Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Briej City News
MuilA Lamp Bursoee-aranden Co.
Have Root Print II Ntw Beaoon Preos.
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm,
Goodrich Garden Hose at Jas. Mor
ton & Son Co.
William Xj. Randall, Att'j. has moved
his office to 437 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bias
Patriotism In Schools Thursday,
anniversary of the battle ot Lexington
will be observed In schools by reading
stories or this historic encounter.
Improvers to Meet The Northwest
Federation ot Improvement Clubs
will meet Thursday evening at the
deaf Institute. Officers, will be elected.
It Has Been Hotter This Is mighty
hot' weather for April, but it is no
where near the record. The maximum
Tuesday was 78, while the record for
April is 94 degrees.-
Annendlcltls Operation Mrs.
Bowman, 618 North Thirty-second
street, was operated on for append!
citis yesterday at Wise Memorial hos
Friendship Club Thursday Night
Thursday instead of Friday will be the
day of meeting for the Friendship
club, beginning tomorrow evening.
Dancing, cards, games and several
solo will All the program.
' Doctor Gets Big Verdict A jury in
Judge gears' court returned a verdict
of sio.uoo in lavor ot Dr. Samuel
Devore. who sued Dr. E. K. Tarry.
well known Omaha specialist, for
$50,000, alleging that the latter broke
a partnership contract.
To Workhouse for Peddling Dope
Mike Swaney, who. Officer Franke
says, was trying to peddle "dope" to
woman, was sentenced to fifteen days
In the work house. He was charged
with vagrancy. In Swaney's clothes
were lound two boxes of cocaine.
Wants Him Locked Up Until May
Robert lnnes. 608 North Seven
teenth street, was sent to jail for thirty
days by Judge Madden. Hi wife, who
sata tnat ne naa been abusing her,
asked that he be confined somewhere
until May 1.
College Play Canceled Omaha
people will not - have an opportunity
of seeing the University of Nebraska
Kosmet Klub in the musical comedy,
"xne Diplomat," tnls year. The en
gagement of the organization In this
citx,wchedtiled for next Saturday, has
been canceiea.
Missouri at Its Crest The Missouri
river at Omaha rose one-tenth of an
. inch in the twenty-four hours ending
at 7 a. m. Wednesday. But, as it fell
nearly everywhere along Its course
above here, the weather bureau be
lives it has reached Its' highest and
tnat tne nigh water will subside rap-
Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools at
J as. Morton & Son Co.
House of Hope Dwellers
Say They Are Satisfied
A communication signed by sixteen
men and women in the town House
of Hope declares that thev have been
treated With uniform kindness by the
' "Our food is wholesome.',' the com
munication continues,!"well prepared
and in ample quantity to amply supply
our physical needs-.- The rooms are
welt . ventilated , and lighted and are
kept in-a cleanly and sanitary condi
tion. We have a comfortable anj
pleasant home and are perfectly sat
isfied with conditions as thev are.
, Furthermore, we most earnestly and
emphatically protest against the
house being closed, thus depriving us
of the home which has been so gener
ously provided for lis. -
United States Will Lend.
Big Sums to Russ Government
Washington, April 18. The Ameri
can government is only awaiting defi
nite word from Russia as to the needs
of that nation before taking active
steps to strengthen the new govern
ment and .make more effective its re
sistance to Germany. No specific re
quest for assistance has been received.
It is taken for granted that large
sum will be lent to Russia if it is de
sired, because it is agreed, that the
United States should go to almost
any lengths to assist the new demo
cratic regime there. A group of"
American engineers will be sent to
Russia, if requested, to assist, in. sys
tematizing industries there. -
Ford Waives Patent Right
On Tractors to Aid Allies
Detroit, Mich., (April 18. Henry
ford at the request of the British
government has waived all patent
rights on. his farm tractor and has
cabled the specifications to England
so Great Britain can manufacture
tractors for use in the British Isles
and in ; France. Announcement to
this effect was made at the Ford Mo
tor company today.
John D. Attends Funeral
Of Long Estranged. Brother
Cleveland, O.. April 18. John D,
Rockefeller and William Rockefeller
attended the funeral here ' today of
Frank Rockefeller, a brother, from
whonf the oil magnate' had been
estranged for many years.
Recruit Regiment Tallr.
Wasfclnston, April 17.. Recrultinr. figurei
for the regular army, made public. by the
War department today, ahow that more
than enough meo to form a regiment are
being obtatnea dally. For the five-day
period, April 11 to 15. a total of 7.171 men
were recruited, a dally average of 1,434, En.
llptmoata In the njivv 'Saturdnv unA Unn.
day totaled 1,635 men. brlnrlnc the com
batant foroe of that service up to 71.69C
easily heals
skin troubles
The moment that Resinol Oint
ment touches Itching skin the itch
ing usually Mops and healing begins.
