Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1917, Image 1

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Night Service
to 10 p. m.
Tyler 1000
VOL. XL VI. NO. 260.
French Troops Continue Their Mighty Drive on the German Line
JL xlxv
Members of Upper Chamber
Unanimously Vote for Bill
; Providing for Huge Sum to
Carry on Hostilities.
Changes Since Coming Trom
tb.9 House Necessitate a
Washington, April 17. The admin
istration $7,000,000,000 revenue bill
was passed unanimously tonight by
"the senate. Changes made since it
passed the house necessitate confer
ences between the two houses before
it can. go to the president for his sig
nature. There were eighty-three affirmative
rotes. ' .
The senate rejected an amendment
by Senator Thomas of Colorado to
make the proposed issue of $2,000,
000,000 of treasury certificates the
basis of issue of national bank notes.
Brady Leaves Four
Miilion Dollars to
Two Big Hospitals
Xew York. April 17.-r-The will of
James Buchanan Bradv "Diamond
Jim," filed today beoueaths nearly
54.000,000 to New York hospital for
the establishment of a department
of urology. Johns Hopkins hospital,
Baltimore, also is the recipient of
300,000 to build the "James Buchanan
Brady Urological Institute."
Mr. Brady's collection of jewels
"valued at more than $1,000,000 is
distributed among friends.
McAdoo Consults Reserve
Board About war Loan
Washington, April 17. Secretary
MCAdoo today informed the advisory
council of the federal reserve board,
comprising big banking interests of
the country, including J. P. Morgan,
'hat the government would welcome
suggestions from them as individuals
on floating the $5,000,000,000 war bond
. The council, holding its quarterly
meeting here today, called upon Mr.
McAdoo in a body to discus-the ad
ministration's financial program.
In accepting the offers of co-operation
Mr. McAdoo made it clear that
:he government will seek the aid of
a!l citizens and would be glad to re
ceive suggestions from financial ex
perts and big banking houses a well
as others.
Second Reading of Bill to
Exiend Life of Parliament
London, April 17. Andrew Bonar
Law, member of the British war
council, moving in the House of Com
mons this afternoon the second rcad
ing of the bill to extend the life of
Parliament until the end of Novem
ber, said the British troops were en
gaged in the greatest operations since
the commencement of the war and
were meeting with success which ex
ceeded his expectations.
The second reading of the bill for
the extension of the life of Parliament
was carried by a vote of 286 to 52.
The Weather v .
For Nebraska Cloudy ; showers
north portions; warmer in west.
Temperatures nt Omnha Yesterday.
Hour. Pea.
I a. m.
7 a. m.
8 a. m.
f a. m.
.... t
IS m
1 p. m., 70
S p. m,..,.. 73
p. m 77
4 p. m..... 78
S p. m 78
5 p. m t74
7 p. m. - 73
S p. m 70
Comparative Local Record.
1917. 191S. 115. 1914.
Highest yesterday... 78 82 s&
Uwest l-esterday 4T 43 6 65
Mean temperature.... S3 v 84 09 . 78
Precipitation T .09 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation. dV-pqr-luree
from the normal i.t Omaha since
March 1, and compared with the paat two
'Normal temperature . SI
Kxcea for the day 11
Total exceea elnoe March 88
Normal precipitation . .10 Inch
Mxccm for the day...-. .10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.... Inches
Deficiency since Match 1 35 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1918. 2.34 Inches
Deficiency. for cor. period, 191u. .78 inch
Reports From Stations nt 1 P. M.
Station and State Temp. Hlirh- Hatn
of Weather. T p. m. est. fall.
