Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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Cattle Ten to Twenty Lower
Country Throwing Cattle
Away Lambs Higher.
. Omaha, April II, 117.
Ttseeiots were: Calll.. Uobs. Sheep.
orfkisi Mom. v. ...... i.s3 10,230 11.4:4
iifrielal Tuesday Mil 16.443 3.398
u.uni.t. i.ioo n. l.ooot
, Thro deys thll week. 20,031 43.493 :4,n;
,Um. d- la.t week. 22.429 2J.H6 23,828
Sim, dm : wki. .go. is, HI 29.437
Sam da 1 U. in.ll.lll 1 34,571
in data 4 wks. aco.K.87 17.173 17,141
Same dan laat year.. 11.337 34.17 36,134
Rerelois and dlspoelllon of live stock at
tha Union 8tnrk Yards, Omaha, for twenty-
four hours endlner at 1 p. m. yesterday:
Wheat Prices Climb to Record
Height AU Grains Re.
. cover from Slump.
M. BU p .. t
Wabash 4
Mlnnourl Pacific $4 7
Union Pacific... i 70 I
V. A N. IV., east 1 I
v.. N. W,; weit 7
t. PI. P.. M. 0...k 3i
C, B. ft Q-, east U
0 B. ft WMt " 13
c. n. 1. ft P., eest.... 11 19 1
C. R. I. ft P., WUt... .. 2 . . ..
Illinois Centri.1 S , .. ..
Chicago Great West... 3 I .. .
Totals......' M Ml ' 1
Cattle Receipts were Jaw again today
not only here but t all other point wnn
tits mult that price everywhere are DreaK
Ing badly. The country appears to b In ft
nanlc to Mil and la sacrificing a lot of cat
tle at way lower prices that will bo badly
needed for beef thirty or alxty daya from
Price thll morning were lOOlOo lower
than yesterday, which mean that outside
of a faw choice heavy beeves tha general
market- la Jt0Soo lower for tha week.
Year! In la especially are a drag on tha mar.
ket, being very hard to aell and they are $0o
01.00 per hundred lower than tha high
time two weeka ago. Heavy reeoera nave
auffred In tha aam proportion a beef
oat tie, but light atockera have not shown
quit o much decline, that If the kind that
are wanted to turn in grass.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves. $11.10013.00: fair to good beeves.
lld.T6tfll.IO; common to fair beeves. II..0
oio.T: good to cnoic neiteri.
good to cbolea cows, M.7tl0.J.fc; fair to
good cows, lg.099a.7B; common to fair oowa.
.60$ 7.40; prim feeding steers, 11.10 9
10.36; good to choice feeders, $8.7&0t.S0;
fair to good feeders, II. Of) 01.76; common to
fair feeders, 14.7691.00; good to choice
atockera, $8.40910.00; stock he I fere, 17.009
f.71: stock cows. $.00Ot-3l; atock aires.
18.00910.40; veal calves. 11,00! J. SO; beef
hulls, ate is, ate, 9I.2&04.76; bologna bulla,
Representative aalhe: . ;
Hogs Kor the third time in three daya
that waa a, very liberal run of hogs on
hand today, supplies of 230 cars, or about
14,400 head, being, in fact, the largest of the
week to date and the heaviest that have
been here since ftis latter part of March.
For tha. first half of the week arrivals total
43,414 head, as agalnat 3I,II last week,
21.417 two weeks ago and 14,317 ft year ago.
For the third auccesslv time buyer
were In almost complete control of tha
hog market, and. In fact, tha decline en
forced waa tha greatest that ha been reg
istered since the drop started. Packera
started out bidding ft quarter lower oa
the beat hogs, but soma shipper buying at
16930o lower figure caused killers to raise
their offers and they too bought their first
hog 16920c off. Sales made this way were
ot pretty carefully selected stuff, though,
and when the decent strings started mov
ing It was at flat SOo decline. Bulk of the
better hogs sold thla way but tha market
kept getting a little easier right along aa
the day advanced, and toward tha later
end of the. morning flat quarter reductions
wereyioted even on some of the pretty de
sirable bunches.
Representative sates:
No. Av. Bh. Pf NO. Av.
10.. 107
74.. 117
7.. 161
31. .Ill
14.. 100
10.. 104
Sheep Big receipts and
, weaker price at Chicago acted aa cheek
of the .lower- market this morning, but
packera, who at tha outset hinted that they
wanted lamba a quarter lower, were not
long in getting their offers up to ft steady
bet is. They mad the bulk of their pur
chase at good steady to strong figure,
and In apota advances of lo and even 10c
were noted. Movement started early and
nearly all the lam be being of tv desirable
ort. bulk f tha offerings changed hand
in good season, practically all, tha lambs
starting for the scales before It o'clock.
