2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 8, 1917. WHEAT CROP SHORT 50,000,000 BUSHELS Department, of Agriculture Be ports Condition April 1 as , 63.4 Per Cent of Normal. NEBRASKA 35 PER CENT Washington, April 7. A prospec tive slump of more than 50,000,000 bushels in the winter crop of wheat, as compared with last year's crop, is the first war feeding problem to con front the country. Official estimates of the Department of Agriculture to daythe first for the 1917 harvest, forecast that much of a decrease, al though the acreage is much greater. The winter wheat crop will be abput 430,000,000 bushels. Last year 481,744,000 bushels were, harvested and 673,947,000 bushels were pro duced in 1915. Condition on April 1 I was 63.4 per cent of a normal com pared with 78.3 last year; 88.8 in 1915 and 86.2 the ten-year average. The condition decreased 22.3 points from December 1 to April 1 compared with an average decline of four points in the last ten years between those dates. Condition of winter wheat in the important growing states on April 1 was: Ohio, 80; Indiana, 65; Illinois, 60; Missouri, 62; Nebraska, 35; Kansas, 45; Oklahoma, 74. ' Condition of rye on April 1 wa 86.06 per cent of a normal compared with 87.8 last year; 89.5 in J915 and 89.6, the ten-year average. The food problem of the coming year being one of the paramount questions affecting the United States in the war, extraordinary interest centered in the government's report today showing the condition and pro duction forecast of the winter wheat crop planted last autumn. The extent of the winter wheat crop usually about two-thirds of the entire production of wheat in this country, is a vital question, inasmuch as the allies will depend to a large degree upon American supplies and Argen tina has placed an embargo on wheat and flour exports. Acreage is Largest, The winter wheat area last autumn was 40,090,000 acres, one of the 'larg est acreages ever planted. How much of this acreage will have to be aban doned because of conditions which prevailed during the winter has been a cause of much speculation, Re ports from different sources reaching Department of Agriculture have indi cated there was some winter killing of winter wheat in many sections of Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana Ohio, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas, and of hard red winter wheat in the western and southwest-' em plains, particularly in Kansas and Oklahoma. Whether the extent of the damage is more than the average was uncertain. Lack of adequate snow covering during the winter has been reported and prolonged and severe drouth conditions have followed. Much of the winter sown acreage that hat been abandoned undoubtedly will be sown to spring wheat because of the indicated shortage of the winter crop and the prevailing fcigh prices. ' a Notwithstanding the heavy decrease in the prospective winter wneat (rap, the-production of rye is forecasted by the Department of Agriculture at 60, 000,000 bushels, the largest output of that crop ever recorded in the United States. Last year the production of rye was 47,383,000 bushels, in 1915 it wat 54,050,000 bushels, and the aver age of the previous five years was 37,568,000 bushels. Money Order and Mail t Service to Germany Stops Washington, April 7. Postmaster General Burleson today suspended mail service to Germany during the war and also instructed all postoffices to refuse at well any mail destined for Austria, Hungary, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Turkey, as it cannot be dispatched, at present without pass ing through Germany. Mail from the countries last named which may be received in the United States will be sent forward to destination. Postmaster General Burleson also has suspended postal money orders between the United States and the German empire. International money order offices will decline to pay or ders drawn upon them by German offices on and after April 6. Large Submarine Is Sighted Near Tampa, Fla. Tampa, Fla., April 7. Captain Lindquist and crew of a fishing smack from Sarasota today reported that they saw a large submarine in the gulf yesterday. The craft rose within a mile of them and there were men on its deck. Captain Lindquist reports. He hailed, but had no response, and ' saw no marks of identification. ItllMllllilllltllilllilllliiliiliiliiliiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii,!!,,!,,!,!! MILLARD I HOTEL I THE PLACE OF COMFORT 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.nd S to 8 P. M. i 50c Sunday Dinner Chicken Gumbo Soup V CHOICE OF Boiled Ox Tongue with Spinach Fried Spring