Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 2, Image 10

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    " "2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
(Continued tnm Pat Om)
and tttended the. University of He-
braska, where the wai a member of
the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr.
Backlnnd also attended the Univer
sity of Nebraska and is a .member of
the Fhi Delta Theta fraternity. Plans
had been made tor a large wedding,
- but Miss Haze was taken seriously ill
short time ago while visiting in
Chicago, and so the Wedding will be
a small affair. The young couple will
live in Wellington, Kin.
Mr. and Mrs, M. Solomon of Coim.
cil Bluffs announce the engagement
of their daughter, bither. to Mr.
Louis D. Bercu, formerly of Omaha,
but now in Douelas. VVvo. 1 be wed
ding will take place at the home of
the bride's parents In Council Bluffs
during the latter part ot August. A
wedding trip to the coast will follow,
after which the young people will be
at home in Douglas, Wyo.
Easter Respite for School Set
Easter brought the school set home
for a brief respite, the short vacation
necessitating their return almost im
mediately. Waltman Walters returns
to Dartmouth Monday. He graduates
in Tune and will then enter trie medi
cal department ot tne v.nicago a
Northwestern railway in Chicago, tak
ing special courses at Rush Medical
school : .
Miss Harriette Walters reached
home from Kemper at Kenosha, Wis.,
Tuesday. Two other Kemper Hall
girls, the Misses Dorothy and Lyle
. Dickey, are spending the Easter va-
iL.i. If:.- iiril
canon wuii .mcir cuusiu, mm viui
fred Brandt.
The Misses Dorothy Dahtman and
Miss Florence Rahm ko back to Mon
tincello this evening after a ten days'
Easter vacation spent with their par
labin Caldwell arrived home Frl
day from Yale with Malcolm Bald
rige and other Yale men.
John Coffinberry of Cleveland ac
companied Denman Kountze. home
from school to spend the Easter va
cation as his guest. They go back to
Cleveland tonight.
Morton and Thompson Wakeley
are home from Cornell, having ar
rived last week,
Clarke Riley, who attends school at
Notre Dame, is spending Easter with
a school friend at Kocktord. ill.
Harkness Kountze and Donald Hall
spent part of their vacation from
Exeter at New Haven with Malcolm
Baldrige and parti of it In New York
with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Saxe.
Edward Daugherty, who came home
Sunday from Andover, returns to
school today. . - ; ,
John Hanighen arrived Monday
from Cornell for his Easter vacation
and Jarvis Offutt and Fritz Bucholz
are both home from Yale for the
week, . . v s
Social Gossip.
Mrs. E. F. Riley and Miss Edna
have returned from a five weeks' so
journ in the tast, where they visited
Miss Florence Riley at Trinity col
lege, in Washington, D. C. during the
inaugural. I'lhey stopped at' Balti
more, Philadelphia, New York and
Scranton and also at Notre Dame to
visit Clarke' Riley, who it in school
there. -'" ;--'-
Mra. J. J. Dickey, with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Blomfield-Brown, and little
daughter, Bertha, tailed Thursday
from Honolulu and are due to teach
Omaha about the 12th. They have
engaged apartments at the Black
stone. Thit will be Mrs. Blomfield
Brown's first visit home since her
marriage three years ago. Mrs.
Dickey has been in Honolulu with her
daughter alt winter.
The Misses Dorothy and Marian
Weller will return to Omaha Mon
day.' Miss Dorothy will be at borne
for only a week, but Mist Marian hat
given up her trip east because of the
war.-. ,
M.. and Mrs. Harry Doorly, Mrs.
Mora, Mr. Alexander Richardson, Mr.
George Brandeis and Dr. Pollard
spent, the week at Excelsior Springs.
Miss Jean Barkalow. daughter of
Mrs.' Dick Barkalow of Denver, will
be in Omaha Monday on her way to
Chicago, where she is to b one of the
bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss
Billie Stout of that city to Mr. Wal
ter Struby of Denver. Upon her re
turn Miss Barkalow will stop a few
days to visit her aunt, Mrs. Ben
, Mrs. K. Jessen returned from a
week's visit in Kansas City.i
Miss Cecilia Rhodes returned to
her home in St, Joseph Thursday
after few; days' visit with Mr. and
Mrs. John S. Brady. Hal Bradv.
who is now living in St Joseph, spent
Sunday here with his parents.
