Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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Havy Beeves Active, Steady;
' Yearlings , Slow Sellers
Sheep Steady.
Omaha, April II, HIT.
Recelnta were; Cattle, Hon. Sheep.
Official Monday I. Ill 1S.31I) 11.4:4
official Tueaday I.Mt Jl.tts im
Official Vednesrls)'.... T.MI 11. (It t,l"
Eatlmsls Tl jraday.... 1,1110 l.tM 7,0
Four days thla aek..:i.40 l:,ti7 SI. 417
Haine da)a laat nA. . St.tOt 11.111 3i,SOI
name daya I wlca. aito. 1S.4SS It.isi Z4.ZJ4
Ha ma days vka. aao.lO.I;! tl.S7 4.71
Mm daya 4 wits. aJO.ll.4U JH.7I1 U.K'l
Same daya laal year.. .81, let 41.011 15.023
RrctlDU and dtspohltlon of llva stork al
tlie Union Stork yarda for twenty-four hours
ending at 1 o clock yeaterdar afternoon:
Cattle. Halt. Sheep. H'r'a
C M. St. P 5
Vac-ash 1
Missouri Pacific... 1 4
lnlon Pacific 11 IT l
C. N. W east 1 1
C. N. W weal . , . 54 4 4
C. St. P.. M. O.. 7 l
'.. B. , eaat.... t 4
:., o. q. weal.... :i II 14 ..
a. R I. A P.. es.i. . 4 11..
Illinois Central 7 1
CU, Qt. West 1 I
10B 110
Cattle. lfos-e. Sheep.
. Ill 1,374 (
. lit
. 130
. Ill
tterrla Co..
Hwlfl A Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour at Co...
ffchrrarts s Co ,
J. w. Uurphy
Slncoln Packing Co. ... .
Nouth Omaha Pack. Co.
Wilson Packing Co
Aunelnger A Oliver....
W. fi. Vanaant Co......
Denton, Vanaant A Lush
F. B. Law la
f. r. Hu
Roaenatock Bros......;.
tverthelmer A Degen...
aVjlllvatt Bros.,..
Mo. A Xanaas Calf Co..
Jlanner Bros ,
ohn Harvey..;:..,.:.,
Dennis A Franels
'Jensen A Lungren. . . ..
Qther buyers
1,711 1,111
1,171 1.711
1,141 !,::
.... 114
Totals 1,171 11,111 1.(17
Cattle Receipts were very much lighter
Vday, only 127 cars being reported, but for
the week receipts amount to 28,640 head.
With fewer oattle In eight, there wee a
Utile more Activity on the better grades,
which sold more freely than yesterday at
fully steady prlcea. Ught and oommon
Steers as well as yearlings ware very slow
and hard to move, everybody being filled up
on that kind and no one wanting additional
Cows and heifers were about steady, and
the same was true of atockers and feeders.
Quotations on Cattle -Oood to choice
beeves, tll.IOOU.lli fair to good beeves,
110.710)11.101 common to fair beeves, ll.&O
10.71; good to eholcs heifers, 11.10010.11;
good to choice cows, 11.71010,10; fair to
good eowa, 11.0001.71; common to fair cows,
$1.1001.00; prime feeding atesrs, I0.I0O
1.73; good to choice feedera, M.7i0l.!O;
fair to good feeders, ll.OO0t.7i; oommon to
fair feedera, 14.7101.00, good to choice
atockere. ll.iO0l.7i; stock hslfers, 17.000
1.71: atock cows,; stock calves.
18.00010.10; veal calv s, tl.OO011.iOi beef
bulla, ataga, etc., tt.OO0l.iO.
The general market was ealled steady to
to lower by moat tradera, though aa noted
above, owing to yesterday's extreme on
evenness It waa very hard to make com
parisons. Some of. the light hogs today
looked aa much aa 10c lower, while ethera
sold stronger then last rounds yesterday.
Representative aa:ea:
Av. Pr No.
. St II 30 I
4 ... ,
u t it
.... in i is
....til 17
ti to
.... tt4 10 r.l
.,..1011 10 li
....1031 10 It
....1131 11 li
,...U4 11 II
....1311 11 li
,...i:i7 n to
31. ,,
50. ..
