Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Several Billion Loan to Allies in 30
Cuban Congress Declares that State of War Exisls With Germany
aha Sunday Bee
Fair; Warmer
'.ministration Leaders in Con
gross Plan to Rush Legisla
tion for Loan of at Least
Two Billions.
This Will Be Followed by MoreJ
Money, as Well as Shells,
Guns and Food.
Washington, April 7. Administra
tion leaders in conference today de
cided to unlock at once the vast finan
cial resources of the United States
to the allies.
To relieve the economic needs of
the entente governments a huge loan,
of dimensions jet undetermined, but
not less than $2,000,000,000, will be
forthcoming from this country as
speedily as congress can pass the nec
essary legislation.
Not a penny profit, it was author
itatively stated, will be expected or re
ceived bythis country on the loan.
The loan will be America's immediate
contribution to the allied cause, with
the promise of other bountiful contri
butions of money, munitions and food
stuffs to come as needed.
Immediate Bond Issue.
An immediate bond issue, possibly
totaling $5,000,000,000 is forecast by
today's action. The exact amount is
yet to be determined.
Legislation providing for the issue
will be introduced in congress speed
ily, not later than next week, and
within thirty days, possibly before the
end of the present month, a substan
tial portion of the great loan is ex
pected to be available for the entente
The forthcoming loans, it is au
thoritatively said, will be placed be
fore the.public as quickly as possible
in denominations down to $100, possi
bly $25, will be "a reasonable interest,
rate," ancj the entire army of Amer
ican investors banks, corporations
and individuals will be afforded an
opportunity to subscribe.
' What Plan Calls For.
.Treasury department and federal
reserve board officials, believe that a
$5,000,000,000 bond issue can be ab
sorbed withoutdifftculty by American
investors and it is likely that this will
be the first sum offered.
The present plan calls for the ex
change of American money, dollar for
dollar, for foreign bonds at par. Bonds
of the entente governments would be
accepted by the American govern
ment as security for the loan. The in
terest rate on the foreign bonds, it
was said, will be the same as on the
bonds to be issued by this govern
ment in raising the big loan.
Washes His Hands
With Gasoline and
He and Son Burned
Mistaking a jug of gasoline for a
jug of water almost proved fatal to
William Howard, 808 North Fifteenth
street, and his 8-year-old son, Cor
nelius. Howard used the gasoline to wash
his hands, believing it was water.
Then he held his hands over a coal
stove, with the result that an explo
sion occurred and Howard was badly
burned about the hands and arms
while the boy was- so painfully
burned about the back, shoulders and
arms that he had to be taken to St.
Joseph hospital.
Goldic Howard, brother of William,
had his clothes burned, but he ex
tinguished the flames before he was
Vmself burned. y
Training Camps for
Citizens Are Suspended
Chicago, April 7. There will be no
citizens' military training camps this
summer, it was announced at army
headquarters here today. General
Harry stated that all arrangements for
Ihe camps had been suspended and
those who bad expected to attend can
licst further the interests of the gov
ernment by enlisting.
The Weather
For Nebraska Pair; wurmer,
TmiKrnlurM at Omaha trt!a.v.
Hour. ' . DMT
IS h. m. 42
ft a. m 4f
? a. m !l
9 . m.
11 s. m 33
12 ni 33
1 p. 111. 32
3 p. Ill 32
3 p. m 33
4 p. m 31
i p. m 32
p. Ill ,.. 33
7 p. nt 33
Comparative l.oral Reroril.
1S17. 1(16. 1(15. 1114.
lUaSent yesterday.... 39 42 63 3
l.oweat 1'catenlay.... 31 ' 2 48 2
.M..n lemprrature. . . 33 3 SJ 33
Precipitation .44 .08 .13 T
Temperature and precipitation departure?
f-inn the normal:
Normal lemticraturo 47
IWIflcncy for the day..... 13
Total Kcf ehit-fl March 1. 1(17 7
Normal linvlliilal Ion ......... .(1( Inch
Kxct'-a for tho day .35 tnrh
Total rainfall aim e March 1 2. an (nchea
r.xccas aince .March 1 as Inch
Itcflclen-y for cor. period l(t ... 1.49 Inches
Ic(ictency for cor. period 1813. . . .12 Inch
Brandeises Buy Northwest
Corner of Fifteenth for
Modern Structure.
