THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1917. tj April9 . Patriotism Viei With Easter. Society people of Omaha concluded Lent with two big tvenu, the pa triotic dinner and meeting Saturday evening and Easter dinner Sunday. On the platform at the patriotic meet ing were een the member of the patriotic dinner parties at the Fonte nelle and others, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. iudson, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed, Jr. and Mrs. Clement Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Eastman, Mr. E. W. Dixon, Mr. Charles Hull, Mr. Stock ton Heth and many more. They were among the most enthusiastic members of the gathering and sang as lustily and with as much feeling as if they were in the choir at a Billy Sunday revival meeting. After the meeting there was little gayety, for the ma jority of the patriots went seriousjy to their homes, the fact that the sons of our most prominent families are volunteering for service brings home the war situation to ail. Last evening at the Fontenelle flags and Easter lilies, at present symbols of two such different senti ments, were used as decorations. The Easter hats of the fair diners were chiefly the handsome shiny black enes which "our best shops" show at exclusive prices. The chill of tlie evening, however, had made it neces sary to combine with these new hats heavy winter coats. All society was present to enjoy the occasion and to observe the cessation of Lent. Miss Marion Kuhn with her fiance, Mr. Clarence Griffin, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kuhn, were the center of much interest. Greet ings were extended to Miss Kuhn by all her friends and Mr. Griffin was introduced to those at surrounding tables. Only informal things are planned for Mr. Griffin during, his short stay. With the Visitors. Mr. Horace Williamson of New York City, Mr. W. Gussenhoven of Chicago. Mr. John Rowe of San Fran cisco and Mr. and Mrs. William Gun lock and baby of New York City were the euests over Easter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy. Mrs. Gun lock will remain "until the end of the week, but will not be entertained dur ing her stay because of the illness of her baby. ' Miss Helen Wright of Chicago, who came over from Chicago for a week end visit with her aunt, Mrs. C. W. Russell, returned last evening. The tea which was to have been given this afternoon by Mrs. Brandon Howell in honor of Miss Jean Bur roughs of Lincoln has been post poned owing to Miss Burrougb's in ability to come at this time. Mrs. Howell will give an informal ken sington tomorrow afternoon in honor of Miss Ruth White of Berkeley, Cat., but formerly of this city, who arrived from El Paso, Tex., Thursday, for a three weeks' visit with relatives and friends. At present Miss White is with her cousin, Mrs. J. S. Alexander, but she plans to visit Miss Lois How ell and Miss Mary Megeath before she leaves. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Curtis of Utica, ' 5. D.. are visiting Mrs. Curtis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Shaf- . fer. family parties are being given in their honor. Betrothal Announcement. x ' An Easter engagement announce ment which completely surprised their friends was that of Miss Agnes prison and Mr. A. A. Oesleigle of Tilden. Neb., which was made known at a dinner party given last evening by Mrs. E. A. MickeL CAPTAINS TO RECRUIT FOR WAR SERVICE. . TtM.Louis Clarke II v"- v 1 i ' V II II "" I J AT A? ' 1 m i I . forego Trrflli ' " ' r I m- ir T I . I. . re Vfora n tvx T .t at,. U1-m )a lfiaat Whitney. Lovers were laia Jot twelve I w, guests. skirt and draped in chantilly lace. It was cut short with a low V-shaped neck bodice of chantilly lace, trimmed irlriru-rnt ace. ihe sleeves were long and made of the flesh-colored silk net. The court train, which extended from the shoulders, was hree yards long and was emDrom- ered in white chenille. Ihe veil, which was also full length, was nouno in narrow white stain ribbon and held in place by a two-inch frill at the back of a close-fitting chantilly lace cap. She carried a shower bou quet of pink riillarney roses ana