A. Pr.
... ill l ti
... 11 I IS
...710 ti
... 130 I 71
... I4t 10 ti
...nit io i(
...1041 10 10
...1311 11 10
...nil li li
1344 11 10
1100 11 76
lilt 11 li
ill I 31
3? t 11
111 10 M
III 10
141 II 40
141 10 Tl
i 710 11 00
00 00
101 10
III 10 10
11 10 tl
II 10 10
.looi io to
' 1 I li 4 171 I TE
1 HO t 10 1..V 1010 I 71
.. 190 I 10 1 111)0 I IE
1 Hit I l 1 31 I 71
1 Hit 01 1 1100 I li
1 -..1011 ti 111! It 10
t 13! 10 li
JT. ..:.... 701 t It t ill I 40
- Hogs The close yastsrday was about as
mean as anything could be Imagined. What
Hogs packers did buy wsre as much aa 110
is lower than the day before, while ae many
as thlrty.flve loads, some of which had
never had a bid., had to be earned over,
A good many of the late sales landed as
low as 111.00. and there was a sprinkling
of underweights on down to 114.71, bulk
of the day's business being dons at tli.00
While the bulk of the boss showsd no
very great change today the tono waa gen
erally eaeler. The fact la that the mar
kets the first half of the weak, and par
ticularly yeetorday, wero ao uneven that
they furnlahed a poor basis for making com
parisons this morning. Quits a few hogs
sold on shipping account today that for want
of better deacrlptlon were called generally
steady. They were hardly as high as yes
terday's' earlier market, but wire In most
cases AOBSIderably better than the low time
on the dose. - '
The big carry aver added to fair freah
supplies gavo packers a liberal showing
from which to make their selections, and
dhey offered lie lower prtoos sarly. Later
they raised' their banda and when hoge
atarted selling, the better kinds, particularly
heavies, were steady, while mixed and light
etuff looked weak to lower than yester
day's general trade, or very similar to Wed
nesday's later rounds. Vp to the extreme
eloas prices held their own, and some of
the later sales were .considered stronger
. than early. The clearances wss the beat
that has been made thla week, though up
to Stldday a tew leada of extremely light
. stuff were unsold.
:. Representative aalea:
No.' Av. . Sit. Pr No. Ar
74. .117 40 14 10 70. .110
I.. 331
401 li II
... II ti
lit li 31
... II 44
41 li It
II. .101
II. .113
II. .Ill
Sh. Pr.
10 11 10
... li 10
... li to
... li 10
It II 11
' Mieep Arrlvala of aheep' and lambs wsrs
fair, the run of twenty-nine cars or about
7,001 head ahowlng a 40 per cent Inereeee
over yeaterday'a receipts. So far this week
supplies havs been 11,117 head, aa sgalnat
13. ml last week, 34.171 two weeks ago, and
31.011 a year ago.
Owing principally to the fact that quite
a few of the offerings wers late In arriving,
not a great deal waa done until efter mid
forenoon, but when everything was finally
yarded the market became fairly active at
prices that were aa a general thing fully
eteady, and In the caae of a few of the
beat Uexlrans looked. If anything, a little
higher. The moat of the medium weight
Mexicans sold around 111.00, with a few
on up to 111.10, end a couple of cars of
llshtrr ones reached 111.71. beating the for
mer record for the market a nickel. Severel
i-are of medium weight westerns sold around, and some that were muddy were
bought at, Extremely heavy stuff
landed at tli.00. The top on westerns waa
tli.lo. shorn lambs, not ths best by any
means, sold at 113.11.
For what old aheep were hers It waa
about a steedy trade. Three care of Wyom
ing ewes, males of those that brought
yeatorday, made up ths bulk of the run, and
they sold steady. A ahort deck of handy
ted ewes sold up to 111.10. No lambs tare
bought for shearing purposea.
Quotations on aheep and lambs: Lambs,
light and handy, 111. 1111.71: lambs, heavy.
111. 71011.40; lambs, fresh shorn, 111.000
12.10; lambs, shearing, tl4.OO014.iO; year
lings, good to choice, 111.00011.71; yeorltngs,
fair to good. 111.000 11.00; wethere, feir
to choice. 111. 10011.10: ewee, good to choice,
111. 40011.31; ewes, fair -to good, 110.000
11.10; owes, plsln to culls, 7. 0001.10.
1- Representative sales:
Av. pr.
3fcS Wyoming ewee ........ , 04 12 li
141 Mexican lambs 74 11 71
.71 fed ewes ,.:.,..... Ill i; in
73( fed lambs u
Wheat Bringi $2.70 on Omaha
Market Corn Sella for
Omt)il, April II, 1117.
The eth train situation wai very bulllnh
air kin tot-In y and receipts of all trralna con
llnueit llfhf.
The demand, hflwtfvar, waa QUal.jr aa
tronf aa on th prvloua flay and tho
bulk of lha offering vara dtipoad of at
an early hour.
IV heat led in the artvanca with a range
7 of lOn ts hia-her and the advanca In
wheat was followed by comparatively heavy
calna In both the corn and oata market..,
corn being quoted from 3 to he hither,
while oats sold from 1 to lUc hither.
