Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 6, Image 14

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Flashes from Filmland
S16 North
16th Street
William Desmond
I for Current Week
Gretchen Hartman
Stars Who Will Shine on Screen for Omaha This Week
Strand Bent Love, la "A Daughter of
the Poor," li the Strand offering today and
tomorrow, while the fitrand orchestra, under
the direction of Carl Lamp, will offer a pe
dal Banter musical program, Including a
coronet solo, "The Palms." by Fred Phalps.
Tuesday till Thursday, are Keystone days,
the comedy this time being "Villa of the
Movies," a typical Keystone outburat of glee
and Joy, whlla William Desmond, la "Blood
Will Tell." la tha feature attraction. This Is
a story of a rich young chap who sows his
wild oats, but finally comes out all right
In tha and. H. B. Warner Id "Wrath," Fri
day and Saturday, la another of tha "Raven
Deadly Sins." and Warnar Is said to appear
to very good advantage, Indeed, In this pic
tore. s
Bon Robert Warwick has a powerful part
to play In "Tha Family Honor," which Is
shown at tha Bun theater. Ha enacts tha
part of a man who goes to great lengths
to sava hia younger brother from the wilea
of a wicked woman of tha world. Flaying
oppoalta Mr. Warwick Ja charming June
Elvldge. On tha earns program la a good
comedy . and latest currant aventa of the
wortd In motion pictures. In "Tha Barri
cade," a Metro Wonderplay, which wilt be
shown on Tuesday and Wednesday, Maim
Taliaferro for the first time In her Ufa
will be seen tn the part of a girl whose
one kdea Is revenge. On the same program
are Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Draw In their
latest eomedy. The power of will Is tha
dominating motive In "Her Temptation,"
starring Gladys Brock we 11, which Is shown
. I Robert Warwict
t fif 3 Extends Eaeter treating, mud Invite! you. to sea hu Ffj jm
iffig.'-. , ; ,. LATEST SUCCESS . . Jgj&y
II .( mmd Frank TtsA T a .... m i v ta n . w i .".mim
J. cdCL uu
QeorgsBeban -AUAtlusc Gladys 3rociweli M Me Boulevard
i-tf. Me Empress
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Mlaa Brock-
well is supported In this production by
Ralph Lewis, one of the most noted char
acters la the famous "Birth of a Nation."
Empress A theme unusual In motion pic
tures will ba presented today at the Kmpress
"The Family Honor,
A powerful elory of' how tha honor of noted
family wu tared from tha wiles of an
unicnrpulont woman.
WIIJe, m.lO'
of Daring
Millions of people sit in front
of the motion picture screen
soellbound with amazement as
Helen Gibson toys with' trains and
laughs at locomotives.
Now she appears in brand new
railroad adventures.
' Every picture is new different a
complete tiory in itself. Produced by
Ktlem, which means a top-notch produc
tion in every detail. See them all one
every week.
lea pay Tiiwaay
Slonz City, la.
' MOON '
Leada, la.
13th and Pin.
!Tht and Vinton.
Mth and Fort.
Sooth Slda
Ottunwa, la.
Wilton Jet, la.
Coming, la.
Oakland, Nab.
24th and Lain.
Sions City, la.
". lown City, la.
Dea Moinaa, la.
14th and Dougla,
.;, ; Tweea?
Columbne Jet., la.
David City, Hah.
- Cedar Fall., la.
Storm Laha, la. '
Pander, Nab.
Grand Island, Nab.
Dyaort, la.
16th and Doreaa ;
Odebolt, la.
Lincoln, Nab.
TrkUy '
Dunlap, la.
. . Clarmda,. la,
Albla, la.
16th and Binnay.
Dm Moinaa, In.
Donapbaa, In.
,. Id Grora, In.
Norfolk, Neb. .',
WeUter City, la.
Miadan, la. ,
1 : Aurora, Nab. ,
Woet Point, Neb.
Council Blnffi, In.
. Manhalltowa, la.
t Fremont, Neb. '
Nerada, la. .
