Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1917, Image 3

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Open up a Health
Account y eating
foods that make you fit for
the day's work without
overtaxing the stomach,
kidneys or liver. The con- j
tinued eating of indigestible
foods with large percentage
of waste means diseased
livers and poisoned intes
tines. Keep your stomach
sweet and clean and your
bowels healthy and active
by eating Shredded Wheat
Biscuit. It is easily digested.
It contains all the material
needed for the nourishment
of the human body. Open a
health account for you to
draw upon. For breakfast
or any meal with milk or
cream. Made at Niagara
Falls, N. Y.
If Kidneys and
Bladder Bother
Taylor Urges Members to Wind
Up Business as Soon as
Take a glass of Salts to Bush out your
Kidneys and neutralize irritat
ing acids.
Kidney and Bladder weakness re
suit from uric acid, says a noted au
thority. The kidneys filter this acid
from the blood and pass it on to the
bladder, where it often remains to
irritate and inflame, causing a burning,
scaldtnK sensation, or setting up an
irritation at the neck of the bjadder,
oblinine you to seek relief two or
three times during the night. The
sufferer is in constant dread, the water
oasses sometimes with a scalding sen
sation and is very profuse; again,
there is difficulty in avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
because thev can't control urination,
While it is extremely annoying and
sometimes very painful, this is really
one of the most simple ailments to
overcome. Get about four ounces of
lad Salts from your pharmacist and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast; continue this
for two or three days. This will neu
tralize the acids in the urine so it no
longer is a source of irritation to the
bladder and. urinary organs, which
then act normally again,
lad Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and is used by thousands of folks who
ate subject to urinary disorders
caused by uric acid irritation. Jad
Salts is splendid for kidneys and
causes no bad effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant, efferves
cent lithia-water drink, which quickly
relieves bladder trouble. Adv.
Hair Often Ruined
By Washing With Soap
Soap should be used very carefully
if you want to keep your hair looking
its best. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too much alkali.
This dries the scalp, makes the hair
brittle and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is
just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil
(which is pure and greaseless), and is
better than the most expensive soap
or anything else you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will
cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in. It makes an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, which
ring's out easily, removing every par
ticle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex
cessive oil. The hair dries quiokly
and evenly, and it leaves the scalp
soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright,
lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and
a few ounces will supply every mem
ber of the family for months. Adv.
Tha "Come-back" man was really never
down-and-out. His weakened condition be
cause of overwork, lack of exercise, Im
proper eating; and living demands atimula
lion to satisfy the cry tor a health-giving
appetite and the refreshing sleep essential
to strength. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Ccpsules, the National Remedy of Holland,
win do the work. They aro wonderful !
Throe of these capsules each day will put a
man on his feet before he knows It: wheth
er his trouble comes from uric acid poison
ing, the kidneys, sVavel or stone In the
Madder, stomach derangement or other ali
ments that befall the overzealous Amer
ican, Don't wait until you are entirely
down-and-out, but take them today. Your
druggist wtll gladly refund your money if
they do not help you. 25c. 60c and $1.00
per box. Accept no substitutes. Look for
the name OOLD MEDAL on every box.
They are the pure, original. Imported Haar
lem Oil Capsules. Advertisement.
New Hair Remover
Gets Roots and All
Here's the greatest thing for halr-dis-figured
womankind that has happened In
a hundred years! A way to actually re
move the roots of superfluous hair easily,
instantly and harmlessly! A method that
does away forever with shaving, electrolysis
find the application of preparations which
inorely take otf the surface hair.
The new phclactlne process Is so certain
to remove the hair entire, roots and all,
that druggists are authorized to refund
the price in any case of dissatisfaction.
There's no odor or musslness about phe
lactine, and It is entirely non-poisonous
a child could safely eat It. Get a stick
of phelacttne today, follow the simple direc
tions, and you will have the surprise of
your life. With your own eyes you will tee
the roots come out. Advertisement.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 11. (Special.) With
only a few bills remaining to be acted
upon, as compared with 3S in the sen
ate, the house worked in very leisurely
iashion today. It met at 10 o'clock
an hour later than usual aoted on
three or four bills and then recessed
at 11:45 to 2 p. m., w here it has been
in the habit of keeping at it right up
to the noon hour and then quitting
only until 1:30.
Some of the members even wanted
to adjourn over at noon until Thurs
day morning, and talk was heard of
quitting on Thursday and having no
session again until the following Mon
day. But a majority voted to work
again Wednesday afternoon, and in all
probability the house will remain in
session every day until the windtip.
Taylor Is Through.
Mr. Taylor, a leader of the farmer
clement in the house, frankly wants
to get through as soon as possible and
adjourn sine die. He doesn't care how
many bills are killed, inasmuch as all
of those he was especially interested
in have been executed already. He is
willing to help assassiinate a few of
the remaining senate bills in the hope
that the senate will slaughter a lot of
house bills in reprisal, thus hastening
the end.
