Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1917, Image 1

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Want-ad Service
, Night or Day
Tyler 1000
VOL. XLVI. NO. 261.
Mm SUMl. It,. M.
London and Paris War Offices
Report Capture of Several
Additional German Vil
lages and Trenches.
New Sections Attacked Tues
day and 13,000 Prison
ers Taken.
Paris, April ,18. the begin
ning of the great Frencn drive on the
southern end of tlie battle line the
French have captured ' 17,000 un
wounded prisoners.
London, April 18. The official re
port from British headquarters in
trance tonight reads: I
"Our troops gained ground during !
tlie night along the lett bank ot the
River Scarp, east of Fampoux, and
this morning captured a further por
tion of the enemy's front line system
southeast of Loos. We took a few
"In the course of bombing expedi
tions carried out last night our air
planes obtained hits upon an enemy
train, two hostile columns, a me
chanical transport and a German
transport park. Great damage was
observed in each case."
British Make Further Cains.
The British forces have made furth
"er progress north of St. Quentin and
have captured the village of Villers
Guislain, according to an official
statement given out by the war office
The statement follows:
"During the night we made further
progress southeast and east of Epehy
and this morning captured the village
of Villers-Guisliin with some prison
ers. We also improved our position
in the neighborhood of Lagnicourt.
"Elsewhere there is nothing to re
port of special interest. Heavy rain
is again falling." . . , .
Fresh Fighting in! Thampagner-
Berlin (Via London), ApiM...18r
The evening communication issued by
the German war office says:
"Near Arras there is nothing new
to report , -
"On the Aisne front a night attack
brought a small gain of territory to
the enemy near Braye-En-Laonnois.
On both sides of Craonne, after the
failure of a French morning attack, a
second attack is now in progress.
: "Fresh fighting began in the Cham
pagne during this afternoon, '
Counter Attacks Repulsed.
Paris, April 18. Important prog
ress was made last night by the
French in their attack east of Sois
sons. The war office announces the
capture of Chavonne and Chivy. The
17r.,U n,cliH nn mnrth nf tlipo
points, reaching the vicinity of Braye-En-Laonnois.
The Germans made three desperate
counter attacks in the Champagne
last night. They were checked by the
French, who inflicted heavy losses on
the attacking troops. Since Monday
the French have captured upwards
of 14,000 unwounded Germans. In the
Champagne large numbers of machine
guns and trench mortars have been
captured and also twelve cannon, in
cluding three of large caliber.
Tne ltest French victory, while on
1 smaller scale than that of Monday,
is an equally important success. Both
mf the sections attacked hadbeen left
alone hitherto on account of the ex
ceptional natural strength of the Ger
man position. The French command
held that an assault could only be
successfully undertaken when over
whelming resources had been accu-
(Coatlnued on Pace- Two, Column Two.)
, The Weather
1917. 1916. 101 B. 11.
Illglwit yesterday ,., 66 70 81 - 73
Lowest yesterday ... 62 46 67 36
Moan temperature.... 74 68 69 64
rreclpllatloa T 1.10 . .0(1 .43
Temperature and precipitation departurea
from the normal at Omaha alnco Marea 3,
mid compared with the past two yeara;
Kx.eNa for the day 22
Total exieiti ulnce March 1. 80
Normal precipitation .10 Inch
Kxcess for the day..,...., 10 Inch
Total rainfall alnce March 1... S.66 Inchea
Iteflclehcy elnco March 1 46 Inch
Deficiency for nor. period, 1916. 1.34 Inchea
Oeflelency for cor. period, lsli. J8 inch
lation and State
Temp. H If Il
of Weather,
."hoyenne, rain . . .
Davenport, cloudy
G p. in.
. ... 38
.... 78
Denver, ciouuy .........
Pea Moines, cloudy....
Podge City, cloudy 68
Kattaaa City, clear..,.. 72
North Platt, rain 62
Omaha, clear
Oklahoma, cloudy ..
Rapid City. rain....
St. Loula, rain......
Chicago, cloudy . . .