Mr. F. F. Templeton of San Fran
cisco, .enroute to Rockford, III, is
spending Easter with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Templeton.
Travelers' Newt. 1
Mrs. Russell Fisher and .daughter,
Jane, who have been several months
with Mrs. Fisher's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C N. Dow, will leave Wednes
day for Seattle. . , Mr, Fisherrwill
join, them in Spokane, Wash.
Mrs. Charles E. Black returned
Krirfav frnm an jiityhf
in New Orleans. On her retire she
spent .several days in Chicago with
Mir Cotton, who ia doing interior
decorating work for a Chieas-o hnnx.
Mrs. Harold Gifford and Miss Anne
Gifford are in New York for several
If Yon Are
Suffering from
We want you to know that
Eheumatlam can in many
cases be relieved. We have
satisfied patrons by the
seora who have been per
manently relieved and we
would like to try your eaae.
aatK aaui O Sts,' Saudi Side.
, torn Sautk art. , ,( '
Oole.pelkk Ffcralcln at Oar...
Eastertide Brides
aP4 ' i i-iW
weeks. They will also visit Boston
before coming home.
Mra. Warren Rogers and her
daughter, Mist Mildred Rogers, are
at the Grafton in Washington and
may stay there some time.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Scoble and
daughter, Mist Helen, who have been
at Ormonde, Fit., since the middle
of January, arrived home Friday.
Mr. and Mrt. C T, Taylor, who
have been at Sarasota, Fie., have
gone from there thit week-end to
Mr. and Mrt. Arnold M. Browar
have returned from the east Mrs.
Browar having visited her family in
Chicago, while Mr, Browar was at
trench Lick Springs, ; Thev- were
gone three weeks. .
;Mr. and Mrs. H. Rushton re
turned Friday from San Diego, where
they spent the winter.
Mrt. John Caldwell left Thoriday
for a month in New York and the
Mrt. Alfred Darloar Utt TKnr..
for Los Angele to visit her sisters,
Mrt. William St John and Mra. Abel
Faidy, for three or four weekt.
Mr. and Mrt. Tohn W. Towle and
daughteri, Mitt Marlon . and Mist
Naomi Towle. came. home Saturday.
They tpent several dayt In, Chicago
wun me gins enroute Home trom
school in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millarit mr.
rived home Friday from month's
trip touth and east Joseph Millard,
2d, and hit brother, Ray, will be home
Mr. and Mra. Thamu TV f-.
who have been for the last five
months in California, have returned
and opened their summer home at
riorence Heights,
Mrs. John Madden' with her nnrt
and aunt Joseph Hayden and Miss
Sadie Hayden, arrived home Thurs
day from California,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman and
daughter, Margaret, and Mrt. J. J.
"rown are expected back from Cali
fornia about the end of the week.
All Blrthdayi In April.
The V,'. L. Harris familv It havlnor
an entire month of celebration in
April. Each member of the family,
Herbert, Leola, Julian and Mr. and
Mrs. Harris, has a hirtM.u rfrin
thii month and, to cap the climax,
A Dim. a D.jr or lasawlll
. TiT -- --"
BiB.y this way thaa my olh.r. for
"SiLa Valllere, fin. eoHd toM, rnen
sold ieeoea, brtiht flni.h. 4 la bril.
liant 8pacial at 1C
JO a Moata $i!
A Month
ConnrMM. Bracelet Watch, ftaeet
jrrM fnU Jeweled movement, tilt dial.
Caa. and Bracelet guaranteed II nm.
Splendid value, at S1S.OO.
Dlaaaoia , iSls. Maata
and One Betrothed
i f . . (
fiBSmcB WftlTNBY"
the month of April witnesses the
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Harris. All these family events are
being celebrated in appropriate man
ner within the family circle. In ad
dition to these, a number of affairs
are being given infhonor of Mrs. Har
ris, tince the family leavet for their
new home in St Joseph, Mo., the
middle of May.
