Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1917, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, Friday, akkil. o,
Adopts Numerous Amendments
to Busbee-Adams Measure
on State Deposits.
Frora a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) The
house today got into another of its
celebrated arguments in the commit
tee of the whole, the bill under con
sideration being Senate File 79, an
other of the Bush'ee-Adams bills, cov
ering dispostition of state funds.
The bill provided that state funds
deposited in banks should be let to
the. highest bidder.
The first thing done was the
adoption of an amendment proposed
by Murtey, under which every bank
receiving state funds must file a de
pository mond with the state treas
urer, to be approved by the state
banking board. At present, national
banks give such dons, but state banks
do not. owing to the fact that all their
deposits are protected by the guar
anty fund.
An amendment offered by Mr.
Swanson, limiting an "inactive" de
posit by the slate in any bank to
20 per cent of its capital, and an
"active" deposit, on which checks
may be drawn, for current purposes,
to 50 per cent, was adopted. Then
came one by Mr. Leidigh, putting a
maximum limit of 5 per cent on the
imprest to be paid to the state. This
was intended to prevent national
banks getting the bulk of state funds
by offering to pay a trifle over 5 per
cent, which is the limit allowed by
the' Nebraska banking laws for the
state banks to pay on deposits. It
was also adopted. Deposits are to
be made on competitive basis.
In this form the bill was advanced
o third' reading. The alterations do
not altogether please its chief sup
porters, who are western Nebraska
members. The purpose of the bill, as
commonly understood, was to give
western and northern banks, which
are willing to pay S per cent inter
est, a chance to feet more state funds
than they do now.
Ko bank,, under the terms of the
bill as amended, can have more than
$100,000 of state funds on deposit, and
in order to have that amout it must
have $300,000 capital. A bank with
' $100,000 capital is limited to $20,000 of
state money on deposit; and one with
$25,000 caiptal cannot have in excess
of $5,000 of state funds at one time.
At the present time, the interest
rate collected by the state on its funds
deposited in banks is 3 per cent, ex
cept in a few instances, where money
is left on time deposit at a higher
Garden Supervisors Will
Meet at Lincoln Today
Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) Lo
cal supervisors and garden workers
from forty odd cities and town of
Nebraska, who have charge of home
school gardens conducted under the
direction of the agricultural exten
sion service of the University of Ne
braska,' will gather at Lincoln April 6
and 7 for a "council of war" to plan
a new "spring drive" for garden work
that is to continue throughout the
The conference of supervisors be
gins Friday at the university farm
with discussions on organizing the
work so that it will be most effective
in each town and with instruction on
planning, preparing, planting and car
ing for the garden. On Saturday
funds, school credit, records and re
ports and marketing the produce will
be discussed.
The program closes Saturday aft-(
ernoon with a lesson in canning,
when every supervisor present will
be given a chance to do practical can
ning under the direction of a canning
Result of Declamatory
Contest at Nebraska City
Nebraska City., Neb., April 5.
(Special Telegram.) Myrtle Dickin
son of Pawnee City won the dramatic
contest here last night at the South
eastern Nebraska Teachers' associa
tion. Lucile Lueberts of Hebron was
Other contestants who took part
in the declamatory contest were:
Oratorical Orare Stratton, Weeping
Water, flrat; LaVerne Smith, Nebraska City,
Humorous Genevieve Fellers, Humboldt,
flrst; tioldte Rels, Liberty, second.
Holdrege Woman Sues
For Thirty Thousand
Holdrege, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Mrs. Charles Cole has sued the
Burlington for $25,000 damages for
the death of her husband andL5,000
for his suffering and what he might
have contributed had he lived.
Charles Cole was a car repairer and
was struck by a string of switching
cars and injured. He lived four hours.
Two Weddings at York.
York, Neb., April 5. (Special.)
Ernest Rhoades and Miss E. Piper,
both of Bradshaw, were married here
Tuesday morning. County Judge Hop
kins officiated.
