Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, APRIL 1917. FOR RENT HOUSES South CLOSE IN. 160. Ill So. lit St. '. atrtetly HI modern. GLOVER SPAIN. Reeltere, Douglaa ISIS., Ill-It City Nat Bank. JTVE-ROOM cottage, modern axcept heat. pain, piscine ngnt. namey eaoi. Mincellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. I-K.. Ill Martha It 111.11 t-R-, I'll Capitol Ave 11.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. -., Ill So. 17th 8 tl.M !, 1C0I No. llth St 11.50 4-R., 3101 Pterce St 10.00 8TRICTLT MODERN. -R . ll!4 No. 17th St 11.00 T-R., 1720 Plnkney St. (garage).. 10.00 -R, III So. lth St.. 11.50 10-R., 1211 Dodg. St 40.00 FLATS. ' STRICTLY MODERN. l it.. 307 So. 10th St 11.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 8TOECKER. Ill So. 24th St. I-R., Apt I: 111 lumraer; ISO wlntar. I-R., Apt I.; 320 summer, 2S winter. WH HAVB OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTINO. PORTER 8HOTWELL, Realtora, 101 So. llth St. Dour. 1011. Olfteaa with HOME BUILDERS. INTERSTATE REALTY CO. RENTAL DEPT. 7rooni, not modern; walking dtstana.. 110 month, s-room, modern; Cuming St. 111. 7-roora. modern; N. 17th Ave., near Cuming St 121. 6room, not modern; N. 17th Ave. 120. 7-room, modern; Grand and 43d. 121. INTERSTATE REALTT CO.. 21-10 Cltr National. Dour. 1102. Sunday. Walnut 1111. 1510 SEWARD, S-r. bung., 110.00. 8000 Woolworth Ave., I rma., 111.00. 3821 Jackson, I rma., 136.00. 117 8. 21th. I rma., 115.00. ARMSTRONG WALSH CO., Ill Roae BUf. Tyler ltll. t-ROOM modern houie, with garage for 2 oars, clone to ear line, on paved treat; 130 month. Douglas 2506. HOUSES In all parta of the city. CREIOH. SONS CO., 50S Bee BIdg. 1531 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rooma, 120. E. H. Banner Co., Ramge Blk. Douglaa 1401. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. SPLENDID location, 4-room apartment with tiled bath and fine porch. Apply 330M N. 23d. 6-R. flat and baaement all modern. Call R. 1038. . North. Vert complete "(.-room apartment: janitor aervlce: private gar&se, 2601 Sherman Ave. Webster 4626. FOUR-ROOM, iteam. heated, 618 mo., near poutofflce. Q. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. EVEN-ROOM steam -heated, $35; near poat- nirice. u. f. Btebblni. 1610 Chicago. feSTABKOOK apartment, four roomi, 2t montn. o. f. stebbins, ibio cnicago. South. t'OR RENT Attractive 4-roim apt. in the Phallan, S2S 8. 21st Ave. Easy walking aistance. a. w. Hinder, 8' city Nat. Bank BIdg. Apt. Phone Tyler 17J8; office pnone uoug. izb4. -ROOM modern flat, (16 8. 27th St 926 C. Q. CARLBBRG. 812 B.-andels Theat. BIdg. THREE and four-room apartments; modern; 16 8. 22d St. Phone Tyler 3248. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT MAY 1ST. Two modern storerooms, 18x80 each, with full basements. 834 and 638 8. 18th at. For particulars see Conrad Young, 122 uranqeis -ineater. uougiaa 1671. STOREROOM, 16th and Pine; very reason able rent, good location for small busi ness. ALFRED THOMAS, " 308 Farnam BIdg. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth be tween 24th and 25th Sts. 930 to 960, JOHN TV. ROBBINS, 1809 FARNAM ST. .MODERN store, ICth St., near postoffice, 9ia monm. u. r. Bieppins, mio cnicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR. nam Bide First Truat Co. D. 1151. RESTAURANT with fixtures, gas stoves, hioois, at iv i eoutn i&tn Bt. STORE room 20x60, with basement. 1062 8. aoth St.. 920. Harney 1766. Offices and Desk Room. JDESIRABLE office room In the remodeled Crounse block, lit N. 16th St, opposite, sio t 916 per month. Conrad r xoung, azz araaaeis TReater. Doug. 1671, CHOICE office space. Batrd BIdg., 17th and i-Mjugias. jvicuasue inv. jo. Garages and Bams. GOOD brick garage room for S cars, 628 8. 26th St.; good brick gangs, 2628 Dodge St., room, for ( can. Addresa 2626 Dodge St. Miscellaneous. LANDLORDS. ATTENTION I Wo will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within 90 days If on the South Side and la t tenable condition, or pay you a month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED, CAPITAL 926,000. 4826 So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WHAT have you for rent In the way ot four. Ave and six-room modern up-to-date apartments T Prefer ence will be given to those In bet ter districts of the city. Want to deal direct with owners. No agents. Telephone Douglas 1018. LIST your houses with us for rent. The demand la good and we have a waiting list. J. H. DUMONT ft CO. Realtors). 