Merkle-Witt Wedding.
Miss Emma Witt of Omaha, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Witt of
Wisner, Neb., tnd Mr. A. W. Merkle
were united in marriage March 28 at
the Kountze Memorial church, the
Rev. O. D. Baltzly officiating.
The bride and groom left immedi
ately for a visit with Mrs. Merkle's
parents, after which they went to
Dayton, O., and Kansas City, Mo.,
for a visit with the grooms rela
tives. They will sail on the steam
ship Vauban from New York April
28 for Montevideo, Uruguay where
Mr. Merkle will be superintendent
of the water works for the republic
of Uruguay, ;
.Stork Newi.i
A ton, John James, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McGowan
at Birch Knoll sanitarium last Sun
day. Mrs. McGowan was formerly
Mist Loretta Mulcahy.
Sick Room Notet.
Mra. R. S. Hall was called to Chi
eago last week by the illness of her
daughter, Miss Janet Hall, who hai
a light case of scarlet fever. Mitt
Dorothy Hall, who went to Chicago
with her titter about six weekt ago
to study art and music, was home for
the last week-end, returning Monday
to Chicago.
Allen Clarke, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, jr., of Lincoln,
is quarantined with scarlet fever, but
has only a light case.
Mr. W. G. Templeton, who has
been ill at his home for the last two
weeks, is slowly .improving. .
Cain-Cornell Wedding.
Mrs. N. H. Cornell announces the
marriage of her daughter, Miss Rachel
L Cornell, to Mr. Robert F. Cain,
son of Mrs. William Curtis Cain, on
Wednesday, April 4. The marriage
ceremony was performed by the Kev,
kos pay for Wutlful, .BuB. Diamond or fin. Watch. It's Croat way
in tow. 1 on o.m noro pioasnro and satisfaction ia av
yoo woar tha diamond or watch while paying.
659 Diamond Ring,
14k aolld told. Loftla
"Parfeotioa" CA
M a Weak
767 II n's Diamond
Ring. -prong Tooth
mounting, 14k solid gold
Roman or polished fin-
Sl.SS a Weak.
ISO Marqnla. Rin 10
aenulne Diamond., . ve
EmeraJda, fine a o 11 d
soldi a beautiful (10
rlac, for...:,...
HM a Moot. .
1 1 78 Cam
matt Rlna, 4
aonda pink
fine Dlami
Coral Cameo, tOE
fine aoHd sold, ?
ax jo a Moata
The Old Reliable, Original
Diamond & Watch Credit House
Main floor City National Bank Block
409 S. 16th St, Cor. 16 Harnoy St.., Omaha
OpposiU Burtass-Naah Co. P.pirtmcnt Store.
Frank B. Foster at the United Pres
byterian church. The attendants were
Mrs. W. C. 1 rollman, sister ot Mr.
Cain, and Harold Cornell, brother of
the bride. Following the ceremony
at 8:30 in the evening, supper was
served and Mr. and Mrs. Cain left for
a short wedding trip.
Easter Announcement Party.
At a novel Easter party yesterday
the engagement and approaching
marriage ot Miss Hodell Calhoun
Higgins and Mr. Earl Floyd Bragg
was announced. The date set for the
wedding is June 6. Guests at the
announcement party were:
Bertha Hulmes,
R. O. Polpa,
E. Lynne Kllgor.
Lola HyC:
I,60la Barnta,
Kreda Carlaon, .
Helen Hyde,
Dorothea Laraon,
Mary Chaee,
Maud Plerca,
Katharine Pavla,
Haxal Anderaon,
Violet Dodge,
K. . llartwell,
W. A. Forrey.
Luclla Petere.
Mabel Engler.
Flodell Hltllna.
Tbelma Carlyale.
Delia Blch,
Daisy Kngler,
Ruth Petera,
Jeaele Cady,
Pearl Hlsrfna.
University Mixers' Club Dance.
