Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OM A HA SUNDAY KW. AKKI U a. lil I .
7 A
Sunday, April 8, 1917
Com kt tni Hm the Ntw
Victor Record for April.
Phone Douglas 137
These Are Spring Reception Days The Store at Its Best
There v
Are Two
Sorts of
One sitting inert, unconscious
of the world passing by and
on, the other seeing far be
yond along the path the world
is taking.
Needless to say, one is the
burden of the present, the
other the architect of the fu
ture. When we took charge of this
store, a little over three years
ago, we dreamed of a greater
destiny, just as we dream to
day of a greater future for
these many individual stores
in one, which have been the
fulfillment of those earlier
dreams we dreamed.
But the dream today is still
a waking-dream, as was the
first with a most practical
basis for conjecture because
we are convinced by our ex
periences of the past that the
groundwork of work, service,
mutual helpfulness and a
cheerful disposition to achieve
brings success to a store like
this every time.
And so with great purpose
to be the greatest store In
Omaha "the greatest service
to the greatest number"
"Everybody's Store" as we
believe now we are the most
alert and ready-to-be-helpful
store, we dream of a structure
not alone covering twice the
space this store does now but
a store called "my store" by
ten times as many hundreds
of friends as call it "my
store" today.
Isn't such a dream worth
dreaming and slaying wide
awake to make come true?
Distinctive Sport and Tailleur
Styles in BLOUSES for Monday
At $2.50 and $3.50
THERE is a wide diversity of
styles from which to make your
selection the season's very newest
models as well as the smartest and
most favored shades, distinctive
sport and tailleur styles with new
collar, cuff and tie ideas. You'll buy
a season's supply when you see
them, for to see is to buy.
The materials are batistes and
handkerchief linen, and clever com
binations of the two; blouses of
white batiste with collar and cuffs
of handkerchief linen, in gold, rose,
green, blue and lavender, all white
batiste with pique collar and cuffs,
handkerchief linen with trimmings
of gold, blue, green, rose and lavender, also gay wide
or narrow stripes.
BurgcM-Nuh Co. Second Floor
To complement the prevailing
vogue for straight lines and the
chemise frock comes the dc-'
'.ightful innovation of the girdle.
Anticipating this demand, we
provided well and are showing
comprehensive collection of
the newest ideas in oriental
girdles, which have leaped into
popular favor all over fhe
The range of style and va
riety is very extensive and
priced from $1.00 to $3.98.
BurtoM-Nuh Co. Mela Floor
EW Middy
Blouses, $1.25
Splendid selection of middy
blouses, of fine grade material,
full length or short sleeve,
large assortment of colors for
trimming, of collar, cuffs and
pockets. All sites.
Burfe..-Nah Co. Second Floor
There's a Pleasing Charm in This Display of New
Spring Silks We've Provided Monday
A CERTAIN individuality a differentness that appeals to those in search of the
uncommoij in pattern, weave and color combination; special attention is di
rected to . ,
A Collection of New Sport Silks, at $1.49 to $3.75
The latest ideas including such weaves as yo-san, fairway, pongee, tussah
and others in striped, figured and plain shades, smartest color combinations for the
coming season, for dresses, suits and coats, width's 32 to 40 inches.
Chiffon Taffetas, $1.69 Yard
Extra fine, soft quality, in a very com
plete range of shades, both light and
dark; plenty of blues, also black and
white, for dresses and suits. 36 inches
Silk Poplin, 98c Yard
For dresses and suits, new shades of
oM rose, navy, tan, green, French gray,
reseda, Copenhagen, brown, wine and
wisteria. Pretty high, silky luster.
Black Chiffon Taffetas, $1.59
Extra wide width, 40 inches, rich
raven black, very dressy for suits, dress
es and skirts; very much in demand.
36-Inch Faille. $2.25 Yard.
Especially adapted for suits, snown in
the pretty new shades for spring, in a
splendid, heavy quality for tailoring. 36
inches wide and an unusual value, at
$2.25 a yard.
