The V , s Omaha Daily Bee , Want-ad Night Service to 10 p.m. Tyler 1000 VOL., XLVI. NO. 253. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1017 TWELVE PAGES. tn Trilai. it Htta. NM Utntt, It., to. SINGLE COPTTWO CENTS. i . . . ' w " 1 THE WEATHER Cloudy ' 1 FIVE THOUSAND GERMANS TAKEN IN BHITJi DBIVE General Haig's Army Advances Along Twelve-Mile Front Southeast of. Arras for Several Miles, y . BERLIN ADMITS . REVERSE Canadian Troops Reported to '' Have Carried the Famous ' , yimy-Ridge. ' " ' ' . STILL COUNT THE CAPTIVES (From a Staff Correspondent of the Asso ciated Press.) With the British Armies in France, . April 9 (Via London.) It is estimate cd at the British headquarters .that - approximately 5,000 Germans were captured by 'the British in the lasf twelve hours in the region northeast of Arras. The British penetrated far into the German lines and inflicted heavy casualties on the Teutons. Jt is reported the British are in posses-, sion of the Vimy region. Advance of Several Miles. London, April 9. An advance of . from, two to three miles has been made by the British troops on a front from Henin-Sur-Coieul, southeast of Arras, Jo Givenchy-En- (johelie, a distance 01 auoui iwcivr. miles. The official report from army headquarters; in France makes tfiis announcement tonight and adds that the advance continues. - - The famous Vimy ridge was car- ried by Canadian troops. Thousands- of German prisoners were taken by the British. Up to 2 .o'clock this afternoon 5,816, includ ing 119 officersTpassed through the receiving stations, and according to the official report, many more remain to te counted. . v y . . Berlin Admits Reverie. The official communication issued by the war office at Berlin says that heavy fighting took place throughout the day on both sides of Arras, "the enemy having forced his way into parts of our positions.", The report savs the fighting continues. The report adds that there was strong artillery firing on the Aisne and Champagne fronts. Seventeen entente airplanes were brought down yesterday oh the west ern front, the war1 office -added. The British official statement reads: ' ,' " 'The' operations continue to be , carried out .successfully inr accord ance with the plan. Our troops have everywhere -stormed the enemy de fenses from Henin-Sr-Cojeul to the ' souther- outskirts of Givenchy-En. Gohelle. to a depth of from two to three miles,, and our advance con '. tinnes. , ' Captured in Morning., , "The Client's forward defenses n this front, including Vimy ridge, which was carried by the Canadian troops, ' were captured in the early morning. These defenses comprise a network of-renches and fortified lo calities Neuville Vitasse, Telegraph Hill, Tilloy Lez Mofflainesrbserva tion Ridge, St. Laurant-Blangy, Les Tilleullcs and La Foli farm. "Subsequently dur troops moved forward and captured the enemys rearward defenses, including, in addi tion to other powerful trench sys tems, the fortified localities of' Feuchy, Chapelle de Feuchy, Hyder bad redoubt, Athies and Thelui. . ' "Up to 2 p. m., 5,816 prisoners, in cluding 119 officers, passed through the stations,. and many more remain to be counted.- Of these a large num ber belong to the Bavarian divisions, who have suffered heavy casualties in today's fighting. , , , Demioourt Taken. - "The captured war' material in cludes guns and a number of trench , mortars and machine guns, which have not yet been counted. ' "In the direction of Cambrai fur ther progress has been, made in the neighborhood of Havrincourt wood. : We have captured, the village of Demicourt ' i , "In the direction of St. Quentinwe ' Continued sn Page Two, Column Oae.) - The Weather r . ' , V:V.. For NebrMka Partly cloudy. Tempentoref at Omaha YMtrdr Y Hour. v Define, E as san tt a., m .. li .. S2 .. 36 S8 .. 41 .. 44 .. 48 81 .. 14 .. If 48 6H 7 p. m.. 66 I p. m.f.. ....... 63 :'; Comparative Local Beoord. 1917. ill. 1118. 114. H'.shctt yiterday.,...60 53 S6 47 LpwtBt yesterday. .....31 it 10 39 Mean Umperatura ,..4 '44 61 18 PrMlplUUoa 00 .90 .91 -.09 Temperatnra Mid pracipttattn departure 'from tha normal "t Otxxaha since March I and compared with the laat two ye&ra; Normal temperature , 40 Deficiency for the day 2 Total eirru elnee Uarch 90 Ndrmal precipitation ..... .10 Inch Deficiency for the days. ,!..... .lOlaoh 1 Total rainfall , sine March 1....S.90 Inches Ucficleflcy eince March 1....... ,11 loch Deficiency tow ror. period. 