lilies of the valley and wore a strand of graduating pearl beads, the gift of the groom. . . . . ., Miss Kathenne Gould, sister of the bride and her only attendant, wore a pink stain gown made tun ana snort, s iHi hand of silver lace, pointed at the top and finished on the bottom with blue silk dows arouno. inc bodice was of silver lace with angel sleeves of pink ailk net. She wore a becoming pink maline picture hat, ith silver trimmings ana diub " roses to matcn me gown "u fashioned bouquet of pink sweet peas arranged in a silver frill, in the center of which was an Easter lily. Mrs. Gould s gown was a Diue sun marquisette over nesn-coioreo. saun and was trimmed in neavy iuc lare. , . . The younger set and intimate r,:.nH. w,r, asked to the reception at the home, which was decorated in pink roses and taster lines, dining room table had for its center piece a bowl of the same flowers. Assisting in the dining room were the Misses Helen Streight, Ruth An derson and Gladys Robertson, while those assisting in the parlors were Mesdames Chester Nieman, raui Wadsworth, Council Bluffs; C. V. Gould, Will Ross and the Misses Loa Howard and Mildred Marr of Kan sas City. , 7 , . The couple leu on me ut. train for Chicago, un ineir c they will be at home at Fortieth and Hamilton streets. The bride's going away sun ws a dark blue, with a collar ot old rose embroidered in gray ana om rose. Her hat was of old rose and gray and her blouse an old rose embroidered in beads. The out-of-town guests were: Messrs. Roy and fcdwin uouia, brothers of the bride, from Persia, la : Mr. T. H. Platter, the grand father of the bride, of Persia, Ja., and Miss Minnie1 Platter of Red Oak, Mrs: Chester Nieman and Mrs. Harold Sobotker will give a tea in honor of Mrs. Howard April 18 at .lie home of the former after the honey moon trip. ' Dress Reform Is ' Up for Discussion By Glub Women in S. Baker was elect ed leader of the political and social department ot tne umana r ith Monclav atternoon T RaiW. Mrs. D. M. Mc- H Mn C. W. Haves, in the ,in order: were elected assist ants; Mrs. T. t. Brady and Mrs. i. n.. Ward, secretary and treasurer, re spectively. Two weeks from- yester day the department will have lunch eon at tne riotei ,asue. Dress reform was discussed. Mrs. P. Harford spoke from her long Truman-McNamara Nuptials. Pink sweet peas, Ophelia roses and pink snapdragons in profusion filleTl the home with spring this afternoon for the marriage of Miss May Mc Namara, daughter of Mrs. N. Mc Namara, to Mr. Ernest Wellington Truman of Lincoln. The ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock by Rev. D. T. Harrington. Only relatives and a few friends witnessed the cere mony. ' The bride wore a handsome gown . of white georgette crepe over silver cloth, with an overdress of filet lace. Her bridal bouquet wr.s of orchids and lilies of the valley. Out-of-town guests at the cere mony were Mrs, G. S. Truman, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Pickett and Mr. and , Mra. Ernest W. Truman, jr., of Lin coln; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shields of Chicago and Miss Mary Beck of Cal ifornia. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Truman will leave for an extended bridal journey in the south, after which they will' be at home in, Lin- Walsh-Dougherty Nuptials. The marriage of Miss Josephine Dougherty, daughter of Mr. Charles Dougherty, to Mr. Patrick Wals took place this morning at 8 o'clock at it. Cecilia's church. Rev. D. T. ' Harrington officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Leo Hoffman, and Mr. Paul Walsh was his brothers best man. A wedding breakfast at the Fonte , nelle for twenty-four guests followed the service. White sweet peas were used in the table decorations. Out-of-town guests for the wedding were Colonel and Mrs. John Walsh, Miss Vinette Walsh and Mr. Emmet Walsh of Grand Island, family of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hronek of Schuyier, Mrs, M. M, ' Hoffman of Dubuque and Miss Min nie Murphy of Lincoln. Mr. and ' Mrs. Walsh left this afternoon for southern wedding trip, with Cuba as 'then1 destination. Pre-Nuptial Affairs. This evening "Miss Marian Saun : ders and Miss Jeannette Greenshields will entertain the members of the ' Wilcox-Spindler wedding party at box party at the Orpheam, followed by supner at the fontenelle Miss Gertrude Wheeler and Miss Elizabeth Konigmacher entertained a party of girls at luncheon at the Blackstone in honor ot Miss apindler. Miss Marian Latagau .entertained this noon at luncheon in honor of Miss Bernice Whitney, a bride of the week. Pink and white sweet peas ' formed the centerpiece for the table and there were favors for each guest of corsage bouquets of sweet peas, the bride-tb-be having a miniature bridal bouquet of white sweet peas : and lilies of the valley The afternoon was spent hemming tea towels for Miss Whitney and a miscellaneous abewtr presented by little Maiie Social Gossin. Mr. James R. Scobie, who spent the last three month at Ormond, fa., is stopping at the Wolcott hotel in New York City with his son, Mr. Ralston Scobie, who is a student of Prince ton, i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rawitzer, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Scott, Mrs. Augifsta Dunn. B. C. Chenowith. B. L. Brown and C. J. Bowman are Omahans reg istered at the Hotel curie in cos An- oreles. Mrs. W. S. Withrow of Goldfield, Colo., is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. li. urikup. experience on the evils of insufficient dress. "The native African does not need clothes, but we who do need them seem to be wearing aDOUt as few as we can." she said. "The Japa nese and Chinese think we are im modest, because, with our tight cloth ing, we show our forms. They say that the purpose of clothing is to veil the form. We are approaching the days of Rome, when women received callers in the bath. It is hardening woman s nature to wear domes tnat show the form. The woman of the street cannot be told from the girls of our homes by dress. Only their brazen faces reveal their natures. If all women will stand together Miss Anne Russell, who has been for modesty in dress, girls will follpw. Fine, modest gins can Keep ooys clean," asserted Dr. Abbie Jane Holmes. "There is no greater source of ill health today than dress. Short skirts in moderation are sanitary. low-necked dresses in moderation are good for the circulation, but snort sleeves cause congestion, while wet feet from lack of rubbers, cause seri ous ailments and high-heels cause nerve-tire and sciatic rheumatism. If you demand medium-heeled shoes, dealers who try to sen you nign heeled ones will give you what you want", Germany Gets Much of Its Foodstuffs from Honana (Corrtipondenc. of Th. AMoclated Prtw.) The Hague, Netherlands.'March 25. Official trade statistics show that Holland's export trade to Germany, made up mostly of vegetables, horses and cattle, has now reacneo a totai of $21,000,000 a month, very ill with tonsilitis and an abscess in the ear tor the last ten days, is improving. Mrs. frank s. rarmaiee. who has been spending three months in Cali fornia, returned Saturday evening to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rushton have moved into their new home at 5101 Nicholas street, which they pur chased trom Mr. . and Mrs, K. t. Davis. ' Mrs. Watte H. Squier, . who has been suffering from a nervous break down, is somewhat improved during her stay at Colfax Springs. She-is expected to return next week, On the Calendar. Mrs. Robert McLean will entertain at a kensington tomorrow afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Reed have post poned their dinner, which was to nave been given this evening, since the guest of honor, Mrs. John Kuy kendall, will not arrive from Denver until the end f the week. Mrs. M. J. Morrow will have a small party at luncheon at the Black- stone luesday, and the last ot the week Mrs. J. P. Leary will have eight guests tor luncheon and cards. Working Wonders with a J ersey i Twenty -five Cents a Day spent for the right kind of food will keep a man In good health, fit for any task. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits, served with hot milk, make a complete, perfect meal at a cost of four or five cer' -ameal that supplies in ( .stible form every ele- ment needed to build newj tissue and furnish heat and: energy for the human body. At twenty-five cents a day for three meals there is a marcrin often cents for fruit! or green vegetables. Suchj a diet means a clean stom r, hPfllthv liver, active nwa . . i bowels. For breakfast with; milk or cream. Maae at Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Wreckers Are Coming The Parisian Cloak Company, 318- 320 South 16th Street, Omaha's Fore most Women's Cloak Store, is pass ing out of existence. The building is to be torn down soon and they must close out soon their new Spring Stock of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and f ettrcoats. nav. ' HAT wonderful things can be done with Jer sey I In witness whereof behold this little frock of soft gray with facings and trim mings of king's blue. The underskirt is of blue, as are the cuffs, buttons, underside of the collar, back of the sash and the slot through which the surplice crosses before it becomes a tasselled sash. The full ness falls in irregular plaitings which presage the return of accordion pleating. Preparedness Against Flies One .warfare is never ended, and that is the one against the housefly. The summer campaign Is about to be gin, and it should be waged with re-J matically keeping the solution always lentless vigor. Only by keeping at it all the time can the fly scourge be held in check. Flies are dangerous; the; are the link that connects the unhealthy with the healthy. If you would avoid disease, or the spread of disease, kill the fly. The United States government makes the following suggestion for the destruction of house flies. For maldehyde and sodium salicylate are the two best ttv poisons. Bom are superior- to arsenic. They have their Kfte paper is alway9 kept moist are not a poison to children; they are convenient to handle, their dilutions are simple and they attract the flies. A formaldehyde solution of ap proximately the correct strength may be made by adding three teaspooniuls of the concentrated formalehyde solu: tion, commercially known as forma lin, to a pint of water. Similarly, the firoper concentration of sodium salicy ate may be obtained by dissolving Minimum Wage Laws For Women Are Valid Washington, April 9. Oregon's law fixing miraimum wages for wom en, the first compi ' ory minimum wage statute ever before the supreme court, was today opheld as constitu tional by an equally divided court. Similar compulsory laws of Washing ton, Colorado, Wisconsin, California, Utah, Mi. osota and Ohio were like wise sustained. ' , three teasponfuls of the pure chemical (a powder) to a pint of water. A container, such as shown above. has been found convenient tor auto available for flies to drink. An ordi nary, thin-walled drinking glass is filled or partially filled with the solu tion. A saucer, or small plate, in which is placed a piece of white blot ting paper cut the size of the dish, is put bottom up over the glass. The whole is then quickly inverted, a match is placed under the edge of the glass, nd the container is ready for use. As the solution dries out of the saucer the liquid seal at the edge of the glass is broken and more liquid flews into the lower receptacle. Thus Anv odor pleasing to man is of fensive to the fly and vice versa, and will drive them away. Take 5 cents worth of oil of laven der, mix. it with the same quantity of water, put it in a common glass atom izer and spray, it around the rooms where flies are. In the dining room spray it lavishly even on the table linen. The odor is very disagreeable to flies, but refreshing to most people. Geranium, mignonette, heliotrope t ..!.: t a : a:- l dim wiiilc iiuvci mc uucusivc it, iiics- They especially dislike the odor of honeysuckle and hop blossoms. According to a French scientist, flies have intense hatred for the color blue. Rooms decorated jn blue will help to keep out the flies. Mix together one tablespoonful of cream, one of ground black pepper and one of brown sugar. This mix ture is poisonous to flies. Put in a saucer, darken the room except one window, and in that set the saucer. To clear the house of flies, burn pyrethrum powder. This stupefies the flies, but they must be swept up and burned. . ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk Substitutes Cost YOU Sanw Pricfc Father Cfcotolaf.. Ear tUkw. FimU. I has made me&l Sfttirjg at ow hon tfo easy we can't keep mother out of the kitchen. Mother a wava bar deuerts, wu dingf (amotwfor ana pud Vow wtth MaBoshe can make them all so easily so Qdifckly and the? taste so dellciotMly different the family aeetn to think they are wand new. Hardly a meal goes by Ait some member of the family says "Mallointhm Dveeerf, mothtrtm In thousand of home MaUo a light, creamy, moist flufH-Ii helping mother to prepare dainty, appetising goodies withoot bending over a hot atove (or hour or spending half her time In the kitchen. Just a few min utes reguired to mix op a flavory de aart wjtb which the whole family is dHighted. Malta Th warm muathw kit. Htve a can sent out home. The best grocers io town have Mallo and at s com : stire Uie beautiful recipe book mn with the blue and gold can. Ma Ho M mo in (to WMt-StWbe porl..i vm wiMf ejoiine factory slier il nu oritlnaUtl by WHe-Seoke Co, Inc. 3(16 Jeeper Pern Caic.eo Be;e Want Ads bring results, lc per word why pay more? Howard-Gould Wedding. The marriage ofliss Ruth Gould. I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Rees Gould, to Mr. Warren Howard, I son ot Mr, and Mrs. t. A. Howard, was solemnized last evening at 8 o clock at the church of the Good Shepherd, the Rev. Thomas J. Collar I officiating. v I rreceaing tne ceremonv. miss i Grace Slabaugh played on the organ and just before the .entrance of the wedding party Miss Alice Duval sang. The chancel was bankedwith palms, ferns and smilax, while Easter lilies I and pink Killarney roses filled the I altar vases. White stain ribbons, which were I stretched by the ushers, Mr. Herbert I Ryan, Mr, Clyde Barton of Pawnee! City, Mr. Chester Nieman and Dr. George Hansen of Hastings. Neb.. were held in place at each pew by I unr BuK nmencan nags. The, bride wore a flesh-colored. heavy stain gown, made with a full I The Wreckers Are Coming I The Parisian Cloak Company, 318 320 South 16th St., in the Schlitz Block, is going out of business. The building is to be torn down soon and' new merchandise is coming in daily wnicn must De aisposed ol. Hurryt come tomorrow and everv dav here after and secure your Spring Apparel at great reductions, for the WRECK- HKb ARE COMING. Adv. 9eSakaSUiaH For Expectant Mothers THE CRISIS Is safer fer the expectant mother when Mother's Friend is used. There is in Mother's Friend . that direct help which all expectant mothers need. The teniion on ht ligaments Is lessened. The breasts are kept in good condition. Th muscles relax easier after baby arrives and the form is preferred. MOTHER'S FRIEND " At Your Druggist , VrUt fer bittmUol feoaM ea "MulUrlKioi nd dM Bo" lib nee. Tai IrtdleU lafilatar Cai2 Itaar Mai, atlaata, . Used 70 Years 0 v - A large sized sample of Thedfbrd'a Black-Draught liver toed, lelne will be sent on receipt of a 2 cent stamp. This old, reliable med icine made from roots and herbs has boea used for over 70 years for constipation, indigestion, biliousness, headache, etc, etc, Thous- , ' ands of letters tell of the good it has done to those who have nsed it A med icine that has had Increasing use tor so many fears and is so highly en dorsed is surely1 deserving of a trial by every one having liver or stomach troubles. Your druggists sells Black-Draught- 25 oen'.s a package. On cent a dose, or for a sample address TheSiord's Black-Draught, 1901 Fine St., St. -Louis, Mo. ; ' v DS&crast thatMelts myour Mouth vjuranteed MORRIS & CO.'S Whiteleaf Brand is the lard for family ust 100 7o pure a prime food product you always can rely on. It is snowy, firm has that qual ity look. And Whiteleaf Brand Lard lives ud to its aDDearance a a- 1 a , . truly wholesome, economical, pro duct for frying and shortening. ' Whiteleaf BrandLardpassesthe Mor ris SupremeTest forpurityandquality. It is uniform dependable always. Phone your grocer now for a pail and know this "better luck" with biscuits and pastry. - Chict&o E. St Louis SLjoseph Kansas City Oklahoma City Omaha