THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1917. Brie) City News Mazdn Ijimim BurgeM-ortndon Co llate Boot Print It New Bucon Prtw. Platinum WciliUng RtnM Edholm. Jeweler. Mlnlstor Would EnlW Rv. Albert limit ot R'dfleld, S. D , has applied to enllut In the navy as a chaplain PnWIc Schools Ri-opcn -The public schools were reopened this mornlnff tifter the "spring vacation" of one wovk. Operation for Miss Kucel Mildred Kut'el, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kugel, has returned to her home, having been successfully operated on for appendicitis. Auction Sale of Parkaee Mall Auc tion sale of undelivered packages of mail will benln next Monday morning on the north steps of the postomce. About 600 packages are to be sold. Start Downtown Wiring The Omaha Electric Light and Power com pany has started wiring for the new ornamental downtown lighting system, which will be completed about June 1. Jessie Jassen Wanted Jessie Jaa sen of Maouoketa. Ia.. is wanted at his home because his father is 111 and not expected to recover. This word was received by the postmaster here from Carl Jassen ot Maquoneia. Remarruijre of Germans Phlllna Clerman of Missouri Valley, la., and John P. German were remarried by Hev. Charles W. Bavidge Saturday nvenlne at 8 at the res dence of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Talbot, 2210 Webster street. Two Are Sought Omaha police have been asked to locate Mrs. Min nie Astrom, who left her home at De lavan, Wis., In February, 1916, and was last heard of in Omaha, and Jo seph Gimme, 43, who came to Omaha in 1900 from Malvern, O. Fined on Disorderly Charge John Miller, charged with keeping a dis orderly house at 1724 Vinton street, where the morals squad conducted a raid at 6:50 Sunday morning, was lined J15 and coats in police court and Jennie Smith, an inmate, $5 and costs. Indians to Enlist Some full blooded Indian lads from the Sioux Indian school at Pierre, S. D., are coming to Omaha to Join the navy, ac cording to word received from Quar termaster John B. Zimmerman, in charge of the recruiting canvass there. To Regulate Brick Yards An ordi nance for the regulation of brick yards within the city limits has been approved by the city council commit tee of the whole and will be offered for passage on Tuesday morning. The or dinance requires smoke regulation and general cleanliness. Railroad Men ot Checks Soon Work on the pay rolls of Union Pa cific men whoso employment coms under the provisions of the Adamson law is pretty well along and within a short time the checks for overtime will be given out. It Is probable that the switchmen in Omaha and Council Bluffs will be among the first to be paid. Prefers Marines to Guard Harry Sternberg of Humphrey, a member of the supply company of the Fourth Nebraska National Guard, has re signed from that organisation in or der to enlist in the marine corps. As he did not take the federal oath when the guard was In federal serv ice, It is expected that he will be al lowed to resign and enter the ma rines. Tall Man Would Be a Policeman Chief of Police Dunn favors tall po licemen. He was interested when C. F. Dykes called at his office in quest of a Job as a policeman. Mr. Dykes is six feet and eight Inches in height and is 28 years of age. He served as guardian of the law in Lincoln, but believes Omaha offers a better field. "He would make a fine traffic cop," remarked the chief. Arrested for Arson Jeff Davis, col ored, 2634 Maple street, was arrested Monday afternoon by police on the county attorney's complaint, charging Davis with arson. He is alleged to have set fire to some household goods belonging to himself. The case was brought by Deputy Fire Warden Ed ward T. Morris, who Is investigating alleged arson and blackmailing among negroes, who are said to have set fires in the north part of the city some time ago. Dick Rutherford to Leave Nebraska if State Board Agrees Lincoln, April 9. Reports from time to time, that "Dick" Rutherford, assistant coach of Nebraska univer sity, would leave with the end of the school year were confirmed to the ex tent that he has been proffered the position of coach of Washington uni versity, St. Louis, and has accepted, contingent on an honorable release by the Nebraska Athletic board. The board is scheduled to hold a meeting some day this week, when the Ruth erford proposition will be put be fore it. Although the call to war has taken four promising athletes from Ne braska, there has been no cancella tion of