19K.,J.(t tnajies Deficiency for cor. period, 1111.. .It Inch, Keporta Trm 8teMM at IT. If. Station and State v" Temp; High- JRaln- of Weather. . j " tp7 m. ; est. fall, Chcytmne. cloudy..... t 14 .00 Davenport, clear. ...... 4k ' 41 . ,00 lenver, cloudy ... CI . "2 .'ft Dm HOI nee, clear....... 49 Dodica City, clear...... 9 Indr, cloudy it North Platte, pt. cloudy T4 Omaha.' ciear,,. ...... 44 ! Ptjeblo, cloudy........ 99 Kaptd City, cloudy.,.., 92 Palt Lake, chud...... 94 Hmnta Ke, cloudy 14 Sheridan, cloudy 91 Sioux Ctty. clear. .... 94 79 94 10 . '. it .or T. tl .00 Valentine, clear........ li 71 .00 'T. ' indicate!, trace of precipitation. - . U A. WELSH, Meteorololet.. fCi 8 a, jn - fp' 39 a, m...... -fjt 11 a. m A j?' X p. m..,!! New German Slogan is Victory or Death With Honor, Says Essen Paper Economic Writer Says Ger many May Have to Sacri v fice Fruits of Victory ' to Win War. - THREE QUESTIONS ASKED , ' ' ' '' Amsterdam. April 9. (Via Lon don.) Three questions in regard to America's entrance into the war have been put to leading German manufac turers "by the Rheinische Wcstfalische Uazette ot tssen, an important in dustrial organ. The paper asks: First, whether unrestricted subma rine warfare has been bought too dearly at the gricfe-of war with Amer ica; second, what will be the economic consequences; third, is it possible to make Germany economically inde pendent of America? Councillor Dr. Beukenberg of Dort mund answers the first question in the negative. Beukenberg says: "Our early reluctance to use of our subma rines was due to the most far-reaching deference to America) with whom we, were on friendly terms, and, above all, enjoyedjmportant commercial ref lations. America never attempted to help us in our distress' caused by Eng land's starvation blockade. Our yield ing to America's demands was not caused by fear of its military re sources, but with a view to avoid difficulties in rebuilding our foreign Ltrade after the war. President JWilsons biased judg ment of the German peace proposals showed that America does not want German victory and prefers to 'aid British aims in the dismemberment of Germany and Austria-Hungary. "We were thus compelled to resume unrestricted submarine warfare in orw der to force a victorious conclusion MUSTER ROLL HERE , ' IS GROWING FAST x . ' Record Day for Enlistments in the . Various" Branches of War Service. . ARM? 18 FAR IN THE LEAD MUSTER ROLL. Today. Total. Army ......... National Guard ... Navy ............ Marine Corps ..I. .45 .19 .20 215 186 1112 11 Total since the call. .......52 All records for. a lay's recruiting in Omaha are being broken today, with almost overwhelming numbers of recruits at the army, navy, National Guard and marine recruiting stations. The grand total of all four branches for- the day promises to exceed any previous record and, may reach 100 men. - " ii Forty-four men were lined up at 8 a. m. Monday for examination and en listment in the army. By noon over thirty had passed the physical tests. Sergeant Hansen said that he ex pected the enlistments for the day to reach fifty. Navy recruiters were also swamped and by noon had accepted over twenty applicants for enlistment. Three new men were also enlisted in the marine corps. ' National i Guard recruiting, sus pended last week, seems to have suf fered as a result, 'AlthMrgh resumed Saturday,' the recruiting for that branch has not ytt returned to the pace set when the "original call -was issued two weeks 'ago. However, nineteen new enlistments in the guard were reported un to Monday noon. The big recruiting business Monday was' partly due to the Sunday re cruiting, as those recruits had to wait for actual examination and enlistment until Monday, the formal swearing in of 'the men not being permitted on Sunday.- ' - v s. , " - Patriotic Response. According to all recruiting officers, however.' the bie of recruits is .largely due to the patriotic response jiuiii yuung men ill tne war jcnsis. "The boysar now realizing that we are at War and need many men bad ly,", said one officer. "From now on red-blooded Americans are expected to throng the recruiting offices arid (juickly fill up the ranks." ' This morning canvassing parties started out from the army sta tionvto recruit men-in small Towns in Nebraska and Iowa that hereto fore have not been covered by, the recruiters. A phone call was also re ceived from Sidney, la., saying that a patriotic mass meeting will be held there Tuesday, and askjiig for a re cruiting officer to attend. One will be sent from the Shenandoah ,sub itation, Sergeant, Hansen sait). Navy recruits over 16 yeara of age no longer will have to wait for under age waivers from headquarters,' if they meet all other requirements, for the age requirement has now been re moved to that extent. That was done supposedly to hasten the recruiting of the large number of new men now so urgently needed. 