THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1917.' Early Season Dance Dress 'Need Fixed System for Pronunciation of English Record of Bridal Journey. From Mr. Philip Metz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz of this city, who with his bride is on his wedding journey to Japan, comes the most interesting and complete letters that ever a bridal pair sent back to the friends at home. The journey begins at the time of their arrival in Van couver, from which city they sailed on the Empress of Russia for the east January 26. The rumor of a German raider in the Pacific alarmed the travelers, but the Marconi wireless newspaper on board gave no information in regard . to it. "The sea has been very rough since we started," wrote Mr. Metr, "and the waves appear tremendously high; I thought we were at least experienc ing a violent gale when I came on deck the first morning and saw the heavy sea rolling. However, a sailor whom I spoke to, informed me that only a mild sea was running. I knew that this would be his answer, since seafaring men never seem to admit .. . l: l... - ,:ii mat me sea is anyimug uui iu pond; it is their chief delight, I be lieve, to call a hurricane or a typhoon 'A bit of a chonoy sea, sir," and then watch the innocent landlubber ques tioner. They are either born opti- mUu ftp mnst- nrnficient nrevarica- tors."' A dance on shipboard provoked comment from Mr..Meti. "In the eve nings a dance is held in the reception hall, but the conditions under which one must trip the light fantastic are not at all conducive to peaceful danc ing. For one thing, the Philippine band on board was not brought up on the one-step and fox-trot, and the , sounds they bring forth from their instruments, while pleasing to the ear, are more fitted fof their own native dances than for the modern American ballroom steps. But one can't be too particular on shipboard, and the wo men must be appeased, so we trip gaily forth. Trip is the right word, for just in the midst of an especially pleasing whirl of some sort the noble ship gives a lurch and we stumble i .lo the ample lap of some old lady. Our composure is shaken, but not our determination, and we essay an other attempt; everything goes lovely until the Empress starts another long dive and when we take the next step we find the floor has left us. so down . we fall with our fair partner looking I daggers at us for not maintaining our equilibrium, to say nothing of our dignity. However, it's all great sport; I if one possessed one leg snorter than I ' the other, navigation on a ship's - slanting ballroom deck would be sim- 1 plified.3 8 Mr. and Mrs. Metz were among the I guests at a dinner party given by ex- I . Mayor and Mrs. David Rose of Mil- 1 , " waukee, now of Washington. A course served in Chinese style with chop- sticks proved very exciting. Mr. Rose I is on his way to China as head of I of the Honorary Commercial com- I mission composed of influential 1 United States business men who are I I going to China to stimulate trade In- terest between the two countries and I prepare the way for the investment I j of United States capital, which I S will be the means of binding the al ii ready strong friendship of the Chi ll nese .republic to the United States. it They were later to become rnembers if of the Rose party, which bad chartered a special train for Nagasaki $ from Yokohoma, where after a three j i y days' trip inland they would re-em bark upon the impress ot Russia. "My next letter will be sent either from ; Manila or Hong Kong. We are both in perfect health; our first four weeks of wedded life have flown by, so you may judge from that how much we are enjoying ourselves. Our itinerary after leaving Manila will b as follows; Hong Kong, Canton. Shanghai, Hankow,. Tien Tsin, Pekin, Seoul, Korea, thence to Japan via Mukden, arrive at , Shimonoseki, thence to inland sea and Kobe, Tokio and Yokohama. We leave for Honolulu, Hawaiian islands, and May 20 leave for San Francisco." Wedding Announcements. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McHenry an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Cora, to Mr. W. A. Nelson, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Kelson, which took place Saturday at 4 o'clock at St. Andrew's church in the presence of only the mothers of the couple. Rev. John E. Flockhart performed the marriage ceremony, ana they let . immediately for a short wedding trip. The wedding of Misa Iva Sheldon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shel don, of Kearney, Neb, and Mr. Al bert C Hodges of Madrid, la., took place at the Hotel Fontenelle Wed nesday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. G. F. Young of the First Pres byterian church at De Moines, an old friend of the couple, came to perform the ceremony. Note of Interest. v Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith, who is now in the east, will be the delegate from the local Alliance Francaise at the annual meeting to be held at the Biltmore In New York City Satur day, April 14. 