r THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 191). 15 FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. THE PORTLAND. Park Ave. and Leav enworth, Apt. No. IS, 4 rooms and tile bath, newly decorated, everything spot lessly clean; $.2.50 summer, (37. SO win ter. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors, 616 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg. Pons. 1016. FOR RENT Attractive 4-room apt. in the Phallan. 628 S. 2lt Ave. Easy walking distn.no. H. W. Binder, $23 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Apt. Phone Tyler 1798; office phone Pong. 1264. Miscellaneous. DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS. THE LAFAYETEE, 17th Ave. and Jaok son, Apt. No. 13, 2 rooms and tile bath, In splendid condition, 122.50 summer, 27.60 winter. Apt. No. 21, 4 rooms and tile bath, second floor, east exposure. Very desir able for summer; 136 summer; 142.50 winter. Here you have no carfare. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors, 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 10H. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUA KTERS FOR OMAHA FOR RENT Suburban ACREAGE FOR RENT. 14 acres on Fort Crook car line with modern B-room house, barn f.r 12 head of stock, chicken house, tight fence and all high cIbsb country improvements. Will be leased for 1 year to a responsible ten ant at a reasonable price, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4625 South 24th St. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR BENT MAT 1ST Two modern storerooms, 16 by 60 each, with full basements, 624 and 626 S. 16th St. For particulars nee Conrad Young, 322 Brandets Theater. Douglas 1671. STOREROOM. 16th and Pine; very reason able rent; good location for small bust--ess. ALFRED THOMAS. 308 Farnam Bldg. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce, $75 monthG. P. JHebbiiw, IMOjChlcato. MOlBRirSTOREaAND OFFICES IN FAR nam Bldg. First Trust Co.. P. 1161. KbSTAUKANT with fixtures, gas stoves; tools: at 107 S. 16th Sr. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16th St.. opposite postofflce, 10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young. 822 Brandeis Theater. Doug. 1671. FOR RENT The bank room In the Brom ley building, 210 S. 13th. This Is a fine large room with bank fixtures. W. Ham mond. 210 S. 13th St. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg.. 17tb and Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. Miscellaneous. BRAND NEW STORES. 32cl and Farnam. Having copper-trimmed windows, steel sellings, fine lighting fixtures; will deco rate to suit tenant: size 23x80 ft. Will lease for 1 year at $65.00 per month; heat and water furnished: right on FARNAM. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors, 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. DANDY STORE ROOM. 1420 Leavenworth, newly decorated, liv ing quarters in rear. Business Is GOOD on Leavenworth. Only $20. See us about it. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Realtors, 616 Omaha Nat, Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If vou want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men." 616 Oin. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. Miscellaneous. NOW is Hi.' time to find out all about our SERVICE. Investigate our standing and uiethids: talk to our clients. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." 616 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. LANDLORDS. ATTENTION I We will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant etore, house or flat within SO days If ou the South Side and In a tenable condition, or pay you a month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED. CAPITAL $26,000. 4925 So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov log. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. JP "PPTTT. Express Co. Moving, . j, SXLjLjU Packing and storags. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 274-8. Doug. 6146. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service; prompt attention. Your moving, your packingryour storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. D. 7786. Maggard 1 j 2 me' Van and Storage Co., Movl. gr. Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. FIDELITY FREE Pbons Douglas 88 for complete list of vacant houses and apart meats. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household . goods and pianos; moving; packing and shtpping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 Bo. 16th St. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service tn moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1522 Cass St. Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. REAL ESI ATE IMPROVED West. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH DOUBLE GARAGE FIELD CLUB DISTRICT We have a very nice 6 -room new bun galow in the Field club district, one block from the new school being built, that we can offer on good terms, This house Is very elaborately finished and no money has been saved to get the best material and the best workmanship. Has a very fine double garage with ce ment driveway to street and pergola with stucco columns across driveway at the front porch, giving a very pretty effect and appearance to the house. Property faces east on a lot 50x12". An Ideal future location and Is bound to please the most critical buyers. Would like to have you call us. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. CLOSE IN HOME Fine T-r strictly mod., good aa new, S. front, paved St., fine location, near rant Ave., ana Karris, t),z&u. easy terms. Cjod 6-r.. mod., paved St. shade, etc., near Boulevard and Grate, Bargain at 13,360. $200 cash. $30 mo. Beautiful 20 -acre fruit tract and home site; N. W. nf Florence, close to paved road. Can sell 10 acres at $o,000, or Im proved 10-A. at $10,000. M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. 