Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1917, Image 9

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McManus P 'jr" ;, . . . , ,
Sollie Zeider, Pickles Dilhoefer
and Other Stars With
' The 1917 Rourkes will be seen in
' action against real opponents for the
first time this year today. They bat
tie the Chicago Cubs second team at
; ; Rourke park this afternoon at 3
if The Cubs scrubs have almost as
: formidable a lineup as the first team
and several of the players will be
.'j regulars -when the two nines are
j The principal attraction with the
'I Cubs is Pickles Dilhoefer, the young
M catcher secured from Milwaukee. Dil
hoefer is heralded as a second Ray
Schalk. He is about the same build
and acts very similarly to the White
Sox star. ,
Rollie Zeider, veteran of many cam
paigns, is another member of the sec
onds. Nick Carter, hurler, who came
to the Cubs last fall after a sensa
tional year at Indianapolis, is an
other. Hunter, who plays short, was
with the Giants and Cubs all last
Rex Dawson, former Lincoln pitch
er, is slated to be a regular with the
Cubs this season. Tom Seaton, for
mer Philly and Federal star, is a
member of the Cubs hurlers who will
be here this afternoon.
And, last, but not least, Earl Smith,
star Rourke gardener last season,
breezes into town today with the
Windy City outfit. Earl will be
dropped here and take up an Omaha
uniform after today's fray. ,.- f
The teams lineup as follows:
....1 b. 1 b.... Zeider
...2 b. t b Murphy
....3 b. 3 b Shea
....e.s. I. a. Hunter
....I. f. I. f.... ,. Smith
...e. f. a. f... ........ Schick
. . .r. f. r. t . . Jacobson
......c. a.... IHIhoeler
.... .......... Benton
(tannine; ,.
Brokaw ....
J. Thompson.
Foray the ....
Brottem ...i
2. Thompson..
. Seaton
.. Zabel
. Carter
Pesek Followers
.Win Big Sum When
i. Referee Awards Go
In the neighborhood of $2,000
changed hands Wednesday night at
Shelton, Neb., on a wrestling match
between Tim Londos and John Pesek.
After thirty-seven minutes of wrest
ling, Londos was disqualified, the ref
eree charging Londos was using a
strangle hold. Londos insists he had
Pesek in a head chancery and bar
lock and that the strangle hold was
an .hallucination of the referee, who,
he charges, was a Pesek man.
Londos was backed to the sum of
Cl,100Jy friends. In addition a num
ber of Grand Island sportsmen
dropped big chunks which, it is be
lieved, raised the total lost to $2,000.
A switch was made in the referee
at the last moment. The referee orig
inally decided upon was to be an out
sider. Just before Londos and Pesek
dimbed into the rooes Martin Slat-
tery, Pesek's manager, refused to ac
cept the agreed-upon reieree ana de
manded a local man.
When Slatterv made this move.
Chris Jordan, who went out to Shel
ton trom umana witn ionnos, inea
to get Londos to call off the match,
hur lira said he was willing to take
a chance. Then Jordan tried to get
all bets declared off, but the Shelton
ites refused. ,
After the disqualification of Lon
dos, Slattery said Pesek would wres
tle Londos again in Omaha or any
other place. It is probable efforts
will be made to bring them together
Omaha Tigers Will Play
Victors at the Bluffs
The Omaha Tigers, fast South
Side colored team, will clash with
the De Vol Victors of the Greater
Omaha league at Council Bluffs Sun
day afternoon. The Omaha Tigers
are getting ready to start on their
annual spring and summer road trip.
Jess Willard Offers to
"Fight in the Trenches
Washington, April 5. Jess Wil
lard, the heavyweight pugilist, sent
this telegram today to .President
"I will fight. When do you want
me?" . - -.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Fav
orite for Colds.
J. L. Easlev. Macon, III., in speak'
ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
says: "During the past fifteen years
it has been my sister s favorite medi
cine for colds on the lungs. I myself
have taken it a number of times when
suffering with, a cold and it always
relieved me promptly." -Adv.
Sport Calendar Today
Kowtar Vb1 ruivernlty v. lnlrmltr of
tennuylvwiU, mt Philadelphia.
iMram-PennffTltanlft ti. Mount Wanh-
Inrton LterotM club. t Mount Wahlnj
ton. Fa.
Fenriiur Eafttrn : tntcrpol.eirlato cham
plonnhlp at the Hotel AMor, New York
Bam Ball Wivnhtncton Ameritani ti.
