vriE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. APRIL 0, 1917. Briej City News Maade Lamp Burgeaa-Orattdea Co. Have Boot Print It New Beacon Praia. Platinum Wedding Rings Ed holm, jeweler. $0.0(IO 1st mtge b'ds on Imp. Omaha property, 111 yra. g pet. Box 2544, Bee. Automobile Insurance Complete protection. w. Charles Sundblad, Keeline building. Douglas 3320. Schools Reopen Monday Public schools will be reopened next Monday morning, following the spring vaca tion ot one week. C. I. Palm Manager Uanawa beach and park will be managed this season by C. I. Palm. Among other attrac tions he is to Install "Skee-ball" al leys (or that new form of bowling. Mrs. Smith An Aspirant Mrs. Sarah P. Smith of Garfield Circle No. 11, Ladles of the Grand Army of the Kepubllc is a candidate lor depart ment president. It was announced yesterday. Captain Bowen at Cambridge Cap tain and Mrs. Storrs Bowen, formerly of Omaha, who have been three years at Fort Williams, Me., are now at cam. bridge, Mass., where the captain Is detailed as assistant military inspec tor at Harvard. Nearly 1,000 Harvard students are enrolled for military training. To Clean Cp Vacant Lots In con nectlon with the city-wide cleanup campaign to be held week after next Health Commissioner Connell urges that citizens clean up vacant lots owned by nonresidents. If material from these lots is placed In convenient heaps near the alleys the .city wagons will make collections when going tnrougn tne alleys. Handle Many Coses Three hundred and fifty-nine cases were handled by police surgeons during March. The monthly report of the surgeons enu merates the cases handled as follows: Two murders, eleven taken to the morgue, four attempted suicides, one HUicide. twenty-three automobile acci dents, thirty-four assaults, nine street oar accidents and seventy-nine miscel laneous accidents. Robbed In an Alley Adolph Ros acker of Traynor, la., visiting in Omaha, decided Friday night that he would like to "wet his whistle." When a couple of white men invited him to retire to an alley in the rear of Twelfth and Douglas streets to take a nip he willingly accepted. A couple of min utes later he was shy $10 In cash and a gold watch, of which the two stran gers strongarmed and robbed him as soon as they reached the alley. Fights the Police Crazed with the Illusion that he was destined to be the emancipator of the black race, Oeorge Washington, 2630 Patrick avenue, put up a lusty battle to prevent police from locking him up In a cell at cen tral station. Washington cut his wrists severely trying to jerk handcuffs off and tried to light oft the officers who were locking him up. He declared In his delirium that he was the leader of the black race, who was going to trample down the oppression of the whites. Grmnell Urges That the Farmers Put Out Big Crop J. B. Grinnell, secretary of the Ne braska Farm congress, while in Omaha, suggested that the farmers should use every effort to raise the largest possible crop in view of the demands tor tood stuns that war will bring on. "An army must be fed," said Sec retary Grinnell," and in order that they may be fed the greatest possible crops must be raised. I know a num ber ot tarmer boys, not yet of age, who are planning to run away from home and join the army. If those boys only knew it, they could do just as much for the cause by staying at home and helping their fathers to raise big crops and so put the nation in a position to meet its crisis the best possible condition as to available resources. Opportunities for Men Who Have Seen Navy Service With war declared, and the marine corps liable to see the first of the tctual fighting by Uncle Sam's forces, opportunities are exceptional for red- blooded men of action, according; to Sergeant Carpenter, marine corps re cruiter, ui uouglas street. For ex-service men of the corps, with excellent, or verv food dis charges, the sergeant says he has un usual chances to otter in the war emer gency. To ex-marines with excep tional discharges, good conduct medals and ability as expert riflemen, ine service otters per month and traveling allowances, the men to board and room themselves. A complete marine's outfit is now on display at the marine recruiting oUice. Srand Army Veterans to Observe Appomattox Day The fifty-second anniversary of "Appomatox Day" will be observed by Grant, Crook and Center posts, Grand Army of the Republic and their auxiliaries in court room No. 1, court house, Monday evening. The public is invited. The following is the pro gram: Invocation. Rev. John S. Tminher. Sons, Grand Army ot the Republic quartet, quartet. Readlnr Miss Tonev. ' . Address. Rev. B. D. Mull. Sons, Grand Army of the Republic quartet. Instrumental muelc, Mlns' Mlddleton. Address, Rev. John 8. Pouchr-r. "Good Old U. S. A., Clint Miller. -villi biiu uiaut,, aianier iceinarin ana Mrs. Zelbarth. "America," audlenca. 