316 Ramge Bldg. D. 100. Tyler 2140-J CATHEDRAL district elegant lot north west corner 41st Ave. and Chicago; paved street: seven-room house and garage. Pries, $4,000, or will accept reasonable each offer. Phone Walnut 1015. MUST BE SOLD. Cathedral district home; new up-to- date 7-r.; sleeping porch; oak finish; best material and workmanship: sightly loca tion. Bargain price. Douglas 162. 1600 CASH. Nice lot tn West Farnam district F. D. "Wead, $10 South 18th St., Wsad Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. WHY PAY RENT? 3807 N. 18th St. is a dandy modern 6 -room house, only two block from street car. House Is In good condition and it la a real bargain at the price asked. Can be bought on monthly payments. 1714 Manderson St is a 7 -room house on one floor. House needs some repair ing, but on tin payments offered thin is a real chance to get a home on easy payments, CREIGH SONS & CO , RKALTORS. Douglaa 200. 508 B.e Ithig. KOUNTZE PLACE. $500 DOWN AND $30 A MONTH. Just listed, a 6 -room strictly modern bungalow, located near KountzA Pork; east front; dandy lot. Triced at $2,900, a bargain figure. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 63? Omaha Nat'l Ek. BUtt. D. 1781. STUCCO BUNGALOW. New, strictly modern, 6-r. and bath, oak finish, oak floors, high grade lighting fixtures, full basement, furnace heat, dandy lot, one block to car and school. Located a little north of Fort St., on 28lh Ave. Price $3,100. Easy terms. RASP EROS., (REALTORS), 210-12-14 Keellne Bit Tyler 721. STUCCO BUNGALOW. New, strictly modern 6-r. and bath, oak finish, oak floors, high grade lighting fix tures, full basement, furnace heat, dandy lot, one block to car and achooi. Located a little north of Fort St on 28th Ave. Price $3, mo. Easy terms. RASP BROS.. REALTORS. .10-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. NEiAR MILLER PARK PRICE ONLY $3150 Brand new five-room scml bungalow, oak finish, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cabinets in kilchen. two nice bedrooms with double closets. Full cement base ment, one block to park and Miller park school. 2 blocks to car. $660 down and $2;' per month. Lot 42ftxl30. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-2 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 496. 2597 PINKNET ST. New bungalow of 6 rooms and sleeping porch; oak finish; handsomely decorated; worth $4,500, but you can buy It this week for $3,950 on Rasp terms (which ate dead easy). Immediate action will get you Immediate possession. RASP BROS. Realtors. 210-12-14 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 2597 PINKNEY STREET. New 2-st., 8-r., bath and sleeping porch; strictly mod.; rooms large; oak finish on 1st floor, birch on 2d floor; newly deco rated; full basement; furnace heat; dandy lot; paved St Price, $8,260. Easy terms. RASP BROS., REALTORS, 210-12-14 Keeiine Bldg. Tyler 721. FOR SALE. 4 7-r. house, fully modern, on 22d and Ellison Ave. This is a snap at $.".960. Terms very easy. Doug. 3600. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Blk. NEAR 26th and Fort Sis., nearly new 6-r. strictly mod. house, furnace heat, beautiful lot, BOxUO, large garage, owner says sell regardless of price, will consider Ford car an part paymen t. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of 1c per word. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In oak; located at 3928 N. 25th St Price, $3,150. Terms. Will take small cottage in trade. NORRIS ft NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4279. $250 CASH, $28.50 per mo., for a brand new 6-r. bungalow, strictly rrod., lot 60x 13(1; 1 blk. to car and achooi. Price $2,800 RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tvler 721. NEW 6-rooir. modern bungalow; two rooms nnisnea in oak; nrepiaee; price reason able; easy terms. Call Walnut 1026. 8-ROOM new bungalow, story and half. $2,750. 1712 North 28th. Red 1881. 7-R. HOUSE, bargain. H. 4711, at ones. South. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME Overlooking Hanscom Park. Plot ISOx 180. Contains twelve large rooms, three baths with toilets, innumerable closets and pantries; steam heat, seven fireplaces and finished tn oak and mahogany. Price $11,000 and only $2,600 cash required, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4925 S. 24th St Fhone South 1247. MODERN BUNGALOW Five large rooms and bath, all on one floor, oak finish, bookcases, colonnade, buf fet, French doors to sun room, full floored attic and cement basement This is brand new and built by day labor through out, finest of fixtures, hardware and shades. If you want a real borne let us show you this. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-2 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 496. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with larg piece of ground, 400-foot front age. It will make ten large 40-foot lets. Price $2,350. Terms $860 cash and $20 per month. Call Douglas 2596. Miscellaneous. FOUR REAL BARGAINS $3,000.00 "-room, all-modern bungalow, oak fin ish, east front, paved street. $900.00 cash, balance $35.00 per month. $3,250.00 6-room, 1 ft-story bungalow, large liv ing room with fireplace. Full lot 50x130, paved street. Close to car. In fine re pair. $600.00 cash, balance $30.00 per month. This fa worth looking up. Don't let It get away. $3,650.00 New, artiattc stucco, 6-room bungalow. Oak floors throughout. Oak and enamel finish. Nicely decorated, lighting fix tures, screens, cement walks, everything complete. $500.00 cash, balance monthly. $3,800.00 New 6-room attractive bungalow. Oak finish. Bedrooms white enamel. Finely decorated. Indirect lighting fixtures, screens, cement walks. Terms $600.00 cash, balance' monthly. A beautiful little home. BENSON & CARMICHAEL (REALTORS). 