'Ambassador Jusserand will preside and Le Roy White of Baltimore, the president, will enter tain the delegates at luncheon. Local Wellesley girls will join the national League lor Woman s Serv ice and help in making hospital sup plies ' the; . decided at a meeting Wednesdi.; at the home of Mrs. Her bert Arn stein. The next meeting of the Wellesley club will be held the first Wednesday in May with Miss Ora Ambler, ; , ; Social Engagements. The Unitarian Junior club will give an informal subscription dance at Turpin's hall, April 12. . - The Deborah Franklin club post ; poned its luncheon of today at the Blackstone until next Thursday on - account of Holy week. Mrs. F. R. Dailey will entertain the Friday Bridge Luncheon club at the Blackstone tomorrow, when nine guests will be present Mrs. E. H. Ward will entertain ' mother Friday Bridge Luncheon club Ifcs ITreekers Are Coming The wonderfut spring' stock of the . PARISIAN CLOAK CO. must be disposed of before the building is wrecked." Over $30,000 worth of coats, suits and dresses are still to be sold, so we urge you to make your selection while the stock if complete. HER BETROTHAL TO DEN VER MAN ANNOUNCED. A l f ) yds) I t -y a' " - i 0 Hazel Oherfederx tomorrow at the Blackstone. when twelve guests will be present. After wnenron inc pariy win aujuuru iu Mrs. Ward's home, where bridge will be the diversion. The Amateur Musicale club, which was to have i met tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Harry Steele, has been postponed until a week from tomor row, because of Good Friday. Personal Mention. Miss Susanna Jobst of Lincoln is spending the spring vacation with Miss Clarisse Browne. A number of. informal parties are being given in her honor. Mr. and Mrs. George Mclntyte have returned from a winter . in Florida. . Mr. Alan McDonald is recuperating at his home' from a slight operation. Miss Marian Norris, who has been the guest of Miss Katherine New- branch for several days, has gone to Harlan, la., for the remainder ot the spring vacation. ' Miss bene Burroughs ot Lincoln will arrive Saturday for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bran don Howell. In her honor Mrs. Howell will entertain informally at tea Monday afternoon. Miss Maragret McCoy is anticipa ting a visit from Miss Hildred Good win of Madison, Neb., for the re mainder of the Easter vacation. For Miss Jobst Miss Dorothy Morton entertained at a luncheon and Orpheum party Wednesday in honor of Miss Susanna Jobst of Lincoln, who is spending the Easter vacation with Miss Clarisse Browne. Yellow jonquils formed the decorations throughout the house and were arranged in a low bowl on the luncheon table where covers were laid for eight. Mrs. C. W. Morton chaperoned the girls to the matinee. Betrothal Announced. Mrs. Robert Benson of the South Side announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Rose E. Ham, to Mr. Jacob J. Briggs of Carson, la. The wedding will take place in the near future. Judge and Mrs. Joseph Oberfelder of Sidney, Neb., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Hazel Beatrice, to Mr. Raymond D. Frank of Denver, Colo. Miss Oberfelder is an attractive young woman who has a large circle of friends in Omaha. The wedding will take place early in July at Denver. University of Omaha Co-Eds Now Have a Military Camp The eastern women and other rnl. lege girls will not be able to say that their sex is slow in the region of the middle west, for the coeds of the University of Omaha are to have a military training camp in the woods north of Florence. Miss Mildred Fee is the leader of the movement and will be the instructor of the crirla The camp will consist of two tents and a doien girls. The first drill was held Wednesday. when setting-up exercises, rifle drill ana cooking lessons were given. WE CLEAN Rftbloek and lUtrlra Mm'i uifl Woman's Hat. DRESHER BROS., Drsra, ClMaero, Hsttera, Farriera i mmi Toilers. ttlMT Fm St, lUr 148. iiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiin : PERFUMES of the choicest ! . FRAGRANCE . for Easter ! . For your selection we bit the far. ; oritee of the world's but makero. ! Rlfiud Mry C.rdoa. . .par n, St. eft i BM"tr.. .'