Sheridan, cloudy ...
Sioux City, cloudy,.
.. 79
.. 70
.. 40
.. 64
.. 64
valentine, ptly. cldy... 48 68
"T" Indlcatea trace of precipitation
For Nebraska Partly cloudy. ,
- . . ' ' ' T1 Hour. ., Deff.
.jSplH .m... 63
v; wSVf. J n e . m 4
V-8 A
-jjfrTW y : I a. m 66
SMwJ !.. m 6!)
CA'aMM rn 10 a. m 11
TjlW f -vrr " 76
fr V' 121 '8 1
"jtylLiiiW , 1 P. ".." 79
JyZA. ' f It. m..... 62
C bCS t; p- m 13
VSrJ V I V. m 6
JfM- 6 p. m S3
vljck s P' 01 81
S3ggggi 7 p. m 79
"""" S p. m 75
Ifmnarntlve Local Record!.
U a, WELSH, Metaorolodat.
Nebraskans Will Meet With
Iowa, Dakota and Minnesota
Contingent at Ft, Snell
ing for Instruction.
Maximum Attendance at Each
Place Limited by War De
partment to 2,500.
Washington, April 18. Establish
ment of fourteen citizen training
camps where reserve officers and ap
plicants for commissions in the new
army will receive intensive military
instruction was authorized by Secre
tary Baker today.
The Places Selected.
In selecting locations the War de
partment was guided largely oy ine
! lines of the proposed divisional tram
ing areas, ine places selected in-
rliirlerl? a a
For Nebraska, Iowa, North Da
kota, South Dakota and Minnesota
Fort Snelling, Minn.
For Michigan, Illinois and Wiscon-sin-Fort
Sheridan, 111.
For Oklahoma and Texas Leon
Springs, Tex.
For Montana, Idaho. Washington.
Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah,
Wyoming, Arizona and New Mexico
the Presidio at San Francisco.
When Told to Report.
Reserve officers and others admitted
to the camps will be notified to report
between May 1 and 8 at the camps
nearest their home. Those selected
for admission may receive transporta
tion subsistence and uniforms at the
exoense of the government.
The maximum attendance at every
camp has been limited to 2,500. The
serious shortage of regular army offi
cers makes it unwise to attempt in
struction for more than that number
for the present. ' -
During the first month the student
officers in each camp will be divided
into fifteen companies, regardless of
the arm of the service for which the
; individuals are destined. The qualifi
cation of each man will be studied
with t view to assigning the necessary
'numbers for further instruction in thjs
separate arms. - . , '
Those remaining at the divison
camps then will receive two months'
additional training at the end of which
regular army officers will select from
each copany, troop and battery, the
officers for one regiment of their re
spective services.
. Need 10,000 Officer.
The plan contemplated provides
carefully selected officers for sixteen
infantry divisions and two cavalry di
vision's. The total number of officers re
quired is approximately 10,000. Men
of the more matured age and experi
enced as leaders will be given prefer
ence. Army officers believe the camps
will turn out the number of officers
needed by the middle of July for serv
ice with the first 500,000 increment
of volunteers or conscripts.
. Strong emphasis is given by the
War department for having the first
10,000 the best that the country can
produce. The minimum age of those
who attend is fixed at twenty years
and nine months, and the maximum at
forty-four years.
Jensen Goes to Jail for -
The Misuse of the Mails
Hans P. Jensen, living at the Ar
cade hotel, was sentenced to thirty
days in jail by Federal Judge Wood
rough on a charge of misusing the
mails. He was charged with sending
an obscene letter to St. Joseph's hos
pital. The judge sentenced other prison,
ers who pleaded guilty as follows:
Barney Kemmerling, six months, on
a "dope" charge; S. Franklin, ninety
days, and Nettie Bradshaw, sixtv
days, on "dope" charges;, Frank'
O'Brien, William Smith, Mike Mur
phy, William Kelly and Charles
Erickson, sixty days and $100 fine
each for introducing liquor on tire In
dian reservation.
