Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1917, Image 7

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Brie) City News
trap BurgeM-GrtDdea Co.
Hoto Bool Print It Nw Beacon Prm
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm.
To lecture In Chicago Dr. C. B.
Atsen has gone to Chicago to deliver
a lecture at the Sherman hotel to the
osteopathic physicians of that city.
Good Friday Services Lutheran
Church ot Our Redeemer, Prairie
Park hall. Rev. W. T. Hanae, pastor.
Special Good Friday evening services
at 8 o'clock.
Three Bicycles Stolen Ray Mitch
ell, 609 South Nineteenth street; W.
J. Hogan, Albany hotel, and Bob
Hendricks, 1324 Douglas street, re
ported stolen bicycles to the police.
To March to Patriotic Meeting All
members of Nebraska chapter, United
States Daughters of 1812, meet at the
court house Saturday evening at 7
o'clock to proceed In a body to the
Auditorium for the patriotic meeting.
Street Car Hits Auto A small auto
mobile driven by City Clerk O'Con
nor was struck by a street car at
Thirty-first and Leavenworth streets.
Mrs. O'Connor and baby were in the
machine. None of the occupants was
Recruits a Bride Local navy re
cruiters have received word that
Boatswain's Mate Frank Harper, for
merly attached to the Omaha station,
and now in Chicago, had recruited a
bride there. The wedding occurred
Plumbing Stripped From House
Hugh McGahon, 8327 North Twenty
fourth street, has reported to the po
lice that thieves broke into an empty
house at 2422 Valley street and
stripped It of a number of brass fau
cets, electric light and gas fixtures
and plumbing.
Ranch Company Incorporates
Capitalised at 199,000, the Roberts
Rose Ranch company, which will
operate ranches and farms and deal
in real estate, has filed articles of
incorporation with the county clerk.
John Fits Roberts, H. H. Roberts and
Eugene A. Rose are the incorporators.
Lured to His Doom Ed Cunning
ham, lodging houses, struck up an
acquaintance with two white men at
Eleventh and Howard streets Wednes
day evening. Persuasive conversation
lured Cunningham into a nearby alley,
where they strongarmed him of 118.
Cunningham received a severe cut
over his eye, which necessitated atten
tion by police Burgeons.
Gets Prospects for Navy A. D.
Welling' of Crawford was unable to
enlist in the navy, but wanted to do
something for his country in time
of urgent need. So he made a list
of eighty-five young men of his com
munity, who might be Interested In
sea service, and sent the list to Lieu
tenant Waddell of the recruiting sta
tion. He explained that although he
was prevented from enlisting himself,
he would volunteer for land service, if
the need arose.
Former General Auditor of
Earriman Lines Succumbs
to Pneumonia.
First Presbyterians
Elect Four New Elders
The First Presbyterian church at r
...... ...i tct .mi,,
, La tuiiuai uHi lugi'i in
creased its number of ciders to fif
teen, electing as new nes H. J. Ster
ling, Judge Howard Kennedy, Attor
ney John C. Wharton and R. R.
James H. Adams, Frank E. Clark,
William McCormack and Nathan
Merriam, whose terms as elders had
expired, were re-elected.
Written reports from the various
church departments were submitted,
indicating that the past year has been
the most successful twelve-month in
the history of the church;""A large
number of accessions were recorded.
House Paint Joins the
Aviation Corps, Up It Goes
House, floor and porch paints have
advanced 25 cents a gallon. Word
to this effect has just been received
by the local wholesale paint houses
who have notified their retail stores,
and the dealers throughout the terri
tory who are handling their lines.
Further advances in linseed oil and
other raw material which goes to
make up paint is given as the cause
for the advance in paint. Linseed oil
is now as high as $1.08 and $1.09 per
gallon, wholesale, in barrel lots.
Wilson, at Theater, Given
Vociferous Demonstration
Washington, April 5. President
Wilson, attending a theater tonight
after working most of the day on war
plans, was greeted with enthusiastic
cheers. The orchestra played "The
Star-Spangled Banner" and as the
president was recognized the audience
rose for a tumultuous demonstration.