?heyene. cloudy M 2 T
Davenport, clear ..... 79 74 .18
Denver, clear 84 7 .00
Pes Moines, cloudy.... 73 78 .00
Hodaa City. ptly. cldy.. 78 94 .00
lender, cloudy 42 SO .44
North Platte, cloudy... 80 01 T
Omaha, cloudy 73 73 - T
roefclo, Flear 10 It .00
Rapid City, cloudy 33 32 T
ftait Lake, cloudy 48 it T
Santa Ke. cloudy 09 it .00
Hherldan, cloudy 19 444 T
nioua City, cloudy 84 72 T
Valentine, eloudy M 40 T
T"' Indicates1 trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Mateoroloslst.
New Attack of Frenchmen
1 Wins Miles of Foe Front;
Captives Total 13,500
Teutons Lose Hundred Thou
sand Men During Big Bat
tle Covering Third of
Western Line.
Taris, April 17. Continuing their
terrific attack against the German
positions between Soissons and
Rheims and east of the latter place to
day the French carried German first
line positions over many miles of
front, captured powerfully organized
heights, occupied the important vil
lage of Auberive and on this part of
the front, about two miles in extent,
took' more than 2,500 prisoners.
According to the official statement
from the war office, strong German
counter attacks were repulsed.
The number of German prisoners
taken by the French Monday is now
placed at 11,000.
Germany suffered another crushing
blow upon the western front, when
forty miles of the strongest part of
its line were wrested from it with an
estimated loss of nearly 100,000 killed,
wounded and prisoners as a result of
the operation yesterday of the French
The attack began along a twenty-fve-milc
front from Soissons to
Rheims, extending the great western
battle a distance of close to 150 miles,
more than one-third of Hie mighty
line from Switzerland to the sea.
The Germans were aware of what
was coming, as they showed by a
number of furious attacks made, not
ably at Sapigneul anS Godat Farm,
with the object of finding out some
thing definite in regard to the Frqnch
preparation. The invaders had
manned naturally formidable posi
tions with effectives amounting to at
ieast twenty divisions and an enor
fi'AnAti ff rtTW ffttt.ri nf Omaha.
Show that the'Miasouri is
Falling Rapidly,
The Missouri river here, instead of
going down as the weather bureau
expected it would, rose 0.1 of an
inch in the twenty-four hours ending.
f.t 7 a. ni. Tuesday. This brought
it to 18.6 feet.
The fact that there was four inches
of snow in North Dakota and rains
throughout the upper valleys in the
last twenty-four hours strengthens
the idea that there may be further
high water in the Missouri river soon.
Above Omaha the water is falling.
Reports to the Northwestern indi
cated a fall of seven inches from last
night, until 7 o'clock this morning.
The same road reports a drop of two
inches during the night at Florence.
Flows Over Bottoms.
North of Omaha the only damage
by reason of high water comes from
the Iowa side, east of Florence. There
the water spreads over the bottoms
and the river is three to five miles
wide, extending across to the bluffs
and inundating a number of valuable
farms, driving farmers, together with
their stock and other possessions, to
the high lands.
A portion of East Omaha and a
strip of country northeast of Florence
lake is under water to a depth of one
to four feet. This area is occupied
by dairymen and gardeners, who have
moved to higher ground.
At Manawa the river has broken
through the dik and the water is
flowing into the lake. The surface
of the lake is on a level with the river,
and from the east side of the former,
across to the Nebraska bluff, it is one
solid sheet of water, something like
five miles wide. Several valuable
farms along Mosquito creek are un
der water and the occupants have
taken their stock and other posses
sions and moved out.
Railroad and street railway people
are not alarmed over the fact that
the river is at flood stage. They as
sume that the crest is passing and
that within the next few hours the
waters will begin to recede.
On April 25, 1881, the stage of the
water in the Missouri river at Omaha
stood at 22.08 feet. That was the
highest ever known. The danger line
is between seventeen and eighteen
Women of Falls City
Begin Red Cross Work
Falls City. Neb., April 17. (Spe
cial.) The Commercial club, the
Reavis-Ashley chapter of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution and
the Community Welfare club will take
in the work of the Red Cross Asso
ciation of America by making ban-
dales and other articles needed by
the association. The clubs will buy
the material needed from the society
and proceed with the making accord
ing to the directions sent with the
material. -Tber is a great deal of
enthusiasm among the young women
of Falls City over the work and a
numher ot them will probably otter
their services when the occasionper-mits,
mous number of guns, well suppliedj
with munitions.