Another hig deal in downtown
Omaha real estate is sprung by the
purchase by the Brandeis interests of
the northwest corner of Fifteenth
and Douglas streets, who intend to
erect an office and store building six
teen to eighteen stories, of most mod
ern type. The property is part of the
endowment holdings of Creighton
university. It has not been deter
mined when construction will be
started, but the nature of the im
provements is alrcatly decided otr.
This property has a Douglas street
frontage of 110 feet, including the
Julius Orkin store, and extends on
Fifteenth street 132 feet back to the
alley. George Brandeis, head of the
Brandeis stores, states that the new
building will be erected as soon as
present leases shall have expired.
This transfer marks another step
in the development of Douglas street
as a main business thoroughfare. The
Brandeis company are now extensive
owners on Douglas street, including
the Brandeis stores, the Brandeis
theater, the former Boston store, the
Courtney corner on the north side,
the Empress theater and the Strand
theater. George Brandeis took the
lead in making possible the Omaha
Athletic club building to be erected
this year on Douglas, between Seven
teenth and Eighteenth streets, part
of the site, now occupied by the
Douglas .Auditorium, having., been
part of the Brandeis property.
Stores on Main Floor.
The new building at Fifteenth and
Douglas streets will have stores on
main floor and offices above. The
grain exchange was moved out of the
Brandeis building a year ago, vacat
ing 200 offices, and all of these offices
have since been filled by new tenants
and from ten to fifteen applications
are received every day for offices.
The Wells Fargo Express company
has rented a suite of rooms in the
Brandeis theater building.
Thomas J. Quintan, general man
ager for the Brandeis interests, states
that there is a real demand for high
class offices and that the interests he
represents are simply following out
their policy of investing their money
in Omaha property, having full con
fidence in the future of the city and
especially that portion where their
stores are located.
C. W. Calkins represented the
Brandeis interests in the deal and
Mark Martin of the Payne & Slater
Co., represented Creighton university-
Colonel Baehr Talks
Like an Oyster Just Now
The secrecy and censorship sur
ri'iinding the war situation was em
phasized here Saturday morning when
Colonel Baehr of the Fourth Ne
braska National1 Guard came from
Although intimating that a secret
military mission brought him here, he
did not divulge its nature till noon.
Then he made the simple announce
ment that guard recruiting would be
During the entire morning all he
gave out for publication was that he
was going to buy a pair of new serv
ice boots and that he did not expect
to resign his civilian position in the
postal money order department at
this time. Secrecy still surrounds his
further war business here.
Dunlap Citizens Run Man
Out for Burning Flags
Logan. Ta April 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Henry Hansen, aged 45, was
forced by 300 or more citizens of Dun
lap to carry the United States flag to
Ihe passenger station this evening and
to leave town for the alleged burning
of two flags. Sheriff Meyers and
Dentitv Atkins nrevented the crowd
from harming the German.
Rural Credit Board -
Of South Dakota Named
Pierre, S. D., April 7. (Special
Telegram.) Governor Norsbeck to
day announced as members of the
rural credit board, Alfred Zoskc, a
banker and stock man from Draper,
and J. E. Ziebach of Gann Valley as
the democratic member. These of the
hoard, an 1 a treasurer yet to be
elected will constitute the board.
Prussia Will Reform
- Electorate at Once
London, April .7. An Amsterdam
dispatch to Rcuter's says that the
Koclnische Volke Zeitung reports that
preparatory steps for a reform of the
Prussian electoral system arc im
minent. The paper says Ihat a bill will be
introduced immediately after Easter.
Senate and House of Cuban
Congress Declare Hostilities
Exist With Imnal Ger
man Government.
Resolution Unanimously Ad
opted in Both Chambers of
the Lck- -re.
ONE spez:
Havana. April 7. President Mcno
cal of Cuba tonight signed the joint
resolution passed by both houses of
congress, declaring that a state of
war exists with Germany.
The Cuban authorities this evening
seized the four German ships in
terned in Havana harbor.
Havana, April 7. The resolution
declaring that a state of war exists
between Cuba and Germany already
passed by the senate, was approved
unanimously by the Cuban house of
representatives shortly after 6 o'clock
this evening.
The Cuban senate totlay adopted
unanimously a resolution declaring
that a state of war exists between
Cuba and Germany.