Erastus Young, aged 77, retired
general auditor of the Harriman in
terests, died last night at his home in
Omaha, after an illness of one week.
Mr. Young, who had lived quietly
in Omaha since his retirement in 1910,
was taken with a slight cold on
Wednesday of last week. This seemed
to run the usual course and gave no
cause for apprehension until Sunday
morning, when pneumonia developed.
This disease assumed an acute form
and since Tuesday little hope was en
tertained for his recovery. He is sur
vived by his wife, who was Miss
Margaret Ludlam; his son, David L.
Young, Mrs. R. S. Ege and Mrs. D. P.
Benedict, daughters, all living in
His Active Life.
Erastus Young was born June 11,
1839, in Rockland county, New York.
He was educated at Wiltiston semi
nary, East Hampton, Mass., and spent
the early years of his active life as a
farmer, a school teacher and a book
keeper. In 1870 he entered on his
career as a railroad accountant, start
ing with the New Orleans, Mobile &
Chattanooga road, with offices at New
Orleans. Four years later he went
to the St. Louis & Southwestern as
auditor, and ior four years held that
position. In 1880 he went to the
Santa Fe as general auditor, and in
1881 accepted a similar place with the
New York & New England road,
which he left two years later to be
come general auditor of the Union
Pacific, in which position he remained
until his retirement on January 1,
1910. From January 1, 1902, he was
general auditor for all the Harriman
interests, which then included the
Union Pacific, the Oregon Short Line,
the Oregon Railway & Navigation
company, the Southern Pacific, the
Pacific Mail Steamship company, and
a number of mining, land and water
companies subsidiary to these great
transportation lines. He was also for
some time general auditor of the Chi
cago & Alton railroad. Since 1883
Mr. Young maintained his residence
in Omaha.
Prominent as Accountant
He was a member of the American
Associatiot. of Railway Accounting
Officers and served that body one term
as its president. He was a member
of the general committee of twenty
five and the subcommittee of seven
members of this association which
prepared the system of railway ac
counts adopted by the Interstate
Commerce commission, and he also
prepared the classification of accounts
adopted by the commission.
Mr. Young retired from active work
on January 1, 1910, having then
reached the age limit and having
completed the time of service with
the Union Pacific which entitled him
to a place on ihe company's pension
roll. (JUS
He was a member of the Methodist
church, and once belonged to the
Happy Hollow club, but had not been
active there for several years. He
was of a very retiring nature, but
within his limited circle of intimate
friends was known as a genial com
panion. In his work he was both
exact and exacting, a quality that
commended him to the great captain
of transportation, E. H. Harriman,
who gave him general oversight of
the accounting of all his immense
The Pneumonia Season.
The cold, damp weather of March
seems to be the most favorable for
the pneumonia germ. Now is the
time to be careful. Pneumonia often
results from a cold. The quicker a
cold is gotten rid of the less the dan
ger. As soon as the first indication
of a cold appears take Chamberlain's
Cougli Remedy. As to the value of
this preparation, ask anyone who has
used it. Advertisement
Burgess-Wash Gompamy
eSAsrus rvtjvo
Car Service Agents on
The Union Pacific Road
Salt Lake City, Utah, April 5. As
a sequel to the appointment of E. C.
Hanson as superintendent of trans
portation of the entire Union Pacific
system, it was announced from the
company's offices today that positions
ot car service agents would be estab
lished on the Union Pacific, Oregon
Short Line and the Oregon-Washington
Railroad and Navigation com
pany. The transportation and traf
fic departments of the three roads will
be completely reorganized, it w
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
include In your Easter outfit a genuine
Diamond, fine Watcb, Wrist Watch or
other faihtonabU jewelry. These hand
gome accessorise are easy to obtain, for
all you need to do la to open a charge
account with utt. We will trust YUU.