418 Keellne BIdg. Phone D. 810. WANTED to rent 8 or 9-room house. West Farnam or Dundee. ALLEN A BARRETT. Phone Douglas 77GB. Furnished Houses and Flats. WANT to rent, small furnished house or upstairs, south of Farnam. Call Harney 6216. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. llth St. Phone Douglas 394. FIDELITY SE?i& FREE Phono Douglas 88 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store, 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7786. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 Bo. 16th Bt. Douglas 4169. Maggard- Van and two men, 81.26 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving. Packing, otorage ana snipping. Phone Doug. 1496. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real servle. In motrlnr. packlns and Btorlnr. call Tyler 230 or Dona-la. 4538. J C REED B"r" O... Moving, AVE'E'.L' Packlns and Storage, HOT Farnam St Web. 3748. Doug. 6144. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 7-ROOM. house, mod, except heat; south and east front, all clear; a good home; exchange for land tn Chase or Kimball Co., Neb. IN T ER -STATE REALTY CO., 959-90 City Nat'l BIdg. Dong, tU2. WANT to exchange good Income appart ment for a good farm. No heavily en cumbered property considered. Owners only need apply, Paxton Hotel. Room 606. A SECTION Brown Co. land at 912.60 per sere, 80 acres broke snd balance hay and pasture Will trade for hotel or acreage. 426 Brandels BIdg. Paul Sydone. REAL ESTATES IMPROVED West AN ATTRACTIVE HOME BUILT TO LIVE IN, NOT TO KENT. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED AND DECORATED. IN THE VERY BEST RESI DENCE DISTRICT. Thti la on of the beet built home In Omaha. Stem foundation and baaement olid brick above; elate roof. The coal bin and fruit cellar or tile. Practically no coat ior pamung or repairing. Library with butlt-tn bookcases, aolid I cherry; halla and staircase of oik; dining I room u paneled m Venetian oak. All I floor ar hardwood. Large double torn. I windowed and screened tun porch, con nected with both the library and dining room by French doors. The walla of the flnt floor and upper hall are covered with hand decorated burlap, except the rauelc room; three bath rooma,' Large closets witn outside windows, wardrobes and chest ot drawers. There Is a laundrv. fruit cellar, furnace room and space which oa-. te nnisned tor a billiard room In the baaement, which Is cemented throughout Large soft water cistern, gas, hot water neater ior summer use. So well built that IS tons of coal will heat It throughout and with olid brick wans, it is wonderfully cool In summer. At the very crest of the hill, there is always a breese there If anywhere. It Is convenient to the car line and in the choicest residence section of Omaha. The prloe Is very reasonable and terms will be mad to suit the buyers convenience, uwner leaving ine city. Address Box 287, Bee. READY TO MOVE INTO I rooms and bath, bungalow type, brand new. strictly modern, handsomely deco rated, dandy east front lot, 3 blocks to Walnut Hill ear; 9300, balance monthly. or 101 latten as nrsi payment. RASP BROS., HQ Keellne BIdg. Tyler Til. North. BIG BARGAIN IN BEMIS PARK Nine rooms, strictly modern; built for a home, with quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat; finished attic; complete basement, plastered; full lot on Lafayette Ave. Blvd., near 38th; garage. Nonresi dent owner has cut the price to 86,000 ior quicx saie. The bouse alone cost better than 86.000 and the lot is worth 93,000. investigate at once. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors). Douglas 2969. 919-20 City Nat. Bk. BIdg. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW Living room, dining room finished tn oak; three bedrooms and bath, kitchen and pantry all on one floor; stairway to floored attic : full cement basement with hot and cold water; entirely mod ern; east front lot, which will be nicely sodded; permanent walks; located high and sightly In Waverly Park, Just north of Clalrmont addition. Price $3,800; 9300 down, balance terms. C G. CARLBERG (Realtor), 810-812 Brandels Theater BIdg. BEMIS PARK Have just listed a 6-r.. full 2-story house, modern; fireplsce, hot water heat; large 60x140 ft lot; fine lawn and shade trees; paving all paid, which the owner has reduced to 94,603 for quick sale, HIATT COMPANY, Tyler 60. 