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1732, MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW. Stucco construction. 5 large light rooms. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price 13,800. Easy terms, Another new build' Ing for $3,660. Call Douglas 172$ days. Walnut 1680 evenings. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED 7 Miscellaneous. R. RtmiNMON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 443 Bee Bldg. Douglas09T. WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Bu"1itir R. S. TRl'M HULL, 1306 1st Nat l Bank D!dg. REAL ESTATE B'neu Pr'pty 1.1. A. WOLF, Realtor," Ware ltlk., Specialist In downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investments DO you want to maktt 16 per cent on yuur Investment? If so, we have the property for you. This ta a house, all modern ex cept heat, well Cullt, only 2 years old: dining room and sitting room finished In oak; hot and cold water; soundproof walls; everything in first clasa condition. Price only $3.2i0; always rented. Good terms can be arranged. Let us show you this. BIG 4 REALTY CO.. 1115-16 W. O. W. D. S4SB. Investment & speculation 6-room house on Sherman Ave. near Locust, 60 feet front on Sherman Ave.; rental $480 per year. Owner must ralso money : has cut pries to $8,000. Good speculation right In transfer district. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor, 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg; 1 j" PK rcEN tTn V E8 TM EN T. Four 6-room and one 7 -mom modern houses. In the center of the residential dis trict of the South Side for $9,750. Half cash. Rent for $110 monthly and never vacant. Will trade the lot for a large, modern. Imposing residence. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4925 So. 24th St. PhoneSouth 1.47. apartmentT $75,000 Income 13 per cent; one year old; very fine location; mortgage $26,000 and will accept $20,000 in trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS ft CO., Douglas 1313. City Nat Bunk Bldg. 7 GUARANTEED YOU On your money In any amount by HOME BUILDERS, Inc., $1.00 Shares. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON, REALTORS, 6?0 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange t TOR SALE OR TRADE. Will trade a modern frame business building In center of the shopping district on the South Side for Nebraska land. The aiore on the first floor rents for $26 and the flat upstairs for $15 monthly. Valua tion In trade, $4,500. No boot money paid. Particulars only at our office and no in formation given through phone. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 49.5 So. 24th St. Thone South 1247. CLOSE IN FLATS FOR LAND. Two good, strictly moilern St. Louis flats, Income $960 per annum. Price $10, 000. Mortgage. $3,200. Owner wants land not too far from Omaha. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., 801 Omaha Nat PUK iI.AViSthree highly improved farms In the vicinity of Watertown. 8. D. Black nit. clav subsoil, corn and alfalfa land. Get my prices, let me show you ph-to of the buildings, D. T. juauiier, moi umana National. Phone Douglas 1166. FOR SALE or Trade, choice 160-acra Gage county farm, Improved; 120 acres under plow; 1 miles from town ana scnooi, ARCHER REALTY CO., 580 Brandels Bldg. WANTED To trade, modern house In Council Bluffs for a small business and some cash. George D, Knapp, 762 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. . GOOD seven-room all modern hnUBe for sale cheap or trade for smaller house or vacant lot 4532 Hamilton, rnone even ings. Walnut 60S. We have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or Iowa land. Edward F. Williams Co., Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. . REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. LOT BARGAIN $600 Two very line lots in Monte lair Addi tion, on Lafayette Ave. Nonresident own er will sacrifice for quick cash sale at price less than sold for when addition was first platted. Immediate action required. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors), Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. AFTElflooliing at MINNA LUSA 800 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and tbey backed their judgment by buying lots, IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1B7. J1INNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 24th St., can be bought at a bargain; this lot must be sold. Bee me quick. C. A. Grimmi-l, 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 8 acres in north part of town for $1,000 an acre. 2204 Webster. Doug las 8084. Miscellaneous. A BIG PIECE OF GROUND, 200-foot frontage. It will make six 66 foot lots. Price $612. Terms $25 cash and $15 a month. Box 2802, Bee. TWO lots, ono near Forty-first and Emlle, and one near 48th and Izard. Both tor $1,060. F. D. Wead. 310 S. lBth St. BEAUTIFUL " ot lots. rice $2.0. only $2 cash and 60 cents per wee. Doug. 8392, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW AN ACRE OF LAND FENCED CHICKEN TIGHT Poultry House Incubator 25 BLOODED CHICKENS Located west of Benson on 76th St., south of macadam pavement, pou!try house now being built. Large and com modious. Will furnish 160-egg Incubator, 26 blooded chickens (Barred Rocks or White Leghorns). Price $2,400, $240 cash, 122.76 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Muuville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1 Harnay St. Five Phonpa Tyler fift. Dundee. DUNDEE 6-room stucco home in fine repair. Close to car. Screens and storm windows. Fries $4,660.00, Terras $1,000.00 cash, balance monthly. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying be sure ana see GEORGE & CO.. FOR BALE Three nice, sightly lots In Dun dee. Call Tyler 40. McCsffery. DUNDEE homes end homes! toe. Shuler A Cary, 204 Keellne Bldg! 5-ACKE blk., Falrscre and Browasll Hall district Snap. C. J. Canan KLAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. 