Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Widow of Man Killed in
Accident Wins Her Suit
Luella O. Lorimer, widow of the
late Oliver A. Lorimer, an employe
of the Wells-Fargo Express com
pany, who was accidentally kilted sev
eral weeks ago, was awarded $2,100
damages in district court. She sued
under the compensation act, alleging
that her husband was killed while
in the discharge of his duties.
Retail Grocers Go to
Kansas City for Visit
Five hundred ham . and cheese
sandwiches, 500 cigars and gallons of
lemonade and coffee will be the ac
companiments of 150 retail grocers
who will go to Kansas City in I spe
cial train Saturday evening.
The Retail Grocers' association of
Kawville invited their fellow dealers
of the Gate City to fraternize with
them on Sunday. The train will leave
here at 10:45, arrive at Kansas City
6:50 a. m., Sunday; leave the Missouri
town at 10:40 p. m.
The Kansas City Sunday program
will be: Breakfast at hotel, base ball
game between grocers of the visitors
and hosts, dinner, automobile tour ol
city, joint meeting with short talks.
Harry Stribling is training the local
ball team of grocers.
MEMBERS OF THE U. S. LABOR BOARD Branch of the Council of National Defense, or
ganized to handle such labor problemi a may arise during the war with Germany. Those
in the photograph are: Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor;
Secretary of Labor Wilson, James O'Connell, H. E. Wills, Lee Frankel, G. Bucks, Frank
Morrison, Everitt Macy, L. B. Schram, E. P. Nevin, Elisha Lee and James Ford,
Andersen and Sutton Work
from City Hall Other Offi
cers Work from Station.
' irWWa-W '"" 81' m lhr&!rm'F3r pi.aMenn.niai - mvm i r-mm
: -r-JT iiuirTTu ijae!r.n. nir,
1 lb
wis m i if
The police morals squad, divided
against itself into two working units,
arrested thirty-one persons Wednes
day night in three raids.
Rumor has it that the raids were
"spite" excursions, prompted by ti
Ta! political camps.
Officer! Andersen and Sutton, wl
now get their orders from Police
Commissioner Kogel's office,
"pinched" the Central hotel, which is
directly opposite he police station,
Six men and six women and the bar
tender were taken from there.
Sergeant Russell and Officers Cun
'niugham and Chapman, who work
under the station captain, raided the
Rex hotel, arresting fcd Moore as
keener of a disorderly house and
twelve men and three women as in
Myrtle Ross' place, at SlOtf South
Tenth street, was raided by Officers
Andersen and Sutton. The propri
etress and three other women were
eauiht All four forfeited bonds
amnunh'nflr to 45.
jack O'Connell, bartender at the
Central notel, was nnea ai ana coma
for keeping a disorderly house. The
inmates were discharged.
Ed Moore of the Rex hotel was
fined $15 and costs on the same
Georse Wilson, porter at
the hotel, was fined $15 for resisting
an officer. He threatened umcer
Cunningham with a beer bottle when
the police invaded the place. Six of
the inmates were discharged and five
forfeited bonds by failure to appear
in court Three women were fined
$2.50 and costs for being inmates of
disorderly house. -
Her Cruelty Did
Embarrass Him So,
Says Mr. Kimmel
Three divorce petitions were filed
and four decrees were granted in
district court. ,
Those who seek freedom are: Net
tie P. Muentefering from Herman S.
Muentefering, secretary and treasurer
of the John Linder company, cruelty
alleged; Perry B. Stevens from Ada-
lena I. Stevens, desertion aucgea;
Louise Haines from Ernest B.
Haines, nonsupport alleged.
. The following were granted de
crees: George Kimmel from Tem
perance Kimmel. He testified that
she "was so cruel to him as to cause
him great embarassment and humilia
tion. Norah Zweibel from John
Zweibel. Agnes Von Scoy from
George Von Scoy. Thomas R. Clear
from Mabel Clear. . .... ...