1 Captain 'Wallace Here.' V Preparation of blank forms for fed eral muster of the Guard began Sun day. J By Tuesday mustering of the machine gun company at the post of duty, near Omaha, it expected to be- ! rA n, I 5 . ',-1 i St .ra11'' r "ng,e5 Alexa.nder climbfd the other Omaha companies of the buard. Captain Wallace, U.S.A., recently from border duty .afNogales, is here and, wilbe the senior mustering offi cer. He will be assisted by Captain King of the medical, corps of the regular army, and Captain- Eyering ton, U.S.A., who has been here since he mustered the Fourth regiment out of federal service in January They say they cannot tell how long it will take to muster the Fourth regiment in again. The work will be done for each company at its prh.iit post. I to the war. Considerations of the fu ture developments of our trade must wait while danger exists of our losing the fruits" of victory." In regard to -the second question Dr. Beukenberg, after pointing out in detail that American exports to Ger many were two and a halt times big ger than German exports to Amern says: " Alter the war America not want to cut off its desman mer. It would harm us griev America were to refuse to us large loan to help us over our dif ties. We would then have to make our stocks last much longer, 'although J eventually able to return- to a sound basis. After calling attention to the huge increase I in America's financial strength. Dr. Beukenberg says in an swer to the third question: "Germany cannot become wholly independent. In the case of cotton, tor jmstance, under the most favora ble circumstances, it 'vould take decades- to meet our needs' from our colonies in Asia Minor. .To a certain extent we can be sparing with cotton and use all our available, substitutes, but a large part of German imports are raw mattrials which are exported as manufactured goods.Thus in creases in the difficulties of importing would hit us badly. This, however,, applies equally to the United States. Americans do not' grow cotton for nothing and they will welcome their old customer back again. After all, the submarine war spells victory, and. if we are to dictate peace adequate guarantees may be negotiated. Now that America isj an open enemy, we no longer have 'our hands tied and there is- no longer the fear that we might have to make an undignified peace through exhaustion. I he s!o victory death with JOINT COMMITTEE ON fiOPDCT OF WAR - j . ' House and Senate Consider ,. Resolution .to Create 8oa.rd to Advise Departments. ,, 4 TO BX OiyEH WIDK POWERS V Washington. April 9. A ioint res olution " for a congressional joint committee on the conduct of the war" was introduced simultaneously today by Senator Weeks of Massachusetts an9 Representative Madden of Illi nois, both republicans. The committee would be com posed of six members of the senate, including four democrats and two re publicans, six from the house, evenly divided between republicans and dem ocrats. : .. The resolution provides that the committee shall be known as the joint committee on the conduct of the war and "shall sit during the ses sions or recesses of congress; shall make a special duty of the problems arising out of the war; shall con f el and advise with the president of the United States and heads of various executive departments 'and shall re port to congress from time to time in its own discretion, or when requested to do so by, either branch of con gress." The committee would be clothed with the widest power of investiga tion, ' compelling testimony under oath.' In the. senate the resolution for a joint' congress war committee was referred to the rules committee at the request of Senator Weeks, who explained that it was designed to have this congress follow the course followed irj the civil war. "It wmjld furnish a direct connect ing link between the executive and legislative branch of government," said he. , "We. should co-relate all the forces of government in the con duct of this war. It is