Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1917, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, APRIL 1917. Want Ad Rates MB THK TELEPHONE If you cannot con vsniently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want Ad Taker and you will ra- osive tne tamo food semes u whoa da uvaruK your aa mt inn office. PHONK TYLER 1000. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS 13:90 M, MORN I NO EDITIONS ,10:00 P. IL NO AD TAKEN FOB MUM THAN SOo, OVE TIMS. OB LK88 THAN 10o A DAT, 4 g. CASH WITH ORDER. II! Sot Solid I No Dlaitav.) w PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed tn Larger ope: lc par Una on tlma to per lino, J or mora consecutive Insertions. SITUATIONS WANTED. weekly rat ,...30o pur Una I CARD Or THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. lOo par line.,., each insertion (Minimum charge, to cents). MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy allowed). Ono Una fi.96 Two Unas or mora ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: So per word... ono time 1 4e par word, two or mora eoniecuuvo In sertions, RPECIAI. COMBINATION BATE. Oft 1-and. Poultry and Other Advertising. this usiaha Br, r; (over o,ooo daily). 20TH CENTURY PARMER (over 110,000 weekly). A combined circulation which will mch ootn ma city ana rural resident. Special Reg. Ratei, Rata. I insertions in omtha Bea and 1 Inaertlon In 30 th Century Farmer, par word to , 7e f Insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 insertion In 20th Century Farmer, par word , 10 Ho l!c (Cantrack ratra on application). ' Movie Program " Currant offorlnga ta tha Motion pic ture Theater in Omaha. (Chang Daily,) .Downtown PRINCESS, 1317 DOUGLAS ELLA HALL, In "A JEWELL IN PAWN" AND aCOMEDT North GRAND, SIXTEENTH AND BINNET ' 0EOR08 WALSH, tn "HIGH FINANCE" LONESOME LUKE COMEDY DIAMOND. TWENTY-FOURTH LAKE ALICE BRADY ; ' TN "THE GILDED CAGE" LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP 4 NORMA TALMAGE MAtlRICB COSTHLLO "TUB CBOWN PRINCE'S DOUBLE" PRK; CfXTKENTH AND CAUFORNlX I RUTH STONBHOUSB, and : , JACK MUUHALL, In "I.OVB AFLAME" "BHOT IN THIS WEST' South APOLLO, , IITH AND XEAVENWORTH I BLANCHE SWEET IN THB EVIL ETE" BOULKVARD. 31D AND LEAVENWORTH I THEDA BARA - IN THE ' "PARLINO or PARIS" IDEAL, SIXTEENTH AND DORCAS I ONE GOOD PICTURE AND ' OOOD COM EOT : West MONROE, IISI rARNAU FRANKLVN FARNUM, in THE MAN WHO TOOK A CHANCE" AND COMEDY South Side MAQIC. "twenty-fourth and n I BEN WIIJION .nd NEVA FRRBER, In "THB VOICE ON THE WIRE' AND COMEDY ORFHEUS TWENTY-FOURTk AID M I jf ABQARITA FISCHER IN THE DEVIL'S ASSISTANT" DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. fl-OTH Mrs. Paul B. at her residence, ! 1108 Burt St. I Funeral Friday at :M a. m. from 1 reaiaenoa to St. Cecslta'a church at 10 oiuoK.e-intarmeni Holy Bepulcbtr earns- 1 tery, auio servtes. FUNERAL services for Mr. Henrv T CinA. I fry win be hold at t p, m. Thursday at 1 tn. miuenoa or. ma aaughttr, Mrs. I Charlea Laslte. 6110 ra at . a.rtgr thh I the body wilt be taken to Galena, 111., for I aunai. Monuments snd Cemeterici, Tha largest display In the United States. I r ilAfSK HVQBUDA, jjlj 9- l3tp- Phonea Douglas 1171-tSK. HUAUTirUL grave markers. $3 to 10. Red man Marbr Co., Sd floor Wars Block, 16th I . nuu rr:inin. jjougiaa isi., - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. . L. DODDER CO., run.r.l ' Dlreetora. r. n. aero. Mgr., and Cuming St.. -!!l!-irlzu' e", uto amouianca. HLLBr. A RIEPEN. undertaker, and m- neimrre, ni a. mtn. DOUgla. 1S!. DUUTY JOIINHoN, .mbalmer. and fu- --JL'"ri'i.?lJlh.B'. Tyler 1111. 1 JOHN A. OENTLKMAN, uiratakeTTml .mbalmer, 2C2J Leavenworth. Doug. .1061. 1 FLORIST8. BMNO number, of the National Floriata' r .eie.rapn xe vary amaelettnn m . i. I no,ltlon to deliver flower, on .hort notice i"1." l ,h U' " Can'O". Heu LARUKST aeaortment n. .h e L. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM. r;S:" LEE L. LARMON tan uougtaa Bt. Doutlaa 1244. PARKER Flower ,hop, 411 8. Hth. D. I102 BATH, National Florin, 1)04 Farnam St." DONAUHUE. 1122 Harney. Doug. lobf. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permit, to wed have been isauea: .k ,Name and Realdenc. Af ,,rva, unset, Altnn.., aj Cathorlna Sullivan, Omaha j ern a, outhrl. Center. la )j Mlnnl. laemlnger, Outhrla Center, la.... l Howard L. Chri.tlan..n, Harlan, la.,,.. 36 l.lare laemlnger, Unthrla Canter, la...... 30 Joaeph A. Moran. Omaha n Mary Nemeeek. Omaha J, Anto'g Mktcher, Omaha.....,, ,, e Emma Chapea, Omaha... 20 Arthur 8. ChamllM, Council Bind., la,. 27 Sadla E, llarruion. Council Bluffa, la.... to Nlcalaa Angh.1. Omaha.,....,., j Anna Balao, Omaha , 40 Le.ter Baker, Omaha...., , , ' Anna Bayleo. Omaha " 41 Alvln Petenon, Omaha 14 Mamla Adam. Omaha j Io A. Paige, Lincoln, Neb 1! Luclle Btgelow, Omaha..,.! 11 Jullut Heupel. Clinton, U 11 Jan. M. Inlow, Omaha....... m Rof A. Dewey, Omaha 13 Annla Johuon, Omaha , 4J Cr"' "maoB, Neb (1 Ula i. Hint, Mollne, JU 11 William R.tynekl. Omaha. ............. 81 Decker, Omaha..,, IV.. u 20 Charlea Dreawll, Omaha , ' Lottla White, Aaumptlon. Jll..,,.,,.,.," William F, Homann, Millard, Kah.. 36 Elele Blacken, Elkhorn, Neb 20 Frank B. Seland.r, Kawman Grove, Neb.. Melge eiien, Newmaa Orov.,' Nb.'.!ov 12 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Fred E. and Peerl Brown, 3Afl North Twenty-aeventh. girl; Phillip and Irino R. .Rlchl. 3824 Nnrfh Ctrl; John and Rosalia Murphy, 3824 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Otto G, and Ella A Schmidt, 2936 North Forty-seventh avenue, flrl: Gualof and Edith Foreman, 4327 North Thirty-tilth avenue, boy; August and Mary Karaaeh, 3771 Duoont. bovt Frank mil Rrim Schnwne, 3111 Pari Sc. girl: Josanh and Mario Hajny. 1727 South Vnurtnh hnv John and Anna Kocjcl, 1 904 South Four teenth, boy; Mathew and Terexle Stangl. 