THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1917. 12 ' - LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing: Cattle Strong-, Active to Ten Cents Up in Spots Sheep Steady to Strong. HOGS 20 TO 30 CENTS UP Umihi, April , HI'. RerHpta wt-re: Cattle. Hnn, Sheep. ilemiay 3,7011 6.&00 7.700 riame day last week . ttTuie (lay S wka. eso.S.SIt Ham. day S wkA. aso. name day 4 wke. ago.7.lft Same flay laat year .. 3,32" 8.82H .18 I.S43 a, 480 7.J9I 17.28J till li,7!2 11.372 Keeelpta and rtlepoeltlon of live etork at the rnton Stork yarda for twenty-four houra imltng at 3 o'clock yealenlay afternoon: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hose, Sheep. H'r'a ('.. Jt. St. P.. MUaourl Pacific. Vnlnn Pacific... 44 ('. N. W., eaat... 1 t'. N. W weat.. 33 ., St. P.. M. ft O. 87 t, B. A Q., eaat... 4 i'., B. A Q.. weat... K. I. P., eaat. IT. R. I. A P.. weat, llllnola Central... Chi. Gt, Weat 44 Total 233 13 33 20 DISPOSITION. - Cattle. Hnge. Sheep. Morrll A Co 90 3 1.141 . flvlft A Co 1,23 660 1,121 Cudahy Pack, do Ill 02 3,227 Armour A Co ,1,033 331 1.2SS Schwarti Co S34 .... i J W. Murphy 1,163 .... T.lncoln Facktne" Co.... 44 1 .... "So. Omaha Packlni Co. J .... .... Kehr Parkins Co 132 .... Cudahy, from ttanver.. ' Itentnn, Vanaant 4 Luaa Hill Don F. B, l.ewla J. B. Bool Co J. H. Bulla I., r. Hues.... Koaenatock Bros F. U. KcllOK Wcrthotmer A Dagen.., Sullivan Broa Mo. Kama. Calf Co. Christie Hln.lii Huffmaa Hoth 4 127 I 13 31 St iJaker, Jonaa 4 Smith. lltn.. 3t 101 , Banner Broa. John Harvey Dennis A Francla... Jensen Ae Lanrren.. Kills Co Hunslnser A Oltvar. Pat O'Day , Othsr buyers. 143 11 131 I 13 I 171 , Totals ...17T 6,667 7,711 Cattle Racalpti this morn In numbornd 224 can, btlna tha smallest Monday's run alnca three waaka ato when tha thrsstened atrika cat off supplies. At tha limb time thara waa a good demand ao that tht mar ket waa active with everything Mil In r in good season Iff" tha morning. Moat opera tors on tha markat wera aummlng It up as a good, strong and actlva market, but here and there It was possible to find sellers who thought they got as muoh aa 10a higher and buyera wera generally quoting tha mar ket as around lOo higher, taking quality Into consideration. Tha markat on cows and heifers waa tha same as on beef steers, strong and active. Blockers and feeders wera fully steady with last week. V Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beevea, 9n.7S0il.8tf fair to good beeves, " tlft.7B011.7Si common to fair beevea, 19.60 0J.7; good to choice heifers, $t.0OlQ.I6; good to choice cows, 48.75910.1S; fair to good cows, 1.00jjl..7l, common to fair cows, 9I. (0 7. 60; prim feeding steers. 19.60 910.J6. good to choice feeders. I. 7501.50; fair to good feeders, 18.0001,7.5; common to fattr feeders, 16.7508.00; good to choice lockers, $s.1609,35; stock heifers, $7,360 M6; stock cows, .00 09.00; stock calves, . 00010.60; veal calvs, 9t.0O01JI.OO; beef l.ul.s, stags, etc., 98.IO0t.7S; bologna bulla, ' 97.0008.00. Representative aales. " . BBF STEERS. No. V Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 733 33 10 i .,, 7.H 98 10 31...,..,. 851 36 ,2ft........ 631 SO 1 ; Ufl. ....... 806 10 15 41 t68 10 60 . 21 tOO 11 00 4 11M 11 i 10 1099 11 40 4 ..1130 11 CO 41., 1173 11 IB 38. 1106 It 307 30 ..1362 13 60 36.,,...,,133S 13 IS 14 107 I 40 II., 110 ( 73 13 141 10 40 43 1030 10 SO II........ 333 11 10 31 1011 11 IB 14... Hit 1 40 II 1131 11 71 43.. 