reported that we are tobe asked to appropriate vast sums of money and we have no direct knowledge how or where the money is to be spent. It is the duty pf congress to know the methoHs of expenditures made and the purposes of appropriations by congress, it is no reflection on any pne to have ex penditures so considered We are go. ing to war and it seems to me we should keen before the neonf af all rimes the methods of makinfc ixnendi. lures." ., Comes Near to Bemg Shot . Without Going Into Battle Sergeant Jesse .'Alexander -of the machine 'gun squad, on duty at Fort Crook, came pretty near being shot and that without going into battle. He was" hauling down the flag when up, the ladder (o straighten; out the tangle and tn doing so, the holster containing his revolver became un buckled and the gun fell out The hammer of the gun struck; against the ladder, exploding a cartridge. The bullet went up through Alexander's' hat, missing his hcal by less than an obert Wilbur, mustered out of the Omaha machine gun squad January , hareported at iort Crook and will flre-enlist in his old company. He an ticipated a call to arms ana hurried back, I JT gan now is honor." . BRAZIL MINISTER WONT RECEIVE KAFIR'S ENVOY r der Refuses Audi. Teuton and Orders mer Be Made Ready for Mission Abroad. EyiDENTLY : MEANS , BREAK Action Taken to Indicate Ar rangement for Departure of German Officials. DISPOSITION OF VESSELS Riq Janeiro, April 9.Lauro Muel ler, rareign minister, has refused to receive the 'German minister. Dr. Mueller then gave urgent orders thai a steamer in Rio Janeiro be made ready at once for a mission abroad. : Dr. Mueller conferred with the war minister and the chief of staff. He also urgently requested a report from the Brazilian legation in Paris. - Think It Means Break. Washington. April 9. In Latin- American dinjematic quarters here it was said late today that Dr. Mueller s refusal to receive the German minister to Brazil undoubtedly meant that the government had definitely decided to sever diplomatic relations with Ger many, i Dr. Mueller's orders that a steamer be prepared "at once for a mission abroad" was interpreted, as meaning that the Brazilian government also had determined to arrange forjthe im mediate departure of the German of ficials'. It was -considered doubtful that the forty-six German ships in Brazilian ports would be seized at this tmie unless it should aDoear that the vessels might attempt to escape or were in danger t being destroyed by their crews. 1 Warns Girls Against Slackers' Marrying To Evade Army Duty Chicago, April 9. Judge Stelk In the court of domestic relations issued a warninr today to girls who marry men in hajte so that conscription of the 'men far the- army may be. de layed. ' '. "Men who take this . means of evading their duty to their country are likely to forget .thety duty to ther wives," said -the statement. . i-'i-;' Tbe rush for marriage licenses con tinued, 1,132 being issued, the largest number ever issued Jiere in one day. - Throughout the day long lines of waiting bridegrooms thronged the license office, the rush being so great that practically all of the clerks in the county clerk's office were assigned to the bureau. Bailiffs and deputy sheriffs -here put at work maintaining order and restraining scores of curi ous persons, many of whom rebuked the young "men. calling them "slack ers." Orders were issued to exclude from the corridors "runner" for country justices of the peace, reported to have been soliciting business. Most of the prospective benedicts denied that the call to arnil was re sponsible for their rush to matrimony and offered various excuses ranging from religious onesMo the explaiKt, tion of a youth who said, "The-war had rtothing to do with it. I'm mar rying her now before sornebody else gets her." , Can Eecniit Guard JTo Peace Strength - Only in the West ' ,. , , i ' . i- - , Chicago1, April - 9. It . was a an nounced at the headquarters of the Central, department of the United States army today that the National Guard organizations called into fed eral service in the Central depart ment, will be allowed to recruit their forcesto peace strength odly, or about two-thirds of the war strength. The purpose of this order is said to be to allow concentration of recruit ing for the benefit -of the regular army and navy. Eastern States Are : Covered With Snow Philadelphia, April 9. Eight and one-half ' inches 'of snow covered