The annual spring dancing party to
be given at Keep's academy on Tues
day evening by Creighton University
Mixers' club promises to arouse a
lively patriotic demonstration, as
many Creighton men are preparing to
join one or other branch of the army
or tne navy to defend the flag. Na
tional colon will predominate In the
decoration scheme and music and pro
grams win De appropriate to tne tea-
son, l he chaperones will be Dr. and
Mrs. E. H. Bruening, Dr. and Mrs.
Francis W. Heagey and Prof, and
Mrs. A. H. Bigelow,
Social Circles
Mrs. N. K. Anderson will be hos,
tess for the Augustina Ladies' Aid
society on Ibursday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrt.
T. H. Berry on April 1.
Mrs. W. ' A. Wilcox entertained
Monday evening for the Harmony
The English Lutheran church
choir will give special Easter num
bers at the vesper services this after
noon at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Ray Robinson entertained at
a farewell party in honor of Miss
Zora Sheffer, who leaves next week
for her new home in Chicago. Thirty-five
guests were present
Sam Brock will entertain the Au
gustina Luther league next Tuesday
The high school seniors, will give
a program in the auditorium next
Friday evening.
Mrs. J, J. Amish entertained at
dinner last Thursday for five guests
from Omaha.
Mrs. W. H. Justin has returned
home from two weeks' visit in Nio
brara, Neb.
Mrs. Ray Robinson leaves on Mon
day for a few weekt' visit in Central
Mru J. McCabe will be hostess for
Safe Fat Reduction
Radius, Ttdnea, tadnat. It tha. slogan ef
all (at paople. Oat thin, be (Urn. la the ary
of fashion sad socletyY And the.-ovarlat wring
their has da In Mortification -and helplees-.
nasal Molttn at natueatlng druaa, afraid
ot violent oxeroUe, draadlnf tha unwelcome
and vnsatlafrlng dtat, until they hit upon
tha hsrmlees Harmola Proscription and learn
through It that the mar safahr redoes two,
three or four pounds a weak without ant
hangt la their mods of life, but haimlaaa
Ir, secretly and quickly reaching their Ideal
of future, with a smoother skin, bettor ap
petite and health than tharhave ever known.
And now oomea Marmola Preierlptlon Tao
leta from tha same famously hannlese
formula as tha Marmola Preaoriptlon. It be
hoove you to learn the eetlllying, beneficial
affects of this great cafe fat reducer by
giving to your drugglat 1U tot a generous
elied case, or sanding a like amount to tha
Marmola Co 884 Woodward Ave., Detroit,
Mich., with a requeet that they mail to yon
a full anas of Marmola Preierlptlon Teblete.
The Photo Craft Shop
(Now Location
193 Men's Watch, hunting ease If
site plain polished, engraved or en
gine turned, guaranteed it years
fitted with 17-jewel Elgin. Waltham
or Illinois movement special.
Tersest 1A0 a Month.
Phono Doug las 1444 and our
SaLamaa Will Call.
Call or Writa for Catalof 903.
Open Daily Until 9 P. M.
Saturday Till 9:30
TeaTaiTlaVn.,n Ha il IT B M
the Aufwiedersehn club at her
home next Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. C. P. Sheffer and family leave
next week to join Mr. Sheffer in their
future home in Chicago. -Miss
Madeline Horton arrived Fri
day to spend the week-end with rela
tives here.
Mrs. J. W. Welch will entertain the
members of Omaha oratory and par
liamentary . departments of the
Woman's club at her home on
April 17.
F. W. Melchor it helping the
Young Women s Christian, associa
tion camp fund by donating 500 blue
iris bulbs, which are being sold for
5U cents a dozen.
The English Luther league will
hold a social meeting on Wednesday
evening. Misses Olga Nordeen, lia
ble Dineson, Olene Johnson, Messrs.
Albert Peterson and Henry Hansen
will be the hosts.
Mrs. H. C. Forgey will be hostess
for the guild at her home on Monday
B. F. Bekmeyer gave a dinner In
honor of bis birthday. Covers were
laid for fourteen guests.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid so
ciety met at the church last Wednes
day afternoon and elected the follow
ing officers i President. Mrs. W. R.