1111 13 00 4i mrii 3i 11 8I0 13 It HogsThe week la opening with a very mod urate run of hogs, Today's arrivals counted out ninety cars, or in tha neighbor hood of 9,500 head, which Is 1.800 short of last week, 1,600 lighter than two -wasks ago and a decrease of almost 1,600 as com pared with a year ago. . The $11,00 quotation was put In force : here today on a sharply higher market. It has been Just tan'days since the first $16.00 hogs sold here and only about a month ; since $14.09 was first paid. Opinions aa to how tha market compared with last week were many, for prices -wera very irregular. On the opening shippers got some hogs - that were no more than a dime higher than last week and they called some qf their first purchases only So higher. Before packers got started, however, re ports of sharp advances wera coming In ' from other points, and tha first hogs killers bought were around I0q higher than the y general trade Saturday, Values Improved ' right along as the Hay advanced, and be fore the close a good many sales had been msda as much as too higher, and" In ex treme oases even greater advances than that were noted. It waa a good, active market all through, and the moderate offerings wera cleared long before tha middle of the fore ' noon. Tha general market was meftly 100100 hither, or on the average around a quarter higher than last week's close, though some sellers who sold -at tha high time Satur day could not ses that much Improvement. The extreme of the advance were on the medium to plainer kinds of hogs. Bulk of the offerings sold at $16.10019.09, and the latter ggure also proved to be lhe top, though early In -the day rumors of hogs above thati mark were plentiful, Representative aales: No. At. Bo, Fr. No. At. Sh. Pr. ' 71.. 141 ... II TO 89..IS1 190 IS l i . i..ti9 ... is r 60. ,189 ... II 00 '8::i .301 100 II II .111 ... II IB 7. .Ill 100 II II Sheep Por a Monday the run of lambs was very moderate, thirty-two loads, or 7.700 head, being all that were reported In. This Is about 1,000 smaller than a week I a no, 10,000 short of two weeks age, and a ' falling oft of nearly 4.000 hoad, as compared wita tna corresponding Monday a year aso. Moderate receipts of Iambs, a fair buying demand and an extremely bullish crowd of tellers combined to prink prices up around t iftc on me duik or tne offerings. At the out lit sellers priced their holding, as much aa EbfHQo higher, but packers discounted bull ttth wires from other points and vp to i (ate hour would not raise their opening of- -fers, which were about steady, to any great . ax tent. For the buk of tha good handy lambs It ' was mainly a $16.3S market. A new record of $11.49 wae hung up, a few ears of the best handy Mexicans bringing that ngure. tleaWy western lambs sold down to $14.79 and at noon a few loads of weighty, heavy. A hided stuff were unsold. A load of cllooed lambs that weighed nearly 100 pounds, about the only lambs In their elaas here, brought j. 911.90. Light clippers are being quoted up ' to ... ... i Quotations on shevp and lambs:' Lami 1!dht and handy. $18.00016.25; lambs, htavy, $14.40011.10; lambs, fresh shorn, $11,760 . iz.ov; lamna, sneering, sit.uooi4.TiV; year lings, good to choice, $19.00013.76; year- r nngs,k lair to gorw, sis.ootsia.OD; wethers. " fair to choice, $11.60 011.76; ewesv good to rnoice. ewes. lair to sooi , 910.60611,4,0; awes, plain to culls, $7,090 K. " ' v ' A ' At. Pr. 177 Mexlosn lambs 93 11 96 .. jl II 49 ... II , II 41 bit Mexican Iambs. 244 Mexlcatt Jambs. St. UuU Un StMk Market. , St. LouX Mo., April Cattl-Rerelota. 