... mm, l.7 ; Amor. Korel. .. .. mmt mm. tc ; Pelmora Cartajto. . . .pr J.00 JtkwPtaf fMf....pwoa,ac ; Rkkeecker Call Qiuaa...r 3c ; ut BlooooOM per os, 9o Walt. Row... r iM, Mm f Itfc J Howard Sti, Dau. Mt. 7 1 sJllillllllllllUllallhlllllllitllrllllliaillllllltirtlllllllllrhllllllHrlltl OP all frock- that aprlng haa offered thera nono which mora completely typi flee aprtn herielf U)an thla marvelous MUla dance drew, pvar pink satin, pale as a sea shell and soft as the flush on a whit skin, creamy white chiffon la draped. The bodice, which Is drawn softly around the flrur. Is of th flesh-colored satin. The skirt Is of th chiffon: ir hanss In soft fullness under th strdllnss of yellow satin embroidered In yreen. Just back of the hips th skirt makes a sudden turn and climbs airily to tho shoulders. Embroideries, of yellow and freen encrust the chiffon sumptuously and make a background for the arms on tn angel sleeves, into wnicn th mounting1 skirt chantes. There Is a square train of the satin with a co quettish tassel poiiea at one sm or it, Kugel Discovers Butter Has Started to Ascend City Commissioner Kugel did not know butter had advanced until he scanned a bill for butter sent by a local firm to the city smallpox hos pital. The item showed 46 centa a pound, which aroused the commis sioner's interest, "What's this?" he asked the health commissioner. That a. for butter at 46 cents a pound," was the reply. ' We get butter at our house for 3b or 37 cents a pound," rejoined the commissioner. You don't get better butter for that price," answered the health com missioner. Mr. Kugel telephoned and learned that his butter at home costs 47 cents a pound at present He subsided. Five Omaha Young Women Qualify as War Nurses Five young women of last term's Red Cross class at the Young Women's Christian association have just received certificates from the na tional society qualifying them to as sist the, regular Red Cross nurses in time af war. They are Misses Nellie Fitch, Emma Kostal, Edna B. Letov sky, Bertha M. Newman and Clara Rice. The passing grade is 75 per cent. The highest grade in this class was 95 per cent. . I he present class, numbering twen ty-three, will take the examination the last of this month. Ten have already enrolled for a second class, which meets for the first time Friday even ing at 0:30 o'clock. Parks Will Haul All Rubbish on Cleanup Day The city commissioners agreed to "Let George do it," meaning that George S. Parks, street commissioner, win nave cnarge ot the hauling fea ture of the city-wide cleanup cam paign to be held on April 20 and 21. The council voted to appropriate $2,000, but Mr. Parks said he would pay for the hauling out of his regu lar fund, which was agreed. The commissioners definitely de cided that the city will not remove ashes. The plan is to have house holders place rubbish and cans in heaps in alteys, ready for the haulers. Complete details of the campaign will be worked out next week. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. liiiiiiiiiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiniiii I Grdtonola The Paragon of Voice on these universal "Music Makers" from ' $15.00 to $350.00 Look over our line Friday and Saturday Have a Graf onola and I your choice of records I sent to your home for I Easter on your own I terms. Central i 17th and Howard i 9 riiNiuriiiiiiiiijiiijiiijiuii.Bj.iJiiuiiiiutiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiT mi Kiddies Free Saturday At the Strand and Muse To celebrate vacation week, the Strand theater's special children's movies Saturday, morning will be free. The Muse theater, too, will admit free children from local insti tutions. "The Little Mascot," featuring Baby Early, a country life and a reel life series will be shown at the Strand. "Treasure Island," a country life and a cartoon film, at the Muse, and at 1 o'clock in the afternoon the latter will be repeated at the Besse on the South Side. The Alamo theater on the North Side has postponed fur ther special programs for children un til next fall. Woods North of Florence Full of Military Camps The hills and valleys of the coun try north of Florence are spotted with camps of Boy Scouts and other kinds of scouts. From the time one leaves Florence and enters the wood ed hill slopes he finds signs of mili tary activity. One would think that Omaha or even the United tSates gov ernment is training its men there. The largest and most, advanced camp is the one of the Boy Scouts, located about two miles trom Flor ence. Willing to Face Them All. Tht drlnt with of Mn. Enmw C. Van SlekU ot L Croait, Wis., wu that iho might km burled tn h private cemetery beside her five huebende. ' By GARRETT P. SERVISS. There is a reform affecting the language which Americans speak that is oi far greater importance and use fulness than simplified spelling. It is the establishment of a uniform sys tem of pronunciation. ' There are hun dreds of words that we use every day which nobody really knows how to pronounce, because he can find no universally recognized authority to guide him. It is hopeless to turn to the great dictionaries, with their "omnium gatherums" of words and pictures. They give you two or three contra dictory forms, and then, not content with that amount of mystification, ap pend a long list of "disputed pro nunciations," -with the suggestive ear mark XIII, which is about as com forting to the perplexed wanderer in the misty mid-region bf orthoepy (pronounce the word correctly is you can) as a tangled swamp is to a man already lost in the woods. The dictionaries do not improve the matter by offering "preferred" pro nunciations, because no two diction aries agree in their preferences, and