Seventeen senators were present.
The only speech was delivered by Dr.
Dolz. the conservative leader, who
was chosen to speak in the name of
the Cuban people.
Brazil to Follow Soon.
London, April 7. The Central
News savs it is semi-officially in
formed tfiat a declaration of war by
Brazil against Germany may be ex
pected by Monday.
New York. April 7. The Cuban
congress tonight is expected to de
clare that a slate of war exists be
tween Cuba and the imperial German
government, according to a cable mes
sage from E. S. Azpiazu, private sec
retary to President Menocal, to the
republic of Cuba news bureau here.
Berlin Protests
Treatment Given
Bernstorff Party
Amsterdam, Apri; 7. (Via Lon
don.) A Berlin telegram quotes from
the North German Gazette, the semi
official Berlin newspaper, a long note
handed to the Swiss legation in Ber
lin by the German government pro
testing against the treatment of
Count von Bernstorff, former German
ambassador to the United States, by
the British authorities at Halifax,
where the Von Bernstorff party was
detained for some time on its ship
for examination. The Swiss legation
is requested to transmit the complaint
to Washington
The Hague, April 7. (Via Lon
don.) The version received here of
the German note protesting against
Count von BcrnstortTs treatment
points out that the Von Bernstorff
party, under the terms of their
American passports and A jlo
Freiich safe conduct, were to be per
mitted to take wfth them their per
sonal effects, household goods and a
reasonable amount of money.
It is claimed that money and other
objects, possession of which was to
have been permitted, were seized as
contraband. Personal property in
some of the cabins was roughly
thrown about, the note declares, after
the men, women and children, with
the exception of Count von Berns
torff, had beer, submitted to a body
search, many of them, including
women, being compelled completely
to disrobe.
Non-German passengers also arc
mentioned as declaring they were
treated ruthlessly, and it is alleged
that two Canadian customs officers
were intoxicated while on duty.
Germany, the note says, war,
obliged strongly to protest against
this treatment, as the passports men
tioned free passage without delay or
interference, and further spoke of
friendly aid and protection.
"The Swiss legation at Washing
ton," the note concludes, "may be re
quested to take steps to' induce Amer
ica to make representations to Great
Britain to obtain a refund of the
money and other objects taken from
the German officials."
Mayor Bryan Reassures
Aliens of Capital City
Lincoln,' April 7. Followingun veri
fied reports of forthcoming arrests of
German allies in Lincoln, Mayor
Bryan, brother of the former secre
tary of state, this evening issued a
proclamation saying no subject of any
foreign power, residing in Lincoln,
need fear any invasion of his personal
or property rights so long as he.goes
peacefully about his business and con
ducts himself in a law-abiding man
ner. ,
"I take this form and means," says
Mayor Bryan, "of declaring to all for
eign bom residents that they will be
protected in the ownership of their
property and money and that they
will be free from personal molestation
so long as they obey the laws of the
state and nation and the ordinances
of the city " - i . .' ,
Conditions of tha Contest!
For the best and cleverest answers, not exceed
ing 60 words. The Bco will give prizes as here
enumerated. Address Picture Puzzle Editor, The
Bee. Answers must be in by Wednesday, April 11.
Awards announced Sunday, April 15.
Awards and Best Answers in Last
Russia Would Treat with German
People if Kaiser Is Dethroned
"We Offer the Possibility of
Preliminary Negotiations,"
Says Minister of Justice.
fctrograd (Via London). April 7.
Minister of Justice Kerensky said in
an interview today that if the Ger
man people would follow the Rus
sian example and dethrone their em
peror "we offer the possibility of pre
liminary negotiations."
The statement was embodied in the
announcement by the official news
agency which reads:
"On Thursday, according to news
Terrific Battle in Air on West
ern rront Results in
Heavy Loss.
Londoh, April 7. In terrific air
fighting during the last two days and
nights in northern France, Brtish
aeroplanes carried out numerous raids
and dropped more than eight tons of
bombs. Twenty-eight British ma
chines arc missing, says the official
statement from British headquarters
in France tonight, and fifteen German
aeroplanes were seen to crash to the
ground and thirty-one German ma
chines were driven down datnaked.
Ten German balloons, the statement
adds, were brought down in flames.
Report From Berlin.
Berlin, April 7. (Via London.)
