THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. APRIL 10. 1917. 11 x MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO., Expert service: prompt attention. Your moving, your picking, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture 8tora, 17th and Howard. Tel. D. !7S. Maggard Van and two man, 11. 2 S per boar. Van and Storaga Co., Movl- f, Packing. 8 tort re and Shipping. Phone Dour. 1496. FIDELITY ffi FREE Phona Douglas tl for compjet Hat vacant houses and apart menu. Alio for storage, movlnr. 16th and Jackion 8ta. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room a for household roods and pianos; moving packing and ahtpplng. OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAOB CO.. SOJ go. lfith St. Douglas 4161 Globe Van and Storage Co. For real aervlea In moving, packing and storing, call Ty?r 230 or Dougla 4338. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1623 Cass Sl Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. real estate improved West. CATHEDRAL district, elegant lot. north west corner 41st Ave. and Chicago; paved street; seven-room house and garage. Price, 14.000, or will accept reasonable cash offer. Phono "Walnut 1015. 2600 CASH. Nlea lot In West Farnam. district. F. P. Wead, 810 South 18th St., Wead BIdg. North. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION" AT 4219 N. 24TH ST., Tuesday, April 10, at 2 in the After noon. Kiftnen-room modern bIbp 60x124 foet. house and lot. Thl Is a great opportunity for a man with a little money to pick up a rear bar gain. This property la one block south of Ames Ave. car 'barn. Ideal for rooming house, and good rental property. One-third cash, balance easy terms. Don't fail to attend this sale, for the above property will absolutely bo sold to the highest bidder. . JAMES L DOWD, Auctioneer. MINNE LUSA IS LOOKING FINE. Do you want to get out of that flat? if so, let us show you this beautiful 7-r. ftml-bungalow. It la built for a home; has all the style, comfort and accommo dation one may desire. Let us drive you out to sea this place soon. The price la right and terms more than reasonable. BIG 4 REALTY CO., iois-1 w. o. w. Bidg. poug. als. " NEAR MILLER PARK PRICE ONLY $3150 Brand new five-room semi bungalow, oak finish, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cabinets in kitchen, two nice bedrooms with double closets. J"ull cement base ment, on block to park and Miller park schoot, t blocks to car. $650 down and 626 per month. Lot 424130. OSBORNE) REALTY CO., 701-8 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 496. DANDY NEW BUNGALOW. Living room, dining room, kitchen, pan try, two nice bedrooms, bath room, linen closet, stairway to floored attic, oak finish In living rooms, all modern, east front lot, located high and sightly, just west of Deaf and Dumb Institute and south of Fontenolls park. Price 13,400; terms to suitable purchaser. C, G. CARLBERG, REALTOR, 810-311 Brandels Theater BIdg. ' FOR SALE. 7-r. house, fully modern, on 32d and owiewn Ave. xnis is a snap at 13,950, Terms very easy. Doug. 3600. W. 8. FRANK, 201 Nevip Blk. RKST BrSTIT TO 1 run n fnn " The reasons for the growing popularity nu, m nti oi xo per When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. .EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Strictly modern 6 -room bouse, near Prettiest Mile; close to car; oak finish medium Use lot; snap at $3,650. Good terms, BIG 4 REALTY CO.. 1018-H W. O. W. Bidg. Doug. me. NEW niTvnimw r"tv. room,, atrlctly modern, finished In Oak: lOratAri at 303, ltf qoi. a. 13,160. Terms. Will take email cottage in iraue. NORRIS A, NrvRnrn 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas ,27, ll.o CASH, ,211.60 per mo. buya a brand , new bungalow of t rm. and bath, oak nn sh, high-grade natures, furnace heat, full baaement; lot 60x130 ft.l 1 bit to car and echool. Prlca $2,800. KA3P BROS., 210 Keeling BIdg. Ty. 721 lOR SALE Our coxy cottage on Carter lake, dimension 18x27, 2 porches, equip ped with screens, awning and shutters; furnished for small family; will consider small auto in good running order. Call Walnut $144. SEVEN-ROOM strictly modern house, near ly new, opposite Sacret Heart academy; flna location; walking distance high FOR SALE 7 -room modern house. In good condition, on a 50-foot south front lot, $2,860; cash or terms. Box 289$, Bee. 8-ROOM new bungalow, story and balf, " .lorm jsin. Kea igi. 7-R. HOUSE, bargain." H. 4711, at once. South. SOUTH SIDE BARGAINS. 6-room house, electric lights, garage, chicken house, 3 blocks from car line: $1,200. 6- room house on paved street, 7 blocks from 24th and N Sts.; $1,560. 7- room modern house, on paved street and car line, close In; $2,600. 6-room modern house, on 24th St., oak finish downstairs; $3,600. New 7-room modern house, one block from car line; $600 cash and balance monthly payments. One acre with building, ltf blocks from ear line, a fine acre on Vest L St.; $1,600. J. H. KOPIETZ, 4733 S. 24th Ht. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME , Overlooking Hanscom Park. Plot 160x 140. Contains twelve large rooms, three baths with toilets. Innumerable closets and pantries; steam heat, seven fireplaces n.nd finished In oak and mahogany. Price $11,000 and only $2,600 cash required. SOTJTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4921 1. 24th St Phone South 1247. MODERN BUNGALOW ' Flvs large rooms and bath, all on one floor, oak finish, bookcases, colonnade, buf fet, French doors to sun room, full floored attlo and cement baaement. This Is brand new and built by day labor through out, .finest of fixtures, hardware and shades. If you want a real home let us show you this. OSBORNE REALTY CO., TM-1 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 4K. I REAL HOME of 6 rooms, finished In quartersawed oak, fireplace. Everything absolutely the best money could buy, cor ner lot, close to Windsor school and West Sid Park car. . I need money. $4,260 will get you this fine home. The house woum cost yon that much to build. Rea sonable terms. 