Sir Horace Plunkett
Sells Chatham Hotel
Sir Horace Plunkett, the Irish cap
italist, has disposed of a smalt part of
his Omaha real estate holdings, in the
sale of the Chatham hotel on Thir
teenth street between Douglas and
Dodge, which baa just been sold for a
sum said to be about $60,000. Conrad
Young, Plunkett'a Omaha representa
tive, handled the deal for Sir Horace,
while A. P. Tukey & Son negotiated
for the buyer. The name of the pur
chaser is not being made public as yet,
but he is said to be an out-of-town
Kennedy Wins American
Marathon; Hatch Is Second
Boston, April 19. William Ken
nedy of New York today won the.
American marathon, the champion
long distance running event of the
country. Seventy runners from
various parts of the United States,
Canada and Greece were entered and
more than 100,000 spectators were
gathered along the twenty-five-mile
Kennedy's time was 2:28:37 2-5,
approximately seven minutes behind
the record.
Sidney H. Hatch, Chicago, was sec-
end in 2:30:19; Clarence H. De Mar,
Boston, third. In 2:31:05; Hanncs
Kolehmainen, Brooklyn, K. Y..
fourth, in 2:31:58.
Sugar Beet Workers Are
Already Enroute to Fields
A party of thirty Russians, men,
women and children, from Chicago
went west, ticketed for the sugar beet
fields in the vicinity of Scotts Bluff
and Gering. ,
Wages in the sugar beet fields this
year are the highest ever known. The
family wage is based on the number
of children who can be put at weed
ing and is an advance of about 25 per
cent over former years. For men and
women workers, independent of the
children, the wage runs around 15 td
18 cents per hour.
Two-Seventy Paid for .
Cash Wheat on Exchange
Reports that the Canadian railroads
had placed an embargo on the ship
ment of all kinds of grain into the
United States sent prices skyward on
the Omaha- Grain exchange. Cash
wheat sold up to $2.70; eorn,"$1.56,
and oats, 75 cents per bushel, all new
Wheat receipts were 33 carloads
and the prices paid ranged from $2.66
up to $2.70, an advance of 7 to 10
cents per bushel.
. Corn sold at $1.481.56, up 3 to 5
cents from the high of Wednesday.
Receipts were 63 carloads.
when yoej put on a newf? prei.ed eult
WHY for torn reaeon tt doen't look
or hong Tifhtt
The eaantee em that It has tm
awchtne nreeeod.
Correct Dressers
melt! on hyn tholr elotaee arceieft by
Uilort. Thr koow how It should bo
done, ond alio do ft for only toe per eoH.
Hive roar itiit taller rreeeod end ee how
different it looke. ,
Crorutrom's Pantalorium
Clowlas, wraulnt. elteretlowa end r.
pafrios ell done br tailore.
174 and Fames St, Pbene Deuf. S40T.
I' '
Senator Borah Says
Laws to Muzzle the
Press Are Invalid
Washington, April 19. Senate de
bate on the administration espionage
bill continued today, with the fate of
a press censorship still in doubt.
1 his section ot the bill provides a
ten years' imprisonment or a fine of
$10,000 for persons who collect, pub
lish or elicit information concerning
matters of national defense which
might be of use to the enemy, in vio
lation of regulations by the president.
SenaVir Borah contended that con-
?:ress was devoid of power to inter
ere in any way with the liberty of
the press. He also declared that the
framers of the constitution were
agreed that the national government
should be excluded absolutely from
all power over the press. The first
constitutional amendment, he said,
was added to make certain that in
terference with liberty of the Dress
by the federal government was ex
pressly denied.
Regarding the contention that na
tional safety makes a censorshio
necessary now, Senator Borah said:
"The public interest' has alwavs
been the basis for all attacks upon
the press. Kings and dictators have
suppressed publications because thev
believed them against public interest."
Senator Thomas of Colorado pro
posed to strike out virtually theen
tire so-called "censorship" section, but
action was deferred.
Senator Johnson of California nn.
posed the whole section as a blow at
tree speech as well as at a free press.
"My opinion is not so much because
of tenderness for the press." said he.
"A decent and self-respecting press in
time of war will censor itself and will
not be deterred by any law from hon
est and legitimate criticism.