athletic dates by the local in stitution. Dr. E. J. Stewart, head coach, said it was too early to pre dict the effect of the war on athletics in the different universities of the country. Dr. Stewart is quoted as saying if the war sentiment becomes such as to take many men from the Nebraska school his personal inclina tion is to go with them. "Playing Craps" as Raiders Pass Proves Disastrous Officers Anderson and Sutton of the morals squad were riding by Twenty fourth and California street on a street car Sunday afternoon, when they saw a group of young men "shooting craps." The officers hopped off the street car right in the midst of the game and grabbed four young men. They gave their names as John Cogan, 3308 Webster street; William Smith, 2414 California street; William Host'Ard, 323 North Twenty-third street, and Henry Miller, 2017 Web ster street. HavsYouBeonSick? Then you must know that sickness leaves weakness and you should commence taking SCOTS EMULSION to put an edge on your appetite, put power in your blood, induce restful sleep and restore your nerve force, Scott'je is a true tonic-food which is free from alcohol Brott a Bmnra, BtahH, H. J. U-S CHURCH CHOIRS IN EASTERPROGRAMS Trinity, St. Mary's Avenue and First Methodist Organiza tions in Special Services. ALL SAINTS ALSO IN Three impressive choral service were held Sunday at Trinity cathe dral, one at 6 a. m., 11 o'clock and at 7:30 in the evening. American flags added a patriotic touch to the Easter decorations, and each member of the choir wore small flag on his sur plice. At the 11 o'clock service the patri otic note was carried through the en tire service. Mr. Ben Stanley, organ ist and choirmaster, prefaced the playing of the Easter organ pre lude with the inspiring strains of "America," which brought the entire body of worshippers to their feet, and Dean Tancock preached his ser mon on "Loyalty," pointing out that the country owed loyalty to the presi dent in civic affairs and to Jesus Christ in religious affairs. The large choir furnished appropri ate special music, with incidental solos by Mrs. Stanley, and other members of the choir, and exalted the service with the beauty and spiritual significance of song. A majestic festi val "Te Deum" in B flat, by Dudley Buck, and an inspiring anthem, "Awake, Glad Soul, Awake," by Schnecker, were parts of the almost entirely choral service which especi ally carried the Easter spirit. The organ music was of the same high and lofty plane of music as the choral portions -nd the congrega tional hymns were alf of Easter im port. At St. Mary's Avenue. A large congregation turned out to hear the special Easter vesper set- ice at St. Mary's Avenue Congrega tional church at 4 o'clock. The serv ice was almost .entirely musical, there being but the Scripture reading, "The Entombment" evening, and the "Res urrection," morning, given by the pastor, Rev. G. A. Hulbert, the latter being a brief spoken portion of the consecutive Easter story that was carried out in the music. The serv ice, from the preliminary hymn upon the chimes, worked gradually through the entombment of Jesus to the res urrection and to the grandeur and majesty of the Hallelujah Chorus, with which it closed. The hymns upon the chimes, organ prelude and a brief prologue for women's voices, "Alleluia," by Lisit, preceded the processional hymn and the entry of the choir, which is under the direc tion of Thomas J. Kelly. The scries of events depicted through the serv ice progressed from the Scripture reading by means of organ solos, hymns, vocal solos and choral num bers, all carefully chosen for their suitability for the arrangement and the occasion. Solos from Mendels sohn's "Hymn of Praise" were sung by Mr. Walter Dale and Mrs. Kelly, incidental solos in the anthems by Mrs. Kelly and Miss lone Beats, ar.d among the choral numbers was a chorus for women's voices "Alleluia," from the oratorio "Christus," by Liszt. Mr. Martin Bush is the or ganist At the morning service thirty-five new members were added to the church. At the First Methodist church the morning service was marked by the singing ot a new anthem tor soprano "Oh, Thou Ever Living Savior." bv Miss Myrtle Wyatt; the words were written by Rev. Titus Lowe and the music by lames hdward Carnal, musical director of the church. In the evening the oratorio, "Elijah," was sung by the choir, under direction of Mr. Carnal. At All Saints Episcopal i special Easter program was sung by the choir, under direction of Mr. J. H. aimms. Belgium