Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Jtesolution Expressing Appre
ciation of American Action
Adopted by Parliament.
London, April 18.-In the House
of Commons today unanimous ap
proval was given amid cheers to the
resolution moved by Andrew Bonar
U,( chandellor of the exchequer,
and seconded by former As
ouith, expressing appreciation of the
iction of the United States m join
' ing the allied powers in war upon
Germany. . . ... .
In moving !n the commons this
resolution, identical with one moved
in the House of Lords, Mr.. Bonar
Law iidi
'We deeply regret that the pre
i. nn.hle to be present himself
to move the resolution. Not only
.... .k.r n( Parliament, but all
the people of the British empire and
the allied countries welcome the new
. l....ft Kvmnathv.
"This is not only the greatest event,
but, aa I believe, the turning point
of the war. The new world has been
brought in, or nas aiepptu ,
.L- k. in h old.
.m.:. C. Tailed State has
UCHIK " ' . .
alreidy shown that its enemies must
beware ot it, ana, aespi.c uic
IPC yam mmnu"v , ; ,
ture to express the hope and belief
. i MMiflfftnii the
i nisht of sorrow and anguish
which has desolated the world i
orawing iu K'r'-.: .. , ....J
A resolution similar to that adopted
in the House of Commons on the
entry of the United tSates into the
war waspassed unanimously in the
',.,... nl Lords this afternoon after
speeches by Earl Curion. the mar
cuis of Crewe, the archbishop of
Canterbury and Viscount Bryce.
(Centteusd tram Tmn 0O
Make Comhrt Kits for Soldiers
And Sailors Who Fight for U. S.
Providing comfort kits for soldiers
and sailors is the war work the Wo
men's Christian Temperance u;.
.....J A nr.. pini. Hnffmsn.
wuuiu v. - t:
superintendent of soldiers' and sailors
worK, organizcu ncr iuhcb u f
pare the bags at a meeting loaay
at the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation, ine Dags are compact
r Mni,;n;na n.H1,a thread, oins.
buttons and other useful articles, a
frame lor motners picmrc nu
it. Tmnprance
union women decided this should be
their individual war service ratner
than joining the Ked cross worn as
a unit.
Work on the comfort kits will De
em as soon as instructions are re
ceived from the national chairman.
Mrs. Mamie M. cianin or Lincoln,
state president, and Colonel J. M.
Banister, retired army physician, gave
patriotic talks at the meeting.
ICmUimI from F Om.)
W.O.T.U. Leader is
Satisfied with the
Present Dry Bill
I ,t-
enrollment completed the president
would decide as to the respective two
. I t
The volunteer provision was later
. i J I ska KAmmirrM
formally aaopieu uy
by a vote ot m to o. ' , '
Shallenberger of Nebraska voted
in favor of the volunteer amendment.
Senators who voted for the McKel
lar amendment were Reed, Kirby,
Thomas and Hitchcock and McKel
lar. democrats, and New and butn-
criana, rc(juui,vn. f , , ,
Senators on the committee said the
War department estimates tnai ii me
. " .F ....... th. fint .100.000 men
will be in training camps by August 1.
Rnnlf Island MustPaV "
i . All of the Judgmen
Tk. VnrV T.l.nd riilwSV lost its
suit in federal court to make the other
:i -j. tk I In inn itarlon oav
Ifllliuaus u.ti.s ' r -
a share of a judgment secured against
the KocK istana ior - .
This amount was awarded John A.
Moore, local lawyer, yh was In
jured when a Rock Island train
bumped into a Union Pacific train on
which Moora waa riding. He sued
for $150,000. The amount he re
ceived was the largest aver won In a
damage suit in Omaha. ' .
The case will be appealed to the
higher courts by the Rock Island.
Real Ftatfl Board Has
Discussion on Ethics
"Ethics" waa the subject of the dis
cussion by the Omaha Real Estate
board at noon. The board hopes to
work out a system of ethics for itself
In the profession or trade in Omaha.
rt !.. M.tinnal nr.iatinn haa
a code of ethics, and the local board
has copies ot tne pampnieis. out mere
. i:,,u lru..l nrnhfinis which are
nt.UmA ,,nnn in the' larffer na
tional code. This first discussion was
preliminary, and if the board finally
trade, they will probably be printed
in pampniei lurm.