Glrfs Get Pool Hall Men
To Help in Recruiting
Branch volunteer recruiting head
quarters are being established in .cigar
stores, pool halls and restaurants by
the Girls' Preparedness and Recruit
ing club, of which Miss Louis, Fill
more is the head.
Tom Collopy and John O'Connor
have already put up recruiting signs
and have recruiting literature to hand
out to customers at their pool hall
and restaurant, respectively, at Twenty-fourth
and Lake streets. Other
similar places are willing to do the
sane, Miss Fillmore said.
Woman Procurer Gets
One Year Jail Sentence
Mrs. Ida Rockefeller lost her fight
in the federal court to escape serving
a sentence of a year for violation qf
the Mann act. -
She was sentenced over a vear ago,
but was released under bond pending
an appeal which she said she would
make. Wednesday her lawyer argued
before Federal Judge Woodrough that
she should b released because of a
technicality. The argument failed and
lo j the judge ordered the woman con
.oo i fined in the Douglas county jail for
J j one year. She was convicted of bring
;Ming'a girl her from Kansas to be an
I inmate of a house on Webster street.
Revolutionary Government As
sures America No Peace
Will Be Made With Ger
many, as Was Fared.
Muscovite Liberals Determined
to Free German People From
Tyrannny by Armd Force,
Washington, April 18. Assurances
reached Washington today that under
no conditions that are now conceiva
ble will the provisional government of
Russia yield to the overtures from
Germany and Austrian socialistic rep
resentatives to negotiate a separate
Looked on With Dread.
The entente embassies with this as
surance before them, frankly con
fessed great relief.
The gathering of socialists at Stock
holm, known to be fomented by Ger
mans and Austrians, was looked upon
with dread and suspicion and it was
feared that cunning appeals to the al
truistic principles of socialism, the
universal brotherhood of workingmcn,
and such considerations might force
the provisional government to consent
to a separate peace to terminitc the
It was learned from an authoritative
source that these apprehensions and
misgivings were based upon misunder
standing of the aims of the extreme
socialistic element in Russia and of
the" real strength of the provisional
Want to Carry Idea by Force,
So far as completing any peace i
the basis of existing governments the
advanced Russian socialists want to
carry their democratic ideas by force
into the enemy countries, and to ap
peal to their brother socialists in Aus
tria and Germany to rise in revolt,
overthrow the monarchies and es
tablish true socialistic republics, in
their nlarec . ,
o.This movement-It reported gather.!
nig sircugui ratpiuiy iu .nussia, amui.K,
the Soldiers and workinginen. The
former are falling into line again to
renew the. campaign irr. the east and
the workingmen are going back to
their shops to turn our shot and she3
and powder on the greatest possible
scale. From every quarter comes as
surances of support for the provis
ional government.
. 1 i
Internal Revenue
Agent at 'Frisco
Under Suspension
San Francisco, April 18. J. J. Scott,
collector of internal revenue for the
first district of California, whose of
fice handled nearly $17,000,000 worth
of business last year, was assent from
office today under. an order of tem
porary suspension issued yesterday by
William H. Osborn, commissioner of
internal revenue at Washington. No
reason for the suspension was made
Scott's brother, Andrew C. Scott,
his chief deputy,, was also included
in the suspension, the office being
taken over temporarily by John W.
Piatt, chief clerk. Special examiners
of the revenue office are here on an
investigation, which has been in prog
ress for two weeks. K
In a statement made public today,
Scott said a private vault in his of
fice, to which only his brother and
himself were supposed to have the
combination, had been robbed of
$2,000 in cash, wine tax stamps to the
face value of $8,300, and important
papers. Som of these documents,
Scott said, bore on the case of B. M.
Thomas, former special agent of the
internal revenue office here, under in
dictment by a federal grand jury on
charges of having stolen wine tax
The time of the robbery was fixed
by Scott as between 10 d. m.- March
26 and early in the afternoon of March
Scott, a former newspaper man,
was active in the organization of the
first Wilson campaign in California
and secretary later of the California
state central committer.