'UoR EN'CK Ri'Vl Kelst.- Co.. South Side. THE FINEST NEW RESIDENCE on the South Side fiom any snRle, lnoide or out. Modern to the minute. Hvick Vfneer. Full cement basement s'ld fin ished attic. Enameled tubs In laundry, with waeher operated by elnctrto power. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner furnace. Bath room 8x10, tub and snower. omplntely tiled. 10 rooms, 3 alone cost i)87 to finish and decorate. Interior oak finish. Sim parlor and screen torches. New brick garage with concrete runway. Plot 60x150; beautifully lawned. Built by the owner at an original cost of $14,000. Haa sold bis business tnt''rents h're. ric sires to leave the state and directs us to sell for $1 1.M10, Any reasonable down payment accepted. Listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 4936 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247, Miscellaneous. ACREAGE PROPERTY. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. OnVrs the Following ACREAGE PROPERTY: 2i acres on car line, just outnlde city lim its, 2-room house, good cistern, 50 fruit trees and fins well that cost 4.69. Prtco $2,000; part cash. 24 seres, just over the line In Sarpy county, away from the high taxes. Rich. Invel land, first broken In 1916. Raised 4 nropa of alfalfa. $6,000. Terms can be arranged. 10 acres on Benson car line. Price and terms can be agreed upon and made sat isfy c tor y. li acres on Fort Crook car line; new 6 room house with full cement basement ; new barn 14x18, for 13 h' nd of stock and other good outbuildings; fenced for chick ens; good well. Price $2,660; part cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4925 South 24th St Phone South 1247. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 4 acre of first -class ground, located n-'iir car Hue; I acre in nit'alf'i ; T-romn house, barn, chicken liousn, etc. ; apple trees, cherry trees and all kinds of small fruit, all bearing; two good wells, This Is a bargain, Let us show you this. BIG 4 REALTY CO., MMo-l W. O. W. Bldg. D. 8486. HOMESEUKERS, ATTENTION! On a small cash paynn-nt we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plans and you can pay for It on small monthly payments, without eitra imprest, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL $25,000. 4925 S. 24th St Phone Houth 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES On the South Side, on full sized lots, rangfng from $1,500 to $.1,000, In different localities, with all city improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a small cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. TUB MOST BEAUTIFUL LOT on 8. 26th St., 60rl60 feet. A modern 5 room cottage on the back end of this nightly terrace plot. Will take auto end small amount of cash as first payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INC. 4026 8. 24th St Phone South 1247. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS, $5.00 CASH. $5.00 MONTHLY. Sizes. 60x160; in all parts of the South Si do, city Improvements. NOIITH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4H25 S. 24th St Phone South 1247. (V ACRE tracts, $4767110 down. $7.60 mo. Clone In near car. Doug. 5074. REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOU deaire to sell, rent or trade your property, please call at our officn and let wt snow you our progressive memous ana unsurpassed service. We have faith In "printers' ink" and If your proposition Is lifted with us, It will be made known to a hundred thousand people or wherever ail the Omaha newspapers are read. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., lno., The largest real estate company, from standpoint of service and equipment, in Nebraska. We are running .00 lines of advertisements in tbls valuable paper daily. 49.5 Ho. 24th St Phone South 1247. WANTED to buy for $25 to $.5,006' cash" lot, cottsge, bungalow, house or 2 to 24 fiats, or stores or seres that you do not want, tired of holding or about to lose tor want of quick cash, (live full descrip tion In first letter and best price. Address 218fi, Bee. WANTED 4, 6 and 6-room houses that can be sold for $100 cash, balance $16 per month; send complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1064. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties watting, Western Real Estate, 418 Knrbach Blk. D. 3607. LIST your 6 and -room houses with us. WE BELL THEM. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. Tyler 4&6. FINANCIAL H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for -aortgagt loans. City Nat'i Bank Bldg. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. City and Farm Loans t, 6 Mi and I psr cent Also first mort- gages an farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont A Co., 416-1$ Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates S, 5Vi and 6 per cent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th, Omaha, Neb. 6 PER CENT to 8 per oent on best class city residences In amounts $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam St. MONEY to loa i on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. Kloks inv. Co., Omaha. $2,800 MTGE., bearing 6 pet, semi-annual, secured by property valued at $8,00u. Tul- mage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bidg, SHOPEN CO., PRIVATE MONEY. 5i2 CITY LOANS. GARVIN BROS.. Om, Nut. Bk. Bids, 5 MOIIBT HARRISON 4 MORTUN ,16 Omaha Nat. Brink Bids. OMAHA HOMBH, EAST NKB. FARMS. O'KKEFE R. B. CO.. 10H Omaha Nal'l. FARM and city loan., 6, P and 6 par cent. W. H. Thorn... Ke.Mnn Bide. Dnm. !. ClTlf and farm loans, lowest ratra. K. H. LOIIOEE. Inc., bl Ka.lln. Bid. NO DELAY IN CLOSINO LOANS. W. T. Graham, 604 Baa Bldg. $100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. IX Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Bta. LOWBATK8. C. 6. C A KLBKRG, 8 1 i( Bran dela Theater Bldg. 1. 