Philadelphia today, exceeding in depth any, snowfall during the past winter. The snow began last night and ceased at 7 a. m. ' ' New York, April 9. Worshipers leaving the churches, after the Sun day night Easter services walked out into a snowstorm, which, continuing all night long, ended today after lay ing a five'-irtfli mantle of white upon the city. The temperature of 25 de grees at 6 o'clock this morning was the lowest on anv April 9 in the Records of the local weather bureau. How About Our Army? The Bee la distributing a book of the United States Army. ' v This book ifone every American will be glad to own, because every patriotic American is more keenly interested in the army today than ever before, and also because this book - is a beauty printed on heavy paper In colors, full of un usual illustrations, absolutely re liable, prepared by the govern ment. . ., ,. . (Get your copy of the Army Book today. Sent free on receipt of, your name and address and a two-cent stamp for return postage. Wjrite plainly to v ( THE OMAHA BEE ilnformatioivBureau Washington, D. C. a " AUTOMOBILES IN THE WARRING COUNTRIES Mrs, Hope Sommer, fen American woman, wheeling a wounded Senegalese on the promenade at Nice. 11 ' " i'ii liana " "rAh4w -tTi li g iTi! - " j ,"aaaaaaaaajaj g- - , -8 t,sS " iilKUHW W VVi,S 1 -VCTARIN JPQJ THRWOUMDJ5D- " - f n miT(uW Barred Zone Established Against - Tea Room Athletes, Yclept Mashers Pernicious Activities of y These Finally Sets On the Nerves of the 'Polioe De partment. : JAIL UNLISS THEY CEASE . - " " V - Woe hi unto tose members of the hand-holding ukelele-playing he-dove species 'whoTare commonly called "mashers." Captain- DemoseV" has issued orders for his trusty guardians of the Deace to hurt into the confines of the hoos- gow (every teav room athlete found lurking around the street corners or planting himself in front of a cigar JUDGE WADE TELLS GRAND JURY TO ACT Informed' as to Law. as Applied to ThoievWho Are Inemtes . of United States. 1XPBCTED . TO ', DO DTY The - following instructions were given by Martin J. Wide, Lnited States district judgie, to the grand jury called for the ""present term- of federal court here with respect to the war situation; . ; 'Now this grand jury1 meeta at very important time. , This1 nation is St war. You might as well lace the fact. A few weeks ago men and wom en all over this country were dis cussing the question at to whether ye should have . war or , whether Ve should not have war, and men of equal intelligence, but different ideas of things varied in their judgment on these matters. And then they were exercising their rights. and duties as American citizens, because that, is one of the things that an .American citizen-ought to do, to have an opin ion about these things -and express that opinion. But now thj door is closed on discussion; the die is cast. - "Republics must be governed by majorities. ' It is the only way they can live. And when the majority has spoken, in the manner provided by law, the minority must yield: Any thing else il anarchy. , A submission to the legally constituted authority is the highest form of patriotism, arid a defiance of legally J constituted au thority is treason.- - . . Heartaches and Heartbreaks, - "I realize what this war means, to a whole lot. of good men, and women in this country. So do you. It means heartaches .and heartbreaks. But in it alk no man, no woman must, forget that his or tier highest allegiance and first duty, under their duty to God, is their duty to their own' country, and when a crisis like, this comes there is only one thing to do' and that is to perform the duty of an-American citizen, -i ... V . - r , -."Congress,, by the -constitution,- is clothed, with, the power to declare war. Members of Congress have spoken, spoken not aione their indi vidual views, but spoken with , the voice of authority of the people who sent them there. What they have said ir final. There is no way of re ceding. There is only one possible result, from the standpoint of the American citizen, and that il victory final victory, , And in the meantime there may,f be much sacrifice demanded.