Chicken, Country Style Small Tenderloin Steak Chicken Fried Roast Toung Turkey, with Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Stuffed Young Duck Apple Sauce Roast Spring Lamb, Mint Sauee Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus Mashed Potatoes ' Boiled Potatoes Stewed Corn , Apple Loganberry Banana Cream Pie Fruit Salad Strawberry Short Cake Vanilla Ice Cream Tea Coffee Milk ADVOCATES OF UNIVERSAL SERVICE BILLS. Senator G. E. Chamberlain, chair man of the senate committee on mili tary affairs, who has introduced into the upper house a measure providing for universal military service. The Chamberlain bill is the same as the one framed during thte last congress, with slight modifications'. Represen tative Kahn of California, ranking re publican member of the house mili tary affairs committee, has also intro duced before the lower body a bill providing for universal military serv ice. The Kahn bill is the system pro posed by the army seiier. 1 staff, and ,is generally credited by military men with being the most thorough ot the two. Former Shenandoah Man Killed in California Shenandoah, la., April 7. (Special.) When the car ip which he was rid ing on a mountain road on the way to Los Angeles plunged over the side of the roadway Claude Comer, a cousin of Guy Howery of Shenandoah, was pinned between the jar and a tree and crushed to death. Mr. Comer was born in Shenandoah December 28, 1883. He moved to Tulare, Cal, in 1913. Brazilian Ship Sunk In Middle of Night Rio Janeiro, April 7. The captain of the torpedoed Brazilian steamer Parana cables that in addition to the killing of three members of his crew, several sailors were wounded by the explosion of the torpedoes. He said that' the ship was attacked at mid night without warning and denounces the conduct of the Germans as bar barous. Fire Years at 1324 . Farnam Street. f v v5 f I Dr. cllenney Says: "Dentistry is something thai the average man or woman knows little about, and because of that, and the fact that it is so vitally im portant, job mine soiees your aenust with can. Boat Silver Filling (A I Best 221s f I Heaviest Bridge J .9 VI Gold Crowa....4 vYork, per tooth. 4 worth tlS to 128. cKENNEY 14th and Farnam Sts. 1324 Farnam Street Phono Douglas 2872 NOTICE Out-of-towa patrons can got Plates, Crowns, Bridges and Fillings complete is 1 day. Hoursi 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays Till 8 P. M. Not Opea , Sunday Yesterday He Today He's . mi uon oi particular notes. ,' The Pianola in These Renowned Pianos STE1NWAY. WEBER. STECK, WHEELOCK. STROUD Priced from $600 and up. ' Convenient Weekly or Monthly Term Arranged Free Demonstratione Every Afternoon In Our Pianola Parlors. SCIIHOLLERS MUELLER PI AIIO CO. 1311-1313 FARNAM STREET Exclusive Roprasontativas for the Genuine Pianola SECRETARY BAKER EXPLAINS ARMY BILL Head of War Department Goes Over Proposed Measure With House Committee. TECHNICAL UNITS ADDED Washington, April 7. Secretary Baker told the house military commit tee today the plans of his department for training 1,000,000 men during the next year. He urged immediate enact ment of the general staff bill, includ ing the selective conscription provi sions, recommending just bne change in the bill as made public yesterday. That was to provide for the organiza tion oj iccnnicai linns, wciuuiiig amu mobile and aerial engineers, signal men, etc. Thisssuggcsted addition to the bill reads: "The president is authorized to raise and maintain, by volunteer en listment or draft, as herein provided, special and technical troops as he may deem necessary and embody them into organization and to officer them as provided in the third para graph of Section 1 and Section 8 of this act." Chairman Dent of the committee, with Representative Kahn of Cali fornia, ranking republican member of the committee present, made this statement: "I cannot say yet what the atti tude of the committee will be regard ing the question of selective con scription, as the committee is not yet familiar with the bill and I could only judge by the questions asked the secretary. "Secretary Baker is convinced that the draft system is absolutely essen tial and that the voluntary system would not work adequately. Thje argument that has been all along made, of course, is that under a draft system every body would be treated alike and that it would not be the case under the voluntary system. "Under the present laws the ages for eligibility to enlistment are from 18 to 35 in the regular army and 18 to 45 in the National Guard and the new bill changes this to make it 18 to 40 years old in both cases. ' Secretary Baker told the committee