White Pongee, $1.95 Yard
36-inch white pongee for separate
skirts; new, smart rough weave effect,
full 1-yard wide; very much in demand
for present wear.
Black Chiffon Taffetas, $1.19
Splendid soft finish for skirts and suits,
36 inches wide and considered very spe-
Cial, at $1.19. Bunt...-N.h Co. M.ln Floor
The Coming Season Demands Laces
and Embroideries for Trimming
AND we are well provided for the demand with a splen
did selection of the new Jaces and embroideries.
Imitation Filet Laces, at 10c
Laces and insertions, imitation filet and Poriet Paris, from 2 to
5 inches wide, at 10c yard.
. Table of Val. Laces, at 5c
French and German vals. and filet laces, to 2 inches wide, pretty
selection of patterns, at 5c yard.
Embroidery Flouncing, at 25c
Pretty new embroidery flouncings of swiss and nainsook, 12 to
18 inches wide, special, at 25e yard.
Embroidery Flouncings, at $1.00 to $3.50
Flouncings, galloons and bands, in voiles and organdies, lace and
filet combination. Very desirable for graduating dresses; big range
Of selection. Burs eu-Na.ll Cc Main Floor
jovelty White Goods For Making
Graduation Dresses, 25c, 35c and 50c
PNE sheer materials in voiles, organdies and lace ef
fects, in stripes, checks and plaids. The season's
newest styles for waists and dresses, at 25c, 35c and 50c
a yard.
Nagasaki Nainsook, 10 Yards, $2.75
Soft finish, fine sheqr weave, 39 inches wide; desir
able for underwear, etc., boxed 10 yards, for $2.75.
Creaseless Linen, 85c Yard
36-inch dress linen in a big selection of the season's
newest shades and white, thoroughly shrunk by a spe
cial process, which renders it practically creaseless.
New White Skirting, 25c to $1.00
An almost endless array of new white skirting, includ
ing piques, gaberdines, oxfords, basket weave, checks,
plaids and stripes; 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 a yard.
Burgeii-Naih Co. Main Floor
Clever adaptations o) original '
Paiis models in tailored and semi-tailored
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts
At $75, $85, $95, $1 10.00, $125.00 and Up
A DISPLAY that typifies the genius of the best French designers and' made by America's
most celebrated builders of women's apparel. Models that depict the newest styles for
women, large and small, and misses, of fashion, styles controlled by Burgess-Nash and of
fered at the usual moderate and consistent prices. For Monday, we feature
Women's Tailored Suits
At $29.50 and $39.50
Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of
this offering. The range of styles is very complete and
must be seen to be fully appreciated. Every coat is
handsomely lined throughout with plain or fancy silks.
Last, but not least, the unusual values are the best of all.
Parict Titilh Gabardine
French Scrgen Men't Wear H'oolou
Tricoline i Black and H'. Or Cheek, elt,
Tan ' Apple Gwg Copras
Navy Cheek
tight and Dark Aim Black
Suits for Stout Women, 42 to 53 J
$29.50, $35.00, $39.50 and Up ,
TAILORED and especially modeled for stout women, possessing
all the style of regular size, in such new materials as men's
wear series, gabardines and Vyeroux. Sizes 42 Vi to 63!.-;.
I Mi
Utility and Dressy Coats
$29.50, $32.50, $39.50, to $215.00
COATS and wraps in imported men's wool mixtures, Scotch tweeds, burellas, Poiret twills,
Silk and Bolivia combinations, Bolivias, taffetas, velours, tricotines, gabardines, serges,
jerseys, etc. There's not a correct color in high or dark shades but will be found in this
uncommon display of coats and wraps for all purposes; sizes 36 to 52. '
Women's Silk Dress Coats,
$15.00, $19.50, $29.50 and Up
Three-fourths and full length, made of es
pecially good quality taffetas; long, full lines,
also belted effects; not one model, but many
from which to make selection.