Johnson Art Collection :
Given to Philadelphia
Philarlvlnhia Pa Anrll 1H 7l,
u, Ba, . .j..., u.jum,
ti Inlintnn't fammic art ...llaiinn
valued by him at more than $5,000,
000, is given by his will to the city
or rnnaneipnia.
Save the Potato
Peelings to Plant
Mrs. William Stewart, negreas,
advises Omaha people to save the
eyes when peeling potatoes, her ex
perience having been that these
eyes will product; healthy plants.
She raised potatoes in this manner
last season.
E. Z. Russell, editor of the Twen
tieth' Century Farmer, said: "One
eye will produce a plant. It is ad
visable to peel thicker than usual
where the eye is taken out. My
father did this many years ago
during hard times in Tennessee. It
is a practical idea." .
t Ab0Ut ThiS TilDe 0f Year '
T u... :.. - - i
,(: i " Li -s . tror '
J ' " I CT-
' J' NICt MY I ' v WHAT' ' i
" iffiix wm fi -vv II!! I, ,
V COAT? JWUNMMT Vw Kee'TH ' . fXSaar,
x SJnX a fTr
, tv'v ' & . fM$ rz
Upper House " of Legislature
Adopts Conference Report.
Thre Negative Votes.
From a Staff Corraspondant.)
Lincoln, April 18. (Special.) To
the much maligned state senate the
people of Nebraska are indebted for
the passage of a workable prohibition
law, if speeches made in that body
tins morning snow tne true situation.
The bill now goes to the governor
and will become a law.
Final disposition of the bill came
before the uriper body this morning
and was the subject of much oratory
itnd considerable Alphonse and Gas
ton comedy.
The first vote came on a motion
to adopt the minority report of the
senate committee, consisting of Mat
tes' and Moriarty. Robertson, the
other member of the committee, had
joined the house committee in a ma
jority report.
Bill's Provisions,
The bill provides:
Against sale and manufacture of all
intoxicating liquor.
Against sale and manufacture of
near beer.
For possession of liquor in private
homes for personal use, provided it is
purchased before May 1. .'
Against sale by retail drug stores of
any intoxicating liquor but alcohol.
Cities and counties liable for dam
ages from illegal sale of liquor where
shown officials are lax in law enforce
ment. When complaint is made possession
of liquor by person complained of re
garded as prima facie evidence of in
tent to violate law.
That all liquor dealers and manufac
turers must dispose of stocks by
May 1.
Governor responsible for enforce
ment of law and will have $50,000 fund
for this purpose,.
Fine of $100, or thirty days in jail,
or both, for first offense; . thirty to
ninety days in jail for second offense;
imprisonment in penitentiary not
more than two years for all subse
quent offenses.
Emergency clause, making bill ef
fective May 1. . ,
Dry Element Scored.
Moriarty scored the dry element in
the state roundly, calling them long
haired fanatics and other like names.
He did not like the bill in its present
form and should not vote for it,, but
it was a better bill than the dry crowd
had been backing, which, he eaid, was
drawn by school boys and fanatics.
He paid a tribute to Robertson and
Flansburg as the only reasonable
men on the committee after he and
Mattes had withdrawn.
The vote on the motion to adopt
the minority renort was lost hv 2ft in
7. Adams, Kohl, Mattes. Moriarty.
.-ircmuw, j anner ana wnson ot
Dodge voted to adppt.
On the roll call on the majority re
port the vote stood 30 for and 3
against, as follows:
For Adams. Albert, Bennett, Beal,
Buhrmaii, Bushee. Chappell, Douth
ett, Doty, Gates, Haase, Hager, Ham
mond, Henty, Howell, Kohl, Lahners,
McAllister, McMullen, Near, Oberlies,
Robertson, Samuelson, Sandall, Saw
yer, Soost, Spirk, Tanner, Wilson of
Dodge and Wilson of Frontier.
Against Mattes, Moriarty and
Our Flag
Two Thousand-Ton Steamship
- Tom Torpedoed a'nd Eigh
teen Lives Are Lost.