Railroad Cods Keen Two
Boys from Joining Navy
Kav foor ana onn nariana or
T T. ..t-r. in nvinlit tft loin
the navy that they ran away from
nome in tne nope oi Deing acccpico.
They are under 16 years of age.
Railroad authorities yanked them
.off the train Wednesday morning at
Council Bluffs.
mutated and the general situation
was favorable, i
The general who commands me
. .u mh. Mtiiu nan uccri
armies ui hb.w v -- -planning
the attack for veral weeks
and liad lett noming ro '
Everything was provided for ,and the
chiefs under him had nothing to do
but follow instructions to the letter.
A. innirn the result oi ine uamc
. cA:..n. and Rheims was
i i- ..J., ura. o i v . n to at-
Known mo wuv. . . - i t? i
tack. Punctually at ;3 in nci"."
infantry "went over," well supported
l 1 ..... n( .rllll.rv TheV
Dy a puwniui hi." - j -
swept forward in magnificent style
and. in two nours me nrai
u.a k.. .ntiir.H T.ater news came
tk.t Fr.nrh .nlrlitri were carrying all
before them and taking prisoners by
the score. They sened Mont iarnn
Maut and all' the crests
commanding that region.
"Impregnable" Line Taken.
tt tUalr ti.u, ' nnfiitions the
riuui nit., ..
French now look down upon Moron-
villiers and Kauroy. inis
villiers chain of hills was regarded by
.ii uhn had ever been
in the section as virtually impregna-.
ble, and its capture causca u "
aatiifaction to everybody, ihe
7S followed up the inlantry ramaiy
and were " soon in action. They
caught large bodies ot tne enemy
:- ,T,k h nhiirt nf makins J,
massing win, 1 t
diversion and decimated them. Ac
cording to onlookers sucn carnage
had not been seen since the action of
Charme Gap at tncj peginnig m
war. . '
French Win on Rjght
On the right wing the struggle was
equally to the advantage . of the
French. Auberive, on which the left
wing of the Champagne offensive of
ml F I l. f.ll .n.rliltf a. ttvelf as
all tha surrounding works. I be
French made especially good prog
ress north of Auberive. In the section
x -t r Hill 112 waa
ease ui uuwiuw..h :
stormedk aa well as a small wood east
of the hill wmcn was a regular uc
OS uernin uii,imii
At certain points the advance was
close upon lour miies in uepm.
latest nswa reacning nra
w!! mtn the nlffht.
.i f . .tntar-attarkina Wlth-
inv ' -'
out success and tne rrencn recon
structing the trench systems under
the cover ot tneir arunery.
Oerman Flans Disarranged.
Aconrdinc to Information from a
i:.l.1. tn rinnhln nfteniive
rcuaui ... : .
of the British north of Arras and of
the French on trm Aisne disarrangea
the Oerman plans. Field Marshal von
tt ! J 1, i. .lar.H auaa nre-
paring an offensive against Riga and
another against jiaiy, wnuc u
. - .MM Urn waa rAnairlerinBT an
attempt on Calaia on the one hand
and on Paris on the other. The allied
western offensive spoiled all this by
obliging him to bring back a large
part of the effectives intended tor the
Russian and Italian fronts.
r . .n,:,F..tinn uritl, 4h atatn
of the prohibition bill in the legisla
ture urhirh went to the Governor.
was expressed by Mrs. M. M. Claflin
ot Lincoln, stale women s i,nnsuan
Temperance union president. Mrs.
Claflin spent the day in Omaha at
tending the meeting to plan providing
each enlisted man with a comfort kit.
' Law entorcement is wnat tne vyo-
men s Christian lemperance unton
will work for after May :. We have
300 unions, including 7,000 women in
nnr ranks in Nebraska. Eight hundred
are in Omaha." 1
Mrs. Claflin does not favor provid
ing substitute club rooms in place of
the saloons, as a work to be taken up
by the Women's Christian Temper
ance union. There has been no need
for that work since the 8 o clock clos
ing law was effective," she said.