- -'..,; Likes a Good Fighter, -. VNow I know how hard ' it is for some men to submit. They are temperamentally disposed to contest every 'inch. That .is all right., I like to see s good fighter. But tliere is a, time in these matters When submis sion is necessary. And anybody who does not submit has violated his duty as an American citizen-and has vi lated the most solemn enactments ot the congress of the United States. ' "I don't know whetbtranyf these matters will come before you; they may. If they do I- am sure that you will throw off every -feeling for or against any. mn in public life and everv ooinion that yfju have had with reference to whether we should have (CsBtlnaad aa raa Two, Column Thn, store for the purpose of giving the passing review the visual forward and back.. " ; -.. : Captain Dempsey'j order ,is sweep ing. It includes Sixteenth and Fif teenth streets from Howard to Doug las. Loitering will be the charge made against anyone found hanging around a given place for too long a period or annoying women who pass by. ( Some complaint! of the pernicious activities of mashers have come to po lice headquarters and Captain Demp sey intends, to put a stop to the prac tice. Prosecuting Attorney McGuire promises to prosecute all cases wtuch come up and the masher who doesn't guard his actions carefully is -likely to find himself locked up inMie bas tile. .!-. . - , . . . DRAWS BILL FOR FIVE RIIXIOM BONDS Measure Providing for Larjre Loan to Allies Will Be Intro-' - duced in House Thursday. . OUTSIDER NEW: TAXES Washington, April 9. A decision to introduce the $5,000,000,000 bond issue measure An Thursday in the house wal reached today by Secretary Mc Adoo,and RepVesentative Rainey of Illinois, ranking, democratic member of the ways and meant aemmittee.1 . The -measure will carry a $3,000, 000,000 issue for a loan to. the allies and a $2,000,000,000 issue for conduct, ing the war -for this country. The $2, 000,000,000 issue is expected to meet approximately' one-half of this coun try's war expenses up to June 30, 1918. Consideration of plans for raising ad ditional funds by taxation for con ducting the war for this country will come later. The most essential, thing to be accomplished now, it is agreed, is to prepare the allies' loan in order that they may obtain much needed food and munitions. ; ; ;. - - Every effort to rush the bond meas ure through the, house will be con sidered by the iwkys and means com mittee Wednesday. t ; rf- has not beesi definitely decided. Some members .- of the committee prefer fifty-year bonds, but think It would be best to pay them oft at diftcrent times. - The -question of raising money' by taxation still is being Considered from many angles and no . concrete -plan-has been worked out? It is generally agreed that :ecess profits, incomes and certain luxuries will be -heavily taxetj. What will begone about in creasing the inheritance, tax, however, still is, problematical... Opposition to increasing it because of interference with, state inheritance tax. laws has appeared, but, it is not believed it will prove, strong enough to prevent raising the government inheritance tax. ..' . ' ... ;.,', .... ., President of Buena , -; Vista .College Resign? ,. Stoflm Lake. Ia., April 9. (Special.) -Rev.. P. DEchlin, D. D., for the last four, years - president of, Buena Vista college has -resigned and will re-enter the ministry of the Presby terian church, tie came to Buena Vista college from the pastorate of Knox Presbyterian church jn Sioux uy. . jw mc same lime rtevj, i. j. Smith, who lias been financial agent for the college, also resigned. Both, resignations, have been accepted by the board of trustees and their succes sors are under consideration. - - Seven Men Enlist at- 7 j . ' Storm Lake Saturday " Storm Lake, la., April 9. -(Special.) At a meeting held at the Commer cial dub roopis in this city Saturday night at the call of Maydr W.- C. E.dson, sen Storm Lake young men enlisted in Company M, Second Regi ment of the. Iowa National Guards. Captain Collins of Cherokee spoke at the meeting, as did several of the Grand Army men. Preparations are being made for patriotic demonstra tion in this city on next Friday, when it is expected that Company M will be over from' Cherokee , ;'. ; AUSTRIAN CHARGE AT WASHINGTON ASKS PASSPORTS . , u.- Dual Empire Formally Jireaks Off Diplomatic Rala- - Hons With United : ' States. SPAIN WILL ACT FOB'U. S. American Diplomats and Oon , suls Caring for Tw6 Million Austrian Prisoners. SWEDEN ACTS FOR AUSTRIA Washington, April . 9. Austria Hungary, under the pressure of Ger many, has severed diplomatic' rela tions w,ith the United States. . 