APOLLO Harney 1806
29th and Leavenworth
Today at 2, 3:45, 8:30, 7:15, 9
Lenore Ulrich
TheHeart v
of Paula"
Alio, "Shorty" Hamilton,
' Fcaturatte
, i Monday
Marguerite Clark
Mary Plckford
'The Eternal Grind
In the first of the Art Drama series to be
shown. "Whono Flndeth a Wife," featuring
Jean Southern. The atory Is by J. Weleey
Putnam, an answer to Hall Calne'a novel,
"The Woman Thou Oaveat Me." The author
argues that the marriage bond la really a
social contract more binding, If anything,
thn a business ' obligation, inasmuch as
marriage as an Institution concerns the
community as a whole. In addition the
fourth Installment of the war pictures will
be shown. These pictures have attracted
much attention In Omaha. For the last half
of the week Pearl White will be seen in
"May Blossom" and another feature "Do
Children Count.1.
MaTio"Athletlo George Walsh will be
ahown at this theater today In his latest
and best Fox photoplay, "Melting Mil-
day and Monday. It telle of a youth whoJ Th(Mj Ba ,n ..TJ Tiger Woman." This
by instinct a g entlemfcn. in soul an artist isN .notnw of th. BUper d. ,u foX fea.
Muse "Babette," a romance of provincial
France and Bohemian Paris, will be the
dramatic feature on the Muae program to
by choice a clever thief: and who la finally
moulded Into tha man he should have always
been by the love of a pure, wholesome
young daughter of the keeper of a "comic
opera' jail. Marc MacDermott and Peggy
Hyland make It thoroughly entertaining. One
of Paula Blackston's country life stories will
be on the same program. George Behan, In
'The Bond Between" will be the attraction
for three days beginning Tuesday. Mrs. Ver
non Castle will also be on the program in
the thirteenth episode of the serial "Patrla."
Friday and Saturday Fannie Ward will ba
the attraction In "The, School for Hus
bands." How the wife stays at home and
tries to save money and hubby goes out to
the races, leaving her alone, la the beginning
of a comedy drama every married woman
should see. Saturday morning there will be
a children's performance es usual. "Aladdin
8 "Eostekzutf' tti
Sunday and
Bessie Love
In a charming charac
terisation of life among
both the rich and poor,
"A Daughter
of the Poor"
Special musical pro
gram by Carl Lamp and
his Strand Theater Or
chestra, as well as Or
ganists Meier and Ush
er, including
"Easter Chimes"
Cornet Solo
' By Fred Phelp
"The Palms"
and his Wonderful Lamp" wfU bo the at
traction. Parle William Desmond will be tha of
fering at this theater today In a Trinagle
feature called "The Iced Bullet." This Is
a novel' comedy-drama that is decidedly
different and will certainly please the most
critical fan. The fact that this photoplay
glvea some Interesting views of the big
Ince studios, where many of the Triangle
features are made,, and also some of the
different stars In the making of coming
photoplays, makes this attraction doubly
Interesting. Monday will see Dorothy dish.
In "The Little Tank."
turea which are proving so popular.
Apollo -Lenore Ulrich will be shown In
"The Heart of Paula,!', a Paramount offer
ing, at this theater today and In which
this artist Is seen to. excellent advantage.
"Shorty" Hamilton will furnish the comedy
element In one of his "featurettes." Mon
day Marguerite Clark In her best offering
thus far to tha screen, "Snow White." An
other treat Is offered Wednesday, as Mary
Plckford will hold forth In "The Eternal
Grind," which comes front the Paramount
' IiOthrop Alice Joyce and Harry Moray
will be the attraction at this theater to
day and tomorrow Is a Vltagraph feature,
"The Courage of Silence." The scenes are
laid. In this country and South America
and. tha story, of the "Eternal Triangle"
variety,, told In a somewhat different sort
of way, does not offend. The usual big
"V" comedy will furnish the mirthful park
of the program. It Is announced by Man
ager Jensen, on account of many requests,
he has arranged to have the great pre
paredness spectacle, "The Battle Cry of
Peace," returned for showings agatn Tues
day. Diamond Gretchen Hartman wilt ba tha
attractions at this theater today In a Wil
liam Fox feature, "The Love Thief." Mon
day Ruth Clifford in "Mary frbm America,"
a three-reel Gold Seal drama; "A Million
In Sight" and "A Novel Romance." Man
ager Finch calls special attention to tjie
fact that Friday will be the last chapter
of Francis Ford and Grace Cunard In "The
Purple Mask."