Most of the sale were made around $11.60,
hulk of, in offerings being all flnlahed
Mexicans of fairly desirable weights, lorn
at $16.10 were bringing a nickel mors than
waa paid for their mates yesterday. Pack
ers would not go above yesterday's top of
$16.46 for anyMng. The only clipped lamb
on sale, a heavy clasa, sold at $11.40.
Old sheep, of which five or sis ear ware
here, were steady. Light fed western awe
brought $13.1$ and yearling and wethers,
similar to, but not quits desirable, aa
those that brought $11,10 yesterday, sold
t $13.00. The fact la that It has been
so long Bines ft run of sheep of any slae
was her that quotations are mainly a
matter of guesswork. No lamb cold on
ahearlng account. As a matter of fact,
the killer market has moved ud conald-
tlrably hi the last two weeks, white feeder
buyer are reducing their figure aa the
season advances, and the chances. are that
with prospects for moderate supplies right
ajong now feeder buyers will not get In
oa anything or consequence, f
Quotations on sneep attd lambs: tamos,
lltht and handy, $16,16916.70; lambs, heavy,
$4.76f16.40; lamba, fresh shorn, $13,009
13.76: lambs, shearing, 114,00014, Mi year-, good- to choice, $13.00911.76; yearlings,
fmr to good. $12. 00911-00; wethers, fair
to choice, $11,609 12.10; ewes, good to choice,
1U, 60911.36; ewes, fair to good, $10,009
11.60; owes, plain to culls, $7.4) .,.. . ,
100.180 160 16 00
71. .323 I0 It 30
11. .334 ... 16 10
18. ,262 ... 16 40
20., 260 80 16 60
10. .360 160 16 63
Bh. Pr.
120 11 31
240 II 26
80 16 16
... II 41
$ II 60
... 16 10
tittle MewHogs Are Weak heep Mar-
; Chicago, ' April II. Cattle Receipt,
li.voo need market slow; nailvo beef cat-
tie. Jt.00918.36; stock ere and feeders, $7.26
nitr; cows ana heifers, 1E.609 10.16;
aitves, $8.60013.76.
Hogs Receipts, 21,000 head ; market
w-iSk. 30c under yesterday's average; bulk
or sales, 16.fcft16.l; light, $16.30916.76
mixed, $16.20iftl6.SO; heavy, $11.20911.16
rough. 116.20916.40; pigs, $10.60014.00.
Hheep and Lambs Receipts, 31,000 head;
market weak; wethera, $10.10912.76; ewe.
i 3ffi.oi tamos, su.iv9ii.T4. 1
. St. louls Live Week Market.
Ft. ' Louis. April 14. Csttle-r-Repelpt,
1. Co nean; mar net weak; native beef steers,
IT. 30911.09: yearltn alters and heifers.
K&0912.90; cows, 14.00911.00; stoefcers and
edra, 16.00 9 10.16: prim southern beet
ilecre. 18.98 11,60; beef costs snd heifers,
tf.2698.00; prim yearling steers and he(f
rs. $7.60910.00; . native calvea, 16.009
.1.35. '
'Hoga-Roelpts, 1,600 head; market J6c
nvrer; lights, $16.46918 86; pigs, $10,769; mixta ana out mere, ii.91i.qo;
tood heavy.-$16.10916.00; bulk of sales,
IIS, 66911.16.
Mheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.109 head;
'market weak; lambs, $13.0flt? 16.76; ewts,
; 699)3.11:. yearlings. $13,76914-11; cllp-
) lamb, 91Z.009"-".
Qraaha, April 41, 1117.
ni PaWatinia of Brain --wre somewhat
heavier today and the trade In the local
cash market In markeo contrast. 10 yvsier
day's dull session.
Today's prices on wheat snd corn were,
however, much more satisfactory ' to the
ellrs. wheat being quoted at $2.40 snd
12 41 on No. 5 bard, while the No. S hard
ruled from $2.67 to 12.40, an advance of 7c
to 100 above yesterday's nominal quotations
oh hard wheat,
The above prices on No. 2 and No. I
hard wheat show an advance of 2c to Ic
over the previous record, price, while ssles
nt corn today at $1.51 were about 2c over
the highest prevloua sales.