3,3,0 bead; market atrons; natlv. baef ateera, t?,KAftl2.IO; yaarllng .tear. ,nd L nriiera, ...... iz..w; cowa. .Q.lOilll.o, atockera and reader. I4.00O3O.1I; T.xaa .luarantln. ataara. 11.604,1.31; prima aouth vrn beef ateera, 13.00011.31; b.f cowa and lielfara, 14.2.4 1.00; primp yearllns ate.r, utid helfera, I7.I0O10.00; satlva calvea, 11.00 914 00. , Hos Receipt,. 11.10S head: markat He to zvo mistier; tignta, f I....OH.I0: plira ' tltl.30eil.4fi; mixed and butcher. 111.430 i".i; njuuu neavr. wiv.iuKy La.ia; bulk- Oia.TVff iff. 10. Hlieep and Lamha Reeelata. 1.000 head niarbet 10c to ISc hlaher; lamb. I13-ooo; awe IF..VD 13.3.: yaarllnva. I13.T30 ....xu . GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Corn Jumps Up Three and a Half Cents and Wheat is Some Stronger. ,. OATS HOLD ABOUT FIRM Omaha, April 9, 1917, The cattli grain situation waa fairly active today and prices on all cereals were quoted substantially higher. Tne corn market was me rencr or in terest In tha cash ptt today and this cereal old several cunts aoove tiaiuruay s n is non- no Int. the better grades of white corn selling around 91. 164 and $1.87, an ad vance of practically 2 4c over tho previous high price. The trade in wneai was raincr imw in comparison with corn, and while there was pretty active inquiry ror tnis crai, tne buyers were Inclined to hold out for better 1 ice's. Tha wheat market generally was quoted from ateady to lc higher the hotter grsdns of hard winter selling from $2.22 to $?.2, hlle off grade wheat brought about IZ.I6. A sale of No. 1 spring wheat at $2.33 was record sale, nut this grade or wneai is very scarce and especially In demand for milling purposes. The oats marxec was nrm, ana most m the-- offering sold from unchanged to H higher. Theft was an excellent daman d for oats, and the No. S white grade sold around 6ft4o to (114c, while atandard oats brought 99UC Rye was extremely strong at an aovance of 6c to 9c, and the few samples of this oercal was taken up very quickly. Barley was slow on account of light re- eelots. but the demand ws good, and the market was quoted 2c higher, C. learances : Wheat and notir equal to 695.000 bushels; .corn, 665,000 bushels; oats, 637.000 bushels, i Primary wheat receipts were l,;4.o'io nu. and shipments of 872,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1.A58.00 bu. and shipments of 966,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts wore 7sz,nwt nu. snd shipments of 700.000 bu., ssslniit re ceipts of 1,024,000 bu, and shipments of etfl.ono bu. ism year. Primary oats receipts were i.ioi.uoa nu. and shipments of 940,000 bu., against re ceipts of 893,000 bu. and shipments or 706,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. - Wheat. Corn. Oats. 77 277 107 , ' 2 i 26 i 70 74 Chicago 39 Minneapolis 670 Di'Iuth K Omaha 49 . Kansas City 140 fit. foul's Winnipeg ...J 371 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter; 1 car. Ii.25. No. i hard winter: J car, $; t cars, $2,26; 1 cars, $3.24. No. t hard winter: 1 car, $3.24U; 1 car, $3,221,; 3 cars, $2.22. Kample hard winter: 1 car, $2.1ft; 60 sacks, $8.16. No. rsprlng: 1 car, $2.33. Rye no. a; 8 cars. 11.74: No. 4: l car. $1.79. corn no. l white: i ar, i car. 11.38: No. t white: l car (shipper's eights), 91.17 3 cars, 91. 7; s cars, Il.Jfii. No. 8 white: 1 car, $1.37; 1 car, ll.Sfl'v No. t yellow: I cans (shipper's weights) I1.30H; 3 cars, $1.36; a cars, $1.36, No. S yellow: t cars, $1.86. No. 4 yellow; 1 car, 11.3.4. No. J mixed: L car, 11.131. No. 8 mixed: 3 cars,; 3 cars, l 31; I cars, 9193H. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, IMS'; 1 cir, $1.83; 1 car, $1.1 J. Oats standard: l car. 99V,n. No. 3 white: 4 cars, o; S cars, 9c; 1 car, 48 Vic. No. 4 white: t cars, . Sample whits; 1 car. IStfcoi 1 car, Uic; I cars. file. Omaha Cash rrtces wheat: No. I hard. $3.23Vi03.2&Hi NO. I hard, $2.2203.24; No. 4 bard, $8.1603.30; No. 2 spring. $8.28 02.32: No. $ soring. $2.2603.31. Corn: No. 9 white, $1.3001.18 No. I white. tl.8E01.8lls; No. 4 white, $1.85140 1.96: No. I white, ll. 8601.9614; No. C white, $1.34 01.86; No. 2 yellow, $1,36 flpi.sDtt: no. yeiiow, ii.84iaWi.S6: no. 4 yellow. $1.8401.34; No. 5 yellow, $1.3414 1.B4K: no. b yeiiow. ii.4i,S44: No. 2 mixed, $1.8801.33; No. 9 mixed, 11.32 Vi 01.33; No. 4 mixed. 1.2201.3m; No. 5 mixed, $1.3101.33; No. fi mixed, $1.31 01.32. Oats: No. 3 white, f.9 0 TOc: stand ard, 9049c; No. t white, 680H9c; No. 4 white, 89069c. Barley: Malting. 91.3301.35; No. 1 feed, 91.1601.23. Uy: No. 2, $1.7101.76; No. S, $1.7001.74. Omaha Futures Market. ' The crop news on wheat was generally bullish today and during the early part of tart ataaaalAaa t haa to vaaaaat aa t A .. IH.ali.t. made strong advances. '-There wet, however, 4 theavy Selling pressure by shorts later In the session, which almost demoralised the wheat market and caused July wheat to break 7o from the high point of the day. -ins oreag in wneat was followed by comparatively t heavy declines In both the corn snd oats markets, lio lower, while July oata ruled 3c lower. Local rang, of optional ' - Art Open. Hlh I,ow. i;iu... ' gat Wht. May 111 17 201 01 314 Julr 1 ii l H niti l ill, i3 Sap. 4 II 1 74 187L4 1 l7Vi 170 Oor. Mar 1114 ,1 81 134H 1 344 12044 Julr t 374, 1 II 124 1 34V. 121 Sap. 1 14 1 2IV1 1221i 1 I8H 124 Oata. Mar ' 0714 T14 i 4U 07S4 July 41 VI 33Vi 101, oovi I2!i 'P. WVi Vj lilt !2"i 34 Chtcaso oloalna orlcoa. formatted Th. r'.. br Losan A Bryan, itock and train brokers. Ill South, Sixteenth atreet. Omalial Art. Open. Htrh. Low.1 Mat July B.Dt. t II I II 1 II 1 lift 1 7IHT 1 77 ioi 112V I 01 1 II 1 71 I 17 '1 III, 1 33 list 111 171 I 131 4 lllVe. 181 1114, Corn. Mar July Rapt. 1 II 1 tt I 34 V, 1 II. 'I 1 143 i UH II 10 II OS II 10 II II ID 00 It II I 11 H 1 10 , 4. -HVi 17 41 11 10 31 10 II II 1 7T II 10 194 124 Oat.. Mar July Sept. l. i:h H H 34 l 111.1 14V. . II Pork. May July 37 401 17 30 17 41 17 10 137 15 3 7t Lard. alar Julr 31 17 11 33 31 III 21 10 11 30 II 41 Bltaj. Mar Julr II To' II 31 II III 10 10 111 II 111 10 CHICAOO OJtAlX ."NO PROVISIONS. Wheat and Can An Hither, But' Caurae af Prlee Is lCrrnllc. Chlcato, 111., April I. After amaalilnc anew today the hlch price record, wheat value, had a aevere break, due larfely to reallttns by holdera who believed that tha government report showed tha winter crop at tha worat ntase and that acme improve, tnent In the general crop condition alnco nan fatten Place, Heavy calling of mar. sins tended further to Increaae bearlah .en tttuent and so, too, did talk of government meaaurea to atop all aneculatlnn In f.w.l. atuffa. Fluctuatlona, which covered an ex tremely wide range, aa much as 10 cent. In Borne caeca, were followed by an nnaet tled cloaa at net loaaea of So to IVic with May at 2.044i to 32.07 and July at II. MS to 11.13. Corn flnlehed Sftc to 4Ho-4own and oata off lvto to IH3V,c. but provl. alone up 12o to 23o. At flrat 'crop reports, eapeclallr from Kanaaa, were of a continued poanlmlatlc character and the wheat market, although flighty and changeable to an