utienos Aires are construed here as
indicative of the difficulty the Ar
gentine government will have in pie
venting itself being forced by its 'own
people into an open break with Ger
Rio Janeiro, April 19. The fires
started during the attacks on tier-
man property in rorto Alegre
have caused conflagrations which
have spread to buildings owned by
Brazilians, the minister ot war to
day telegraphed to the commander
of the federal troops in the state of
Kio Grande do aul, in which forto
Alegre is situated, to place at the dis
posal of the governor all his forces,
amounting to 7,400 men.
Collect Old Papers to Get
Money for Red Cross Work
Save old papers and magazines for
war relief!
Mrs. J. C. Wrath and women of
the Turner Park Red Cross auxiliary
will collect the old paper Saturday,
April as, and sell it to raise tunds
tor materials for Ked Lross work.
Harrison & Morton have offered a
vacant room at 2429 Farnam street
to store the paper that day.
Miss Elizabeth Allan, Miss Flor
ence Lighton, Miss Jessie Biles and
sirs. A. t. Griffin will assist in the
Enough money to pay for Red
Cross instruction in evening classes
for three business' girls .was raised
by two card parties given last week.
one at Mrs, Wrath's home and one
;i the Kellogg hotel.
lo plan details for the old paper
campaign there will be a meeting at
the home of Mrs. Wrath Wednes
day afternoon.
Dr. B. D. Bogen Speaks at
Temple Israel Tonight
Dr. B. D. Bogen, field secretary of
the .National Conference of Jewish
Charities, Cincinnati, is in the city and
will remain until Sunday. He is mak
ing a survey of the Jewish social con-
dilions as they exist here and in other
cities of the central west.
This evening Dr. Boeen will deliver
a free lecture at lemple Israel, Park
avenue and Jackson street, speaking
on. Democracy and Social Service.
He is said to be looked uooh as one
of the foremost social service experts
in the country.
Falls City Girl Goes
To Portland, Ore., to Wed
Falls City. Neb.. April 19. (Spe-,-tal.)
Miss Faye Morris. daUEhter of
County Treasurer George Morris, has
gone to Portland, Ore., where she
will become the bride of Arthur
Landis, a former Falls City man. She
will be joined by a party at Spokane,
including Mr. Landis, and upon their
arrival the marriage ceremony will be
pertormed at the home of a sister of
Mr. Landis. They will make their
home in Portland, where Mr, Landis
is in the employ of an oil company.
High Power Radio
Station On Farm
Owned by German
Mitchell, S. D April .-Existence
of a powerful radio station
near Wessington Springs, S. D.t cap
able of receiving message from either
seaboard, was revealed today by the
United States marshal's office here on
the arrival of T. W, Tauhamn, a fed
eral officer, who dismantled the out
fit on the farm of hris Vetter, who
is of German birth. Taubaumn de
clared that the plant had two masts
sixty feet high with antennae stretch
ing 100 yards. No evidence was dis
covered that the station had been
misused, according to the officer.
Cotad Commercial Club Feasts.
Cozad, Cozad, Neb., April 19.
(Special.) The Cozad Commercial
club held its annual banquet Wednes
day night at the Methodist church.
Covers were laid for seventy, Rev. E.
E, Carter, pastor of the Methodist,
church, acted as toaslmastcr, and ad
dresses were made by Dr. I. C. Mun
ger. County Commissioner O. D.
Smith, Prof. Norval Pearse, Fred
Hughes and Charles Allen.
Silver Creek Votes Library Tax.
Silver Creek. April 19. (Special.)
--The township meeting Tuesday
adopted a resolution providing for the
establishment of a township library,
and a two-mill levy voted for the pur
pose. It is proposed to ask for funds
from the Carnegie corporation for the
erection of a building. S. C. Bassett
of Gibbon and Miss Charlotte Tem
pleton of Lincoln addressed the meeting.
"Kie-Yie-Yie! Get
Me 'Gejs-lf Quick!"
2 Drpi Mk. Corn "Fall" Off!
"I've joined the Never-A (tain Club. Never
attain will I use anything for torn but
'Geti'It.' Put 2 di-opB of 'Gets-H' on. and
from that aecond the corn begina to shrivel
fl Food with
pleasing flavor
and naj nourishing
"Oh. Don't Touch Itt It's So Sowl
IH "Geta-it" and It Will Sever
Be Sore I
instead of swallinr up like a little wrlite
sponge. Thenit looaens from your toe
and, glory hallelujah 1 the corn comes off
as though you'd take a glove off your
Yea, "Geta-It" la the corn discovery of
the age. More "GetB-H" in sold by many
times than any other corn remedy in exist
ence. Try it and you'll know the reason why.
It takes two seconds to apply it, and it dries
at once. That's alt. Don't experiment fol
low the experience of millions and use
"Gets-It" Is sold everywhere, 25e a bot
tle, or sent 01 receipt- of price by E. Law
rence ft Co., Chicago, ill.
Sold in Omaha and recommended as the
world's bent corn remedy by Sherman ft
McConnell Drug Co.'a Stores.