Mrs. Claflin advocates establishment
of public comfort stations by munici
palities. T V.. .wl An antttr-
talnment for the purpose ot raising a
l. ..w,A will k. vluiln Thiiraalnv Ave.
nlng In the Young Women's Chris
tian association auauorium. jluib
fund will be used for girls who are In
need of temporary help and the young
women of the members' council are
working to realize a good sum
Fiaht of Irish Partv to
Force New Election Fails
London, April 18. All possibility
of the country being disturbed in the
near future by a general election was
removed last night, when by a vote
of 286 to 52 the House of Commons
passed on second reading, the bill for
the extension of the life of the parlia
ment until November. The national
ists were the chief opponents of the
bill on the ground elaborated by
John Dillon that no solution of home
rule for Ireland had yet been an
nounced. Andrew Bonar Law, mem
ber of the British war council, said
the government was hopeful that the
spirit of war produced in Ulster
would create an atmosphere favor
able to a settlement now instead of
waiting until after the war. He de
clared there never had been a time
when there was so much good will
existing on this question and that it
was needless to despair of arriving
at a solution.
Germans Deny Line Broken,
Berlin, April 18. (Via London.)
The number of prisoners taken by the
Germans on the French battle front
yesterday, according to the official
statement issued by the German army
headquarters staff, was increased to
more than 3,000 officers and men.
French attacks in the Champagne
yesterday over a twelve-mile front,
. i. . . ..... i .. ,..mni anna, were arc.
'iic wt'Ni.N in
vented from piercing the T.euton llne
Dy tne oerman parring iiuauivno. xa.
of the wood between Moronviliers and
Auberive was wrested from French
colored divisions which had reached
there. During the fighting on April
,....nt....iv nt the ntimernna French
iu twciitj-.". --
armored motor cars were destroyed.
HlRgliu Returns to Omaha H. M.
UI..1., v.. ,., .mail fmm -Canada to
r.-.iuUlh hii home In Omaha. He
waa four years in the Dominion. He
waa clerk In the Union Iactflo local
passenger offices before Journeying
northward. '
k ranges eaten every
j day will help you
Sunkist now and keep a
supply of these uniformly
good oranges in the house
Uniformly Good
Our Time it Short ,
Only a few days remain for you to
take advantage ot me immense
closing out sale of the PARISIAN
r.Tnatr m flnrlntf enata. suits and
dresses of the latest and best styles
are here to select irom. nurry oe.
cause the Wreckers are Coning.
We Clean Blankets
Dyers, Cleaners, Farriers, Hatters
' and Tailors. ,
1111-17 Faraam St. Tel. Tyler 345.
TpT is not mere "money"
"T Hurt you wish to leave
to your heirs, It is rather the
oomfort and happiness that
come from money rightly
handled. We can further this
wish better perhaps than you
realize. Let us suggest a plan.
For Women
When you figure die wearing qualities, exclustve tlylt,
comfort and lasting satisfaction to be obtained only in
Hanan Shoes, you will find, as we have found, that .
they are really the cheapest shoes to buy in the end,
, 1410 Farnara Streak f
Mall Orders Solicited
a ' Etcfush Agtncy "
Children lave to
chew Kruiiibles
because the more
they chew it the
jfweeter it tastes.
KiaiimxTes has a
fullrich flavor never
before known ina
TOieat fooa.
M Itoolcfov
V -thiv
All Wkeat IlM
I II n . , .
SJ ls-ftWiu.iaTJlL:isl
2?i; ' ir7TT777 vit?r
When in BOSTON Stay at thb
navLBTON ST con. clarendon. Facin Oopitt Sauaaf
A Hlfhtlut, aedtn hmM, latalllrnt aarrka, vfeuaal reonu.nperlorcoWoa. UdiM
ivtllag slou art saw! o( coortaoai att.ntioo. ChKk bariara to Back Bar Suiloo, lasn
ala Umis, aid you an with la i ausMis walk oi total. Baft UaMlattadUaaUcUduam
litas oui dark vbas rsgiataiini.
fuRonas Sun. in Meoae, St.eo un with sUth es.oo us.
