THE BEE: OMAHA, APRIL 1917. Want-Ad Rates fSE TRIE TELEPHONE If oo cannot oon venlentl brine- or send In your ad. Ask lor Want Ad Taker and you will re eelve ths aama food service aa when 4 llvarlu your at at 'hie office. PHONE TVLKR 100,. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS l!lM M. MORMNO EDITIONS 1:0 P. M. NO AD TAKEN roB Lr THAN Son, ONE TIME, OH LESS THAN loo A DAT. Il'ASH WITH ORDER. " I Set Solid (No Display. PER WORD. EACH INSERTION. It Paragraphed or Displayed In Larger Type: ., lo per Una " " io per Hue. S or more conaecutlvo Inaertlona. SITUATIONS WANTED, Weekly rate ! P" CARD OP THANKH. DEATH AND V1IVKRA1. NtlTICES. lffc per ime... (Minimum charge. 60 eenta.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING AD6. (No change ot copy allowed). One line JJ-J? Two Usee or mora I. ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: 30 per word one lime I He per word, two or more oonsecutlv. In aertlona, - SPfXlAI. COMBINATION RATE. On land. Poultry and Other Adrertl.ln,. THE OMAHA BEE (over JO. Odd dally). 30th CENTURI FARMER (over 110,000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both the city aod rural realdent Special Reg. ' ' Rates. Rate. : Inaertlona In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 20th, Century Farmer, per word lo , 7e T Inaertlona In Om.ha Bee and 1 Ineertlon In :0th Century Famer, per word... ...101,0 120 (Centime ratea application.) Movie Program Current offering 10 the bent Motion Pic ture Theeters In Omaha. (Change Delly.) Downtown. UNCESS, HI' DOUGLAS . ' VIOLET J1ER8EREAU "SUSAN'S GENTLEMAN" North. DIAUOND, 1TU AND LAKE HOWE PETERS and GAIL KANE In "THE VELVET PAW" ND, 1TK AND BINNET GEORGE WALSH In "MELTING MILLIONS' AND A LUKE COMEDT UlTHItOP, - S4T11 AND LOTIIROP CHARLES KENT and ANTONIO MAKBNO In 'KEN.NKDV SQUARE" A CAPTAIN JINKS COMEDT South. APOLLO, SOTIl AND LEAVENWORTH VIVIAN MARTIN In "THE RIGHT DIRECTION" AND COMEDY FAVORITE, Mil VINTON TOM MIX 1n STARRING IN WESTERN rmiFJ" "THE FOOTLIOHT FLARE" "WAR CORRESPONDENTS" Wert. , 'JIo.NROE, J066 FAItNAM ' FRANKLIN FARNUM IN ' " -1 'THE DEVIL'S PAY DAY" South Side. 1IAOIC, , JtTH AND N OUR BIO SERIAL "THE PURPLE MASK WE ARE ALL SEEING IT ORPUEU.M, . 21TH AND 31 "BOOTS AND SADDLES" - AND GOOD COMEDT DEATHS e FUNERAL NOTICES. SCHWARICK William, died Wednesday, .April 4. aged 12 yearn, Funeral services Friday at 1 o'clock at Masonto temple. Kth and Capitol Ave., ferment Foreat Lawn cemetery, Friends Invited. Monuments and Cet-.teries. Tha largest display In the United Btatea FRANK 8VOBODA, 1111-11 a lllh. Phonea Douglas 1871-B11I. : FLORISTS. B ETNO'inembera of ' theN ational iFtorlata' Telegraph Delivery association, wa are In position to deliver flowere on abort notice anywhere In tha U. 8. and Canada. Hess A Swoboda. Florists, LAROKST aaanrtment of fresh flower. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM Kontenells rierlsl. Li5EiriARMON 1,14 Dnurlss m. rjeaKiss .344. " PARKER Flower Shop. 411 g. llh. P. 1I1. A. DUNAHl'K. Hit Hsrney. Dousj. 1001 BATH. National Dorlat. 1S04 Farnsm 8t FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSB BIEPEN, undertaken and em smbalmar. itU lsaven worth. Dour, ME. DUFFY t JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral directors. TIT S, lcth SL Tyler 1ST. JOHN A. OKNTLEMAN. sndertsker and embalmers. 1.14 LMvenworth. Doug, last BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Steven and Mary Mlckno, 621S South Fourteenth, boy: Augut and Annie ijd, 110) South Twentieth, girl; Albert and Kins hudik. nil Bouth Twenty -nintn. girt; Bnmum and Sarah llontpelta Obludawel, 170 Lake, boy: Robert L, and Anna Slavln, 1117 South Seventh, girl i John and Joato and Jana Savage, 501 North Forty-first, girl; Jamea and Mary Bartanek, 4(10 South Tweniy-eovemn, ooy. Deaths John Armstrong, 43, hoapltat Martha Moore, ei, hospital: Charlea D, Matheny, e. 111 South Twenty-fourth ave nue: Joseph Fenberg. T days. 1514 Cald well: Oeorg Meehan. " 31, SHI North Twenty-third! W he m n V. Iaraon. 80. hospUal; Frank Orlando, SI. 1410 Q; Ella jieuraw, si, nospitai MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage lloenaea -have been issued! Nam and Address. Age. I van Jafih. Rrnnklvn. Ta n 11 KHen Evans, Williamsburg.' la. '.....over II Philip B. Iavenbarg, Council Bluffa. la. ilarala Belt, Council Bluffa. Xa SO Albert C. Hodgea, Madrid, Ta 17 lva U. Sheldon, Kearney, Neb II leo Paasaot, Tekamah, Neb ST Amy B. Williamson, Lltchflld. Nb. so Will Hardy. Seneca, Nab SI Heart Howard, Seneca, Neb..,.,,,,,., SO Charlea J. Turner. Omaha,.,,. 40 Johanna Holden, Omaha Fred W( Ptacek, Omaha..,.. ..,..,, Barbara B. Beck, Btnaon, Neb.,,., . William C. Wlllard. Columbus. Neb., ovarii atargarot F. Cunningham, Columbus, Neb. over IS BUILDING PERMITS. Building permits have bean Issued ta the loilowina: H. D. Frankfurt 708 North Fiftieth, brick tenement, lao.eoo, Btlma Realty and Can- atrvcuon company, C3t-s.i park avi fireproof brick apartment. 100.000; Francis Krupkl, 40S South Thtrty-Ofth, frame dwelling, oe; Frank O. Beward, 100S 8a h ler. frame dwelling, 1 2,100; Frank O. Sew ard, liOl Bahler, frame dwelling, $2,100, LOST-FOUND-REWARDS iF"yeu" ioa "anything and will advertise t her you will surety recover tt it found by an honest person. Remarkable recov- erlea are brought about every day through thla colnmn, THB HONtfiT WAV. If you find aomathlna of value, or a keepsake of valu only to mf owner, m id laser, a email SO. Tne owner oi ina article in most case ta will ing in reiuna tne cost or advertising. sUOSTWhtte and tan Scotch collie dog. Re- LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OUAIIA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Pereona having lest aome article would do well to call up (he office of the Omaha A Council Bluffe Street Railway company to aacertalu whether they left It in the street car. . Many artlclea each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restor. them to the rightful owner, A REWARD offered for Boeton Terrier dog, loit March 22 near Union depot. Female, about 2 years old, weighs about 19 lbs., dark, brtndle, white marklnga on face, neck and feet. Trimmed eara, one button tall not trimmed. Answers to name of Ginger. Finder write 3. O. White, Rapid City, a D. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rata of la per word. When you want both of tba abovs. , CALL TYLER 1000. LOST A gold watch and chain, T'onday morning, near Kth and Farnam. Re. ward. Call Colfax 2022, or Inquire First National Bank. FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY, 16th and Howard. LOST While poodle dog; body clipped. Call Tyler 173s. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 7, 1917 p. PtANOB. TALKING MACHINES, PARLOR FURNITURE. SEWINO MACHINES, DRESSERS, BEDS, PRESSING TABLES, WARD ROBES, COMMODES. LIBRARY . TABLES, DININO TABLES, CHAIRS. ROCKERS. BUFFETS, BOOKCASES, CHINA CLOSETS. DAVENPORTS. RANGES, OAS RANGES. ICELESS REFRIGERA TORS. KITCHEN CABINETS. RE FRIG ER ATORS, TRUNKS. RUOfl. I CARPETS, LINOLEUM, LACE CURTAINS. LINEN, CHINA, J'lC- ' TURES, ETC. Fidelity Storage and Van Company li SOUTH 1TH STREET (Between Jackson and Jones Sta.) BEGINNING 10 A. M. SATURDAY. APRIL 7. 1017. ' JAMES I,, DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, t gaa stoves, $5 each; It beds, $1 each; t lea boxes, ruga of all kinds, tablea, chairs, china kitchen cabinets, burets, dreasera, trunka, auitecaaea, leather daven ports. All kinds of bedding. Full line of poultry netting. 1830-47 No. 24th St. Tel. Webster 1607. Open till 8 p. m, AUCTION. 3 P. M. This Is the biggest op portunity ever offered In Omaha to obtain high grada furniture, ruga and atovea at your own price, We must vacate our warehouse. Our lose Is your gain. bTATH FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Sts. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Beat B ( ftnd a Rata of lo par we(1. vVhen you want both of the abova, CAM. TYLKR 1000. FOR SALE White Mountain Grand refrig erator, good aa' new, medium else, cost 130; will all for ftO this week, For par tlculara phone Harney 633t. RIVEKHIDE caste-Iron ran go, $18; base burner dining room table, wooden bed ateada. combination bookcase and desk, ate. Douglaa 1418. Com p. lino of H. H., office furn.,R;frlg, gnrd hose, vlctrola and Ice coolers. Loyal Furn. Co., 113 N. lth; City Furn Co., 107 S. 14th. BEAUTIFUL quarter-sawed oak china closet ana uunm, dum jtin. neuinr too.. Batrreli and Boxes. T 2D-HAND barrels, carload lota a specialty. MKlrnan Barrel Co., 3B10 N St., R, Blfle. BlihraToTTncrfoST5 aOR SALCBlLLrAnD'TABi.Branll new carom and pocket, with eompletee out lit, $IB0; second-hand tablea at re duced prlcea; bowltng allaya and supplies; easy pay men ta. Cigar atora futures a apeclatty. Send'1' for catalogue, THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 407-401 South 10th St. Harness and Saddlery. WE make them ourselves and Bell direct to consumer; no mlddleman'a profit; why pay two profits for Inferior goodo when you can get high grade goods at first cost? Alfred Cornlab Co., lilt) Faroam St.. Omaha, Neb. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. also public Steno. Phone for prlcea. Dougaa SIM. MO Faxton Bk. OET our prices on job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., Bee Bldg. Pougias 117, WATERS-BARNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2100. 624 So. 18th St Lumber and Bui Wing Materials. BAVB HALF on beams, . coumna, brick. H. arose Lumber A Wrack. Co. Web. 2884. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND' MOTOR8, EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 211-20 8. 12th St., Omaha. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. SEEDS I papers garden or flower seda for Id cent a sliver. Mlsa. RlveX Seed vo.4 box 46, Burlington, la. FINE NIIRSERT STOCK AT SALES GROUND. 16TH AND DAVENPORT, UATHCITT NURSERY. DOUQ. 2060. Sewing; Machines. SEWING MACHINES- Wo rent, repair, aell need lea and parti ok an aewing macninea. MlCKKL'B NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lBth and Harney Sta. Doug. 1411, Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter I montha for 5. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1106 rarnam. tEMINUTON. Monarch and Smith Pre miers for rent; aent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company, v. list. SPECIAL bargain In used typewriter while moving to our new location, 1404 Dodge. Miaianq Typewriter uo. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Downy Comforters mane over just tike new. AH your own feathers back when wo renovate, Wa call for and deliver, HOT Cuming. Doug. J. 07, DESKS, aafea, scales, showcases, shelving, etc. wo oniy aeii. umana Filters and Supply Co., 41414 8. 12th. Doug, S724, DRT KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COM PANT, HARNEY 1827. FOR SALE Two meat boxes, BxBxlO. Call at IPs if. ftn at. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IP YOU HAVE noma article that haa out live its usefulness to you make uo little ad and run tt In thla oolumn at lo per worm, tou will bs mors than pleased , with the remarkable offoringa you will receive. One or two Inaertlona In nearly all oases ars sufficient to get what -you TRT IT TODAY. ' 1600 NATIONAL I -drawer cash register. slsctrio operator; will trade for good Ford or anything I can use. c. f. Kunci, 1616 L.incoin Ave. Douglaa B3tj. WE swap and buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day- servlos. Kass Kodak Studio, fsevtus Bin., leu ana Harney, WANTED TO BUY. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity ars Bsst Results and a Rats of la per .