Grand Ethel Clayton supported by Rock
cllffa Fellows will be the offering at this
theater today In "The Web of Desire." High
Boulevard Reopens Today With
New Line of Films for Future
The Boulevard theater again opens
its doors to the public today with big
ger and better pictures than ever.
They will be almost in their entity
in the future from the Triangle and
Fox studios, with such stars as Wil
liam S. Hart, Douglas Fairbanks,
Bessie Barriscale, Frank Keenan, Bes
sie Love, Theda Bara, William and
Dustin Farnum, George Walsh and
many others of equal note.
The theater is and has been for
some time considered as one of Oma
ha's prettiest and best ventilated show
palaces nd it is with pleasure that
the management announces the open
ing picture, Frank Keenan in "The
Bride of Hate " which will be shown
today and Monday. Tuesday will be
one of "The Seven Deadly Sins' pic
tures. Wednesday and Thursday will
be a Fox super de luxe feature, The
Price of Silence," and Friday and Sat
urday will be Bessie Love in "Nina,
the Flower Girl."
Many good things are promised by
the management.
m t
society life, high financial circles, a fash
lonable gambling house all these figure in
cms mm ana nave mucn to do with bring
ing things to a sensational and thrilling
cumax. Monaay wm see Francis X. Bash
n an and Beverly Bayne In the fifth chap
ter of "The Great Secret" and a Fortune
pootopiay, "The vengeance of the Dead.'
Hippodrome Mrs. Vernon Castle wilt be
the stellar attraction at this theater today
in -raina. a western arama, "Against
Heavy Odds." "Sklnny'a Love Tangle" and
an International cartoon and scenic com
plete this day's bill.
Suburban The attraction at this theater
today Is Itobert Warwick in "A Girl's1
Folly." Studio life forms the background
jor me greater part or the story and re
volving stages, water tanks, developing
rooms, cutting rooms, dining rooms and
dressing rooms are all faithfully presented.
Special attention Is called to the Tuesday
attraction, Mary PicKford.m her latest su
perfeature made with her own company,
"The Pride of the Clan."
Ideal Liveable Margarita Fischer wiH be
the attraction at this theater today in
very pleasing comedy-drama, "Miss Jackie
or tne ivavy." Lire in the navy la deoicted
and this part of tha picture alone should
prove most interesting. Monday Florence
La Badie In her latest Fat he Gold Rooster
success, "saint. Devil and Woman. In this
picture she portrays a dual personality and
or. courae is equally as clever in each one.
Monroe Carlyle Blackwell and Ethel
Clayton will be the attraction at this theater
today in a world feature, "The Broken
Chains." A good comedy will also be on
the same bill. Monday Harry Carey in
Red Feather photoplay, "The Fighting
Gringo." He stands In a class that Is all
his own as far as western 4jiaracters are
concerned and Is at bis best In this of
Favorite Helen Gibson will be the feature
attraction at this theater today In another
thrilling episode from "A Daughter of Dar
ing" series that is meeting with much suc
cess, and called The Registered Pouch.
Ham and Bud will furnish the comedy ele?
ment to the bill and other films will make
a worth while program. Monday, "The
Vanishing woman," "Tha Conscience of
Hassan Bey, "What's the Use?" and "All
In a Day," all -of which are offerings from
the General Film company.
Bonlevard Frank Keenan and Margery
Wilson will be the attractton'at this theater
today and Monday In a Triangle Kay Be
feature. "The Bride of Hate." Tuesday will
be one of "The Fovea Deadly Sins," the
title of which will be announced later. Wed
nesday and Thursday will be William (Bill)
Farnum in "The Price of Silence," a F
Super Da Luxe feature, a powerful story
of a man's word of honor and deals with
a vital Issue of tha nation, that of child
labor. Friday and Saturday will see Beetle
Love In a Triangle photoplay, "Nina the
Flower Girl," the story of the love of a
Httle blind girl and a little crippled news
boy. The girl finally has her sight restored
and the newsboy has his back straightened,
which all makes a most pleasing and un
usual ending,
Henshaw Cafe An exceptionally unique
and patriotic plan of entertainment has
been arranged at the Henshaw cafe for
Easter Sunday. The Easter decorations are
artistically and profusely mingled with Old
Glory, and as a final touch a flag pole
has been placed at the far end of the cafe
with the Stars and Stripes flylns in the
breeze of a hidden electric fan, A large
orchestra will accompany the singers and
the entertainment is promised to ba far
above the man tnabove the average.