Andreas C. Beck of Omaha and
Mrs. Cathrine- Schoustrup of New
York City were married Tuesday aft
ernoon at the county judge's office.
Judge H. G. Hopkins performed the
1 Sargent for Pool Halls.
Sargent, Neb, April' 5. (Special.)
Two tickets were in the field here
Tuesday, but the present trustees
were re-elected, D. W. Shaw and Guy
Brown for two years, J. E. Werber
for one year. No pool halls last year,
hut voted -back today by a majority
of six. ,
J I (pmiiNca Hmo-M)
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs, and Colds, .
tafloey back. Sold and guarantee by
Sherman Drug Co.
House Member Says Session
Laughing Stock of State
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) "This
legislature has been the laughing
stock of the whole state and it is time
we began cutting out the monkey
business and made up our minds
where we are going to head in," were
the remarks of Mr. Greenwalt, Custer
county member, when a motion was
made in the house today to kill all
bills remaining in the hands of the
sifting committee and the standing
committees when adjournment is
taken Saturday.
Mr. Ollis joined with Mr. Green
wait in opposition to the motion, say
ing that the house should proceed
with caution "We have a large num
ber of house bills still in standing
committees of the senate and that
body would be sure to retaliate if we
should" make a wholesale killing of
their bills over here."
"It's a shame and a disgrace the
way we have been carrying on," re
marked Mr. Tracewell.
After the motion had passed, Mr.
Thomas served notice that he would
call down all members who persisted
in talking.
Workman's Compensation
Bill Made Special order
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, April 5. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Walter R. Hager of
Adams has "something" on House
Roll, No. 525, the new workmen's
compensation bill, which he is con
vinced will kill the measure in a hurry
if it were known, he says. This is
the bill endorsed by the Nebraska
Manuafcturcrs' association and by
labor leaders of the state.
Senator Hager, in the course of
one of his talks, said the bill had no
finger and toe schedule and that it
did the wrong thinb in compelling
full payment when the injury oc
curred. Senator Beal, the introducer,
pointed to the schedule. Hager would
not argue his point.
"If this comes to a head I'll bring
out the viciousness of this act," de
clared Senator Hager threateningly.
Senator Hager moved the measure
for indefinite postponement. Senator
McMullen moved as a substitute that
it be made a special order of busi
ness at 10:30 Friday morning. The
substitute carried.
Senators Kill Bill Relating
To Omaha Water Mains
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) The
senate today killed Senate File No.
56, by Strehlow, to require the Metro
politan Water district of Omaha to
pay for installing mams when the
revenue of any division reached 7 per
cent of the cost of installation.
The senate passed by a vote of 25
to 7 House Roll No. 720, appropri
ating $50,000 for '"new industries" at
the state penitentiary. A bitter fight
was staged in committee of the
whole, on the supposition that the
board of control was going to install
a broom factory at the prison, in coin-
petition with several others over the
Senate Takes Adjournment
Until Monday Afternoon
Lincoln. April 5. (Special.) The
senate appears to be pretty well sat
isfied with the progress it is making
and this afternoon passed a motion
to recess until 2 o'clock Monday upon
adjournment this afternoon. This is
done to give the conference commit
tees plenty of time to work.
Robertson, Mattes and Mori
arty Will Act for Upper
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, April 5. (Special.) Sena
tor John Robertson of Holt, who in
troduced the celebrated wet amend
ments to the dry bill will head the
conference committee from' the sen
ate to meet with a like committee
from the house to fix up a prohibi
tion bill which will not be too wet
for the dry folks nor too dry for the
wet folks.
He will be assisted in the task by
Senators John Mattes of Otoe and
John Moriarty of Douglas. Under
a motion made earlier in the session
the power to appoint conference com
mittees was taken from the lieutenant
governor and given to the senate as
a body and so on motion of Senator
Henry the three men were named.