there are enough small arms to equip the first 1,000,000 men; that within fourteen or eighteen months most of the heavy ordnance necessary would be available and that within two years there would be sufficient equipment to put 2,000,000 men on a complete fighting basis. He said there were 7,000,000,' of which he estimated 4, 000,000 were available for service after eliminating those in factories or in arts and sciences, where they per form work necessary for preparation of the country for war and the men who have dependents or military de fects," Secretary Baker opposed a sugges tion that there be written into the bill a provisions that the president might fill up the ranks of the National Guard by draft only after the volun tary system failed. "hymeneal Boli-BIoom. Shenandoah, la., April 7. (Special.) Miss Auda Z. Bloom, 16 years old, of Coin, la., was married Tuesday to Charlie Boli, 24, of Shenandoah. They will make their home in Tennessee. TEETH,. We Please Yon or Refund Your Money DENTISTS ' Fro Examine tion. Lady Attendants. No Students Couldn't Play, a Musician For the genuine Pianola brought him trained fingers of air fingers as responsive to his music self as are the fingers of a pianist. Remember, however, that not every Player-Piano gives you real intimacy with music. The two necessary expression de vices, the Metrostyle and the Themodist, are found only in the genuine Pianola. The metro style is a practical guide for tempo. The Themodist give you . the subtile touch of a trained pianist, permitting the accenua- BLAZE THREATENS OMAHA JIAS WORKS Eleven Draft Horses Lost in Blaze at Union Fuel South Yard. FIREMAN M'COY HURT A spectacular fire, which threatened the gas works and started rumors that the army quartermaster depot had been set on fire, totally destroyed the barn and eleven horses at the south yard of the Union Fuel com pany, Twentieth and Hickory streets, between 11 and 12 o'clock last night. Strenuous work by the fire depart- Sent prevented flames from spreading a huge gas storage tank on the same block. The army depot, two blocks west, was in no danger. Archie McCoy2471 South Twen tieth street, a fireman of one of the hose truck companies, was severely burned on both hands, while fighting the blaze. He was taken to the po lice dispensary, where Drs. Shook and Nigro dressed the burns. Defective wiring is thought to have started the fire. Damage totalled over $6,000, according to A. B. Cook, president of the company. It was fully covered by insurance, he said.. Andrew Brackbill, the night watch- hehompsonTielden Store lewBiess of Springtime Deiands'lew Fashions The Most Fashionable Silks For Spring and Summer A wonderful array of new fabrics, new colors, new pat terns, productive of many new ideas for dresses, suits, blouses and other apparel for the coming seasons. Rough weaves have been coming in during the past week. La Jerz, Khaki Kool, Yo-San, Tussah, in colors natural and ivory. Especially practical for out-of-doors wear; $2.50 to $3.75 a yard. Figured Foulards without a rival for general wear, trav eling and other occasions, when they are appreciated be cause they; do not crush easily and wear exceptionally well. We have a large assortment of new designs at pop ular prices. Ask to see them. Thompson-BeWen Silks Famous for Over Thirty Years OA.? Togue t. JorDrcss and 'Evening War An unusually lovely group in black, with picquant Parisian. trimmings. at $8.50 $10.50 to $37.50 simply aOd cfarmjiyjy namenif era cotaui Lovely Laces and Embroideries A Delightful Treat During These Days of Scarcity Fine Laces of Extraordinary Value. Venise and Filets or trim ming the daintiest of blous es; Vals., in French and Ger man meshes; Torchons and Clunies, in cotton and linen ; Filet edges and bands; Net top and Chantilly Laces, in all widths; large selection for every use at prices un usually low. OLD-TIME OMAHA POLICE MAN HEARS LAST CALL. jvt 'y.jsi'v - 4'i, ' k .Jli. J MORfcIS J. FLEMING. man, said he received the alarm from Mike Malovicha teamster, who was staying with him at the yard over night, expecting to get a job in the morning. The fire seemed to be along the ceiling, which was wired for elec tic light, he said. The two men tried to rescue the thirteen draft horse in the barn, but succeeded in saving only two. The horses were worth $250 each, the barn over $2,000, and it contained about $1,000 worth of harness, hay and feed. NO WONDER women of fash ion are wild about black hair lace hats. Kcture5que in their misty softness, de lightful in their dain tiness, they most perfectlyi reveal or rediscover die beauty framed tmi ffatoeror ou fj riootm,, Spring