"I am concerned moallv with thr
right of free speech, the preservation
of democracy itself."
Mad from food clear lum
bar, covered with turn and
fibrai well bonad ad fee.
Durable' corner and braced
where neceeeary. Sturdy lock
and hinjee, X treyt nicely cloth
Priced at $12, $13.80 and US
j Freling&Steinle j
a V n
"Omh' Bt Banff!
n One ArnW Floor Vomer, !
Mot.PnafWatt.fnof 1
Protects Floors, Linoleum and Sfl
Oilcloth under most severe wear iP
. and washing. I1
eta rWDedbr 1
Booklet "aodrre Maori and Sfboawer 1
eeotou reQueat. Aflame nearealoffloe. U
t7eii,iweeMeoeieTWMWiiiewtMiwiMiwei II
Aweedod' Model Howov, Panama II
mtttr.. . - " laaae.-.i.wja-Sa I . j
Crowds Attend Trial of Mex
ican Charged With Murder
of Officer.
The state will demand the death
penalty in the case of Macario Peres
Romers, 25 years old, on trial in
Judge Sears' division of the criminal
codrt, charged with the murder of
Cornelius E, Cross, a special officer
for, the Northwestern railroad. The
court room hat been crowded with
spectators since the trial began.
Mrs. Allan Cross, mother of the
murdered officer, and James Cross, a
brother, were in court Thursday
When Chief Deputy County Attor
ney Abbott and Deputy O'Sullivan
introduced Miguel Aguirre, one of
three Mexicans surprised by Officer
Cross on the night of January 21,
while they were in the act of rob
bing a freight car in the Omaha rail
road yards, as s witness, William
Lovely, counsel for Aguirre, who
later will be tried on the same charge,
made strenuous objections.
Objection Sustained.
The attorney argued that it would
be Is violation of Aguirre's consti
tutional rights for the state to force
him to testify. Judge Sears sustained
the objections and stopped a lively
jangle between Lovely and Public De
fender Horton who is representing
the defendant.,.. Eighteen witnesses
were called by the state.
Romers, the alleged murderer, still
weak from bullet wounds suffered
when the officer, fatally wounded, re
turned the fire of the Mexican freight
car robbers, testified by means of an
"Take adventate ot oar tree eiamraa
tlon and leern the real condition of
your teeth."
Heavleet Bridie
Work, nor too In,
Wonder Pletee
worth SIS to aas,
$5. $8. S10
Beet Silver FIB-
Bt SXc Gold
Crown .
Wa ptim ru or rfrad your mtonvy,
14th end Parneaa IU4 Famam St.
Phnna Oouilea as72. ' '
X V j y? j j
' t, "'it.
Julian LoDez. alias Tulian Gonzalaa.
the third member of the trio, pleaded
guilty to a charge of a second-degree
murder several weeks ago and was
sentenced to twenty years in the peni
MarshaU Field III,
Chicago Millionaire,
To Be Private Soldier
Chicago, April 19. Marshall Field
III, one of America's richest young
men, arrived from New York today
to enlist as a private in the First
Illinois cavalry. He will draw $15 a
"I believe every young man of my
age, 23, should enlist," he said. "My
wife thinks as I do. There is a lot of
flag raising m New York, but more
real recruiting is being done in the
middle west.
"I think the young men of the
country will do their duty, but there
is no doubt that conscription it the
fairest and most efficient method of
raising an army.
Farm Papers Offer
Free Ads to Uncle Sam
Washington, April 19. Publishers
of agricultural papers, representing;
6,000,000 readers, in session here to.
day, adopted resolutions offering to
. i. . t i .
me buvci mucin tree advertising space
for the sale of war bonds or to pro
mote enlistments in the army or navy.