if every man followed uncompromis ingly only his own favorite dictionary we should be nearly as bad off as were the people around the Tower of Babel when smitten with a "confusion of tongues." ' The schools do not helps because some teachers range themselves un der one banner, others under a sec ond, others under a third, while many boldly raise the black flag of orth- oepical piracy, to Which I confess I myself have an inclination, for if no man can obey two masters much les can he obey a dozen I- The situation is not merely ridicu lous: it is very injurious. It dam ages the language itself. It renders the language more difficult of acquire ment by foreigners, as well as by our Broil a sv v Mr''Aw t vrt "Swift's Premium" Ham for yourEaster Breakfast own children. It causes distraction of thought, for if you hear a speaker pronounce a word in 'a way that strikes you as odd, or incorrect, your attention is diverted from the subject under discussion. It causes a great loss of time and mental energy and produces a feel ing of uncertainty, for when you look up a word in your dictionary and find that several varying pronuncia tions are offered, you must devote tjine and thought to the making of a choice, and after you have made your choice, the next person you talk with or the next speaker you listen to may upset the judgment on which the choice was based. Difficulties of this kind will always, necessarily, attach to newly coined Words, but it is inexcusable that words whose meaning everybody knows should not have a perfectly settled pronunciation. As I write I turn to the list of dis puted pronunciations in the back part of a huge dictionary, and I find that the word "quinine" has seven different forms and shades of pronunciation. This is encouraging for anybody who wants to ask for it in a drug store. There are two distinct ways to say "dilemma," which is a good way to leave the inquirer in one. There are five ways to say "comrade," besides the way they say it between the trench lines. There is a "pa-tri-ot" and a "pat-ri-ot," each as good as the other. An "a-ris-to-crat" is sometimes an "ar-is-to-crat," which doesn't improve him. You may eat an "a-pricot" or an "ap-ri-cot" and get the same taste. Four ways are discriminated for pro nouncing "beautious," but I give them all up and stick to my own way. If you ever get any renison (and for my part I don't want any), you can pronounce it with three syllables or leave the middle one out. If yoirj think smouch Is too strong a word, you can soften it by calling it "smooch" but beware of spelling it that way. "Acoustics" may be turned into "acowstics," which is certainly more suggestive of bellowing. A "ca pon" cannot be told from a "cap-on" when it is on the table. Some pro nounce "bowsprit" bo-sprit and bow spritat least so say the dictionaries; For Eastej Sunday A wealth of flavors melted to a taste A few assortments De Luxe Fruit Assortment Rosamond Triple Assortment The Gift Box Society Assortment) Assorted Nuts ose slice of but I should rather pronounce it like a sailor if I could. "E-lec-tric-i-ty" is also called "el-ec-tric-ity," which isn't much of a difference; but whether you say "humor" or "umor" and "humble" or "umble" depends upon the side of the ocean on which you were born. You may be "de-co-rous" or "dec-o-rous" in your conduct, and the dic tionaries will give you equal praise. You may apostrophize the moon either as "Di-an-a" or "Di-a-na," she won't notice the difference, though your friends may. You may say that a proposition is "dis-pu-ta-ble or "dis-put-a-ble," according as you find one or the other the easier to speak. You may talk of "or-ches-tral" or of "or-ches-tral" music (making the ch sound like k, of course), and if any body objects you can get a dictionary to back you up. These are only a few out of a vast number of words that are unsettled in pronunciation. If the persons who are busy inflicting upon us some of the new spellings that don't spell would organize an American Acad emy of Orthoepy, they might be bet ter employed. North Presbyterian is Now Nearly Out of Debt At the annual congregational meet ing of the North Presbyterian church Wednesday night following a supper served by women, the 1917 meeting was held. The report of the treas urer showed a reduction of $2,500 in the church building debt during the last year. This leaves an indebted ness of $7,000, the only outstanding obligation. The church property is estimated to be worth $60,000. . The annual budget to meet current expenses was increased from $6,000 to $6,500. The greater portion of the increase was for music and janitor's salary. As members of the board of elders Robert McEachron, John Trench, Harry Herzog and G. C. Wal ters were selected. On the board of. trustees James Allen was elected to succeed himself and Dean Davison, Jack Brengle and Al Gordon to fill the vacancies caused by expiration of terms of other trustejs. oivelier a toX of Chocolates - WjLK Company OMAHA