The advanoa in today's cash market ea
tabllthrd new record prlcea on all cereals,
whiat reaching th 11.70 mark, while corn
sold up to 11.64 and oata sold as hifh as
No. 1 hard wheat waa quoted around
$2.7. The I hard sold from f 2.66 2.7;
No. 4 hard sold generally at $l.UtHM.
and the No, I grades of mixed and spring
wheat brought from $J.872...
ln the corn market there was a keen In
quiry for ths white variety and this article
sold at premium prices, No. S white being
quoted at $1.64.
The better grades of yellow corn ranged
In price from 11. 41 1.41, while the same
grades of tnlied ruled around 11.47 tt & 1.49.
There was an active trade in oata and
this cereal waa In good demand, the No.
3 white being quoted at 72c and the stand
ard at 73c
The trad In rye and barley waa quiet
on account of light recelpta and these
markets were quoted firm.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour eoual
to 660,400 bit.; corn, 43,000 bu.
Primary wheat receipts were 801,000 bu.
and shipments 717,000 bu,, against receipts
of IH.ooe bu. and shipments of 624,000 bu.
laat year.
Primary corn receipts were (57,000 bu.
and shipments 441.000 bu., against receipts
of t,000 bu. and shipments of 1,130,000 bu.
last year.
Primary oata rerelots wers 771,000 bu.
and shipments 719,000 bu., against receipts
of 716,000 bu. and shipments of 195,000 bu.
last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oals.
Chicago M 4 10
Minneapolis ,,...Z4J
Duluth 34
Omaha ,
Kansas City " " 1"
St. Lou I , n 10 H
Winnipeg 141
These aalea wars reported:
WheatNo. 1 hard winter: t cars, $3.70
No. S hard winter: 1 ear, t:.l; 3 cars,
$3.67; 1 car. No. 4 hard winter;
1 car (corn mlisd), 17 414: 1 car, 13.47; 1
car, 3.; 1 car, 13. 67; 1 oar, 4-,-S. Ham-
pie hard winter: s ears (smutty),; i
car (smutty). I J. 40. No. I spring: 1 car,
13.41. No. I mixed: 1 car, iz.t; i car,
13.49. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 13.41; 1. car
(smutty), 93.10.
Rye No. i: I car, 11. Ml; ft sacks. 11.30
No. 4: 1 car, 11.14. Sample: 1-3 car,
Corn No. 3 white: I car. ii.ob; i car.
11.66. No. t whits: X cars, 11.66',; one
third car, 14.64. Sample white: 1 car,
11, 63. No. I yellow: 11 cars, $1.40. No.
3 yellow: t cars, 11.484.; two-thirda car.
I1.4SU- No. I yellow. I car, 31.47. No.
1 mixed: 1 car, 11.46. No. 3 mixed: 3
oars, 11.40: 1 car, 31.41.: I cars. $1.48.;
No. I mixed: 1 car (near white), $1.41: ti
cart, $1.46; 1 oar. $1.43. No. 4 mixed: 1
car, $1.47.
Oats standard: I car, 7ic. No. I white:
1 car (shipper's weights), 7344c; 7 3-3 care.
72o. Mo. 4 white: 1 car, 71 He. Sample
white: I cars. 71c; 1 car, T0o; 1 oar, 70c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 hard,
8..602,7O: NO. S hard, $2.6602.63; No. 4
hard. 13.6693.60; No. t spring, $3.6803.71;
No. 3 spring, $3.C7tf'J.6l. Corn: No. 3 white,
(I.ISAI.'jB; No. $ white. $1.6401.66; No.
4 white, $1.1341.. 4; No. I white, $1.(39
1.64: No, 0 white, si,e3S1.6H ; No. l yel
low, $1,4891.4: No. 3 yellow, $1.480
14841; No. 4 yellow, $1.4701.48; No. 6
ellow, $1.4701.47; No. t yellow, $1.46
VI. 47; no, i mixed, l.4BOl.4; No. a
mixed. $1. 4801411; No. 4 mixed, $1,470
1.47; No. 0 mixed. 31.4601.47; No. f
mixed. $1, 4691-44. Oats: No. I white,
x07H: standard, 7:97sc: no. i
white, l&079oi No, 4 whits, 710714.0.
l.arley: Malting, $1.180137: No. 1 feed.
41.3201.17, Bye; No. I, $1.8191.10; No. I,
Omaha Fatures,
The itrong cash situation was the govern
ing factor In today's future market, and
while tho market opened a trifle easier,
prices later advanced and ruled at a wide
range above tho highest levels of yesterday.