246 Omaha Nat Bk. BIdg. 9250 CASH. 927.60 PER MONTH, buys classy, now bungalow of 5 rooms and bath, I oak nnisn; Has a number or special built- in features; full cement basement, fur nace; lot 60x130. Price, 92.800. Located one block to car and school. Why pay I rent wnen you can buy a bargain HRe tnisT I RASP BROS., 210 Keellne BIdg. Tyler 721. FOR SALE. T-r. house, fully modern, on S2d and 1 Binson Ave. This is a snap at 93,860. Terms very easy. Doug. 8600. W. 8. FRANK, Ml Neville Blk. NEW BUNGALOW. t Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In en; located at 3922 N. 26th St Price. 93,160. Terms. Will take small cottage I m uaae. NORRIS NORRI9, 400 Bee BIdg. Phone Douglas 4279, 6-ROOM house, in good repair, alt modern, one-nair diock to car line, iruit on d ace: price 98,260; will take good second-hand auto as first payment. Phone Owner, j ioirax oas. South. NEW BUNGALOW 5 Rooms Bath Furnace Cemented basement: two lots. 80x122: high and sightly; near Krug park. Price 92,200. 9800 cash, balance monthly. Call xyier eu ana asK ior Mr. iowrey. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) UU Harney St A GENTLEMAN'S HOME Orerlooklnr Ranscom Park. Plot 160x J8?;. Cn5f,n .welv. w room' thr Kelt h with Al1ta ltiniiM.ul.1. ....... I and pantries; steam heat, seven fireplaces and finished In oak ajMl mahogany. Price sij.,uuu ana oniy sz.&oo casn required. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4926 a 24th St. " Phone South 1247. Miscellaneous. HIGH, SIGHTLY & HOMELIKE. Owner Is all packed up, ready to leave omana ana must sell at once. Just dandy 7-room house, with S large east rront lots. Plenty of cherries, blackber ries, currants, grapes and strawberries. besides a large garage. Screened-ln east front porch, facing the boulevard; four nice rooms down and three fine bedrooms ana bath upstairs; oak floors; modern, up- 10-aate piumoing; splendid furnace; gas 5 neater, ouitt-in onina cabinet and, in fact, everything you would exoect in a 1 5.(100 home. We are offering this ideal property I ior ss.ovu, ana it is certainly cheap. Call us ior an appointment. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., (Realtors), 801 Omaha National Bank BIdg. D. 420. I 1 ACRE AND 5-ROOM HOUSE. Thl. f. . . i. L0W BTBS. C. O. CARLBERG, 112 Bran aold E.Im SI J0?"4 " dels Theater Bids;. D. 585. level, it is a good buy at f 9,800; 9200 uuwn ana per montn. xnifl is not on 16th and Farnam, but It Is within 7 blocks of paved street and car une, BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1018-16 W. O. W. BIdg. - Douglaa 9436. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco contraction, fi larg light roomi. Oik floon, oak nd namel flnlah. Price I 13,800. Easy Urmi. Another new bulla- mi ior ta.eiiv. can couflM 1722 dyg. WORLD REALTY CO, Sun Theater 1 Buiainr- J. B. ROBI.NSON. Real Estate and Insur- anca. uce Blag. Douglaa 1017. B. 8. TRUMBULL, 1101 1st Nat'l Bank BIdg. 1TI. REAL ESTATE Investments! SALOON PROPERTY BARGAIN! Must be sold. 118,000 buys 121,109 fin. large three-story and basement brlek building on large lot 141 feet deep; ntce store and two largs eight-room flate above; new paved St and alley. In good buslnees district, .ultabl. for any kind of buslnsas. With a little improvements mi. wouia bring izoo per month. Inquire! EUGENE THOMAS, 111-11 lC.rbaeh Blk.. Omaha, Neb. V. 1107. FOR a aafe Investment, guaranteed T pari cant or 11.00 to 15.000.00. BOMB BUILDERS 11.00 SHARES ara tha best In every way. Office, 17th and Douglaa St., Omaha APARTMENT. 171,000 Income 11 par cent; ona year I oia; very line location; mortgage I and will accept 130,000 In trade; bal-1 anca caea or negotiable papers. CALKINS A CO., Douglaa 1311. City Nat. Bank BIdg. REAL ESTATE InvwtmenU 8EE VS FOR INVESTMENT AND SPBCULAT1VB PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET BON, REALTORS. P First National Bank BIdg REAL ESTATE Unimproved Weat ask; us Ask us for the II reasons why we think Waverly Park Is a good buy. Finished lots as low as $860. $10 cash. Harrison & Morton, 111 Omaha Nat Douglaa 114. Cloverdale Addition 4 lots, good for gardening; splendid lo cation. Btu cneap lor cash. J. H. McftHANE, 1101 Chios go. Phone Douglas 161. North. AFTER looking at MINNA LU8A 100 dlf ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition on ths market and they backed their judgment by buying lota, IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Ttl Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. Trier HT. Miscellaneous. HAVE tract of ground bounded by three streets, with sewer and water in, contain Ing 20 lots. Anyone wanting building lots it wouja pay tnem to investigate, van be used for a suburban home. Do not compare this with acreage. This Is right In the city, close to car lino and good school can give terms. For runner in formation see TRAVER BROTHERS, 111 First National Bank BIdg. Douglaa I8. BEAUTIFUL ' ot lota, rice 9220, only oaen and to cents per wee. Doug. HIS. REAL ESTATE B'neM Prpty H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk., Specially in downtown business property. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. . DUNDEE. We have a 5 -room strictly modern bun galow locatsd In Dundee. Oak finish and oak floors. Combination hot water and furnace heat. Lot 60x160, on paved street. Owner has reduced price In the last ten days 8500 for quick sale, if you are look ing for a snap, see this at once. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., SJ7 Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. P. 17t. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying M sore ana see GEORGE & CO.. BARGAIN DUNDEE LOT, EAST FRONT. 8460 cash. 76x126 feet. F. D. WE AD, 810 SO. 18TH ST. FOR SALE Dundee 6-room modern bunga low; oax nnisn; a bargain; irora owner. Walnut 2846. 6-ACRB blk.. Falracre and Brownett Hall district, snap, c. J. Canan. Florence. I FLORENCE Real Estate Co.. Phone Flo. 909, Miscellaneous. HOME8EEKER8. ATTENTION I On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your . own plans and you can pay for it on small monthly payments, without extra interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL 936.000. 926 8. 24th St. Phone South 124T. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES On the South Side, on full aised lots. ranging from 91.600 to 83,000, tn different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought. from us on a small easn payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. H ACRE tracts, 9476, 910 down, 7.50 mo. ciose in near. car. uong. to, 4. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, S and 6-room house that can be sold for 8100 cash, balance 918 psr month; aend complete description first letter, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam, Tel. Doug. 1081. I LISTING faouaea to rent or aetl on amall cask paymente, have parties waiting, weetern Keal ratal., all Karbaou B1K. D. 1,07. LIST your i and f room bouee. with oa. W BELL THEM. OSBOKNS REALTT CO.. Tyler FINANCIAL 97,000 MTOE., bearing 8 pet semi-annual, secured by property valued at 922,000. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co., W, O. W, BIdg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage City Nat'l Bank BIdg. 8600,000 city and farm loans, 4 per cent Eseiin, 612 Pax ton Blk. Red 7401. Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. " - CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates 6, 6 4 and 8 per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., sn souin inn, umana, pea. S PER CENT to 6 per cent on best class city residences in amounts 92,009 op; awo farm Joans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1829 Farnam Bt MONEY to loa.i on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. KJokelny. Co.. Omaha. &H AND 6 per cent farm and city first mort gages for sale. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 188 Keellne BIdg. 8HOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. 512 CITY LOANS. GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bids. MOIIEY HARRIBON el MORTON, tl Omaha Nat. Bank Bid,. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB R, D. CO., 101 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6, tt and 6 per cent vi. it. inomai, menne mag, poug. 16.8. INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Automobile. C. A. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat Bank. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. w, T. Graham, 604 Bee BIdg. 8100 to 910,000 made promptly, F. D. Wead, ""g oia.. lecn ana rarnam sts. GARDEN LAND TWO HUNDRED ACRES Location: Between 56th and 62d streets between Q and L streets. .TERMS: A few dollars down and a few dollars weekly or monthly will buy a nice big piece of garden land. ; SALE GOING ON NOW and will continue all day tomorrow. Put a few dollars in your pocket and come down to the Sale today. HOW TO REACH THE SALE Telephone South 2447 FINANCIAL Abatrictt of Title. TprT Title, Guarantee and Abetraot Co v. v. .jib bl, arouna noor. BonJefl by afaea. Bonding and In. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract ot flee In Nebraska. 10 Branded Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay lnsursnce com panles. 