Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1917, Image 4

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    "THE BEE: OMAHA. - FRIDAY APRIL -6. - 1917.
People of limited Means Find
Easy, to? lire In . Glasgow ,
Within Their Rations.
; By A. R. GROH. .
Gftat Britain i a long way from
"starvation' according to Newspapers
received frotn GlMgow." Scotland, by
George V. dandier of;The Bee.
Mr. Chandler was over there in
1909 to platlie planof the Glasgow
Weekly Nttnia paper ,o 54O000 cir
, culation, an. the economy basis. He
the nuiera. toffther with letters.
asking him questions on various prob
lems- tnat -come up, in junning wc
plant. . ,. v'v.', . ,
Here is -an. article' In the Glasgow
News of March 10, headed, " War Ka
lions Provide Comfortable Living." -"Peoole
of limited means are find
ing it quite easy to live-.within their
...:,. " .... .arfrilA 'tnthae
rrrinr verv little . meat, flour and
sugar is ujed vjet t substantial din-
. ner i provided loa4L.,v. '-- '
The menu" shows "dinners tor , a
week for a family of five at a total
cost.of fourteen- shilling, about $3.50.
Cost of Dinner. ,.
Here are two sample dinners: ,
. "Sfondav-r-Broth. made with one-
half pound boiling meat (20 cents);
vestiablea (8 cents); barley (2 cents).
Second djurst,' -the meat eked out
with oatmeal pudding, potatoes and
gravy (20 xents). j vs . ,
"Thursday Savory stew, made
with", three-fourths -pound stewing
beef (30 cents); vegetables (4 cents);
and .served with plain boiled rice or
; macaroni (6 -cents).". Sago pudding
sweetened' with ' syrup and including
milk (20 cents)."
Another Glasgow, paper, the Post,
gives a complete week's menu of
three meats. day f for a family of
three at a total cost ot $ t-acn
day's total cost for the three meals
for the three people if only 75 cents.
You couw Daroijf nye t(iat .cneap in
Omaha. Here is one day's menu as I
"Breakfast Oatmeal - or maize
flour (corn meal) porridge, served
with' syrnTr. milk (12 cents); tea,
toast with beef dripping (10 cents),
"Dinner Haricot, bean aoup-t (8
cents) ; sauage bak -(JO cents);-rice
or other milk pudding (6 cents).
"Tea Tet, bread;' mrt-batter," oat
cakes and,' (cones with syrup (20
cents)." I
Ufgei Vu of Land.
; That Britain is taking steps to
make the -yield of the toil this sum
mer as great aa possible is ahown in
articles and advertisements. One ar
ticle tells how ta,;TMka the'. Host ot
Your Potato Pa(c(ii - t-qnotes the
prime minister as urging1 ail to use
their spare hour arid spare ttts .of
land, 10 that they can look back In
after year and know, that-they ''did
their bit to win thegresteit 'ft ent
sadea m history. ..;y --'-
An adverthemant calls upon every
body who "can use a spade cr a hoe
or maaage,' horsesf to "back- up (he
shs in the trenches."; Uoyd George
it qsioied :as aaying,, "The farmers
oom ttjertase, even .now, by hun
dreds of thousands of ton the food
of this country this year. Onel.the
min obstacles it lack of labor. V
Oleomargarige. is advertised at 28
centa a po(mE Girls' shoes, in an
ther advertisement, are $2.40 a pair,
up to size 5.
Oilier ada are for dyspepsia curea;
"how to start in the mait order. busi
ness;" wall paper direct from the
mAfacturer; clothing on payment
of 30 cent a month; laying hen,
$1.25 each; agents wanted; bicycle
on payments of $1.75 month,, and
ready made soups. '
Painters Say Demands,,;
Are Met, Masters. Say, Not
Are the union painters' receiving
their demands of 6254 -cents an hour
instead of the 55-cent scale which
prevailed prior to April 1, or are they
JrHI locked out on strike?
. L. F. Knopp and Frank. Stone, rep
resenting the union, declare, that all
hut thirty of the 400 union painter
in Omaha are receiving their demands.
Muter painters flatly ..contradict the
report and insist that practically all
of the painters are idle today as they
were Monday when the strike wa
. "We do not want to give the name
of the employera who have accepted
the new acale," said Mr. Knopp.-5'No
agreements have been signed, it is
true, but the wagea are being paid; in
fact, some of them received above
the scale before.
"The thirty exceptions," he con
tinued, "are merely holding out a
while for their ahoDS to concede the
new scale and if the demands are
not met these men will be-put.ta work
quickly in other olaces!"-' -'- -
Master painter declare ithe -demands
have not been met "It is
not so much the wages they demand,
declared one master painter,, "but the
ruWa they want to lay- down- to -u.
i ney would run us out of business.