U was ft question of supply and demand
with trade, and aa tho demand Was for
ah excess of the aupply, buying waa limited.
Tne trade in today's market was. aa a re
sult, very quiet and waa confined mainly to
we j my opiiona or wneai ana corn.
Wheat closed with a net rain of 11a an
the May and tha July article ruled about to
abovs tha opening. May corn advanced from
o to bo, July corn ruled 4c hither. May
oata closed o up and July oata declined
Via snortiy bsror the close.
I.ocal range of options:
Concerted Selling of Specials
Accounts Largely for Er
ratic Market.
Art. Open. High. Low. Close Tn.
Wht 1 ( ( P
May I 41 t 13 34$ 3 14 m
July 1 f I 06 196 S 06 197
Spt. 1 87 1 77 1ST 1 77 163
May 14$ 1 48 143 1 48 143
July X 39 1 43 189 1 48 133
Sept. 1 31 .1 11 139 1 31 138
Oata. '.
May 18 41 88 0 7
July 03 , 8 824. 83 tu
jept. 62 12 82 . 62 18
Chicago closlnr nrloea. furnish t. Th n
by .Uotan 4k Bryan, stock and grain brok
er. 818 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art. Open. High. Low,) Cloae. Yes
! May I 88 S 43 338 t 41 232
i July 1 07 S 07 16 S 06 U7
Sept 1 $$ 1 tO Ut I 79 170
Corn. ,
.May 1 41 1 47 141 1 46 141
I July 1 87 1 43 137 1 41 137
! May 87 86 17 8J 37, JO $7 30 87 03
i July $7 00 IT 21 37 '00 7 30 88 $0
May 11 00 31 IS 31 00 31 03 30 97
July U 31 11 43 31 32 11 31 31 10
May II 78 It IT II 78 It II 10 60
July II II 10 II II 16 20 07 19 10
Sept 1 10 13 139 1 XX 130
May 14 07 $6 88 6
Jr 84 86 83 14 14
Sept 64 14 66 , 66 16
Dry Good! Market,
New York, April 19 Large government
orders for cotton goods wars received to
day. Clotha and yarns were steady. Buy
ers are arriving to attend a large carpet
auction next week. Woolen goodi were
steady, government buying growing nclWo.
The cotton market closed easy at a net
decline of 30 to 16 point.
New York. April 19. Toncerted selling
of special stocks, notably shippings, motors,
tobaccos and soma ef the low grade rails,
due to more or leas epeclfte cautiee, ar-
countm in largo measure tnr tne conriifr
Ing and erratic course of today's dull
New Haven's extreme decline of 4 points
to 39 waa associated with the company's
plan to Issue a large block or prerern-a
stork to meet current obligations. The
break in automobile Issues, which extended
to 4 points in Oeneral Motors, probably
had Its baals In technical conditions and
the further liquidation of shippings at ex
treme recessions of to 4 points, was
again attributed to a well defined belief
that tho profits of thuse companies are to
undergo severe shrinkage under government
supervision or control.
A gross decline of 37 poltita In Liggett
tt Myers tobacco on a single sale at 226
and a 7-polnt loss in American Tobacco
at 147 were cited as additional Instances
of Investment liquidation at current mar
ket values,
Steel and Iron shares held their ground
at gains of 1 to almost 3 points until the
final hour, when tho entire list ebbed away,
oils and metals alao forfeiting advances of
1 to 4 points. The setback alao Included
Ohio Oas, which made an early rise of 3
points to the record price of 143.
Union Pacific, Reading, minor coaler, and
Pittsburgh and West Vlrglhla -mmon and
preferred. In which forenoon advances
rangpd from 1 point to 4 points, crumbled
In the more active offerings of the laat
half hour, tha market closing with a heavy
tone. Total sales, 610.000 shares.
Dealings In bonds were more diversified
and mixed a to tone, local tractions and
some rails showing heavy to weak tenden
cies, with irregularity In Internationals.
Total sales, par value, $3,620,000,
united State coupon is declined per
cent and the registered 4 and Panamas
1 per cent on call.