Extends Easter Greeting and Present
The story of a girl who saved a man's soul
without ever knowing the miracle sho had
wrought. '
"Prrtty Pewir Hyland with
tmaiitibl. Hub MaeDsrmott
ar. at ta, in a faiei
Mtinc picture called 'Babctte.'
Th. plot .mboaie. all tha
thrill, which avdiuuM love
to feel."
New York Tribune, March 10.
in W
"Peggy HylansV wins new
laurels ss 'Babette' at tha
Rial to. Mare MacDermott Is
unquestionably one of the
moat attractive rogues on the
New York Sun, March 1.
and Photoplays
20c and 10c
Open 11 A. M.
to 11 P. M. Daily
: Featurinf JEAN SOUTHERN au.war. tha question
An Art Drama ia Fira Acta, PicturUing Putnam a Wot.I.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
rearl White in "MAY BLOSSOMS
Pearl White Is one of the meet! alt J"LThto
entirely Iffereat than anything she has ever avpoaren la.
DO TOU ever wonder what has become
of James CruaeT You know, the roiS
that made such a hit In "The Million
Dollar Mystery.'' Well, you can see him thin
weak In "Her Temptation," which stars)
Gladys Brockwell and shows at the Sun
theater. It's his first picture for over a yeaiv
The P. A. says he had a broken leg. WIU'
Ham Fox has been after him, and we supf
pose be broke It running away
BohShtrley of the Muse says he Is glad
to ae( Eaater. He says it suits htm eggsacw
ly. (Ancient stuff.)
C. B. Holah says he Is wearing out hi
ear answering the telephone. You see, net
is manager of the Pethe exchange and,
every time anyone phones the girl answers
and they say "Hello" and call him. Vary
simple mistake, very.
If the clapping of hands Is the sign of
applause, then the stamping of feet must be)
the sign of corns. "Ouch."
Tn the. early scenes of Enid Bennett 1
The Little Brother," which appeared at tha
Strsnd theater last week, she appeared la
the garb of a "newsie,' wearing her broth
er's cast-off clothes. She was provided with)
an unusually "tough" outfit and several re
hearsals were necessary before she felt at
ease In boy's clothes. 'Pockets and flus
penders were a constant bother, but what
she complained about most bitterly was tha
absence of safety pins, or Is It "safety
Chesrer Conklln was bom tn OsVal
la., and so was ye Ed. That s funny,
so Is Chester.
, but
Yes, Marin Sals Is an American air If
came from Frisco after trouble with "Tha
Social Pirates." How do we know this In
true? Marin Sala so. Now you can pro
nounce her name.
Do you like Douglas Fairbanks en the)
screen? Of course you do, and so do
I,068,ST.412.636.636,OO1 ether people. - fW
think these figures are right.) Well, t&ert
we think we have big news for you, so set
yourself down and get a good hold of tha
chatr and look for the best news you have
heard In some time. Ready? It is whis
pared In thj inner circles of rnovtedora that
be is going to be right here In Omaha this)
week himself, and will appear at one of tha
leading theaters. Now. don't get all nerv
oused up, but watch for announcement
later. Something might go wrong and w4
don't want you to be disappointed. He in
on his way from the east to the west fos
some scenes of his latest photoplay "In,
Again. Out Agatn," and all wires possible
ere being pulled for him to stop over, so It!
you jiee someone coming up Famara street
one of these days hanging to the trolley of
a "Wattles Electric" by one hand, or climb
Ing up the side of the First National Bank
building, you'll know he's in town. Geeg
won't that be great?
Here's more good news. DM yen aS
Bryant Washburn In "Skinner's Dtsn
Suit?" Pretty good, huh? Well. Bssaaa?
announces that there will be three mere)
"Skinner" pictures, with Bryant Washbunt
arid the same cast, written by the wm
author, Henry Irving Dodge, and made byf
tha same director.