-worn. S When you want both of ths above CALL TYLER 1000. DESKS DESKS , DESKS New desks, used desks, bou,ht, sold and traded. J, c. Reed, 1S9J Farnsm. D. ,141, Hlsheet prices lor j-hsnd clothes. T.1SI4-W. JENKINS eta. Red tT. Psye highest pries fer ciotnes. snues. trunks. nee., uougias so.z. will (ml you liKtlt: best prices paia rnr rurniture snd clothea. call Was. uti .r bsuu Ilia. WANTED TO BUY GET THE FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D HAND CLOTHES and SHOES. Will calL Give us A trial. Phons Douglaa HK. WE will pay vVry good prices for your old elothee. Call us first. Doug. 69M. DIAMONDS 401 S. 15th SL SOL BERGMAN A CO. BOOKS bought. Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg. WANT pool hall or grocery atore. 420 Rose Bldg. Phons Tyler 7M. IF YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE FOR SALE. CALL LUNDERBAUM, WEB. 74l. B. LAYTO.N paa highest prices for old clothes, shoes and hata. Phone T. .20. SMALL Ice crushing machine, laa 2003. ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL Smith Ta,xl Co., Douglas 5 DO. Cadillac "8." Ilirftuftlnca and touring cars. Accountants. E, A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 68 Karri go Bldr. Phone Doug. 2169. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON, aide. knife, aunburat box pleating, covered buttons, all size and etylce. bemetitchlng, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, aye let cut work, buttonhol'- pennants. WEAL, BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglaa BIK. Douglas IB 36 ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button 2J2-7 Heitoo Blk. Douglaa 1101 Auto Ambulance. OUR now Invalid coach la now In service. Prompt attention to all calla, either oay or nlKht. W. C. Croehy, Webstar 47 Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dr. Burhorn, Kose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Douglas Bakeriei. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. 1S N. 16TH. BRANCH ES PUBLIC MAHKBT AND HAYDEV 8 ROTH MRS. OUR MOTTO "B FITTER BAKED GOODS, Baths. MOOR FIELD' 8 sulphur ateam baths for ladle and gen tit) men, natural mineral water. Opposite Poatofflee. Geo, S. Con cannon, 31th and M. Phone South 233. MASSEUSE by apt; manicuring, physical cult, Miss Walker, 2Z4 Neville BIK. U. RITTKNIIOUHE Sanitarium; all kinds baths. 210-14 Balrd Bik., inn ana uougias. GERMAN nurse, massage, bath of all kinds. 228 Neville Block, iutn ana narney. ELKCTRIC TURKISH Baths, 16' Bras, and Icon Foundries. Paxtcn-Mltehell Pn., 87th and Martha Bts. Cards. SEND 10o for dosen finest linen visiting cards printed with your name, ksusdis Printing. Dept. A. Boic 8132, Bee. Carpenter, and Contractor,. ESRARD A SON, 3021 Cuming. Tyler 1682. Chiropodists. Cattle J, Burford. 620 Pax ton Blk. Chiroorattors. Dre. B. ft Ta, BlHingham, 2063 Farn. D. 7608. DancinR Academy. TV T TTYTT hall tueh.. thurs., ULt XjV ACj at sun. eve. school iN. EVE. Ill S. 18th St.. Op. Fontanel!. OENEVIFIVE HAUFLAIRE, Telephone Web ster flSiif. Fixtures and Wiring. nTTPTTTM Electrlo waehlng, mac hi nee, JLf UlVlVlll electrlo Irona and reading lamps. ii38 Cuming St. Douglaa 251 Pianos for Rent 18.69 pr mon. A. Hoape Co.. 1511 Douglaa. Detectives. COMPETENT Investigator, evidence secured, civil criminal cases. G0 raxton. u. ami a. OMAHA DKTKCTIVB ASSOCIATION. 3S 1st Nat. Bank Bidg. pnone Tyir aom. JAMES ALLAN, 12 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cnae. Tyter lide. D. JOLLY. 613 Paxton. Rd 7401. D re as ma kin tr. Silk suit apeclnlty, plain sewing. Col. t040. WILTj sew curtains. Benson 372-W. .ayettes for bahy. f veryth'g comp. Col. 1934. Mrs. R. A. Connelly, 416 Karbach. R. 1704. TBRRYTlressmaklng Co., 20th and Farnam. Hat Cleaners. ALL kind a hata cleaned and reblocked; ladles' hata special. 1620 Harney, it. .bjj. Houiecleamnff. WE'LL clean your bouse from top to bottom. Prices reasonable. De Luxe. u. 3oa. Furniture varnished or painted. Call Col. 120. Insurance. CALL on ug for prompt service when yon have a lose on our policy, uaiiagner m Nelaon. " , BANKERS LIKE OP LINCOLN. 12-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. ! Majeures. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 205-14 Balrd Bldg., I7tn ana pougias. u. mob. MUSCULAR and SWEDISH MASSAGE Vibratory treatment. staata' institute. 150 Harney Bt, loug. ust. MISS LILLY, bath, maaeage. 1822 Farnapj. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 211 N. 17th7 Patent Attorney,. STimOKS ft 8TUROR8. U. a and foreign patenta and trademarks. 380 Bee Bldg. PATKNT8 procured, bought and aold. Inter. national Patent Co., sranaels. v. Hfist. Ragtime. Learn to play popular musle In 24 lesson',. 2910 N. 34th. Phone web. SBBS sner Roofing. DOE3 your root leak? Our product can bs put right over shingles. Work gusranteed. Call Home Roofing Co., 132 Brandela Bldg. Phone Doug. 77BB. Rue Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs, rag rugs, carpet cleaners, J. W. Polcar Co., 1542 g. 24lh. D. 2321 Safes. HATTITC! BARGAINS, 1312 Farnam. SJO j. j. Derlsht Sate Co. Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BRIOHTEN YOUR HOME 8KB FRED PARKS. Wall Paper, Paints and Olsits, Plcturs Framing. Painting and Paper Hanging. 4121 8. 34th. Phone 8. 101. CHAS. CLAPP for painting and paperhang- ing; eatimatea tree. Phone south ,44. Painting, paperhal.glng, cleaning. H. 677s. Shoe Parlors. SHTNH. clean, bropa- 1823 Farnam. Theatrical Costumes. THEATRICAL gnwne. full dresa suits for rent. 3Q4 N. 17th. John Feldman. D. 312S. Towel Suorjliea. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. ' Wedding Stationery. WEDDING, annouitcemonta and printing. uousiaa rnmmg lo. Tel. Doug. 044. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS. NEW DELICATESSEN. 1801 FARNAM BltKROUmifl r.fc'M OMAHA, NEB. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. ... o. mm. 132 S. llth 8t BUSINESS CHANCES LUMBER YARD. Established T yeara In ths moat acttvo building dtatriot In Omaha. Will be aola at Invoice on account of the dissolution of eo-partners. Corner plot, 150x180, with Union Paclflo spur. Full equipment of fine borsva and wasona. Price hotit tin . 000. Lumber apot caah. but liberal term will bs given on the ground. Call at our office; no Information given by letter or SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., USI South Kth Street. A GOOD OPKK1MO. ' For a suitable party to aecura an Inter eat la establUhed. crowlnn rui company, Incorporated under the lawa of rtcurasKa, a nna opportunity .for an active ambitious man to learn the real estate and Insurance buelneas. 11,000 cash re quired, investment secured and lt0 monthly guaranteed from tha atait. Box MA NAG ER Large Installment bouse wanta "i"ni.Tu, capaots man for branch atoro; one who can show a successful reo ord In collect tone, credits and executive a in connuence, refer snces, ago and aalary exnectoii until ki. ity lo shown, and knowledge of mdas. and ayatema ars acquired: an extent ,nn.i portunlty for a man competent to build CORPORATION, manufacturing talking machines, wants territorial man agers with IJ00 to 1600 capital to finance i"' v'j wi equate any gro inatru mem. race iio. Big money. maker. Will . pay sxpenaea to Chicago If you r BUSINESS CHANCES MONEY wanted. Young;, rapidly, growing Omaha buHlnas houae havlnr a trade of about 120,000 per month needs mor money to handle tKe bualness; t per cent Interest on good eecurlty or a share of the proflta; a fine position to tha right man In our aalea department, Addreaa Bos 2023. Bee. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATK. The reaeona for the frowln-- opulerlty are Beat Reaulta and a Hat- r lo per word. When you want both of tli& a wove, CALL TYLER 1000. FOR SALE Old eatablUhed county official weekly newspaper and Job office, eastern Nebraaka town over 1,000 population, only paper In town. Owner going on farm and will aell right. About $500 caah required. Addreaa Box T 944, Bee. HIGH EST SPOT CASH PAID for atorea and atocka of merchandise. In city or country; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1833. ONE-HALF or whole interest In candy and lea cream bualneaa, profit laat year $3,700, you ahould be a candy maker half Inter eat about 1 1.700, to be aold at once, John Ehtera. Sheridan, Wyo. FOR SALE Paying cafe business, town 2,000; no competition; 166 ml. east of Denver. Reaeon, poor health. Term. Will trade for Nebraska business. Ad dress Box Y-941, Bee, ; . CONFECTIONERY Store and lunch room catering only to first-class trade. In good residential part of city. Owner"! health reason for Helling; 950. Oeorge D. Knapp, 7S2 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. UNUSUALLY good restaurant proposition In a country town; up-to-date equipment and a good trade? 1735. George D. Knapp, 762 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FRUIT and grocery atore located In one of tha best towns In Nebraaka. Owner haa other business. George D. Knapp. 762 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOfT SALEBllliard hall with Ave pool and one billiard tablea; flxturee nearly new; good atock on hand. J. W. Gil bert, Proprietor. Red Cloud, Neb. CAN use good men with small capital to travel witn state Ktght Feature Films. Experience not necessary. Manager, 210 Bromley Bldg, IF TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming nogse call on Buach Borghoff. 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phono D. 331. MOTION picture machine (new and re built), t heat ore supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S, 14th St MOVING PICTURE machinea. new and re built, all -makee; nuppliee. Wee tern Sup ply Co., 201 Nat. Bldg. TO GET In or out of bualneaa call on OANQEpTAP. 433 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3477. I guarantee sale of any business or real ea- tate. F. V. Knleat Boo Bldg., Omaha. DOWD SALE AND AUCTION CO.. 1136 W. O. W. Bldg. Red 3286. Rooming Houses. ROOMING houae, 2682 Harney St., good lo cation, rooms full; also a nice lot In Charleston Height a. Call Owner, 2CS2 Har ney St. FOR SAIjB at saerlflco, furniture In a flm 8 -room flat on Farnam, near 26th. Save commission and buy from owner. Addreaa Box 2112, Bee. ROOMS of fine furniture, all filled; a bargain; part caah; save commission and buy from owner. 214 B. 25th St; SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 30c PER LIRE. Bualness nds, regular ratea: 1 Unas one week 40c t lines ono week., . 60c Each extra line... 20c per week Male. BEST RESULTS FAIR RATE. The reaaona for the Browing popularity ars Beat Reaults and a Rats of lo per word. When yon want both of tha abovs CALL TYLER 1000. SALESMAN'S situation wanted by experi enced rarra implement eaieaman. can gei the bualneaa. 1 am ready are you? Writs W. A. Y., Harney Hotel, Omaha. FARMERS For married or alngle men, call, writs or phpns Cunningham Employment Agency, 111 8. 23th St Douglaa 129S. YOUNG man wanta aet of booka to keep at night or other work to do after 6; 10. Small aalary. Box 3487, Bee. POSITION as chauffeur wanted by young man; I years' experienoo; will go any where. Box 3490, Bee. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants day work and odd Jobs. JSaUmates xurniahed. Tyler UO. Whitewashing, windows washed, rugs beaten screena repaired, hung. Call Walnut 1868. PAINTING, cleaning and odd Jobs by re liable man. Wm. Jensen, 161& N. 84th. WANTED By high school graduate, any kind of work. Call Walnut 1927. HOUSECLEANING, fine paint and paper cleaning;, D. o&4. sanitary Cleaning uo. GEORGE tnovae aahea and will do general haul In r. Web. 6036. - EXPERIENCED houseman wants work by the day. Red 4968. William Delaney. Parties that want garlens plowed. W. 021T. Female. YOUNG lady employed during the day wanta place to worn jor room ana Doara, whers there aro no children. Box 2496, Bee, Laundry and Day Work. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1877. prompt delivery. , BUNDLE washing wsnted by reliable laundress. 1810 Coming, Douglaa 1004, WANTED By experienced cateresa cooking for dinner parties, webater z74. RELIABLE colored girt wanta day work. Webster 3746, Mlaa Dunn. FIRST-CLASS laundress by tho day. Web ster 6037. Exp. lady wanta bundle washing. Har. 2747. Bundle washing and day work. Web. 3093. Ex. colored lndy wanta day work. Har. 57S8. Bundle washing and day work. Web. 3716. Reliable col. lady wanta day work. D. 6698. Washing and lace curtalna done. Tyler 1144, Curtains laundered. 26c per pair. Web. 4728 . DAY work, cleaning or Ironing. Web. 7034. LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2973. Wanted bundle wash., ladles' clothes. C. 288. Day work, washing or cleaning. Wal. 2638. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Colfax 346S. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4860. Expor'ced woman wants day work. D. 9184. WANTED Day work. Call Webster 2131, Wawhlng. Ironing, gen. housework. Ty. 1864W. WHITE woman, wash. Iron. Rcf. Col. 1746. DAY work or houaenlennlng. oxp. Web. 4667. Day work or bundle washing. Web. 2764. DAY work wanted. Webster 2327. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. STENO 375.00 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR 360.00 DRIVER-SALESMAN, EST. ROTJTE.165.00 COST CLERK $76.00 9 OFFICE BOYS $30.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEH BLDG.. USE OUR "LIVE WIRE" SERVICE In se curing a position New calls dally for nign-riaes help. ONLY 60 CENTS TO REGISTER. THB MARTI COMPANY, 11317-16 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER. $76; general office man, $86; office manager, email office. 1100; general merchandise clerk. 360. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED AT ONCE Thoroughly expert- dcto men lor e levator wora, a spienaia opening for those who have had experience along that line. Apply superintendent's office, ba irony. BURGKS8-NASH CO., WANTED A good shoemaker at once, A man capable to do anything, ateady work for the right man, no boosera need apply. Addreaa Geo. H. Schrsefer. Grand Island. i WANTED At once, a granite cutter; muat Stuart Marble and Granite Works, Stuart, - ""7 wmn. m riant man, WANTED A man to do bushellng and op erate a ateam preaa, steady work, good wages, wire or write, Cherokee Dry Clean- am 'iiiim, -neroaes, la. WANTED Automobile mechanic with email capital; tine opnortuniry in aouthastera neorasxa. Jtox Bt. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. TILE LAYER Sanlta.y aewer. Two hun dred miles from Omaha. Wages depend on amount of tile you can lay per day. Addreaa Box Y 942. Bee. WANTED Hoisting engineers for three drum engine; open shop, 10 hours work, 77 'jo, per hour. Transportation both ways. 2661 Bee. . DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg, WANTED Experienced furniture finisher and atovo repair man. Stats Furniture Co., 14th and Dodge. .WANTED Hame&amaker, an experienced workman. P. H. Toner, 4911 8. 25th. South Side. WANTED Experienced body builders and auto repair men. Henry fc Co., 1629 N. 16th. WANTED Bushel man. Good salary and permanent position. Apply Supt, Brandels Storea. WANTED Two flrat-clasa auto and car riage woodworkers. W. Weltengel A Bon, 1912-14 Vinton. WANTED Two first-clasa auto and car riage palntera. W. Wettengel dc Bon, 1912-14 Vinton. WANTED Good blacksmith helper. Wettengel Son. 1913-11 Vinton. LEARN barber trado; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglas St. ATTENTION ELECTRICIANS. Keep away from Omaha. Trouble on. TAILOR wanted; prefer all around man. Buach Tailoring Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. STlDDLU-AGED colored man to do porter woric Apply at Omaha ciuo. LABORERS wanted, 210 8. 14th, at room I. open evenings, WANTED A coat and pants maker. lor Beck. 1612H Dodge St Salesmen and Solicitors. WE WANT a willing young man, 19-23 yeara, honest, energetic and -resourceful, to begin as junior eaieaman selling the consumer In connection with extensive educational campaign to bring the con sumer In closer touch with our products. The man we want can, It) a reasonable period, develop sufficiently to become one of our general, salesmen, providing he Is conscientious, a hard worker and makea good. Permanent position, with aalary and traveling expensea. Muat alngle, willing to travel and able to furnish surety bond, Box 2653, Bee. SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS. $10 to $26 per day now being made by faundreda of our men; you can, too; we need a few men ot ability for traveling and city positions to represent large east ern house aelllng 600 styles special hosiery, underwear and sweaters, for everybody; direct mills to wearera; exclusive terri tory; no Investment; give referencea. Call or writs Hunt, Manager, $40 Hotel Loyal, Omaha. ADVERTISING specialty salesman for our complete 11ns of fins art calendars, eiumi num. cloth, fans, lead penoils. rulera, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive territory as signed. Connect with the fastest growing specialty houae In Nebraska. M. F. Shafer fc Co., 12th and Farnam Sta.. fourth floor. SALESMEN Installment jewelry; we have an opening for an A-l expertencea retail salesman, one who Is a producer; this Is an exceptional opportunity for the right man; give full detaila of your experience; your reply will be treated In atrlcteat confidence. Box 2606. Bee. , ,WE have pernjanent Biles position with apienala Opporiunitiee lor advancement open for city and traveling repreaenta tlvea. Salary and commission. National Auto Accessories