White corn sold pretty readily at the pre
vailing prices, and while there was a good
Inqulrv for the different varieties of corn,
the srflers were not satisfied with the price
offered for yellow and mixed and a targe
part of these samples were carried over.
The com market generally was quoted from
lc to 2 higher, white corn bringing around
$1.61 for the better grades, while yellow
nm tin id around 11.44 and $1.46. and a car
of high color mixed corn sold at 11.421. .
Wheat. Corn,
Chicago 80
Mlnneapolla 3U
Duluth $
Omaha 37
Kanaas City 42
St. Louis in
Wlnnlneg $12 '
These sales were reported today r
Wheat No. t hard winter: X car, $2.61;
4 cars, $2.60. No, I hard winter: I cars,
$2.40; I cars, $2.66; 4 ears. $2.67, No. 4
hard winter; 2-S car, $2.66; 1 car, $2.69; 2
cars, 2.41$. Hempl hard winter: 1 car,
12.60: 1 gar. $2.42; l car, no.
mixed: I cars, $2.47; 1 car, $3.46.
1; 1 car, nampis. i-
oar, $1.80. -
Barley No. 4: l car, 11. so.
Corn--No. 2 white: 1 car, $1.C1H; I oars,
$1.61. No. 2 white: t cars,. $1.11. No. 2
yellow: 1 car, $1.44. No. I yellow: $-6
oar, $148; 1 cars, $1.44- No- 4 yellow: 1
car, $1.44. No. S mixed: 1 car (near
white), $1.40; 1 car (shippers' weigntsr,
$1.46; 1 car, $1.46. No. 4 mixed: t cars,
$1.44. No, t mixed: oar, $1.43H
Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 7114o; 1-6 car,
71c. No. I white: rrs, 71c; i oars, 70ic.
No, 4 white: I cars, 70c; l car, 70c;
1 ears, 70 H". Bample white: 1 vcar,
70 "Ac: 1 ear, 70c; 1 car, Otttc; 1 car, Y 8c.
Sample mixed: 1 ear, 69c.
Omaha Caah rnees wneai no. 2 nara,
IM092.41; No. I hard, $2.6192.00; No. 4
hard, $3,46. Corn: No. 2 white, $1. 6191.6m;
No. 1 white, $1.6091.61: No. 4 white,
ll.6991.6QH; No. I white, I1.4IO1.60; No.
white, $1.4191-49; No. I yellow, 1.44tf
1.46; No, 1 yellow, $1.4491-46; No. 4 yel
low, $1.4391-44; No. 6 yellow, $1.4191.434;
No. yellow, $14.2 91.43 ; No. 2 mixed.
1.44tt91-4; No. 2 mixed, $1.4491.44);
No. 4 mixed, 1.43tt 9144; No. 6 mixed,
lf.43H91.41K; No. $ mixed, $1.4301.43.
Oats: No. 1 white, 71 971 He; standard, 71
071ttc: No. I white, 70 011c; ino.
white, 70970446. Barley: Malting: $1,249
1.36: NO. 1 teea, SLZQif I., nye. ,
1.16; 1, $1.8891.81.
L.ocai range or options;
Market Sags After Early
Demonstration of Irreg
ular Strength.
New Turk, April II. Left lar.ely lo lt
own d.vlcea when iot under furthor pro.
f.Mton.1 pre.aur., today', market aa.e-ed
after an early demon.tratlon of Irre.utar
.trenirth. In whkh .11 but . few apodal
Btocka participated.
than a dotcn different leeuea, chief
of which wer. United State, steel, ma
rine., metal., motor, oqulpmenta and mu
nition., made up almost three-fourtha of
the day's total turnover of I10,n0 .hare..
Kalla were at no time of . factor, aalde
from their comparative atrenirth.
Tho conflicting aentlment prevallin. In
rpeculattvo quartera wa. leen In the coiy
trary course pursued by stocks of that
caliber. Ohio Oas, for Instsnce, made an
e.lreme advancevof ts points to 140,,
while Industrial AVohol fell 3, with losses
of two to about Ave points In motors and
Oils, tobaccos, fertilisers and shlpplnirs
wra mostly lower. Reading, Union Pa
cific and Canadian Pacllln were the fea
tures of the railway group, but gslns op
I to. lit points were largely canceled.
Coppera made virtually no headway.
United States Steel derived much of Its
rtrength from estlmstes of sarnlngs for
the first quarter of the year, soon to be
published, and Sloss Sheffield's furthsr de
cline of II. to fto resulted from th. pass
ing of the dividend.
