THE OMAHA SUNDAY BFE: APRIL 15. 1917. We Are Offering the Entire Stock of Beaton & Laier's Lace Curtains and Draperies At Half Beaton & Laier's Prices HERE IS THE SALE IN A NUT SHELL r r made this important purchase through the Hart- man Furniture and Carpet Company and be cause we offered the quickest outlet, with ready cash, we obtained this stock at such a concession that it en ables us to quote this wonderful reduction. In this remarkable offering are the most desirable Curtains and Draperies for the new season. 5,000 Yards of Beautiful Cretonnes 2,432 Pairs of Fresh Crisp Curtains 3,000 Yards of Desirable Draperies 1,500 or More Fine Shades In the very kinds you are seeking right now. Beaton & Laier's Prices, 20c to $1.75 Cretonnes: Our Prices, 10c to 37c Curtains: Beaton & Laier's Our Prices, Pric6s ' 75c to $12.00 STVktofG ' . Draperies: Beaton & Laier's Our Prices, 75c to $10.00 37V2C-to $5 And Beaton & Laier's 50c Shades at 25c QRETONNES In allover florals, art Nouveau, Ver gers, copies of old tapestries and damasks, etc. All colors imaginable, light and dark, and suitable for any room in the house. CURTAINS-Consist of Quaker' Lace, Scrim, Madras, Bobinet and Real Laces, Scrim and Marqui sette, Quaker and Duchess Lace. THE DRAPERIES AND UPHOLSTERIES Consist of Silk Plush, Velvet and Velour, Cotton Repp apd Poplin, Silk and Silk Armure; Tapestry, Wool Tapestry, Sunfast Armure and Madras, 36-inch Pop lin, Silk Damask, Monk's Cloth, Felt, Linen Furniture Covering, Figured Armure, Denim, Burlap, etc. Excellent Linens Remarkably Underpriced This Linen Store, in its new location, right at the - entrance to 16th street, is making special effort t6 have you appreciate, not only the complete stocks of all kinds of Linens offered, but the invariably unusual savings that may be made here. For example, look at these items for 'Monday: 50c Towels, 29c For Monday, about 60 dozen of a very fine thread full bleached Turkish Towels, with pretty and fancy colored bor ders; a special in our new linen section. Not more than 6 to a customer. ' ' 121oc Crash, 9c One case of bleached "Every-Day Crash," unexcelled for its wearing qualities, fancy borders. $3.25 Spread, $2.75 The crochet kind, all pretty patterns, large size, scalloped edge, cut corners, heavy quality; special, Monday. EXTRA: Damask, 49c v About2.5 pieces of a very fine quality mercerized damask, i 64 inches wide, all pretty patterns, wears and launders like linen. Main Floor 4 On the Tickets You Will Find the Beaton & Laier Price And Immediately Under It Our Selling Price Which Is Just Exactly Half the Original In addition we shall offer, from our own stocks AT HALF PRICE 1,500 Pairs of . 2,000 YardsMarquisettes 1,000 Yards of Curtains and Scrims Beautiful Swiss ' All at Half Price No Mail or Telephone Orders Accepted VERY IMPORTANT i You should determine definitely in your own mind, just what you need size and quantity, before you come here for the selling will be so rapid, that we cannot promise to hold mer- ( chandise for you until you find out just what you require. Make a positive memorandum before you come then you can shop comfortably and be sure ; to get just what you want and enjoy the remarkable savings. We Earnestly Advise Early . Shopping White Goods Offerings With the thought of Spring and Summer Sewing comes the thought of materials and these White Goods jan won derfully effective and pleasing. , White gaberdine, wool finish, extra fine for suits, separate skirts, middies, etc.; 36 inches wide, r n. special, the yard, at Owt Beautiful collection of fine white novelties for dainty dresses and blouses, in sheer plaids and cords, em broidered voile, lace and silk novelties, 36 r . inches wide, yard, at OV " White fabrics, embroidered on organdie, voile and batiste grounds, all t"his season designs, 86 to 45 Inches wide, Qgg the yard, at White flaxon In sheer plaids and checks, also a fine quality corded madras, flaxon name stamped on selvage, 82 inches wide, yard, at.., We have just one case, A. 100 P. No. 1910, 42-lnch Imperial Sea Island Nainsook, which we will sell Monday,, $Q 25 12-yard box, at (This Is less than market value.); White voile, splendid quality for making curtains, 38 1 -inches wide, 25c value, yard, at Basement Bohn Syphon Refrigerators Are Economical and Efficient That's the two things most desirable in a Refriger- ator first to make the -consumption of ice as small as possible and, secondly, to be sure that the food is preserved in the best manner. We recommend Bohn Syphon Refrigerators because they combine these two -qualities in the highest degree. Seamless Porcelain lined, they are easily pleaned and kept clean and they always present an appear ance that is immaculate, Bohn Syphon Refrigerators Are . $45.00 and Upward Other Good Refrigerators More Moderately Priced, Are: "Sanitor," Porcelain lined Refrigerators, $30.00 and upward. "Furniture City" White Enamel Refrigerators, ?11.00 and upward. ' Laurel Gas Ranges A Cabinet Gas Range, with latest 1917 oven con struction, made of keystone metal, a highly rust resisting metal. White enamel broiler and oven door panels, a variety of styles, up from . . $28.50 Low-oven Gas Ranges, up from $10.50 ; Toilet Paper ' , , Eight 5c rolls "Elite" Toilet Paper, at 25c (No phone orders.) Waffle Irons High-frame Waffle Irons, at 98c Low-frame Waffle Irons, at 89c i Dustless Polishing Mop3 Eat up the dust, polish all kinds of finished floors or woodwork. Easily attached to any kind of a mopstick, at . -29c Galvanized Garbage Cans One lot slightly damaged in transit Medium size 59c Large size 79c Basement New Wall Paper Brightens Up Your Home THfS IS ONE of the first essen tials when you are house righting in the spring and the cost of mak ing the change (taking away that which has grown old and tiresome and substituting something more bright and cheerful) is so modest that everyone can well afford to make the purchase. Light and dark colors, all new Re signs, very desirable for dining rooms, parlors, kitchens, etc. Very special, Monday, roll 7c Plain Papers, SO inches wide, all colors, new cut borders, appro priate for each. These papers have a standard value of 20c, Monday, your choice 9c and lie Just Out Standard Quarterly for Sum mer gives you many new sug gestions, at ... ...25c 15c Pattern Coupon Included. Special Subscription " Offer 1 year to Designer, including new Summer Quarterly and 15c Coupon, at , 75c Pattern Department Rugs, at Prices Very Much Under Those Quoted at Retail Everywhere Today We purchased these Rugs months ago, when the prices of dyes and materials had not advanced to the high pinnacle they occupy today and acting according to the policy that has guid ed this store for nearly half a century, we give you the benefit of our foresight, by quoting prices equal to those that prevailed in the retail market months'Bgo you save the difference. - French Wilton Rugs Makers predict that they will bring from $95.00 to $100.00 in a snort time, as mere seems m be no relief in the upward trend of the price of raw materials. We offer you these Rugs at the following prices, based on our purcnase some time ago If we bought in today's markets we should have to ask $85.00. A saving of $10.00 for you. 9x12 Feet, at $75.00 If bought In the present market would have to bring $80.00 here. Another saving of $10.00 for you. 8JxlO Feet, $70.00 Royal Axminster Rugs In offering these particular Rugs, we desire to lay emphasis upon the fact that if we bought them in today's market, the price to you here would be $32.50 -we have been selling them for $27.60, but for Monday only, we say $21.98. A clear saving ol Royal Wilton Seamless Alex andria and Alameda 1 On these two groups recent advices tell Oi that we are selling them at retail at the tame prices makers are asking for them at the factory. 9x12 feet, at $45 and $50. . 8xlOH feet, at $40 and $48. - Wilton Velvet Rugs Rugs that are considered very excellent value to day when priced at $35.00, but because we bought them in time, we say $24.98 Third Floor Very Exceptional Offering of Art Stamped Goods We made an extremely fortunate purchase of these Stamped Pieces, and now, at the most opportune time, we are enabled to offer them to you at prices that will mean substantial savings. Stamped Linens, vm pure white Irish linen, 36-inch Centers, floral and conventional designs, also Scarfs in the lot, values $1.00, at .' 59c Stamped Pillow Cases, Night Gowns, Combinations, Towels and Dresses, sizes 2 to 8 years; also Turkish Towels in this lot; values up to $1.00, at 39c Stamped Centers, Scarfs and Pillow Tops, in cross-stitch designs and French embroidery; Combing Jackets, Napkins, Children's Kimonos, Pin Cushions and Scarfs; values up to 76c, at. . .19c Fancy Cretonne Work Baskets, in neat designs, made of Cre tonne, with Mission frames, the regular price is 75c, now we say , 29c Third Floor ' Domestics at Unusual Prices The genuine Woven Mercerized Renfrew Suit ings, 36 inches wide, all neat styles, Mon- OKn day, yard, at The genuine Toile-Du-Nord, Bates' Amoskeag Dress Zephyrs, all the wanted stripes and 1 F checks, yard, at OL Beautiful "Spray" and "Leader" Printed Yoilcs, neat, dainty printings, sheer, crisp fabric, 1 r Monday tele, yard, at XU- 36-inch Woven Tissue Voile, "Book Fold," neat stripes and checks, all the wanted color- OQ ings, Monday, yard, at , Basement dramas mm SETS THE PACE m t r FOnCROWlNC OMAHA Notions at Prices That Mean Considerable -Savings to You Moth-Proof Bags to store your winter clothes away, all sizes, at, very special, each'. 50c Dust Caps, a good assortment, each, at 10c - West Electric and Simplex Curlers, card, at I ... .9c Shell Hair Pins, six In box, each, at - 3e Sewing Machine Straps, 36c value, each, at Z4e ' Men'i Collar Bands, all sizes, each, at.' . . . . .lje Betsy Ross and American Maid Crochet Cotton, ball, at. . .6 Me . Bias Tape Edgings, Kick-racks and other Tapes and braids, worth to 16c, bolt at i. '5e Fast-colored DarnTng Cotton, 8 spools for...... 8 Inside Skirt Belting, with bones, yard, at. .. t. ........ 10e Real Human Hair Nets, at. .' 101 8 for 25e Veil Hair Nets for the face, at 10c 3 for 5 Ladies' and Children's Hose Supporters, pair, at. lSe Dressing Combs, 26c grade, each, at ...10o . - Main Floor" : .ji" ii H '""ir J miN' j ii i'' ' . iht,