Sylvantus Snrucker carried a spear 1n the)
feature "In the Olden Days," and la new
spending all the loose change be can find ht
putting professional cards la the dramatis)
t Charlie Stnmbaugh, who Is tn town for si
short sojourn from Des Moines, announced!
to "General" Taylor that this city of earfl
was "some town." Now, this city and town
stuff sounded sort of queer to the "Gene
era)," but after going through the Sift la
committee he was reported O. K.
What ts this film business coming ta
anyway? getting Into the circus busM
neas and having a aide show In connection,
or not? When we begin to think of' some)
of the different film companies and sen
such companies' names as Bees, Fox. Pare
rott. Spider, Duck, Bear. Bluebirds, Cub
Bison, Butterfly, Hawk, Stork and the llktv
we are inclined to think that we shoolj
part somebody's hair with a "Keystone.''
We suppose that the next will be Lloo,
Wolf, Giraffe, Monkey, Blood Sweating;
Rhinoceros and other cute names. "Why,
there are even noted hunters In the em
ploy of different companies as the follow
lng letter received by Kerley Kalvert of the)
Bluebird proves. This is It;
"dere Bur
"Just ha pned to here a feller on the trans)
say that V did not hav enuff blue birds to)
go roun And as I am a trapper of burds
Beests and other things, 1 thot 1 wood rite
U to say that spring wtl soon b here and as
u no blue blrDa cum In the spring and if q
want 2 contract for any I wold be glad tej
ship awl the youNg la u cud use. t am
thee 1 that furnises all thee gOld roosters
thee pathB peupul and awlso thee foXes S
thee FoX ftlum co. awlso fumshed awl
pearls for pearl of THE. arm a. Soree to
hear ur fren bill BUFFlo war ded. pottsej
answer C lc. "I. Ketchsra."
One of the popular news weeklies an4
nounce that they are how1ng In their latest
release a foredoomed accident that occurred
to an Oregon freight train. Three blade
cats and thirteen hoboes rode on the same
train and eluded the jinx, bat when three
of the tramps lighted their cigar stubs from,
the same match, the train was wrecked.
Moral: Ail ye who would take the third!
Jight from the flaming luclfec think thrice,
or the ever present Jinx will make himself
In the "Railroad Raiders' Helen Holmen
Introduces to the screen her little adopted!
daughter, Helen Holmea MoOowan. and tha
youngster shows every Indication of bavins
her mother's love of the rails. She has
been having a great time playing arounel
the round houses and has more fun withj
the air brake lever than with her dolls.
We suppose that when she grows older and,
needs a little more hair to fill the latest
Parisian hat creation that she will know?
how to make a flying switch. This Is not at
false "hair-raising story." Honest.
The sslsrfes of movie stars are not always
what they seem.
We have often wondered why It Is that
an automobile chauffeur hasn't more to do
In the movies.
The season will never come In the movie)
world when tt will be necessary to taka
down the screens. Let that ona fly Int
your dome.
No one noticed seven telephone coles lat
the feature "In 1776'' until it was too late
Mark Twain as a Samaritan.
Here Is a new Mark Twain story that
sounds as if it might actually have hap
ll aaies oacK to ins penoa wnen Maris
was living In Hartford, on the next blocs;
from Harriet Beecher Stowe and her hue
band, Prof. Stowe.
One cold and blustery winter momlnsv
after an unusually heavy snowfall, a neigh
bor, meeting . Mark on the street, slowly
plowing his way through the drifts, withi
a corncob pipe In his mouth and a snow
shovel over his shoulder asked him where!
he was Douna,
'Oh, just around the block an errand off
mercy." drawled Mark," removing the ulna
from between his teeth and pointing ovep
his snouiaer witn tne stem or it. "Mrs.
Stowe has Juat telephoned that Prof. Stowa
Is under the weather this morning, and.
rm on my way arouna mere to shovel him
out!" New York Times.
Alice Joyce
, Harry Morey
"The Courage of Silence"
And a Big "V." Comedy
"Tha Battla Cry of Peace"