THE BEE: OMAHA, APRIL 1917. Want-Ad Rates L'SE THE TELEPHONE If TOO eannot ten venlentle brlor or send In your ads. Aek . ror want Ad TaKer ana you win r.. cele. the .am. rood service at when d, Uverlng your at at 'his office. PHONE TTI.KR 1IW0. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENINO EDITIONS 12:66 M. JIOBNINO EDITIONS..; 10:00 P. U. NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN Wo, ONE TIME, OB LESB THAN l A DAT. 1- CASH WITH ORDER. P Bet Solid (No Dlsplar. PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed In Larger Type: He per line ona time fo per Una, 2 or more consecutive Insertions. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rat 20o P CARD Or THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL .NOTICES. 10c por line each Insertion (Minimum charge, BO centi.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy allowed). One line J'J Two Unee or more .1.60 ALL FOREION ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: 2c per word one time IHo per word, two or more consecutive In sertlona. SPECIAL COMBINATION BATE. Oa Land, Ponltry and Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE (over 60,000 daily!. SOtb. CENTURY FARMER (over 110.000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident. Special Reg. Rates. Rale. 2 insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 80th Century Farmer, per word eo 7c f insertions In Omaha Bee and 1 insertion In 20th Century Fa-mer, per word 10i,o 12c (Contract rates on application.) Movie Program Current offerings to the best Motion Pic ture Theaters In Omaha. (Change Dally.) Downtown. RINCEBS, 1317 DOUOLAS JACK MULHALL, in RED FEATHER PHOTOPLAY "MR DO LAN FROM NEW YORK" North. DIAMOND, TWENTY-FOURTH LAKE FRANCIS FORD and GRACE CUNARD, In TH" PURPLE MASK" GRAND, SIXTEENTH AND BINNEY PEARL WHITE, In Ith Chapter of "PEARL OF THE ARMY" MEDDLING WITH MARRIAGE" rHROP, 24TH AND LOTHROP . ' HOLBROOK BLINN, In ANOTHER OF MCLURES "SEVEN DEADLY SINS" South. APOLLO, JUTH AND LEAVENWORTH ETHEL CLAYTON and RADCLIFFE FELLOWS, In A WORLD FEATURE 1JH VINTON AS T'SUAL A GOOD PICTURE TODAY AND OOOD COMEDY West. N'ROM, JSM FARNAM GOOD PICTURE SHOWtf HERB TODAY , ALSO GOOD COMEDY ' South Side. MAGIC. TWENTY-FOURTH AND N BLUB BIRD PHOTOPLAY "GIFT GIRL," by LOUISB LOVELY and RUPEHT JULIAN ORPHEUM, TWENTY-FOURTH AND M FIRST CHAPTER of "THE MYSTERY of the DOUBLE CROSS" FEATURING MOLLY KING DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. JtIE8ER August, age 51, died April , be loved husband of Roslna Rleser. Funeral services at Hoffman Funeral Home, Saturday I p, m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Besides his wife ho Is survived by four sons. Fred, Adolpb, Ed ward and August, and two daughters. Amanda and Fretda, all of Omaha. ?AYE3 Mrs. Eleanor, aged 80. She Is sui vlved by two daughters, Mrs. J. M. Gor man and- Mrs. Theresa Thorsbecken; one son, Arthur, of Htoux City. Funeral Sunday afternoon from late res Idence, 1617 William street, at 1:80 p. m. to St. Mary's Magdelene's church at 4. Interment, HL Mary Magdelne cemetsry. Auto service. MULHALL William, aged 73, died Thurs day, April 6. Funeral Monday morning from res idence of his daughter, Mrs. F. A. Put man, to SL Peters' church at t a. m. Monuments and Cer...teries. Tha largest display In the United States. FRANK BVOBODA, 1311-21 S. 13th. Phones Douglas 1672-8216. FLORISTS. BEING members of the National Florists' Telegraph ttellvery association, we are In ttoeitlon to deliver flowers-st short notice anywhere In the U. 8, and Canada. Hess m Hwonooa. riorisi. EaROEST assortment of fresh flowers. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM Fontenelle Florist. LEE L. LARMON 1814 Douglas St, PARKER Flower Shop. 411 8. lath. O 3102. A. DONAHUE, Wt Harney. Dome. 1IHN BATH. National florist, 1S0I Farnam St FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSB A RIEPEN, undertakers and cm embalm sr. 3624 Leavenworth. Doug. lflftS-. 5UFFY A JOHNSTON, emba'lmers and fu neral director. 717 B. 16th Bt. Tyler 1R7S JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and,. embalm ra. 3824 Leavenworth. Doug. ib9 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. BirthsEnoch M. and Mary Monray, 406 South Twenty-seventh, boy; Frank L. and Ruth B. Pagan, 6003 North Forty -third avenue, girl; Frlti and Minna Delrh, 2S0ii Sorth Twerty-flrat. boy: John and Ratrlre Hlesser. 3508 North Thirteenth, boy; rcti ward and Edith Carlson, 340K Cass, girl; Joseph and TUlle Delksvlc, Thirty-sixth and F. rtrl: Jamea William ana loreita ti, Mr - Oowan, not Sprague, boy; Antonio and Gutseppa Borrentlno, 81S Pierce, girl. Deaths Joseph Jurok, 33 years, Omaha William P. McMahon, 4& years, 13U Hciuth btabth; Bud Wnlman, 35 years, hospital; Joel M. Winters, 1 year, hospital; John Carlson, 36 years, hospital; James Fleming, 44 yeara, 105 South Seventeenth. , MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have Issued: I - Nam and! Address. William H. Turpi e, Omaha..... , Cora. M. Hendricks, Denver, Colo Oeorge Hoene, Oakland, la Beasle Olsy, Oakland, la. Earl P. Miller. Harlan, la Eftl Cook, Miles, la Robert Wartnaby, Dei Moines, la. ... , Mao Jellneck. Dm Moines, la , William J. Andrews, Omaha '. Estetla Jefferson, Omaha .., Shurrell ItulTcorn, Mondamln, la ,( Anna Wallace, Do Soto. Neb , been Age. . . IT .. 3() .. TO ,. 28 .. IS . s ., 40 It 12 .. 27 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS r you lose anything and will advertise It here you will surely recovsr It If found ' by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THK HONEST WAY. If you find emethine of value, or; a keepaalco of value only lo the owner, to to Insert a wall ad. The 1 owner of the artiois in most cases la will- inn to refund the cost of advertising. "llKST" RlfiSULTS A FAIR RATK. The reasons for the growing popularity are Beat Results and a Rat of lo per word. When yen want both of the above, . '., CALL TILER 10QO. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost rim article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha tk Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they ltt It la the l true i car. Many articles each dar are turned !n and tha company la anxtoua to restore them to the rightful owner. A REWARD offered (or Boaton Terrier dor, loit March 22 near Union depot. Female, about 2 yeara old, welirha about 11 lbs., dark, brlndle, white markings on face. neck and feet. Trimmed an, ona button tall not trimmed. Answers to name of Ginger. Finder writ J. (1. White, Rapid 1,1 ry. t. v. LOST A sold watch and chain, ?"onday morning, near 16 th and Farnam. Re ward. Call Colfax 2022, or Inquire Flnt National Bank. FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain. OREEN'S PHARMACY. 16th and Howard. LOST Cameo brooch, kindly call Harney fill Id 17 TwarA FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods, AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 7, 1917 PIANOS, TALKING MACHINES, PARLOR FURNITURE. SEWING MAfHINES, DRESSERS, BEDS. DRKSSINQ TABLES. WARD ROBES. COMMODES. LIBRARY TABLES, DINING TABLES, CHAIRS. ROCKERS. BUFFETS, BOOKCASES. CHINA CLOSETS, DAVENPORTS, RANGES. OAS RANOES, ICEI.ES8 REFRIGERA TORS. KITCHEN CABINETS. RE FRIGERATORS, TRUNKS, RUC1S, CARPETS. LINOLEUM. LACE CURTAINS. LINEN, CHINA, PIC TURES, ETC, Fidelity Storage and Van Company l SOUTO 16TH STREET (Between Jackson and Jonea Sta.) BEGINNING 10 A. M. SATURDAY. APRIL 7. 1917. ' JAMES L. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. S gas stoves, 16 each; 11 beds, $1 each; I lea boxes, rugs of all kinds, tables, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunks, sultecases, leather daven ports. All kinds of bedding. Full line of poultry nettlni. 1(430-47 No. 24tb St Tel. Webster 1607. Open till S p. m. AUCTION, 2 P. M. This Is the biggest op portunity ever offered In Omaha to obtain high grad furniture, rugs and stoves at your own price. We must vacate our warehouse. Our Ions Is your gain. STATB FURNITURK CO., 14th and Dodge Sts. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results end a Rate of lo per word. When yon went both of the above, CALL TYLER 1000. FOR SALE White Mountain Grand refrig erator, good as new, medium slse, cost $20; will sell for $10 this week. For par ticulars phone Harney 6339. Comp. line of H. 1!., office furn,,Refrig, gard hose, vlctrola and ice coolers. Loyal Furn. Co., 223 N, 16th; City Furn Co., 107 8. 14th. BEAUTIFUL quarter-sawed oak china closet and buffet. 3007 N. 24th. Webster 488. Barrels and Boxes. 2D-HAND barrels, carload lots a specialty. McKelrnan Barrel Co,, 2610 N St., S. Hltle. Billiards and Pocket Tables. H,6ftSALE BILLIARD "TABLES. Brand new carom and pocket, with completes outfit, 1150; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. O'titar store fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLENDER CO., 407-409 South 10th St. Harness and Saddlery. WB make them ourselves and sell direct to consumer; no middleman's profit; why pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goods at first cost? Alfred Cornish Ac Co., 2210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. a I no public Steno. Phone for prices. Dougas 2802. 640 Pax ton Bk. GET our prices on job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO.. Bee Bldg. Douglas 1172. WATERS-BARNHARDT Pig. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 31 90. 524 So. 13th Bt Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beams, coumns, brick. H. Gross Lumber A Wreck. Co. Web. 2884. Machinery and Engines. K15W AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS, EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 818-30 S. 13th St., Omaha. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. BE EDS I papers garden or flower seeds for 10 cents silver. Miss. River Seed Co., Box 445, Burlington, la. FINK NURSERY STOCK AT SALES GROUND, 16TII AND DAVENPORT. OATH CITY NURSERY, DOUG. 2050. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parti of all sewing machines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Hnrney Hts. Doug. 18S2. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rentt'd and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter S months .for 1 5. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1805 Farnam. KKMINOTON. Monarch and Smith Pre miers for rent; sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting Company. D. 1284. SPECIAL bargain In used typewriters while moving to our new location 1404 Dodge. Midland Typewriter Co. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PUJiOW CO., Downy Comforters made over just like new. All your own feathers back when we renovate. We call for and deliver, 1807 Cuming. Doug. !4fl7. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving. etc. we only sell. Omaha Ftitire and Supply Co., 414-16 S. 12th. Doug. 2754, DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1837. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE some article that has out live' Its usefulness to you make ud a tittle ad and run It In this column at lc per word. You will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Insertions In nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you want. Til IT TODAY. $.00 NATIONAL I-drawcr cash register, electrlo operator; will trade for good Ford or anything I can use. C. F. Kuucl, 1515 Lincoln Ave. Douglas 636:. WB swap and buy kodaks; films developed rree; one-day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., lata and Harney. HORSE, harness, wacon and buggy; will vraus lor cow or sell. Florence WANTED TO BUY. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best ResulU and a Rata of lo per worn. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and xraaeq. j. u. Heed, U07 Farnam. D. 14( QET THE FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D- . HAND CLOTHES and SHOES. Will call. Give us a trial. Phone Douglas 6183. JENKINS pyB hlht pti tr w - oioines, snoes. trunks. SCO. HSU BItT. KCS Douglas BOSS. SELNER will treat you right; best prices pam ror iurnitura ana clothes, call web. U47 or South mri. DIAMONDS 0) a. nth sl SOt. BERGMAN CO. WB will pay very ffood prices for your old ciomea uall ua nrat. Doug. 6914. WANT pool hall or grocery .tore. 4S0 Hose Bldf. Phono Tyler T6J. IP YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE TOn stta, WALL LUNDEBBAUM, WEB. 7(1. WANTED TO BUY B. LAYTON pays highest prices for old clothes, shoes and hats. Phone T. 6IiO. W ANT" E DSa t e7"abou tl inches-hl'gh" "in side measurement. Call Tyler 113.!. SMALL tee crushing machine. Call Doug laa 1092. BOOKS bought. Kjeser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. Highest prlcesfor 2-hand clothes. T."U34w7 ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL Smith Taxi Co., Douflaa b0. Cadillac "8." limousines and touring cars Accountants, E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 53 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2169. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles, hemstitching, plcot edging, env broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye' let cut work, buttonhole pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. '" N ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 332-7 Paiton Blk. Douglas ai. Auto Ambulance. OUR new Invalid coach Is now In service. Prompt attention to all calls, either day or night, w. u. crosny, wnster t Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment, Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Douglas 634T. Bakeries. ORTaMAN'S new england bakery, 31 n. hth. branches public market and OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED QOODB. MOOlfFIELD'S sulphur steam baths for (&Qiei gnu geiiiitrnien, natural iiiiiihai water. Opposite Postofflce. Geo. 8. Con- ran n on, gun ana sn. rmmq puum to a. MASSEUSE by apt.; manicuring, physical cult. Miss walker, l Novnie bik. v. itvi. RITTEN HOUSE Sanitarium; all kinds baths. 210-14 Balrd Blk.. I7th and pougias. GERMAN nurse, masnatfe, baths of all kinds. 2H8 Neville Block, 16th ana iiarney ELECTRIC TURKISH Baths, U0g Harney. Brass and Iron Foundries. puTton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Cards. SEND loo for dozen finest linen visit! nr cards printed with your name. KauaDie Prlntln r Dept. A. Box 2132, Bee. Caroenters and Contractors. LEBBARD ft SON, 2021 Cuming. Tyler 1632. ChiroDodists. Carrie J. Burford, 20 Paaton Blk. R. 4MT. ChiroDrattors. Drs. B. A L. Blllingham, 2063 Faro. D. 7608. Dancinor Academv. Til? T TTYti1 BALL TUBS., THURS., UEJ LiUAJj SAT., SUN. EVB. SCHOOL MON. EVB. Ill 8. 18th St., Op. Fontenelle. GENEVIEVE HAUFLAIRE, Telephone Web ster 6336, Fixtures and Wiring. nTTPTZTW Electrlo washing machines, U U IV XV ill electric Irons and reading mps. 2223 Cuming St. Douglas 2619 Pianos for Rent. 13. 60 per mon. A. Hospe Co.. 1(113, Douglas. COMPETENT Investigator, evidence secured. civil criminal cases. fii9 raxton. n.ouu. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 938 int Nil. HHna l.icig. rnnne iymr oviv. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all esses. Tyler li3B. p. JOLLY, 513 Paxton. Red 7401. Dressmakinsr. Silk suit specialty, plain sewing. Col. 1040. WILL sew curtains. Benson 372-W. Lnyettos for baby, everyth'g comp. Col. 1934. rm. R. A. Connelly. 416 Karbach. R. 1794. TERRY Dressmaking Co.. 20th and Farnam. Hat Cleaners. ALL klndg hats cleaned and reblockefl: ladles' hats special. 1&Z0 Harney, k. sim. Housecleaninff. WE'LL clean your house from top to bottom. Prices reasonanie. ne i,uxe. u. j.ia Furniture varnished or painted. Call Col. 520. Insurance. FIRE, sprlnkter leakage, and use and oc cupancy Insurance, uaiiagner at iNeison. Doug. 3SR2. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. lil-14 City Nat. Rank Bldg. Doug. 2819. Majeures. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 308-14 Balrd Bldg., 17tn ana uougias. v. aoe. MUSCULAR and SWEDISH MASSAGE Vibratory treatment. Staata" institute. 160 Harney St. Doug. 707J MISS LILLY, bath, massage. 1322 Farnam. MISS WEST, manicure, maasage. 810 N. 17th. Patent Attorneys. STUROE8 & 8TURGES. U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. HO Bee Bldg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 6R3 Hranaeis. u. sssi. Rastime. Learn to play popular, muslo In 14 lessons 2B16 N. 24tn. mono wen. apns aiiar e p. m Roo fin. DOES your roof leak 7 Our product can be put right over smngies. worn guaranteed. Call Home Roofing Co., 633 Brandels Bldg. Phono Doug. 7758. Rue Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs, rag rugs, carpet cleaners. J W. Polcar ft CO., 1643 8. Z4tn. V. Safes. QAl?lVQ BARGAINS, 1312 Farnam. . J. Derlght Safe Co. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BKIGHTEN YOUR HOME SEE FRED PARKS. Wall Paper, Paints and Glass, Pleturo Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 4022 S. 24th. Phone S. 101. CHAS. CLAPP for painting and paperhang- tng; estimates free. Phone South 944. Painting, paperhai.glng. cleaning. H. 5779. Shoe Parlors. SHINE, clean( brons- 18S2 Farnam. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent. 2"4 N. 17th. John Feidman. d. siaa. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 20T 8. 11th. P.- B2f. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN. 1806 FARNAM. BURROUGHS CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. .nr. w. isth. 133 s. i3tn Bt. BUSINESS CHANCES LUMBER YARD. Established ? years In the moat active building district In Omnha. Will be sola at Invoice on account of the dissolution of co-partners. Corner plot, 160x180, with Union Pacific spur. Full equipment of fine horses and wagons. Price about $18, 000. Lumber spot cash, but liberal terms will be given on the ground. Call at our office; no Information given by letter or phone. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 492S South 24th Street. STATB DISTRIBUTION WANTED. ' 116,000 lo 116,000 Yearly Profit. See our half pa& advertisement In Sat urday Evening Post, Issue of April 7. About 16,000 capital required to handle distribution for this state; undivided at tention necessary. Applications, from those who can qualify as to business ability and capital, will receive prompt attention, and personal Interview In Omaha will be arranged for early date. Northway Trailer Car Co,, East Rochester. Y. A GOOD OPENING. Tor ft suitable party to secure an Inter est In established, growlnng real estate company, Incorporated under the laws of Nebraska. A On opportunity for an active ambitious man to learn the real estate snd Insurance business. 11,000 cash re quired. Investment secured and I ISO monthly guaranteed from the start Box 2638, Bee. HONEY wanted. Young, rapidly, growing Omaha business house having a trade of about f per month needs mon money to handle the business: S per cent interest on good security or a share of the pronts; m tint position to the right man In our aalea department, Address Boi uee. ONE-HALF or whole Interest In candy and Ice cream business, profit last year 13.700, you snouid be a candy maker, halt inter est about 11.700, to bo sold at ones. John Thiers, Sheridan, Wo. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Old established county official weekly newspaper and job office, eastern Nebraska town over l.dOO population, only paper In town. Ownet going on farm and will sell right. ANout 1500 cash required Address Boi Y 144, Bee. BK8T RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasona fur the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lo per word. When you want both of the above. CALL TYLER 1000. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, in city or country quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. 750 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1833. GROCERY STORE A SACRIFICE. Grocery and fruit store, live Nebraska town of 3,000; cash business and a money maker. Price 1,200. 420 Rose Bldg. LUND. Tyler 763. FOR SALE Paying cafe business, town 2,000; no competition; 166 ml. east of Denver. Reason, poor pealth. lerms. Will trade for Nebraska business. Ad dress Box Y-941, Bee. CONFECTIONERY Store and lunch room catering only to first-class trade. In good residential part of city. Owner's health reason for selling; $950. George Knapp, 762 Omaha Nat'l Bank Btdg. UNUSUALLY good restaurant proposition In a country town; up-to-date equipment and a good trade; 72S. George D. Knapp, 762 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bidg. FRUIT and grocery store located In one of the best towns In Nebraska, Owner has other business. George D., Knapp, 752 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Billiard hall with Ave pool ana one billiard tables; fixtures nearly new; good stock on hand. J. W. Gil bert. Proprietor, Red Cloud, Neb. CAN use good men with small capital to travel with State Right Feature Films. Experience not necessary. Manager, 210 Bromley Bldg. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming .house call on Busch A Borghoff, T30 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3319, MOTION picture machine (new and re- bollt), theaters supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 101 S. 14th St. MOVINO PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co.. 201 Nat. Bldg. TO QET In or out of business call on G4NQE8TAP, 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. 8477, I guarantee sale of any business or resl es tate, F. V. Knleet, Bee Bldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W. O. W. BMg. Red 3285, FOR SALE Small grocery store, cheap; gooq location, coirax 3917. Rooming Houses. SEE THIS SNAP AND MAKE OFFER MUST GO AT ONCE. Good paying rooming and boarding flats, 31 rooms, furnished complete; close-in, on car; receipts $125 to $160 per week; price $300; small amount down, balance monthly; very low rental, or can sell flats and furnishings on exceptional terms. M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. 318 Ramge Bldg. Douglas 100; Tyler 2140-J. STOP LOOK READ ROOMING HOUSE, a bargain, 23 rooms, well furnished, well located, close In, full of roomers; It will pay you to In vestigate this money maker. 420 Rose Bldg. LUND. Tyler 763. ROOMING house, 2682 Harney St., good lo cation, rooms full; alsd a nice lot In Charleston Heights. Call Owner, 2682 Har ney St. FOR SALE at sacrifice, furniture In a fini 8 -room flat on Farnam, near 25th. Save commission and buy from owner. Address Box 2118, Bee. 8 ROOMS of fine furniture, all filled; a bargain part cash; save commission and buy from owner. 214 3. 26th St. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20e PER LINE. Business r.ds, regular rates: f lines one week 40c 3 lines one week 60c Each extra line 20c per week Male. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lo per word. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. SITUATION by young married man. Ten years In painting and decorating busings. Wholesale house preferred. Anything considered. Address Box Y 946, Bee, FARMERS For married or single men, call. write or phone Cunningham Employment Agency. Ill 8. 