Four SmA 2M
Fta 3 (wmi- A
Diamond. Month
11S1 La Valllere, fine solid told, green
sold leavee, bright finish. 4 fin, bril
liant Diamonds. Special at 01
SMO a Month 1L'
Special Sale of Diamond
Rings for Easter Gifts
,,.. I SMfa
4S Round Belcher
Diamond Bins, 14k
solid sold, tC(
priced ?"
11.29 a Woak
278 Lottls Per
fection Diamond
Ring, 14k solid
JSi . $40
SI s Week
kt SI. 80
210 mr A Month
1041 Convertible Bracelet Watch, finest
quality sold filled, plain polished. High
grade, lull jeweiea movement, cut nwi.
Cast and Bracelet guaranteed 20 rears.
SI .SO a Month.
Open D.ltv Till P. M. Sat. Till 1:30.
laii or wrue ior ijaieiigpue v.
Phone Doug. 1444 and salesman will call.
The) National
Credit Jowolort
409 S. 16th St.,
BiBRos&caira om.h.
Burgess-Wash Company
T'"-rctay, April 6, 1917
mink of It!
Phono D. 137
Italian Milan Dress Shapes
With Extra Flanges
AT $095
UNDOUBTEDLY the season's most extraordinary values offering
today's most wanted style, in a great variety of becoming shapes.
In view of the scarcity of imported braids and of the proximity of Eas
ter, the values are of especial interest. We advise early shopping.
Burgess-Nash Trimming Service Free
Thursday, April 5, 1917
Phone D. 137
A typical Burgess-Nosh showing
of Easter styles and values in
Suits. Dresses, Coats and Skirts
For Women and Misses
Is presented in our Second Floor apparel Section depicting recent fash
ion developments in smart apparel, tailored and finished in a manner
equaling the most painstakingly executed custom work.
Dresses for Easter Sunday and Spring Wear .
At $16.50, $19.75, $22.50, $24.50, $29.50 and Up
A MOST uncommon display embracing many new and attractive models,
shown for the first time. Frocks for daytime copies and reproductions of
the latest creations in wool, silk and combination materials. The range of style
materials and color selection is extremely varied. Sizes for women, large or
small, and misses.
New Models in Easter Suits
, $19.75, $22.50, $29.50, $35.00 and Up
PRACTICALLY every express from the East this week has brought in some
new and distinct models in tailored suits, for the Easter display. The ma
terials include Poriet twills, gabardines, serges, burellas, tricotines, etc., in the
season's most favored new high and dark shadings, as well as black and navy
blue, sizes 16 to 46.
Coats for All Occasions
$14.50, $19.75, $22.50 and Up
FOR dress," general utility, travel and for motor wear,
made in full lengths with voluminous dimensions, in
all the new spring colorings, deep cape collars, newest
cuffs, mannish pockets ; the materials are in wide range
of variety. All sizes for women, large or small, and
Skirts for Dress and Sport Wear
$5.00, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50 and Up
THE new skirt styles are most charming. The materials
include new wash satins, fancy silk, imported wool
ens, etc. To keep up as we do in new skirt ideas is to
show something new every day. Our selection in dress,
service and sport models is simply remarkable. The new
est in draping, tailoring and trimmings;
Burgoas-Nesh Co. Second Floor.
Friday in the Down Stairs Store
Child's Hoso 10c
Children's Tn Cotton Hose,
seamless, odd sizes, special Friday,
at 10c pair.
Union Suits 39c
Women's White Cotton Union
Suits with low neck and sleeveless,
knee length, lace trimmed.
Boys' Union Suit 39c
Porous Knit Union Suits for
boys, white or ecru, knee length,
seconds of better qualities, at 39e.
Fiber Silk Hose 29c
Women's Fibre Boot Silk Hose,
double garter top, seamless foot,
seconds of better qualities, at 29c.
Silk Boot Hose 39c
Women's Black Pure Thread
Silk Boot Hose, full fashioned,
regular made foot, known as "Run
of the Mill," special, at 39c
Women's Hose 25c
TIT aw 'aa P.nttnn TTr.HA. black.
n D uwwvw.. '
white of tan, mostly sample pairs,
very special, at sae.