Philadelphia National, at Wathtnirton. New
York Nationals ti. Ietroit American!, at
Manhattan. Kan. new York Amerleani ti.
Brooklyn National at Brooklyn.
Boxlnr Johnny Dundee ti. Al Toonf, ten
round, at Ogden, lth.
Johnny Dennison
Lands Quartet of
New Star Athletes
'johnny Dennison, manager of the
new Melady Bros., team of the
Greater Omaha league, announced
five new signed contracts yesterday.
They are Chugs Ryan, shortstop; Os
car Grant, pitcher; Phil Tracy, third
baseman; Ernie Rushenberg, catcher;
Johnny Shieldscatcher.
The acouisition of Chugs Ryan
means probably that Ed Minikus will
be shifted to second. Ryan was the
shortstopper for the Armours last
year and was regarded as one of the
best hallway men tn umana. Mini
kus and Rvan should make a great
combination around the keystone
Tracr was with the Gas Company
last year. He was a member of the
Luxus in 1915. Grant hurled for the
Castle Hotels in the Saturday league
last year and was some hurler. Grant
and Guy Holland will do the bulk of
the twirling for the' Meladys this
year, although Johnny is said to have
a third pitcher in mind. Rushenberg
is a Luxus veteran. Shields is a
graduate.of class B company, but
Dennison is Confident he is of class
A calibre. He believes Shields will
prove to be a winner.
Dennison's crew will play their
first practice game of the season Sun
day at Melady Meadow; Twenty
fourth and Vinton streets. The Town
sends will oppose them.
Fontenelle Bloomer Girls
Will Have Two Full Teams
With two full teams the Fontenelle
Bloomer Girls have organized for the
coming base ball season.
A meeting Was held luesday eve
ning and two full nines selected. Uni
forms consisting of white blouses,
black ties, black bloomers, black
stockings, black shoes and small black
and white checked caps were chosen.
Mrs. F. B. Martin will be matron tor
the team and Crystal Baker mascot.
Fred B. Martin. Thirty-third and
Manderson streets, is manager and ex
tends a challenge to any bloomer girl
team in the city.
The lineup of the Fontenelle team
is as follows:"
catchers: Ltlllan Lane ana Teresa stana!.
PUrhara; Rnrtha Shhneldarwlnd. Marie
Headline, Hattle Iverson, Adelaide Clark and
Virginia Davis.
First base: Lillian Nelson and. Anna
Second base: Bes.1. Baker and Marjorte
Third base: Velora Boon., and Dorothy
Utell. -
Shortstop: BessIS Qoocn ana Vivian
Bover. . .'
' Lett field: Lillian Erlckson and Winifred
center neia: sana Aikenneaa ana iiaiei
Right feld: Cherry Oswald and Lela Lan
nlaan. -
Polish Merchants Admitted
Into' Greater Omaha League
The Polish' Merchants were ad
mitted to the Greater Omaha league
at a' meeting held at the cpuncil cham
ber last night. Seven ,,teams now
comprise the league.
The league will have four enclosed
base ball parks when the Armour
park is completed. V
It was decided to defer further con
sideration of this matter until George
Kennedy, representing the' Armours,
is able to secure definite plans. It was
also decided that 25 cents shall be the
admission to all games of the league.
A schedule of games for the month
of May will be adopted at the next
meeting, which will be held on Tues
day, April 11), at the city hall, ihis
will be the last, meeting of the league
prior to the opening of the season
and other matters will come up,
Rodeston Winner Over
Griffin in Pool Play
William Rodeston defeated Harry
Griffin, 101 to 52, in the Keno pool
tournament last night. Rodeston had
high runs of thirty-fouf and twenty
five. Tonight Elmer Larson meets
Jesse Reynolds, score:
Griffin: 0, 0, a, t, I, , 1 f, 7, t, 1, t,
Safeties, ; scratch. 1.
Rodeston: 1, 10, 0, 0, 17 II. Si, lK S, I, !,
11, J 101. Safeties, S; ScraUb, 1. ,
Governor Neville Will ,
Attend Wrestling Bout
Keith Neville, governor of Ne
braska, has notified , Gene Melady
that he will attend the . wrestling
match in Umaha Monday night be
tween Joe Steelier and ' Earl' Cad-
dock. Governor Harding of Iowa
will also attend the go--
Oklahoma!! Awarded Decision
Over Minnesota Fighter .
in Fifth Round.
New York, April 5. Carl Morris of
Oklahoma was awarded the decision
over Fred Fulton of Minnesota in the
fifth round of a bout here tonight,
after Referee William Brown had an
nounced Fulton struck Morris a foul
blow sending him . .helpless to the
floor. . -a - v . .