Ttonds . showed their usual irregularity
after early steadiness. Total aalos, par
value, 92,l2S,l)on. V. S. coupon 3. de
clined 1 per cent on call.
' Number or sales nd quotations on lead-
! flalesl Utah. Ln. ftln.e.
Am. Beet Sugar.., 3,300 4 Njlt J
American Can 1,40. 4 Vi 444, 46
Am. Car F'ndry 3
Am. locomotive... 1,000 7ftj tlt4s H
Am. Smelt. Bof. 3.I00 01 - SIS, 01
Am. Sugar Ref..., 1,700 113 H 113 ' 111
Am. Tel. Tel.,.. 300 tUt 15314 H3U
An. Z L II..,. 300 33 33 33
Anaoond. Copper., 11,000 74 7ti t
Atchlaon 700 102H 103 103
A. O. W. 7. S. S. 4.000 103H 103( 101H
Baltimore 41 Ohio,. too 7H 76', 71
R. 4t 8. Copper..,, 400 4314 43 42 -i
Cal. Petroleum..,. 600 30 30 i 3014
Canadian Pacific. 1,700 1112 lei-Vtj 1411.
Chesapeake ft Ohio l!l00 tt't t!4 ltA
C At. A St. P . , , 000 SO 7H 73fs
Chicago ,W, 300 111 1141,
C , R. I. P. ctfs 4714
cnlno copper 1,000
Colo. Fuel k Iron. 700
Corn Products Ref. 1,300
Crucible Steel 10,900
Art. Open. I High. I Low.j Clos. Yes.
Sht. I I ..
May I II 3 4! 134 I 41 ill
July 1 13 1 I7W1II 1 I7H I'D
Sept. 1 14 1 41141143 1 II 14 14H
May 1 II t 41 H 131 1 41 H 13314
July 1 33 1 J4 133 1 3114 131
Sspt, 1 3t I 3314 131" 1 31 H 133
May (714 37H 1714 . I'H 17
July eo 1314 3044 3314 10
Sept, 1114 334. B1U 3844 Bl
Chicago closing prlcss, furntslfed Th. Be.
by Logan A Bryan, stock and fgraln brok
ers. 313 South BUteantn strsst,
Art Open. High. I LowTf Ojbas. Tea.
Wht. " I
May I 31 I 14 111 I 3314 233
July til. 1 3314 13344 1 37H 11114
apt 1 17 1 70 14814 1 lt,K
Corn. ,
May 1 37 4J 1 43 13314 t 41 4 131
July 1 3314 1 3714 133 1 37 13714
Sept 1 3744 1 10 133 t 30 131
May 14 11 1414 13 14
July . 33 14 3! 3414 13
Sept 13 13 13 33 36
May II 30 17 01 31 60 37 03 33 30
lalT 13 31 It 31 33 II 13 30 33 37
Lard. . -
May It II 30 37 ! 30 30 37 10 70
July 31 31 31 33 77 31 30 30 30
May tl 33 li IB S3 11 10 11 II
July II II II It II 33 II 30 II II
OlMBsi H.y MMkat.
Hay Reoelpts oontlnua light: market
firm and higher on .11 grades of alfalfa and
pralrl. hay and demand good.
cnolc. upland frame sit.ouvib.uu; no.
t, H3.ooei7.00: No. I, Ii4.oooil.oo: No. I,
310.00Oll.30i No 1 mldlsnd, 31I.00O17.00:
No. I midland, 111,00 0 14.00: No. 1 lowland,
113.00 014 00: No. 3, I3.I0O10.I0; No. 3,
Choice Alfalfa 330-00911.00: no 1,
I13.00O10.00: atandard, 4I3.00O13.00; No.
3, I14.00O1I00; No. 3. til. 00O13.00.
Straw Oat, I7.00O7 60; wheat, 10.000
KaftMS City General Market.
Xansas City, Aprlt 13. Wheat No. t
hard, 11.3202 33: No. I red, 33.3103.11;
May, 33.47: July, 11.17.
Corn No. I mixed, 11.4301.43: No. 3
whits, 11.32 0 1 33: No. I yellow, 11.411.66;
May. 11.46; July, 11.37.
Oats No. 1 white, 14 0 74; No. I mind,
73 013c.
Butter Creamery, 47o; frsta, 44c; sec
onds, 43c: packing, 36o. i
Kgga Firsts, 31c. .