Val Laces sit lc
Val Lace insertions in a variety
of new patterns, very special, Fri
day at lc yard. .
Fancy Braids lc
Fancy Silk and Cotton Braids,
wide variety of styles and kinds,
at lc yard. , '
Linen Laces 5c
Real Linen and Cotton Torchon
Teres three inches wide, special
Friday, at Sc yard.
Embroideries at 5c
T?mhnirlarv itHcpfl. headiners and
insertions in variety of patterns,
at 5c yard.
Embroideries at 10c
Embroidery Flouncing, Swiss
and Nainsook, embroidery corset
cover edges, from 6 to 18 inches
wide, 10c yard.
Writing Paper 10c
One lot of writing paper, con
sisting of 1 quire package of paper
and envelopes, linen finish, special
at 10c.
Envelopes at 5c
Business Envelopes, size 6,
good quality and an exceptional
value, at Sc.
Silk Remnants 59c
Including lengths of H to I
yards in a piece. Messalines,
foulards and taffetas, in plain and
fancy, 24 to 86 inches wide, Fri
day, 59c a yard.
Silk Poplins 49c
Silk Poplins, in all plain shades
for dresses, and suits, 24 inches
wide, special Friday, 49c yard.
Notion Specials
Rick-rack braid, all widths, bolt,
for 10c.
Hand scrubs, each, 10c.
Shoe laces, 3 pairs in bunch, 12H
Shopping bags, each, 10c.
Skirt belting, yard, 6c.
Pearl buttons, dozen, IKe.
Hair brushes, each, 10c.
Clothes brushes, each, 10c.
Common pins, paper, 2c
Darning cotton, card, lc.
Children's hose supporters, pr, 8c
Skirt markers, each, 12Jc
Dish rags, each, Sc.
Baby bibs, each, 6c
Bias tape, bolt, 6c.
Scissors and shears, each, 10c.
Linen tape, 6 bolts, 10c.
Darning cotton, 8 spools, 8c.
Dressing combs, each, 8c
Hair barrettes, each, 6c.
Kid curlers, dozen, 10c
Hair nets, with elastic, 5 for 10c
Bona hair pins, box, 8c.
Wire hair pins, package, 2c
Silk finish crochet cotton, spool, 4c
60-yd spool silk thread, spool, 3c
Fiber silk tatting thread, spool, Sc
Easter FOOTWEAR Specials Friday
In the Down Stairs Store
THAT will appeal to the women who want good
stylish footwear at small cost.
Women's High Shoes $3.85
Women's high cut kid lace
Boots, in
Gray kid
Brown kid 1 -Tan
Russia ($3.85
Black kid v
White reignskinJ
Woman's Spats at $1.69
Women's Eight-Button Spats,
white, chamois or gray color, pair,
Extra Special on the Bargain Table
Women's high button and lace
shoes, $1.69. .
A big lot of Women's high shoes
from the Second Floor, 82.98.
Child's dull calf ankle strap pumps, 81.69.
Infant's Kid Button Shoes with tops, 98c.
Misses' and big girls' button shoes, $2.48.
Boys' school shoes, Velour Calf, leather soles, $2.29.
Burseaa-Naah Co. Down Stall Storo
Clever New Untrimmed
Underpriced Friday $1 and
AN unusually good selec
tion including new sail
ors and novelty shapes, of
plain and milan hemp, lisere
and Italian milan straws.
There's a shape to suit the
fancy of every woman, and
best part of It all, there is
No Charge for the Trim
ming Service
The season's, newest and most
favored shades, as well as black,
are represented.
Burfoaa-Nash Co. Down Stalra Sloro
Remnants of Wool Dress , Goods
Friday Downstairs Store, 29c Yard
WONDERFUL values consisting of coating materials in plain
shades, plaids and stripes, suitings in mixtures; figures,
challies cream stripe serge, and many other plain weaves,
lengths from 1 to 2tt yards in a piece, 86 to 54 inches wide.
Exceptionally special Friday, at 29c yard.