We want a man who chaf
ed in the ranks, has won
out, holds a big position
and wants a connection
with an organization
where practically no limit
exists as to how high he
can climb as to salary or
executive importance.
If you think you could put
through an important
business deal calling for
acumen and force of per
sonality, or if you could
handle investment secur
ities, or if you believe you
could so adapt yourself,
you are the man we want.
We can afford to pay a
man anything he is worth.
Do not let the fact that
you are getting a big sal
ary now deter you from
replying. We are after the
man of exceptional sales
ability who has already
made good in a large way.
State your age, experience,
whether western trained,
and give address in full.
Replies held strictly con
fidential Address Box 3043, Bee.
General Debility, Mal-nutrition,
Nervousness,' Weakness caused by
Dissipation and Overwork, etc.
For Sale
At Any Reliable Pharmacy.
Rubber Hom, 7c Per
84-inch, 5-ply, warranted
quality, 10c value.
9 brandeis Stores
Papro Seed Tape, 5c
Requires no thinning, eliminates
backachea and drudgery, 10c value.
Rnusiitp Economy
Sales in the
nfi n ep pus n3 nn v
Si Z ii
tl mm aa W I UIU iwl MM Mi
Friday and
Every item in this advertisement is at a remarkably little price Making little money go a great ways is
easy of accomplishment here. No need to say more the prices speak for themselves.
10c Crochet Cotton, Sc
R. M. C. Mercerlted Cordon
net Cotton, white, ecru and colors.
Ribbons, U a Yard
Hat, Hair Bow Ribbons, fine
assortment of colors.
Men's Overalls, 19c
50 dozen Overalls, at about
the smallest price yet.
Boys' Wish Suits, 3Sc
50c and 75c values. Variety
of colors and patterns; sizes 2
to 8 years.
Silk Gloves, 2Sc a Pair
SECONDS. Two-clasp or
long black silk Gloves remark
able values.
8:30 to 10 A. M.
Mill Remnants, Cottons, I i$e
36-inch Bleached Muslin,
Nainsook, etc., lengths easily
matched Limited quantity.
Dress Prints, 6c
Genuine American and Simp
son's; all staple stripes and colors.
Trouvllle Cotton Challie, (e
Neat Persian and Oriental
styles; mill shorts.
Mill Remnants, Se
36-inch fancy printed Silko
line and comfort covering;
lengths to 15 yards.
Women's Hosiery, lie
Fiber Silk, in black and col
ors; seconds of 25c quality.
Men's Socks, 5c a Pair
Cotton seamless Socks, . in
black and colors.
Woman's Vests, Se Each
Women's gauze, sleeveless
Vests, at this low price.
Handkerchiefs, 2c Each
Women's and children's
Handkerchiefs. Just look at
the price.
Woman's Hosiery, tt
Women's black cotton hos
iery, at a remarkable price.
19c Cluny Lacel, 7 5,e,
Cotton Cluny Laces, mill
ends, 1 to 5-yard lengths; bands
and edges, up to 5 inches wide.
Buttons, 9c a Card
Samples and novelty Buttons,
suitable for coats and, dresses;
worth up to 60c a dozen.
Corsets, at 35c
Made of pink Coutil, low
bust, long hip, 4 garters at
tached; hook below front steel.
White Gabardine ot 12j,e
36 inches, soft wool finish,
for skirts, suits, middies, chil
dren's rompers, etc. Sold from
the bolt, 25e value.
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, 7e
a ball.
J. P. Coates' best 6-cord
Thread, 6 spook for lc.
Children's Waists, with hose
supporters, sizes 2 to 14 years,
value 35c, at 19c a pair.
Good Rubber Dress Shields,
washable, a pair, at 7 He.
Rubber Sheeting, "Klein
ert's," remnants, V4 to yards
to a piece, a piece for 27e.
Rick-Rack Tapes and Edging,
a ball, at 7 H.
Stylish Suits and Coats
at Smallest Prices
For Women and Misses
Suits at $11.95
Many different styles, every suit
is a new, right-up-to-the minute
style, made with all the newest style
features and colors, new, big collar
effects, new belted and sport styles,
every new high shade as well as
staple colors, made of such fine ma
terials as Allwool Poplin, fine
French and Men's Wear Serges,
Poiret Twill, fine fancy Crepe ma
terials, etc. Fit, style, workman
ship all combined with extreme low
prices, sizes 14 to 18 for misses, 36
to 46 for women. Also several
styles Serge and Poplin, 39 to 55 for
stout women.
Suits at $9.95
Women's and Misses' Suits that were made to sell at $12.50, $13.50
and $15.00, every suit is risjht up-to-date spring style, made of Wool.
Serge, Poplin, fancy mixtures, novelty materials, etc. All the new
high shades, as well as staple colors; sizes to fit most any one up to 46.