23th St Douglas 1295. YOUNO man wants set of books to keep at night or other work to do after 5:30. Small salary. Box 2487, Bee. POSITION as chauffeur wanted by young t man; t years' experience; will go any where. Box 3499, Bee. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants day work and odd Jobs. Estimate! furnished. Tyler 1609. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants steady position; has best of references. Can do own repairing. Call Harney 6093, Whitewashing, windows washed, rugs beaten screens repaired, hung. Call Walnut 1868. PAINTING, cleaning and odd Jobs by re liable man, Wm. Jensen. 1615 N. 84tn. WANTED By high school graduate, any kind of work. Call Walnut 1927. HOUSECLEANING, flno paint and paper claiming. D. 8054. Sanitary Cleaning Co. EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by the day. Red 4968. William Delaney. GEORGE moves ashes and will do general hauling. Web. 6036. ANY KIND of housework, by the day or hour.. Web. 1701. Parties that want garlent plowed. W. 8217. Female. YOUNG lady employed during the day wants place to work for room and Doara, where there are no children. Box 2496, Bee. COMPETENT nurse or companion to In valid. Web. 6683. Laundry and Day Work. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1877. Prompt delivery. BUNDLE washing wanted by reliable laundress. 1810 earning. Douglas ou4. WANTBD By experienced catereas cooking for dinner parties. Webster z3 4. RELIABLE colored girl wants day work. Webster 3745, Miss Dunn. FIRST-CLASS laundresa by the day. Web ster 502.. CALL DOUGLAS 4ST3 for washing or bouse cleaning by the day. Exp, lady wants bundle washing. Har. 3747. Bundle wanhlng and dity work. Web. 3093. Ex. colored lady wants day work. Har. 6768. Bundle washing and day work. Web. 3745. Reliable col. lady wants day work. D. 6698. Wa.Vilni. atirl Ix-a PiirtBlna Ann TvIpi 1 144 Curtains laundered. 25c per pair, web. 4iZ. DAY work, cleaning or Ironing. Web. .7034. LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2973. Wanted bundle waah., ladlea' clothes. C. 388. Day work, washing or cleaning. Wal, 2638. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Colfax 2455. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4850. Exper'ced woman wants day work. D. 9184. WANTED Day work. Call Webster 3131. Washing, Ironing, gen. housework. Ty. 1864W. WHITE woman, wash. Iron. Ref. Col. 1740. DAY work or houaecleanlng, exp. Web. 4667- Day work or bundle washing. Wob. 3764. DAY work wanted. Webster 2327. HELP WANTED MALE Store, and Office,. STENOGRAPHERS TV, ran plac. you today. BUSINESS MEN'S REF ASSN., HOI W. O. W. Bid,. COST cl.rk, ITS to S5; olrtc. cl.rk, lit to $100, offtc Clark. $66: ateno., $76; lodger Clark, $66: otflc. cl.rk. $6 to $60; trpiat. $!$, WAITS REF. CO., First Nat'l Bank Bid,. TYPIST who can do aome bookkaepln,; must hav. good parsonalttr and educa tion: ba willing to trav.1171 and ax penses. WATTS JIKT. CO.. 1st Nat'l Bank Bid,. THREE STEN03 $76 COST CLERK 76 THREE CLERKS. BOYS CS, $0. $16 THE CANO AOENCY. 600 BEE BLDO, THREE TIMEKEEPERS, hXh arhool srad uatta preferred, $30. board and room. THE MARTI CO.. 1317 W. O. W. Bide. WANTED A well experienced grocery clerk; most have good recommendation. Coital 6. OFFICE CLERK, good penman, fine uptown office, splendid future, short hours. $60. THE MARTI CO., 1117 W, O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Man to operate steam presser for men s pants; experienced man pre' ferred, buL we shall be glad to teach the work to one who is willing to learn; good wages and a permanent position. Ask for Mr. Dobeck. M. E. Smith 4 Co., 9th and Douglas. ATTENTION ELECTRICIANS! Wanted at once. In Omaha, 50 experi enced Inside wire men capable of doing conduit work; eoo per hour will be paid ror competent men. Address Postofflce, Box 602, Omaha. Neb. WANTED A good shoemaker at once. man capable to do anything, steady work for the right man, no boozers need apply. Address Geo. ti. Schreefer. Grand Island. Nflb WANTED At once, a granite cutter; must be able to handle pneu. tools. Address Htuart Marble and Granite Works, Stuart, la. Steady work to right man. WANTED A man to do bushellng and op erate a steam Teas, steady work, good wages, wire or write. Cherokee Dry Clean ing Works, Cherokee, la. TILE LAYER Sanlta. y sewer. Two hun dred miles from Omaha. Wages depend on amount oi tile you can lay per day. Address tsox x 4Z, Uee. WANTED Holatlng engineers for three- drum engine; open shop, 10 hours work, 77o per hour. Transportation both ways. 2661 Bee. WANTED Automobile mechanic with email capital; fine opportunity In southeaatern ."eurasKa. uox 2128, Bee. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 1015-18 CitV National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced furniture finisher ana stove repair man. State Furniture co., 14th and Dodge. WANTED Harnesamaker. an exnerlenced workman. P. H. Toner, 4911 S. 26th, South wme. WANTED Experienced -body builders and auto repair men. Henry & Co., 1629 n. letn. WANTED Two first-class auto and car riage woodworkers. W. Wettengel A Son, 1012-14 Vinton. WANTED Two first-class auto and car riage painters. W. Wettengel & Son, 1912-14 Vinton. WANTED Good blacksmith helper. W. Wettengel & Son, 1912-14 VIntnn. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1134 Douglas St. ATTENTION ELECTRICIANS. Keep away from Omaha. Trouble on. TAILOR wanted; prefer all around man. Busch Tailoring Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. MIDDLE-AGED colored man to do porter work. Apply at Omaha Club. LABORERS wanted, 110 8. 14th, at room I, open evenings. WANTED A coat and pants maker. Tay lor Beck, 16121& Dodge St. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN AND TRAVELING MAN. $10 to $26 per day now being made by hundreds of our men; you can, too; we need a few men of ability for traveling and city positions to represent large east ern house selling 600 styles special hosiery, underwear and sweaters, for everybody; direct mills to wearers; exclusive terri tory; no investment; give references. Call -or writs Hunt, Manager, 340 Hotel Loyal, Omaha. ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete line of fine art calendars, alumi num, cloth, fans, lead pencils, rulers, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive territory as- signed. Qonnect with the fastest growing specialty house In Nebraska. M. F. Shafer & Co., 12th and Farnam Sts., fourth floor. CORPORATION desiring to Increase its capital stock desires the services of six salesmen to take subscriptions on com mission basis; give references and ex perience first letter. Desk "B," Box 413, Waterloo, la. WE have permanent sites position with splendid opportunities for advancement open for city and traveling representa tives. Salary and commission. National Auto Accessories Co.. 886 Brandels Bldg. FORD owners. We want several live, wide awake men of good character who own Ford cars to work for us In Omaha and other Nebraska and Iowa territory. Apply at once to Nat. Auto Accessories Co., 886 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Salesmen to sell Perry auto locks direct to auto owners, Commission and guarantee, all or part time. National Auto AccesHorlen Co., 886 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Electricians, open shop. 10 hours work, 60c per hour. Transportation both ways. 3lfi0 Bee. WANTED Two live salesmen to call on auto owners. Call Doug. 6002. Agents and Canvass; CANVASSERS wanted; salary 14 a week; steady employ menu J. M, Maher, 4&4 Seward. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY, Never Idle Big Demand, Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN.. 2S17 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, etc; largest modern equipped barber college In tha west. Moler s, 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Estab lished 1893.) NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autos and electrlo starters. For particulars call Douglas 4473 or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, Temporary address. 407 S. 20th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more than make your expenses wmie learning. Wages ,or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. TRLCITY BARBER COLLEGE. NIGBT SCHOOL Autos and electric start ers, ror particulars can uougiae , or write us, AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 3069 Farnam St.. Omaha. Boys. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT BOY, AGE 16 TO 17 PREFERRED; MUSI HAVE GOOD HABITS. APPLY AT ONCE, CUDAHY OFFICE. SOUTH SIDE. TWO large, strong boys, those who live at horns preferred; 31.40 per day to start; good chance for advancement. Omaha Box Co., East Omaba. TWO delivery boys, S6 to $8; boy to learn WITTS BKf' cA 1st Nat'l Hk. Bid. BOYS WANTED to learn trade; must be 16 yrs. age, Gordon Lawless Co.. 8tn & Dodge. STOUT BOY wanted to learn trade. Cham pion Iron Works. 16th and Jackson. WANTED A delivery boy. Corey A Mc- Kensle Co., 1407 Harney. TWO colored bell boys. Apply at Omaha Club. Miscellaneous. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTOR MEN Must ba at least ft feet T Inches tall, physically aound, of good character and habits and must come well recommended. Apply In person between the hours of a. m. and 12 o'clock noon at offices of Superintendent of Transportation, Room 306, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. COMMON laborers. U. P. R. R. "tore de partment; steady work, good wages; chance for advancement. Apply Cass St gate; ask for storeiteeper. WANTED At once, men or strong boys for factory: chance for advancement. Call at shipping office. Skinner Mfg. Co. 14th and Jackson Sts. YOUNG MEN WANTED Government rail way mall clerks, $75 month: sample ex amination questions free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 237-D. Rochester, N. Y. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help we ean supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, W. Broadway. P. 4 WANTED Nanus men wishing to become railway mall clerks. Commence S75 par month. Box T 917, Bee. w- HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reason, for toe srowtnff popularity ar. Best ResulU and a Rats at lo par word. Whan you want both of the above. CALL. TYLER 10UU. STENO., 176; Steno.. 170; Steno., 15; ateno., 160; Steno.. 9A6; Steno., $40; Steno., $36; office rlerK. $40. WATTS REP. CO., 1st Natl Bk. Bldf. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. SEE Co-operative Reference Co. for com' merclal positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 22 years, to take up tocai ana long distance telephone work tu. i.ampert, isu7 Douglas bt. WANTED Lady presser. one who can also do repair work. Gate City Cleaning orna, qis b. .ftn. v WANTED At once, tailor esses and waist helpers. 328-40 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jessie F. Fox. 2& GIRLS to pack crackers, lten Biscuit Co., 12th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Music teacher for girl of 12. Harney 3787. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St. Household and Domestic. WANTED A good girl for houaework; no washing; a very deslrabls place. Call lain bo. aittn at., or phone Harney 3077. WANTED AT ONCE A first and second glrLv Mrs. P. L. Lalnson, 1300 Canning at, mone znuu. uouncii m or is. la. EXPERIENCED white girl for" general nouseworK. no wasning. cooa wages 420 N. 48th. Walnut 892. EXPERIENCED whlto girl for general ouaeworu; no wasning. aie n. ist. war nut &C0. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Small family; good wages. Wat nut 2443. WANTED A cqmpetent girl for general housework. Mrs. H. M. McCIanahan. Call Walnut 1402. A COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. K. H, Patterson, 127 N. 40th St. Harney 387. WANTED Experienced family cook. Small family, highest wages paid. SOS 8. dHtn at. WANTED A competent girl for genera) nousewotK; no washing; best wages. Mrs. u. a. Meyer, hdi Davenport, WANTED Housekeeper; no objection to one chird. 2204 Monroe St.. South Omaha. GIRL for general housework; go home nights. Houtn 116b. 3616 South 24th. GIRL for general housework ; go home nignts. South H65. S616 Bouth 26th, GIRL for general housework; care of S children; no laundry. Walnut 358. WANTED Competent girl In small family, 480. Douglas. Walnut 2015. NEAT girl to help with general housework. Phone Walnut 815. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED white maid. Boquet Hotel. Douglas 1829. Miscellaneous. WANTED, AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY HOME 4 IN FAMILY. CALL TYLER 1047, OR HARNEY 1876 WANTED A lady to share cottage with ousiness woman. Box 2668, Bee, HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED Experienced man and wife to work on farm. Florence 490. EDUCATIONAL BOYLE3 COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype. typewrit lng, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OP BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entmnce 220. Douglas 5890. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERSI If you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenlnent phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are issued every week. Furnished Rooms. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rat of lc per word. When you want both of tha above CALL TYLER 1000. A LARGE, neatly furnished room with large closet for couple, gentlemen or iaay; an modern conveniences; private family; no children; no other roomers; on car line; board If preferred. 2411 a 24th St, 1st floor. Douglas 8645. ATTRACTIVE front room, white furniture; cretonne covering; modern home, walking distance; serve breakfast; everything above average: good service. Harney 3198. BEAUTIFUL large front room and alcove; two large closets; excellent home cooking. Suitable for two or three men or married couple employed. 620 S. 28th St. H. 6642. ATTRACTIVE front room, white furniture; cretonne covering; modern home, walking distance; serve breakfast; everything above average; good service. Harney 3198. SMALL, comfortably furnished room in private family, for one or two gentle men; valklng distance; on car line. 1696 Williams St. ONE large, beautifully furnished room for two gentlemen; close in; very modern apt.; references required. Harney 2848. LARGE front parlor, finely furnished in mahogany, to married couple employed or two gentlemen. 314 North 18th St. LARGE front room for two persons; mod ern private no me; ioo kothkb. nuruej 1044. 1113 South 31st. THE GREENWOOD Nicely furnished rooms, cool and delightful for summer. 2654 Leavenworth. NICE, clean, airy rooms, on car .line, all modern, just me ining lor summer, tout N. 27th St. Colfax 2274. HIGH-CLASS rooms, one of Omaha's finest close-In homes. Gentleman preterrea. us S. 25th Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms In new. mod ern home, private family. Hanscom rara distrlct. Harney 6955. TWO single rooms. $1.60 each. 2562 St. Mary's Ave. FURN. or unfur. rooms, single or cn suite; walking dlst. and good trans. Web, tbio. WORKING MEN'S HOTEL Free baths; Clean rooms, for men. 20 N. 13th bt. THREE en suite, modern, cooL adults only. 4229 Harney. Walnut a270. TWO large modern rooms, 116 a month. 632 S. JOth. Call Harney jobi. 1902 WIRT Furnished rooms In private family. Web. 3564. , 161 Howard, nicely furn. rooms, stm. heat. Housekeeping Rooms. STEAM-HEATED furnished rooms at the Sunshine apartments, equtppea ior iigm housekeeping. For men only. Low rents Office 608 No. 17th St. TWO suites of light housekeeping rooms and single room; new furniture; clone in; walking distance. 2&S0 Harney. Phone Red 8298. ' 1ASEMENT. 4 rooms, partly modern. 2507 Plerco. TeL Tyler J208-J. Inquire 1301 S. 25th Ave. . 201 WEBSTER Nicely furnished suits or Ingls housekeeping rooms; walking a la ta net. 407 S. 25TH AVE. Two housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, newly furnishea ana decorated: also four sleeping rooms. TWO housekeeping rooms; linens; gas fur nished; washing privileges; private nome, 136 8. 19th ONE suite of nice housekeeping rooms on bath room floor. 2311 Douglas. COZY housekeeping rooms. Four. SS week Kitchenettes adjoining. 3 Harney oi. FARNAM, 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. TWO rooms with gas, running water; all modern. Call Web. 2216. MODERN rooms for housekeeping and sleep lng. 819 8. ISth St. THREE largo light housekeeping rooms, all 1611 Howard, hk. and sleep rms. Stm heat 1609 CALIF. Hk. and sleep rms. Reas'ble Board and Room. CHOICE board and room, 25.50 par week: home cooking. TUTS Howard Bt. BOARD AND ROOM, 26 and up; at 8t James hotel, 411 8. 13th. EXCELLENT room and board lo private family. Harney 1264. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms Wanted. YOUNG business man wants furnished room with board: walking distance. State rates. Answer Box 2637 Bee. Hotels. ROOMS, 13 wk.; apta. with kitchenette. Steam heated. Ogden hotel, Council Bluffs. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. 3229 HARNEY ST. Three -room apt., nicely furnished, large porch, pri vate entrance: desire permanent tenant; S35. Tel. Harney 1592. FOR RENT, FURNISHED 7-room hous-1. furnished complete, fruit trees and good yard ; strictly modern. 420 Rose Bldg. LUND. Tyler 762. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location, 24th and Farnam. D. 1472. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 10-ROOM modern brick bouse, 3633 Harney St.; hot water heat: vacant April 1: can be Inspected oow. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Douglas 1216. North. MINNE LUSA IS LOOKING FINE. Do you' want to get out of that flat? If so, let us show you this beautiful 7 room semi-bungalow. It Is built for a home; has all the style, comfort and ac commodation one may desire. Let us drive you out to see this place soon. The prlco Is right and terms more than reasonable. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1015-lfi W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 8488. 2635 PARKER ST., 7 rms., mod. ex. hi., $18. Colored. E. H. Benner Co., Ramge Blk. D. 8408. 2884 BINNEY ST., 6-rm. buugal7w7afi modern, 830. E. H. Benner Co., Rsmge Blk. D. 8408. 2533 DAVENPORT ST. 4 rooms, 120. E. H. Benner, Ramge Bldg. Douglas 8408. 8IX-ROOM modern, oak finish, newly deco rated, $88. 1451 Lothrop, Doug. 1869. A NEW 4-room hous-, strictly modern, $16. 619 N. 23d. Harney $973. 7-ROOM modern house. 2430 Parker. South. ll-ROOM, all-modern house, 313 S. 16th St. Owner pays water and removes ashes; best location for roomers, boarding and light housekeeping. I. Zlegler, 409 Wars Blk. Douglas 1591. 1509 S. 26TH ST. 8 rooms, bath, furnace, gas; gool condition. Also barn. $35. H. i- wn.tney. Douglas 2740. Harney 2759. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, aiu p. auin. inquire 802 S. 30th. 5-R. mod. cottage. 1115 S. 27th St, $24. C. O. Carlberg, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. MAT 1ST, 7 rooms, first-class, $35. 880 Georgia Ave. Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. 5- R. Bll Martha St $12.80 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. "-R. lfi02 N. 27th St I12.B0 6- R. 281B N. 27th St. (will fix up in first class shape for good col ored tenant) 15,00 STRICTLY MODERN. 5- R. 2876 Saratoga St $20.00 -R. 1824 N. 27th St 21.00 6- R. 1334 8. 30th Ave. 80.00 7- R. 2605 Pierce St 30 00 7-B.413 s. 23d St 25.00 7- R. 2726 Plnkney St. (garage) 30.00 10-R. 2221 Dodge St. (close in, well arranged for keeping roomers) 40.00 FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. B-R.---207 S. 30th St $25.00 HEATED APARTMKNTS. THE STOECKER. 825 S. 24th St. 8- R. Apt. .$15 summer; $20 winter 8-R. Apt. C $20 summer; $25 winter PORTER & SHOTWELL, Realtors, S03 S. 17th St. Douglas 6013. FOR RENT. 7-room modern house with full lot, on paved street, 2 blocks from car line, $30. 7 rooms, modern, sleeping porch and sun room, quiet neighborhood, exceptionally fine view, with garage, $50. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Bldg. Douglas 680. DUNDEE RENT BARGAIN. Here's what you've been looking for: Very choice 7-r., strictly mod.; practical ly new; special features: beautiful loca tion. 6013 Davenport, $50. Several others. $10 to S2S. M'KITRICK REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. Jib ttamge Bldg. P. 100. Tyler 2140-J. WE want mora houses and apartments to rem. jne raet that we have practically cleaned out our big list Is conclusive proof of the efflcency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne A Slater Co.. "Omaha's Rental Men," 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dong. 1016. 8&10 SEWARD. 5-r. bungalow $30.00 iisti jacKson, 8-rcom $36.00 SOfiO Woe worth Ave., 6-roora $35.00 6U S. 35th Ave.. 6-room $36.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 338 Rose Bldg. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of lo per wond. When you want both of the abovs CALL TYLER 1000. 3 ROOMS, all modern except heat; newly aecoratea ; in dandy shape ; on paved street; $10 per month. See TRAVER BROTHERS. 819 First National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6S86. $50.00115 S. 24th St., 10 rooms. 1313 No. 8&th St., 7-noom, modern. GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtors. D. 3962. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. ?-ROOM modern cottage, newly decorated ana painted, sons Mason St., $30. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 8-ROOM modern house with garage for I cars, close to car line, on paved street. $30 month. Douglas 2596. HOUSES in all parts of ftheh city. UKKIUH, SONS & CO., 508 Bee Bldf. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 7-room flat, modern, Dundee. Walnut 483. North. FOUR-ROOM, ateam-heated, $18 mo., near postofflce. o. p. Btebblns. 1610 Chicago. SEVEN-ROOM steam-heatd, $35; near post- office. 0:P1Stebbins, lfilOChlca go. South. THREE and four-room apartments, modern. sifi soutb 22d s. Phone Tyler 2248. Mi?rella.ieous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT MAY 1ST Two modern storerooms, 16 by 60 each, with full basements, 624 and 626 S. 16th St. For particulars see Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1571. RESTAURANT with fixtures, gas stove. stools at 107 south I&tn street. STOREROOM, 16th and Pine; very reason able rent; good location ror small busi es. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. 4716 S. 34TH ST.. $86; center of South Omaha business district. E. H. Benner. Ra mge Blk. Douglas 8406. 1413 DODGE ST. 22x132 ft, two floors and basement, with elevator. E. H. Benner. Ramge block. Douglas 8406. MODERN store, 16th St., near postofflce. its montn. u r. ateoains. isiv umcago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR- nam BNlg. First Trust Co. D 1161, Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16th SL. opposite postofflce. $10 to $16 per month, Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. FOR RENT The bank room In the Brom ley building, 210 S. 13th. This Is a flno large room with bank fixtures. W. Ham mond. 310 6. 13th St. CHOICE office space. Batrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas, id cc ague inr. Co.