Snell; vice president, Mrt. Ben Mor
ton; tecond vice president Mrs.
Jamet Walth; tecretary, Mrt. E. E.
Paddock, and treasurer, Mrt. A. W.
Mr. and Mrt. A. L. Reed and fam
ily have moved to their country home
near the Country club.
W. M. Outhouse and Mist Lillian
McCune, both of Benton, were mar
ried Monday evening. They will re
side at Sixty-third and Bryan streets.
A son was born to Mr. and Mra.
A. Adamson on West Bryan street,
Miss Barbara Beck of Benson was
married last week to Frank Ptacek of
The meeting of the Woodmen nf
the World lodge last Tuesday even-
Special Musical
Hotel Loyal
They do. not because it is t fad.
but because they wish to obtain the
greatest possible hair beauty and
be sure they are not using anything
harmful. . They have found , that in
washing the hair it is never wise to
use a makeshift, but is always ad
visable to use a Dreoaratioil made
for shampooing only. Many of our
friends sa, they get the best results
from a simple home-made canthrox
mixture. You can use this at a
cost of about three cents a sham
poo by getting some canthrox from
your druggfist, and dissolving is tea
tipoonful in a cup ot- -hot -water.
This makes enough shampoo" liquid
to apply to all the hair -instead of
just the top of the headt as with
most preparations. Dandruff. . ex
cess oil and dirt are dissolved and
entirely disappear in the rinsing
water. Your hair will be so fluffy
that it will look much heavier than
it is. Ira luster and softness will
also delight you. -Advertisement
Lixr&esf Mexfri'opi Faciorij ii) (Injericec
ing was in the form of a farewell for
Captain Todd and the drill team, who
have enlisted.
The Presbyterian church held its
annual meeting Wednesday evening,
when the pastor made his fifth an
nual report The number of deacons
was increased to six, electing as new
ones Mrs. James Walsh, R. C. Per
sons and Earl Deane. Five new
trustees were elected.
Widow Sues Railroad as
Result of Husband's Death
Fifty thousand dollar! damages are
asked by Mrs. Emma Elizabeth Koch,
widow and administratrix of the es
tate of Carl E. Koch, in a suit filed
in district court against the Union Pa
cific. Her husband died from injuries
following an accident in the Omaha
railroad yards on November 24, 1916,
while he was employed at a car in
spector. Koch't widow alleges that a train
crew made a "flying switrh," causing
a string of cars to be thrown with
I . J I I .1 I
fl lllr
I WANT you to follow t m for
minute) a day, and for only a few
days Into that "realm of my
terfee" where no mystery dwelle.
Bbtnd the eoenea there It no fran-
- tio chase for beauty aa there ta In
the world outtlde of It, That'a be
cause stage folic know how to ac
quire It, In a temple way. I want
to tell you the aureet way and the
simplest way to rid yourself of those
hundred! of tell-tale wrinkles, how
to cast yean from your face, and
defy old Father Time himself. Just
try the formula I five here, every
day, applying It liberally, and you'll
look years younger in short order,
Just aa hundreds bf others are doing
today. Get from your druggist two
ounces of eptol and mix with one
tablespoonful of glycerine In half a
pint of water. A rich cream Is tha
result, which makes the skin plump,
almost baby-like, and oauses even
deep wrinkles to disappear In quick
time. This costs far less than the
prepared creams and you are abso
lutely sure ot results. Start today.
HISS HOVELT It Is bad enough
to have hair on the upper lip, with
out having it made re 4 and hMeous
by the application of 'those "burn
ing" hair removers. That certainly
Is a shame. - Now Jsat turn over a
- new leaf and quit them at). You'll
notice how wonderfully easy It is to ,
, get rid of any superfluous hairs by'
J- simply moistening them with sulfa
solution. The hairs Just dwindle sway,
and the skin Is left smooth and white
t no red spot to tell that you ued any
thing to remove the hairs at all. It a)-'
ways works, and never harms even the
tenderestv skin. -
IfrsfJ j. W. R. No, my doar. Those
creams you use won't do It. I know,
because I have tried, and to my sor
row and disappointment. On the other
hand, with iny formula given below,, you
know before you begin that you are
going to have a complexion of surpass
ing beauty, that every blemish, all mud
diness and the paleness and sallowness
that ruin ooraplexlons wlU disappear.