1 Benediction. Rev. K. D. Hull. Express Company Offers Its Advertising Signs to the Navy A telegram received by Lieutenant Waddell from Washington, states that the Wells Fargo Express com pany has offered the government the use of its 4,000 advertising signs on delivery wagons, and also its office signs, for use in the navy recruiting campaign. Steps have already been taken to use the advertising in the Omaha district. Knights of Columbus to Banquet Bishop Harty Knights of Columbus, Omaha Council, No. 652, will be hosts to Archbishop Harty at a banquet to be held Sunday evening, April 22, in the Faxton hotel. The dinner will follow the working of the three de grees of the order on a class of candi dates in the afternoon.' ' Despondency Due to Constipation. . Women often become nervous and despondent.' When this is due to con stipation it is easily, corrected by tak ing an occasional dose of Chamber lain's Tablets. These tablets are easy to take and pleasant in effect Adv. U. OF N. STUDENTS TO SING FOR OMAHA Kosmet Klub Will Produce Mu sical Comedy at Brandeis Theater Soon. OMAHANS HAVE THE LEADS In Argonia, one of the numerous islands of the Aegean sea, under the protectorate of Turkey, is the scene laid of the action of "The Diplomat," the dashing musical comedy which the Kosmet Klub of the University of Nebraska will present at the Brandeis theater Saturday, April 21. Two acts offer opportunity for some brilliant stage effects, the first being laid in the palace of the dictator, the second in his summer cottage. Omaha Students in Leads. "The Dictator," the leading role, is presented by an Omaha boy, Walter C. Johnson, 2810 California street, with Ellsworth Moser, 5805 Florence boulevard, in the "second lead" as General Paulos. Brooks Vance, 2002 Emmet street, another Omahan, as Freddie Withington, presents one of the principal characters, and Les Putt, 3728 Lincoln boulevard, por trays the dashing Lieutenant Akim. Miss Katherine Newbranch, 1902 South Thirty-third street, is one of the six leading dancers for this mu sical comedy, and several other Omaha people are members of the chorus, which, with the cast, totals fifty people. University students who have been working under the -direction of the author, Prof. R. L. Scott of the state institution, make' up the large com pany necessary to produce this com edy, including the specially trained chorus of thirty-five, which has been for weeks under the supervision of special voice and dancing instructors. Extra effort has been made this year to emphasize the work of the chorus, and it is believed to be one of the features of the production. Some Real Song Hits. Musical hits are not lackinsr in the comedy. One of the big successes is "I Like to Flirt a Bit Myself," a duet, one of the singers being Mr. Johnson, in his role as the Dictator. Two other song successes are "If You Want to Know the Secret" and "Honest, Dear, I Love You." The music and words for "The Dip lomat" were written by Nebraskans, and with an all-Nebraska rnmnaim producing it, the State university alumni in Umaha have arranged for a production of more than ordinary interest to Omaha people. Young Women Plan Strenuous Work for Camp An anonymous contribution of $500, and $600 more in amounts under $25 each, produced the largest total Sat urday of any single day in the cam paign of the Young Women's Chris tian association, to secure a summer camp for working girls. Saturday's total of subscriptions Vis $1,188, which brought the fund already raised to $8,573.61. The sum needed to insure the camp is $20,000, which must be secured in full by next Saturday night, in order to buy the property under the option. Workers in the campaign plan strenuous efforts for the week, in order to accomplish the task of pro viding a nearby recreation place, espe cially for poor working girls and women. They appeal to all interested persons to help them this week, in order that the hoped-for summer camp may be secured. Greeks Plan for Regiment Of Their Own Countrymen Captain James F. McKinley of the army recruiting station will go to Sioux City to attend a meetino- nf patriotic Greeks there, who plan to join the army. He intends to enlist as many as possible in the regular service. By getting special permission frnm headquarters, Captain McKinley