132$ Arbor St Miscellaneous. MONTCLAIR BUNOALOW. Stucco construction, $ large light rooms. Oftk floors, oak and enamel finish. Price ' in, 800, Easy terms. Another new build ing for $8,660. ' Call Douglas 1722 days. v ainui ivNu eventngs. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance. 443 Bee Bids Douglas 9097. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED Miscellaneous. WORLD REALTY CO.. Sun Theater Building. R. 8. TRUMBULL. 1101 lat Sfat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1714. REAL ESTATE B'ness IVpty H. A. wbLF." Real tor. Ware Blk., Specialist in downtown business property. REAL ESTATE Investments Seven Rooms, modern Walking Distance It Is hard to find a good, house within walking distance, so don't lose any time seeing this property. Owner la leaving city shortly and has put a price on this property that makes it a good investment. Price -$3.60. Can bo handled on reason able terms. HIATT COMPANY, , 245.7-6 Omaha Nat Bank, t Tyler 0. 1$ PER CENT INVESTMENT. Four 6 -room and one 7 -room modern houses. In the center 'of the residential dis trict ef the South Side (or $9,750. Half cash. Rent for $110 monthly and never vacant. Will trade the lot for a large, modern, imposing residence. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4925 So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. APARTMENT. $75,000 Income 18 per cent; one year old; very Una location; mortgage I2&.000 and will accept $20,000 In trade; bal ance cash or negotiable papers. CALKINS & CO., Douglaa 131$. City Nat. Bank Bldg. 7 GUARANTEED YOU On your money in any amount by HOME BUILDERS, Inc., SEE I'S FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY A SON, REALTORS. 20 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR BALE OR TRADE. Will trade a modern frame business building in center of the shopping district on the South Side for Nebraska land. The store on the first floor rents for $26 and the fiat upstairs for $1$ monthly. Valua tion In trade, $4,600. No boot money paid. Particulars only at our office and no in formation given through phone. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. CLOSE IN FLATS FOR -AND. Two good strictly modern St. Louis flats, Income $960 per annum. Price, $10, 000, Mortgage, (3,200. Owner wants land not too far from Omaha. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. 381 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 420. CLOSE, IN FLATS FOR LAND. Two good, strictly modern St. Louts fiats, income $960 p'er annum. Price $10, 000. Mortgage. $3,200. Owner Wants land not too far from Omaha. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO., tOl-tmiaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 420. 16 ACRES, Florence city limits, all cult. Fine fruit, asparagus beds, etc. A pro ducer from the start. Exch. up to $3, 600 for mod. house in Omaha, Price $10,- OJtO. Terms. 00. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 929-30 City Nat. T Doug. $163. X HAVE three highly Improved farms In the vicinity of Watertown, 8. D. Black anil, clay subsoil. Corn and alfalfa land. Get my prices, let me show you photo of the buildings. D. T. jaauuer, ivoj unnni National. Phone Douglas 110. FOR SALE or Trade, choice 160-acre Gage county farm, improved; 120 acres under plow; 1 miles from town and school, ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Brandels Bldg. ' GOOD seven-room all modern house for sale cheap or trade for smaller house or vacant lot. eons Hamilton, cnone even' Ings, Walnut 608. We have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or Iowa land. Edward F. Wi I llama Co., Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. LOT BARGAIN $6Q0 Two very fine lots in Montclair Addi tion on Lafayette Ave. Non-resident own er will sacrifice for quick cash eerie at price less than sold for when addition was first platted. Immediate action required. , GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors), Dou glas 8962. 919-20 City National. AFTER looking at MINNA LUSA 200 dlf ferent buyers decided that It was tbt best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lota. IF YOU will coma out today you will ' understand why the others art buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. 741 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 24th St., an be bought at a bargain; tbla lot must do soia. nee me quic. v.. , Grlmmel. 849 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 8 acres in north part of town for $1,000 an acre. 2304 Webster, uoug las 808A. Miscellaneous. TWO lots, one near Forty-first and Emlle, and one near 48th and Itard. Both for $1,060. F. D. Wead, 810 S. 18th St. BEAUTIFUL ot lots, tie $30, only $3 oasn ana do, cents per wee, voug. . i i i REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW AN ACRE OF LAND FENCED CHICKEN TIGHT Poultry House Incubator 25 BLOODED CHICKENS Located west of Benson on 16th St.. south of macadam pavement, poultry house now being built Large and com modious Will furnish 160-egg Incubator, 26 blooded chickens Barred Rocks or White Leghorns). Price $2,400, $240 cash, $22.76 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manville. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1814 Harney St. Five Phones Tyler 60. HOUSE located In Benson Gardens; also 1 acre tract strictly modern; two rooms finished In oak, two rooms and bath in tile; chicken house 10x16. Webster 6331. Dundee. DUNDEE. 8 rooms, strictly modern, full J-story home. Living room, dining room, kitchen on first floor, finished In oak; 1 bedrooms and bath on second floor, finished In white enamel and oak floors: full cement base- ment; furnace heat; lot 60x160; on paved street We have this listed at a bargain figure. ( . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 6,87 Omaha Nat1 1 Bk. Bldg. D. 171. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod em, attractive homes. Before buying be sure and see GEORGE & CO.. DUNDEE homes and homes! tes. Shuler A Cary, 201 Keellne Bldg. 6-ACRB blk., Falracre and Brownell Hall district. Snap. C. J. Canan. Florence. tORENCE Real Eetate Co., Phone F)o. $03. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN South Side. THE FINEST NEW RESIDENCE on the South Sid from any ansrle. Inside or out Modern to the minute. Brick veneer. Full oement basement and fin ished attlo. Enameled tuna 8n laundry, with washer operated by eleotrie power. Hot water heat furnished by oil burner furnace. Bath room $xl0, tub and shower, completely tiled. 10 rooms, S alone cost $687 to finish and decorate. Interior oak finish. Sun parlor and screen porchea New brick garage with concrete runway Plot 60x160; beautifully lawned. Built by the owner at an original cost of $14,000. Ha sold his business interests here, de sires to leave the stats and directs us to sell for $12,600. Any reasonable down payment accepted. Listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4935 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. HOMESEKKERS, ATTENTION I On a small cash payment we will buy the lot you select, build a home after your own plana and you can pay for It on small monthly payments, without extra interest. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. INCORPORATED CAPITAL $26,000. 4926 3. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES On the South Side, on full alxed lots, ranging from $1,600 to $3,000, In different localities, with all city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us on a small cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL. LOT on S. 25th St., 60x1 fiO feet. A modern 6 room cottage on the hack end of this sightly terrace plot. Will take auto aod small amount of cash as first payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 4926 S. 24th St, Phone South 1247. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOTS, $6.00 CASH. $6.00 MONTHLY. Sizes, 60x160; In all parts of the South Side, city Improvements. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. STRICTLY modern 6-rooin houso and bath. Must sell at once. Phone soutn ZHbf. Miscellaneous. x ACREAGE PROPERTY. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. Offers the Following ACREAGE PROPERTY: 2H acres on car line, just outside city lim its, 3 -room nouse, gooa cisiern, ou jruit trees and fine well that cost $260. Prlee $1,000; part cash, ' 24 acres, Just over the line In Sarpy county. away irom trie nign taxes. .Kirn, ievei land, first broken In 1916. Raised 4 crops of alfalfa, $6,000. Terms can be arranged. 10 acres on Bennon car line. Price and terms can be agreed upon ana maae sat iafnrtnrv. 1 acres on Fort Crook car line; new 6- room house witn iuu cement Dasemeni; new barn 14x1ft, for 12 head of stock and other good outbuildings; fenced for chick ens; good welL Price $2,660; part cash. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INC. 492$ South 2 4 to St. f none uouin REAL ESTATE WANTED IF YOU desire to sell, rent or trade your property, please call at our onice ana iei us show you our progressive methods and unsurpassed service. We have faith In "printers' Ink" and If your proposition Is lilted with us. It wilt be made known to a hundred thousand people or wherever all the Omaha newspapers are read. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., Ine., The largest real estate company, from tandnolnt of service and equipment, in Nebraska. We are running 200 lines of advertisements) In this valuable paper dally. 4926 So. 34th St. Phone South 1347. FACTORY SITE WANTED. THE BRICTSON MANUFACTURING CO. Will build large automobile tire factory In Omaha, Want 6 acres on trackage, ad jacent to paved street and car line. Sub mit offers in writing. O. A. Brlctson, President 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED 4, S and 6-room houses that can be sold for $104) oasb. balance lib per month; tend complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1064. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments, have parties waiting, western Real Estate. 418 Karbaeh Blk. D, 8607. LIST your B and 6-room houses with us. WE SELL THEM, UddWKKJU MliAbi I CO., Tyler 46. FINANCIAL H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for .aortgage loans. City Nat 1 Bantt mag. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates $, 6 to and 6 per cent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO 212 South 17th, Omaha. Net 1 City and Farm Loans E. 6U and 6 ner cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-18 Keellne mag., 17 in ana Harney. s per cent to 6 ner cent on best class city residence in amounts iz.ouu up; aiso farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO., 1822 Farnam St. $1,800 MTGE., bearing 6 pet. semi-annual, secured by property vaiuea at se.oww. ai-mage-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. MONEY to loaa on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy gooa zarm mori gagea. Kloka Inv. Co., Omaha. SHOPEN A CO- PRIVATE MONET. 5i2 CITT LOANS. GARVIN BROS., On. Nat. Bk. Bldg. ra MQHET HARRISON & MORTON. u I" fit Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEFF. R. E. CO., 10iq Oman, wafl. FARM and city loana, 6, 6 and per cant. w. H. Thomas, Keellne mug. img. lets. CITY and farm loans, lowost rates. E. H, LOUOEE, Inc., 538 Keellne Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. W., T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. I10O to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, wend Bldg.. istp ana r arnam pta. LOW RATES. C. O. CARLBERO, tit Bran del. Theater Bldg. D. 686. Abstract! of Titfc. Kerr Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co. 30S S. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldeat abstract of fice In Nebraska, zuo Hranneia Tneater. Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com panles. 644 Brandels Bidg., Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Ranches, farms of all kinds buv now: also Urinated land. H. C Ruenholl, General Real Estate, Belle Fourche, South Dakota. California Lands. FOR SALE In Fresno and King countltw, San Joaquin Valley, California, Ideal land 'for alfalfa, grain and fruit growing, atock and poultry raising. One-tenth down and nine easy annual payments on balance at 8 net In good farm neighborhood, close to market Over 16,000 acres of choice land, at very reasonable prices, to select from. To be sure you are getting what you want you may lease for one, two or three years wun option to purcnase on above terms. Write tor details of this at tractive method of buying on terms In reach of anyone. You could ask for no fairer deal. San Joaquin Valley Is In the heart of wtnterless California. 40 acres enough and should pay for itself tn five years. You can start here with only $1,000 and make good. 1 will gladly place you In touch with those having the lands for sale. This Is such an easy way to get a California farm that my advice is to act quickly. J, L. soagravea, la dustrlal Commissioner, A, T. & 6. F. Ry. 2107 Ry. Exch., Chicago. 1'ersit.tent Advertising Is the Road to success FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. OR SALE -IMPROVED FRUIT. DAIRt ana stocK Tarms, zo, 40 or more acres, in vicinity of Frpsno, San Joaquin ""alley, heart of winterise California, greatest raisin belt tn world; now paying good profits; houses, barns, fences, live etock everything ready; crops In many Instance paying better than $100 an acre. $:.600 wilt buy a $10,000 place, with long time on balance. Your farm Income will take care of future payments. Only limited number of f arms Tan be had on these terms, bo write today. 1 will gladly put you in touch with those having farms for sale. C. L. SEAGKAVUS. Industrial Commlutoner. A. T. t 8. F. Hy., 2001 RyExi., Chicago. Florida Lands. r.Al.SH ALFALFA In FLORIDA (Natal Hay) thta winter. First cutting to days: IbO and 90 annually on ItiO land. 126 Faxton Blk. Walnut 1607 (evenings). Michigan Lands. FOR SALE OR RENT T have several fine farms, with good buildings which I can rent or sell very cheap at the present time; If you want a small or large farm In a good location with good markets, write to or call on COIL DE KETZEK, Holland, Mich., for his free farm cat, logne. FOR SALE CLOV EH-LAND FARMS. Gralna thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root crops, dairying, grail ng, Ideal. Fine roads, market; J43 growing days. Aver age killing frosts October 2. Terms easy. "George Riwell, jr., 22 Bacon Blk., Mar quette. Mich Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 8 big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Munger, A-116 N. Y. Like Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. GREAT bargains, $5 flown; $6 monthly, buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 806, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Minnesota Lands. 240 ACRES, 46 mites from Minneapolis, near two good railroad towns; one-hair under cultivation, balance used for pasture and hay ; can practically all be cultivated : good set buildings; this land will produce 60 bushels of corn per acre; country Is thickly settled; complete set of machin ery; 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2 year olds; 4 good horses. 25 hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $66 per acre; one half cash; immediate possession can be had. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 2,600 ACRES, central Nebraska; fine atock ranch; plenty of hay, farm and pasture land, fenced ; running water; two sets Improvements. Price, $50 per acre. Will take quartor part pay. G40 acres, three miles of town, Perkins county: 240 aores cultivated; partly fenced; splendid land. A Teal bargain- forced to sell price, $31.60 per acre; $4,000 cash, terms on balance. No trade. 2418 No. 6th Ave., Benson. CLEAN UPLAND SALE Lumbor company going out of business, 20,000 acres cut ovor Northeastern Minnesota land. A-l colonization tract; rich soil; suitable for truck, general and dairy farming and grazing; close to railroad end auto roads. For quick sale goes at only S.BO1 per acre, third cash, balance five-year on or bofore montage, 7 per cent.' No trades con sidered, but will subdivide In tracts of 6.000 acres and up. J. K. Matson, 724 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments 6 acres up. we rnrm tne (arm we sen you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, 16th and Howard fits., Omaha, Douelas -4371. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay. Is our way or draining iana. no tract too large or too wet 1 Guarantee Drainage Co., Oakland, Neb. EAST central Neb., 80 acres, highly Un proved farm, close to town, snap, terms, possession at once. S. & and R. B. Mont gomery. FOR SALE Best largo body high grade, medium priced land in xseorasKn; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. , ' FOR SALE 400-acre stock and grain farm. near Burwell; Neb.; Bargain; gooa terras. Radcliffe, 1224 K St., Lincoln, Neb. AUTOMOBILES WILLYS.OVERLAND, INC. L'SED CAR DEPT. Doug. 82$. 2047-4$ Farnam. Touring cars and roadsters of Overland, Studebaker, Maxwell. Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, Buick and Hudson makos, TERMS IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all interested out-of - town buyers. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St Douglas 1219. Ford touring I8s Light "6" Palg Hudson "flO." sacrifice. SternB'Knlght. sacrifice. WILMO MANIFOLDS. 1 Burn gasoline, kerosene, distillate; doisbl power and mileage; cuts your fuel cost half, money back guarantee. WILMO PRODUCTS SERVICE STATION 216 S. 19th. P. ' CROSSTOWN GARAGE Dougtas 4442. $16 B. 24th St. H.-D. motorcycle, running order, $16. Buick 40 electric lights, perfect running order, $176. WE will trade you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., 5 f)th and Harna. Douglas $161. CTW. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept 3316-18 Farnam St Douglas 858, Almost any mage ay reasonaoie prices. FOR sale, cheap for cash, late model five- passenger car. win taxe rora in pan payment, Call after 6 p. m. 1426 S. flfvtrlth St ONE 6-passengr 1016 model 40-horaepower, IUIiy equippwu. urw in bi ... ""- nlng order. Phone South 1617. 4746 S. 18th. ' . WILL TRADE equity In 7-room modern house for Ford touring car. Aaaress isox 8188, Bee. ' TELL A BINKLEY, Auto repairing; expert mechanics. 2318 Harney St D. 1640. ,' BERT8CHY "Kan-Flx-It.'' Southeast cor ner 20tb and Harney ots. uougiaa ooi. fTsivhn vnira used CARS. AUTO EXCHANGE, 2107 FARNAM. D. 6086, (-PASSENGER car for sale or trade. Phone Webster 6067. , 16 DODGE TOURING, GOOD AS NEW, $460. 110 8. 17TI1. Auto Livery and Garagea" EXPERT auto repairing, "service cur al ways ready." Omaha Oarage. 2010 Har ney St Tyler 666 Auto Repajring and Painting. $100 rewVrdTfor magneto we can't repair, Colls repaired. Baysdorfer, 810 N. 18th. Tires and Supplies. NEBRASKA Auto Repair Works. Services and prlcee right 218 8. ltti Ht. u, 73u. Motorcycles 5n4'cycleiL HARLEY-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCLES. Bar sains in used machines. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Man," 27th and Leavenworth, PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Homo so licits your old clothing, furniture maga zines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 412S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our now home. 1110-1112 1114 Dodge St. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE, The reasons for the growing popularity are Beat Results and a Rate of 1c per word. t When you want both of the above, CALL TYLER 1000. MISS EFFIE HATTEHY or those knowing anything about her will be doing a great favor by writing her slater, Mrs. John Seeling, Route 1. BIO on. la. MECHANO THERAPY treatments. Miss Halloran, 222-2 Neville Block. MISS EDNA, scientific massage, 228 Ne vllle Blk. Open evenings and Sundays. LUELLA .WEBSTER, massage and mani curing-, no rsiiQH niH. iuu. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific masseuse and baths. 102 Karbaeh Blk. Red 3727. ALL Right Private Maternity Home, $011 Miami St. Werteter 2908. SCIENTIFIC mastjaga. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone UcUKias Anna Fisher, sulphur bat hi, nm MIHS LILLY, bath. mussagB. ia'J2 Farnam. Manlf-xiring and rimss .finKariiom. R liT EMMA BROTT massaging. 2120 Harney. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. NOTICE TO FARMERS Real bargain for cash. 10 big young matched farm mares, from 8.600 to 8,800 lbs. per team. 111 Poppleten Are., corner 34(h St., four blocks south Leavenworth St. Croastown enr line. Wanted. WANTED rlr farm tnarea, 2.400 (o 2,600. preferably In foal; must stand trial, P. J. Boysen, 219 8. 161h St. Kslstaff Buffet. POULTRY AND PETJTOCK Cyphers' Incubators and hovers. Stewart's Reed Store, 119 N. lth St.. Pup. P. O. Quven incubators and colony hovers. Stew art's Sed Store. 116 N 16th St., Opp. P.JX BHINDTEbun terrier for sal male: good dlspos. 300S Pacific. Harney 4K34. MEDICAL. DR. E. R. TARRT. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cares piles, Astute and other rectal dlseasee without surglcsl op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid antil cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bidg. Omaha. Neb, wrtY SITFFER? Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 618-629 Rose Bldg. Examination and Consultation free. He is curing thou sands. WHY NOT YOU7 Delays are dan gerous. It you can't call, write. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.. 7:80 to $:S0 evenings. Sunday by appointment HVRK FIT TKl'SS FOR RUPTURE Clean, sanitary, manipulating pad holds rupture all times with comfort. Sure Fit Truss Co. Red 3916. 60b , Brown Bldg. 16th and Douglas. ' RADIUM water baths and Hot Springe mer- rury treatment for rheumatism. Dr. M. Pyor, 14 JPatterson Blk. P. 6814. RUPTURE Successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 201 Bee Bldg Dentists. PAJlT p"rr- Net Pain. 911 V. O. W. Bldg" Taft'a Dint. Rms., 808 Rose Bldg. D. 2U6. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLKNHEHQ. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant. 24th and Farnam. D. 7298. Dr. C. J. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. P. 8461, Dr. Frances Dawson. $02-8 Rose Bldg. T. 2366. Dra. Johnston, 1126 W. O. W. Bfdg. D. 8629. MONEY TO LOAN LOOK! LEGAL RATE LOANS t LOOK I $ 10.00 costs you $ 8.28 for six months, 102.00 costs you 20.27 for one year. 166.00 costs you 21.80 far one year. 204.00 costs you 40.80 for one year, 300.00 costs you 60.00 for one year. Other amounts in proportion. EASY PAYMENTS. UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY, 340 Paxton Blk. TeL Doug. ft9S. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. no, s mo., n. goods, loiai cost, sii.Du. $40, 0 mo., indorsed nates, tots) cost, $2.60. Smaller, larger am'ts, proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. On account of the expiration el our lease In the Bee building, we have made arrange ments- with the First National Banit or Omaha to take over sjl of our box holders. This, transfer must be made as soon as pos sible, so pleas call at once and assist us In making this transfer. We will con tin 14 our buslnese In Omaha, but discontinue our safe deooslt vault only. AMERICAN SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS CO. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Herman F. Paulsen and wife to Thomas Lynn. Ellison avenue, 167,6 1 feet iwest of Boulevard, south aide. 46x136.77 .. .....i...... 1 Anna M. Eckman and husband to A. W. Wlnnegar, Twenty-seventh street, 168 feet north of Mason street, west side, 66x146.6 ; southeast corner Twenty-first street and Hoc tor bou levard. Irregular, approximately 47.8 x!36 i 1 Richard R. Evans and wife to Ruby U t Frailer, Harney street no reet west of Fifty-third street, south side, 60x 126 1 Helena Williams to Garvin Bros,, northwest corner Twenty-seventh and Plnknev street SlttxllSK ..... ' 1 Bern hard Jackerott and wife to John L. Fisher, Twentieth street, 96 feet south of Dorcas street, east aide, 47x111 M00 George W. Dougtas to Bernlce A. Douglas, Curtis avenue, 344 reet east of Thirty -first street south side, ' 122x29XW 2.600. Bombard Jackerott and wife to John L. Fisher, Twentieth street, 141 feet south of Dorcas street, east side, 47viii 8,000 Edward O. Nelson and wife to John B. Llchterwaiiner, southwest corner jtii tieth and Cass streets, 60x186 6,801 John B. Ashe to Allen J. Randall, Lin coln avenue, 100 feet east ot Tniriy fourth street, south side, 60x160..,. 1 Cotton Market. opened excited; May, ' 20.60cfli21.86c; July, XU.DOC IO ifl.vvc, vViuiwr, w i.ivu, uecemoer, iw.oo 10 aimiji ,..wv. Future rinsed unsettled: May. $20.60; July, 10.32c; October, 18.11c; December, 19.12c; January, 10.20c, Spot, steady; mid UlliiK, ti.ifv. .... The cotton market closed easy, aitnougn last nrlcea showed a net advance of 24 to b points. Metal Market. New York. April I. Mot a Is Lead, easy, $9.60 asked. Spelter, easy; spot, East Bt Louis delivery, $10.864 asked. Copper, uulet: electrolytic, snot and aacond quarter, $32. 00034. 00, nominal; third quarter, $30,00 632.00. Iron, strong; No. I northern, $42.0043.00; No. 2, $41.600 42.60; No. 1 southern, $a7.OO0$8.OO; No. 2, $36.00037.00, Tin, steady; spot, $64.26066.36, Holiday at London. ' Evaporated Apples and Dried Frutt, New York. April 9. Evaporated Apples Firm; fancy, 11012c; choice, 10c; prime, SSfc'OHc. Dried Fruit Prunes firm; Califorrtlas, 9 V 1 1 c ; Orgons, 9 0 1 0 1 c. Apricots, little offering; fancy, 20c. Peaches, firm; c ho I re. 84i; extra choice, 9-ie; fancy, 94be, Raisins, firm; rhoice to fancy seeded, 8 09c; seedless, 1O4j011Hc; London layers, $1.80. Live Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the flvs principal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnha 6,700 6,800 7,700 Blmix City 3,000 2.000 200 Chlrago 16.000 3,00 16,000 KAnsaa City 11,000 9.fno 7,900 Ht. Louis.. $.800 11,100 1,600 Totals '. 89.600 62,100 32,400 Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, April (.Wheat No. 2 hard, !2.2t.2.32; No. I red, 13.2402.1s; May, 12.011; July, Il.l2t4. florn No. 1 rolled, I1.17H17 1.SI4 : No. I white, 11.3(01.42; No. 2 yellow, I1.ISC1.40; May, II. 2: July, It. lev Dale No. I whits, 72C72';c; No. i railed, 10671c. ' Oil and Bo.ln. flavannah, Os., April (. Turpentine Finn, 40V4O to 47et sales. 15 bbl..; receipts, 3; shipments, 741: .lock, 10,024. Rosin Firm; sales, 31 bbls.: receipts, 101; shipments, 1,610; stock, I1.7B4. Quote A, H. c, D and E, 15.51; F. 0, H and 1, (ft. 00; K and M, 15.65; N, 11.70: WO, 15.71: WW, 15.80. t. Lonla tiraln Market. fll. T,ouls, April (.Wheat Nn. 2 red, 12.3502.431 No. 1 hard, 12.2702. Hi May, 2.11; July, 11.10. Corn No, 2, Il.41l.t2i No. 5 white, 1.4IW1.43; May, 11.2(14; July, II.27U. Oats No. 2, 72c; No, 2 white, nominal. NEW YORK STOCKSl'S H Mr: K-i,t.,niter, s.iidv; , Many Disturbing Factors of Past Augmented by Unfa vorable Crop Reports. CHANGE MARKETS STRONG York. April 9. The muny disturb ing factors of the last week were augmented today by additional unfavorable crop re ports, erratic and spectacular movements a the comniodltlea markets and the an nouncement of Austria's rupture with this government. Early question were mainly higher, but these gains were largely In the turn of short coverlnas. the market losing 1 Its atloatilHse lit the general liquidation of the last hour. Banking interests expressed disappoint ment at the absence of definite ad vires from Washington regarding prospective govern ment bond Issues and the question of taxa tion. On neither of thesn matters has viall street yet been consulted by the accredited fiscal aothorltle. Exchange markets were strong and active. During the forenoon United States Steel and various other Industrials of the same class, as well as munitions and equip ments, made gains of 2 to 4 point. Ship pings and metals were less responsive but strong. The ease with which these Issuen sold off probably In the absence of outside Interest, was in Itself proof of the market's profes sional character, Laat week's heaviness In rails was accentuated by declines of 1 te 8 points In the Investment group, Delaware A Hudson losing over 8 points. Total sales were 686,000 shares. The re vines of stocks extended to the bond lint, numerous domestic Isaues reced ing from H s point to a full point, but the international group was strong. Total sales, psr value, 96,lfi(t,oon, in government nonds tne emy feature was a 8 -point advance In the coupon 4s on call. Number of sales and quotations on the leading stocks were: Sates. High. Low. Close, Am. Rest Sugar., . 2,600 96 94 "4 94H Am. Can , . . , 8.000 47 40 s 46 H Am. Car F'ndry. 9.000 4fiV : 66 Am. Locomotive... 1,500 6HS 66 6H Am. Smelt A- Ref. 6.406 1M H Am. Sugar Ref Am. Trl. ft Tel 700 113 111 1104 200 Ut llJ'i ID.! 34 12.900 RftTt 7H'i 79H 1.900 101 101 10Jfc 6.600 107 103 104 Am. Z.. L and S. Anaconda Copper.. Atchison A. O. A W. I. S. S. Baltimore ft Ohio. 11. ft S. Copper. . . . 