The battle opened on the left of the
line where, shortly after 8 o'clock in
the morning the French infantry
swept forward in an irresistible wave.
In spfte of a stiff resistance, the Ger
mans were driven back and inside of
half an hour prisoners began stream
ing toward the French rear by hun
dreds. The struggle was hottest east
of Loivre as well-as in the whole
sector of Berry-Au-Bac and to the
east of Craonnclle, but the French
heavy shells were too much for the
Germans end before noon the whole
first line was won.
. On the right the action began a
little later in the morning. The
French met with a determined re
sistance and the fighting was terri
fic. After several hours of homeric
struggle the French infantry, thanks
to the support of several hundred
heavy quick-firing guns, forced their
way into the enemy's first line. It
was a fine success as the terraiTl was
most difficult and the positions for
midable. In ; the afternoon the Germans
counter attacked with extreme vio
lence almost everywhere along the
front. The majority of the reserves
were engaged south and east of the
JJrimont ridge. It is from the Bri
mont fort, built on a crest which
dominates all the plain around, that
the Germans have bombarded the
city of Rheims.
The French trpops are now close
to this ridge, which is likely to play
a prominent part in the coining fight
ing. In capturing Loivre they have
drawn nearer to Bermericourt and
have gone far beyond the famous po
sition in which they lost in the first
weeks of the war and failed to" win
back at the battle of the Marne.
According to the latest news reach-
(Continued on Pate Two, Column One.)
Congress Recommends They
Be Given Same Rights as Men
' In Selecting Assembly.
London, April 17. A Petrograd
dispatch says that the congress- of
the Council of Workers, Soldiers and
Delegates has adopted a report re
garding ' the constituent assembly
which makes the following recom
mendations: "The assembly shall be convened
at Petrograd as early as possible on
the principle of universal suffrage.
The army shall take part in the elec
tions like the rest of the population,
but the active army shall vote sep
arately. Women shall have the same
voting rights as men.i The qualifying
age for the vcte shall be 20 years.
The Council of Workers, Soldiers and
Delegates shall control the election.
which shall fix the political regime
of Russia and its fundamental laws."
The report also provides that after
constitutional questions are settled
the assembly shall take up agrarian
problems and draft new laws on mat
ters of labor, questions of nationality,
organization of local self-government
and all questions of an internal char:
Hanley Back in Capital
For Rest of the Session
1 (From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, v April 17. (Special
Telegram.) James H. Hanley, secre
tary to Congressman Lobeck, with
Mrs. Lobeck and their son, "Tim,"
have arrived in Washington for the
extra session.
W. A. Williams, one of the leading
tea merchants of Omaha, who is in
terested in the conservation of food
supplies, had a conference today with
government officials. He is on his
way to New York.
From Plow to Gun Three
' - Husky Farmer Boys Go
Farm life is too dull for three
husky tillers of the soil, who Tues
day deserted the plow for the rifle
and enlisted in the National Guard
here. They a're Louis Thomas and
Arthur Clennon of Coon Rapids, la.,
and Fred Divis of Benson. They
entered the supply company of the
Fourth regiment, where their knowl
edge' of horses and teaming will he
of special service. Men with less pa
triotism can do the farm work dur
ing the war, they intimated. As for
them, they want more excitement
than a field of corn can furnish.
On Being Challenged Weil
Dressed Stranger of Teutonic
Appearance Leaps From
Douglas Street Bridge.
Man Proves to Be Powerful
Swimmer in,Race With
Motor Launch.
Soldiers on guard at the Douglas
street bridge shot twice at a well
dressed middle-aged man, whom they
suspected of being a bridge dynamiter.