844 Bran dels BIdg., Omaha, Neb, FARM AND RANCH LANDS READ CARBFULLT 239 acres rich clay loam, well fenced. 110 acres under plow. 80 acres splendid clover, balance light brush In pasture, very easily cleared for cultivation. Fine modern 10-room house, with heat, bath, etc. Strictly modern hlp-rontd barn, 16x109; granary, poultry house, hog house, blacksmith shop, corn crib, I silos, private creamery, windmill, sheds, etc., nice apple, plum and tame cherry or chard; 38 fine llnlsteln rows, 12 Holnteln yhelfers,1 coming freh; 4 steers, 10 Hoi tein calves, 1 full-blood HoltUeln bull. 8 good horses, 1 yearling colt; new, im proved milking machine, grain binder, com binder, corn planter, 3 stlo fillers, 2 mowers, rake, tedder, hay loader. 9 har rows, Monitor drill, disc. 2 wagons, buggy, 4 sleighs, 4 plows, litter spreader, 6-h- p. gasoline engine. 6-h. p. steam engine, 9 rotary saws, farming mill, 20 n. p. gas tractcr with 8 plows, water tank on trucks, 2 feed mills; everything as listed above at 86 an acre, 114, ooo cash. balanco to suit, 40 rods from school, on main road ; daily mall, and telephone 4 miles from Barronett, 8 miles from Cumberland, Wis.. In the finest dairy section of the country, 80 miles from the Twin Cities. Seasonable work done, and Immediate possession. Equity Realty Ex change, 806 Globe BIdg., St. Paul, Minn. ONE CHANCE In a million, half section fine wheat and alfalfa land; 92. ooo casn, 000 at 8 per cent: easily worth 916.000. Owner says sarrlflce. Who wants it T flee me quick. MR. HUTTON, 686 Bee BIdg. California Lands, FOR SALE In Fresno and King counties. San Joaquin Valley, California, ideal land for alfalfa, grain and fruit growing, stock and poultry raising. One-tenth down and nine easy annual payments on balance at 8 pot. In good farm neighborhood, close to market Over 16,000 acres of choice land, at very reasonable prices, to select from. TO be sure you are getting wnai you want; you may lease for one, two or three years witn option to purcnase on above terms. Write for details of this at tractive method of baying on terms In reach of anyone. You could ask for no fairer deal San Joaquin Valley Is In the heart of wlnterless California; 40 acres enough and should pay for Itself In Ave years, tou can start nere witn only 91.000 and make good. I will gladly plaes you In touch with those having the lands for sale. This Is such an easy way to get a California farm that my advice Is to act quickly, C. L, Seagraves, In dustrial Commissioner, A. T. A S. F. Ry., 1107 Ry. Exch., Chicago, FOR SALE -IMPROVED FRUIT, DAIRY and stock farms, 20. 40 or more acres, in vicinity of Fresno, San Joaquin "alley, heart of wlnterless California, greatest raisin belt In world; now paying good profits; houses, barns, fences, live stock- everything ready; crops In many Instances paying better then 9100 an acre, 92,600 will buy a 110,000 place, with long time on balance. Tour farm Income will take care of future payments. Only limited number of farms can bs had on these terms, so write today. I will gladly put you In touch with those having farms for sale. C. L. SBAORAVES, Industrial Commissioner, A. T. A B, F. Ry.. 9007 Ry Exch.. Chicago. Florida Lands. RAISE ALFALFA in FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cutting 90 days; 960 and 990 annually on $60 land, 626 Paxton Blk Walnut 2667 (evenings), Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root orops, dairying, grating, Ideal, Fine roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 9. Terms easy. Oeorge Rowell, Jr., 22 Bacon Blk., Mar quette, Altch. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO Farm 910 cash and 96 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Munger, A-lll. N. T. Life BIdg., Kansas City. Mo. GREAT bargains, 96 down, 96 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only 9200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo, Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation, balance used for pasture and hay; can practically all be cultivated; good set buildings! this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country Is thickly settled; complete set of machin ery; IT head of stock, consisting of 11 ows, balance 1 and 9-year-olds; 4 good horses, 15 bogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at 66 per acre; one half cash; Immediate possession can bs nad Hen web Bros., 1028 Plymouth BIdg. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. LAKEVIEW farm, 160 acres, 2 miles west of Lincoln, Neb. A dairy and hog farm, well equipped with buildings. 80 acrss alfalfa. No waste land. Write for particulars. I must sell toon. C. H. An drews, 719 P St., Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1,440 acre ranch Southwestern Thomas County, Neb., partly Improved, prloe 919.60 per acre. ARCHER REALTY COMPANY, Douglas 2410. 680 Brandels BIdg. SMALL Nsbraska farms on easy payments acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, 16th and Howard 8ti., Omaha. Douglas 9871. WET land made dry enough for orops or no pay Is our way of draining land. No tract too largo or too wet. Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. EAST central Neb., 80 acres, highly 1m proved farm, close to town, snap, terms, possession at once. 8. S. and R. E, Mont gomery. South Dakota Lands, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 346 acres, lying on a fine auto road, near Henry, Coddlngton county, South Da kota. Thl Is a high-class farm, highly improved, fine grove, plenty of good water. W ID-WEST LAND 1067 Omaha Nat Bk. BIdg. CO., Doug. 1166. Take a West Q car and get off at 43d and Q streets or take the Ralston or ' Papillion Interurban car and get off at Fifty-sixth and Q streets. The . southeast corner of the Garden Lands. H. H. Harper & Company FARM AND RANCH LANDS Montana Lanh. MONTANA HOMESTEADS 16.009,008 acres, 648 or 910 at ea for you. Circulars free. Write Homestead Bureau of Montana, Wisconsin Lands. 92,000 FOR EVER TT HI NO 68 acres good soil, 2T "improved, balance aay aieanng; nouse isxzs and H3H4; barn for 8 head; good well; 2 good cows, i neuer, i duii, caivee. a nerses, 1 brood hog: mower, rske, plow, harrow, wagon, sletghs, 2 sets harness, small tools. eto. Must be sold, and everything goes for 92.000, with 91.100 cssh. balance to suit on msin road, a miles from Shell Lake, Wis. Chance to plrk up a real snap ir you ant quickly, immediate poa session. Equity Realty Exchange. 801 Olobe BIdg., St. Paul, Minn. AUTOMOBILES USED CAR BUYERS. Now Is the time to buy a good used ear at half the price of a new one. Every car in good snaps and sold with a money back guarantee. 1818 Ford touring, like new 9368 isis Fora touring, oet nuy in town., ass 1916 Ford touring, needs some work, 228 1814 Ford touring, runs good ... 198 1916 Ford touring, looks and runs like new 946 1816 Maxwell roadster; starter and lights 180 1918 Overland touring, like new..,,,, 960 1816 Dodge, cheapest car in town..,, 46 E. M. r. speedster, good shape , UP We have parts of 100 oars at 80 cents on the dollar. If yon need anything let us anow, AUTO SALVAGE AND EXCHANGE. lit S. lTth St. Phon. Sous. MT. WI1.1.T8-OVKRI.AND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Dour. 921. 10.7-41 rarnam. Tourtna rare and roadster, of Overland, BtudeosKer. Maxwell. Ford, Oakland, aUbenellt Bufck and Hudson makes. TKRU8 Ilf DESIRED. Prompt attention fives, to all Interested Duyer.. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2309 Farnam St. Douglaa 9110. Chalmers C 9410 maimers touring 186 Chevrolet 860 atesrns-Knight, sacrifice. WILMO MANIFOLDS. Burns gasoline, kerosene, distillate; double power and mileage; cuts your luei cost nair. money back auarantee. WILMO PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION 110 B. llth. D. 9196, TORPEDO racer, Just built, 70 M. P. H. car; Mason motor, Salisbury racing axle, H. T. magneto, etc., suitable for racing at fairs, etc., 9200. Crosstown Oarage. 911 f. 14th C. W. FRANCIS AtTTO C6. used t ar Dept. 1216-1S Farnam St. Douglaa 999. Almost any maks at reasonable prices. WE will trade you a new Ford for your ota one. INDUSTRIAL OARAOB CO., 90th and Harney. Douglaa 9261, MY 6 -cylinder touring car. In first-class condition, reasonable price. Mrs. E. C. Henry, Lord Lister Hospital. TELL BINKLET, Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 1918 Harney St. Doug. 1640, BARGAIN Elec trio car and rectifier, good condition. Tel. D. T76, or Walnut 771. BERT8CHY "Kan -Fix-It." Southeast cor- ner sotn and Harney Bta. Douglas 1662. FOR SALE-Small auto truck, la excel lent condition; leaving oity. Phone Douglas 1200. CASH FOR TOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE, 1107 FARNAM. D. 8098, Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT autu repairing, "service ear al ways ready." Omaha Oarags 1010, Har ney St. Tyler 666. Auto Repairing and Painting. 100 reward for magneto we can't repair Colls repaired. Baysdorfer. 1 1 ON. 1 8 th. Tires and Supplies. NEBRASKA Auto Repair Works. Service and prices right. 