says, he expects to have all Greek recruits assigned to the same reaimenr. thus providing a solid body of men of that nationality. Greeks in other cities anrl inwn. including South Omaha, are said to be contemplating enlistment. The Greek regiment plan will prove es pecially acceptable to them, it is tnougnt. Halter Goes to St. Louis To Confer on the Crops F. L. Haller of Omaha, chairman of the board of regents of the Uni versity of Nebraska, left Saturday for St. Louis where he will attend Monday a conference with Secretarv of Agriculture Houston. With him went Chancellor Avery and Dean Burnett of the university's school of agriculture. The purpose of the meeting is to devise ways and means by which the crops of Nebraska and other states, so vitally necessary to a nation at war, may be increased. Other repre sentatives of schools in the middle west have been urged to attend the conference. J. R. Dumont Closes Two Harney Street Deals While there is talk of some recent important sales on Harney street with some building development immedi ately contemplated, other large deals on this street are in prospect, and a few of them are practically closed. It is known in real estate circles that John R. Dumont, junior member of the firm of J. H. Dumont & Son, has just sold two pieces of Harney street property aggregating upwards of $75, 000. One of these sales was at Twen tieth street and the other at Park avenue. Details of the sales are be ing withheld on account of some technicalities and details that have yet to be worked out. College Building at Shenandoah Burns Shenandoah. Ia.. Anril 8. fSnccial Telegram.) Western Normal college nuiitiing, home o! a normal school founded thirty-five years ago and jointly used with Shenandoah High school, burned at o:4d this morning, with a total loss of $75,000. j EXPERT LINEMEN BEING RECRUITED McKinley Authorized to Enlist Field Men as Reserves in Signal Corps. READY FOR EMERGENCY Authority was received Saturday afternoon by Captain McKinley, of the army recruiting station here, to enlist expert linemen and field men of the telephone company, as reserves for fu ture war service in the signal corps of the regular army. , The order makes possible the early enrollment, in readiness for emerg ency call, of two companies, totalling ) trained and ettictent telephone men. The Bell company has invited its men, qualified in this branch, to volunteer for such reserve army serv ice, under a liberal salary arrangement ottered by the company. Expects More Than Needed. W. B. T. Belt, vice president and general manager of the Nebraska Telephone company, said last night that by April 23, the date set for the men to volunteer, he expected to have many more responses than will be needed to meet the first call for two companies. At that time, he said, the necessary men would be selected by himself and other officials of the company, and the chosen ones would be enlisted en masse through the company officials. at the various recruiting offices in the district covered by the northwestern group of Bell lines. The other officials to act with nun in the matter are: Arthur S. Rogers, chief enigneer, and A. A. Lowman, general plant super intendent. Call For Trained Men. The call for volunteers from among the company's male employes was made when the federal government asked the Bell company to furnish trained men as signal corps reserves. When the chosen men are called in- to active army service, the company A1MTJ8EMKNTS. -Devoted to BRILLIANT MUSICAL BURLESQUE Wilt DMT WEEK M2t. 1003) rmai rerionmnco rnqiy mto THE CHERRY COCKTAIL OF BURLESQUE MOLL IE WILLIAMS (Hm.lt) JJS VERY OWN SHOW EXTRA 80 THERE MOLLIC WILLIAMS FRANK FANN1NQ Dear Rtadr: Omaha's both budi tr extndd In wel come to this girlie. Incidentally, It vat ih who Inspired the chap to writ "Sweet Molly-O." No one could blams him. There'! none or the willy-nilly to thli how; It never cornea to ft dead outer action- everlastingly. OLD MAN JOHNSON', Mgr. OtjHj. Evil i a. A Sun. Mata 15c, 25c, 50c, 76c SS" Mats. 15c and 25c Chow fum if you like, but no moklnr LAD1ES in. AT ANY WEEK TICKETS AUC DAY MATINEE Baby Cartafo Garafo la tho Lobby BRANDEIS SflSL Th Eminent Ylddlin Satire Mr. Morris Silver and Madams Shenfieid ll Ylddlili Repertoire-Tealiht TOMORROW "WAR ORPHANS" Price 35c, jOc, 7Se and $1.00 BOYD'S Theater Special Eaatar Attraction. Easter Thurs., Fit, Sat., April 12,13,14, Mat. Saturday. Return by Popular Demand William Elliot. F. Ray Comstock and Morris Geal Pnnnl THE MOST WONDERFUL PLAlri IN AMERICA fhone Douglas 494 THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dally Matliea, S:U Night, lilt Thla Week: OnvtUE HARROLD; OEOROE NASH 4 CO.; PILCER I DOUQIAG: Foitar Ball; Hairy Keana 4 Dorothy Mortimer: Howard', Anlmil Sptptlela: Witt t Winter: Orphaun Travel Weekly, Prleea: Matl. neei, gallery. lOe: beet aeate (exeeet Saturday and Sunday). 