The stranger, who had a Teutonic ap
pearance, leaped from (he bridge to
the river in an attempt to escape. He
was caught at Gibson and is under ar
rest. The suspect refused to obey an or
der to halt which Corporal Laird of
Company B issued. As a private ap
proached him the man jumped over
the bridge parapets. He swam power
fully after landing in the river.
Ed Garrison, foreman of the Amer
ican Bridge company, and Gus Kruger,
foreman of the Union Pacific KaiU
road company's bridge workers, fol
lowed the fugitive in a motor launch,
overtaking him near Gibson.
Passenger Vessel
Driven Ashore by
Fire of Submarine
Xew York, April 17. The British
steamship Karmala, an 8,983-ton pas
senger Vessel, owned by the Peninsu
lar and Oriental Steam Navigation
company, was driven on a reef and'
sunk on March 17, near Spezia, Italv,
after being, shelled and torpedoed by
a German submarine, according to
two Americans who wtro among, the
Karmala's 190 passengers, and who
arrived here today from Europe. AH
on board the Karmala were saved.
The Americans are W. E. Park of
Boston and F. Hewer of Brooklyn,
who were returning from Egypt, The
Karmala, they said, was on its way
from Port Said to London when at
tacked. The submarine opened fire
from its deck gun. at a range of about
five miles. Forty shots were fired,
they said, but none did any material
damage. The Karmala in turn fired
ten shots at the submarine, but could
not reach it.
The U-boat began to approach the
ship, diving and emerging to fire.
When within about 2,000 yards it let
go two torpedoes, . one of which
struck the Karmala in the bow.
Although wounded, the Karmala
continued trying to escape, but in zig
zagging ran too close to shore, hit a
reef and ripped a great hole in its
bottom. The lifeboats were lowered
and the passengers and crew escaped,
the U-boat giving up the attack when
the ship hit the reef.
Curtain of Secrecy .
Is Thrown About
Visit o( Diplomats
Washington, April 17. Plans for
receiving the British and French war
commissions went forward today
surrounded by the curtain of official
secrecy which has been deemed neces
sary until the commissioners arrive in
the 'capital.
The indications today were that the
French commissioners would .arrive
later than the British members, but
inasmuch as some' of the conferences
are to be conducted separately, this
will not retard the decisions of co
operation between the United States
and the allies.
She Overslept a Date;
Slashes Suitor's Clothes
Lucus McMillan went visiting Mon
day at the home 'of Josephine Mc
Hurt, Twenty-fourth and Lake streets.
She received him coldly and an
nounced that she was going to take
a nap. Lucus agreed to awaken her
at a specified time. ,
But McMillan became engrossed in
a book and forgot all about Miss Mc
Burt. He was shaving when she
dashed from her boudoir, seized the
razor and slit his clothes to shreds,
McMillan told Judge Madden.
"The lady had a date and. over
slept," McMillan laconically testified.
The woman was fined $15 and
Iowa Man Told to Return
Where There is More Safety
G. W. Coatfeld of Oakland, la., a
middleaged man with whiskers 'ike
Charles Hughes, said he met Mrs.
Charles Byrd, alias "Jack" Lewis, in
Omaha Monday night and she ex
tracted from his roll a $10 bill. She
was fined $25 and costs.
Coatfeld said he was paying a bill
ih "a drinking house" when Mrs. Bvrd
peeled a yellow-backed bill from his
funds. The woman said that he tried
to put his arm around her.
"Go back to Oakland and live
safely," said Police ludiie Madden' in
dismissing Coatfeld.
Rear-Admiral W. S. Sims, presi
dent of the United States Naval War
college, and considered one of the
greatest strategists and experts on na
val warfare of the American navy, is
in England on a mysterious war mis
sion. The rear-admiral went to Eu
rope on the steamship New York,
which struck a mine, hut docked
safely. No details regarding his mis
sion have been made public.
Walter Cassidy, Postoffice Em
ploye, Suffers Broken Back
in Fall, at Home.