That is why doctors prescribe it lo
successfully even in severs cases of
eczema, ringworm, rashes, and many
other tormenting, disfiguring skin,
diseases. Aided by warm brths
with Resinol Soap, Resinol Ointment
makes a sick skin or scalp healthy,
quickly, easily and at little cost.
Reetnol Ointment and Rwlnol Soap alia'
greatly hlp to dear away piraplst and rtae.
dmrZ. bold by all dfufcistt. .
French Press On Successfully
Despite Powerful Attacks
of Enemy.
(from a 8taff Correapondent of The Asso
ciated Press.)
Grand Headquarters of the French
Army on the French Front (Monday
Night), April 18 (Delayed). Not only
did the French army get astride and
partly around the so-called Hinden
burg line today, but, in doing so, they
captured many thousands of German
After one of the most intensive ar
tillery bombardments of the war, the
French tonight advanced along anoth
er twenty-five mile front. Shells were
poured daily into the German posi
tions and this morning from north of
Soissons to just west of Rheims the
main "body of the Germans,
was then sealed.
Its' fate
Pleased By Their Capture.
Meanwhile the bulk of the French
troops continued their advance both
here and on other parts of the line.
Telephonic reports from various
sectors told of the successes, some
times big, sometimes small, of the dif
ferent corps engsged. Everywhere be
hind the advancing French groups of
German prisoners were to be seen on
their way to captivity.
Before evening more than 10,000 had
been counted and others were arriv
ing. Some of the prisoners told of
exceedingly severe losses, their com
pany being reduced in several cases
from 250 to, eighty men or there
abouts. All seemed pleased over their cap
ture, some of them saying that there
would be many desertions except for
the constant vigilance of their su
periors, as most of them were tired of
the war. t
Battling Nelson Easy Prey
For' Champion Fred Welsh
St. Louis, April 18. Freddie Welsh,
lightweight champion, easily bested
Battling Nelson, a former champion,
French infantry started the work for I in twelve rounds last night. Welsh
which they had been patiently waiting, was too clever for Nelsoc and was
Germans Resist Stubbornly, not hit more than halt a dozen times
The Germans opposed the advance Welsh a!s, ?h,wS hApU,nhin.?
....,.... ...... k-: ; - i power, his icie aarica to.ncisoiis
play thousands of cannon and machine
guns, which had been emplaced in the
most advantageous positions. Noth
ing, however, could withstand the gal
lantry, and skill ot the trench, whose
ardor was strengthened by the sight
of the desolation through which they
I he corresoondent watched one
phase of the battle from a prominent
position in the new French advance.
The brigade, with which he was sta
tioned, was composes of troops who
had won the highest fame in pushing
back the Germans around Verdun.
Now, as then, it was under the com
mand of a colonel, who oroudlv told
the correspondent that he had foutrhu
beside both Americans and British in
the Boxer war.
Capture Difficult Position.
Part of the brigade's task today
was the capture of a r?sUion forming
one of the most difficult problems
along the line owing to its being un
dermined its whole length and
breadth by deeply tunnelled quarries
whose galleries were immune to ar
tillery and bristling with machine
Ihere was no hesitation among the
French soldiers when the order to ad-
First District Congressman
Gets Place on Judiciary
face repeatedly and his in-righting
was far superior to the Battler's. The
blows Nelson landed seemed to lack
their old time sting.
"Athletic Heart" Bars Star
Of Gridiron From War Duty
Chicago, April 18. Philbrick Jack
son, captain of the University of Chi
cago foot ball team last year, was re
jected on account of "athletic heart"
when he applied for enlistment in the
Marine corps today. Three other ath
letes were accepted, Al Lindauer, Big
Nine 'conference tennis champion;
Hal Kesche, captain of the wrestling
team, and Max Fellers, a substitute
end on the foot ball eleven.
(Front a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, April 18. (Special
Telegram.) The republican members
of committees of the sixty-fifth con
gress were announced in the house
today. .
Reavis to Judiciary.
The only change in the Nebraska
delegation, so far as the republicans
are concerned is with Mr. Reavis, who
takes a place on the important judici
ary committee. Under 'a rule adopted
in the sixty-third congress, no mem
ber can be a member of certain de
fined committees like judiciary, ways
and means, appropriations, navy af
fairs and still hold a place on minor
In view of his decided promotion
Mr. Reavis will leave the committee
on coinage, weights and measure, ex
penditures in the Department of Agri
culture and war claims, ot which he
was a member in the sixty-fourth
Congressman Sloan retains his po
sition on wavs and means, ludne
Kinkaid retains his place on irriga-
: c i i. ...i i r,.
uim ui auu uuiue, wucrc lie 15 tne
ranking minority member. If the
house should be republican in 1918
he would become the chairman of the
Ramsey Makes Change.