28o: nlahte, lOe, 25o, ftOo and 73c. BOYD THMTER,mtu-- Twleo Dally 2:30 and :30 PrlrAC Matt., 75c, 50c, 25c ri ixes EvftJi( $I( 7SCt MCt Uc Youll Never See It Any Cheaper Company'., Own Symphony Orchoatra BIG Abbott Herald " The production Is ons of ths moat magnificent that has aver Been on view. Col. T. W. McCuIlouth la the Omaha Eeo "Beyond any comparison the most beautiful and altoicther artlatic bit of rrotlon photography over aeen In O-.eha. pfrlCa Ceorte V? Hobarj W- y f r 9 Months in 1 t V ' ' ' N,w Yo,Li l-y M d 7 Months in A - J 6 Months in -Wte4Kl5. COMPANY 8 I . Yor"HUTria,J 1 iFBIVOLITYl "d TampUtioo.1 I I Manthe Phlladelsliia. The niu eiit that I elayad Omaha aarller thle hum, Saatl Row B on aale. Nlahte, 600 to 12.00. Sat. Mat.. Hi H II. M. NOT A MOVING) PICTURE I Ivlrli will continue to pay their regular tele phone company salaries, minus the salaries paid by the government. The company will also hold open their po sitions for them, and allow them to retain their status on the company pension and retirement rolls. Allies Continue Efforts To Capture St. Quentin - Uy Aeeor-tated Preas.) Field Marshal Haig's efforts to out flank St. Quentin on the north con tinue. Between Jeancourt and Se lency the British have advanced and have reached the outskirts of Fres-noy-Le-Petit, less than four miles northwest of St. Quentin and less than two miles from the Cambrai-St. Quentin road. There has been no In fantry action on the French front south of St. Quentin, but artillery bombardments continue in that re- rnOTOPLAYS. jj The New and Spectacular Motion Picture s p Novel Featuring the Fearless Film Star II ron r?n toii hrc? I I TX starts today! TODAY Holmes perform feats that seem almost ' if 1 -for the firat time-yoa can Impossible. You willse. iher drive alo- ' . : ; fc emv mo i r i comotiva at break-neck speed over dangerous S H fe HELEN HOLMES-the fearless ,,. You wlll , .pueuiar situations- , fe - ERS,'' a spectacular motion picture novel of And throughout the flfteen chapters runs most - f railroad life. It is Ug-iptctacularthrilUntl absorbing story of heartinterest Begin this new 1 " "E T "TUT,- TP ATT DA4Ti DSTn photo-novel rorfay. If your favorite theatre has . - narC in 1 tlE, KA1LKUALI KAIU- nat announced "THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" 7 SI? ERS" you will see beautiful Helen ask the manager when It will be shown. : - T B I JlPiW SK " RAILROAD . RABL9EQS " H I MJN. AT THESE THEATRES s Jp u lkVv Palace Theater, Lincoln, Neb April 23-24 ' f- V af Hipp Theater, Sioux City, la ...May 3 i rjf j. f 1 WTblflk Palace Theater, Sioux City, la May S : plgl f fdri rCflk Rex Theater, Omaha, Neb May 7-8 j A r T(i I II 1" Evi YVVkK Gem Theater, Omaha, Neb May 15 III I iVVlOSaV. Orpheum Theater, South Omaha, Neb. .May 30 j , jtrj ( "y lift Jjylj jjk JeWeU Theater Beatrice Neb. . . : June 19 rrad.db ' "Ti jM II fcl SI&NJU FILM CCBPOHATION I . p7""aw-- - 'mmteal.i.uiirKjjltt Distributed by ' ' ' ' l ft " . , ,( : ;v . - : . ! v gion and near Rheims, into which city the Germain are reported to have fired 7.500 shells in twenty-four hours, killing and wounding civilians. The sinking of the Belgian Relief commission steamer Camilla is re ported. The Camilla was sunk with out warning off the coast of Norway. Two members of the crew are re ported to have been killed. ' Rnu Rorlorl'e UfinHnuc nf ?W nome wnn iiars ana Mripes Mrs. Elisabeth S. King, 524 North Thirty-second street, is a trained nurse, recently from Great Britain, who is taking an active part in boost ing navy recruiting, and also in pro moting Red Cross and women's Iwar service organisation. Her 8-year-old son, Edward Raymond King, is his mother's own boy, when it comes to patriotic enthusiasm. After they had helped around the 1 I'll Ml I A t ' PROTOPLATM. downtown recruiting stations last week, little Raymond secretly secured some flags. Whep his mother re turned home Saturday, she discovered that Raymond had decorated all their front windows with Old Glory, SPORT PHOTOPMVg. LAST TIMES TODAY Robert Warwick "The Family Honor" Tuei. Mabel Taliaferro I'l!!!!!!'!!)!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!; j V Bessie Love "A Daughter 1 of the Poor" I i:il'ill!liiiitlii'lfhlliitiMtiiiltliiiltllllllnll THE MUSE Peggy Hyland Marc MacDermott "Babette"