The entente allies yesterday lost
forty-four airplanes on the western
front, say the official statements is
sued today by the German army head
quarter's staff. Thirty-three of the
British or French machines were de
stroyed' in aerial engagements. Five
German airplanes, the statment adds,
did not return.
American Woman
Killed by Air Bomb
Rhinelander, Wis., April 7.
Sidney Knowlea, 331 South Seeley
avenue, Chicago, received word to
day that his mother, Mrs. Robert
Knowles, was killed recently by
an airplane attack on Newark,
Nottinghamshire county, England.
Mrs. Knowles lives in Los An
geles, Cal,, and went to England
to visit a son, but found he had
been killed in the war.
What Is the Judge's Sentence?
First Prize
Second Prize
Three Prizes
Five Prizes
Anwor may
fparate ahcet of
Week's Contest Are to be Found on
from Copenhagen, Dr. Edward David,
speaking on , behalf of the majority
party of the social democrats in the
German Reichstag, declared that For
eign Minister Milukoff and his sup
porters were Gcrmaophobcs, and that
consequently the social democrats
based their hopes on M- Kerensky
(Russian minister of justice), and M.
K. Tchcidse (a socialist leader in the
Duma). On this subject M. Keren
sky made the following declaration to
a party of journalists:
"'From the incomplete information
supplied by the press it is difficult to
form a sound opinion. It all depends
on knowing what are the hopes that
Deputy David founds on me and M.
" 'If he supposes we arc going to as
sist in making a separate peace he
will be rudely disappointed. If, on
the other hand, he hopes the German
people arc about to follow our ex
ample and dethrone their emperor .we
can do no other than warmly applaud,
for that would greatly free our hands
and offer the possibility of entering
on preliminary negotiations.
" T am convinced that the peoples
who arc engaged in this unexampled
war will more easily come to an un
derstanding and more quickly obtain
satisfactory results than the mon
archs who are primarily responsible
for thcis cruel carnage.'
Crew of Interned Warship Re
fuses to Surrender and De
stroy It.
Washington, April 7. The interned
German Cormorant gunboat at Guam
has been blown up.
The Cormorant refused to surrender
to the American forces which went
to take possession of it and was de
stroyed by its crew. Two German
officers and five enlisted men were
killed by the explosion. Twenty of
ficers, twelve warrant officers and 321
enlisted men were taken prisoners.
The Navy department's announce
ment said:
"The interned cruiser Cormorant
at Guam refused to surrender, blew
itself up, killing two warrant officers
and five enlisted men. Twenty offi
cers, twelve warrant officers and 321
enlisted men were taken prisoners."
The message was received at the
Navy department at 9 a, m. today
from Captain Roy Smith, governor of
Guam and commandant of the naval
station there. -
The destruction of the Cormorant
took place at 8 o'clock last night,
Washington time.
: -
jm :
Prizes for Beit Answers.
J2.00 in Cash
.... The Original Picture
- - (each) 2 Orpheum Tickets
... (each) A Popular Novel
bp writtrn in blank apace in picture or on
paper, is preferred.
Last Page of Today's Feature Section
Calls Upon People of Nebraska
Also to Prevent Waste
of Resources.
(From ft Staff Oorraniiotidcnt.)
Lincoln, April 7. (Special. Tele
gram.) Governor Neville has issued
a oroclatuation in which he urges all
young men of Nebraska to offer
their services to the government.
He also calls attention to the need
of practising economies and guarding
against waste, so that the resources
of the nation may be conserved for
the coming war. It was sent to the
house today. It reads:
"Congress has declared that a state
of war exisls between our country
and the imperial German govern
"The members of the legislature of
Nebraska have renewed allegiance to
country and president and have
pledged Nebraska's manhood and re
sources to the end that the nation's
honor may be maintained and its
prestige he undiminished.
"Untold sacrifices may be demand
ed of our people, for, having entered
the great struggle, we can be assured
that no stone will be left unturned,
and, regardless of what our previous
views may have been, to bring the
war to a successful conclusion must,
from "his day, be the single purpose
of a united people.