1 Baron Erick Zvveiriinek. rharan A' n( ,k. A...f-A u....i. ,... v. v,-AAu,,ai lay embassy here, called at the State de. partmeht today and asked for pass ports for himself ind the embassy staff. ', ,"r , .- ; Almost at the same time a dispatch-was received from American .Minister Movall at Berne saymg the qjial monarchy had broken off diplo matic relations with the United States in Vienna yesterday. It is presumed : this was done by handng passports to American - Charge Grew. ' American Ambassador Penfield, -who had left Vienna on Sffturday,- probably did not know of the government's action. -By pe-arrangement SpaitVwill take over the diplomatic and consular in terests of the United States in Austria-Hungary. All Austrian consular agents will, depart from the United States with the diplomatic mission as was the case with Germany. ir . I. - .: "l. ' ' i - , jv iw iiic tunc naruc z.wciaine 'asked for his passports no similar (ction had .been taken by Bulgaria and Turkey Germany's two other allies and their representatives here disclaimed having any knowledge of the intention of their governments.-, is expected nere iney win ioiiow by breaking diplomatic relations. Probably Will Declare War. ' Austria's break with the United States undoubtedly is the prelude to .-i...;. t . c ..... c:... - UW.,.,U,I U. . IUUE U two days elapsed between the break ' in relations between' the United States and Germany and the forma) declara tion of a state of war. . ' It is, quite possible, however, that there may, not be war-like operations between the forces oi the two govern ments unless Germany's carrying fur- Jher its- domination of the Vienna government should force it.- , - Charge Grew at Vienna also will" turn over to Spaltt British and Japan ese interests, which this country has looked. after Since the beginning of the war. Italian, French and Kojl manian, interests in AuHria-Hungary, previously looked after by the United States, were ordered turned Over to the Swiss minister, ; . ' I American ambassadors, miniafera : and (consular, officials in. France, Great Britain, Russia, Serbia, Japan, Greece, Morocco and Egypt will. stand ready to turn over Austrian interests, which the United States has represented in those countries since the beginning of (he wsr, to-whatever nation the. Aus trian foreign office shall indicate. ' The United States, by the break In relations, is released of the care of proDamy ,uw,uuy. war -prisoners. In Russia alone it is estimated that 1,-. 2.(1000 Austrian nrisinvra . r ttA American protection, with a considerable-number in France also. In Aus- -tria the United States has cared for .11 .1 T.i: r j t .. . , u tuc ai.iian anv jvouinanian pris- oners. Other small groups are thought , to bring the total well up to 2,000,000. ' . . Few Americans in Austria. , About 200 native Americana ara - thought to be in Austria 'and Hun gary, with perhaps another 1,800 nat- ' uralized Austria-Americans, most ,of ' who may prefer to stiv in thiir country of birth. Officials here expect nc oimcuiiies' to De piacea oetore Amsnnna in Anafrta mA l.a-1l .1.. American embassy-officials, will b permitted to leave without restraint or inconvenience. There are about fifty consular offi cers in. addition JoXtheir regular em bassy staff, not including clerks, 'at taches and - families. Safe conduct for all will be. arranged at once. Austria-Hungary has asked Sweden, to take over her , intiaftsts in -the uuucu states. - . , 1 N . f t Penfold at Zurich. ' 'The safe arrival of Ambassador and Mrs. Penfold at Zurich, Switzerland, with three members of the embassy staff, was reported, today to the de partment. The last i direct dispatch from Vienna, was received vesterdav and said that up tq that time Austria had not taken action.' Joseph C, Grewt formerly secretary at Beslin, is' acting as charge in Vienna, aided by four assistant secretaries. Austria's action is attributed entire ly to German influence, as officials' have received every indication that the dual monarchy did not wish a break. When, the United States sev ered relations with Germany, Austria then' expressed gratitude that the United States liberally interpreted her formal endorsement of the German Rolicy as largely academic because of er not. operating ; near American -shipping. .' . .. .f ' y The Best Help Read the Best Paper. ;r When you want Com- petent Jlelp put your ,; ';'ads in -.- i-, " - 'jy, .J The Be ' , ' ' , ' You are as close to -' The Bee Want-Ad Dept. as your phone is to you. - Call Tyler 1000