Co., 886 Brandels Bldg. FORD owners. Ws want eoveral live, wlde- awaks men of good character who own jrord cars to work for us In Omaha and other Nebraska and Iowa territory. Apply at once to Nat. Auto Accessories Co., 886 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Salesmen to aell Perry auto locka direct to auto owners. Commission and guarantee, all or part time. National Auto Aocessorlea Co., 886 Brandela Bldg. WANTED Electricians, open ahop, 10 houra work, 60c per hour. Transportation ootn waya. 2660 Bee. WANTED Two live aaleamen to call auto owners. Call Doug. 6003. Agents and Canvasser . WANTED A live representative for Omaha and vicinity, to aell to tne consumers our wonderfull lino of automobile accessories. Prices range front $3 to $6. Articles ars IB to $0 per cent cheaper than they can bs bought elsewhere. Make ,$26 to $76 weekly. Easy salea. The National Auto Equipment Co.. Lytton Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS Wo have a good proposition fer you. write, for particulars and aampies. Chicago Agency Co., 810 Altgeld St., Chi cago. CANVASSERS wanted; salary $14 a week; ateady employment . J. M. Matter, &s 8eward. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. "Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN., 2817 N. 20th St. Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free illustrated cata logue explaining how wo teach tho barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, ate; largest modern equipped barber college In the weat. Moler's, 110 8. 24th, Omaha, Nob. (Estab lished 1898.) NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autos and electrlo atartere. For particulars can Douglas 4472 or write na. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, Temporary address, 407 S. 80th St., Omaha. LEARN barber trade; be Independent: more than make your expenaea while learning. Wages or percentage. Ws don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL Autoa and electric atart ere. For particulars call Douglas 4478, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2069 Farnam St.. Omaha. Boys. WANTED A grocery delivery boy, thor oughly educated, about it years ma. ex perienced; has horses to handle; salary about $9 a week. No Sunday work. Ap ply Mrs. J. D. Crew, 33d and Arbor Sta. Do not pnone. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT BOY. AGS ' 16 TO 17 PREFERRED; MUST HAVE GOOD HABITS. APPLY AT ONCE, rnnAHY OFFICE. SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Several boys, over 16, In our bottling aeparimenc uoou wnw . right boys willing to work. Ths Willow springs Distillery, tn ana fierce p. BOYS WANTED to learn trade; must bo 16 yra. age. Gordon Lawless Co.. 8th A Dodge. TWO colored boll boys. Apply at Omaha Club. - STOUT BOY wanted to learn trade. Cham- ptpn Iron works, lfttn ana jacKson. WANTED A delivery boy. Corey A Mc K en tie Co., 1407 Harney. Miscellaneous. WANTED We can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN Must bs at leaat I feet f Inches tall, physically sound, of good character and habits and must corns well recommended. Apply In person between the hours of t a. m. and 12 o'clock noon at offices of Superintendent of Transportation, Room 305, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. I OROCERY and merchandise packers, 3 order fillers, 2 stock men for heavy hard ware. Apply at shipping office, General Mercantile Mall Order Co., Ninth and Leavenworth. . ASSISTANT credit and collection man; exp., by largo retail house; position permanent; exceptional opportunity for capable, ener getic man; give In confidence experience. etc, box sous, wee. WANTS D Two neat alngle men who de aire to connect permanently to travel with manager aa assistant aaleamen. Expert- " enca unnecessary. Write J. X. Sabln. El ! worth. Kan. COMMON laborers, U. P. R. R- store de partment; steady work, good wages; chance for advancement Apply Cass St. gate; aak for atorekeeper. W A NTED At once, men or strong boys for factory; chance xor advancement. Call at ahlpptng office. Skinner Mfg. Co 14th and Jackson Hta. YOUNG MEN WANTED Government rail way mall clerks, $76 a month; aampla ex amination questlone free. Franklin In atltute, uryx. iai-ia nnrawifr, r. i. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want" help ws can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, 816 w. Broadway. . till. HELP WANTED Male and Femde WANTED Experienced man and wlfa to . work on farm. .Florence 480. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. AHS'T. bkkpr., some stenography, $65; steno., $76; ateno,. $60; bkpr , email office, $60; office clkr, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N., 763 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasona for the growing popularity are Best Reaulta and a Kate of lo per word. When you want both of the abovs, CALL .TYLER 1000. USE OUR "LIVE WIRE" SERVICE In se curing a position as stenographer, book keeper or office clerk. New calls dally. ONLY 60 CENTS. TO REOISTER. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O W. Bldg. STENOG., $75; Stenog.. $65; Bkkpr. and Steno., $76: Rteno. and biller, $60j Ass't Bkkpr., $40-446. WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nnt'l Bank Bldg. SEE Co-operative Reference Co. for com- Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 22 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work iu. i-ampert. is7 Douglas Bt. WANTED Lady prewer. one who can aleo uw repair worn. uaie uuy Uleaning Works, 61 B. 16th. 25 GjRLS to pack crackers. Co., 12th and Capitol Ave. ' WANTED Experienced pianist for moving picture Theater. Harney 1208. STENOGRAPHER. binner, $46. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. WANTED Music teacher for girl of 18. Harney 8767. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St Household and Domestic, WANTED A good girl for housework; no washing; a very desirable ptace. Call 1301 So. 36th St., or phone Harney 3077. WANTED AT ONCE A first snd second girl. Mrs. F. L, Latnson, 1300 Canning St. Phone 2900. Council Bluffs, la. EXPERIENCED white girl for genera! housework; no washing. 316 N. 41st Wal nut 660. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Small family; good Wages. Wal nut 2443. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Mrs. H. M. JicCIanahan. Call Walnut 14Q2. WANTED Experienced family cook. Small family, highest wages paid. 306 6. SSth St WANTED Housekeeper; no objection to one child. 2204 Monroe St., South Omaha. WANTED A competent girl for general noiiseworK in small tamlly. 3507 Harney St. GIRL for general housework; go home nights. South 1465. 3616 South 24th. GIRL for general .housework; go home nights. South 1465. 3616 South 26th. GIRL for general housework; care of Z ciumren; no laundry. Walnut 358. WANTED A reliable girl for general housework. Phone Harney 1342. WANTED Competent girl in small family. 4S0- Douglas. Walnut gOlff. NEAT girl to help with general housework. rnone walnut 815. Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED white maid. Boquet Hotel. Douglas1839. Miscellaneous. WANTED, AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY HOME; 4 IN FAMILY. CALL TYLER 2047, Oft HARNEY 1876. EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is' enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, ateno typo, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 1666. Kth and Henney Sta. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 6890. Y. M. C. A. Day aid Night School,. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! tt you fall to And tba room yon desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parte of the city. , If more convenlnent phono The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a liat will be mailed to you at once. New lists ars Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. "THE MACK" Rooms, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeal, Proprs, Building situated at 214 216 N. 26th Bt, on Harney car line; will be open April 1. The rooms have been newly furnished throughout and the ratea will be from $2 to $6 per week; $1 per night transient; first-class service guar anteed. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. ' The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rate of la per word. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000. A LARGE, neatly furnished room with large closet for couple, gentlemen or lady; all modern conveniences; private family; no children; no other roomers; on car line; board If preferred. 2411 8. 24th St, 1st floor. Douglas 8646. BEAUTIFUL large front room and alcove; two large eloneta; excellent home cooking. Suitable for two or three men or married couple employed. 620 8. 28th St H. 6642. ATTRACTIVE' front room, white furniture; cretonne covering; modern home, walking distance; serve breakfast; everything above. average; good aervlco. Harney 3198. SMALL, comfortably furnished room in privets family, for one or two gentle men; talking diatance; on car line. 1606 Williams St. COMB and see the modern, newly furnished rooms at THE MACK, 214-216 N. 26th St. Each room suitable for ons or two good men. TWO pleasant southeast rooms, well fur nished; large closets; fine bath; fine loca tion; private homo; gentlemen. Harney 1088. ONE large, beautifully furnished room for two gentlemen; close In; very modern apt; references required. Harney 2848. LAROS front parlor, finely furnished In mahogany, to married couple employed or two gentlemen. 814 North istn t. LARGE front room for two persons; mod- ern private noma . aiso gaxaaB. ni us 1044. 1112 South 31st THE GREENWOOD Nicely furnished rooms, cool and delightful for summer. 26S4 Leavenworth. NICE, clean, airy rooms, on car line, all modern. Just tho thing for summer, 4604 N. 27th St Colfax 2274. FURtt. or unfur. rooms, single or en suite; walking diet and good trans. Web. 7816. WORKINGMENS HOTEL Free baths; clean rooms, for men. 209 N. 13th St. STRICTLY MODERN rooms, walking dis tance, on car line. Red 7960. THREE en suite, modern, cool, adulta only. 4221 Harney. Walnut 1270. TWO largo modern rooms, $1$ a month. $32 8. 30th. Call Harney 8061. 1902 WIRT Furnished rooms in private family. Web. 3664. DOUOLAS, 1302 Two large front rooms. u rn Ished complete. Doug. as 1611 Howard, nicely furn. rooms, atm. heat Housekeeping Rooms. STEAM-HEATED furnished rooma at the Sunshine s part men ts, equipped for light housekeeping. For men only. Low rente Office 608 No. 17th St ' TWO i aultes of light bouaekeeplng rooma and alngle room; new furniture; cloae In; walking distance. 2680 Harney. Phone Red- 829$. BASEMENT, 4 rooma, partly modern. 2607 Pierce. Tel. Tyler 2208-J. Inquire 1201 8. 28 th Ave. 2013 WEBSTER Nicely furnished suite or single faouaekeeplnc rooms; walking dis tance. 407 8. 36TH AVE. Two housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, newly furnished and decorated: alao four sleeping rooma TWO housekeeping rooms; linens; gas fur nished; washing privileges; private home. $S 8, 19th. FOR RENT ROOMS Housekeeping Rooms. ONE aulte of nice housekeeping rooms on bath room floor. 2313 Douglas. GROUND floor housekeeping rooma, $1.60 up. Sleeping, $1.00. Inquire 113$ No. 16th. COZY housekeeping rooms. Four. $6 wsek. Kitchenettea adjoining. 2683 Harney St. 16u CALIF. Hk. and sleep rma. Reaa'ble. FARNAM, 3822 Two n!c housekeeplnr rooms, electricity, ateam, gaa range. TWO good clean housekeeping rooms. 221 N. 26th St DOUglas 8 JOB. TWO rooms with gas. running water; all modern. Call Web. 3215. MODERN rooma for housekeeping andelesp- lng. 819 S. 26th St THREE largo light housekeeping rooms, all modern. 