Flare-Top Hose
A style favored by women who re
quire a little larger size than ordi
nary. Flare top hose fit snugly.
Stay up and do not bind. Ask for
1 in black and white cotton, garter
tops and double soles, 45c a pair.
Very sheet silk lisle, in black or
white, 65c a pair.
Muslin Underwear
In Extra Sizes
Slipover gowns or high neck, long
sleeved gowns, skirt and drawer
combinations, separate skirts and
drawers, all made with fitted band
Gowns, $1.35 to $2.60. v."
Drawers, 66c to $1.50.
Corset covers of nainsook and
crepe de chine, lace and embroid
ery trimmings, various prices.
Third Floor.
Wild Root Soap
and Dandruff Remedy
Two very effective agents' in the
treatment of the scalp. Wildroot
Shampoo Soap, 15c a cake. The
dandruff remedy, 50c, and $1.00
a bottle.
Toilet Goods Section.
Separate Skirts
and Dainty Blouses
Have assumed all added importance
this season. Fashion has approved
of this sensible attire, but has in
no way limited the scope of de
sign. Seperate skirts in various tailored
and sport models. Featuring wash
materials, woolens and silks. The
pricings are reasonable. (
Wash Blouses in fine materials
with many . distinctive details to
add to their attractiveness, offers
unusual values at $2.95.
Second Floor.
Women's Suits
New Season Fashions
$25 to $125
Every model is vested with personality. Their qual
ity is of the sort that MAKES a suit. Fabrics and
colors are truly representative of all that is favored.
We have a complete showing of Quality Suits at
whatever price you choose to pay. ' ,
Thompson-Belden Service Includes
Alterations Without Extra Charge
Liberty's Silk
Chiffon Velvet
The Fashion for
' Separate Sport Coats
In combination with white khaki
kool, tussah and satin, a sport
coat of velvet is most becoming.
New weights in Liberty's (Lon
don), silk chiffon velvets, in
. black, navy, cope and plum.
Silk Section
Articles of Cretonne
Attractive Laundry Bags, Pil
lows, Scarfs and Shoe Bags, all
made of colorful, new Creton
nes, are displayed in the Art
Needlework section. The selec
tion is large and prices are mod
erate. Third Floor.
Taffeta Day
Thompson Belden's
April 20th
Sorosis Oxfords
On Fifth Avenue, New York,
the oxford is favored by fash
ionable women for morning and
afternoon wear. Complete selec
tions are ready here in white
and gray kid with flexible welt
soles and high Cuban heels.
Priced, $5.50 to $8
I II . &-r- ffl
The "come-back" of the continued use
' of drug laxatives is frequently worse
than the original ailment. .
All laxatives are irritants, which will
affect not only the intestines but the
stomach. They whip and spur the
bowels into action and are inevitably
followed by a reaction which helps to
make constipation chronic.
The use of Nujol, an intestinal lubri
cant, is the sensible and effective
means of promoting normal bowel
Nujol unlike drugs or physics, is not
absorbed by the system, but acts sim
ply as mechanical lubricant, prevent
in& the intestinal contents from be
coming hard and so facilitating normal
movements. '
As Nujol is not a physic but a lubricant,
it does not gripe or upset the system.
Being tasteless, it is not unpleasant
to take.
The-Standard Oil Company (New
Jersey) has used its world-wide re.
sources in producing Nujol and its
reputation is behind the product
Nujol It b mui) for cntHpath mt mtmm
faclmrt. Tki nli i pint htlln
tnHnl Nu)l tndt-mtrk All tcHla MM
Nujol flt, ttnluttlf aweVra east mnifry.
WHU tUx) frr M initnctivt IkU AtyW
tni Ut lun.
BavonM tftswJuus) New Jersey
AaaaiftM sua, a.o pu mt , , TRto t. Nta. PaemaTea