On Mr. Cronin's motion, the house
substituted his bill allowing National
Guardsmen to vote when called out
side the state for federal service, in
stead of a senate bill on the same sub
ject. Cronin called attention to the
fact that his bill had passed the house
about the middle of March, but had
been held back in the senate, while the
upper branch went ahead and passed
its own bill. He quoted Adjutant Gen
eral Hall as saying that he would
rather have the house than the senate
A bill making corrective amend
ments to the Torrens land title law
vas put through to third reading, hut
the house killed the Hammond bill
regulating the purchase and sale of
Bills Found Defective.
The snerial rnmmitt,. r,n rA,Mc,'An
of bills, consisting of Speaker Jack-
aim, unci cierK rotts ana Director
Sheldon of the legislative reference
hlirmil. Viae marl a ran.., in ,!.
house on its work during the session.
i ne report says mat out ot KM house
bills introduced 114 were defective in
form nr wnrrlino- Thie i-c 14 re
cent, or one out of every seven bills
Amoncr 331 senate hillc lt7
found tn he defertivp thic Kelnr, A
per cent. The average of defective
measures tor tne two branches was 22
per cent.
The rpnnrr etrnnorlw rr-r.rnr.A.
. .......j , VIUIMIWIIIIIS
the adoption of some system by the
next legislature which will insure a
more careful revision of bills, if possi-
Die, Detore they are introduced.
New Hotel to Be Built
In Kearney by Omaha Firm
Kearney, Neb., April 11. (Special, l
It was announced this afternoon
that the North American Hotel com
pany is to erect a hotel here through
the Bankers' Realty Investment com
pany ot Umaha.
lhe hotel will be one .of a chain
being erected throughout Iowa and
Nebraska. The cost of construction
is placed at $170,000. The building
will be 88 by 92 feet, have one hun
dred rooms, all outside, five stories
high and modern in every detail. It
will be located one block north of the
Union Pacific depot. Work is to be
started on the building this week and
the company agrees to complete it
and open for business by the first of
next year.
Senate Sifting File
What to Do for Eczema
' Greasy salves and ointments should
not be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist for 25c or
$1.00 for extra size, get a bottle
of temo. When applied as directed, it
effectively removes eczema, quickly
stops itching, and heals skin troubles,
also sores, burns, wounds and chafing.
It penetrates, clearses and soothes.
Zemo is a dean, dependable and inex
i pensive, penetrating, antiseptic liquid.
Try it, as we believe nothing you have
ever used is as effective and satisfying.
The. &. W. Boat Co,, CIsVelMd, O.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 11. (Special.) Im
portant bills lifted today by the senate
sifters include:
H. R. !!J Woman suffrage bill.
H. B. 248 Antl-clgaret smoking.
H. R. 760 County boards purchase sup
plies In .open market.
H. n. 326 uuestlon or holding constitu
tional convention may be submitted at pri
mary election.
H. R. SIT State hall Insurance,
H. R. 359 Hotel fee paid on room basis.
H. R. S01 To encourage Interurban build
H. R. 30 Trust companies Invest m land
bank bonds.
H. R. 081 All alcoholic preparations la
beled with percentage.
H. R. 537 creates six weights and meas
ures' districts.
H. R. 708 vouglas county poor farm bill.
H. R. 236 Sales record kept on auto
H. R. 673 Additional probation officer for
H. R. 686 Omaha city planning bill.
H. R, 212 Dorsey good roads, county-to-
. R. 23 Ollls non-partisan state school
officer Mil.
H. R. 694 Alnlay bill prohibiting news
paper subscription contests.
H. R. 403 No district court clerk shall
keep naturalization feeB.
Legislative Notes
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 11. (Special.) Prominent
Omaha cltliena wired Senator Sawyer too
late to lave Hous Roll No. 99, the anti
rabbit counting bill. The telegram wai
read In the senate this morning, after Sen
ator Sawyer Tuesday afternoon failed to
get the bill lifted from the lifting com
mittee, where It automatically died. Those
signing the telegram were: H. S. Mann,
J. H. Millard, John Ij, Kennedy, John Lee
Webster, John B. Ring wait and Could
The senate concurred in minor house
amendments today to Senate File No. no,
raising the salary of the public defender
In Omaha from $1,200 to 12,400; Senate Klin
No. 3; Senator Beat's visiting nurse bill,
and Senate File No. 4, Senator Bushee's
bill regarding filing fees with the county
An Informal conference between Union
Pacific and Northwestern officials, the Ne
braska Railway commission, citizens of
Norfolk and Madison on on hand, and
clttiens of Albion and other towns on the
Northwestern on the other, was held today
In the offices of the railway commission.
Cltlxena of Madison and Norfolk are pro
testing a new train schedule the com
mission ordered put in operation on the
Albion branch of the Union Paclfc.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
To Success. 1
1 brandeis Stores
In the Hair-Dressing Parlor
By An Expert.
Second Floor.
This Is the Sale W e Advertised in Advance
500 Sample Dresses and Gowns
AT $25 AND $35
Representing Groups Worth $40 to $75 and More
-Tjrjngisjf the utmost importance right now, inas
much as it represents the very best styles offered by the fore
most New York makers.