3639 North Thfriv-elvhf h lrl- nan Jennie Resnfck, 1710 North Twentynfih. girl; Julius X. and Manila Strand, 137 fkmth ruitr-uni, sir,: p.pfH ana jeHBiP H,agarU( 21 South Twenty-fifth, twin at He. Deaths Mary IS. Field . 2:vi mi.i Edward A. Badgley, 35, hospital; Guy R. Williams, 26, 119 North Forly-second. - BUILDING PERMITS. Building nermita have been mmuM tn th ronowing: Thomae Foster. 111 T. renatre. 3S0O'. T Sta it kw Id Is, 4010 South Thirty-fifth, frame dwelling, 11(10; C, O. Carl bars, 2811 Ames avenue, framo dwelling, $2,600; Homer B. Rahlnaon. 1094 Glenwood avenue, renalra and addition, 11.000; Olof Erlckion, 3ilfi Dewey, repair iv awsuing, suov. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOST. Our auto license Number 14041. hut w didn't loae our knowledge of cleaning Palm Beach auitt since last year and f 1. 00 la the price for the men' a." "Tell" Web ter 392. - CAREY CLEANING CO., IF you loaa anything and will advertise hera you wilt surely recover It If found oy an nonest oerson. Remarkabia m-nv rles ara brought about avery day through this column, THE HONEST WAT. If you And something o vajiue, or a KeepaaKO or value only to the owner, Is to insert a small ad. The owner or tna article tn most raaea la wlll- - .!..un co,t of advertising; OMAHA St COUNC I L B I, V p h'S STREET RAILWAY COMPAKT Persons having lost some article would do well to esll up the office of the Omaha aV Council Bluffs Stroet Railway Company to ascertain whether they left It In tha siresi car. Many articiea each day are turned In nd tha company la anxious to restore inem 10 ma rigntrui owner, BEST RESULTS A FA tn "ni tk The reaaono for the arowlna nnnularttw ara Best Results and a fiats of lo per When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. PURSE containing large sum of money. Be- 1 ween a. m. and noon. Owner's nam on inside. Reward If rtumfi t x Dorrs nee. FOUND A H-v'atftln bull calf, 214 miles west of Florenca on Stata street. Call Florence 15, TAKEN from my electric at KflDatrick'a Wednesday afternoon, 3 packages. Return to 200 flo. 3 Sd Ave foe rwprt w A tlons asked. FOUND" a unitary ''"''ND I,r, dnf, p.rt colli . Phone H. SI23 avenlnth FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture tnd Houaehold Goods. AUCTION SALE HIOH-ORADB fURNITURB. RUOS. CUT OLASS AND FANCY CHINA AND LINENS OF THB JUDOB WAKELBT HOME TOMORROW AT l A, M. AT HTH AND CALIFORNIA STS. (N. B. COR.), Con.l.llnr flf 1 hlvh.vr.ifM pi.nA .r.l Rut., stair CarDt. Dlnln. Tni,i. .a . oris, a tot ot Book. of rara Valll. r,nl rt,l.. r,, Writing DHh, wvural Bookcaa.a, Ward roba, Oaa Stova. a bit lot of O.nuln. Ooow Down Feather Pillow, and Feather Bert., lota of good Linen and hundred, ot iw uHiiLrnu. to mention. .m.raoer ml. I0 II tomorrow It JAMES t. DOWD, AurfTIONEER. AUCTION SALE 7 THIS AFTERNOON AT 1 O'CLOCK HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE ArflD EN- TIRE FURNISHINGS OT l-ROOa BUNGALOW AT 1101 CUMING. Tht. hlah. trade algned to ua and will be aold thla after noon, on. niece at a tlm A i.,-, . .Vn,,inl OI oeauttrul rarlor Set, 4 Room-Slaed Rutg, Dining Table and thalra to match, 3 V.rnl. Martin Bed., Nprlng. and extra, good Mattieeaea, l Dre.aer. Chiffonier, .everal good Rocking Chalra, Picture., Curtain., Mnen,, Kitchen i wntna, Buffet, Liwn Mower and hundred. nf articiea tnrt n... .,,n.uue vu mention. Don't fall to attend thla aale, today at 1 p ra at not Cuming St. BOWD AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEEris.' AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, RUGS, ETC., OF AN 11. . ROOM. HOUSE AT 121 8, 32D ST. SATURDAY, APRIL 21. TARTS PROMPTLY AT 1:30 P. M. Conei.tlnv nf 1 hlh.. m... . !lt?. "' b"m and Writing Deek. Chirfonler, 4 Bad Spring, and Mattreeaea, Muelo Cabinet, .everal, amall Ruge, Li brary Table. Portler., Bi?fft, Dining Table and Chair., a lot of good Linoleum. 4 I)re...r, Wardrobt and Folding Bed, Baby Bed Spring and Mallrcita, Uaa Hang., Sanitary Couch and Part. Oil Stove, Steel Range, large Ice Boa, Walnut Bed, I Step Laddera, lea Cream Freeier, and Llnena, Dlahea and hundred! of artlclos too num.roua to mention. t-om. to thl. aalo. COWD AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEERS. BAKUAINS IN FURNITURE. taa atavea. IS ...h. an k..i. ...... lea boiea. rug. of all kind., tablea! chalra, china kitchen cabinet,, bultete, drwiBer., trunka. aultcaeee. leather riBV.n. porta. All kind, of bedding. Full line of rrr neuing. , 4tn 8t. Tel. auction, i p. M.-Thi. i.'th. biggeat "" ivvt. upen till B p. m. opportunity ever offered In Omaha to obtain hlth-trada furniture. ... atovea at your own price. Wa muat vacate v, wereneuea. uur loaa i. your tal-. r, STATE FURNITURE CO., ; ; 14th and Dodte Sta. BKST RESULTS A FAIR SIT, The reason, for the trowlnv nnnu'tarttv ar. Beat jSeaulu and a Bate ol lo par word. When you want both ot the above. FOR SALE Porch furniture, porch awlnt, ,v.,,v,y luv l0e., gaa Move, kitchen cabinet, dlahea, picture., ruga. In quire mornlma, 723 8. J7th St. Peddler. ,.ru n-jv eppiy. ICB CREAM table, and chalra, refrigerator. ... routere, garoen noes, porch furniture, vlctrolae and piano.. Loyal Furn. Co., 122 fto- 18th! City Furn. Co.. 107 Bo. 14th. RUSH rltht down and get your ahara of all kind, furniture at aacrlflca. 603 N. 10th. 54 -INCH dining table and ( leether.aui chalra; muat .ell at once. 4411 B. 34th. run BALE 1 green Wilton rug, 7al0, cheap. Harney 2140. Barrels snd Boxes. SO-HAND barrel carload lot, a apectalty. . ,rrei y.o.. .mq W BI., a. Sfa&t Billiards and Pocket Tahlee 1'6r SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand om ana pocket, with complete nutnt, 1130; aecond-hnnd tablea at re duced price.: howling alleya and aupplle.: aaey paymenta Cigar atora flxturea a .peclaUy. Send for catalogue. THE ?l,ASW,CK-BALK,5-CO"'5NDER CO., 407-40 South 10th St. . Harness and Ssddlery. WE make them ouraelve. and aell direct to oon.umer; no mlddleman'e profit. Why pay two prolt. for Inferior tood. when coatT Alfred Cornleh A Co.. 1310 Far. nam St.. Omaha. Neb. Lumber and Buifdine Materials.