Niynber of sales and quotation of the
leading atocka:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar... 4.900 93 ' SI 91
Am. Can 2,700 46 46 44
Am. Car A Vndry. 200 86 64 66
Am. Locomotive '. 67
Am. Hmelt. ft Ret. 2,700 19 9V
Am. Sugar nef 1U
Am. Tel. ft Tel 123
Am. Z. I... ft 8.... 300 38 33 XS
Anaconda Copper... 1,900 80 79 71
Atch son 1.300 K.Ztt if-'1 103
A. O. ft W. I. S. S. 10,300 103 98 10
Baltimore A Ohio.. 1,300 76 74 76
B. ft S. Copper.... 300 43 4-' 43
Cal. Petroleum 30
Canadian Pacific.. 1,100 142 161 160
Central Leather.... 2,600 86 83 88
Chesapeake ft Ohio 800 00 69 69
C, M. ft At. P 100 80 78 80
C. A N. W, ....... 900 114 118 113
C, R. I. ft P. Otfe. 000 47 46 46
Chlno Copper 700 64 83 62
Colo. Fuel A Iron. 300 47 47 47
Corn Products Ref. 1,400 23 33 28
Crucible Steel 11,100 8 41 61
Cuba Cane Hugar.. 3.200 47 4 46
Distiller' Sec 1.800 14 IS 13
Krte 8,100 2S 27 37
General Electric... 30 164 164 163
Oeneral Motors.... 16,600 103 99 100
Ot. No. pfd 000110 110 110
Ot. No. Ore. ctfs... 700 31 30 30
Illinois Central.... 400 104 104 108
Inspiration Copper. 1.300 66 66 65
Int. Mer. M. pfd... 26,400 80 76 77
Int. Nickel 2.200 41 41 41
Int Paper 1,500 30' 38 38
K, C. Southern 2-
Kennecntt Copper., 3.100 43 43 (2
Louis, ft Nashville 130
Maxwell Motors,... 1,400 44 44 44
Mexican Petroleum 6,900 87 86 87
Miami Copper...... 2,000 41 41 41
Missouri Pacific . 28
Nevada Power.".... 1,600 23 32 22
New Tork Central. 1,400 14 04 04
N. T, N. H. A H.. 1,00 48 39 39
Norfolk A Western 80 1.8 12R 128
Northern Pacific... oo 108 103 103
Pacific Mall 600 21 21 21
Pacific Tel. A Tet. . . -.' 21
Pennsylvania 1.000 68 68 63
Pittsburgh Coal.... 300 48 43 43
Ray Consol, Copper 1.300 29 29 29
Reading 7.00 16 94 94
Rep, Iron A Steel. , 6fTO0 80 79 70
Shattuoltv -Arts. Cop. 00 26 24 24
Southern Pacific... 800 14 04 B
Southern-Railway. . 4,900 28 28 28
Rtudebaker Corp... 17.S00 86 64 86
Texas Co 3,300 114 310 210
Union Pacific 7,400 3S m m
V. B. Tnd. Alcohol. 16.200 109 107 108
U. S. Steel 110.900 113 111 111
V. 8. Steel pfd.... 200 117 117 117
Utah Copper 11,100 111 110 111
Wabash pM. "B' . 300 26 25 3S
Western I'nlon 9G
Westing. Electric. 1,000 49 49 48
Total sties for ths day, 610.000 shares.
New fork Money Market.
N4w York, April 11. Money On call,
firmer; high, 1 per cent; low, I per cent;
ruling rate, 3 per cent; last loan, 2 per
cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at
3 per cent.
Tim Loans Steady; sixty days, 194
per cent '.ninety day, 394 per cent; six
months, 404 per cent.
Sterling Exchange Slxtv-dav bills. I4.72?1
commercial sixty-day Mils on banks, $4.72;
commercial sixty-day bills, $4.71; demand,
$4.76; cable $4.76.
Pllver Bar, '74c; Mexican dollars. B7c. .
Bonds Government, ' weak; railroad,
U. 8. Is. reg... 08 Int. M. M. Is.,.. 91 j
do coupon.... 18 Kan. C. So. r 6s 87 1
U. 8. 3s, reg... 90 A N. un.'4s, 91
coupon 90 M., K A T 1 4s 78
IT. 8. 4s. reg,. .106 Mo. Pacific g. 4s. 62
do coupon. ,, .105 Montana P. 6s.. 99
Panama Is, cpn 16 N Y. Cen. deb. 6s 107
Am. For, 8ecs6s IS No. Paclflo 4s... 90
Am. T. ft T. e 6a 99 do 3s 63
Anglo-French 6s. 940. S. I. ref. 4s... 10
Armour ft Co 4 13 Pao. T. ft T. Gs. IR
Atehlnson g. 4s. II Penn. con. 48. .104
Bait, ft Ohio 4s IT "do ten. 4's.y 17
Cen. Leather 6100 Reading gen 4a. 91
Cen. Paclflo 1st. 6lSt.L. A S.F.a.a 68
C. A O. cv. 6a.. 00 So. Pacific cv, 6 99
C, B. ft Q. j. 4 n. 86 do ref. 4a 87
CM A StPg 4s 98 So. Railway 6.. 98
C., R. I. A P.' r. 4s 73Tex. A Pac. 1st. 19
Colo A So. r. 4 80Unton Paclflo 4. 96
n. ft R. O r. 6. 66 do cv. 4 93
n. of C. 6 1931 91 U. 8. Rubber 6s.. 89
Brie gen. 4s 63 U. 8. Steel 6s. ...106
Oen. Electric $s.l 06 Wabash 1st 101
Ot. No. 1st 4s 96West U. 41... 91
III Central r. 4a IS Rtd.