extraordinary degree, had a general upward alaqt. Trad. Ing showed apurta of great activity, but roe the moot part waa evidently curtailed by th. big margin calls, which were enforced In particular agalnat eleventh hour epecu lattve buyera. About the middle et the aca alon, sellers began to bo In a decided ma. Jorlty and from that tttn on tha market waa on the down grade, with only brief trasalent ralllea. It waa a coincidence that the aetbacke started almoet almultaneoualy with announcetnenta ot Auatrla'a break with the Unltod Slatee, but any relation Between ma two aventa waa acotted at. Aalde from eomewhat more honetul win. ter crop report., was lata goaalp of a poaalbl. huge Lnoreaaa of apring wheat need. Ing. The poatlng of domestic vlalbla aupply figures showing a -big falling off In the to tal available stork had only a temporary effect In partly checking the final down- waru aiioo or prices. Corn, like wheat, reached new top quota tlone, -and then receded abarply. Profit taking and a general dbponttien to even out riaka appeared to be cbleriy renponeihle for the weakness which succeeded the early bulge. Oats merely dupllcsted In s restricted way tha action of other rereala Freeh top notice uuotatlona on hog. were .. ..v.. u vj ,f.v,h.iv.... w.i.aau waa oroaa eu'i general. Chicago t'aah Prleao Wheat: Xo. red 12.31: No. I red. 11.80 V, r 1.11: No, I hard 12. 3102. 21: No. 3 hard. 33.lltt3.21U. Corn: No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow. I1-34V. 4F1.40: No. 4 yellow. Il.llt) 1.31 Va. Oata No, 3 white, I7tt670u.c: atandard,' IS i. fr 71c Rye: N 3, It. 7111. in. Harley: It lSt oeeua: 'simotpy. f4..uataa.. rin 91K.0O. Provisions: Pork. 936 40; la $.'l.:i2421.42: ribs, $1 19.96. , Butter Higher; creamery, a&tMOc. KiTga Lowar; receipts. 14, .107 casen; Are is, 30t31c;,ord(nary firsts, 202c; at mark, cases Included, 21q31c, Potatoes Higher;. receipts, 3 cars; Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. $2.9903.16; Wisconsin and Michigan, $2.76 02.89. Poultry Alive, steady; fowls, 23 c; springs, 2Ilv chicauo rive utoir markkt. Cattle Strong Ifoga ltrong and Hfgher ftlievp Htrong. Chicago, April t. Cattle Koctpts, 1B.010 head; market, strong; native beef cattle, $. 40013. ?5; stockers and feeders. $7,400 10.1!.; cows and heifers, $6.86011.20; calves, $. 00010.60.- Hogs Receipts, 33,000 head ; market, stronii: 2 to above Saturdays' average: top. f"9l6..10, .a new high record; hulk of sales. $16 9616.2ft; light, $16.35014.16; mixed, 1 f.ntr 16.T6 ; heaVy. $16.6016.36; rough, $16.56015.70; pigs. $11.014.85. Hheen and Umbti Receipts, 16,010 nead; market strong; wethers, $10.60012.16; ewes, $10.40012.40"; lambs, $11.90015.80. Kansas City live Ktock Market. Kane nit City, April 9. Cattle Receipts, 11.(100 head: market, strong: prima fed steers, $12.26013.00; dressed heef ste?rs, $1O.O0Q'42.20; western tv-re, $9. 60012. 0; cows, 6.25t( 10.7k: helfem. 99.00012.00; itorkers and feeders, 7.7n01O.76; bulls, : $7.611010.00; calves, $R.on n.oo. j Hogs Receipts, e-f .aim neftd; maraet, hlahor: bulk of sales. $16.45016. 06; heavy, $16.90010.00; packers and butshers, $16.80 16.05; light. 116.400 16. Sb; pigs, Ili.OVXf 16-00. Kheep and Lambs Receipts. 7.900 head; market, higher; lambs, 912.504 16.30; yean lings. $13.2614.00; wethers, $12.00013.00; tewes, $10.60012.75. Rio ox City Mve Htock Market, flloux City, la., April 9. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 hend; markot 10 0150 higher; beef I. .ore. $11.00012.76; butchers, 99.60011.00; fat rows and heifers, 617.6000.60; canners. $6.5009.50; stackers Rnd feeders, $7,600 10.26; calves, 17.500 10.75; bulls, stags, etc.. 97.5O01O.7C; feeding cows and heifers, $9.50 0R. 26. , HoMs Recolpts, z.oon nead; mamec l&np 30c higher: lights, $I6.60I6fi; mixed, $16.70015.86; heavy, . $16,811 016.90; pigs, $12.00013.00. - anecp and umci iteceipts, ao" neaa ; market 10c higher; yearlings, $12.00012.60; wethers. $11. 60012.50; ewes, $10.60011.60 lambs, $15.0016.60. St. Joseph. Uva Mock Market. - St, Joseph, 61o., April 9. Cattle Receipts, 2,400; market 10015c higher; steer. $8.50 01.'i.6O; cows nd heifers, $6.90011.50; calves, $ft.50tvl2.Z6. Hogs Receipts, 4.000 head; market 160 20c higher; top, $18.06 bulk of sales, $16.96 015.90. f PHOTOPLAYS. Gontinuou. 11 to 11 Si W r , II lT 1 ISIIMI alrrsWalalMaaallsNWIITIaatSltSaTaaS Also Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in "PUTTING IT OVER ON HENRY", Blood Will tell'' If you don't believe it, come to the ... , or THursjdlay v ' ' and see , ' ,. ' N William Desmond who portrays the part of a high spirited, good-natured boy, who cares no more for business than a "jack rabbit." ... , ... A His father try s to make him into a business "grind," but fails, so gets mad and turns him out.- 1 This truly likeable chap then drifts along and finally marries a chorus girl. ' - : ; Contrary to all rules of stagecraft, this damsel ' rouses all the best in his soul; he goes to WORK; the old man forgives him, and we bet-it's a 100,000-to-l shot that's the END. s : I v . .-- ... . ' Oh, yes we have a KEYSTONE, too. K - "Villa of thc Movi'" But what's the use of burning up money in nrintv - er's, ink and space telling you about KBYSTOI ES for you know just as well as we do that 'If it's a Key stone it's got to bevfunny." (With apologies to Pink-, birds.) . . a - i Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head; market ir.025c higher; Iambs, $14,500 li.30; ewes, $11.7S012.75. Prr Goods Market. New York. April I. Cotton goods mari kcts were very strong today, bidding being active, but mills refusing to sell on account of the rise In tha cotton. Government or ders wera placed on various sorts of army supplies. Wool goods were firm. AMl'HKMKNTS. BOYD, TH EATER M-2"- Twlct Dally 3:30 and 8:30 DvlsAce Mats, 75c, 50c, 25c rriClTSe Evgs $1, 75c, BOc, 26e You'll Never Sea It Kay Cheaper Company's Own Symphony Orchestra 5ig uccer I Keen Abbott m the World- Herald" - The' production Is one of the most magnificent that has ever bean on view. ' Col. T. W. McCulIoggh In the Omaha Bee "Beyond any comparison the most beautiful and altogether artistic bit of motion photography aver seen In Omaha. " V FhotM) DoilfflM 494 THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Oally MalloM, 2:11 Nl.tit, 1:13 Tali Wart: GEORGE HASH I CO.: 0RVII.LE HARROtD: PILCER & DOUGLAS: Fortr Sail:, 4 Dorothy Mortlmar: rlowar.'a Aalmal Spoctacio; Witt 4 Wlntar: Or.aaum Travrf W.4kly. rlc: Matl .mi, gallery. lOo: ant Hat. I.xct Saturday ana Sandayl. 39c; arM, lOo.H, Suo aad lie. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" JBftTltM2A Dlly lS-25-SOt 4aS''3jrr Ev.n',., 1S-M-S0.7SC M0LUE WILLIAM! ?, -SHOWC. Nlltleit Shoat Till. Saaua. ' You'll Arrsnoa ta Soa It Twleo, Anyway. M0LLIE WILLIAMS rVTSA la tlla Dra 4 FRANK FANNING E.A I llt n,llc Farora, "THE DAN8E L'ENTICEMENT" A PulM.Qulcaaaln,. Haart-Pumpln, 20 Mlnutu (Final i-erforniancfl Friday Nile) LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. Mat. 4 Wit: The Hasting. Show 4 Dan Coleman. PHOTOPLAYS. iviTT Always 10c TODAY AND WEDNESDAY m UAia. ... w . ... . . AMirfiEMFNTS. BOYD'S Theater Special Eanter Attraction. ' Ea.ter Tuura.. FrL. Sat, April 12, 13, 14. Mat. Saturday. Return by Pouhr Demand William Elliot, t F. Ray Comstock , snd Morris Gaul Pnunt THE MOST WUNUtKrUL f LAY IN AMERICA ' 9 Months in ! Now York i 7 Months in Chicago , ,6 Months in , Boston j 10 BIG SCENES COMPANY 82 ! A Lara Story of YoiitV Hia Trials sad Tenwtationa. StMoatlta Phlladalphls. The aaia.