- SAVE HALF on bnaine. rolumiui. brick uroe. number and Wreck. Co, W.b. 2IS1. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. FOR THAT GARDEN Progressive, ever bearing strswb-rry ptanta, 11.36 per hun dred prepaid, discounts on large amount Colfax $999. Ferguson Broa., Station D, Omaha. ' FINK NURSERY STOCK AT SALES GROUND. HTH AND DAVENPORT. OATK CITY NURSERY, DOUG. 20!J0. 1 V. BVHD NURSERY CO, 18th and Cap itol, moved from 17th and Dodge. Office, D. 792. Nr. and Res,, Col. 3431. Web. 364..'. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., ato public D,r"' rnwiin ior prices, uougiaa ;us 640 Paxton Block, UET our prlcea on Job printing. UMTKD STATUS PRINTING CO., Rie mg. Douglas 1172. Watgra-Barnhardt I'tg. Co.. f,2K H. th gf Sewing Machine. SEWING MACHINES We rrnt, ropalr. aell need lea and parti of all lowing itiflfliiiips, MIt.'KEL'fl NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, lth and Harney Sta. Doug. 1CI2, Store and Office Fixtures. " FOIl HALE. Real nntata office furniture 426 Brandela Bldg. Typewriters and Supplies." 1YPI5WRITKRS aold. rented Hint renalrel Kent an OIIvr typewriter 3 months for tr. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1906 RKM INOTON, Monarch and Smith Pre mlera for rent; sent anywhere. Remington jpewrmng t.ompany. v. 1284. Obaranteed Typewrite, 110 and up. Write i"r nan inioiann Typ. Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. I If AVE a lot of' ahafthantora and pultayt mi your own pnee; a mill aa,w, bencb and other machinery: come and look. Call at the National Mattrees Co..t noon, or call Dnug. 0706 after 9 p, m, Aak for Ed nay at ootn place.. VB If AVE moved to new location. W. buy aell and make deeks, eafea. ihowcaeea, .helving, etc. Omnha Fixture A Supply o. n. cor. titn and Doutlaa gta. i none IJOUg. 3 in. v.iAriA riLLUff CO. Feather, ateam renovated and made up In fre.h tick, coat half tha price of new pillow.. Call ua for aampie. of ticking and price.. 07 Cum- FOR SALE 200 genuine Ivnrv nnbee nilt. enrtorfer typewriter and on. regulation In- inn.ry irumpet. WOX 3047. Be.. FOR SAt.R 3110 0nn.,lnA ivn.u .k,.. Bllxendorfer typewriter and on. regulation Humiiry trumpet. Q JIM7, Bee. ii MOVED S-rnora houee; good con. ,ni... i-niine narney 4U4V. DRY KINDLINO WOOdI JcmS BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1!7. SWAPPERS' COLUMN HAVE homestead rellnguiahment for trade in vryomtng, ait', acres, all fenced ; 1 broke, hay land. 4creek on placa; house atyl barn. Will trade for good team and wagon or city property of the value of 9t, u, vradenhury. PaplMlon, Neb. want to trade an Eastman Kodak, 4xB, witn plate adapter back; extra plats hold ara, carrying case; all In good shape; for pmnn motor wni. Will give soma cash gxira. t;iarK u. von, Auburn, Neb. v HAVE art A I pacor stallion, S years old aur preen cr. vaiuea at fi,ooo; will trade ior a rouago, property or vacaTtt lot. Col. R. W. Olderog. box 117. Gretna, Neb. FOR TRADE Have Edison THrtanhr.n it six records, In fins condition, will trade iur fn-atyiB or wtitaon Alemeograpb ma chine. Box "J," Broken Bow, Neb. 12-MAUOE trap graiie Remlnalon Autom. nc; win .at. m or as heavy frama wmiin k v, eason or colt. Walnut 263. iO SWAP 1 golf clubs and bag for Eaat- man z u KooaK. Jr., or anything I can uaa. iau w-ep. iD4i. arter'B p. m. rji,.-in ueveiopea free, one-day .ervlce. Ka.e Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., 19th and risrney. HAVE 2-carat diamond to trade for Vlo trnla and caeh. Box 2833, Bee, Diamond, and Jewelry for .hot guns, rifle, and revolver., Friedman, 1211 Douglaa. WANTED TO BUY. . DkSRS DESKS DESKS Nvr desks, Used desks, bousht. aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 120T Farnam. D. B149. Llndenbaum pays special prices for bouse hnld goods and man's clothes. Web. 7413. W A NT KD 2d - h andretor's" popcorn mi." chine. Store-front model No. SO. 1918 Cen tral Ave,, Nebraska City, Neb. GKT THE FULL VALUE FOR TOUR 2D HAND CLOTHK9 and SHOES. Will call. Olvo ua a trial. Phono Douglas 5133. JENKINS, etc. Red 3S97: Fays highest price for clothes, shoes, trunka. Res., Doug. 11032, HKI.NKFt will treat you right; best prices paid for furniture aiyt clothes. Call Web. DIAMONDS 40!) S. 15th St. SOL BKROMAN ft CO. WB will pay very good.prlves for your old rlotheii. Call ua first. Doug. 6914. WANT pool hall or grocery store, 430 Rosa Bldg. Phono Tyler T63. B, LAYTIN pays highest prlcea for oW rlothf-s. Hhoew and hats. Phone Tyler 630. WAN TWO TO BUY middle of summer. Few cows, fresh caw's, true. BOOKS bought. Klrser. Loyal Hotel Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL Smith Taxi Co., Douglas 680. Cadillac 8. limousines and touring cars. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. o.a Kimte Bldg. Phone Doug. 3133, Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDHUN. .Ide, knife, .unburat, hoi pleating, covered buttone. all ataea and siyies, ncmatttening, ptcot edging, em. broidery, beading, braiding, cording, ay., let cut work, buttnnholea. pennant.. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300 hourlaa Blk. Douglaa 1030. VAN ARMAN Dre.a rieatlut and Button o.. 3.13-7 Panton Blk. Douglaa 3103. Caroenters- and Contractor!. LKSSni) & SON. 8031 Camlnt. Ty. 13. Auto Ambulance. OCR new Invalid coach la now In .ervlca. rrompt attention to all calla. either day or nltht. W. C. Crosby. Webster 47, Bakeries. ORT MAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. !3 N. -Hth. BHANCHIfS PUBLIC MARKET AND ll.WDEN BROTHRRS Oi:R MOTTO "BBTTKR BAKED GOODS." MABSEUSE by Ant.: manicuring nh..i..l oult. Mlaa Walker, 334 Neville Blk. D. 4207. EAPKK1ENCED operator, bath, of all kinds. Boom 338, Novum Blk. 16th and Harney. MTTHNHOUSE Sanitarium; all kind, hatha. 