6H&. Abstracts of Title. Kerr Title, Guarantee and Abatrart Co. 105 8. 17th St.. ground door. Bonded hy Maaa. Bonding and Ins. Co, HEED ABSTRACT CO., oldeat abtttract of. Urn In Nebraska. 200 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies. 644 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN LOOK! LEOAL RATE T.OANS1 LOOK.1 I tfl.00 costs you $ $.26 for six months. 102.00 costs you 20.27 for one year. ISA. 00 costs you 31.20 for one year. 204.00 costs you 40,80 for one year. 300,00 costs you 00.00 for one year- Other amounts tn proportion. EASY PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, JI40 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2296. FURNITURE, pianos snd notes as security! 140, $ mo H. goods, total cost, $3 60. $40, $ mo., Indorsed notes, total cost, $2.60. Smaller, larger am'ta, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organised by Omaha Business Men. 4.3 Roe Bldg., 18th and Farnam, Ty. $6$. FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Ranch.." farms of all kinds; buy now ; nlso li rlRiiteii land 11, C. Ruenholl, (ivneral Real Kstate, Belle Four i-lif, Smith 1 hikulii. California Lands. MR SALE Itt Frcsnn and King count ten, Sun JoHqtlin Valley, fahinrnm. ideal luml fT Hlfxtfa, grain ami fruit growing, stock itiul poultry ruining. Otu-t'-iKb down ami hint) easy annual ritynit'tHs on balance at 1 pet. In good farm nt-lghborhood, close to market. Over 1!,,00 iien-a of choice und, at very reasonable prices, to select from. To b sure you are getting what you want, you may lease for one, two or three years with option to purchase on above tirma. Write for details of this st tt active inelhnd of buy Ink on terms In reach of anyone. You could awk fur no futrcr deal. San Joaquin Valley Is In the heart of wlnttii It s, California. 40 acres onouKli and should pay for It if If In five years. You can start her. with only $ 1 .000 niul make gnod. 1 will gladly place yon In touch with those having the lands for sale. This Is such an easy way to get a California farm that my advh Is to act quickly. C, L. Scagraves, In dttstrlnl Commissioner. A. T. A IS. K. Ry., 2107 Ry. Exch., Chicago. VOH SALE -IMPROVED FRUIT. DAIRY end stock farms, 20, 40 or mor- acres, In vicinity of Fresno. Sun Joaquin '"alley, heart of wlnterless California, greatest ralHln belt In world; now paying good profits; houses, barns, fences, live stock everything ready; croos in many Instances paying better than $100 an sere. $:',6ti0 will buy a $10,000 place, with long time on balance. Your farm income will take caro of future payments, Only limited number of farms can be h;d on these terms, so wr.te today. I will gladly put ou In touch with those having farms for sale. C. I 8E AO R A V ICS. Indus! tla l Commissioner, A. T. & S. V. Ry., 2001 Ry Etch.. Chicago. Canadian Lands. FOR SALE Alberta ranch. 3!0 acres. All fi-nced. Nearly all good what land. Never falling water supply, both an miner anil winter from three running springs. Have hud no crop failure in nine years, (lood Htoclt and grain proposition. Comfortable, icomy hoiiar. Will sell furnUhed, also will Include horses, cattle, hoRs, poultry, Kmitte, ducks, gralii, pot h toes and tire wood, cut ready to use. Any ono Inter em ed please write f.r particulars. Will Hell at a sacrifice, because of III health. Address Mrs. John E, J yn8, Wit ten burs, Alherln. Cauda. Florida Lands. RAISE ALFALFA In FLORIDA (Natal Hay) tliia winter. First cutting to days; $r0 and 0U annually on $C0 land, ti.b Paxton Blk. Walnut 3H7 (evenings). Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS. Grains thrive. Drouth, hail unknown. Root crops, dairy In it, grsstnf. Ideal. Vine roads, market; 4S growing days. Aver ago killing frosts October I. Terms easy. George It . we 31. jr.. 33 Bacon Blk., Mar quette. Mich Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or lai.s; highly productive iHnd; close to $ big markets. Write for photographs snd full Information, Munger, A-llfi N. Y. Like Bldg., Kansas Clly. Mo. UREAT bargains, $6 down; $R monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $300. Address Box 80s, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-half under cultivation, balance used for pasture and hay; can practically all be cultivated; good set buildings; this land will produce AO bushels of corn per acre; country Is thickly settled: complete set of machin ery; 27 head ot stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 1 yesr olds; 4 good horses, 26 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $66 per acre; one half cash ; Immediate possession can be had. Suhwab Bros.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. CLEAN UPLAND SALE Lumber company going out of business, 20,000 acres cut over Northeastern Minnesota land, A-l colonisation tract; rich soil; suitable for truck, general and dairy farming and grazing; close to railroad and auto roads. For quick enle goes at only $3.60 per acre, third cash, balance five-year on or before mortage, 7 per cent. No trades oon Ptdered. but will subdivide In tracts of MOO acres and up. J. E. Matson, 724 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. MY l.oUfi acre tttock ranch, 3 miles south went or Johnstown. Neb., Drown county, wlih good buildings, all fenced and cross fenced, 400 acres tillable, balance good grass and hay land, 46 acres alfalfa, per petual running water. A-l stock proposi tion, but too far away for me to loo'c after. Price $20 per acre. Owner E. B. Smith, 1R44 K St., Fresno, Cat. FOR SALE MY HOME FARM of 2.9 seres, 2 mites north of Raymond, Neb., to highest bill o'er in next eUht days. Terms. P. 8. Krlin. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. We farm the farm we sell you. Ths Ilungerford Potato Growers As sociation, 16th and Howard Sts.. Omaha. Douglns 9371. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay, Is our way of draining land, no tract too large or too wsL Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. FOR SALE Best larne body high grads. medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol- hach. Neb. EAST" cntralN:b., t 0 acres, highly Im proved farm, close to town, snup, terms, possession at once. 8. 8. and R. K. Mont gomery. FOR SALE 400-acre stock and grain farm, nesr Burwell, Neb.; bargain; good terms. Itadcllffe, 1.24 K St- Lincoln. Neb. ' AUTOMOBILES WILLYS -OVER LAND. INC. USED CAR DEPT. Doug. 329. 2047-49 Farnam. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland. Btudebaker, Msxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Butck and Hudson makes. TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St. Douglas $310. Chalmers $660 Overland touring 3X6 Chevrolet $60 Stearns-Knlght, sacrifice. WILMO MANIFOLDS. Burn gasoline, kerosene, distillate; double power and mileage; cuts your fuel cost hair, money naca guarantee. WILMU PRODUCTS HERVICB STATION 218 S. 19th. D. CROSSTOWN GARAGE Dnuglee 4442. 315 S. 14th St. H.-D. motorcycle, running order, $16, Bulck 40 electric lights, perfect running order, $176. WE will trade yot a new Ford for your old one, INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harm,. ou"tl!? B2BK. C.WrFRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 2316-18 Fsrnsm SL Douglas 16$. Almost any niakeat reasonable prices. FOR sale, cheap for cash, Iste model five. passenger car. Will take Ford In part payment. Call after p. m. 14Z B. Six'-ipth St. TELL & BINKLEY, Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2318 Harney Ht. D. 1640. BER'fsCIIY "Kan-Ftx-lt"''" Southeast cor ner 20th and Hnrney Sts. Douglas 266$. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE, 2107 FARNAM. I. .035, Wl PAY CASH for Ford'sutoa SALVAGE & EXCHANGE, 110 H. 1 7th. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 66b Auto Repairing and Painting. Jlffo reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repalrcd.Hayadorfer, 310 N. lth Tires and Supplies. NEBRASKA Auto Repair Works. Services and prices right. 2lx S. 19th St. D. 7390 Motorcycles and Bicycles ifiAltLEY-DAVrDS6N MOTORCYCLES. Bar" gains in used machine. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man," 117th and Ieavenworth, POULTRY AND PET STOCK Cyphers' Incubators and hovers. Bin wart's Queen Incuhalors and colony hovers. Stew art's Seed Store. Ill N. l'th St.. Op p. P. O. BUFFORPiNdTON"Wrctt iloaen; fine block; winter tuoio. rn;. mdvv. PERSONAL ANNOCNC E.MKNT. We arf now open ami invito the public to call and Inspect the Central Bath In stitute, foinierly Staat's lnniituie, 1 ;or Harney St. Open evenings and Sunday. Tel. Doux 91)97. THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so- Kelts your old clothing, furniture m ra tines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug, 41.6 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new ho inn, 1110-1112 1114 Dodge St. REST RESULTS A FA IK KATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Beat Results and a Rate of lc per word. When you want both of the above, CALL TYLER 1000. MUSH EPF I E HATTKHY or thowe knowing anything Mnut her will be doing a great favor by writing her sister. Mrs. John .Seeling, Route 1, Eldon, In. MUCH AND THERAPY treatments. Miss lUllornn, 222 -3 Neville Block. l.i;i:i,l.A WKLtSTKR, massage and uianl- urlnn, 61X Paxton Blk. Red 2400. MAE DRUG MAN, sclent iflo masseuse and baths 203 Karhach lilk. Red 3727, ALL Right Private Maternity Home. 3011 inint wt Webster Viios. SCI EN TIKIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug la ti37. Atmi. Either, ttulpluir baths, mans. D. lEiffl. MISS LILLY, bath, massage.. 1332 Farnam Manicuring and mass. 1H25 Farnam. R. 19 KMMA BllOTT massaging. 2120 Harney. Horses Live Stock- Vehicles iFot Sale. NOTICE TO FARMERS Real bargain for cash, 10 big young matched farm mares, from 2. BOO to S.Nrtfl lbs. per team. 417 Popplelon Ave., corner 24tl St., four blocks south Leavenworth St, Crosstown car line. toil SALE One good lea in of mules; , one farm lighting rlnnt. Florence ass, Wanted. anted. CuK Douglas 726. MEDICAL DR. 15. R. TARRY. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on ree ls I diseases with testimonials. DR. IG. R. TARRY. :40 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb. WHY SUFFER? Latest end Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, .13-630 Rosa Bldg. Examination and Consultation dea, Hs Is outing thou sands. WHY NOT TOUT Delaya are dan go ro us. If you can't call, write. Ilours 9 a. m, to 6 p. m., 7:60 to 1:10 evenings. Sundsy by appointment. SURE KIT TRUSS FOR RUPTURE Clean, sanitary, manipulating pad holds rupture all times with comfort. Sure Fit Truss Co. Red 3916. 606 Brown Bldg, ltb und Douglas. RADIUM watsr baths and Hot Springs mer cury treatment for rheumstlsm. Dr. M. Pyof, 14 Patterson Blk. D. 6824, RiypTURKSuccessfuIly treated without a surgical operation. Call or write lr. Frank H. Wrny. JI0 Bee Bid Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Psln, tit W. O. W. Bldg TaTt's "Dent. Rim., 308 Boss Bldg. D. ilS.. Chiropractors. tic, wri t vunirno ttiMiTin Tit M Lady attendant. S4h and Farnam. D.I Sit. Dr. C. J. Lawiunce, Ralrd Bldg. D. 84tSl. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-3 Rose Bldg. T. 2366. lirs. JohnslVn. 136 VY. O. W. Bldg. D. 2. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ervle Stenberg and wife et al to Jsmes McClung, Allison street. Hen son, 160 feet east of Erwtn street, north side, 60x130 1 1 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to William E. Langworlhy, northeast corner Twenty-eighth avenue and Caldwell slreet, 90x127.5 M00 Mary A. McLean and husband to Martha B. Padgett, Hamilton strset, 49 feet west of Twenty-seventh street, south side, 36x127.