118 8. 18th St. D. 7360. POULTRY AND PET STOCK YOUR HATCHINGS will turn out O. K If you use our thoroughbred Buff Orpington hatching eggs. Col fa 1088. YOUNO laying and setting hensi cheap. 1007 n. iitn Bt. wen. 4Si, I WHITE PERSIAN male cat, cheap. South 9696. Alrdate pups for sale.' Webster 1867. Dundee Offers An Opportunity To the man who wants a good loca tion for a home or an investment where VALUES ARE SURE TO INCREASE. Dundee South of Dodge Street. Offers an exceptional opportunity for the man of small mea".'- Here we can give him unusual v 1 s upon a small cash payment. WE HAVE SOME CHOICE LOTS WHERE ALL SPECIAL IMPROVE MENTS ARE IN FOR FROM $1150 TO $1250 EASY TERMS. George & Company (Realtors) Doug. 756. 902 City Nat'l. Bank BIdg. One of the largest pieces of Garden Land ever of fered in GARDEN TRACTS on West Q street, about Motorcycle! and Bicycles HARLET-DAVID80N MOTORCYCLES. Bar gslna In used machines. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man." 27 th and Leaven worth. Horses Lito Stock Vehicle For Sale. TWO fresh milk cows and one cow that wilt be fresh soon, for sale. Phone 8. 8676. YOUNG Jack, 4 years old. J. C. Root, Bta tlon H. Route 1. Walnut 18941. Wanted. WANTED 100 head of horses, 68 head of cows, Phone Benson 221 or Benson 110, also Doug. 1918. MEDICAL DR. 18. R. TARRY, PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlaesses without surgical op eration, rure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. TARRT. Omaha, Neb. 240 Bee BIdg. WHY BUFFER T Latest and Host Bclentlne Treatment tor All Diseases. Dr. Charles names, u-iio nose Bid,. Elimination Jnd Consultation free. He la ourins thou ends. WHY NOT TOUT Delay, are dan erous. It you can't call, write. Hours a. m. to I p. m,. Til. to lilt .renins. Sunday by appointment. l RUPTURE Successfully treated without . aurricei operation. call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray, I0 Bee BIdr. Dcntisti. Dr. Bradtinry. No pain. ll W. O. W.BH, left's Dent. Rms. i0 Hose Bide D. lilt. Chironrsctors. DR. KNOLLKNUKRO. SANlTARTITlf.f tarty attendant, nth and Farnam. D. TIM. J. Lawrence, Balrd Bid,. D. 1461. Dr. Frances Dawson. Sol- Rose Bid.. T. iitj Drs. Johnston. 1311 W. O. W. Bids. D. Mil. PERSONAL Tlw Salvation Army Industrial Home to Holts your old clothing, fuaiture, maga slnes. We collect We distribute. Pbone Doug. 4118 and our wagon will oall. Ca:i and Inspect our new home, 1119-1118-1114 jjoqga at. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATH The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rata of la per wora. When you want both of the abova CALL TTLBR 1000. LITTLE girl, eight years old, looking for a noma with an old couple, 1227 Miami St., after 4 p. m. ' - BATHS and massage. Central Bath Instl tute, iboi Harney Bt, D. T08T. Opea evenings. PRIVATE home for sick ladles, best ears, very reaa. asos Bristol Bt. wto, itos, MBCHANO THERAPY treatments. Hallnran. 821-9 Nevltte Blk. LUBLLA WEBSTER, massage and manl- ourlng, 611 Paxton Blk. Red 2406. MAB BRUOMAN, aclentlflo masseusa and oatns, jos Karbach Blk. Red 1727. SCIENTIFIC massage, 820, Bea BIdg. Fh.a FACE and scelfl massags. 119 Neville Bll Anna FWher. sulphur baths, mass. D. 1669. MISS LILLY, bath, massage, 1S99 Farnam. Manicuring and mass, 1629 Farnam. R. 12. EMMA BROTT massaging, 9110 Harney. MONEY TO LOAN LOOK' LEGAL RATE L0AN81 LOOK! 9 60.00 costs you 9 8.96 tor six months, 102.06 costs you 20.2T tor one year, 166.00 costs you 21.90 for one year. 204.00 costs you 40.80 for one year, 800.00 costs you 60,00 for ana year Other amounts In proportion. XASY PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 940 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1968. MONEY TO LOAN FURNITURE, pianos and note, aa sacurltrl 140, I mo., H. (Ooda, total cost, 13. SO. I mo., Indorsed notes, total .oat. fZ-MW Smaller, larva am'ts. proporttonat. aaae, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Orvenlsed by Omaha Business Mea. 481 Roae Bid,., lsth and Farnam, Tj. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Altla Boonatra and husband, to A. L. . Whttmer, northweet norner Hnleyaa 1 1 .venue and Hopklna street, Ban son, (Oaltl I 1,10, William H. Saaa-er t. Weat Myers. Park avenue, 109 feet south of Pop pleton avenne, west side, IOOxHO. . ST,IOt Willi. m H. t. Weat Ier. southeast eornsr Park avenue and Dod.a street, 7I. Dundee Realty Co. to Linn P. Camp, hell. Fiftieth avenue, 111 feet south of Doda. strsst, slda, 10.K HI I.M0 Brnest Delmel to Robert K. Detmel, Thirty. fifth street, slily-sla feet north of Jaynea strast, vest side. iia Richard R. Rvana and wife to Jama. W. Mrdlln, Fifty-fifth street, 100 feet north of Harney street, west elde, sojlto J Houth Omaha Land Co. to Joseph H. Kopleta, Fortieth street, elxty-two f.t north of o street, west side. 10110; southeast corner Thirty elrhth and O streets, HBxlio...... Iff Patrick 8. Tanart to Mary J. Me, Thirty-fifth avenue, 10. feet south ot Caa. stroet, esst side, tlx , 130 t Vlyssls o. Walker and wlf. ta Frank P. Ht.Blns, southeast eornsr Forty seeond .nd L street., lttxlis 1 Beery B. Prlo. and wlfa t. Ora ftchmoker at al, Charles street. 110 fset weot at Thirty-fourth stroet, north slds, MxlJT.l f Oeori. H. Camplln t. Louie St.., Thirty-third ar.nue. 141 feat north of Jaynaa afreet, eaat aid. U.tx 10: Thirty-seventh street. Ill rest north .( Doda street. Mist aula. 10x117.1 Byron Reed Co. to Henry W. llleh eleen, southweet earner Mala u Calhoun. Florence, llxlll Ls) F.nny Mrks and hue band ta JoMph Bloch. Tw.nty-fnurth (traat, 111 feet north of draco .traat, east aide, "xlll mi. Nobraak. and Wyoming XnTeatn.nt Co. to Carl B. Bolan, Thirteenth street, sixty-six fast south .eX Dedn street, west side, llxlll f Carl B. Bolan and wtr. a v r- r. r. It. aUtr-L .Tjgfal 'irV.nKH'F . Bienver. Tn rteenth atreat. six feet south of Dodfa strsst, i slda sxl.1z Elmer 8. Redlek to Ralph Kltchan.F. 7; rtOlfM ..nut .... . . T I Nineteenth atrwt, north Ma, Ma no , 1MM A,ne. Zahork. to Anna Hcean. Twenty-fourth street. ,0 1 feat north ol U .tntt, east aide, lo 160 ,, William H. Ruassll and wit. to Alio. Qaada, Fourth avenue, 10 feat north .1 Oancreft atreat. east aide, 10x111 ......7 fl Oaorta Bras. t. Aurusta Jones, northwest eorner Flfty-nrat .J'fnffi1"1, "reet, looxlii l.tty, CITY OFFICIAL NOTICE. ORDINANCB KH .SIS Ah Ordinance declaring th. a.niaallr mi trading Nlohola. Street from point II feet weet of lid Annua ta Wth Street In th. City of Omaha to th. grail, aa herein aet forth, without char, to th. City and th. out to be aslloot.4 to a elmle payment, according to th. pre), vision. .( Section loi of th. Cltr Char, tor, and appointing three member, af tha City Council .npreleore to aaeeae and d. terrain. Ih. daaugea, If aay, to the prop arty owners, which may be eaoeed by such grading. -Whereas, Property awntra repreaenttng itxty per csnt ot th. property affected by the grading ot aald street have petitioned that aald atreat be graded to th. grade as herein .et forth, without ohirg. to th. City and that tha cost bs made payabl. la one payment, according t. the provisions of IsoUra 101 ot th. City Charter. There fore, BB IT ORDAINED BT THB CITT COUN CIL OF THB CITT OF O UAH A I Section 1. That It la nronar and nMM.. and It I. hereby declared proper and naces- .VJ: " riicnoia. B treat from point 100 feet weet of lid Avenue to .5th street In the City ot Omaha, to th. following l.vatlons: Orad. of Nlohola. Street: Elevation of South North " . " Curb, Curb. wmn mv real west Of ld AY- nu. .lot. I Point 110 . feet sot ot a............ feet .set of llth 111. I llth 111. llth Ill.T llth .....111. I llth Point tot Street . Point 110 Strut feat 'fiei' oast of ast at Point 100 Stret , ...... feet Point 10 Street east at .111.1 Bait curb ot llth itreet, aa a laouanea ......111. Including neoeeaary anaraal,.. ih,ni. without charn to tha Cltv. and th., ,.. oost h. made payable la on. payment, ,o cording to tha provisions at Ssctloa 101 of th. Cltr Chertar. Section t. That Councilman Jardlna. Hum. mel and Kog.1 be, acd they ar. hereby, appointed appraisers to appralaa, asMu and d. terrain, th. damage, to property owner, which mar h. oauaed br auah grading, taking Into oonaldaratlon la matin .nnh appraisement, th. special benefits. It any. to auah property, by reason ol such grad ing. Seotloa t That thla ordlnaaoe shall take effect and b. la tore, after dttosA days from and aftsr It, passage. raaaw pru as, 1S1T, JAMBS a DAHLVA.V, Mayor and President of ci rAit Attest! W .V AM-nM.rnn , (SBAL.) . , w Cltr Clerk; ' C1M Kaiser Given Sword by sultan of Turkey Amsterdam ("Via LonrlnnV An.ll is' Prince Hia-Ed-Din. heir to the Turkish throne, arrived oa Sun. day it German main headquarters and handed Emperor William a sword of honor from tha sultan "as sign of the royal comradeship in arms of the allied armies and in recognition of the deeds of the Germany army,"' says a Berlin telegram of yesterday! date. Bee Want Ads Supply Wants ' One Cent Per Word Fifty-sixth ianjlSi I