Madrid.-Aoril 18. (Via Paris.)
The Spanish steamship Tom has been
torpedoed and sunk without warning.
Eighteen lives were lost. It is ex
pected that this occurrence will fur
ther inflame public feeling in Spain.
The Tom, 2,049 ''tons gross, was
owned in Bilbao. Recent dispatches
said much excitement was caused in
Spain- by the torpedoing of the Span
ish "steamer San Fulgencio. The
Spanish government sent a protest to
Germany and is reported tojiave de
manded an indemnity.
Gay Night Life of New
York to Be Curtailed
New York, ' April i 18. War will
soon cast its pall over the gay night
life of New York City. An order is
sued by Mayor Mitchel to take1 effect
May 1 will stop the sale of liquor
throughout the city at 1 o'clock in the
morning. .V,
' All night licenses held by saloons,
hotels, roof gardens, restaurants and
cabaret places will be cancelled for
the duration of the war.
Mayor Mitchel said that his action
was called for by good taste and a
proper sense of the present crisis:
also by the necessity of conserving
our resources, national and personal,
human and material."
Report of Naval Fight
Off Cape Cod Coast Denied
Boston, April 18. It was officially
announced at the navy yard late to
day that no credence was placed in
reports from three coast guard sta
tions on Cape Cod that heavy gunfire
had been heard off the coast. The
positive statement was made that
there had been no naval engagement
and that warships had not exchanged
salutes with foreign vessels.
"Victory Only Can Save
1 German Monarchy"
Amsterdam, April - 18 (Via
London.) Count von Reventlow,
writing in the Tagcs Zeitung, as
serts that victory is necessary if
the German monarchy it to en
dure. He says:
"We have long expressed the
view that German victory and the
Germany monarchy art mutually
dependent Without a German
victory the German monarchy
will toon cease to exist."
Men4 On Destroyer '. See ; Boat
Running Submerged Before
. . Walts of Torpedo Appeared
I Washington, April 18 The - peri
scope .of a submarine running sub.
merged was sighted by the deck offi
cer, quartermaster and deck watch of
the destroyer Smith early yesterday
morning just before the wake of a
torpedo was seen crossing : the de
stroyer's bows. j : i .
The information was contained in t
radio report from the commander of
tli Smith, received today at tht Navy
department. ' Navy. officials said this
confirms the report of the presence
of a German submarine in American
The officer on watch on the Smith
reported that the periscope was dis
tinctly visible at a distance : of 300
yards from the ship. The quarter
master and the members; of the gun
crew agreed in this respect.
The report from' the officer said
the periscope was moving - on a
course parallel to that of the de
stroyer. The torpedo crossed the
bows of the Smith at a distance of
thirty yards as reported yesterday
and- today's statement added that all
of the men on the ship who saw it
were experienced torpedo men.
Forty British Vessels Are
Sunk During Last Week
London; April 18. The weekly re
port of British shipping losses issued
today shows nineteen vessels of more
than 1,600 tons sunk and nine vessels
of less than 1,600 tons. Twelve fish
ing vessels also were sunk.
The statement follows:
"Shipping returns for the week end
ing April 15:
"Arrivals and sailings of merchant
vessels of W nationalities at United
Kingdom ports over 100 tons;
"Arrivals, Z,37; sailings', Z.331.
"British merchantmen sunk by mine
or submarine: Over 1,600 tons, nine
teen, including four not recorded in
previous weeks; under 1,600 . toils,
"British merchant vessels unsuc
cessfully attacked by submarines, in
cluding three in the previous fort
night, fifteen.
"British fishing vessels sunk, in
cluding two in the previous week,
Brennan Comes To With
The Very Same Sentiment
"Hurrah for Germany," mumbled
John Brennan,. 527 North Fifteenth
street as he. returned to conscious
ness' late Tuesday evening in the op
erating table in the police building.
It was the expression of the same
sentiment in the saloon at Eleventh
and Farnam streets which sent him
to the operating room. He had a
dim recollection of shouting for the
kaiser and a hazy memory of several
men rushing at him. .'