Plattsmouth Veteran
Would Serve Again
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 5. (Spe
cial.) Captain T. P. Kennish, who
served in the navy during the civil
war under Rear Admiral Porter, re
cently wrote to the Navy department
tendering his service in case of war.
Yesterday he received a reply from
the bureau of navigation thanking him
for his offer and saying that he would
be called upon if needed. Captain
Ketnish is 72 yrrs young and says
he Is in fine ph.vfVal condition.
Henry T. Johnston Looks
After Irrigation Bills
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, April 5. (Special.)
Henry T. Johnston of Scottsbluff
county, one of the prominent ranch
men of that part of Nebraska, who
was prominently mentioned a year
ago in connection with the democratic
nomination for governor, has been in
Lincoln looking after some of the
legislation affecting that portion of
the state as regards irrigation.
House to Consider Senate
Anti-Sunday Barber Bill
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln. April 5. (Special.) Hav
ing passed one of its own bills, early
in the session, to prohibit Sounday
barber1 work anywhere in Nebraska,
the house now has before it a simi
lar measure sent over from the sen
ate. This second bill, Senate File No.
153, was reported out by the house
sifting committee Thursday.
Denounelnt Conscription.
Quebec, April 6. Posters denouncing con
scription in Canada, printed in Kngltsh and
French, were posted during the night on
shop windows, fences and other conspicuous
places throughout tho city.
The Wreckers Are Coining
If you do not come at once, you
will lose the benefit of the greatest
sale of spring apparel ever offered to
the women of Omaha. The PARIS
IAN CLOAK CO. is being compelled
to sell out its entire stock. The sacri
fice is great, but the wreckers are
coming. It must be done.
with everybody's appe
tite on edge. There's noth-,
ing quite so Eastery so
fine to start the Festal Day
as a family platter
"that-big-around" with
eggs and eggs and strips
and strips ofsizzling bacoa
Maybe you'd rather haveN
ham. The quality's the
same, if chosen from-Morris
Tested Foods.
Supreme Ham. and Bacon are tos-noteh
?uality. From the meat of chosen porkers,
at anol lean properly balanced, exquisitely
cured. Aak your dealer for Morris Tested
Foods. If be s a leader, he baa them.
I Ctteaio E. St.Lottli St.JoMph $.jbsSw!k
I lUnMiCity Oklahoma Gry Oatht V-VvKV ''j
Couldn't Straighten Up.
""; Mrs. J. M. Sprinkle, of Ben Hur, Va., says that Cardul cured her per
manently of her troubles: "About two year ago. . . I got Into awfully bad
health. . . I was going down hill In health, could only drag around. . . My
friends recommended that I try Cardul. . . ao I began using Cardul, and in
t short time I was greatly Improved. . . Before starting It I couldn't straight
en up to save me. . . suffered great pains In the abdomen, aides and back
worse than anywhere. . . After the use of one bottle I had no more pain at
all. ... The cure has been permanent. . . neither had to have a doctor or
take any medicine since." If yon suffer from any of the ailments common
to women, try Cardul. The Woman's Tonic. Your druggist sells It, S-3J
llBrandeis Stores!!!
In Air
This Basement performs a service that is appreciated by every woman who would be
economical without the sacrifice of style or service, in the apparel she wears or the
materials and fabrics she buys. This Immense Basement is able to serve in this man
ner only because it is part of the Greatest Store in the Middle West and shares with
other departments proportionately in the wonderful buying power and prestige that
the name "Brandeis" has. At this Easter season we are particularly pleased to an
nounce, that although wholesale markets are quoting prohibitive prices on many ar
ticles of merchandise, ( -
Your Store Is Ready to Serve You and Save for You
Coats for Easter-The Most Complete Stock
For Women, Misses, and Children
The weather has not settled to such a degree that
anyone can go without a Coat at Easter time so do
not feel that a Suit or a Dress are all that you need a
Coat is a necessity, and knowing this, we are enabling
you to choose from the most complete stock of Coats
we ever had, at prices that are very, very modest.