They Make You Feel Gboct
The pleasant purgative effect, ex
perienced after taking .Chamberlain'
Tableta and the healthy condition, of
body and mind to which- they con
tribute makes one feel ihat living k
worth while. Advertisements .
Hog Prices Jump Up r
Thirty-Five Cents to $15.45
L. W. Wheatley of -Atlantic, la,
topped the market on ' hogs' when
Mclady Bros, sold a carload for $15.40,
. which ia 30 centa over tbs previous
high mark of Wednesday.'
This new top lasted until about
; noon when some late load;, raised
the top to ff44f-ii- . vwv
Good Health
food aptt' Mod spirits-;
fiean no diSc'in the;bodyi
o keep thfe tofgahs in' bar-BKMy-yhrathere
is need use
snxs:-- ,
And Now There Are Only Sir
. ' ) " ' r.
Louise Fillmore Aids. Yeoman
Stoner in Addressing Meet
' ing at McClelland, la.
A hurry call by phone from the
postmaster at . McClelland, la., for
navy recruiting officer to address a
patriotic mass meeting and dg pre
liminary recruiting work, . wa re
sponded to at noon by Chief Yeoman
Guy Stoner of the Omaha station,
and Miss Louise Fillmore, 4422 Pierce
street, volunteer yeomanette, girl re
cruiter and, would-be war spy. ' '
Miss Fillmore was anxious to help
arid the elation was short of men.
so Lieutenant Wadded wa (lad1 to re
ceive her assistance. She and Stoner
made the trip in the latter' auto, tak
ing along- much navy literature and
"loin the Navy" ribbon, which Miss
Fillmore intended to distribute among
prospective "rookies."
The meeting at McClelland was ar
ranged by the postmaster, to assist
in the big campaign undertaken to
secure 800 more naval recruit by
April 20, at this district' share of
the needed navy complement in the
war emergency. High school boys, a
well a older citizens, were to attend
the meeting at McClelland.
)' Six Other canvassing parties from
the navy station are already acouring
Nebraska and South Dakota for re
cruit. Postmasters, mayors, minister
land Other citizen are co-operating
splendidly with the recruiter, Lieu
tenant Waddell says.
t .- Minister Lend Hind. - -.
From Wakefield the Presbyterian
minister, Rev. Samuel H. King, ha
written that he and other are ar
ranging a big mas meeting there for
April 12. '-. As the date will not fit in
with the canvassing party schedule, a
special party will go there.
'.'We sot seventeen vounar men to
join-the Guard here recently, when
officer of Company H spoke," Rev.
m- v:n. ''P,.. .1.,...
thusiasm is so strong that only the
age limit -and other restrictions pre
vented enlistment of the 800 men and
women who attended. We will do
just as much for the navy. Wake-
held a leading people are boosting.
rostmaster U L. Davis ot falls
City is another official who ia boost-.
ing for the navy now. He ha written
to Lieutenant Waddell that he ha
arranged a meeting for the court
mnisp mere aaturaay nignvwnien is
being advertised in the newspapers
This Beautiful Book
On the Army is Free
- Uncle Sam haa published a beautiful illustrated book on the
United State Army. H is lending it fret to Americans today.
- This i a time when you want to know about the Army. This
i a time when you ought to know about the Army! - -" - - .'
There are too many wrong idea about the Army abroad. i
head this book and know the truth.
Revarlubl Illuatratiea
' Few books have ever been published with so many interest
ing picture. 'Fifty page of text -v- . ,.;-.
'f, Thia beautiful book ia free beeausa' the government waate.
- the Aawrieaa people to know the truth about Ufa ht the Army.
Send for your copy today do it right aow before yea forget
It. Write your nam and address plainly on tha attached coupon
'and lend with a 1-cent ttamp for return pottage to The Omaha
- Bee Information Bureau, Washington, D. C.; , ; v ; .-.....
ri;' :.'. :'. . ,'. Waskmgtoa, D. C. , . u
Enclosed find a two-cent itlmp fot which you will pleate
lend me, entirely free, The' Army Book.
Name . . .'.
Street Addrea
City' . . ,-.-,
and by posters. A band will be a
feature. -
A. J. Littig, postmaster at Flan
dreau, S. D wired that plans were
all made for big navy recruiting
rally there.
Asks Divorce from Her
Alleged Common Law Spouse
A divorce suit involving a common
law marriage a rare case in district
court annals haa just been filed by
Lillian G. Gronau against William F.