Buriaas-Nash Co. Down Stalra Store
Men's White Negligee Shirts
Friday at 59c
FRIDAY we will place on sale a big quantity of
white negligee shirts, coat style, cuffs attached,
well made of very good material. All men whose
business requires a white shirt would do well to be
on hand early; price 59c.
Men's Easter Neckwear
' At 19c, 25c, 35c and 50c
A big assortment of seasonable neckwear, large flowing
end apron tie of excellent quality material. Big selection of
new patterns and colorings.
Men's Union Suits 49c
Ecru and white, one-half and full length sleeves, perfect
fitting garments, all sizes.
Men's Hosiery, Three Pair, 50c
Slightly Imperfect, of standard make hosiery, palm beach,
gray and black. A real snap while they last, all sizes to 11,
price, three pair for 80c
Another number in hosiery at 12 He. All black, double
heel, toe and sole. ,
Men's Underwear at 29c
Men's two-piece balbriggan underwear, 29c, standard high
grade shirts and drawers, first quality, small sizes, only 84 and,
six shirts,' 30, 32 and 84 drawers, 29c the garment.
Men's Suspenders 25c
A very excellent web, Btrong and elastic, made from short,
ends of webbing, greatly reduced in price.
Bwvese-Nasb Co. Down Stalra Storo
Wash Goods 5V,c
Remnants of wash goods In
lengths of 2 to 5 yards, neat de
signs, special Friday, at Site yard.
American Prints 8 14c
In shades of navy, grey, copen,
also light grounds in neat figures,
stripes and dots, SMc yard.
Sport Skirting 15c
Sport Skirtings, 27 inches wide
in blue, pink, lavender, black, also
fancy stripe, in all the different
width Mnes, at 15c yard.
Wash Goods 12V,c
Wash Fabrics, 40 inches wide,
consisting of voiles In floral plaid,
figured and striped patterns, lawns
and dimities, in all the pretty sum
mer shades, 12 Wo yard.
White Goods 10c
Good selection of check and
barred, white dimity for aprons,
waists and children's dresses.
Table Cloth 89c ;
68x68-inch hemstitched or 58
Inch diameter, .. round scalloped
cloths, good quality, mercerized
damask, assorted patterns.
Bed Spreads $1.00
Crochet Bed Spreads, full size,
good weight, hemmed. A big
value for Friday, at $1.00.
Bleached Muslin 5c
Remnants of Muslin, 2 to 8-yard
lengths, good quality, Friday at
Be yard. '
Sheets 79c Each
81x90-inch Seamless Sheets, full
bleached, good weight, Friday only,
at 7Sc each.
Drugs and Toilets
l-pint ammonia. Sc. , . .
1-quart ammonia, 13c
l-pint witch hazel, 29c
1- quart witch hazel, 49c
2- oz, castor oil, 10e. .
4-oz. castor oil, 17c . , . ,
2-oz. camphorated oil, 28c
1-oz. spirits camphor, lie. '
1-oz. glycerine, He.
H-lb. epsom salts, 9c. ;
1-lb. epsom salts, 17c.
l-pint liquid paraffin oil, for In
ternal purposes, 60c
Large jar cold cream, 10c" '
Large jar vanishing cream. 10c
Soaps, Cleansers
Diamond "C" yellow Laundry
Soap, 9 bars, $2Sc
Cudahy's White Borax .Naptha
Soap, 10 bars, 34c.
Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars, 44c
20 Mule Team Borax, pound
package, 10c. .
Sunbrite cleanser, 3 cans, 10c
Toileteer for cleaning closet
bowls, etc., 18c
Lux for washing fine fabrics,
won't shrink woolens, package, 9c
Potted Plants
For Easter
Beautiful blooming plants,
so acceptable as gifts at Eas
ier time.
Potted Eas
ter Lilies,
large healthy
plants, with 8
4, 5 or more
Spirea, Hy
drangeas, Hy
acinths, Daf
fodils, Tulips.
Baby Ram
blers, "Easter
Greeting Ge
raniums, etc.,
all at special
tj rices. .
Burfeas-Naab Co. Main Floor or Down
sulre Storo.