Dresses for every occasion morning, afternoon, restau
rant frocks and sports styles.
The Materials Are :
Satins, t Khaki-Kool, Wool Jerseys
Taffetas, Crepe Meteors, Crepe de Chines
Foulards, Georgettes, Figured Chiffons
Many beautiful combinations of Silk and Georgette and Chiffon
We Leave the Decision to You Every Garment
in the Lot Extremely Beautiful
Sale Starts at 8:30, and No Garment Will Be Sent on Approval or
C. O. D.
Second Floor
Unusually Low Prices at $1.98
Dainty Lingerie Blouses, lace or embroidery trimmed
models, with large collars.
This is an exceptionally pret
ty lot of Blouses and an ex
ceptionally low price. $1.98
The Tub Silk Blouses we are
showing in all the new
"high" shades, also, at $1.98
The time is here, when no
woman can long
er deny the util
ity and necessity
for many more
Blouses in- her
wardrobe, and
with that char
acteristic readi
ness which has
always kept this
store in the lead,
we announce
very unusual values just at the time when you need
them most.
. Second Floor
Cotton and Wool
We have a com
plete stock of Flags
of Cotton and Wool,
also Silk finish Flags
on sticks.
We are offering
these Flags at the
prices we paid for
them, plus a fair
profit and the
prices we are asking
are very much less
than they would be
if we had to go out in
the market to buy
Flags today.
Flags are advanc
ing in price rapidly in
all Eastern cities.
Toy Dept. Main Bldg.
"Harmony" Pumps, '6 to Hi
New and Beautiful in Line and Design
TING Pumps we have ever
seen. Will not sag at the
sides or the top. Fits snug,
and in addition
to being ex
tremely smart, is
also very com
fortable. Arched
Shown here in five different leathers.
The prices run from $6.00 to $11.00
N. fl.
This greatly enlarged Specialty Shoe Shop offers the
most complete stock of the best Shoes to be obtained any
where and In such a wide variety, that everyone will
find just what they need most, at very moderate prices.
We have established a Shoe Cleaning Section that is
already very popular, where a trained attendant will keep
your Shoes in excellent shape.
Shoe Forms are necessary, if you would have your
shoes retain their true shape while you are not wearing
Main Floor, Rear
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Look Like Gas Ranges
Works like Gas.
Burns either kerosene or
Safe. Even an accidental
change of fuels would not be dang
erous with this patent burner.
Valve handles lock, so that a child
cannot turn them on.
Quick Bakers
As fast as gas. Oven uses heat twice through
a double flue system and has double lining.
Simple. No complicated mechanism.
Odorless. There are no wicks or asbestos light
ing rings. When valves are shut off there is no
leakage of fuel into the burner and no wicks to
turn down.
Economical. They will handle even the cheap
est grades of gasoline or kerosene. One gallon of
kerosene will last 20 hours in' one burner.
Demonstration by Factory Expert
Thursday. Come In and Let Him
Show You.
Detroit Vapor Stoves, from $48.00 as low as $17.00
Largest Assortment of Garden Supplies in the
City in the Basement Hardware Housefurnuhing
Anyone Who Has Need of
Curtains and Draperies
Cannot Afford to Miss Our Sale of the
Curtains, Draperies and Cretonnes
On Monday, April 16th
50c on the Dollar
There are
5,000 Yards Beautiful Cretonnes
2,432 Pairs of Excellent Curtains
2,773 Yards of Drapery Materials
This store is setting the pace because it is
able to go into the market and buy stocks
such as these for spot cash and give the cus
tomer the benefit of the savings.
Watch for Details in Sunday Papers
Dinner Napkins. 8c
JUST ONE item, but a very unusual
little price makes it so interesting that
scores of women will desire to share in
this offering.
For Wednesday only, we offer 6,000
of these Napkins, made of fine quality
Mercerized Damask, with hemmed ends,
ready to use; 18x18 inches.
Main Floor, Front, 16th Street Entrance
New Spring Wall Papers
For Kitchen, Bedroom or Guest Room, a number
of patterns for choice; borders to match, worth
much more, on sale Wednesday, a single PI
roll U2C
For Dining Room, Living Room and Store Papers,
figured patterns, dark colors, with borders to match,
worth very much more than we quote, a single Q
roll, Wednesday iC
Plain Oatmeal Papers, in green, leather brown, tan,
blue, gray and putty shades, new cut-out borders to
match; worth very much more than we 1 OJL
quote, for Wednesday, a single roll 1 sfigC
Abaorbene Wall Paper Cleaner, Just arrived, Thurs
day, a can 10c?
Third Floor
Three Oays of Remarkable Savings-Thursday, Friday, Saturday
In This Big Basement Spring Outfitting Sale
All Apparel and Accessories, in styles that in many instances are copies of high priced models, and
in addition, very special offerings in Domestics, White Goods, Linens, etc. f
Basement Thursday, Friday and Saturday