Poultry Hons, lie; llo; tur
keys, 34c,
Kr.por.ta4t Apple, and Dried Fruits,
New Tork, April 13. Kvaporated Apples
Market atrong; fancy, 11O130; eholoo, 100;
prim., 3 esse ,
Pried Fruits Prunes, firm: Callfornlss,
3011o; Or.gons, 10O10o. Apricots,
strong and scarce; fancy, 140. Peaches,
firm; choice, 3o; .xtr. choice, 3o; fancy.
ISo. Raisins, steady; loos, muscatels, 30
10c; oholo. to fanuy, aeeded, 3OIo; aoed
Uas, 11O130; London layers, 11.80.
Cuba Cane Sugar. . 3,000
Plsttllers' Securities 3,100
Rrle . 31.000
Genera! Electrlo,
General Motors.,
300 104 164 104
16,00 105 101 102
13 .
300 111 110 110
1,600 31 30 30
B. 66
78. 78
41 44
38 38
300 128 128 138
400 103 103 103
600 31 31 31
Croat No. pfd
Oreat No. Ore. ctf.
Illinois Central... .
Inaplralton Copper, 9,700
Int. M. M. pfd 31.510
Inter. Nickel 3,800
Inter. Paper 600
K. C. Southern
Kennecott Copper. 8,100 43 42
Louisville aV Nn.h
Uaxwell Motor...
Mex. Petroleum..
Miami Copper...
Missouri racinc...
Montana Power....
Nevada Copper....
New Tork Central..
N. T.. N. H. i H..
Norfolk V Western
Northern Pacific.
Pacific Mall
Pittsburgh Coal...
Ray Con, Copper, .,
Reading ,
Rep. Iron aV Steel..
Shattuck Arts. Cop.
Southern Pacific...
Southern Railway..
Studebaker Corp... Z4..00
Texaa Company. . .. 1.400 314 210 810
I'nlon Pacific 7,700 187 116 137
U. a Ind. Alcohol.. 20,100 110 107 107
IT. S. Steel 30,300 113 110 111
II 8. Steel pfd.... 800 117 117 117
Utah Copper 11,700 110 10314110
Wabash pfd. "B" 36
Western Union.... 300 93 96 96
Westlnghouse Bloc . 300 48 48 48
Total sales for the day, 110,000 shares.
' 7,000
' 94
New Tork Money Market.
New Tork, April II. Prima Mercantile
Paper 4 04 per cent.
Sterling wxenange oixiy-nay nine,
14.72; commercial sixty-day bills on banks,
14.72: commercial sixty-day bills, 14.71;
damand, 14.76; esbles, 4.76.
Sllvsr Bar, 7,e: nsxican uouars, .1..
Bonds Government, weak; railroad, ir
Tim. Loans Firm; sixty nay., ait v. p..
eont: ninety days, IS 04 per cent; six
months, 404 psr cent.
Call Money Steady; highest, S per cent;
lowest, 3 per oent; ruling rate, 2 per cent:
last loan. 2 per cent: closing bid, 1. per
cent: offered at 3 per cent.
U. 8. 3s. reg... 88 Int. Mer. M. 8s.. 93
V. s.
U. 8.
U. S.
'U. s.
Is, cou... 98
3s, reg... 39
3s, cou... 33
4s, reg... 108
cou. . .100
Panama 3s, cou 98
K. C8. ref 6s. 87
U & N. un 4s... 91
M K T 1st 4s. 78
Mo. Pac. gen 4s 19
Mont, Power 6s 88
N. T. C. deb 8s. 106
Am. For. Sec. 6s 97 North. Pacific 4s 89
Am. T. m T. c 6s lllNortn. racuio ss o.
Anglo-French 6s. 94D. 8. L. ref 4s... 89
Arm. A Co. 4s.' 98 Pac. T. A T. 6a.. 99
Atch. gen. 4s... 90Penn. con 4. s. 103
Bait. A Ohio ts.. 87 Psnn. gen 4s.. 97
Cent, Leather Bs.100 Reading gen 4s.. 91
Central Pac 1st, 96 S. L. A S. F. . Is 69
C. A O. cv. 9s... sottnouin, rao. ov ..tow
C B A Q 1 4s... 16 ' South. Pao. r 4s. 87
C M A 8 P g 4a 98 South. Rail. Is.. 98
C R I A P r 4s. . 72'Texas rao isi ..