Morris weighed ZlVfy pounds and
Fulton 220'A. The bout was to have
gone ten rounds.
Morris clearly had the better of the
battle up to the time the foul blow
was struck. : :'." .. ;
Holmes White Sox Will
Contest With Brandeis
Ernie Holmes White Sox will clash
with the Brandeis serai-pro team at
Holmes park, Thirty-first and Ames,
Sunday afternoon. . . . '
Manager ' Hazen is determined to
find put the class of his outfit before
the Greater Omaha league season
opens and also to give his men some
stiff practice cbmbats. Tuesday he
pitted . his' charges against the
Rourkes. While he fell before the
leagueri, Johnny hopes to earn a vic
tory over the Brandeis Sunday and at
least promises Bradford's men a
tough tussle.
Les Darcy Takes Oath
. Of Allegiance to U. S.
Chicaeo. AdHI 4. Les Darcy. the
Australian middleweight boxer, whom
Governor Whitman barred trom box
in in New York state because, 'he
said, Darcy was a "slacker" evading
Australian military service, took the
oath of allegiance and signified his in
tention of becoming a citizen of the
United States today. He received his
first citizenship paper from the cir
cuit court of Cook county.
Darcy' gave his age as 21 years and
his occupation as a blacksmith and
.professional athlete. He gave his
home as 'Maitland, Australia.
Brandeis Stores
Seaaon is
.-n. Here
Ar You
Ready for the
showing complete
stocks of all piTapher-
Ealia for the golf and
aseball enthusiast, and
in every instance prices
are. extremely moderate.
Good Golf Goods
Wright '& fiitsons and .
MacGregor Golf Clubs.
Golf Hose, footless and
with feet. "!
Golf Shoes, both high
and low styles.
Best Base Ball
We carry full lines of
Reach and Spalding
Base Ball Goods. Will'
be glad to submit esti
mates to clubs.
Fond of Fishing?
Here , are the proper
things for the angler
good fishing season
right now don't . miss
some good sport for the
reason that you have
not the right outfit
Let's Talk It Over
With You
Not only an efficient
sales force, but , men ;
who know where to tell
you to go to get the best
fishing and what to ,
buy to make your golf .
score high. LET US BE
, Mala Floor, Mm' Stora.
Omaha Road and Water
Board Bills Pass Senate
(From a Staff Corripondant
Lincoln, Neb., April 5. (Special
felegrara.) Before adjournment this
evening, which was taken until Mon
day at 2 o'clock, the senate passed the
following bills:
S. F. 71 Amanda law ao that ona-fourth
of road tax collected within the city of
Omaha ahall ha expended outelda of city
on roada leading Into tha city, Ayaa, Hi
noas, f.
S. F. 13! Prohibit free talophona aerv
Ic to atata offlcera or amployea by tele
phone companlee. Ayes, 17; noea, f.
B. F. 106 Permltl Metropolitan water Die
trlct company of Omaha to manufacture
and sell Ice and provldea for method of
suelng the dlatrlcL
The bill appropriating the fees of
food commission and oil inspection
departments was killed by the house
this afternoon after a conference had
reported it for passage. This puts the
fees of the office in the general fund
and Specifies salaries to be received
by the department officials and em
ployer.' '
Farewell Banquet Given
Earl B. Gaddis at Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., April S. (Special
Telegram.) A farewell banquet was
tendered this evening at the Lincoln
hotel to Earl B. Gaddis, Lincoln
representative of an Omaha paper, by
his friends. Mr, Gaddis will leave for
Washington at the close of the ses
sion of the legislature to act as pri
vate secretary to Senator Hitchcock.
About sixty were present.
Attorney General Reed was toast
master and the following were on the
program: Governor Neville. ex-Governor
Morehead, Victor: Wilson, J.
W. Cutright, P. A. Barrows, L. B.
Tobmy Eugene Mayfield, J. H. Pres
son and J. H, Bulla.
At the close, Harvey Newbranch,
In behalf of the guests, presented Mr.
Gaddis with a pair of gold mounted
elks teeth.
State Women Enroute to
New Orleans Meeting
Mrs. J. N. Paul of St Paul, Mrs. A.
G. Peterson of Aurora and Mrs. A. E.
Davisson of Lincoln spent Thursday
in Omaha, enroute to the biennial
council meeting pf the General Fed
eration of Women's clubs in New Or
leans. Mr'?. K. R.: J. Edholm and
Mrs. F. H. Cole joined the party here
and went on tp the big club women's
meeting. .