Ruled by a Terror Worse Than Any Told in History Washington, April 9. A story of tne horrors ot uerman military rule in iseigium ana ot tne tortures in flicted upon Belgians to force their labor tor their enemies was revealed here tonight in hitherto unpublished letters to the government from an American official who spent many months in the midst of the reign of terror. Of the German's explanation that they deported only the unemployed among the conquered people, this of ficial says: , "They needed skilled and active artisans and these men were naturally still unemployed. The authorities did not, however, evidently dare to an nounce their real wishes." "Belgium at this moment," says s letter written in December, "is going through a reign of terror, it is hard to believe that the dark moments of the French revolution were very much worse. "The fashion ,in which any given recruitment is carried out depends very largely on the character of the officer in command. A guard of Uhlans is generally necessary, some times backed with machine guns. At times it is thought necessary to charge the watching crowds. "Various methods are employed to force the men who refuse to sign and work. Starvation is the most promi nent. Men are placed in an ex cessively heated room and when in a great sweat thrust out of doors. "In Ghent it is learned con fidentially that 235 men have died from the treatment or work they re ceived. In more than one case the wife was summoned to the com mandatur and handed a bundle of clothes with the laconic remark 'Your husband is dead.'" Would Raise Five Billion Dollars in "Old Glory" Week Chicago, April 9. The National Advisory board, at a meeting tonight, sent a telegram to Secretary of the T.easury McAdoo suggesting a plan for the raising of $5,000,000,000 for the government in one week, to be known as "Old Glory week." The telegrams asserted that the loan could be sub s.ribed th.ough the advertisers plan at a saving of $25,000,000 a year for the term of the loan by making the interest rate 3 per cent. German Minister Given His Passports by the Cubans Havana, April 9. Assistant Secre tary of State L. G. Patterson, today handed passports to Dr. Frederick von Verdy Du Vernois, the German minister. The minister and his party are expected to sail for Spain April IS. The affairs of the German lega tion will be looked after by the Span ish minister. BDRGLAR "WORKS" WEST FARNAM ZOl Busy Thief Gets Gems Worth Thousand Dollars in Five Visits. LETS VICTIMS SLEEP ON Four houses and one drug store in the fashionable West Farnam resi dence district was visited by a robber early Sunday morning, who secured jewelry estimated to be worth over $1,000 and $34 in cash. Judge H. H. Claiborne. 311 South Ihirty-hrst street, reported the great est loss to the police. The burglar entered by breaking a rear window and ransacked every corner of the house. He stole a string of pearls, earrings and rings belonging to Mrs. Claiborne, besides a large amount of jewelry belonging to Mr. Claiborne. Before leaving, the robber frisked the judges' trousers for $15. Visits "Dad" Huntington. "Dad" M. R. Huntington, 550 South Thirty-fourth street, was the next place visited by the burglar. As in the home of Judge Claiborne, the rob ber entered by breaking a rear win dow. Mr. Huntington reported the loss of his watch, several bowline trophies, stickpins and other jewelry. The robber even picked the cuff links from his shirt. At the home of Mrs. F. V. Shackell. 563 South Thirty-fourth street, the robber was not so lucky. He se cured $4. An unset diamond, SIC) in money and a blue steel revolver was the loot taken from the home of J. A. Meyers, 4174 Cass street. Entrance was gained in the last two places in the same manner by breaking rear windows. The M. N. Snyder Drug store, 3227 California street, was entered by a burglar who pried open the front door. Five dollars in the cash register was taken. Police are of the belief that all the burglaries were committed by the same robber. The man worked so smoothly that none of the occupants of the houses he visited were awak ened. . , Thief Takes Gold Watch From Body Lying in Room While Theodore Neilson was lying dead in his room in the Eagles hotel on South Thirteenth street Tuesday morning, the result of asphyxiation, some thief entered and robbed the body of a gold watch and chain, ac cording to Neils Neilson of West Union, la., a brother. He has asked the police to recover the watch. In the room wtth fsleiison s Dody was found Mrs. Maud Taylor, over come with the gas. The theory ad vanced at the time was a suicide pact between the two. Mrs. laylor was removed to St. Joseph's hospital at the time. She is out of danger. The Wreckers Are Coming The Parisian Cloak Company, 318- 320 South Kith Street, is receiving every day New Spring Suits, New Spring Coats, Ne,w Spring Dresses, New Spring Skirts and New Spring Petticoats, and they must be sold be fore the building is to be torn down; savings of 1-3, 'A and Vi on some gar ments is assured to you. Adv. Seed That Fell on Good Ground The first Pierce-Arrow Motor Trucks, sold six years ago, were like seed that fell on good ground. They have borne a hundred fold to their owners and to us. , Owners who began with one or two Pierce-Arrows have steadily increased their purchases year after year. But they did not buy in quantities until their first Pierce-Arrow had been thoroughly tried out under the most exacting conditions of actual service. Then on the solid basis of operating results they standardized their fleets with PIERCEARROW Motor Trucks Or example: The Texas Company bought its first Pierce-Arrow truck in 1912, and began a series of operating tests that led to the purchase of four more Pierce-Arrows in 1915. These in turn were tested under varied service conditions with results so satisfactory that the Texas Company has now purchased a total of 110 Pierce-Arrow trucks. a, -w- - 1 J. T. STEWART MOTOR CO., Distributors 2048-50-52 Farnam St OMAHA Phone Douglas 138 Burgess-Nash Company. Moaday, April 9, 1917. 'EVERYBODY STORE" STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY. Phon Doug. 137. Here' i the Biggnt Millinery Value 0 the Season The New Bandied Sport Hats of Japanese Braids in Polished Circe Effects In the Down Stairs Store at $ I . . This is undoubtedly the most unusual quality and price offer we have made this season. Every one of these hats, in today's most popular style, is a tremendous value. The illustrations show a few of the many styles. Straight Sailors Black Mushroom Gold Sombrero Effect Purple Ckin-Chins Sand HighQrwned Hats Pearl In solid Colore f and various combinations there's a score or more of smart, new shapes and styles from which to make your selection. Each stylo individual in shape or color combination. Really we cannot say enough good about them, they are such remarkable values. Burl.Nh Co. Down Stolrl Sloro Come Tuesday and Let Us Show You What Smart Spring Suits You Can Buy in . The Down Stairs Store at $12?.?. WE know you will be more than agreeably surprised at the style and values offered at this price. We were when we saw them and were told the price at which they were to be sold. Made in a variety of new sport and tailored models of fine serges and poplins, in black and navy, splendidly tailored and finished throughout; we consider them extreme values, at $12.95. Silk Poplin Dresses, at $5.95 They're strictly new and stylish, made of dependable qual ity silk poplin and also of serges, in the most favored styles and colorings; complete size selection ' for women and misses, at $5.95. Clever New Coats, at $9.95 Just the kind you'll need and want or a nice spring dny made of fine quality serges, poplini, velours, checks and stripea and mixtures. Belted and flared models, the range of color selection is very wide; special value, at $9.95. BurM'Nth Co. Down Stairs Star W m (0) fotCbnstipamon w "I Can't Taste It At All, Mother" Nujol neither looks, tastes, nor acts like the "medicine" the child has been accustomed to. In fact, Nujol isn't medicine at all in the ordinary sense. Nujol, unlike drugs or physics, is not absorbed by the system, and hence cannot form a habit. It acts as a mechanical lubricant, keeping the intestinal contents soft, soothing the inflamed mucous membranes and so promoting normal movements. For children, particularly, no other remedy is at once so harmless and so effective. As Nujol is not a physic but a lubricant, it does not gripe or upset the system. Being tasteless, it is not unpleasant to take. The Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) has used its world-wide re sources in producing Nujol and its reputation is behind the product. Nujol is the only remedy for constipation we manufacture. The genuine sold only in pint bottles bearing Nujol trodt-niark. All bottles filled at our Nujol plant, ab solutely modern and sanitary. Write today for an instructive book let on Nujol and its uses. As STANDARD OIL COMPANY Bayonna (NowJotwr) NiwJertay