C. A S. ref 4s, 81Unlon Pac. 4o..i 96
t. A R.-Q. r 6s. 86 'Union Pao. ov 4s 91
D of C 3s (1831) 38 U. 8. Rubber 8a.. 88
Krl. gen. 4s.,.. 84U. Steal Bs...l06
Oen. FJIec. 6s. . ,105'Wablmh 1st 100
O. N. 1st 4s... 94West. Union 4s 91
III. Csntral r 4s. 81 "Bid.
London stocks and Bond,.
London, April 18 Am.rlcsn securities
were quieter and. only vsares not-rqutr.d
by th. treaaury ohange. hands occasionally
on the stork sxchanga today.
Silver Bar, 36 d per ounce. ' :
Money 4 per cent.
Discount Ratea Short Mils, 40 par
cent; three months, 4 04 per esnt.
Kansas City l ive Stock 'Market,
xanaaa City. April 18 Cattle Receipts,
4.700 head; market steady to 15. lower;
lu Cltr Un Stock Market.
: i-loux City, April IB. Cattle Receipt.,
t.409; market, killers 30c lower; stock-
.r strong: be.t sters, ,ll.oureiz..o; outcn
rs, 89.0OO 10.73; tat cows and helfera. 17.60
3)9.76: canners. 86.6007. 60; stoukers and
Xders. !.K) 10.11; calves, 91.I0O8.76;
sutla. etags, etc., 37.00O19.00; feeding cows
iml kelfer.. 33. 609.40.
Hoss Receipts, 13.000 head; market 160
uc lower: light, 916. 004916.29: mixed, 116.20
S1I49: heavy,; pi. 111. lot)
l:.:0: bulk of ssles, lit .38018.46.
Sheep and I,ambs Itecel.L. 700 Keadi
market. 19c lower; yearlings, 313.000 13.60;
Klthots, 311.60013.60:, owes, tll.lOOlMO;
Umbs. 112. IBtj 16.10.
St. Joseph live Stock Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., April 18. Cauls, Re
ceipts, 2,300 head; market dull and lower:
.leers, tl.00O13.69: cows and helfera, 36.69
01126; calves. II. 004311. 16. '
Hogs Receipts. 7.000 head; msrket too
15o lower; top. 118.10; bulk ot salts. 116.10
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 9,699 head;
market atead) ; lamba, lli.OOOlt.76; own,
First Martgags Beads 1
Dsaosnlaatlam 1100.00, tSOO.OO, $1,000.00
4lh Floor, Flrsf Nat. Bk. BMg, Omaha.
To Reduce the Cost of .Living
Buy for Colt ni S.t. th. 2i to 50 en Book Account Exponio.
9 brj Diamond C Soap. ... .25! F.ncy Country Creamery Butter,
per id 40C
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per
lb. 40
Fancy Full Cream Young America,
.Wisconsin Cream or Brjck Cheese
per lb 30
Imported Roquefort Cheese, per
lo ..wae
Eat Mor. H.althful .not
Ch.ap.r Than
Th. Hifhland Nav.1 Ora.ig.. Aro
tho Grown In Catornia, p.r Doaon
il5t. 17Ve. 209. 254. 30
Tho V.f.tahl. Market of Omaha
15 lbs. best No. 1 Cooking Pota
toes to the peck . (get your
weiKht),lor 85
Fresh Beets, Carrots, , Turnips,
Shallots, Parsley or Radishes, per
bunch 54
Fresh Head Lettuce, head, 5
and .....'..:. 7tt
Fresh Hothouse Leaf Lettuce, 3
heads for 10
Fresh Hothouse Cucumbers, each,
at ....12r, 15 and ZOt
Old Beets, Carrots or Rutabagas,
per lb .........5
Fresh Rhubarb, lb 7V4
tor, p.r lb 504 1 Fresh Cauliflower, lb . . . . 12 H
10 lbs. best Pure Granulated Sugar
, for ....81.00
6 lbs. choice Japan Rice. .. .25
Nebraska Maid Macaroni or Spa
ghetti, pkg. j ,.7
16-01. can Condensed Milk, .lie
The best Bulk Laundry Starch,
per lb 5t
MacLaren'i Peanut Butter, per
lb ....15
Ripe Olives, per can. ..... . .lOt
California Peaches, lb 10
and t 12Vt
California Seedleaa Raisins, per
lb 12
California Prunes, lb 12 H
and 15
Califoniia Cooking Figs, lb. .15
Sour Pickles, quart 10
Sweet Pickles, quart ..20
Chow Chow, quart. 15
Jello, for dessert, pkg 8 Mi
Advo Jell, for dessert, pkg., 8 Mi
Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. . . .20
The best Tea Sif tings, lb .12
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per
lb 20
Th. Butt.r. p.r
' J. 48
Ih Beat Croenngry rackag But
prima fed steers, l J.tSOU.OO; dreaaed beef
steers, $8.tO0U.OO; western steers.