When police found him Brennan
was lying prone on the sidewalk. His
face looked as though a reaping ma
chine .had met it. Police . Surgeon
Shook bandaged him up. Brennan
was locked up on the charge of
Military Committee of Lower
Chamber Refuses to Approve
Conscription Feature of .
. the New Army Bill. '
President at Capital in Interest
of Compulsory Scheme While
. Action Is Taken,
Washington, April 18. Opponent!
of the selective conscription plan got
the upper hand in the house military
committee today, voting 12 to 8 to
have the new army bill carry a pro '
vision to first try to raise the new
force by volunteers.
Meanwhile the bill, including tha
conscription provision, was approved
by the senate military committee, 10
to 7.
While the two committees .were .
acting, President Wilson was at the
capitol conferring with senate leaders
on the administration war measures,
particularly the army bill.
McKellar Amendment Rejected,
The senate committee rejected an
amendment by Senator McKellar au
thorizing the president to call for
50000 volunteers and made only
few changes in the bill as drawl) by
the army general staff.
Une amendment would bar liquors
from all camps where the new army
is to be trained, and another would
include persons engaged in industries
exempted from service on aetount of
military reasons.
. The president told senators ht
would consent to no compromise be
cause the War department experts,
after Careful examination and discus
sion,. had decided that selective con
scription was the only effective way
of raising a strong army.
The president wis assured that tht
majority pf republicans in the houjt
w'ere supporting his plans, ... . ,
1 Situation In Confution.
The vote' in fhe house committee
threw the situation into confusion.
Tht opponents of a straight . con
scription plan immediately began to
draft amendments in the hope of get
ting the modified conscription element,
to' join " id a united vote.
Chairman Dent and Representatives
Field, Shallenberger, ' Anthony,' Cald
well and Hull of Iowa conferred over
a plan to .use conscription after- a
call : for ; v volunteer!- ' apportioned
among the. states-to be offered in'
the same way as proposed in the ad
ministration bill. , ; . ,
The house committee's action was
t straight out decision for the prin
ciple of volunteer system first of
all,- applying both as to tilling up the
ranks of the regular army, the Na
tional Guard and the raising of the
new army. -':.-
But when the volunteer system
fails to provide sufficient number! of
men the president would have au
thority to-resort at once to selective
conscription . ,
Dent Explain! House View. '
' Chairman Dent made thf state
ment: .
"The committee agreed to put in
the bill provisions for a call for 500,-
000 volunteers in the first instance
and for 500,000 men more if the presi
dent wants the number in each case
contemplated in the administration
bill for conscription:
"The committee has not yet fixed
the military age, but it probably will
be between 21 and 40, instead of the
19 to 25, as contemplated in the ad- ,
ministration measure. The president
is authorized to proceed with the en
rollment of registration of men be
tween the military ages immediately,
and on completion of that enrollment
and registration the president it au
thorized to decide which he will pro- .
ceed with, the volunteer or draft sys
tems. But meanwhile the volunteer
system will have been in operation
and the volunteers will be coming
into the service in large numbers. Of
course, on the hnal analysis alter the
volunteer plan has been m operation
and the machinery of registration and
(Continue! an Fac Two, Column One.)
ji Can You Afford
to Pay Freight on Water?
Unless you are a
cannot. And yet you are doing it
every day if you live in a city. A
potato is about ninety per cent
water, and your potatoes travel
hundreds of miles before they
reach your table. '
The way to reduce the cost of
living is to produce your vege
tables at hone.
This Garden Book Is Free
You can get an official BO-page
booklet, issued by the United
States government, that tells you
in complete detail how to lay out
and plant and take care of your
home garden. It contains special
directions for raising over $0 kinds
of vegetables. It has diagrams,
. planting - table, description of
tools, and 34 illustrations. Sent
free on receipt of a two-cent
stamp for return postage. Address
The Omaha Bee Information
Bureau, 1 Washington, D. C