London Stocks.
London, April 10. American securities
were occasionally supported at steady prlcea
on the itock exchange today.
Silver Bar, 37 l-16d per ounce.
Money 4 per pent.
Discount Rates hSort bill, 494 per
cent; three months, 494 per cent.
Wheat Opens Eight Cent Hither oa Baying
by Millers and Kiporters.
Chicago, April II. After a wild advance
today of about 10 cents all around to new
top record prlcea, the wheat market closed
flurried, 7q0Sc net higher, with May at
Fifty able-bodied men for motor
men and conductors. Must be of
good standing, good moralliabits
and between the ages of 25 and
35. Apply at the office of
- Ttrminal Bldg. Lincoln, Neb.
83.4093.41 and July at 12.0693".
Urgent demand rom exporters and millers
was largely responsible, together with the
fact that scarcity of Immediate supplies
had hoisted No. 2 red wheat at St. Louts
to within 2c of $3 a bush!. Corn finished
294c up, oats e off to lc advance-
and provision unchanged to 40c
To a great degree hope vanished that
important quick relief was to be had
through large shipments of what from
CanaHa. One of the difficulties of getting
supplies from Canada was said to be a rail
way embargo agahitt loading for thr
United States any cars except those owned
on this side of the border. Bullish senti
ment waa sharply stimulated a I no by a
Washington report that the shortage tn the
domestic winter crop was fully as exten
sive aa preliminary estimates had Indicated.
Entente government Interests were said
to have been big buyers of the September
delivery of wheat, while at the ssme time
persistently selling July. Cash houses were
the chief purchasers of May and there were
signs that a majority of May longs would
Innlst on deliveries of actual wheat.
New high records were scored In cor
chiefly aa a result of wheat strength. Gains
In some esses exceeded 6 cents. Oats
sympathised with the upturns In othr
cereals, but holders seized tho en a nee to
realise profits. Besides, crop reports were
very favorable, and new acreage was said
to be decidedly enlarged.
Provision mounted with grain. Compara
tive weakness in ths hog market was Ig
nored. Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, nominal;
No. 3 red, $3.64; No. 2 hard, $2.56; No. S
hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2 yellow, $1.66
91.66; No. 3 yellow, $1.6391-66; No. 4
yellow. $1.6191-62. Oats: No. 3 white,1
70970e; standard, 70 72c. Rye: No.
3, $1.9691-08. Barley: $1.2091-6". Reeds:
Timothy, $8.0094.00; clover, $12.00917.00.
Provisions ; Pork, nominal ; lard, $21.02 ;
ribs, $11.60919.96. ;
Butter Lower; creamery, 41946c. J
Eggs Higher; receipts, cases; ,
firsts, 16926c; ordinary firsts, 343c; at;
mark, case Included, 33936c. ;
Potatoes unchanged; receipts. 34 earn. 1
Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 22 c:
springs, 92c.
Quotation of th Day on the Various Lead
ing Commodities,
New Tork, April 19. Flour Strong:
spring patents, $13.16912.40; winter patents,
$11.80913.06; winter straights, $11.40 911.65;
Kansas straights, $13.66912.90.
Wheat Spot, strong: No. hard. $2.73. f.
o. b. New Tork; No. 1 northern, Duluth,
izbi; no. 3 northern, Manitoba. $2.64. t.
o. b. New Tork, opening navigation,
Corn Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow. 81.67. c.
1, f. New York.
Oats Spot, steady : feed, firmer : cl tv
bran, 100-pound sacks, $48.00.
May (steady.
Hops Steady.
Hides Firm: Boots 43fi44c: Central
American, 43c.
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c: sec
onds, 66c,
Provisions Pork, atrona: mess. 840.00 49
40.60: family, $42.00944.00; short clear,
$40.00942.00. Beef, strong; mess, $27,009
28.00; family, $21.00931.00. Lard, firm;
uiiuuie wont, t
Butter Kasier; receipt . 7.916 tubs:
creamery, higher than extras, 4t047o;
creamery extraa (92 score), 4r946c;
firsts, 46946c; .seconds, 43944c.
Eggs Steady; receipts, 2,237 cases; fresh
gathered extras, 38c; fresh gathered stor
age packed firsts, 37938c; fresh gathered
firsts. 869840.