12.78; cows, $b.-010.7-: heifers. $l.00; attvkerB and feeders, $i.0J) 11,00;
bulla, 17.; calves, $8.00t13.2S.
HogvRecelpts, l.40 head; msrket
tower; hulk of sales. 16.35Ii.fl; heavy.
l& SAtJlt) dQ; packers and butchers, 1S 0
16.10; light, $U.ull.T; piga. $12.3-0
Hheep and Lamhn Receipts, 1,399 head;
muket steady; lambs, I! J.I.ff 16.0 : year
lings, $13.0(1914.. S; wethera, i:.00f 1J.:5;
ewes, $U..ftl3.00. .
Wheat and Cora Prop Ten Out and Pra
vlslona loUar at Opealag.
Chicago. April 1$. Upturns In wheat vat
uea today resulted from export Interests
buying nearly $,000,000 bushels May delivery
and also purchasing liberally of the July
option. Ob the advance. May showed at
one time a bulge of II cents over the low
est level of the season. The close waa un
settled at $..324V-.3m tor May and
$1.17 1.17 H for July, with the market aa
a whole Je to $fee above yesterday's finish.
Other leading staples, too, all scored net
gains corn 1&3c, outs io to ltt9
lc and provisions in Sic
Assertions that foreign government Inter
ests controlled millions of bushels of Chi
cago contracts for grain acted ra a stimulus
to bullish sentiment regarding wheut en
tirely aalde from the big acquisitions for
Europe today. Besides, gossip was current
that all available offerings were being ab
sorbed for export account In other markets
as well aa Chicago, and that prices aa nign
as 6$ cents over Chi o July were obtain
able at the Gutf of Mexico. Domestic
millers were also said to have resumed ac
tive buying and to have made large aalea
of flour.
One of tha chief Influences which at first
gave wheat prices a temporary setback waa
an enlarged estimate of the stock on hand
In Canada, It waa said tha aggregate waa
11 MOM 00 bushels as against recent com
pute tiona of 7S.000.000 bushels. Excellent
weather conditions both ln the United States
and Canada together with better crop ad
vices operate also for while aa a tran
sient handicap on th. bulls.
: Corn paralleled the action of wheat and
ascended very close to the highest figures
on the crop. Tho volume of trade, though
waa rather light. In oats brisk demand
from cash Louses and the seaboard made a
atrong market almost from the beginning.
Messages from the south told of heavy sub
stitution of oats for corn.
Provisions rallied when grain turned de
cisively upward. In the earlier dealing the
market was depressed by th weakness ot
hog values.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. S red,.
nominal; No, B red, $3.674; No. hard,
$2.ttt; No. t hard, nominal. Corn: No. 2
yellow, $1.4SVst91-49; No. 2 yellow, $f.40
1.4V; No. yellow, $1.4501.47U. Oats:
No. f white, 68t70V.c; standard, 49 Mi
71c. Rye: No. 2, $l.',3l.-4. Barley, $1.20
1.50. Seeds: Timothy, nominal; clover.
$12.00017.00. Provisions: Pork. $37.02 S;
lard, $20.7H921.07H: ribs. $1..0&1.?S,
Butter Firm; creamery, 4H446c.
Rggt Higher; receipts, 27,580 cases; firsts
3636oi ordinary firsts. HQU; at mark
cases Included, J33&c.
Potatoes Receipts, 35 cars; unchanged.
Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 22ttc;
springs, 22c. r
Minneapolis Grata Msrket.
Minneapolis, April IB. Floiu? Unchnnced.
Barley .
Rye I1.874J11.I8.
Bran 989.003)49.00.
Wheat May, 32.27(4 : July. 12.20. Cash:
No. 1 hard, 13.60 tt 39 3.63 (4: No. 1 northern,
12.43(403.474; No. 3 northern. 82.3Ht
Corn No. yellow, II. 43(401.47(4.
Oats No. 3 white, 88(40684ie.
riuseed I3.30O3.38.
St. Lnli . drain Market.
St. Louis, April ll1. Wheat No. 1 red,
13.80; No. 2 hard, 13.33: May, 12.64; July,
Corn No. 1, 11.12; No. I white, 11.61;
May. 91.47(4; July, 11.3844.