"All men of military age, physically
qualified, who can be spared from the
industrial and business life of the na
tion, and upon whom othtrs are not
dependent for subsistence and sup
port, are urged to respond at once
to the call to the colors. There can
be no place for slackers in Nebraska,
if the traditions anil honor of our
state and people arc to be main
tained. "It may be some time before the
effects of our participation will be
felt, but immediate steps must be
taken to meet every possible con
tingency. Waste of every description
must be reduced to the minimum,
wealth must be conserved and the
production of foodstuffs must he in
creased to the highest decree. F.verv
acre of tillable land should be placed!
under cultivation; every available!
plot of ground in the cities and i
towns should be utilized for garden J
"With absolute confidence in the
patriotism of the people of Xe-:
braska. 1 urge that they give their!
undivided support to the president in
this emergency. i
"Governor." j
Nebraska Senate Cables
Conpratulations to Duma
Lincoln, April 7. The NVhrasIra
senate has passed . a resolution re-'.
questing Governor Neville to cable j
congratulations to the new Russian
Mysterious Craft With Two
Masts Passes the Nan
tucket Shoals Early
Destroyer Flotilla is Patroling
poast and Warning is Sent
to All Shipping.
Washington, April 7. Reports of
German commerce raiders off At
lantic ports were flashed along the
seaboard today and all shipping prac
tically was tied up while navy patrols
went out to establish the identity of
mysterious ships reported near the
lanes. ' ,
It was the first breath of war at
the doors of America and it sent a '
thrill through the country.
The first report came from Nan
tucket lightship, which saw a strange
ship passing west at 7:20 o'clock this
morning and promptly reported it
to the Boston navy yards and the 1
Navy department. Destroyer flotillas
are at sea in the vicinity and pre
sumably they heard the wireless
warning which swept the coast line
and set out to locate the mysterious
craft. Meanwhile shipping was
warned not to venture out. ' '
.Htion afterward a report of a
raider off the Virginia capes came
from Hampton Roads, where ship
ping also 'was held in port while
armed craft went to sea to investi- '
Navy officials expect many reports
of raiders while the sea coast is at
high tension and many such probably
will turn out to he unoffending
tramps. No preaautions are. being
overlooked, however, and the naval
patrol it on the alert to examine all
strange ships. -
f Raider. Hal Two Masts.
Boston, April 7. The following
message was received today at the
Bostdn navy yard from the Nan
tucket lightship:
"Commerce raider passed Nan
tucket Shoals lightship, bound west,
at 7:20." , ,,
Naval officials here reported that
the raider had -two masts, a large
stack and was painted slate color.
Its size was reported at about 10,000
It was almost within hailing dis
tance of the Nantucket shoal lightship
that the German submarine LI-53 sank
six ships on October 8. The U-5.1
operated in the steamship lane trav
eled by vessels from New York and
Boston to European ports. .
Word that the raider was approach,
ing the New England coast caused
great activity in naval circles, al
though plans for dealing with the
enemy were not made public The
collector ot customs made every ef
fort to get in touch at on.-e with ship
ping agents at other ports to warn
them of the danger.
Tug Goei to Warn Ships.
Newport News, Va., April 7. The
presence of a German raider off the
Virginia capes was officially reported
here today. A seagoing tug has been
dispatched to sea to warn all outgo
ing and incoming vessels and to order
all outgoing vessels to turn back. The
tug is equipped with wireless and i
expected to reach all ships in the
danger zone. ,
Hastings Citizens Turn
4 1 Out in Great Parade
Hastings, NcbV April 7. (Special
Telegram.) Hastings traveling men
and other citizens to the number of
several hundred held a patriotic pa
rade tonight.
Thp Haatinoa m,n!i-r,s1 h.a 11
the procession, which was a blaze of
national colors tor a distance ot over
a mile.
Adam Brcedc, editor of the Hast
ings Tribune, today telegraphed
President Wilson tendering his serv
ices in any capacity in connection
until drafted to the ranks. '
March Advertising
The Bee First in Gains
31 Days in March, 1917
(Warfitld Aieney Meaiurtmantil
Inches of Paid Advertising in
The, Bee:
Local Display , ... . .18718 '
Foreign SGWi
Automobile 3904 H
Classified . 9025
Legal ., 2047
Local Display. , . .. .11443
Foreign'. i. . 6D43
Automobile ........ 1694
Classified ......... 8938
Legal 2468
Total...'. ..'.7, .'..87073
GAIN,' 3277 INCHES. . ,
Keep Yoi'r Eye On The Bee