It's an easy matter, more economloal,
too, than using anything else I know,
r To one ounce of slntone, obtained from
your druggist, add two tablespoonfuls
of glycerine and mix In a pint
of water. A thick, rich cream results.
Mew you have IL
great violence against another string
of cars which her husband was in
specting. Her petition assert! that no
warning signal was given nor any
safeguards taken to prevent an ac
cident Mrs. Koch has two small children,
Albert E. Koch and Margaret Louise
Fremont Boys Charged
With Stealing Automobile
Fremont, Neb., April 7. (Special.)
Ford Jackson and Robert Rezac,
members of the Fremont signal corps,
which is- stationed at Lincoln, were
taken into custody here Thursday
evening on a charge of stealing an
automobile belonging to a member
of the Lincoln police force. They
drove the machine to Fremont. Po
lice Commissioner Wright of Lincoln
and the owner of the stolen car, came
to Fremont and took the boys and
the machine back with them. When
arrested at a dance hail here the boys
had loaded automatic army revolvers
A Valuable Secret How to Look
Young Though You May Bo Old,
Told by America's Beauty
Star of Screen and Stage,
. Valetka Suratt.
COMPLAINING It took a long time
to perfect the face powder which I had
prepared after my own formula one
that would be finer than any other
powder ever made, that would stay on
when applied, that would be Invisible,
and produce an exquisite bloom on the 1
skin, I succeeded, and now this is being
sold aa "Valeska Suratt Face Powder.?1
at druggists, for flft. cents In flesh,
white and brunette tints.
TOROTHY N. Your hair Is brittle
beuause of the soaps and soapy sham
poos you use to wash them. These con
tain oil-consuming alkali, and are In
jurious to hair. The filmy secretion
which form on the scalp, and dandruff
scales are all "dissolved" away in re
markable fashion by eggol. a teas poo n
ful of which dissolved in half a eup of
water gives a glorious, rich, creamy,
lathery shampoo. For twenty-flvo ceats
you can get enough eggol from your
druggiet to give a dozen or mors bead
washes. MISS P. N. T. Tou must stop pinch
ing out blackheads and spotting up
your skin. You'll never get rid of them
that way. Sprinkle some neroxln on a
wet sponge. Then rub the blackheads
with this for a few moments, and you
will find that they have all disappeared.
Neroxln Is the only thing known that
will do this. Any druggist can supply
you with the neroxln.
MRS. F. V. Am sorry yon could not
obtain the eggol for the head-wash I
mentioned, but if you will In sueh cases
send the price, twenty-five cents, te
"Secretary to Valeska Suratt, Thomp
son Bldff,, Chicago, 111., my secretary
will send It to you by mall at once.
THIN SPOTS You will never get
any real results on your hair until you
stop using the usual hair preparations.
Take this hint, and tnake up your
own preparation at home, from the fol
lowing formula. After using It for a
short time you will find a tremendous
difference In the length of your hair.
It wilt be glossy, full of Ufa, and It
will stop filling. It will be a revela
tion t6 joa. too, how the thin spots will
fill out To a half pint of water aptl .
half nlnt of .alcohol (or to one pint
rf bay rum) add once ounce of beta
qutnol, obtained from the drug store.
This makes over a pint of this unsur-; .
paused hair tonic, very economical, as
you see.
MIRfl OLIVE M. No One has a right ;
to guarantee you a bust development.
But I can say that the best thing
known, and that most often succeeds '
In splendid fashion. Is a mixture of two
ounces- of ruetone, half a cup ot sugar
and a. half pint of water. Take two
teaspoonfuls of this mixture after each
meal and on retiring. This Is safe,
e e
' EMBARRASSED Hydrollsed tale ap
plied to the arm p. s is wonderful In
relieving excessive arm pit perspiration .
and In destroying at ones all objection
able odors. It can be secured at- any
drug store. Advertisement,