In the Iowa delegation there are a
few changes. Representative Ramsey
of Bloomfield, leaves elections and
invalid pensions and goes to the com
mittee on postofnees and post roads.
luxated Iron Makes Strong.
Vigorous, Iron Men and Beautiful
Healthy Rosy Cheeked Women
Dtv Howard Jtunct, formm-ly Resi
dent Physician of Now York City Hoi-
vance was given, but they did not jpiui n1 Atant PhyicUn of Now
uiruw ii.eir uvea awdv. xiicic was uu
hurry; very movement was executed
as if on parade. - Advantage was taken
of fvery nch of cover, and thus the
infantry were able to approach up the
sloping ground until within striking
distance of the numerous entrances to
the tunnels then they encircled the
whole nlateau and left sufficient men
around to prevent the garrison's re
treat or its communication with the
Growing Omaha
savs that the IRAKIS IAIN UtiUAA.
CO. must move out to make room for
a maemficent new hoteL We ere
helnlesa. The greatest assortment of
'Spring suits, coats and dresses we
have ever had must De ciosea out at
a huge sacrifice. The undertaking is
gigantic. We cannot wait. Buy what
you need now and save what we are
compelled to lose. The Wrockon
ar Coming.
York State Institution!, says:
"Iron la absolutely ntcessary: to enable
your blood to change food Into living' tissue.
Without it, no matter how much or what
you eat. your food merely passes thrugh.
you without doing you any good. You don't
get the strength oat xt It, end as a conse
quence you become weak, pale and sickly
looking, 'just like a plant trying to grow m
a soil , deficient In Iron. A patient of mine
remarked to me (after having been on a six
weeks course of Nuxated Iron): 'Say, Doc
tor, that there stuff Is like mask.
"If you are not strong or well you owe
It to yourself to make the following test t
See how long you can work or how far you
can walk without becoming tired. Next take
two five-grain tablet of nuxated iron three
times per day after meals for two weeks.
Then test your strength again and see how
much you have gained. From my own ex
perience with Nuxated Iron, I feel it is such
Gael That there stuff (Nuxated Iran)
acts like magic. It certainly Bute the
ginger of youth bite a man.
every hospital and prescribed ay every phy
sician in this country"
Nuxated! Iron, recommended above by Dr.
James, la for aale by Sherman e McConnell
Drug Stores and all good druggists en an ah
solute guarantee ef success and satisfaction
a valuable remedy that It should be kept in or your money refunded.
a Din w
The highest type of execu
tive is the man with the
ability to think twice before
he acts once. Such a man
absorbs advice but re
serves the right to act
according to his own
This type of man, in smok
ing, will probably be care
ful to select a mild cigar:
designed, like Tom Moore;
for pleasant smoking.
He will certainly find pleasure
in the mild fragrance of this
light-hearted Havana.
Moore quality in a So size
ita wR serial I
i '; - ROTHENBERG ft SCHLOSS, Distributors I
m - Kis City. MiMourl. . .. . , Omaha Branch, 1715 Douglas Str..t.
Tornado Topples
Small Buildings
In Seward County
Tamora, Neb., April 18. A torna
do, accompanied by rain and heavy
hail, swept over the place about 5: JO
p. m. yesterday. Barns, windmills and
other outbuildings were swept away
and a few houses were unroofed.
Hardly a barn in the town escaped
some damage and scores of small
buildings were completely wrecked.
So far as can be learned tonight no
one was injured.
The farming country around Sta
plehurt, in this county, suffered con
siderable damage.
For along stretch hardly a wind
mill is left. Some of the hailstones
were so heavy as to penetrate roofs.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Depends greatlj upon
your eyea. I will ex
amine your eyes, If you
need claiaes I will tell
you. My charges are
within the reach of all.
It you are short of eash
you can arrange to make
it tn payments.
Dr. McCarthy
TOT and T09 Bran dele Bids.
Burgess-Mash Cot w
' everybody!? store"
Wodnoidoy, April U, 1917 STORE NEW3FOR THURSDAY Phono P. 13T
Just out of their
tissue wrappings
Day-Time Presses and Frocks
, Fbr Women, Large or Small and
! Misses, Very Specially Priced at
IF you could see these dresses as we do,
just to realize their true value import
ance,, there would be no need of the writ
ing of this announcement.