The woman says the and Gronau, a
saloon keeper, started to live together
in February, 1916, under an oral con
tract that they would marry at a later
date. The common-law wife says her
mate failed to keep hit word, alleg
ing that he finally drove her out into
the streets. She it a widow with one
child. . - I i ,
The court it asked to declare the
common-law marriage valid and to
award her suitable alimony.
John Smith it tuing Mollie Smith
for divorce on groundt of alleged
crtrelty. j -; "
Samantha I. South would be freed
from Charlet W. South, Cruelty it
Puts Too Much Carbolic
Acid in His Whisky
William Selton, 47 yean old and
residing at 1807 Lake street, died
shortly after noon when he swallowed
some carbolic acid. Mr. Selton has
been suffering for some time with the
asthma and has daily been taking two
drops of carbolic acid in some whisky.
At noon he took an ounce instead of
two drops and died shortly afterward.
He i survived by bit wife with no
children. -. - -
The Wreckers Are Coming
The greatest apparel values ever
offered in Omaha are now on display
Coats, suits and dresses for everyone.
We know you will find what you
want. The price are slashed to
shreds, but we cannot help it; the
stock must be sold Out quick. -
Health and Food Explained
Dr. K. D. Shutrl, H. D., will pk
on haalth nd food In room 901 B
Bulidinf, tomorrow, Friday tvtnlDf at
P. M. , ,
Dr. Shutrl ! typtea! Hlndo, Ht
kM bow a vtgetauian ail hit Ufa.' Bo
ntlthor drink nor amokoa. Ho doa not
via taa or eotfeo and ad)icrea atrietly
to I icientlfio living. Ho haa atuditd
throo iflhooli of mtdteino tha Aynr
vtdle, tha Allopathic and tho Eclactio,
and has paelallr atndlad Dlatatlei.
Dr. Shasta will explain tha Jawi of
health and diieuta tha rmtionola of food,
its tntredfenti and certain important re
olpaa uied In India for m wholesome and
nutritious food. Ho will state factors for
rednetnc and building up tha tissues of
tho body. Admission 60. oenta. ' .
, .,
. Stata.
H. L, Stlm8on and T. B. Con
dert to Make; Patriotic
Speeches Satnrday --; :
A sweep of patriotism envelopes the
whole middle .west in the wake of
Henry L, Stimsoriy former; secretary
of war, and Frederic-RCoudert of
New York, whpe.week of patriotic
speech-making will wind up witk.the
large meeting at the Auditorium Sat
urday night .:::;. a -:r '.
Monday both men spoke at a lunch
eon and meeting of the Detroit Board
of Commerce,-and that afternoon Mr.
Stimson addressed the university sta
dents at Ann Arbor.jThe next night,
with Robert E. Peary, rear admiral, as
an additional speaker, they packed the
Auditorium in -Chicago. ; .
The trio, made two talks in Dei
Moinet Wednesday, one at the Cham
ber of Commerce and another afthe
Coliseum, from which place Peary
went on to Salt Lake, while Stimson
and Coudert left for St. Paul, where
three big meetings were held. They
addressed University of Minnesota
students, spoke at -a luncheon of the
Patriots league at the
and spoke at a big public meeting in
People's church. ,
At Minneapolis Friday. '
Friday they speak under the ', au
spices of the Civic and Commerce as
sociation of Minneapolis at the West
hotel, from whence they come here
early Saturday morning for another
busy day and to spend Sunday. Stim
son and Coudert will both speak at
the Commercial club luncheon and
Coudert will also address the local
Alliance Francais, of which he is a
national director, at the library at 4
Mr.. Coudert, who is a Columbia
man and a chevalier of the Legion
d'Honneur, -will be the guest of Vic
tor Rosewater, editor of The - Bee,
Sunday evening.
Stimson and Coudert rank among
the highest in the legal profession of
this country. Stimson served as
United States district attorney in New
York and was nominated for governor
of New York in 1909. Coudert is an
authority on international law and
?:ained prominence as special counsel
or the government in the. anthracite
coal cases.
Special Policemen to
Guard Smelting' Works
Chief of Police Dunn has deputized
seventeen special policemen who will
serve as guards at the smelting works.
. The Super-Six motor, ' in; piiter. aspects, eeemB
. like a hundred light sixes. The. cylinder size is
. common. The type doesntlobkntfe.;' y
. ' Clever salesmen, unchecked' by proofs, often
class other sixes with it. Or even, depict an ad
vantage. ;,.