1. 60ft 77t 76 76 1,000 44 70 21 4,900 1A0 14.000 894 9.200 69U 4.700 80 49 42S, Cat. retrolsunl. . . , Canadian Pacific.. Central Leather... Chesapeake ft Ohio C, M. ft Ht. P.... C. A N. W II 31 167 168 86 87 67 79 67 71 U 1,100 114 113 C R. I. ft P. ctfs. Chtno Copper Colo. F. and I. . , . . 3.000 6,600 66 64 47 48 ISVi ' 44H 1"4 11H Corn Product Ref. 10.000 Crucible Steel 14.100 33 66 68 " 1 26 Cuba Cane Sugar.. 7.800 48 maimer's sec.,... rpo Rrl 163,600 "4 ITU General Electric... General Motors..., 4011 ism HI No. pfd 1.100 11! 1101. Ill .400 11 S I!' 14 400 1011, loin 101 1.100 (T4i U ttU Ot. No, Or, ctfs.. Illinois Central Inspiration Copper Int. M. M. pfd,... 2&.900 ,7ts 4V4 4144 37 II 4S 111 IS t 41 H 1H. 4 J U HI IO! II ti 4114 H I H IS IV 1714 4 111 Int. Nlokel 4,700 41 4m Int. Paper. 1,700 K. C. Southern Kennecott Copper. 4.100 441, 4IH ft N Maxwell Motors. . . Mexican Petroleum 1.400 0, 00 1. aoo M4 174, 41 3 Miami Copper...., 41 lit. Missouri Pacific. . Montana Power.. , Nevada Copper.... New York Central 00 00 109 100 400 II 12 1,700 ( 1314 00 44 41 N. Y., N. H. ft H. Norfolk ft Western Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall 00 102i 101 Pennsylvania ..... Pittsburg Coal Rsy Consol. Cop.. Reading Rep. Iron ft Steel. 4, tOO J.J00 7.S00 11,000 ,00 00 4.(00 t.100 1.100 1,0110 Jll 4ft 014 ilH 4114 im it. 174 )tf ! 4 It 0 4 It Hi 117 Shatlsck Aria. nop. Southern Pacific. . Southern Railway, Studebaker Corp.. Texas Co Union Paclfl 10,100 I1IH 114 134K u. . ind. Alcohol. i7,(o int4 111 in V. fl Steel........ ll. 100 111U 0 lit V. It. Bteel pfd.... 300 117 11714 ""4 Utah Hopper 11,000 111 110 110t4 Wabash pfd. "IT. . ... 1414 Western Union.... Wastlna. Electric. MOO U it 41 Total salsa for th. day, 115,009 altars,. New York If aver Market. New York, April t ,. Money On call. steady: ihlich, 114 psr cent I low, SH Par cant; rutin, rats, 344 par cent! last loan, 314 psr cent: closing bid, 114 per cant: offered at 114 par cent. U. a. 8s, re,.., Illtlnl. M, M. Is... (44 do, coupon.. U.K. R. Bo, r. 5s. U. 8. Is. re,. ..100 1,1 4k N, un 4s.. 1114 do, coupon , .100V.M. Kit. 1st 4a 7114 It. S. 4s re, ...10Mo. Pao. ten 4s. 43 V4 do, coupon ..lot Mont. Powor Is, 9(14 Panama la cou. IttIN, Y. Cent. Is.. 101)4 Am. For. ?eo Is 17 14 Nor. Pao. 4 (I Am. Tsl aV Tel. ' Nor. Pao. I (114 clt. 5s 10014 Ore. S. I,. 4s.... (0 Analo. French la. (4 Pac. T. TA Is. ((44 Atchison ,en, 4a (tttPenn. eon. 4tts. 10414 Bait, A Ohio 4s. (1 Penn. ten 4Hs.. ('a Cen. Leather la. 101 44 Raadlnff ten 4a.. M Cent. Pao. 1st. 17H8t. L. t B. F. Ches. O ov Is. (0 ad). I 7Uj O. 9. A Q.,'J 4s. (7 14 do. Pao. cv. Is. ..100 Chi. Mil. k Bt. P. 8o. Pao. rf. 4s.. (0 en 414s 101 Bo. Rslway Is. ..100 C, n. I. A T. Ry. Teal Pao 1st. 100 ref. 4s 71 Union Pao 4 (7U C. s B. ref 414s 1114 Un. Pac. ov. ts 12 Dom. can (a ...' IT. S. Rubber 6s. (1 Erie ,en. 4s ... II14U. i. Bteel Is. .10(14 O.n. Bleo. 6a . ,105i Wabash 1st .,..101 Ot. Nor. 1st 414s ( wt. Union ti,s. (4 III. Cent, ret 4s. It 14 Bld. "Offered. NCW TOHK fiKNKKAL MABKsrT. QuofesAloM ef th. Day an Vsrloa, Cowl raodlUeo. New York, April . Flour Btronir; aprln, patents, I10.(69l0.0: wlntsr pstsnts. 110.10 (tlO.IS: winter stralthta, ll.IO01O.lll Kan aaa stralthta, I1O.I501O.IO. Wheat Spot, wsak; No. I hard. 11.21, f. o. b., New York, nearby shipments; No. 1, northern Pululh, 12.1114: No. 1, northern Manltobs. 13.32, f. o. b., New York, open tnt navigation. Corn Hpot, weak; No. t yellow, 11.4444, c. I. f.. New York. Oats Spot, unsettled; standard, 714)710. Hides Bteady; Botota, 43ftc; Central America, 41c. ' Leather Central, firm; hemlock firsts, 57c: seconds, 65c. Provisos Pork, stront; mess, 140.00; family, I41.0041.00: short elesr, tll.notji 41.00. Beef, strong; mesa, 125.0020.00; fam ily. I23.00O10.00. Lard, firm; middle west, 121.90032.00 Butter Rsc.lpts, 4,640 tubs; -msrket, firm; creamery higher than estras I4614& 40c; creamery extraa ((2 ecore) 46c; firsts, 41014414c: seconds. 404r421,c. Ktts Weak; receipts, '31,421 esses; fresh gathered .atras, 1814014c; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 33c; trash gathered firsts, 31 la (f 3214C. Cheese Irregular; receipts, 1.414 boies: state fresh specials, 244ji2i4c; state frssh average run, 24l4 4r2sc. Poultry Dressed, firm: chickens. 219 19c; fowls. 20$2(c; turkeys, lsB.r ftusjitr Market. New Tork, April 8. -Sugar Raw, Iron: rerttrlfugal, 6.01c; molasnes, l.lTc. Reflnad. firm and 26 points hlfflier; .cut loaf, 8.66c; crushed, 8.60c; mould A, 8.10c; cub, 6.00c, XXXX imwdrd. 7.6iic: powdered. 7.6(ic fine ar&tiulr.ted. 7.10c: diamond A, 7.60c; confectioner' A, 7.I0', No. 1, T-Huo. Future op o nod utronff on actlve-coverlnc of abort and conMdertUJie buying; for outnide count. At noon price were Stffl6 point nichfr. Mter th Hit dfllnM partly under roal- Ulna, but closed steady and unchanged I polnti, higher; ala. 23,000 ton; May, 6.4,4c; July, b.ibc; September, l.6c. Coffe Market, New Tork, April 9, The market for fof- f future wa much more active today and at time appeared to be exceedt-d by th political advice from Brazil, apprehonalon that export might be interfered with by commerce raider and renewed talk of an Import duty. The market opined at an ad vane of 32 to 61 point and Bold 46 to 62 point net higher during th early trading, with July touching 6.76c and Decernlm 9,06c, compared with 7.6iiQ,7,H8c, the low prlc of Unt Monday. Houne with Wall fitted and cotton trade connoctioni wera live buyer on the advance, but there wa noma Melting by trade innrcnti. nuppoaoaif aifalnt cost and freight offer, while th market alno inot ronnlderable reallrlng, Price eattcd off acvcral point in iono tiuemie. July spiling down to N,ino and tp 4nmbjr to 8.70c, but the declln bronifht In aoine lrah buying and the close howod 3 points. Balsa were April, B.4MU May. fc.uGc: August. S,-,t.,niler. s.Hii,.; Oftbfr, 6.70o; Dp r, K.S3r; January, g.t)n; February. cm! ; .Vitn-n. ,.o:iti. Hot. nrmrr; Rto In. Hsntos 4s, 104x It whs reported In rost frilKht i!rtl. that well dosrrlbetl Ssntn.i, wliUh htl bern sold at 600 on aiit'ir.lay was tiftVrcd here below 10O today. ., iiilmi rr,.llts. uwlnit to th" holiday the nly official quotations from Itrasll wer. on !ntoa futures, which lout an otienln, ad- vsnre. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts hers sre llalit. market firm and hlalir on the better grades of pralrl. hay. ilomand continues good, alfalfa la firm and alsady. Hay rralrle; Choice upland. 114.50c, 1S.00: No. 1, $U.&0 14.00; N'o. I. 111. not. 13.50; No. I. tn. 004, 9.00; Nn. 1 mtdlad. I3.0ll.!10; No. 3. 11.00W11.60: No. 1 lowlaml. 4in.S0ill. 40; No. 2, IK.00&9.00; No. 17. OOMN.OO. Alfalfa rhoice, 81J.00W 20.00 ; No. 1. standard. I1S.OO17.00; No. 3. 111. 00(iH4. 00; No. 3, 110.50(1)12.00. st etraw, S7.00tr7.50: wheat straw. 14.00 .SO. . Minneapolis drain Market, Mlnncaptitl... April 8. Flour Fancy pat Is mlvniii'ed 30c. ouotert at 111: firsts. clears advanced 20c, quoted at 19,40. Othc sdes unclmniced. llarlcy I1.0,i74f 1..13. KyO ll.71nrl.7t. Hrsn IS7.ttoa7 Wheat May. 12.0.1: July. ll.MW. No. 1 hard. 12. 102. 33; No. 1 n,,rl here 3.l3'ir;,15; No. I northern, IJOOtt J.15. fern Nn. a yellow, ll.244 $il.20. Oats Nn. 1 white, 2t,timc. Flaiserd 13.04 li C3.1 1 V No Mail to Be Sent From This Country to Germany Conies of orders to the nostoffices of tlie country were received here Monday, putting into effect new reg ulations made necessary by the war with licrmany. No mail can be disratched from thit country to Germany, Austria-Hungary, Luxembourg, Bulgaria or Tur key. While we are not at war yet with any but Germany, emails to the other named countries have o pass through Germany, and therefore can not be sent. Mails received here from those countries, however, will be delivered as heretofore. Mails received in this count from Germany destined for some t other country will be sent to the dead letter office, and the place from which they were rccctvea wm De notinea tnat they cannot be transported through the United States. Thev will not he seized, but will be sent back to the place of origin if possible. , since tne war started mail, to and from the central empires have been moving to and from this country via Sweden. . County Jail Prisoners Hear Talk on Patriotism Patriotism is just as noticeable in the county jail as in lota of other places. An outsider would have thought so Sunda afternoon if he rnuM hav. li..ej ,1,. n.i.AMAKA I. and applaud the mention of the flag, the president and the army and navy -when A. L. Sutton, well known Omaha attorney, former judge of the district court) and republican candidate for governor at the electic ; last fallj talked to them In the jail, corridors on "Patriotism." 1 Mr. Sutton's talk to the county jail prisoners was made a the request of a prominent jail worker, who bi- . lieved that the message of loyalty to their country in these war times ahntilrl he vtncirl tn ,km a. w-11 T- ........ ...... the people in the outside world. . tic atturiicy urgcu tne prisoners to hi loyal to their country above all and to respect the American flag and what it stands for. C(as Two Naval Reserves Also Ordered to Mobilize When naval reserves in the Omaha district were ordered to mobilize Sun day Class 2 reserves were not in cluded. These were men with sea going experience, but who had not served a full term in the navy before going on the reserve list. ' t However, Harold E. Tagg, Ex change building:. South Omaha, and Joshua Manwaring Lamb of Williams, Neb., membert of Class 2 of the re serves, were anxious to go for active war duty with the fleets at once. The matter was taken up with headquar ters by Lieutenant Waddell. A sup plemental order soon arrived, order ing reserves ot tne second class to mobilize with the others. So the pa triotic Nebraska lads, who originally were not ordered out are how happy in being permitted to "do their bit'' at once. Phrtoin to Open the Empress Garden May 1 ' P. H. Philbin. first in command st the Schlitz hotel, has leased the Em press Garden, which he will open May 1 as a restaurant. This attrac tive place, with ita sumptuous decor ations, is known to Omaha. Mr. Philbin makes this change on account of the removal of the Schlitz building next monin to make way tor the new Wolf-Hiller building, which -will be erected on the site. The Empress Garden is beinv re modeled to meet the requirements of its new occupant. io KeimbiiTse Owners, VVhen Property Annexed Property 'owners who have made sewer and other similar improvements in strips of lands between Omaha and Benson, adjoining Elmwood park and in Clontarf precinct will be reim bursed by the city when this terri tory shall have been annexed to Greater Omaha. Ordinances provid ing for annexation are before the council, and it was the sense of the committee of the whole that property owners snouia oc tuny protected in their rights. Popcorn Venders Blpck Traffic On Boulevards City Coiiuiiissioiiet Hummel rel ishes popcorn. He would rather sit under a tree in Elmwood park nib. bling at a sack of popcorn than weal a potato-studded crown. - Notwithstanding his penchant for popcorn, he mids it necessary to curb the activities of vendors of this del icacy who ply the boulevards aitd cause congestion of motor vehicles. Thirty-Four Killed When Gas in Jap Mine Explodes (Correspondence of The Associated Press.) Tokio, March 25. Thirty-four men. including an engineering graduate of the Imperial universit. of Tokio, were killed recently by a cas explosion in the Fushan coal mines in Manchuria. The dead included Taro Nakamura. the engineer, two other officials of the company, seven Japanese and twenty four Chinese cooties. . . r A.