Modish Daytime Sport Dresses,
At $29.50, $32.50, $49.50 and Up "
Shown in youthful smart and dainty de
signs for the season, fashioned of khaki kool,
the silk supreme, and men s wear serges.
Women's Semi-Tailored Frocks, '
At $39.50, $45.00, $59.50 and Up
Models especially designed in superior
quality of white serge and gabardine, cleverly
trimmed with braid buttons and stitching.
Separate Dress and Sport Skirts,
$5.00, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, to $85.00
We have assembled a most uncommon se
lection of new spring models in skirts. Made
of fine serges, gabardines, shepherd checks,
wool jersey, wash satins, striped taffetas and
khaki kool, in a wide range of styles, at $5.00
to $85.00. '
Burs.H-Nuk C Soceod Floor
A Victor-Victrola in Your Home
FREE for Thirty Days
COME Monday and choose a number of latest records,
then select a Victrola on this special
Burgess-Nash No-Money-Down Plan
You simply pay for the records you may
select, and any Vietrola in proportion to I
mm. a , . i . ,, , ii
jg a, snumDer oi recoras purcnasea, win De seni,
IP . !) H to your home without further payment for
30 days. Then you may pay for it in small,
convenient monthly payments.
As soon as the Victrola arrives in your
home you may have the services of 100
yes, 1,000 entertainers who will give you
of their very b. Then, for the first time
McCormack, Caruso, Lauder, Schuman
Heink. Farrar and all the trreat staffers be
come truly household words to your family.
And you may turn from Sousa's crashing marches to Kreisler's
plaintive violin solos and so on, with a never-failing diversion.
Burye.-N.h Co. Fourth Floor -
Infants' Apparel-Infancy to 6 Years
SELDOM, if ever, before have we shown such a varied selection of
exquisite apparel for the baby from infancy to 6 years.
Infants' Caps, 59c to $4.98
Very fine organdie, batiste, all
over embroidery, beautiful lace
and embroidery trimmings, ros
ettes, rosebuds and bows.
Children's Coats, at $2.98
Black and white check, full
belt, over collar of assorted col
ored silk poplin, button trimmed
belt; 2 to 6 years; 32.98.
New Rompers, 65c to $2.98
In gingham, percales, cambrics,
madras, tailored, smocked and
embroidery trimmed, 65c to
Children's Dresses, at $1.98
Fine chambray ginghams, high
waist with sash of dimity; 2 to 6
Burs Nash Co. Second Floor
Rich, Luxurious Oriental Rugs Offered to You Below
Present. Market Quotations
f)RICES on oriental rugs, owing to European conditions, have steadily advanced and es
X pecially has this been true during the past year. The stock we offer in the major por
tions was bought long months ago .and the prices at which we offer them to you are in most
instances way below present market quotations and at much less than you may expect to pay
in a few weeks later on. t or instance
Beloochistan Rugs, $12.00
Very desirable for table coverings, soft
shades of blue and brown ; size 2 feet by 33
Sarouk Rugs
' Similar to Kermanshah, dark in tone and
extremely beautiful.
Size 4-5x6-10; at $105.00
Size 6-2x4-1, at $110.00
Mahal Rugs
Room size, very desirable and 'service
able for hard wear.
Size 12x8-9, at ....$145.00
Size 12-11x8-8, at, .... . ..$155.00
Size 12-4x8-3, at $165.00
Size 15-2x11-5, at $345.00
Kurd Runners
12- 2x3-1, at... ........ $42.60
13- 1x3-11, at $42.60
10-5x3-7, at $35.50
Isphahan Rugs
class Persian rug in tints of rose,
blue and ivory, exquisitely combined.
Size 12-2x10-2, at $405.00
Size 13-10x9-10, at $395.00
Khiva Rugs
Soft shades of red, very desirable
library, dining room and dens.