But remember that Hudson long built the; fin
est light Six produced. And the Super-Six inven
" tion, as proved by common, standard tests, in
creased its efficiency 80 per cent. That's a very
;;. wide difference, you 1omw. S n& rM
'Safesmen of V-typesEights 'and TjveWes---often
call them the newer type. But we built both
for testing long before the Super-Six. . And we
quit them only when the Super-Six proved its vast; ,
supremacy. :';?,:'.',"... ;il . ' ! xf.;
v Mark'how this invention stopped the trend io-,
- ward- V-types. And returned the sovereignty of
"VMotordom to a lighj and simple Six. "
w.; Wat of the Future?
' The question is, What will five years show?
Or perhaps one year, or two? That must be shown
by long, hard tests, under a fearful strain.
1; It has been shown with the Super-Six.
-it was shown by driving 3,000 miles, at speed
;exceeding 80 miles per hour, without evident
"weafpn ny part or bearing. ,
, It was shown by driving 1819 miles in 24 hours
; -breaking all like records Dy pz per cent,.
Kw I
jn W f&r the record time. Then turning around
and breaking the records back. .,.;.
Phaatoa, 7-pasar. .$1650
CabrloUt, 3-pannir, 1950
Touring Swdaa. . . . . . . 2175 '
256345-67 Farnam
"I am informed that a group of irre
spontibles are trying : to agitate a
strike at the smelter, said the chief.
These special officers are not paid by
the city.
Judge Wade to Preside
Here in Damage Case
Federal Judge Martin J. Wade of
Des Moinet will come here next
Tuesday to preside at the trial of the
suit of Mrs. Essie Glick against the
Omaha & Council Bluff Street Rail
way company. She is seeking $50,000
damages for the death of her hus
band in an automobile smashup at
forty-sixth and Luming streets, in
'which the street railway company is
alleged to have been to blame. Fed
eral Judge Woodrough was her at
torney in the case before his appoint
ment as judge. Judge Woodrough
will hold Court in Keokuk, Ia., while
Judge Wade is here.
Cescha Spends Vacation :;
: : In Shooting Alligators
- A. Cescha "of South" Thirteenth
street is spending a little vacation on
his peanut ranch near- New Orleans.
He has a 1,000-acre ranch there on
which he raises peanuts as a side line
to his Omaha business. He makes
the trip once or twice a year to see
the peanut planted, and then again
to see them harvested and collect the
profits. During spare time between
hoeing peanuts there he is fishing and
shooting alligators. .
Violators of Traffic Rules
.Are Given. Fines by Judge
- Frank Myersi 407 North Nine
teenth street, was fined $1 and costs
by the police magistrate for violat
ing the . boulevard ordinance. J. E.
Beevley, 4703 North- Sixteenth street,
drew the same Sentence for passing a
Now ia the Time to Get Rid of These
.., Ugly Spot.
There's no longer- the . slightest
need of feeling ashamed of your
freckles, at the prescription othine
double strength is guaranteed to re
move these homely spots. . - .
' Simply get an ounce of othine
double strength from any: druggist
and apply a little of it night and
morning and you should soon see
that even the worst freckle, have be
gun to disappear, while the lighter
ones have vanished entirely. It is
seldom that more than an ounce is
needed to completely clear the skin
and gain a beautiful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double
strength othine, as this is sold under
guarantee of money back if it fails to
remove trecxles. Advertisement.
pme i Are Misled
' By Seeming Likeness to the
Don't judge car, or choose between them, by a half-hour dem
onttration. Dearly any new car, without competition, aeema
an excellent performer. But the paramount question covers
to come. And that cannot oe seiuea m "
Mark These Great Distinctions
tn v. Titr frnm rnAst 1(1 COflst
Town Car.. ....... ..$2925
(All Prica f. o. b. Detroit.)
Open Evenings Until Nine.
St, Omaha.
street car in his automobile while the
car was discharging passengers, A.
S. Lerry, 2630 Dewey avenue, was
given $5 and costs, suspended sen
tence, on a charge of reckless driv
ing, and Jack Wolf, charged with
operating a taxi without a license,
was discharged.
Landseeker .Business"
To the West Very Heavy
Railroad passenger men report that
the homeseeker business of Tuesday
was the heaviest in many months.
Figures have been compiled and they
indicate that the increase was about
25 per cent over the corresponding
date of one year ago.
The Burlington was forced to run
a special train to handle the crowds
Doctor Tells How To Strengthen
Eyesight SO per cent In One
Week 's Time in Many Instances
A Fre PiWMriptloir Ton C Hare Filled
mod I'm at Home.
Philadelphia., Pa., Do 700 wear fluaei?