Walter Cassidy, 21 year old. a
postoffice. employe, is in. St. Joseph's
hospital with a broken back and other
serious injuries, the result of a sleep
walking' accident which occurred
early yesterday morning, when he fell
through a second story window at his
home, 2502 South Eleventh street, and
plunged twenty-five feet to the
ground below. '
Edward Cassidy, the young man's
father, heard the crash of broken
glass and rushed into his son's room.
Through the broken window he could
hear the groans of his son, who was
still conscious when he reached his
side. y -
Young Cassidy struck on his head,
it is believed. Besides a broken back
he also suffered serious cust from the
glass in the window.
Cassidy's family say he frequently
walked in his sleep.
Hospital doctors ' hold out scant
hopes for the youth's recovery.
He is a brother of Mrs. Thomas B.
Coleman, a well known Omaha
Senate Committee
Through With the
' Army Draft Bill
Washington, April 17. The senate
military committee nearly completed
consideration of the administration
war army bill with its selective draft
feature today, and Chairman Cham
berlain predicted that the measure
would be reported to the senate to
morrow practically unchanged.
Afterward it was said that the ad
ministration still stood steadfast for
the selective draft army bill in spite
of opposition that has developed in
the senate and house.
Daniels Eeports on.
Measures to Guard
Coast From U-Boats
Washington, April 17. President
Wilson and the, cabinet at a brief
meetiirg today discussed legislation
for the control of the prices of food
and other commodities, went over
plans for the reception of the British
and French commissions, and listened
to a report from Secretary Daniels
on stepa being taken to protect the
American coast from German sub
maines. Sioux Falls Has Nice Quiet
Election With One Candidate
Sinni Fall. S TV Anril 17. CSne-
cial Telegram.) Sioux Falls had a
quiet city election with only one can
didate before the voters. . Fred E.
Phillips was elected, a member of the
hoard of education. But a fraction
nf the vote was east. Tire saloon li
cense question was eliminated
through state-wide prohibition going
into effect July 1.
Pierre, S. . D., April ,17. (Special
Tcleerani. At the citv election to
day new officers selected were:
City commissioners, I. B. Jioberts
and D. F. Turner.
Member board of education, G. M.
Fur miiiniissirinpr. Turner u-nn hv
2 majority over D. H, Adams.
I s x
r '1?, !
L .
First Act of War on Part of
Germany Probably Attempt to
Scare Away Neutral Shipping
Washington, April 17. A German submarine today
fired on the United States destroyer Smith about 100
miles south of New York.
The presence of enemy submersibles in American
waters indicates that the threatened German submarine
blockade of American Atlantic ports has begun.
This announcement was made at the Navy depart
ment: ' '
"Reported from Fire Island lightship to the naval
stations at Boston and New York, at 3:30 a. ni. on the 17th
an enemy submarine was sighted by the U. S. S. Smith
running apparently submerged. Submarine fired a torpedo
at the U. S. S. Smith, which' missed it by thirty yards.
The wake of the torpedo was plainly seen crossing the
bow. Submarine disappeared."
At noon no further details were
available here.
Whether the presence of the Ger
man submarine merely foreshadowi
a sporadic raid such as the U-53 con
ducted off the New England coast, or
whether it is the signal for the be
ginning of a general submarine block
ade of the -Atlantic coast is not
First German Act of War.
The attack by the U-boat is Ger
many's first recognition of the state
of war declared by the United States.
It was stated in Germany soon after
the action of congress that no aggres
sive steps would be taken against the
United States.
Practically no Amerjcan officials be
lieved this statement, however, and
steps to meet aggressive action were
taken at once. Last week word came
to Washington in a round-about way
that Germany was about, to declare
a prohibited lone about the harbors
at Boston, New York, the Delaware
Capes, Chesapeake bay, Charleston
and Savannah. This would have in-
Senate Names a Conference
Committee Unfriendly to the
Much-Discussed Measure.