707 So. 16th. 1611 Howard, hk. and sleep rms. Stm heat. Board and Room. CHOICE board and room. $6.60 per week; homo cooking. 2226 Howard St. BOARD AND ROOM, $6 and up; at St. lames hotel, 41fi S. 13th. EXCELLENT room and board In prlvats family. Harney 1264. BOARD and room. 114 N. 24th. R. 4631. Rooms Wanted. YOUNG business man wants furnished room with board ; walking distance. State rates. Answer Box 2637 Bee. Hotels. ROOMS, $ uk.; apts. with kitchenette. Steam heated. Ogden hotel. Council Bluffs. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. 3229 HARNEY ST. Three-room apt, nicely furnished, large porch, pri vate entrnnce: desire permanent tenant; $35. Tel, Harney 1692. FOR RENT My beautifully furnished 4 room apt for alx months; references x changed. Phone Harney 2842. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location. "24th and Farnam. D. 1472. THREE-room complete apartment, newly furnished and douoratod. 407 S. 26th Ave. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 10-nOGM modern brick house. 2632 Harney St.; bot water heat; vacant April 1; can be Inspected now. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Douglas 1216. North. SIX-hoOM modern, oak finish, newly deco- raiea, sss. n&l Lothrop. Doug. 1859. A NEW 4 -room Louse, strictly modern, $16.' 619 N. 33d. Harnoy S973. 7-R. HOUSE, bargain. H. 4711, at once. 7-ROOM modern houce. 2436 Parker. South. ll-n00M, all-modern houae, 313 S. 16th St Owner paya water and removes ashes; best location for roomera, boarding and He-it housekeeping, i. Zlegler, 403 Wars Blk. Douglas 1691. ' 1609 S. 2tiTH ST. 8 rooms, bath, furnace, gas; goo! condition. Also barn, $25. H. u. wnnney. Douglas 2740. Harney 2769. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modem except heat. am tv iiuin. inquire su- a. alitn. 5-R, mod. cottage. 1115 S. 27 1 h St, $24. C. G. Carlberg. 312 Brandela Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. 5- R. 811 Martha St $12.50 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- R. 1602 N. 27th St $12.60 6-R. 2819 N. 27th St will fix up in first class shape for good col ored eenant) 13.00 STRICTLY MODERN. $-R. 2876 Saratoga St .320.00 6-R. 1824 N. 27th St 21.00 8-R. 1334 S. 30th Ave 30.00 -R. 3919 N. 20th St. (garage) 32.60 T-K. ?.blb Pierce St 7-R. (618 g, 23 St 7-R. 2726 Plnkney St. (garage).... 9-R. 669 S. 26tb Ave 10-R. 2221 Dodge St. (cloae In. well 80.09 26.00 30.00 36.00 arranged for keeping roomers) 40.00 FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 207 8. 30th St 9-R. 606 N, 31st St HEATED APARTMENTS. .$26.00 . 42. 00 THE STOECKER; 826 S. 24th St. 8-R. Apt. 9, ...,.115 summer; $20 winter -R. Apt C $20 summer: $26 winter PORTER & SHOTWELL, Realtors. 202 S. 17tU St Douglas 6013. 3510 SEWARD, 6-r. bungalow ,.$3"b7o0 2831 Jackson. 8-rcom ,$ 3060 Wnolworth Ave.. -room...... $13 S. 35th Ave., 6-room $35.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Rosa Bids. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasona for the growing popularity are Best Results and a Rats of lo per wond. When you want both of the above CALL TYLER 1000V 3 ROOMS, all modern except heat; newly decorated; In dandy shape; on paved Street: $10 per month. See TRAVER BROTHERS, 819 First National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6886. $60.00116 S. 24th St., 10 rooms. $30.001312 No. 3&th St.. 7 -room, modern. 'GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors, D. 3962. 919-20 City Nat Bk. Bldg. 7- ROOM modern cottage, newly decorated snd painted, 3002 Mason St., $30. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 8- ROOM modern house with garage for 1 cars, close to car line, on paved street. $30 month. Douglas 3G96. HOUSES In all parts of ftheh eity. CREIGH, SONS ft CO., 608 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West FARNAM STREET 99 YEAR-LEASE Facing on Farnam St.. a little mora than a block west of 24th St., with brick im provements bringing In enough to pay reasonable Interest and with splendid probabilities of advance In value. The owner will make a 99-year lease without revaluation and without atlpulatlon aa to Improvements, giving privilege to pur chase at the present market price durlna the next Ave yeara and making the lease on this figure. The premium on ,tha lease to be paid now in cash. This ts a BRAND NEW THING In Omaha real estate circles. The plan has been successful elsewhere and Is one that should appeal to any Investor who has confidence in the development of Far nam street, but who has not at present the large amount of money required to make a purchase there. Call ua up for full explanation. This ta the best proposition now offered In the city. Armstrong-Walsh Company iywr uap. nr.Ai.iwna, jjj noae oldg. FOR RENT 7 -room flat, modern, Dundee, Walnut 483. North. FOUR-ROOM, Steam-heated, $18 mo., neat postofflce. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. SEVEN-ROOM uteam-heatd. $35; near post- on ice. t. r. cue dpi on, jpm u n ica go. South. THREE and four-room apartments, modem. 816 South 32d Bt Phone Tyler 2248. Miscellaneous, PETERS TRUSTCOMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. FOR RENT MAY 1ST Two modern storerooms, 1$ by 60 each, with full basements, 624 and 626 a Kth St For particulars aeS Conrad Young, 322 Brandela Theater. Douglaa 1671. STOREROOM. Utb and Pine; very reason able rent; good location for small buat--eaa. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 Farnam Bldg. 4716 S. 34TH ST., $85; center of South Omaha bualneaa district. . E. H. Banner. Ramge Blk. Douglas 8408. MODERN atore, 16th St, near postofflce, $76 month. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR nara Bldg. First Trust, Co. D. 1151. 4T18 SO, 34TH ST., near P. O.. $85. E. H. genner Co.. Ramge Blk. D. 8406. RESTAURANT with flxturea. gas stools, at 107 South 16th Street