Cheese Firm: receipts. 3,625 boxes: state
fresh specials, 2693c; state fresh spe
cials, average fancy, 26926c.
Poultry Alive, steady; fowls, 34c; fur
keys, 20c; dressed, very firm; chirkena.
23 9 31c ; fowls, 21 927 c; turkeys,
io V die.
Catlle Weak, Hogs Weak and Sheep
Chicago, April 19. Cattle Receipts.
6,000 head; market weak: native beef cat-
tie, $9.00918.26; atockers and. feeders, $7.23
99-90; cows and heifers,! $5.60911.00;
oaives, SS.DUSIU4,. to.
Hogs Receipt, 18.000 head: market
weak. Be under yesterday's average; bulk,
$11.40916.80; light, $14.70915.70; mtxeft.
iitvittilf I4VH&; Heavy, 6.15 9 15.90; rough,
$16.16915.35; pigs, $10.00914.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 15.000 head;
market firm; wethers, $10.60912.75; ewes,
$9.26 49 12.60; Iambs, $11.90915.85,
,Ht. Loots Iiv Stoct Market.
St. Louis, April 19. Cattle Reeelnts.
1,500 head; market lower; native beet
steer, 7.oo 9 18.00 ; yearling steers and
neiiers, a.buatiz.oo; cows, 16.00911.00:
atockers and feeders, $6. 00 9 1 0. 1 6 ; prime
southern beef steers, $8.00911.60; beef
cows and heifers, $4.2699-00; prime year-
ting steers and neiiers, 17.00910.OO; native
calves, $00918.00.
Hog Receipts, 1 3.000 head : market.
steady; lights, $16.46916.86; pigs, $10,769
14.60; mixed and butcher. $15.45015.90:
good heavy, $16.86916.90; hulk, $15,669
Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 1.700 head;
market strong; lambs, $13.00915.90; ewes.
$9.50913.26; yearlings, $12,769X4.36;
clipped lambs, $12.00912.75.
Sioux City Llv Stock Market,
loux City. April 19. Cattle Receipts.
1.000 head; market ateady; beef steers.
f 11. 009H-60; butchers. $7.50910.60) fat
cows and heifer, $7,60910.60; cannery.
It. 50 97.50 ; Blockers and feeders, $7,60 9
10.36; calves, $7.6099.76; bulls, stags, etc..
$1.60 9 10.00; feeding cows and heifers, $6.50
9 -40.
Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head: market $9
10a higher: lights, $16.10915.25: mixed.
115.30916.60; heavy. $16.60915.65; pigs,
$11 60913.60; bulk of sale. $16.25916.60.
Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 1,200 head;
market weak; yearling, $13.00913.00;
wether, $11.60913.60; toi, $10.60912,60:
lambs, $13.50916.16.
Kansas City lira Stock Market.
Kansas City. April II. Cattle Reeelnts.
2.800 head; market steady; prime fed
steers, $12.06913.00; dressed beef steers,
ajs.lbiaiz.oo: western steers. 89.50912.85:
cows, $4.50910.76; heifers, $9.00911.60;
tor iters ana leeaer. fs.uupii.go; pulls,
$7.60910.36; calve. $8.00913.35.
nogs Receipts, 7.000 head; market low
er; bulk, $16.00916.85; heavy, 315.709
16.10; packers and butchers, $16.46t6.76;
iignt, iie.uuui&.bu; P-ge, 9iz.Z6SPl4.74.
isneep and iambs Receipts, 6,000 head:
market strong: lambs. $12.15015.06: year
lings, $13.00914.36; wether, $12.00911.26;
owes, $11.00013.00.
Iiv Stock In Sight,
Receipt of live stock at the five prin
cipal western market 1 yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 3,100 1,400 7.000
Sioux City 1,000 1,200
St. Louis 1,600 13,000 1,700
Chicago 5,000 18,000 15,000
Kansas City 2,600 7,000 6.000
Total 13,300 66,400 30,100
' St, Joseph Live Stock Market.
St. Joseph- Mo., 'prtt II. Cattle Re
ceipts, 3,000 head; market weak to 10c
lower; steers, 9. 00912.50; cows and heifers.
$6.60913.60; calves, I6.60911.6O.
Hoga Receipts, 8,500 head; market steady
to 6c lower; top, $16.85; bulk ot sales, $16.40
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4.S00 head;
market ateady; lambs, $16.00916.16; ewes,
Omaha Hay Market
Bay Receipt continue light: market
Urm and higher on all grades of alfalfa and
prairie hay and demand good.
Choice Upland Prairie $17.00918.00; No.