Oats No. 3. 73c; No. 3 white, nominal.
i c JT - e."-stl,i
Figured in 50 seconds
on the Comptometer
the rapid' fire way to extend invoicQS
Do you still extend your bills the three
times 8 are 24 and 2 to carry" way?
, That used to be the best way. It isn't now.
. As compared to the Comptometer way it is an
extravagant waste of human energy besides,
it's too expensive.
A short demonstration of the Compto
meter on your billing would show you why.
You could set at a glance how an average
operator is able to make over 350 extensions
per hour with frequent fractions In both quan
tity and price. On easier work, as many as
700 per hour are being handled on one Comp
tometer every day.
It's the quick, one-motion, direct key action
that gives the Comptometer this rapid-fire
' speed not only on extending invoices, but on
every form of figure work, every arithmetical
calculation Involving addition, multiplication,
division and subtraction.
The Controlled-key allows no slighted key
stroke to pass unnoticed. With it on guard, '
even a novice cannot operate the Comptometer
imperfectly. s
You don't have to buy a Comptometer to find out how it fit your requirements.
Say the word and we will test it out to your satisfaction on your own work no
obligation, no expense just the opportunity to show you.
J. H. SHINN, Solicitinf
SIOUX CITY Lewi. Bldg. '
Suppose All
Could Use the
Would Other Types Remain?
In the present conflict of types-r-irours, Sixes
and V-Types it is well to consider what would
happen if the Super-Six -were free. Our patents
confine it to the Hudson. ,
As it is now, numerous fine-car makers advocate
other types. And tell you reans for it.
Some still cling to Fours. Some urge Eights and
Twelves. But thesweight of opinion favors the
small-bore Six. , ,
What would come of this conflict think you
were the Super-Six not patented. . , , ,
" , These Are the Fact
The Super-ix last year won all the worth-while
records. In a hundred hard-fought contests,
against all types, it proved itself supreme. .
As for the Light Six, in our final perfection,
the Super-Six invention increased its efficiency by
S0 per cent.
As for Eights and Twelves, our experience with
motors of that type which wesbuilt made them
seem to us, unnecessary, v , . ; ; . V! '
And the Super-Six has made the Hudson the
largest-selling front-rank car. Last year it out-sold
any car with a price above $1100.
The Vital. Supremacy
, One may say, "I don't care for speed, or great
reserve power, or a marvelous hilUclimber." '
Then why added cylinders, or extra valves, or
anything else to that end? ' . 1
You do want superlative capacity, , whether
you use it or not. You certainly want it when it
means no added size or' cost. When it', means
simply ended friction. -v. . (. . . .
That's the-great point; the Super-Six motor
is small and light and simple; We haye not aimed
at excessive speed or power. We' have simply
, minimized friction.
We have done bu.t dope better what every
engineer has been aiming at for years. And for
the same result more speed ai;d power, without
added complications. Also multiplied endurance.
Endurance was the chief aim. It is friction
that causes wear. We have so reduced it that we
attain what is proved the greatest motor in the
world. And certainly you want it.
What One Year Did
Mark how the Super-Six, in one year, sprang
.to the pinnacle place. There are. now 30,000
running. This year brings nothing to rival ft.
So it is bound to gain multiplied prestige.
This year's bodies also give to Hudson leader
ship1 in style. The ablest artists and craftsmen
gave their best to these models. Each is a study
in motor car luxury. Each is pattern type..
This year we add a great gasoline saver shut
ters on the radiator whieh by controlling the
heat of the motor in part overcomes the disad
vantage of the constantly falling quality of gaso
line. We add a pneumatic engine primer. We add
plaited upholstery. ' '
Our patented carburetor on Hudsons alone
is self-adjusting to every engine speed. -
So Hudson supremacy does not lie in the Super
Six motor only.
. When you buy a fine car a car to keep you
are bound to want the Hudson. You want the car
which outperforms and outshines other cars. If
you want such a car this spring, we urge a prompt
decision. Last year many buyers waited months
for delivery.
Pka.ton, . . .$1650
C.briol.t, '. ,-19S0 '
Tourinf S.ol.n, . . . r. . . . 217S
Sp..dat.r, .$1750
Town Car. 292
(All Prim f. c b. D.troit)
Town Car Lutiaulet.
Limousine Lendaulet.
. 2925
. 3025
2563-65-67 Farnam St, Omaha.
Open Evenings Until Nine.
' Phone Douglas 1970.