(From a Staff Correapondsnt.) -Lincoln,
April. (Special) Opposi
'tion to building a new capitol tinder
the plans in the Richmond bill amend
ed by the senate, gained ground today
in the upper chamber.
. Senator Neat, who led the. fight
against the bill when it was up for
consideration, moved that the senate
conference committee consist of Beal,
Oberlies and Adams, and the motion
prevailed. The house committee on
the same bill is considered unfriendly
to it. '
It is understood that most of the
opposition comes from those who op
pose the provisins which call fr plans
for an entirely new capitol. : If the
bill can be changed tohe form in
which it passed in the house, to in
clude a pencil sketch of a new build
ing without plans fr construction,
and providing ior a new east wing,
it may be favorably considered.
James McFarron is
Arrested at Denver
On Treason Charge
Denver, Colo., April 17. "Treason"
was the charge on the police record
today" opposite the name of James
McFarron, who was arrested last
night while harranguing a number
of voung men, one of whom had Joined
the navy a short time before. The
arresting officer said McFarron ex
horted his hearers not to fight for
their country, saying they would re
ceive no reward, and ridiculed the
youth who already had enlisted.
Force was used to subdue McFar
ron,' who, the police say, had been
Wages of 225,000
Soft Coal Miners to
Be Raised Fifth
New York, April 17. A tentative
agreement to advance the wages if
225,000 miners :n the bituminous coal
fields of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and
western Pennsylvania by about 20 per
cent at the expiration of the present
contract was reached today by a com
mittee consisting of operators an '
employes from the four states.
eluded all the important ports on the
Atlantic seaboard. '
It was said then that an official
warning to neutrals of the prohibited
zone would be issued from Berlin.
Some American officials were disin
clined to credit the report, but the
entente diplomatic corps here be
1 eved ih it and predicted that Ger
many would soon carry the subma
rine campaign to this side of the At
lantic, principally for the purpose of
caring neutral shipping away from
American harbors and to raid the
Great squadrons of merchant ships
which are moving food and supplies
to American' allies on the European
battle fronts.
Some officials are inclined to be
lieve that the lack of a declaration of
a prohibited cone in American water
may be due to the crippled cdndition
of the communications with Germany
since the United Statea entered the
war. Without such a declaration,
they point out, Germany will incur
great claims of damage to neutrals
and will carry on a new campaign
without the color of legal authority,
which it contends the declaration of
a barred zone lends to it. .,
Probable Basis of Supplies.
With submarine war brought close
to the doors of America, the possi-
bility that German U-boats may have
bases on this side of the Atlantic is
again revived. The raid of th U-53
and the two trips of the Deutschland
demonstrated that it was possible (or '
a German submarine to escape the '
British cordons in the North, Sea and
make their way to America. Whether
a submersible could make such a trip ;
and return without having a supply
base somewhere on this side .of the
Atlantic is gravely doubted. Many
officials here always have believed ,
that the U-53 had a mother . ship
somewhere down on the horizon. ,
The possibility that merchant tub
marines of the Deutschland type, now
converted to carriers of fuel oil and
supplies, might accompany flotillas
of war boats on their transatlantic
raids, ii recognized as being ever-'
present. The possibility of bases hav
ing been planted by the German
raiders recently at large, in the South
Atlantic, is one of the foremost prob
lems. It even has been suspected '
that parts of submarines had been
shipped to Mexico and assembled
there, but by many well informed of
ficials that is doubted. The possibil
ity of a German submarine base in
the Gulf of Mexico, however, has long
been recognized, and many officials
have been convinced that when the
raiding began as they were sure it
would soon after the declaration of
war the raiders would come from
that quarter.
Expert opinion is that some ship
ping is bound to be lost if the raiding
is extensive, but that submarines
operating 3,000 miles away from home
have most of the disadvantages to
rontf nd with. ...
Fifteen Day in April
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Display . , , , . . . . .
Classified.. . . . . .
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'Total. ...22,693
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Classified. .
Total..... 21,476
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