$ 1 Ralph C. Uramllch and wife to A. P. Coleman, G street, iuz ieei wesi oi Twenty-fourth street, south side, 48x100 1 Mattto M. Mackey and husband to M. E, Howell. Thirty-sixth slreet, 120 feet south of Sauldlng street, west side. 80x120 100 Nora Norrla to Lawrence J. Flynn. southeast corner Forty-eighth and Iturdette streets, 100x123 1 Bessie fl. Towle to Waterloo Creamery Co., northwest corner Fifteenth ana Pierce streets, Irregular approal- mtl.lv SB-SB 1 Harold W. Graham to Jacob C. Smith. southwest corner Thirty-seventh stroat and Fowler avenue, 60x117,. 1,000 Wilson T. Graham and wife to Darwin E. Leavens, Seventeenth slreet, 80 feet south of Suhler slreet. west side, 40x126 a 3,000 .Nannie May Harmon and husband to ileorgn C. Flack. Twenty-ninth street lli9 foot north of Fort street, west side, 40x126 1 Katie Hynek to Bohumll F. Flllp et al, southwest corner Fifteenth and Pine streets. 60x140 1 J, Arthur Curtis and wife to Ralph V. Carlson, Parker street, 432.6 feet east of Military avenue, north side, 60x130 1 Edward M. Martin and wife to Oscar L. Wlemor, southwest corner Twenty-seventh and H streets, 120x160., 1 Sarah Olmsted and husband to lman uel Deaconess Institute, Fowler avenue. 192 feet west of Thirty fourth street, north side, 128x144., 3,600 Frank W. Hodck and wife to Thomas W. Langdun, Forty-Aflh strset, 100 feet south of Miami street, west aide. 60x142 6,000 Earl R. Perrln and wife to Mathilda J. Klnneberg, Twenty-ninth street, 260 feet scuth of Wool worth avenue. west side, 60x160 1 Mnthilde Klnneberg to Chsrld Paul, Twenty-ninth street, 260 feet south of Wooiworth avenue, west side, 60x150 1 John Sullivan snd wlfs to Andrew J. -MiCormlck, Harney street, 60 feet wefct of Forty-second streot, south side, 60x123.6 2 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Omaha Loan and Building Association, Thirteenth street, BO feet north of Y street, west side, 10x182 1.000 Walter Deets and wife to Sarah Olmsted, Camden avenue, 113 feet west of Twenly-fourth street, north Hide. 46x120 1 Lower Fort Pierra Flooded By Rising Water of Missouri Pierre. S. I).. April 11. (Special Telegram.) The lower portions of hort rterre are Hooded, witn the water in the Missouri at a standstill this evening at a stace of thirteen feet The river has been rising slowly all day. Evaporated Apples and Dried Km It. New York, April It Evaporated Apples- Steady; fancy, Millie; choice, 10c; prime, .1"94o. Dried Fruit Prunes, firm; Californins, i)4 rjp9fte; Oregons, JOfft lftic. Apricots, steady; fancy, 20c Peaches, stivady; choice. 84c; extra choice, 9 V. tamtiy, vr Raisins, oulet: choice to fancy seeded. 8 9c; seedless, 10 & 1 1 Vic; London layers, $ I SO. Oil and Hostn. Savannah, (ia., April 1 1. Turpentine- Firm, 4 He; nale. 33 bbh .; receipts, aDjuhtp merits. 261 ; stock, fu;.D. Rosin Firm ; sales, J"K hols. ; receipt .10: hliim.-nls. 3.1.0: slock. II6.668. Uuolo A, R, ( D and K, $6.66; F. O, H snd I, (fi.RO; K xnd .M, fb.lib; N, Ii.iu; V U, WW, $8.90 NEW YORK STOCKS Market Evinces Disposition to Throw Off Its Depres- DULL SPELLS FREQUENT New York. April II. Although technical and basic conditions appeared to be wn ehanired, today's stock market evinced a decided disposition to throw off Its depres inn. Dull periods were frequent, but ac Uvity was mostly at higher levels, especlelly In Htocks of intrinsic values. Unlike the market of recent days, high est levels with few exceptions were attained tn the last hour. United States Steel leading at an extreme advanc of 2 points t 111, with 2 to 4 points for other issues of like description. Bethlehem Steel new atook rose 4 to 174. with 2 to 3 points for Republic Iron and Crucible and Lacka wanna steels, the latter owing much of its atreiiKth to a very favorable quarterly re port of earnings. Number of sales and range of prices of leading stocks: Investment liquidation was again ob served In the bond IIM, some railway Issues, also Industrials ami utilities, recording sub. Ntantlal concessions on small but steady of ferings with unumial gaps between bid and ask-d pclceN. The heaviness of bonds, which extended to government, was ascribed to Helling in anticipation of the administra tion's financial plans. Lens preBPiure was exerted against muni tion and equipment stocks, even though the miKgestlon to centralise purchases of -supplies In this market for the entente allies under federal supervision seemed to be di rected uiatnly against excess profits. General Electric was foremost of the equipments, rising 6 points to 16, with 1 to 3 for shippings, motors, petroleums, sugars and related specialties, while Wilson Pack ing gained 3, National Biscuit 6 and Ohio tins f points. Industrial Alcohol was among the few weak specialties, losing almost 3 points net. Pacifies led the rsils at gains of I to $ points with pronounced Improve ment In grangers and many of the low priced western and southwestern rslls. Sales, 040,000 shares. Firm tendencies for time accommodations and gold exports of about $2,200,000 to Japan were among the minor financial de velopments of the day. Bonds were irregu lar. Total sales, par value, $6,480,000. United Slates registered 8s gained 1 and coupon 4s declined 24 per cent on call. Open. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar.. 3.400 96 '4 96 94 American Can 6,100 46tt 44" 4&i Am. Car ft Fndry. $.100 4S 66S Amer, Locarno Hyp.. ff.tfc Am. Smelt. A Rfg. 10,600 100. n 100 Am. Sugar Rfg.... 1,400 111 4 MO 111 Am. Tot. ft Tel.... 400 123 123fc 1334 Am. 7... h. At eel., 300 34 34 34 Anaconda Copper., 11,900 80 791. 794 Atchison 1.300 1024 1034 lflOU At.G. ft W.I.S.S.L.. 3,600 106 103 104 Raltltnore ft Ohio.. 2,400 764 76i 764 Butte ft Sup. Cop , 421. Cal. Petroleum. , , , 800 21 20"i 204 Canadian Paolfio.. 4.700 100 IBS '4 169 Central Leather ,. 9,400 864. 6 $64 Ches. ft Ohio 3.000 69U $ 68T4 C, M. A St. P 1,400 sO'4 194 $0 C & Si. W 700 114 114 1144 C, R. I, ft P., Ctfs 48 Chine Copper 3,600 644 6814 4 Colo, Fuel ft Iron.. 900 44 41 47 Corn Prod. Rfg.,, 1.700 33 28 86ft Crucible Hleel,.... 14.200 fl' t0 3 Cuba Cane Sugar., 3,700 4ft 464 44 1Mb. Securities.., 7,000 10 l it 14 Erie 4,600 374 21 274 Gen. Electrlo 1,400 10$ 18 168i General Motors..., 4,700 117 1144 1164 Gr. Northern, pfd 7.000 111 110 1101., Gr. Nor. Ore, ctfs. 3,300 SI Ti 31 314 Illinois central 1064 Insplr. Copper 1,000 17 6$ 6i Inter. M. M., pfd., 19,600 8674 84 86 Inter. Nickel 1,100 434 414 42i . Inter. Paper 3,700 364 864 314 K. C. Southern,... 400 23 32 32 Kennecott Copper.. $,600 44 43 43 Louis, ft Nashville 129 Maxwell Motors. . , $00 61 634 624 Mex. Petroleum 864 Miami Copper 3,100 414 404 414 Mo. Pacific, new.. 800 2t 884 384 Mont. Power It Nevada Copper.,.. 1,400 33ft 23ft 224 N. Y. Central 94 N. Y.. N. H. ft H. . 30O 444 44 444 Norfolk ft Western 300 131 130H 12 Northern Pacific, 1,200 108 1024 103 Psciflc Mall 400 32 214 21;; Pennsylvania 3,800 63 6214 6274 Ray Con. Copper,., 6,1.00 394 29 2B' Heading 19,600 96ft 934 941, Hep. Iron A Steel., 8.300 794 77 7B Shatluck Arls. Cod. $00 26 -l 26 2fo Southern Pacific... 600 164 93ft 93ft Southern Railway 2fii4 Studebaker Corp... 6,400 9$ 944 9644 Texas Co 4,100 310 3084 2094 Union Pacific 4,200 1374 1374 1264 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 80,100 117 1114 1131 U. 8. Steel 166,700 111ft 1084 1114 U. 8. Steel, pfd,... 1,100 II7ft 1174 H74 Ulah Copper T.300 1104 108 H0i Wabash, pfd "B".. 600 I4U S4U S4U Western Union 96 ft Westlnghouse Eleo. 3,600 $04 484 49 turn 1 auies ior mo aay siu.udv snares. New York Money Market. New York. April 11. Monev On call. steady; high, 34 per cent; low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 3ft per cent; last loan,, 1ft pel cent; closing bid, per cent; offered at 34 per cent. Time Loans Firmer: ilxtr days. 1UA4 per oent; ninety days, 8ft 4 psr csnt; six months, 4 ft ip 4 ft per cent. rnme Mercantile Paper i fl! 4 ft per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills. 14.73: commercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.73; commercial sixty-day bills, 4.Tlft; demand, $4.76; cables, $4.76ft. mtver Bar, 78ftc; Mexican dollars, B6ftc. Bonds Government and railroad. Ii-mb-. ular. U. 8. 2s, reg.... 98 Int. M. M. .... 14 do COUDBft .. 99 UK. Ct. Mn rf U. 8. 8s, reg... ,100ft L. ft N. un. 4s... 12ft 0.0 coupon ... ,300ft aM. K. A T. 1st 4s 73 U. S. 4s. reg.,..106ftMo. Pac. gen. 4s. 63. do COUUOn 104.109 Mont Pnw Ha tgi. Panama 2s, cpn. 89 ft M. y. C. deb. 6s. ,107 ' A. F. Sec. $s.... 97 No. Pacifio 4a... sis: A. T. AT. clt. 8s. 99ft do 3 $i. Aniio-f renco db. MftUre. B. It. rer. 4s. 89 Arm'r A Co. 4ft 82ft Pac. T. A T. 6s.. 984 ..u. tan. sife-enn. con, .fts. ,108ft B, A O. 4s SOU An trim lli.. an Cent. Leather 6s. 101 Beading gen. 4s. tl ft 'Central Pac. 1st 86 8t.L.AS.F.adJ.6s.. 68. -;. a u. cv. (.s... 90ft Bo. Pac. ov. 6s.,.iooft -'., B. A J. Jt, 4s 97'. do ref. 4a CM.iSt.P.g.4fts 99ft Bo. Railway 6s.. 19. C. R. I. A P. r. 4s 73 Tex. ft Pac. 1st. 100 C. ft S. ref. 4fts. 82ftUnlon Pacific 4a. 7ft D. A R. O. ref. 6s 64 ft do cv. 4s 91V, vom. 01 isiii, .-u. h. Rubber 5s, 91 Erie gen. 4s 66 U. S. Steel 6s... 106ft Hen. Else. 6s. . .106 ft Wabaah 1st ...1014 -vii. iju. imi iv. a vi w. union JftB.. 93ft I. C. ref. 4s.... 87 Bld. Offered. Coffee Market ' New York, April 11. Coffee There was a further decline In the market for coffee futures here today. The selling was less active, but buying wag restricted by a re vival of large crop estimates and reports of lower firm offerings from Brazil. The opening was 8 to 6 points lower and after some little Irregularity active months sold 9 (o 12 points under last night's closing fig ures. This decline carried July contracts off 10 8.220 and December to 8.60c, or 63 to 66 points under the high level of last Monday. Last prices were at the low point of the day, showing a net loss of 8 to 13 points. Sales, 88,600 bags. April, 8.06c; May, 8.11c; June, 8.18c; July, 8. 26c; August, 8.30c; September, 8.36c; October, 8.40c; No vember. 8.46c; December. 8.80c; January, J.67c; February, 8.64c; March, 8.70c. Spot roffee was reported In fair demand, with prlcea unchanged at 10c for Rio 7s and lOfto for Santos in. A fair business was said to -have been done In the cost and freight market yesterday at Irregular prices. The cheapest offers reported here were of Santos 4s at 9.26c, London credit. Brazilian ad vise here by mall estimated the new Santos crop at 12,000,000 bags, Rio at 4,000.00ft and placed the crops of Bahla and Victoria at 600,000. The official cables reported an advance of 160 rels at Bio. Santos spots were unchanged and futures 76 rels lower. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin, There were light rains In east and south Kansas, extreme west Missouri and tn por tions of the Dakotas and western Minnesota.' The weather Is rather cold, with freeslnr temperature In the northwest. It Is warmee generally east of the Mississippi and lower Missouri rivers, but temperature In the ex treme eastern portion of the region re mains below the seasonal normal. Farm work ts delayed and vegetation backward tn most districts. Weather waa favorable for winter wheat from Missouri eastward. From Nebraska southward to Texas, however, continued dry, cool and windy weather was very detrimental and there was further deterioration. The dam age was serious 10 central and western Ok" la noma. Kansas and Nebraska. Barley oalK, truck crops and potatoes are being planted, except In the northern states, and corn planting Is under way tn the aontlu but work Is delayed In central and saatern (sections. U A. WELSH, Meteorologist.