Easter Hats
$3 to $5
Easter Shirts
$1.50 to $10
50c to $2.50
A New Stock
A New Store
New First
National Bank
Beatrice Man Refuses to
Take Oath of Allegiance
Beatrice, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Jacob Claassen, a Mennonite and
old resident of Beatrice, refused to
take the oath of allegiance to the
United States yesterday because of
his religious belief. District Clerk
Lenhart will report the matter to the
federal authorities.
' Mrs. Ella Barrett died vesterdav
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John
Hilder at Lewiston, aged 65 years.
She recently returned from Califor
nia, and soon after her arrival here
contracted pneumonia, she leaves no
family, her husband having passed
away some years ago.
Albert E. Eckel and Miss Mayme
Johnson were married Tuesday eve
ning at the Methodist parsonage, Kev.
B. F. Gaither officiating.
Mrs, David Thomas, an old resident
of Gage county, died at her home at
Liberty after a prolonged illness, aged
Germany Promises
. Texas to Negroes
Marshall, Tex., April 5. A r-
fiort that a white man is attempt
ng to stir up negroes in this coun
try to a revolt, it being investi
gated by the authorities. The
negroes art said to have been
promised that if the United States
and Germany go to war, Germany
will give them Texas in which to
form a "black republic." ,
83 years. She is survived by four ions
and thrre daughters.
lleitartment Ordera.
Waehlnaton, April 6. (Sperlel Tele
tram.) Rollo R. Sabln of Omaha haa been
appointed onpylet In tha foreet aervlce.
Civil aervloe examination will ba bold on
May IS for rural letter oerrlera at Dixon,
Flerea county, Iowa,
Rural letter carrleraa approved: Liberty.
vllle. Mount Hamilton, Loula A. lleaton and
Jatnee 8. Palln.
Explosion Wrecks
Chicago Building;
SeveralAre Killed
. Chicago, April 5. Six or seven per
sons were killed and forty or fifty in
jured here todayi according to police
estimates, in an explosion believed
due to gas which wrecked a brick
building on Halsted street, near Lake
street, while a restaurant on the first
floor was crowded with diners.
Billy Byrn, jr., km f' Billy Bym. r.r,
of tht Orphsum, lua rtturnttl from Kotr .
Dam to vinit with hU relative! and friend.
Mr. W. li, fluoha of Hasting, Neb., who
haa bet Tlittlnv her mother, Mrs. J. H.
Muidnon. for tht last weH haa nturned to
her homo. "'
Mlti Julia UeQnlnen of Pona, Neb., who ,
hai born the vueot of her couolih Mr. J.
H. Mutdoon, for the hut week, ba returned
to tier home.
U i ...
gainst the flood of good, bad arid :
indijjerent Hats, the JLanpner,
this season more than ever, is
your anchor to hatwcQL
A Truck to Fit
Your Business
In the GMC line the Manufacturer, Mer
chant, Municipality, Contractor, Fanner
in fact, any man, business or corpora
tion with hauling to do can find the truck that
will fit the work to be 4ne; THAT makes mo
tor trucks profitable.
The GMC line presents trucks from 1,500 lbs.,to
5-ton capacity.- In no other factory can such a
variety of trucks be found. Im no other fac
tory can better quality be had. "
The record of their service fur
: ; , nish a dependable guide in de-'
: . ; . : termining what GMC trucks can
do for you. ' "'
"Put It Up to Us to
Heavy duty trucks for large loads and
heavy hauls; SH to 6-ton sizes; bod
ies to fit the particular requirement.
The i H and 2-ton models for whole
salers, jobbers and similar lines need
ing a truck of average capacity, v.:.
Threa-quarter and 1-ton sizes for de
livery and express purposes, c; - -
U Huff, Mgr.
H. E. Sidlaa, General Mgr.
HENRY A CO., Distributor
Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs
S. C. Douglas, Mgr.
More About the
The Bee will send free: to
any of its readers a hand
somely illustrated, artistic
booklet telling in detail of
life in the. United States
Marine Corps. This book
let is official, printed by.
the United State govern-'
ment. It shows the
Marines at work, in peace
and war, . on sea and.
land. Sent on receipt of a
2-cent stamp for return
postage. Ask for the Ma
rine's Book and address
"The Omaha Bee Infor
mation Bureau, Washing
ton." ;
Free to Bee Reader -
MailaMiBMa aaa ajaaii-i.aaaaa
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General Distributow : Omaha, Nehnka T771