Combination Dresses
Serge Dresses
Silk Dresses
In a variety of smart, new models, an of
fering of distinctive dresses representing a
wide variety of materials and colorings
that must and will appeal to women who
appreciate every detail in smartness of
dress at modest cost. Co. Second Floor
Here's a characteristic Burgess-Nash
achievement in value giving
Italian Milan Banded Sport Hats
at $5.00 ,
ALTHOUGH sport hats, featuring the fashionable cushion rim, they are suitable
for all occasions. Variety of styles, including the new mushroom, chin-chin, and
sailor shapes. The colors are combinations of white with navy, chartreuse, gold, and
delft blue, also black or white. The values are most extreme. ... t
1 BurfeM-Naeh Cov Second Floor. .
Women's Pumps Offered Wednesday
at a Big Price Reduction
IT probably seems unusual for us to offer pumps at
reduced prices right at the beginning of the season,
and especially with leather advancing, but the
Easter selling caused several lines to become
broken in sizes and as we cannot "fill in" within
reasonable time, we deem it best to clear away
these certain lines quickly.
Nine Spendid Styles of
Women' Pumps at $3.95
Patent kid, colonial pattern
Patent colt, Venetian pattern....
Black kid. Venetian pattern
Black russia calf, colonial pattern
Brown kid, colonial pattern ,
Bronze kid pumps with ornament.
Black kid pumps, Instep strap
Bronze kid pumps, instep strap
White nile cloth, Venetian pattern.
Bur(ee.-Nah Co. Second Floor
Rengo Belt
Corsets, $2.00
Especially designed for the
average and stout figure, with
medium bust and long skirt.
Graduated front steel rein
forced, abdomen elastic band in
the back. Double watch steel
boning, strong hose supporters
attached; sizes 21 to 38.
If you are fitted to a "Rengo
Belt" you will experience one
of the easiest and most com
fortable corsets you've ever
worn a corset that insures per
fect satisfaction.
. i ...
BurgesNash Co. Second Floor
These Are "Cleanup Days" For Omaha
Are You Well Supplied With All the Necessary Tools
rw H
Crepe tissue toilet paper, 4
rolls, 25c
Household wash bench, made
of hardwood, holds two tubs and
wringer, can be folded when not
in use, $1.95.
Extra heavy galvanized iron
wash boilers, No. 8 and 9 sizes,
special, $1.50.
J brand wash
boards, ex
tra wide,
zinc cover
ed, special,
' at 49c.
Wire carpet beaters, with
wood handle, 10c.
Oval splint clothes baskets,
medium size, special, 69c
Two-burner gas plates, special,
at 11.89.
" Waste paper baskets, made of
rattan, wood bottoms, 25c
Springer ironing boards, with
stand, stands very rigid and firm,
special, $1.78.
Basswood ironing board, with
stand, special, 98c.
Hardwood step stool, heavily
varnished, folding, special, 88c.
Tampico scrub brushes, solid
back, special, 5c
Broom covers, dustless, special,
at 10e.
Big Wonder cedar triangle oil
mop, large size, complete with
handle, special, 39c.
Parlor brooms, made of best
quality broom corn, 4-aewed,
fancy varnished handle, special,
at 80c.
Hand-power vacuum washer,
special, 19c.
Curtain stretchers, basswood
frame, full 6x12 size, nickel
plated brass movable pin, extra
special, $1.80.
Torrington vacuum sweepers,
with brush attachment and very
powerful motor, easy to operate,
every one warranted to give sat
isfaction, special, $27.80.
Electric iron, full weight,
heavily nickel plated, complete
with detachable cord, special, at
Big Wonder cedar oil polish,
pint can, special, 18c.
Big Wonder triangle wall mop,
special, 39c.
American clothes line reel, for
outdoor use, special, 78c. . .
Cotton dish mops, each, 8c.
Galvanized iron garbage cans,
with galvanized iron cover, 6
gal. size, special, 89c.
5-ply -inch garden hose,
fully guaranteed; 60-ft. length,
at $4.48.
Cotton mop Tag and patent
spring mop stick, the outfit, 35c.
14-inch fiber floor brush, with
handle, special, 69c ,
Wood frame
w r l n gers,
for 6 years,
10-in. . roll
ers, special,
at $3.98.
Soaps, Etc.
Cudahy's Diamond C yellow
laundry soap, 9 bars, 25c.
Cudahy's White Borax Naph
tha soap, 10 bars, 34c.
Cudahy's Pearl White laundry
soap, 10 bars, 34c. .
Fels' Naphtha soap, 10 bars, 44c
Sunbrite Cleanser, 8 cans, 10c
Sof-tone or Kleen-ton, can, 8c
Toileteer, per can, 18c.
20-Mule-Team borax soap
chips, large package, 21c
Dustbane sweeping compound,
large can, 17c.
20 -Mule -Team borax, 5-lb.
pkg., 48c.
6-ft. step ladder,
every step rein
forced with steel
rod, made of heavy
stock, with pail
shelf, $1.80.
Garden hose, -inch,
molded; fully
guaranteed, at 12c