Suits at $6.95
' A great many are suits made this season for this spring's selling,
others are late spring models, but are in many ways the same as this
season's. Good, practical styles and materials, many are fine all wool
materials; the coats of many arc silk lined, etc. Many suits hi' this lot
were made to sell up to $15.00 and some up to $20.00.
Suits at $4.95
Women's and Misses' Suits, made to sell at $7.50 to $10.00, not
this season's styles, but good, practical suits for wear on many occa
sions. Made of Shepherd Checks, Serges, Novelty ClothB, etc.
Coats for Women and Misses
The Coats at $3.95
Choice of several hundred Women's and Misses' Spring Coats that
were made to sell up to $7.60, made of Poplin, Serge, fancy materials,
big plaids, Shepherd Checks, etc. Many different styles to select
from; many have the new big collars, new belt and pocket effects, te.
The Coats at $5.95
We have grouped hundreds of Women's and Misses' newest style
Spring Coats, many different styles to select from, $7.50 to $10.00
values, made of All-Wool Poplin, Fine Serge, New Velour Cloths, in
high shades, fine All-Wool Stripe Chinchillas, Taffeta Silk and Satin
Coats, etc., new style features, colors, etc.
Children's Wash Dresses and Rompers
at 23c
Children's Wash Dresses and Rompers, ages 2 to 6 years, 29c and 35c
values- -'ifferent styles.
Trimmed Hats,
at $2.45
300 Unusual
These are all brand new Hats, just trimmed, ready for
this sale and at the present ruling prices of materials,
they are wonderfully low priced, at $2.45.
Many with crepe facings trimmed neatly with flowers, fancy
feathers, ornaments and ribbons. The best Hats we have ever of
fered at this price.
Untrimmed Hat Shapes, at $1.49
Black Shiny Straws, -and every woman knows how popular these
are this season also the popular Milan hemps. In 25 different shapes
everyone good.
Children's Hats, 49c and 89c
At 49e Milan Straws, with band of .ribbon.
At 89e Milan Straws and Hemp, trimmed with ribbon bows and
ribbon banding.
These Children's Hats come in scores of shapes.
Sale of Shoes
at $2.95 and $3.95
Will be continued Friday and Saturday. There
were over 6,00(f pairs in the stock when the sale
started Thursday morning. Surplus stock of one
of the best makers in Auburn, New York. $4.50 to
$5.50 Shoes all to go at these two. prices $2.95
and $3.95.
Every Size. 2 to 9
Witdhs, A to EE
Mill Remnants at 9)4
Everett Classics, Red Seals
and Whittington Press Ging
hams, lengths to 20 yards.
Percale at 10c
36-inch best grade dress and
wrapper percale, neat dots and
figures, full bolts and null
Boudoir Slippers, 3Se
Canvas slippers, sizes 2 to 8,
in pink, blue, brown and black.
Creme sole, pom-pom bow.
White Goods, SOc Yard
White Klaxon remnants,
worth 25c and 30c a yard; 38
and 40 inches wide; lengths 1 to
7 yards.
. India Llnon, 7 )i c Yard
28-inch White India Linon,
fine quality, regular 15c quality.
Wool Challies, 19c
Remnants of light and dark
colored Challies, various lengths
2 to 8 yards; 27 inches wide;
worth 59c and 69c, 1
Men's Work Shirts, 38e
Chambray and madras, extra
full and well made. Assortment
of shades and fancy stripes.
Sizes 14 to 17. From 8:30 to
10:30 only.
$2.00 Rug Remnants, $0e
300 Wilton Rug remnants,
worth $2.00 yd., at 50c.
' Blouses at SSe
Pretty white and colored
blouses. Many different styles.
Sample Curtains, 39e
Salesman's sample and Duo
Curtains; Filet Lace and lace
trimmed. Values to 79c. j
Voiles and Marquisettes, Se
Remnants, in short lengths;
white and beige, values up to
Turkish T elfnds, Je
A remarkably good Item, and
awonderfullylittle price to pay.
lfe Napkins, Sc ,
Of fine quality; mercerized;
hemmed ends, 18xl8-inch;
ready to use.
Infants' Shoos, SSe
Sizes 1 to 5, vici kid, patent
tip, hand turned sV.?. '"" '
TueTow .ig,4tta
Bleached, Twilled Cotton
Toweling, soft and absorbent.
Huek Towels, 4
Mill ends of Huck Towels
at this ridiculous little price.
ll-2c Toweling, $i,e
Full bleached, fancy borders,
soft and absorbent; extra wear
ing quality.
Fancy Turkish Towels, 19c '
Hemmed ends, colors abso
lutely fast, just one lot of these.
98c Table Cloths, S9c
Two yards, mercerized Da
mask; all pretty patterns; 58
inches wide.
Coroanut Oil Soap, 7 bars, 22c
Peroxide of Hydrogen, t-Ib.
bottle. ...21c
Essex Peroxide Soap, special,
a cake 6e
Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap, the
cake 6e,
Graves' Tooth Powder, can, I4e
Pure Witch Hazel, 1-pint bottle
for 18c
Kirk's Jap Rose Soap, cake, Sc.