More Than 1,500 Coats in the Lot at Savings That Are Remarkable
At $3.95 and $4.95
Hundreds of Women's, Misses' and Juniors'
Coats that were made to sell up to $10.00.
Fancy all wool stripe and white chinchilla
cloth, all wool serge and poplin Coats, taffeta
silk, fancy check and plaid Coats; dozens of
styles, all new and right up to date.
At $6.95 and $8.95
Splendid Coats for Women and Misses.
"Values up to $12.50. A great variety-of
styles, made of all wool poplins, serges, big
fancy plaids and novelty mixtures. Every
Coat a new, right up-to-date style. Big col
lars, etc. All the high colors as well as staple
shades; sizes to fit most anyone.
75 W
At $10.95 and $13.85
Wonderful Coats at these two prices.
Many different styles; a great assortment of
the new shades and fancy styles. All the
wanted materials. Coats for dress and street
wear that will save you quite a few dollars
on your purchase price. Copies of higher
priced models excellent value.
Girls'; Coats :
Sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years. Many dif
ferent styles, all new and nifty; splendid
Coats at the prices we quote $1.69, $1.95,
$2.95 up to $5.95.
' Bmmnt,
Interesting to Ail Horn Stwsrs
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, white
and ecru, each, at 7s4
Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box, a
box at 3H4
Elastic Remnants, large pieces,
at 3 for 254
Wash Edging, large bolts, Vi
to 3 inches wide, worth up to
16c a bolt, at 7W
12-yard bolts of Rick-Rack, all
imported, at 184
Pearl Buttons, worth to 10c,
card,' at 2W4
Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, per
card, at 2544
60-inch Tape Lines, each. . . .2H4
Darning Cotton, fast colors, 8
balls for . .. . : 54
Ladies' and Children's Hose
Supporters, pair 84
Large bolts of Bias Tape, per
bolt, at 7't
R. X. C. Blue Bird Crochet
Cotton, ball, at 44
Notion Boxes, each 54
Best Mercerized Rick-Rack, all
imported 7J44
Strong Skirt and Trouser
Hangers, each, at ...54
White Inside Skirt Belting, per
yrd, at 3k
Knit Underwear
Women's fineSwiss Ribbed,
Sleeveless Vests, sizes 4-6-6,
special, each, at .. -214
, Women's fine cotton shaped
Vests in high neck, long sleeves
low neck, short sleeves; low
neck, no sleeves; high neck,
short sleeves; regular and
extra sizes, each 254
Women's fine cotton Union
Suits, sleeveless, in plain and
fancy lace yoke, lace trimmed
and shell knee style, all sizes,
each, at U' 354
Children's fine cotton sleeve
less Union Suits, ages 2 to 16
years, lace trimmed, each. . . .504
Boys' Suits
A Bays' Suit Sal Friday and
Hundreds of splendid wearing
Suits, priced at 83.95
Two Pair Pant Suits and One
Pant Suits, in dark colors, light col
ors and medium shades. Here is an
opportunity to get good wearing
Suits at a price very much less than
Plenty of every size, from 6 years
to 16 years.
Turkish Towel Ends, at 44
$1.25 round scalloped Cloths, made
of a nice quality mercerized
damask in the round size, scal
loped ends, 63x63, each 904
Hurts Towels, 7 l-2e
These are so-called mill sec- '
onds, hemmed or fringed ends,
for Friday, each...., 7544
121-2 Crash Towels, 9c
Full bleached, also half-bleached
Toweling, the Quality of
wear, yard,, at ,9c
A Wonderful Display of
Hats for Easter
We have hundreds of new
trimmed Hats, in shiny straws
and hemps, trimmed in rib
bons, ornaments and flowers,'
, for Friday, special,
Sixty dozen hemp and tape Hats, in small and large
shapes, in colors of gold, new blue, rose, purple, green
and plenty of black. Worth to $1.50. Friday, QCg
special, at www
a, A V VT V Uf
Children's Hats of milan straw, in all shapes, AO.
ued in ribbons. Special, Friday, at wUw
National Vacuum Washer
Why You Should Use It
It washes Quicker, cleaner and
with less work than others. ; ....
Because, by the vacuum principle, the dirt
is all forced OUT instead of rubbing it into
the clothes. ......
Because, by the vacuum principle, it re
quires only power to handle the water, not
the clothes. This doesn't wear the clothes and
makes the machine run easier.
"National Vacuum" Washers, hand
1 power $ 12.50
''National Vacuum" Washers, elec
tric $65.00
Sp.cial A Round Sun Washing Ma
chine at $3.19
Sp.cial A Pan-American Washing
Machine, at $4.19
Step Ladders
Six-foot well made Norway pine Ladder, at 894
Sxi-foot extra strong Norway pine Ladder, a steel rod under
every step and with shelf, at. $1.39
Ironing Boards
Folding Ironing Boards, regular price
$1.26, at .....984
Five-foot plain basswood Ironing
Boards, regularly 65c, at 494
Preserving Kettles at Half Price
One lot of all white Kettles, 6 and" 8-quart capacity, for. ... . .254
Enamel Water Pails
One lot of good quality Pails, 10-quart capacity, at. . . , 294
Paints and Enamels
"B; B." mixed House Paint, per gallon $2.25
"B. B." Floor Paint, per gallon ,. . . , $2.25
46c package Dekko Cold Water Wall Finish, at 394
White Enamel, per pint can, at 404
60 "Sapoline" Porch Furniture Enamel, at 394
Seed Specials
Two quarts Onion Sets, at 204
Grass Seed, per pound 194
Three 10 nacWes "Pakro" Seed Tane. at 234
-s Three c packages Vegetable Seed, at 104
Women's fibre silk Hosiery in
black, white and colors.-All
lisle garter tops, high spliced
heels and double heels, toes
and soles, hem and ribbed tops, ,
seconds of 60c quality, pair.. 394
Women's fine gauge lisle Hos
iery, black only, imperfecta of "
26c quality, per pair 214
Infants' pure thread silk rib- -bed
Hosiery, black, pink and
sky; sizes 4 to 6, 60c qual
ity, per pair....... .......294
Children's and Boys' School
Hosiery, white and black, . in
fine medium and heavy rib
bed; all sizes; pair..; 154
Men's fibre silk Socks, black
and assorted colors, double
heels, toes and soles, so-called
run of mill quality, pair 254
Women's fine cotton and lawn
Handkerchiefs, in plain and
fancy white and colored em
broidered corners and initials,
your choice, each 54'
Men's good size cotton Hand
kerchiefs, plain white and col
ored borders, each 54
36-inch black sateen and high
ly mercerized Skirting Taffeta, ,
fast black, permanent finish,
Friday, per yard. . . 184
The genuine Tolle-Du-Nord
and Bates Seersuckers, all the
wanted styles, off the bolt,
Friday, per yard 12 H 4
Mill Remnants, 36-inch Dress
Percales, light and dark colors;
best grade, Friday, yard. . .10M4
Mill Remnants, Dress Zephyrs,
Dress Percales, etc.; beautiful
styles, Friday, -special sale, at .
yard ....8W4
Mill Remnants, curtain scrim,
plain ecru and white, lengths
easily matched, Friday, yard, 344 '
Trouvllle Challie, comforter
covering, In Persian, Oriental
and other choice designs, Fri
day, per yard 6744 ,
A special lot of plain Moire,
fancy stripes, Ahi inches wide,,
per yard 12H4
Hair Bows
Plain Moire Warp Print, also
Plaid Ribbons, per yard 194
A new Sport Collar and Cuff
Set for the tailored suit or
coat Very new, per set. .-, , . .494
Large embroidered collar, in
square or rouna shape, very -
new, at .294
We have unusual values in our
lace and Swiss trimmed Neck
wear, priced at. ......... . ...254