810-214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Doualaa. CENTRAL bath Institute, iSol Harney. Anna Flaher, aulphur bathe, mass. D. 1653. Brasa and Iron Senn,),!.. Paaton-Mltoholl Co., 37lh and Martha Sta. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. ui ijurnorn, Kose Bldg. Palmfr school graduate. Douglaa B347. Chironorllat Carrie ,T, Burford. 820 Paiton Blk. R. 4687. CWuTtnrartnrm Drs. SAL. Bi Ulna ham. 2 fit; a Vam rt ?ko Dancinsr AraHemv DE LUXE SAT" 8UN- E''B- school a-l "WiVU BAI.T. TIIKH Tuitntj MON. RVIC. Ill S. 18th St.. Op. Fontenelle.' Fixtures and Wirim DURKIN J'ctrl0 wllng machines. VWAUIVlil e BCtr rnna . . lamps. 2223 Cuming 8t. Douglas Soli. Pianoa (nr Pni 83.80 per won. A. Hoape Co.. 1612 Douglaa. uerertiuM OMAHA DETECT I VH ASSOCIATION 111 XaCl Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler Vfito JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evident cured in all eases. Tyler lia. 3. D. OLLY. MS Paxton. kert Dreasmalrinty tnn f t. r.,. ..91 UJaj H. ;th. Har. Itsi. Draaamaklng. aJIK suits specialty. Col. 1040: Ira. R, A. Connellyiis KarlMlv" i!llcilJLj!!!! 20th and Farnan PRBS8MAKINQ. reasonable. Tyler 42 Hat Cleaner- ALL ktnda hale .'leaned .,iri u. dies hata tclal, 16S0 Harney. R. iTa. ANNOUNCEMENTS Housecleaners. WE'LL clean your house from top to bottom. Prlcea reasonable. De Luxe. D. 9262. Insurance. BANKERS' LIKE OF LINCOLN. 1S-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2810. Massftiira Fred C. Alien Scientific inatseur; Swedish maeaage; Hi 7 Dodgp; by apm't. Hra. t to 9. Masaage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, SQi-U Balrd Bldg., 17th and DoutrlRX. D. 341. Central Bath Inat.. 1506 Harney. Doug. 7097. MTHS LILLY, bath, inaasage. 1333 Kftrnam. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO 14KIUHTKN TOUR HuMt. SEE FRBD PARKS. Wall Paper. Painia and Ulaaa. Picture Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging;. 4822 S, S4th. Phone 8. lot. CM AS. CLAPP for painting and paperhanf Ing; ratlmatea free. Phone Houth 944. Painting, paperhanglng, cleaning. IT. 6779. Patent Attorneys. STUROES A STURCKH. AJ. H. and foreign patent! and tradmarkc 330 Be Bldg, PATENTS procured, bought and old. Inter national Patent Co., 83 Brandela. D, 0891 , Rastime. Learn to play popular music tn 24 lejaona. zgie iN, sun, t'hone Wel. after 6 p. m. Roofing. DOES your roof loiik ? uur product can be put right over shingles,' Work guaranteed. Call Home Roofing Co,, 633 Brandela Bldg. Phone Doug. 77 SM. Shoe Parlors. SHINE, clean, broiue. 1822 Farnam. Safes. BARGAINS, 121S Farnam. J. J.Derlght Safe Co. SAFES Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full nieaa suits for rent. SPAN. 17th. John Fcldman. D. 3128. . Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING armountenifiiia and printing. uougias fruiting Co.. Tel, iMuglafl M4. Where to Eat. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESijKtv, 103 FARNAM. BURROUGHS' CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service) LINCOLN. NEB .10 B. . IBia. 132 S. 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES AUTOMOBILE ' DISTRIBUTOR.- Sales manager, large eastern factory, manufacturing well known Una medium priced car, wants to get In touch with parties interested tn distribution DroDosl tton. (Do not necessarily have to have auto experience.) Chance of lifetime. If possessing capital and general quail Ilea lions get in toucn with me at once. J. Welch, Room Bit, Fontenelle Hotel, until Friday evening. FOR SALE A saloon and family llauor score, in one ot me very best manufac turing towns In Wisconsin; population Bfl.OOO; will give long lease; no fear for county option; fine brick building. 100-foot bar; will show books for receipts. My reason for selling, want to retire from ouainesa. I nave had this place for years. Prefer a party who can speak aeverai xoreign languages. Write for particulars to owner, Jas. W. Rose, 507 E-iisaoMn ot., rtenoana, wis. 100,000 CORPORATION, manufacturing tslklng machines, wants territorial man agers with 1300 to $500 capital to finance contract; plays and equals any $ii0 Instru ment. Price $10. B1g money-maker. Will pay expenses to Chicsgo If you are man we want Address Sales Manager, 1012 ngpupno piag., umcago, FOR SALE Picture show, opera house and restaurant combined. Restaurant equip pd with aoda fountain. Only am use ment place In county seat town of Ne braska. Doing good business, good rea. aon for selling. J. O. Jackson, Flat Top, HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and mcas oa mercnanaise, in city or country iuivk mci ion. OMAHA SALVAOB CO.. 750 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, Tel. Douglas 1831 BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lo per When yo want both of the ahova CALL TYLER 1000. FOR SALE Meat market In town of 4,000, with, only two markets. Business guar- anteed. Owner leavlnr town, Palace weat Market, McCook, Neb, KNTIREJ moving picture equipment for aie; operating machine, chairs, fans, rugs ana stage equipments. Phone Col rax nn, or write box sens, Bee. CAN use good man with small capital Us iravei witn state Kignt feature Films. Experience not necessary. .Manager, 210 eromiey Bldg. FOR SALE Saloon, doing good business, lo- caiea in one ot tne best theaters in Kan- aa city; price reasonable. Addresa Box I-3rd I,. DPff. FOR SALE Only garage In town of 400 population; aotng a live business; located in tawaicrn r.pp. Aanress box x 6B, Bee. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or room in r nouse call on Busch & Borghoff, iow wonq-neraiq iag, mono U. 3319, OOOD tailoring and cleaning business for aaie; leaving lown; must sell. Addresa anip ijeavenwortn. Tyler 1H4B. "nun picuire macnine (new and re built), theaters aupplled. Omaha Film rjscnange, log g. jth Bt. HOTEL for rent, no furniture; will give w-fimv iiia ii tniten soon. unas. uem bler. owner, Qoe liner, Neb. MOVING P1CTURBJ machines, new and re- Dum, an manes ; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 20f Nat. Bldg. NEAT, clean, complete restaurant for aale. Iowa Restaurant, 80S No. 16th. Omaha, TO GKT In or out of business call on GANOE8TAD, 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. S47T. I guarantee aale of any business or real es tate. F. V. Kniest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. CIGAR and candy store, smalt place, well lucmrq. Aunrews BOX 2HS6, Bee. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., W. O. W. Bldg. Red 328B. Rooming Houses. FOR SALE Lease and furniture of modern rooming nouse. zs rooms and good bust ness corner. Rent $40 per month. Good business. Tha best bargain in city. Must be sold at once, leaving city. For particu lars addresa 2435 Ames Ave. Phona Col- iax 190.). FOR SALE A SO -room hotel, steam heat. hotv,and cold water bath. Doing gqod , business. Good reasons for selling. Will - ni. cneap u lateen at once. Must tell, J. B. Volf. Red Cloud, Neb. P. O, Box SIB, 1 $ ROOMS of fine furniture, all filled; a bar gain; part cash; save commission and buy from owner. 214 B, Jfith St. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20c PER LINE. " Business ads, regular rates; t lines one week... ;....40o 8 lines one week,,.. , , goc Each extra line 20c per week Male. BEST RESULTS) A FAIR RATB. The reason for the growing popularity ara Best Results and a Rate of lc per word. i When you want both of the above, y AlU TYLER 1000. WANTED Position as shipping clerk with reliable wholesale firm: have had 5 pears' experience; can give good references. Tel ephone South 3S5. WANTED Position as watchman by relia- uib, worr man. iaui Bydon, Phona D, 8711. 425 Brandela Bide. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wania airaay position: has best of references; u own repairing, uall Harney 6093. YOUNG man wishes job driving car, private family preferred. Phone Tyler 2U. Can give references. Whitewashing, windows washed, rugs beaten v.gajuB repmreq, nung. Call Walnut 1868. HOUSBCLEAN1NG. fine paint and paper cleaning. D. 8054. wanitary Cleaning Co. pianist and organist (male) for picture ineater. Call Har, 6248. 8711 Cap. Ave. PAINTING and paperhanglng. Web. 6167. Male or Female. SITUATION wanted by experienced man and wife on ranch or farm, wife aa housekeeper. George Chlever, Wiener, Neb. Female. 8rJ"ATWN WANTBD--At Uy or nlght k ii ' nueaeeper or nurse, by mlddlcaggd lady. Box 166 Y, Bee. laAui wienes position as companion to lady m neea of company. Willing to aaalat la Itsht housework. Webster 406. NURSE wants position. Harney 4984. r SITUATIONS WANTED Female. A QUIET, refined colored lady wtahea do- alt kin houaekeeptnf for bachelor or tak ing care of barhelor apta. Webster 1673 WTDOWdnlth one child deairea a raaoacta. ble poa(tlon aa housekeeper, In or out or rny. pox we. Laundry and Day Work. WHITo laundreaa wants waahlng and Iron ing to do at home; can give referartcea work done rrntonable. 2G33 Chicago St. FOn experienced bundle waahlng call Web- ater jsii. frompt aelivery. t'AY worn want fid by experienced coiorou woman, TM. Harney 3991. kf:r,LABLt; iolored girl wants day work Wflhster :i"4fl. Mira Dunn. Bundle wnshlHg and day work. Web. 3745. M, Miller. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4350, Washli.g und rurtalns done. Tyler 1144. DAY WORK, '.'all after 7 p. m. Web. G994. ftay work, winning or (leaning. Wal. Hundle washing and day work. Web. 30?; 'X. colortd bidy wants day work. Har. 6T5R. Rellahln col, lady wants day work. D. 86! Curtains laundi-rcd. iac per pair. W eb. 4728. IAUNDRT or rleanlng. day work. Web. 2973. W AXTKD Day work. Call Webster 3121. DAY work or hnunecleanlng. esp. Web. 46n7. 'Uanlng, dav or hr. .Mrs. Scott. Web. 3745. LACE rurtalna neatly done. Colfax 2455. DAY work wanted. Webster 2327. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices, OFFICE CLKRKP, $, 140, f 50, 5, f 75, sienogrie.pners, feo, 17&, ?85, 90; bookkeepers. 140. IfiO. 178. WATTS RWF. CO., First Nat. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, must be experienced, steady position; state Address Boa 8062, Bee. lary expected. OFFICE CLERK, bright young inan....60 inn ..ift nil lu liilT W. O. W. Bldg. bTKNOGRAPHER, hright buglnner. SG0. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND 'ASS N. STENOGRAPHER, fine position, $86. THB MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. OFFICK clerk, adding machine. 160. wfrg-i-r.KW KKr EKmiNLB ft BOND ASS'N. UFFICB CLERK, good future 70 Tl-IW MAKTI IJU 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED An axparleneed mas for men1 furnishings. 'Apply Bupt. Office, Balcony, Burgesa-Nash Co. CHAUFFEUR Single, capable ot drivim aim repairing, in private family, Uvlng in suburbs. In application state wages wanted, previous employment and give referencea aa to character, habits and win, hox zunz, Bee. IF YOU are an experienced grocery man or clerk with ability to manage, good reputation and clean habits, you might can. at in Basnet Store Office, 108 N. sin ei. Y ANTED Non-union, machinists, molders, patternmakers, bollermakers, machinery DiacKsmitns. steady work, aood wares. Address 600, Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED A good shoemaker at once. mau capaoie to do anything; steady work ior in ncnt man; no boozers need apply. -naareas ueo. it. ocnreeier. Grand Island, ien. EXPERIENCED storage battery man to open new battery station out ol city; also n inexperienced man to learn tha trade. Appiy Mstry-ytm Co., 21 6 s. 20th St. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT flour packers wamea ior steaay worn; state II married or single a)id s?lvo references. Address i-oaionice ocx: ii3t, umaha. FIREMAN WANTED For local electric light plant, ten. hours, good pay perlenced man. V "Write Sup't., Ine for ex Inc., Town or Bimey, Sibley. Ia. WANTED At once, a granite cutter; must ua Bute io nanaie pneu. tools. Address oman AiarDie and uranite works, Stuart, ' ai-eaay worK io ngnt man. WANTED A nrat-class phonogranh me. chanlo. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender v,o., i o. iuin hi. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., iv i n- m ir.jr in m.onai ganK Blag. WANTED Box maker, familiar with nail ing macnine; steady employment. Loose- wnes Biscuit uo iatn and Paven port. PACKING house foreman, capable taking cumpwiB cnarge oeei Killing, casing) timet., ponea ana ibiiow. box; r t3, Bee. WANTED Two frame hide cutters. Write or wire, uiooe Tanning A Mfg. Co., Dee iuoines, is. wain i tun uoraon nress feeder at nea wggerss-u JTiyng Co,, 16th and Leaven- worta BIS. WANTED General blacksmith, rood noor worK, ju.. u. xoDin & sons, Huron, B. V. LEARN barbir trade; low rates now. Call or write Baroer uoilege, 1124 Douglaa St. ATTENTION. ELECTHTPf ANSI Keep away from Omaha. Trouble on. WANTED A registered drug clerk. Addresa nox nzzi. Bee.. WANTED Two good dutsldo painters. 2648 JLOUg HI. Salesmen and Solicitors. FILM SALESMEN WANTED Largest Mo tion ncture company in the market wants three or four bright, energetic young men full of enthusiasm and ability to aell film service to theaters in this section of the country; position Days large commission, with expenses and salary to start. Only high-class, neat appearing, aggressive men considered. The finest chance to make big money and btg future for the right parties. Apply In full detail as to naat experience In aalea, references, etc. Box swag, bps. AUTOMOBILE DISTRIBUTOR Sales manager, large eastern factory, manufacturing well known line medium priced car wants to get In touch with partlea interested In distribution proposi tion, (Do not necessarily have to have auto experience.) Chance ot lifetime. If possessing capital and general qualifica tions get In touch with me at once. Q. J. Welch, Room 811, Fontenelle Hotel, until Fridav evenlna. : i . Jt ATT BNTION, Land Wen! If you are a live wire and live In southeastern Ne braska or southwestern Iowa, we have an attractive proposition for you selling good land. Write Mid-West Land Co., 1067 Omaha Ntt'l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1169. WANTED Four salesmen to sell a new proposition In elty. No merchandise, big money. Something every auto owner wants. Auto Owners' Service Co., 711 Brandela Bldg. WANTED Salesmen to sell Perry auto uvia uiruui 10 auto owneri. (jommission and gaurantee, alt or part time, National Auto Accessories Co., 886 Brandela Bldg. WANTED 10 good, reliable men who are anxious Jp earn big money; positions In tha city or outside towns. C. F. Adams Co., 623 6. 16th St. WANTED Competent auto tire salesman; good opportunity to make big .money. Box 2148, Bee. WANTED Two live salesmen to call Call Douglas 6002 auto owners. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS Don't overlook this proposition. .matte stu.uv to fee.oo weekly sure; no experience necessary; selling like wild fire; get In on the ground floor and be come sales manager. Address Salesman ager, Room 208, 117 ft N. 16th St.. Omaha, Neb. AGENTS We have a good proposition for you. Write for aamplea. Chicago Agency Co.. 810 Altgeld 8t Chicago. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted for retail Ice delivery. vt eat umana rue! and Ice Co., 01 Leav enworth St. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS, EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS.V., , . . 2817 N. 30th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free llluatratcd cata logue explaining flow we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, etc. ; largest modern equipped barber college la the west. Molar's, 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Es tablished 1893.) NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autoa and eleotrle starters. For particulars oall Douglas 4473 or write us, AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. Temporary Address, 407 S, 30th St, Omaha, HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. w Darner trade; ba Independent; more tnas maka your azpenaee while learning. wage, or parentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1403 Dodte St. TBI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. WANTED BRIGHT EOT BETWEEN 13 OR 17 TEARS. MUST HAVE OOOD HABITS, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT BOY. APPLY AT OXCE, CUD AHY OFFICE. S. SIDE. BOY WANTED We can uae a good, active boy, good worker, light work. Apply to sup.rlnt-ndrnt. third floor, Scott-umaha Tent and Awning Co., 15th and Howard.' CAN alwaya uee boya who wunt to work; minimum wage, 1 31.40 per day. Oood chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. I-OY wanted to run errand, and help In .tock. Thia la a good opportunity to work up. Apply Gat. City Hat Co.. 10th and Farnam. ' v ANT KD Hood delivery boy. white or colored, with or wlthtut wheel. Blake Drug Co. Webster 704. KRRAXD boy, with opportunity to learn to reea pree. Many Printing Co. 322 Bee Bldg.- BOYS WANTED to learn trade: muat be 13 yra. age. Gordon Lavvlee. Co.. 8th & Dodte WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Apply at once. ni.K. urug . 0. VtCDsler 71. WANTKD Pin boys. 3 cent. Omaha Alleya. 1810 Harney St. STOUT boy to learn trade. Champion Iron worn., loth and Jackson. WANTED Delivery hoy with bicycle. Bath. ine r loriar, IX", r arnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Wa can use a limited number of men Between i'l and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Must be at least 5 feet 7 inches tall, physically sound, of good character and habits and must come well rccoinmendcd." Apply In person between th hmira nf I a. m. and 12 o'clock noon at oiflces of superintendent of Transportation, Rooi 206. second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg, OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. TEAMSTERS LABORERS Wanted by Sunderland Bros. Co, Steady worn, oooa wagea. Apply at: South yard, 20th and Hickory Sta. North yard, 24th and Taylor Sta. West yard, 42d and Izard Ste, WANT freight handlers. Union Pacific R, R. Co. freight house, 9th and' Jackson Sts.; good wages, steady werk and chance ror advancement. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help wa can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, 916ft W. Broadway. P. 431 WANTED A young man as chauffeur to work e.round the garden, one living at nome preierrea. box Z23", Bee. LABORERS Union Pacific store dept., 23c per nour, steady worK. Apply Cass gate. WANTED Registered pharmaelstXcapsbli management. Neely'a Pharmacy, Qerlng WANTED Immediately, drug clerk. janeceas rnarmacy, Schuyler, Neh, HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Maids, housemen and porters; good wages; steady employment. . Hen shaw hotel. . HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER. OUT-OF-TOWN V 175 STENO.. OUT-OF-TOWN ... Ifi5 TYPIST ., )40 CASHIER r TTPIST $35 & BOARD THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS AND OFFICE GIRLS. No charge to register here. No need of it. jrjttiirr i.uwio in, v b can piacs you. BUSINESS MAIN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. Room 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS! Register with us. No enmrtjo uoiess wo piece you, more cans than we curt fill. THE MARTI CO., 3317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, 935, 40, (60, 166, $76 typist. 40; bill clerk. $50. . WATTS REF. CO.. First Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED A stenographer; must have some knowledge of bookkeeping. The Washington Market. 1407 Douglas St STENOGRAPHER and clerk. $45. ' WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. See Co-Opera 1 1 vo Reference Co. for com- merclal positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone Company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles io learn local and long distance telephone operating, permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement; good wages, A salary is paid while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are especially invited to accom pany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St. GIRLS wanted, light, cheerful work room. gooa pay; power sewing maenmea. Apply to floor lady on third floor, Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 16th and Howard. WANTED Girl for factory labor. Apply omnner jwig. to., xn and jacKaon, LEARN barber trade! 1402 Dodge St. Household v, and Domestic. WANTED A thoroughly experienced maid for. general housework; no washing or ironing; must be a good cook and have references. Apply Mrs. John Madden, 60$ S. S6th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, small family, good homelike place, good wages. 1329 So. 31st St. Har ney 1546. , WANTED A competent girl for general housework, where laundress la kept; best wages. Call Harney 667. 4161 Daven port St. WANTED A good whfte girl for general nousewortc; no washing or cooking, good wages. Call 1336 S. 36th Ave. Har. 4572. WANTED Good girl for general housework; no- laundry work; best wages and good home to right party. Call Walnut 780, WANTED Oood girl for general housework immediately; good wages; no laundry work; $36 a month. Walnut 2081. WANTED A good girl for general house- work where second girl Is kept. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, Walnut 292. WANTED A good girt to do light house- worx, small lamliy; no washing. Call Tyler 2145-W. WANTED Aji experienced seccond girl. Airs. u. T, Kountze, 3926 Dewey Ave. Harney 224. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no waBnmg; good wages. Mrs. R. C. Peters. Walnut 1710. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family; no washing. Call Harney 609. Mrs. Harry Steele, 1338 S. 83d St. WANTED Immediately, good maid for gen eral nousewont; family ot three. 309 No. 33d St. ANTED A young whfte girl t j assist Walnut with housework, $02 N. 39th St. ANTED Competent. conk., white preferred. Apply 432 So. 38th Ave. Tel. Harney 674. AID for general housework, who can go home nights. Call mornings, Wal. 2446. GOOD girl to do housework, three in falmly. oi . 3Btn Bt. call Harney 4398. COMPETENT white cook: three In family. 507 8. 38th St. Harney 3009. WANTED Scandinavian girl for general housework. Call Walnut 1351. IRL for general housework; no cuoklug. no ramtiy washing. Harney 1149. ANTED A girl "for general housework. Harney 2468. 3552 Jackson St. ANTED Young girl to h'ilp with general housework. Call S. 8S6. OIRL for general housework; references re quired. Walnut 138. WANTED Girl for general hounework, nt wanning, goou wages. Call Walnut 392 ANTED A second tlrl In a private board ing house. 114 N. 18th. Hotels and Restaurants. ANTUD At once, neat appearing girle for floor snd counter work. Anolv In Dcr- son. Lincoln Inn, ANTUD Experienced dishwasher at once. Home Reataurant, 1215 Farnam. WANTED At once, experienced waitress. Home Restaurant, 1215 Farnam. WANTED Experienced waitress, restaurant, S01 N. 16th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. WANTED Woman (o keep houne for wid ower with two gtrli, nevfn and ten years old. Harry Hottendnrf, W toner. Neb. WAN'rUt) Lady to care for 2 Vi -year-old baby. Mother going to hoapiial today for a month. 422 X. 17th. WANTEDGlrla, "colored preferred. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18lh and Marcy. EDUCATIONAL BOTI.ES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Everv Any la enrollment day. Book keeping, ehorthand, .tenotype, typewrit, irtt, teiegrpphy, civil aervlce all commer. clal and Engliah branches. Catalogue free. BOILES COLLEGE, . Duuxla. 1535. 13th and Harney Sta. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Sotiond Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6890. V. M. C. A. Day snd Night School. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS' If you fail to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives pnipk-lc detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give jour name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. BEST RESULTS A FA lit RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lc per word. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. F YOU want a large, pleasant room In the Hanscom Park district. Just a half block to rar line and only a 25-minute walk to 16th and Farnam Sts. Call Har ney 1461. Breakfast served If desired, LARGE front parlor, clean and nicely fur nished; also two completely furnished semi-basement rooms; reasonable. 211 S. 25th St. PLEASANT south room, private family, vi cinity of two hospltalsi very quiet; prefer gentlemen; reasonable; close In. Doug. 8976, B'OR RENT 2004 Florence Bld large, airy room, beautifully located ; private family; home privileges; prefer nurses, Web. 1432, FRONT room in new flat, clean rooms, good bed, plenty of hot water and board If de slred. 2124 Douglaa. NICELY" furnished. Well kept, front room, modern and walking distance. 2717 Jack son St. Harney 806. LINCOLN Apartments, 2102 Chicago -St., furnished housekeeping - and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2H07. T. MARY'S AVE.. 2663 Two nicely fur nished modern front rooms; gas range. Doug. 4432. 31 13 ',4 CALIFORNIA Two furnished rooms. modern, nice yard, reasonable. Harney 4001. SLEEPING rooms, $1 to $2 per week; one block from car line. 2213 N. 19th St.. Web. I2B0. FURNISHED first-class room and board. one or two fcentlemen, Hanscom Park dis trlct. Harney 1208. 3-ROOM modern apartment furnished com plete ior Housekeeping; pantry snd gas range In kitchen. 4244 Harney St.. PLEASANT south room, fine for summer, uiiauio tor one person; very reasonable. 2047 Dodge St. FURN. or un fur. rooms, single or ensuite; warning gist, and goog trans. Web. 7816. 2611 DEWEY Two large, airy, south rooms; ! nmurrii, cnpi ior summer; reasonable. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms and one nouseKcepmg apartment. Douglas 8823. NICE clean modern sleeping and house keeping rooms. 819 So. 25th St. MODERN room for two, with breakfast"; on car line. weMTer 2589. 131 N. 31ST AVE. Desirable room: fine lo cation. Harney 1188. 21" CHICAGO Nicely furnished sleeping s'ICE rooms, $2 per week, and up. 1916 Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room. 2526 Dodge St. Housekeeping Rooms. LWO suites of nice, clean, light housekeep ing rooms, new furniture; also single sleeping rooms, close In, walking dis tance. 2580 Harney St. Red 8298. Housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms a Djirjuanj , rpaBonaDie prices: close In, THE JARVIS ROOMS, Phone Doug. 7066. 701-3 S. lth 8t. 616 S. 22D Nicely furnished modern house ana sleeping rooms, single or ensuite; absolutely clean, 6 blocks to Burgesa Nash. Reasonable. LARGE, beautiful furnished 3-roora suite. private iamiiy, very quiet; close in. Doug. 6113. 3026 Davenport St. FURNISHED light housekeeDina room.. walking distance. Harney 3161. 2626 Cttp- ONLY five minutes from 16th and Farnam, parior room, with, kitchenette, 2007 St. Mary's. 2013 WEBSTER Nicely furnished suite or single housekeeping rooms, walking dls- 2114 CHICAGO Two front rooms. nl-B1v furnished for housekeeping. Doug. 9378. THREE furnished; modern, pleasant, cool: adults. Walnut 3270. 4229 Harney St. TWO nice housekeeping rooms, reasonable, oiemrmiiy, gaa range, znaa Farnam. 3 PLEASANT furnished light housekeeping mum m uunaee. an walnut 3903. TWO rooms, furnished for light housekeep- p to muum. neDBier 3UIZ. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooma at 613 j-u. ,ui.n oi. j-none UOUg. 7BJ0, NICE clean outside room for light house - netting, uavenport. SUITE OF ROOMS, nicely furnished, close in. gajj uougiag. 1611 Howard, hk. and sleep, rms. Stm. heat. 1609 CALIF. Hk. and sleep, rms. Reas'ble. 3 OR 6 -ROOM modern flats. Red 4819. Board and Room. BOARD and room in private home, reason- aoie. am go. antn at. Harney 6164. BOARD and room, $6 anil James hotel, 416 S. 1.1th. Hotels. ROOMS, $2 wk.; apts. with kitchenette. Steam heated. Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. Rooms Wanted, WANTED Board and room with private iamiiy. state price. Box 2996, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. FURNISHED APARTMENT, 26TH AND HARNEY. I have a beautifully furnished apart ment In the "Linwood" for rent on- the 16th, also one unfurnished. These con sist of 4 large rooms and bath. Every thing new and nifty. Rent, unfurnished, $40.00 in summer; furnlBhed, $50.00. S. B. JOHNSTON. Doug. 3392. FIREPROOF-FURNISHED Close In, every junvcnirnfcu, nest eervice. catering only to people of refined tastes. Summer rate. W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1633. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splendid oration, zim ana ramam. D. 1472. ' ROOM furnished apartment, close In. Har ney 4141 or Walnut 2267. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 208 soirm 41st, modern, KRENZER. 7 rooms. DOUGLAS JOHN N, IX ROOMS and bath, all modern; walking distance; adults only. Harney 2049. DUNDEE 7-room house, all modem, near mm am car, Walnut L6o8. 17 HARNEY 8T. largo brk yard. -9-rin., all modern house, Doug. 916. North. SEVEN-ROOM house, all modern; walking uiatance. turning, poone Har. 3693. ROOM houRe, all modern, with large barn. 813 No. 27lh Ave. Phone Harney 3692. ROOM bungalow, story and half, all mod crn; $25,- 1712 N. 28th St. Red 1881. I'ilo PARK KR ST. 7 rounia. mod. ex. heat. SIS. E. H. Benner Co. Douslas 8406. . LOSE-IN t-roum and bath, all modern. 413 27th ,ve.;,$3n. Harney 1769. PilONB Walnut 1373 for 8-rm. mod. house. mi3 North 34th S. $25. i-nOUM modem houss. 2436 Park.r 5-ROO.1l house. Webster "7L,