Are you m victim of eye atrain or other
eye weakneaaea? If ao, you will be glad
to know that according to Dr. Lewis there
la real hope (or you. Many whose eyes were
falltnr say they have had their eyea re
stored through the principle of thla wonder
ful free preacrlptlon. One man aaye, after
trying; It: "I waa almost blind; could not
aee to read at all. Now I can read every
thing without any glaaaea and my eyea
do not water any more. At night they would
pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the
time. It waa like a mlracl to me." A lady
who uaad It aaya: "The atmosphere seemed
haay with or without glaaaes, but after us
ing this prescription for flfteea days every
thing aroma clear. I can even read fine
print without glasBte." It Is believed that
thousands who wear glaaaea can now dla
card them In a reasonable time and mul
titudes more will be able to strengthen
tnetr eyes ao aa to ba apared the trouble
and expense of ever getting glaaaea. Eye
troubles of many description may be won
"Nitrous Oxlda Gas Is th very best
anaesthetic for use in extracting teeth.
It ia pleasant, safe and effective."
Heaviest Bridie , Best Silver FUI-
Wsrk, per tooth.
Wonder Plate
worth 15totat.
$5, $8, $10
Best 22k Gold
We please yew ar return twin raowey -
It was shown by beating again and again
the costliest racers with a Super-Six. Simply by
keeping going.
The Beauty Question
' Standing alone, many a car looks handsome.
But their beauty pales beside a Super-Six. The
. latest Hudson models were first molded in wax.
Then sculptured by artists to utter perfection.
Then built by master craftsmen. Then finished
and trimmed and upholstered as cars never were
Hudsons are not. merely handsome, but right.
These styles will endure. That is one reason why .
Hudsons now outsell any other ; front-rank car
Remember These Facts
The Hudson Super-Six, in the past year, has
won all the: worth-while records. It has shown
itself the supreme performer in every sort of feat.
That fact is recorded- in a . hundred records,
many of them official. - Let no mere claims out
weigh them. '.. , '
And all those records prove super-endurance.
Its speed tests, its hill climbs, its long distance
records all were won by that.
The whole advantage of the Super-Six lies in
minimizing friction. Motor wear is almost noth
ing. That was ever the chief aim in motor car
engineering. It is, by all odds, the chief thing to
consider. - ' . '
The Super-Six is a Hudson patent. That's why
every ruse and scheme is used to minimize it. To
choose that motor means to choose the Hudson.
And you'll do that when you know.
Go see our newest models with the shutter on
the front. .
Tows Car LandauUt. .13028
Limousin . - 2925
Limousin LandauUt. . 3025
going into Wyoming to file upon the
640-acre homesteads. Besides the
men looking for free land, the com
pany took a large number into west
ern Nebraska to buy farms and
Carpenters Ask Stores
Be Kept Closed Sundays'
Theodore Jensen, secretary of the
United Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners, requested the city council
to pass an ordinance to prohibit oper
ation of groceries, meat markets and
otner lurms ot unnecessary laDor
on Sunday. "Public opinion demands
that all. unnecessary labor be elimi
nated on the Sabbath day," wrote Sec
retary Jensen. The city council placed.
tne communication on me wunouc
derfully benefited by following, the slmpl
rules, were ia ino pruBoriptawn; w iv m
active drug atore and get a bottle of Bon
Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in
a fourth of a glais of water and allow to
dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eya
two to four tlmee dally. You should notice
your eyea clear up perceptibly right from
the atart and Inflammation will quickly dis
appear. If your eyea are bothering you, avea
a little, tafco atepa to save them now before
It la too late. Many hopelesaly blind might
have been saved If they had cared for their
eyes In time.
whom the above ftrtlcle wan submitted, .aid:
"Bon-Opto la a very remarkable remedy. Ite
oonstltuent Inicmllente are well known to
eminent eye specialists and vldely prescribed
by them. The manufacturers luarantee it lo
strengthen eyesight 60 per cent In one week a
time In many instances or refund the money.
It can be obtained irom any iwu
and la one of the very few preparations I
feel should be kept on hand for regular
use in almost every family." It Is ml In ii
city by Sherman I McConnell. C. A. Melcher
and others. Advertisement. ,
I Springtime
I Means
I Moving Time
25 tiea you have no need to fear that a
- your nousenoia iow " w. .-." g ,
or damaged. Our large, padded vans 3
Z .... B.nH mnvinft a 3
3 pleasure Instead of a dread. 3
3 Phone Douglas 4163. 3
3 , 806 S. 16th St. 5
Phone Douglas 1970.
bit. Ma,