Size 12-9x9-5, at $215.00
Size 11-9x9-2, at $195.00
Size 6-1x7-1, at $72.50
Burs...-N..h Co. Third Floor
Monday the Last Day
of the New Era Club Sale
T will the the lasf day that you will be privileged to
buy a
"Standard" Rotary Sewing Machine
On Such Easy Terms as 5c First Payment
And the machine will be delivered to your home with
out further payment, then as specified each week in
the table below:
Table of Weekly Payments Co. Fourth Floor
$0.05 I $0.55 $1.05 $1.55
lit Week 11th Week 21et Week Sl.t Week
.10 .60 1.10 1.60
li Week 12th Week 22d Week 82d Week
.15 .65 1.15 1.65
tt Week 13th Week id Week d Week
.20 .70 1.20 1.70
4th Week 14th Week ilth Week 84th Week
.25 7li 1.25 1.75
th Week 18th Week 88th Week 8th Week
.30 .80 1.30 1.80
Sth Week ltth Week itth Week 6th Week
.35 .85 1.35 1.85
Tth Week 17th Week 87th Week 7th Week
.40 .90 1.40 1.90
Sth Week 18th Week 29th Week 8th Week
45 ay (45 i wu ray.
Ith Week Uth Week 29th Week ment 118R
.50 1.00 1.50 1.95
lOth Week 20th Week 80th Week 39th Week
Cash Dividends, 10c
Take advantage of the cash dividend offer by reversing the
payments by paying the final payments first, and in advance, be
fore they are due. For each final payment you take up in advance
you get 10-cent cash dividends. In this way you can save $3.80
extra on a $39.00 Standard Rotary in cash dividends.
Monday in the Down Stairs Store
A Sale of Refrigerators
That is Important to You
ap mHE particular importance of this
C J. offering is the guaranteed qual
Tj ity. In a refrigerator that amounts
to economy. Every make that is
featured here is famous for its. mini
mum ice consumption, for absolute
sanitary chambers, for simplicity of
operation, for its beautiful case con
struction and superior finish, inside
and out, and for every modern im
provement that makes for ideal re
frigerating conditions.
Apartment House Type
Front-door top-icing type, made of
ash, natural finish white enamel
food chamber with two wire shelves,
ice capacity 90 lbs., special, $16.50.
Top Ice Type Refrigerator
White enameled food chamber,
two wire shelves, ice capacity 75 lbs.,
special, $13.95.
Three-Door. Side-Icing Refrigerator
White enameled food chambers, with three retinned wire
shelves, ice capacity 60 lbs., special, $15.00.
75-lb., special, $19.50.
Four-Door, Front-icing Refrigerator
Large size, made of ash, natural wood finish, white enameled
food chamber, has two shelves, ice capacity 200 lbs., special, at
Automatic Refrigerators
All are three-door side-icing style,
retinned adjustable shelves, solid
bronze hardware, automatic door
fastener, eight walls of ice-saving in
sulation. No. 6 size, ice capacity 75 lbs., spe
cial, $29.50.
Same size with automatic water
cooler, $32.50.
Burg ...-Naif. Co. Down Stair. Stor.
Sale of Lace Curtains
Involving Several Hundred Pairs
Offered to You at Big Reductions
A SALE planned at this opportune time when every
one is thinking of rejuvenating the home offer
ing hundreds of pairs of curtains, suitable for most an
room in the home, at reductions most extreme.
The offering is so great and the values so wonderful
that no woman who has, or anticipates, a curtain need, can
afford to let this' sale pass unnoticed.
Nottingham Nets Scrims Voiles
Marquisettes With iMCt or Insertions
Swiss Plain or Ruffled Ktr.
They are all 214 yards long and regular widths, in an un
limited range of pattern selections. Four great groups:
Group 1
Including Curtains,
reduced to, pair,
Group 2
Including Curtains,
reduced to, pair,.
Bur(....Na.h Co.
Group 3
Including Curtains,
reduced to, pair,
Group 4
Including Curtains, $1 10
' reduced to, pair, f O
Dowa Stair. Storo
a 1 a n
UMESS-fta telPAMY.