Embroideries Are Beautiful Flouncings with colored embroideries and bands to match, in forty-five and twenty-seven-inch widths. Camisole embroideries with banding to match. Narrow edges and insertions for in fant's wear. Beading, yokes and motifs. A collection of exceptional interest. One difficult to obtain, but fully worth the effort as you shall see. FOR CONSCRIPTION IN THE IOWA GUARD Senator Rule May Introduce Bill Providing This Method of Filling; Ranks. MANY MORE ARE NEEDED Des Moines, la., April 7. (Special Telegram-) Senator Rule of Cerro Gordo county, chairman of military affairs in the Iowa senate, may intro duce a bill in the Iowa senate Mon day as a committee bill, providing for conscription in Iowa to fill the ranks of the National Guard.. The guard now has 4,500 men and 9,000 are needed in all. An age limit has not yet been determined. Some senators favor ages from 19 to 23, while others favor 18 to 25. As 'the legislature will adjourn at the end of this week the bill may not get through both houses before adjournment. "Gus" Miller is Riled by Pro-German's Argument The court house is no place for per sons with pro-German proclivities to express then sentiments. At. unpa triotic individual with German sympa thies started an argument with Miss Alice Dellone, one of the juvenile court deputies. He never finished his Myriad Interpretations ui npuai ci From Which WE HAVE CHOSEN THE ONES THAT STAND OUT AS DISTINCTIVE. MANY ARE THE CHARMING WAYS IN WHICH THE CREATORS STRIVE TO CAJOLE DAME FASHION A DIVERSITY THAT PERMITS A WIDE LATITUDE IN SELECTION. Suits - Dresses Coats The New in Wash Goods Never were patterns so beautiful, so charmingly spring like and weaves there are in abundance so many en tirely new this season. s Wash Fabrics are embroidered, woven or printed as pre ferred, in pleasing designs; certain to make the daintiest of dresses, skirts and blouses for warmer days. They launder perfectly, too. We advise an early selection of Dress Linens, as many oolors cannot be reordered and prices are certain to be more when these are gone. Two qualities are offered; 36-Inch, 85c; 45-inch, $1.00. Wash Goods Are Opposite the Silks. Gloves of Quality Fitting complements to the spring costume. In shades and styles appropriate for every occasion. ' First quality Trefousse, the finest Kid Gloves produced in all of France, that great center of glove making, shown in pastel, navy, gray, white and black; $2.75 a pair. Trefousse one and two clasp Gloves, in tan, navy, gray, pastel, white and black, $2 and $2.75 a pair. Filosette Our new wash able fabric glove, in white, all sizes, 75c. A Sale of , Lace Curtains MONDAY At a Fraction of Their Real Value $1.50 and $3 a Pair. part of the wordy debate as to whether Germany was justified in certain things, for Probation Officer Miller came along about that time. "Gus" heard about three sentences and then ousted the pro-German from the of fice, advising him not to return again. Dublin Police Put Ban Upon Public Meetings This Week Dublin, April 7. The reasons for forbidding public meetings and pro cessions in Dublin next week unless authorized by the military are given in an official proclamation today. The document states that there is reason to apprehend that the assembly of persons for the purpose of holding meetings in any public place within the Dublin metropolitan police dis trict will give rise to grave disorders. It was during Easter week last year that the Sinn Fein rebellion broke out. 4 Franz Bopp Sends Word He Will Surrender San Francisco, Cal., April 7. Franz Bopp, former German consul general, ...J.. . - . e . , . : uuuci yiiauu sememe iur viuiauug American neutrality, telephoned to federal authorities here today from St Helena, Cal., that he was on his way here to -urrender. V few min utes pre-iously federal agents an nounced he was a fugitive, believing he was heading for the Mexican bor der. He is at liberty under $25.00C bail. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. They' re Here i i aaiiiusia (i Silk Hosiery Of the Best You are surely- entitled to obtain the best possible value, whatever you spend and the safest way is to choose from stocks such as ours, for we specialize in Silk Hosiery. Black Silk Hose, very sheer, me dium or heavy weight; are priced $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50. ' White Silk Hose, $1.25, $1.50, $1.76. Announcing a New Model-Thomson's Glove Fitting Corset A Corset that will appeal to every woman who wears a medium size. It is a low bust, long skirt model that shapes close to the body. May we show you style one fifty-one? $1.50 a Pair. . Cortat Section, Third Floor