1, $10.00917.00: No. 3, $14.00916-00; No. 3,
$10.00911-00; No 1 midland, $10.001117.00;
No. I midland, $13.00914.00; No. 1 lowland.
$13.00914.00; No. 3, $9.60910.50; No. 3.
Choir Alfalfa 1!0. 00931. 00: No 1.
$11.00930-00; standard. $16.0918.00; No.
3, $14.00916.00; No. 2, $11.00912.00.
Straw Oat, $7.0091 60; wheat, $4,009
Kanaaa CUr General Market,
Kansas City, April II. Wheat No. 2
By small Investment In Aritona Coppers.
Free sample copy of Th Arisen Copper
Miner, which give reliable information, sent
Uany address without obligation by addressing
537 First National Bank, Denver. Colo.
p. f pint MoTt,ifs Bonds CCf
Denombiatleae 1100.00, 500.00, $1,000.00
4ta Flow, First Nat Bk. Bid,, Omasa.
hard, It.tOOt.T?: No. red, l:4!l.n;
U.r.; July. It.MV
Corn No. X mtaed tl.&OtTMt: No. I
white, tl tiC; No. i yellow, II. ISO 1.14;
Mar. II 41: July. 11.4,.
Oats No. 3 white, 14U74ttr; No. I
mlsed, J24IIJO.
Butter Creamery, 47c; firsts, 44o; sec
onds, 4S(-: parking, t&c. N
Fsss Firsts, 37t '
Poultry liens. Sic; roosters, lte; turkey,
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Minneapolis, April It. Flour rancy pat
ents advanced 40c, Quoted at 112.40, Other
,radea unchanged.
Barley 11. MS, I.4J. 1
Rye II. I, DMA
Bran i;;,
Wheat May. l2..1t'.J2.34S; July, tl.'t.
Cash: No. 1 hard, 12.59-n U a. 61 4. ; No. 1
northern. f?.noH aF"2.E. S ; No, t northern,
Corp No. t yellow, II. 4781.45.
Oats No. S white ttt70'c.
Flaxseed 13. :t3'3t.
HI. Louis CnaJn Market.
St Louis, April It. Wheat No. t red,; .No. : hard, nominal; May,
t:.i: July, 12.03 H.
Corn No. 2. l 64; No. 2 white, II. HO
1.6m; May, ll.4i; July. tl.42"i.
Oata No. 2, 72Hc: No. 3 white, nominal.'
Cotton Market.
New Tork, April It. Cotton Futures
opened steady; May. 20.0fc; July, ll.flc; I
urioner, is.ovc; uecemuer, n.osc; January,
1,1'erpool, April It. Cotton Spot, weak;
good middling, 12.46d; middling, 12.31(1
low middling, 12.16d. tialcs, 6.000 balea.
Osllr Matisse. 2:15: Hlsnt, 1:11. Tnl, Int.
, I W000 4 WYOE. Harry
ADELE BLOOD Lsitsr Maiee, William I
Msroarst Cutty, Eeurion A
Have You Seen -
The Official Authentic British Government
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Distributed by Paths Exchanges
They Are the Most Wonderful Motion Pictures Ever
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Today and Saturday
Council Bluffa, la.
April 24-25.
Crand Island, Nab.
May S
Falls City, Neb.
May 20
Beatrice, Neb.
May 30
May 1-2-3
Apajl 20-30
Haatinga, Neb.
May 14
North Platte. Neb.
May 20-21
Broken Bow. Neb.
May 30
Cedar Raplda. ta.
Today and Saturday
Waterloo, la.
May S
Ames, la.
May 14
Kearney, Neb.
.May 23
Baldwla, Meredith A Saeazsr, Hayes 4 Rlvsi, On
,hsum Travel Weakly.
Pries.: MstlstM. aalisrv. IA ea., .,
Isturtay and Susday), 2te; Nights, lOe, 2te. 60s, 74e. !
02TfJZ If A Dally Msts., 15-25-SOc i
Jfyr Evsn'gs, 1S-2S-SO-7SC
,r",rHASTING'S Show KJ-,
T.mrrftw (Saturdi-) , Matin aad WMk
' (('Ileitis Attraction ef the Season!
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A Vigorous and Human Story by .
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Carl Eckstrom
Stuart Holmes
The Derelict"
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tion of new THRIFT accounts $1.00
will start you.
Are you reading the Ten Command
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Benj. Briscoe
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In designing Briscoe's "Half Million" Dollar
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This motor has a long stroke, 5 1-8 inches. It
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quire. Its power is 40 per cent greater than it
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more miles on a gallon of gasoline than any
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gardless of price. This motor develops in r ,
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