-eatt that Stayeo umona Mrlter lata momo. seat, see ea aate. aHahta. Boe ta S2.0S. Sat. y.t.. Me ta II.H. NOT A M0VINO fMCTU'C VSO . UO.t NOVELTY PIERKOla &mP r.tFPN M.MF NBV DP A M Cd GREEN, McHENRY, PEAN ncAL. ArjCL. HOOPER A BURKHART JEAN SOTHERN, in "WHOSO FINDETH A WIFE" Alao "THE WAR" 3 If You Read It la The Bee Depend Upon' It hczlatulorl tmsdbmmll TTERE'S a new motion picture story that's J I fuH of pep action punch thrilltl "THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" is a story of Milroad life in the -great West. It features the fearless film star HELEN HOLMES. It depicts the daring bravery of a young and beautiful girl battling -against tne greatest obstacles. It is a story of adventure jammed with strorig dramatic climaxes. You'll enjoy itl THE -v ' '" " ' MA In "THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" youTI .7 see many , breathless incidents pictured at great risk of life. ' Huge locomotives crash whole freight trains are shattered Vthrills abound ta every chapter. It's BIO I : , i .This startling photoplay is presentediin fifteen" , chapters a new chapter each week. If you enjoy ACTION 5 W1FT A CTlON-in motion picture story see "THE, RAILROAD -RAIDERS.!. You'll see HELEN HOLMES at her best in play of intense interest. If your favorite theatre has not yet announced "THE ' RAILROAD RAIDERS," ask the Manager when it will be shown. tiow-at lEncius 7H2nn:j SIGNAL FILM CORPORATION MUTUAL FILM CORPORATION Read ike Story in The Oraiha Sunday Bee. flilVi if -SSaa- J'a .m, . 1 mL Trijtji3j I PHOTOPLAVS. ; "BLOOD WILL TELL" : "VILLA OF MOVIES" A Kejstono f . 1 ; llillllillllillMlnsii,iiiiiiiiitiiiiMlilliil:tllllltlllflliili READ BEE WANT-ADS -.i:m'llii(i:i::;inii iiiM'').ii;i:i!i!K'.:l.i:il't j umiamssnri nu nn lln in rrimniiiii ? 1 I Wm. Desmond 1 1 I . -i ill Of All Wars, Peace Ought to Be the, End Let' Do Our Part to Stop Such Things AsAreShownin " The Official Authentic British Government Made Pictures of' , " THE . Exhibited is This Vicinity Under the Auspices of ; OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT PICTURES, INC. 'Distributed by General Film Co., Inc. They Are the' Most Wondetf ul Motion Pictures Ifver Produced Don't Miss Them at the 1 " EMPRESS THEATER, Omaha, Neb., Today and Wedneeday, April 10 and II. MAJESTIC THEATER, Cedar Rapid.. La., Thuraday, April 12, f ridoy, AprU 13 Saturday, April 14. ..... NICHOLAS THEATER, Council Biuffa, la., Ttieadiy, AprU 1: Wedneeday, AprU 2S. PALM THEATER, Omaha, Neb., Sunday, April 29; Monday, Ajtril. 30. , PLAZA THEATER,,., Neb., Tttecday. May . PLATTE THEATER, North Platte, Neb., Monday, May 20; TuSaday; May St. LYRIC THEATER, B.okan Bow, Neb., Wednesday! May 30, , - ORPHEUM, South Omaha. Monday, AprU 16. MUSE, Omaha, May 1, 2, 3. ' , i .A Thrillinir Motion Picture Novel in ; Fifteen Chapters Featuring Fearless PHOTOPLATS. Boulevard Today 33d said Uasanworth Baby Marie Osborne In , . , "TWIN KIDDIES" MUSE i GEORGE BEBAN "THE BOND BETWEEN" MRS. VERNON CASTLE 12. Em te?4f " 1 ffil n. 1 r If ' in..