AST ruar Tnauai ,-'.1
Twenty-lline Years
of continuous merchandis
ing on one corner is some
record, but we feel that we
are in a better position to
serve the public with bet
ter merchandise at moder
ate prices than ever before
We Are Still
Specializing On
Men's and Young
Uen's Suits
and Top Coats
Exclusive display of
these garments in our
15th Street Windows
Manhattan Shirts
Knox Hats
Vassar Union Suits
Stetson Hats
Phoenix Hosiery
Exclusive Neckwear
Our exclusive second
floor children's de
partment carries com
plete stock of cloth
ing, furnishings and
hats for children and
boys from 2 to 18
Browning, King
& Company
Gstabfished r666
The Children's Shop
All Ready for Warm Day
Colored Dresses, Wash
Suits, Rompers, for
Out - of - Doors Wear
Gingham Dresses in checks
of prints and white and blue
and white, dainty new styles
that are pleasing, but serv
iceable; bloomers to match,
sizes 2 to 6 years. Price, $1.65.
Children's colored dresses
and aprons of percale and
gingham; sizes 1 to 6 years,
50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1.35.
Rompers for boys and girls,
50c, 65c, 75c, 85c and more.
Infant's creeping rompers, in
white and colors, 50c, 65c,
85c, f 1 to $2.50.
Third Floor
Novelty Skirtings
New Novelty Gabardines, in
plain and novelty stripes, Al
so Golf Cords, Diagonal
Stripes, Basket Weaves and
other different fabrics for
new skirts. 38 and 40 inch
es wide 50c, 65c, 85c, $1
a yard.
Linen Section
Laces New
A new shipment of Val. and
Cotton Torchon Laces, in
most attractive patterns
5c a yard
TabU Main Abb
Out Size Hose
Fine cotton, in black and
white, 50c a pair.
Black cotton with Maco split
soles, 45c a pair. .
Black cotton with rib tops,
45c a pair.
Very fine sheer silk lisle, in
black and white, 75c a pair.
Drapery Remnants
Marquisettes, Madras, Silk
oline, Fancy Sateen, Creton
nes; all good lengths, much
less than regularly, Friday.
The Truck With Greatest
Reserve Power
. Convincing evidence of
GMC pulling power re
serve energy is daily be
ing furnished by the hun
dreds of GMC trucks in
the service of the great
steel industries, construc
tion companies, etc. where
they are overcoming driv
ing and hauling conditions
that have proved the
Waterloo of many a good
"Put it up to Us
Friday is Taffeta Day
at Thompson-Bcldcn's
Belding's Beat Quality, Guaranteed
Taffeta Specially Priced for One Day
Black and Twenty-five Colors
An Exceptionally Good Value at $2.25
Friday $1.95' a Yard
A soft finished Taffeta that does not crush.
Pure dye, wear guaranteed; 36 inches wide.
This is your opportunity to select a pattern
for a new Suit, Coat or Dress at a saving. '
Haskell's Black Taffeta, $2.25 quality, Friday, $1.95.
Haskell's regular $2 Taffeta, $1.65 a yard.
Satin Duchess, 86-inch, $2 quality, Friday, $1.65 yd.
A fine fabric for coats.
Banded Sailors to the Fore
They are attracting much favorable comment from
all who have viewed them. Correct styles in the
most wanted new colors.
Priced right
$4.75, $6.75, $7.50, $8.75 to $15
Second Floor
Thompson-Bcldcn Coats
An unusual display of fash
ionable new Coats, correct in'
tailoring, graceful in line,
sturdy of fabric.
Satins, Bolivias, Cut Velours,
Gabardines, Taffetas, Serges
and attractive Mixtures. ,
Priced $15 to $125
It is our aim to have a com
plete grouping at every
is the Safest Investment
for any Business
First, because the truck with abundant reserve
power is never pushed to the utmost in ordinary
work; it handles the job at hand easily and with
dispatch, at the same time having sufficient
energy to meet and cope with emergencies and
unusual conditions successfully.
This keeps down the operating cost per ton mile,
the depreciation over a given period, and up
keep cost
Second, it means the ability to "get there" with
out injury to the truck, regardless of road conditions.
Nebraska Buick Auto Co.
H. E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr.
Lea Huff, Mgr.
Sious City
S. C. Douglas, MT.
HENRY & CO., Distributor
Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs.