THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 10. 1917. GRAY HAIR RESTORED OR MONEY BACK Natural Color Brought Back by Q-Ban A Sim ple Healthful, Guaranteed Preparation. The right way to restore hair to natural color and make your hair really beautiful, soft, luxuriant and healthy, hi by the use of Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer and not danger ous, dirty; sticky dyes. Q-Ban is a liquid, all ready to use, and is guaranteed to be harm less, with your money back if not satisfied in any way. It Is the only guaranteed prep aration for the purpose. You never need have a gray hair in your head again. Simply apply Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer like s shampoo and no matter how gray your hair may be or how faded and lifeless, back will come an even, soft, natural, dark shade, surely, safely and permanently. Besides Q-Ban will give your hair true health, so that it will be glossy and abund ant and handsome. This helps you to look young and attractive. Remember, Q-Ban is not a dye, not a patent medicine. It is a simple, natural, healthful preparation, fully guaranteed. Get a large bottle for 60c at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. or at any Rood drug store, or write Heasig-Ellis Drug Co.. Memphis, Tenn., mentioning the drug gist's name. Illustrated, interesting book, "Hair Culture," sent free. Try Q-Ban Hair Tonic, Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo, Q-Ban Toilet Soap also Q-Ban Depilatory (odorless) for removing superfluous hatr. Advertisement. Keep Uric Acid Out of Jojnts Tells Rheumatiim Sufferers to Eat Less Meat and Take Salts. Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well-known author ity. Wc are advised to dress warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism is a direct .result of eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid, which is absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circu lating through the system eventually settling in the joints and muscles, causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. x. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a teaspoon l'ul in a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to nor mal action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have' a pleasant, efiervescent lithia-wate drink which helps overcome uric acid and is beneficial to your kidneys as well. Advertisement. Be Cwefel in Using Soap on Your Hir Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is just pfa-in ntulsihed cocoanut oil, for it is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats the most expensive Fpaps or anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair wtih water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is afl that is required. It makes an abundance of ri(?h, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to han dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dan druff. Advertisement. Guaranteed to Remove Superfluous Hair Roots (Wond.rfiil w Method) Glorious news for women troubled with disfiguring hairy growths! By means of an entirely new and very simple method ynu can now remove net only linlr, but the roots ss well! Just get a stick of phelactlne from your druggist, fol idw the easy instructions see the hatr loots come out before'your very eyes! Ye, yeu can hardly bellevo your eyes, the work is dono so quickly, completely, harmlessly. Phelactino Is non-odorous, non-polsonln couldn't hurt a child to eat it. So effec tive that satisfaction is guaranteed. money !rick if you want it. Advertisement. mi fuss vm MUSTARDPLASTERS! lustcrole Works JEasier, Quicker and Without the Blister There's no sense in mixing a mess of ustard, flour and water when you can . :?ily 'relieve pain, soreness or stiffness ,:th a little clean, white Musterole. Musterole is made of pure oil of mus tard and other helpful, ingredients, com lnned in the form of a pleasant white ...ritment It takes the place of out-of-J ; t e mustard plasters, and will not blister. .Musterole usually gives prompt relief 'i m sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, t r. ttp, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or i. !nts, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). FOR A DRY. TICKLING THROA1 XHE NEW lOe BOX PROVES THEIR WORTH Re-olar Sises 2e, Me, ll. At Druggists. BROWN'S -TR0CHES JOHN L BROWN SON, UNCLE SAM WILL PAY WARBILLASHEGOES Government Flans to Make Present Generation Pay Costs of Struggle. TO RAISE IT BY TAXATION Washington, April 8. President Wilson's policy, outlined in his ad dress to congress, of paying Amer ica's war fcyjl so far as possible while the war is being waged, leaving a minimum debt to posterity, was re flected tonight in a Virtual decision by leaders in the house and senate to raise 50 per cent of the first year's expenditures by taxation. Under this program congress would be called on to raise war revenue of $1,750,000,000 through new and in creased taxation during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918. This is ex clusive of the $5,000,000,000 bond is sue, authorization for which will be sought this week. The total demand upon the financial resources of the country during the first year of war under this program would be $6,750, 000,000. Three Billions to Allies. Of the bond issue $3,000,000,000, it was definitely stated tonight, would be loaned to the entente allies. The entire issue will bear interest of i'A percent. It is proposed to make the loan to the allies at this interest rate, which is lower by far than the rate on their previous issues. The remaining $2,000,000,000 will be applied, as necessary, cm the cost of the military and naval establishments and other war expenses of the United States. "Indications are that with the new war revenue measures in effect the full amount, $2,000,000,000, will not be entirely exhausted at the end of the first year. In requesting authorization for a $5,000,000,000 bond issue administra tion leaders have in mind the neces sity of allowing for a slight margin of safety so that the work of the War and Navy departments would not be handicapped by a lack of funds due to the possible failure of proposed tax measures to raise the entire sum of 50 per cent desired. Details Not All Arranged. Details of the proposed' bond issue have not been fully disposed of at present. The proposal that congress authorize immediately the issue of $3,000,000,000 in bondS'to finance a loan to the allies and afterwards take up the request for $2,000,000,000 for the army and navy is considered in some quarters. In support of this proposal it is pointed out that the need of the allies for funds is more immediately press ing than American needs, the money to be obtained for the latter purpose being expended over a period of four teen months. A proposal simply to issue bonds to finance a loan to the allies, it is said, miglvj be passed more speedily by congress than if it were coupled with a proposal to provide for the American war bill at the same time. In One Lump Sum. Indications are strong, however, that congress will be asked to au thorize the $5,000,000,000 in one lump sum. Legislation to this effect will be: considered by the ways and means committee, within the next day or so, possibly tomorrow, and probably will be reported to congress for action before the end of the week. To Chairman Kitchin, who was called to North- Carolina by his brother's death and therefore was not consulted with reference to the de tails of the proposed legislation, will fall the honor of carrying through in the house the administration's im mediate financial program. Recalling Mr. Kitchin's opposition to the war resolution, members of the commit tee are prepared, however, to relieve him of this duty should he personally oppose the plan. In that event it probably would devolve upon Repre sentative Rainey, ranking majority member of the committee, or Repre sentative Hull of Tennessee to carry through the program. Confer With McAdoo. Chairman Simmons and his col leagues of the senate finance commit tee have been in frequent conference with Secretary McAdoo during vthe past few days with reference to the program. Indications are that the administra tion's financial program will meet with overwhelming support in both houses and that the proposed bond issue will be authorized without loss of time. Considerably more time, it is thought, will be consumed in the passage of the war revenue measure. Sentiment in congress, apparently crystallized in support of the pro gram of advancing an enormous loan to the allies, varies greatly as to the methods to be pursued in raising revenue through taxation. Income Tax Probably Revised. In general terms it seems certain that the bulk of the additional reve nue will be raised through revision of the income and excess profits tax laws. It is also likely that the tax on whisky, beer and tobacco will be raised. As to what outlines the income tax law will assume upon emerging from the committee, one man's guess, an official said today, is as good as an other's. There appears to be a gen eral sentiment for lowering thfe pres ent exemption and raising the rates heavily on large incomes. A grad uated scale may be adopted in revis ing the excess profits tax law. Suggestions that part of the war revenue be raised by the imposition of stamp taxes on checks and other documents and that a consumption tax be placed on sugar, tea and cof fee have been made in both branches of congress, and it appears likely that these will be considered. Officials in charge of the financial program found themselves today the center of a cquntry-wide bombard ment of telegrams and letters of ap proval. Assurances of Support. From every section came assur ances of support. Offers of co-operation were received from individ uals, organizations, firms and banks. Many of the latter offered to place at the disposal of the proper authorities all means within their power for dis tributing and aiding in the sale of the bonds. Expecting the usual variance of opinion generally manifested with the FIRST OMAHA WOMEN TO ENLIST FOR THE WAR-r Mi Carolyn Barkalow and Mr. O. S. Goodrich signing up to join Uncle Sam' force now at war with Germany. announccmentNof any proposed finan cial legislation, officials were stirred by the. unanimity of the approval and the unmistakable note of patriotic support in the great volume of com munications received. They expressed their satisfaction with predictions that when the big bond issue is of fered for sale the response of the na tion will be such as the world has never seen before. TO NAME NATIONAL RECRUITING DAY Omaha Asked to Join Nation wide Move of Enthusiasm fof April 19. SOCIETIES TO BOOST IT Mayor Dahlman will bring to the attention of patriotic, religious, educa tional and civic organizations and of ficials a request from the recruiting committee of the Committee of Na tional Defense, for a nation-wide ob servance of April 19 as .national re cruiting day. A telegram was received by the mayor from Alexander Hemphill of New York, who has charge of this demonstration. The date mentioned will be the anniversary of the battle of Lexington. Mr. Hemphill wired that the dem onstration in iiis city will include a reproduction ot the ride of Faul Re vere, distribution of war alarms by aeroplanes, tolling of church bells, ringing of fire bells and blowing of steam whistles; also reading of, the poem of Revere's ride in theaters, schools and churches and projecting the- poem on screens of movie thea ters. Insofar as it may be possible Mayor Dahlman will urge that similar ob servance be given in Omaha. The school authorities will co-operate. "We want this to be a day of gen eral demonstration," stated Mr. Hemphill in his telegram. "I will be pleased to co-operate in every way that I can and I feel con fident that organizations and individ uals of the city will lend a hand to make the Omaha observance a suc cess," said Mayor Dahlman. Bluejacket Routs Pacifist Speaker , And Forces Apology How one of Uncle Sam's blue jackets, out on recruiting duty, put the quietus on a pacifist speaker and swung a mass meeting of 500 people into line behind Old Glory, is tersely and modestly told in a report to Lieu tenant Waddell of the navy recruiting station here. Boatswain's Mate Frank Harper at Emerson, Neb., to get navy re cruits, wrote to his superior officer in effect as follows: "The postmaster, mayor and citi zens of Emerson bad arranged a mass meeting, and the schools and all busi ness were suspended lor an Hour for it. "The high school principal tried to prevent a patriotic demonstration by opening the meeting with an appeal to the folks to retrain from respond ing to the war call. He even slan dered the men of the army and navy. I then took the floor and talked for fifty minutes, and must admit I surprised myself in my speech. I won over everybody and forced the principal to publicly apologize before the whole crowd. "Got a list of orospective recruits lined' up, and the first of them will soon reach Omaha for examination and enlistment." Minneapolis to Play Host To Thousands of Shriners Omaha Shriners are making plans to attend the big convention of mem bers of the order at Minneapolis from June 24 to 29, inclusive. Advices from the Minnesota metropolis are that Mill City Shriners intend to entertain visitors on an elaborate scale. Starting Sunday, June 24, the six days' program will be filled with en tertainment for the visiting Shriners and their families. St. Paul is to join with MinncaDolis in makine the con vention of Shriners a notable occas ion. One of the features of the con vention is to be the laying of the corner stone for a new half-miltion-dollar home for Zuhrah temple in the presence of the imperial officers ajid nearly all the past and present po tentates of the Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. The Wreckers Are Coming The Parisian Cloak Company, 318 320 South 16th St., in the Schliti Block, is going out of business. The building is to be torn down soon and new merchandise is coming in daily which must be disposed of. Hurry, come tomorrow and every day here after and secure your Spring Apparel at great reductions, for the WRECK ERS ARE COMING.-Adv. , WOMEN ARE QUICK TO ANSWER CALL Carolyn Barkalow and Mrs. 0. S. Goodrich First to Enlist for Woman Service. PLAN BIG MASS MEETING Miss Carolyn Barkalow, daughter of Mrs. S. D. Barkalow, and Mrs. O. S. Goodrich were the first Omaha women to enroll in the National League for Woman Service when local headquarters were opened in the First National Bank building at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Miss Barkalow has just returned from New York, where women's re sponse to the call for service was prompt and generous. Miss Barkalow was urged to join some of the eastern detachments, but waited until she cached home before enrolling. Miss Barkalow, who has had a course in Red Cross nursing, has organized a group of young society girls to pre pare surgical dressings under the new Rfrt Cross chapter which Gould Dictz will head. "We expect the charter to arrive some time today. The local execu tive committee will then be an nounced," said Mr. Dietz, who, with W. G. Ure, was among the men who dropped into the women'., "recruiting" station during the morning. In enrolling, women designate what sort of work they can do, how much time they can give to it, and whether they are prepared to go to any local ity where needed. A Urge meeting is planned for early next week, at which some out-of-town speaker well versed in Red Cross wdrk will outline the league's plan of work. An executive meeting to arrange for a larger one will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Harvey Newbranch will re place Miss Euphemia Johnson as cap tain of the general service section, since Miss Johnson will be out of town. Mrs. E. P. Peck, Miss Johnson and Miss Sinclair of Brownell Hall will serve on Mrs. Newbranch's staff. Mrs. Louis Clarke, captain of the motor driving volunteers, has a staff which includes Mrs. O. S. Goodrich, Mrs. George Redick and Mrs. E. E. Stanfield. Miss Mona Cowell and Miss Irene McKnightare her commandants. The staff of the commissariat, headed by Mrs. R. Beecher Howell, includes Mrs. E. M. Syfert, Mrs. E. H. Scott and Mrs. C. J. Anderson. Welfare Section Formed. Mrs. Lowric Child's social and wel fare section is the most completely organized up to date. Her staff in cludes Mrs. Victor Rosewatcr, Mrs. Luther L. Kountze, Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm. Under these are detachments for which the commandants arc: Red Cross work, Mrs. C. T. Kountze; Wo- For Skin Blotches There is one remedy fiat sel 'om f-.ils to clear away all pimples, blotche. and other skin eruption.. and that makes the skin soft, clear ard heal hy. Any druggist can supply you with Mo, which generally overcomes al skin diseases. - Acne, eczema itch, pim ples, rashes, black heads in most cases mvo wav to zemo. tremien :y. minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, antiseptic liquid, deal, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 25c ; an extra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively sate Torienaer, sensitive sums. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. Ashamed of her bad complexion If you, too, are embarrassed by i pimply, blotchy, unsightly com plexion, try Resinol Soap and Res inol Ointment regularly for a week and see if they do not begin to make I blessed difference in your skin. They also help make red, rough hands and arms toft and white. end Otntmentaretold brill dniffiits. Fnrtrtsl tree, write to Dcpt 20flR..iool, fiellunore. man's Press club, Mrs. Myron Learned; Central High school teach ers, Miss M. A. Landis; Commercial High teachers. Miss Helen Drum- mond; Miss M. L. Proulx, MrsrJ Charles A. Tracy, Miss Aiahell Kim ball and Mrs. Louis U Nash. Mrs. Clarke will ask automobile men to furnish her mechanicians for one hour a week to give instruction in the motor driving classes. Dick Nuxated Iron to Make New Age of Beautiful Women ancLVigorous Iron Men Say Physicians Quickly Puts Roses Into the Cheeks of Women and Most Astonishing Youthful Vitality Into the Veins of Men It Often Increases the Strength and Endurance of Delicate. Nervous "Run-Down" Folks 100 Per Cent in Two Weeks' Time. Opinion of Dr. Schuyler C. NEW YORK, N. Y. Since the remarkable discovery of organic iron, Nuxated Iron or "Ker Nuxste," as the French eall it. hat taken the country by storm. It Is conserv atively estimated that over three million people annually are taking it In thta country lone. Most astonishing results are reported front its use by both physicians and laymen. So much so that doctors predict that we shall soon have a new sure of far more beau tifuL rosy-cheeked women and vigorous iron HI. Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York Physician and Medical Author, when Interviewed on this subject, said: "There can be no vigor ous iron men without Iron. Pallor means anaemia. Anaemia means iron deficiency. The skin of anaemic men and women la pale; the flesh flabby. The musclea lack tone: the brain fags and the memory falls and often they become weak, nervous, irritable, despondent and melancho'y. When the iron goes from the blood of women, tht roses go from their cheeks. In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candles, polished rice, white bread, aoda crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, farina, degcrminated cornmeal, no longer Is iron to be found. Re.'lning processes have removed the Iron of Mother Earth from tk... 4.nwi.ri,.hilt funds nnd nilly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste pipe the water in which "our vege table., are eookeil. are resooiutble for an other grava Iron loss. Therefore, if you wish to preserve your youthful vim and vigor to a ripe old age, you must supply the Iron defieituc in your r..nA kv iiaintr a.mi. form of onranic iron. just as you would use salt when your fuod has not enough salt." Tr. E. Sauor. a Ronton physician who haw studied both in thi country and in great European medical innuuiions, saia: have said a hundred times over, organie rnn i th crontett of all strenKth build ers. If people would only take Nuxated Iron when they feel weak or run-down, instead of dosing thorn selves wtih habit-forming drugs, Btimulaats nnd etfoholto .leverages. I am convinced that in this way they could ward otf duense. preventing It becoming organic in thouands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands might be saved ho now die evory year from pneiimonln, grippe, kidney, liver, neart trouhlo and other dan gerous nervous mnladU'. Tho real nnd true cause which started their aiscaHO was noth ing more nor les than ft weakened condi tion brought on liy lack of Iron in the blood. "Not long ago a man me to mo who waa nearly half a century old and atked me to givo him a preliminary examination for life Insurance. I was astonished to llnd him with the blood pressure of a boy of iwenty and as full of vliror, vim and vitality as a young man; In fa-t, a young man ha really was, notwithstanding his are. The secret, he said, was taking iron Nuxated Iron had filled him with renewed life. At 30 he was in bad health: at 46 he waa careworn and nearly all In. Now at 60 after ill 1IIISMIIIH Wllllllilillllllll Illlllllllllllllll ELECTRIC 'LIGHTING 1 Cr.::.:-Xa. TTHE young men and women who are forging ahfead today (as always) are those who equip themselves.for responsible positions by well-directed study. . - Modern Electric Lighting assists greatly to promote . home study with the least strain to the eyes. ' The clear, attractive illumination provided by Electric Light ing is an invitation to self improvement. , Two or three cents a night spent for efficient lighting in the home may cause your boy to fit himself for a highly paid pro fession. . Let us tell you about the modern way of wiring a home No matter how long ago it may have been built does not dam age Walls or floors or interfere in any way with household routine. ii!!iiiii!iiiiiliiiiiiliiM Stewart has already Volunteered the service of one mechanician. Mrs. W. G. Ure and Mrs. Lucien Stephens are the publicity commit tee.. To co-operate with the army and navy, not to do work on its own initiative, the object of the League for Woman Service, the members say, Women may join as many branches of the work as they choose. To cen Jaques, Visiting Surgeon of St. pi iaa bath's Hospital, Now York City .ill- r ' ':'umr taking Nmated Iron, a miracle of vitality , and his face learning with the buoyancy of youth. Iron is absolutely necessary to en- 1 able your blood to change food into, living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what yoj eat. your food merely passes through you without doing you any good. Yoi don't itet the strength out of It, and as a oonsfiuenre jou become weak, pale and sfrkly, just like a plant trying to grow In a soil deficient In Iron. If you are not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far yon can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain , tallies of ordinary nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks, Then tent your Ktreiigtl. again and ree how much you hnve gninl. I have seen doxens of nerv ous, iun-rioJuii people v.'ho were ailing all the while double their atrength and endurance and entirely rio themselve" of all symptoms of iynpepnia. liver and other troubles' In from ten to ourteen days' time simply by Inking iron in the proper form. And this, after they had in some cunra been c'octormg for months witnout obtaining any benefit. Hut d'jn't take the old forms of reduced Iron, n act-tnte, or tincture of Iron simply to save a few cents. The iron demanded by Mother Nature for the red coloring matter in th hlood of her children In, alas I not that kind of Iron. Vou must take iron in a form that ran be easily absorbed and as similated to do you any good, otherwise, it i may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete and prize-fighter haa won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled hia blood v.-ith iron before he went into the affray: while many another has gone down in in Will llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlilllllliiiilllilllllllllillllllllllliillffl HELPS MEN TO SUCCEED BY HOME STUDY Omaha Electric Light & Power Company ; ' . By George H. Harries, Rresideri tralize alt Red Cross and war relief organizations in the city will be the firjt move. Trained leaders for all departments will be named soon. Detroit Sends McKe Out to Pacific Coast Catcher Ray McKee has been re leased' by the Detroit club to San Francisco, of the Pacific Coast league. glorious defeat limply for the lack of iron." Dr. Schuyler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeon of St. Elisabeth'! Hospital, New York City, said: "I have never before given out any medical information or advlea for publication, as I ordinarily do not believe in It. But In tht case of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be remiss in my duty not to mention it, I hava taken It myself and riven it to my patients with moat surprising and satisfactory re sults. And those who wish to increase their strength, power and endu ranee will find it a most remarkable and wonderally effective remedy." NOTE Nuxated Iron, which is prescribed; and recommended above by physicians in auch a great variety of eases, is not a patent medicine nor secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists and whoso Iron constituents are wide prescribed by eminent physicians, both in Europe and In America. Unlike the older Inorganic Iron products it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor up set the stomach: on the contrary, it is a most potent remedy In nearly oil forma of indigestion as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The manufacturers hava such great confidence in nuxated iron that they offer to forfeit (100 to any charitable in stitution if they cannot take any man or women under 60 who lacks iron, and increase their strength 100 per cent or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no aerioua organie trouble. They also offer to refund your money if It does not at least double your strength and endurance in ten aeys time. It Is dispensed in this city by Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores and all good dtre gists. Advertisement. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM