THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1917. New Method of Reducing Fit A nwi Item from abroad informs ui that tht American method of producing a ilim, trim fifurt If meeting with astonish hig success. The system, which hai made each a wonderful impression over there, must be the Harmola Prescription Tablet method of reducing fat. It is safe to say that wt have nothing better for this pur pose In thta country. Anything that will reduce the excess flesh two, three or four pounds a week, without injury to the stom ach the causing of wrinkles, the help of nereis uiff or dieting, or Interference with one's meals is a mighty important end useful addition to civilisation's necessities. Just such a catalogue of good results, how ever, follow the use of these pleasant, harm Jess and economical little fat reducers. We say economical because Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets (made in accordance with the famous prescription) can be obtained of any druggist or the makers, the Marmola Co., 8M Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich., for seventy-five cents the large case, which is a decidedly economical price considering the number of tablets each case contains. They are harmless.- Advertisement. BETTER THAN CAiOMB Thousand Have Discovered Dr. Edward' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet the sub stitute or calomel are a mild but lure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the re sult of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel His efforts to banish it brought put these little olive-colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the food that calomel does, but no bad after effects. They don't injure tbe teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc witl the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy" and "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded brain md how they "perk up" the spir its. 10c and 25c a box. All druggists. Neuralgia Neuritis Sciatica, Etc. CURED Free Trial of a New Method That Cures by Removing the Cause. Send No Money. We've a new method that cures Neuralgia, Neuritis, Rheumatism, Asthma, Sciatica, Neurasthenia, Tic Douloureux, etc., and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter how great your pain, or how terrible the torture you endure from diseased nerves, our method will bring prompt and blessed relief. No matter whether your case is oc casional or chronic, nor what your ago or occupation, this method should cure you right in your home. Tht MulhB.ll Method does not contain a drop of morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine, acetanilid or any narcotie whatsoever. It provides ft nerve food that cures by re moving the cause. We especially want to send It to those o-called "incurable" cases that have tried all the various doctors, dopes, sanitariums, "opathys," etc., without relief. We want to show everyone at our own expense that this method will end at once and for all time, all those tortures and twinges of al most unbearable pain that are present in Neuralgia, Neuritis, Sciatica, Migraine, Tic Douloureux, Neurasthenia and other nerve diseases. This free offer is too important to neglect a single day. Write now and begin the cure at once. Address Mulhall Co., Boom 674, Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Neglecting Your Health TmyPidinv laisastory 17 KT.JB When everybody lived outdoors kidney diseases Were unknown. Lungs, skin and Iriilnavi, wtrlrail trureihar to keen the blOOll fresh and pure. Nowadays the thinkers, the writers, the store and office employes, the housewives and other indoor workers get too little fresh air, exercise, rest and sleep. The kidneys weaken. Backache, headacne, ner vousness, rheumatism and urinary disorders become daily trials. Neglect causes many a fatal case of Bristht's disease. Don t de lay. Use Doan'a Kidney Pills. An Omaha Experience: P. J. Kessel, 2218 S. Seventeenth Bt., awa. "Mw IrtHnova wr WPtlk for lOmC time. At first they beftan to act too often and I had to pass the secretions every little while. Finally, I began to have trouble with my back and also rheumatic pains in my knees. After using Dentin Kidney Pills, my kidneys got to acting right and the secretions clear ed up. My back became easier ana ina rneu matio pains lessened." D0AN'S!F 50 at all Drug Store FoslerMllburnCo.Proo. BufTetoN.Y T-l If -1,1 1 ne neaimq Mans mant cap Assist Nature by taking PANDRETH U PILLS Qoft Q QetNlfkt Ton Will feel better, look bstter and prolong- your life. On, of the bout laxatives ever put on the market Entirely Vegetable. We have customers who have taken them for twenty year of more and would not be without them. , One trial win convince yon. AT TOUR NEAREST DRVC STORE Ckncolatt CoattdarPUiin BrieJ City News kUsda lAinpe BuTgeM-OnBdas Co. Ban Bool Print IS New Bf.con PrH. Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm. leweler. Thieves Get Cigars and Whisky D. O. Eleaeser's saloon at 2002 Vinton street was broken Into by thieves, who stole 100 cigars and three bottles of whisky. Five Dollar In Pennies Stolen Five dollars in pennies was the loot obtained by burglars who broke Into the grocery store of Jepsen Bros., 160 Cuming street Central Park Play "Parquln'a Lov ers," a three-act play, will be staged Friday night, April I, by the Cen tral Park Social center folks. There are eight women in the cast Warning to Peddlers City License Inspector Hoffman states he will start to round up peddlers who have failed to take out 1917 licenses. He would like to give them a warning before making arrest. Fined for Speeding Douglas Bowie, 3556 Dodge street, was fined $1 and costs in police court on a charge of speeding. R. Houck, 2204 North Twenty-first street, was given a sus pended sentence of $2.50 and costs. Dog Licensee Selling Fast The city clerk Is selling many 1917 dog license tags, but Indications are that many owners of canines have as yet failed to protect their pets against the dog catchers, who have started their sea son's work. More Money for Summer Camp- Funds for the summer camp of the Young Women's Christian association were Increased $218 Tuesday by nu merous donations, none of which ex ceeded sio. The young women are raising money to secure the old South Omaha Country club grounds ' for their summer camp. Omahan and Wife Enjoy Long Flight In a Hydroplane M. G. Colpetzer returned from Palm Beach with the information that hvdroolanine is a roval snort. He re ceived this information first-hand, be cause he made a flight in 1 hydro plane, ascending 1,600 feet, remaining in the air forty minutes and traveling at the rate of sixty miles per hour. Mrs. Colnetzer made a similar aerial journey, traveling, however, 400 feet higher than ter husband, "There is a peculiar fascination about hydroplaning. You do not seem to appreciate you are up so high, nor do you realize that you are traveling so fast," said Mr. Colpetzer. This was Mr. Colpetzer's first aerial trip. He said that the big machine rose gracefully from the water and circled the island and then crossed the island several times, descending in a manner known as volplaning. He could view the entire island of Palm Beach from the hydroplane. Before starting on the journey he stuffed his ears with cotton to escape the noise of the en gine. The hydroplane he was in car ried only an aviator and one passen ger. "I want to go higher on my next trip. It is such a pleasant experience," added the Omahan. Pacifists Leave the : Capital, Convinced Their Mission Fails Washington, April 3.-Most of the pacifists who fame to Washington under the guidance of the Emergency Peace federation to protest against war had returned to their home to night convinced that their efforts were useless. Every train leaving the city today carried some of them away. Incoming trains, however, brought in more "pilgrims of patriotism." Sev eral delegations arrived from cities in the middle west. The remaining pacifists continued to seek to pledge votes against the war resolution asked for last night by President Wilson. They tried to see the president, but he could not re ceive them. The headquarters of the Emergency Peace federation in a Pennsylvania avenue store room was raided several times during the day by citizens and National Guardsmen. A Guardsman threw a pail of yellow paint over the plate glass window in front. Despite police protection, the pacifist leaders decided to abandon a meeting sched uled for tonight. Missionary Federation Council Meets at Y. W. C. A. "We need a woman assistant at the City Mission who will give twelve months of the year, each day of the month and twenty-four hours a day," said Miss Nellie Magee, in a talk be fore the Woman's Missionary Federa tion Council at Its meeting in the Young Women's Christian association Tuesday afternoon. "In fact, wi need five or six women to give that much of their time. Other cities have it, but although Omaha needs it, it does not provide. All the volunteer help is good. W can usa all we get, and more, too, but a regular paid assistant would be a Godsend. The interests of the daily vacation Bible school were presented by Na tional President Bovllle of New York, who has been in Omaha for two days. Announcements were made bv Mrs. Daniel E. Johnston in regard to the"! educational campaign in missionary work which will be conducted by the Presbyterian Missionary societies of Omaha at the Worth Presbyterian church, April 19 to 22. Representatives from four Baptist, two Lutheran, three Methodist, three Presbyterian, two Christian and two Congregational missionary societies of Omaha and the South Side attended the meeting of the council. What the council will adopt as its special line of work for the year was discussed and will be decided at the May meet ing. To Reveal Officers of Congressional Union Soon Miss Beutah Amldon. Congressional union organiser, who worked in this city some weeks ago, and Miss Doris Stevens, an Omaha girl activ in Con gressional union circles, will Coma to Omaha the first week in May to set the Omaha organization on its feet, according to a letter received by Mrs. C. A. Anderson. A luncheon and reception (of the of ficers of the local Congressional Union, who were said to be elected at the time of Miss Amidon's former visit,' but whose names were never Tlven out to the public, will b held at that time. Mrs. Anderson says. NEW ARMY WILL BE RECRDITEDBY DRAFT First Fighting: Force of Half Million Men Formed From Young Unmarried Men. AGE LIMITS NOT STATED Washington, April 3. Administra tion plans for raising an army on the principle of universal liability to serv ice to be submitted to congress as soon as the pending war resolution is adopted are based on selective con scription of young men to be sum moned to the colors as rapidly as they can be trained and officered. A de tailed scheme for the registration of eligibles has been worked out. After married men, others with de pendents, those whose service is re quired in industries have been ex empted, others within the age limits fixed will be examined physically, and those found fit will be selected, possi bly by lot until the first 500,000 to be trained are secured. Half Million Not Enough. It was made clear today that 500- 000 is nowhere near the limit needed and that it is expected that more than 500,000 available will be found in tht first classification. Others will be trained as rapidly as possible by offi cers from the regular army. National Guard and orhcert reserve corps. Maximum and minimum age limits for the first call are fixed in the ad ministration plan but will not be made public until presented to congress. In recent discussion a minimum ui 10 years and a maximum of 23 years have been mentioned. Preliminary military steps possible under existing laws were added today to those al ready taken. They included direction bv Secretary Baker that the first class at the West Point Military academy be graduated April Hi, supplying li highly trained young officers. At the Navy department it was an nounced that steps have already been taken to insure close co-operation be tween the American fleet and those of the entente allies when the necessary authority has been granted. The American embassy in London has been in close touch with the British admiralty, standardization ot the munitions in dustry Willi be one of the first direct steps taken under direction of the Na tional Defense Council. A continuous and adequate flow of weapons and am munition ot all kinds win De insured, not only for the American forces, but to the entente armies. The National Defense council has been planning to recommend legisla tion to standardize prices for army supplies and munitions, but it has been discovered that under the na tional defense act of June 3, 1916, the supplying of all kinds of material is made obligatory on all firms and indi viduals at "a reasonable price to be determined by the secretary of war." In case of violations the govern ment is authorized to seise plants and institute criminal proceedings. So far, however, firms generally have indi cated entire willingness to co-operate with the government. Only one big move In preparation for war remains to be made in the Navy department. That is mobiliza tion of the naval militia and th vari ous classes of the naval reserve. The former will go to the reserve ships of the line, filling out skeleton crews and making the ships ready for action. From the latter will come the men for the coast patrol and submarine chaser services at well as additional men for line ships. Probably 15,000 men could be added to the navy personnel at once by this mobilization. It has been estimated that double that number would be re quired for full patrol of the Atlantic coast by motor boats. It seem prob able that unless sufficient volunteers respond promptly, the universal srv ice system may be invoked to fill up the navy's ranks. In connection with the army plans it was pointed out today that under the present national defense act the National Guard can be brought to its full war strength by draft. The force has an authorized total strength of 440,000 and its present strength is about 160,000. Orders to muster out men with dependent families and those in the government service or at work on government contracts may reduce this number considerably. It is not known whether the War At partment contemplates any change in the present status of the Guards. These troops would not be available for service in Europe under-existing law and in addition the full number may be required for police work at The Wreckers Are Coming Th Parisian Cloak Company goes out of business and over $30,000.00 worth of Coats, Suits and Dresses must be closed out before the build ing is to be torn down, which will be soon. EASTER LILIES T ARGE -u healthy plants, with 3 4, 5 or more buds and blooms. Other Plant Spirea, cin erarias, mar guerites, yel low and white. Easter greet ing geranium, baby rambler, tulips, hyacinths and daffo dils. On tale, Main Floor or Down-Stain Store. Burgess-Nash Company 'IVt.VMOY. ttMS home. More than 60,000 are now so employed. In any event. If th Guard i to be recruited to full strength, it is as sumed that provision will be made to prevent conflict between that serv ice and th new national army to b raised. Probably recruits for the Guard would be sought among men excluded from the new service by age limitation. The new army undoubt edly will be formed of young men. The authorised strength of the regu lars is about JOU.UUU men ot all branches. That service, unlest a change is made in the law, would be filled up with volunteers, men who wish to engage in soldiering as a pro fessional occupation. Wisconsin Town Votes Ten To One Against Entering War Monroe, Wis., April 3. Monro voters went on record today ten to one, as opposed to a declaration of war by congress under present conditions. A hat with the reputation for quality such as Lanpher en joys simply must maintain it. The Lanpher Hat $350 Burgess-Nash Company 'EVERYBODY STORE" Wednesday, April 4, 1917 STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY Phone D. 137 A most uncommon display and sale Thursday of Dresses, Frocks and Gowns For Women and Misses for all occasions at $16.50, $19.75, $22.50, $25.00 and $29.50 A COMPREHENSIVE display the most remarkable we have ever shown at such moderate prices. Every dress distinctive, in a wide va riety of materials and colorings that must appeal to women who appreciate smartness in dress at moderate cost. Dresses for AHernoon Calling Sports Strett Wear and Frocks Developed along graceful, slender lines, pleated, draped coat, tailored and tunic effects. Serge Dresses, at $16.50 Navy serge dresses for school, street or business wear. Embroidered and bead trimmed, new collar affects; of dainty organdie, wash satin and georgette crepe. Combination Dresses, at $19.75 Dresses of silk or serge, also combinations of serge and georgette crepe. Pretty styles, in straight line ef fects. Variety of shades and sizes. Silk Dresses, at $22.50 Attractive dresses from which to make your selection all this season's most desirable models, in taffetas, georgette crepes, nets and serges. Fancy Dresses, at $25.00 Sport styles for the spring season. Refined styles for afternoon and evening wonderfully attractive, new col lars and sleeve eff acts. Fancy Dresses, at $29.50 Tailleur and aport dresses for all occasions, fashioned of smart combinations of two materials, soft satins, geor gette crepe, taffeta and serge. Bttrf Mt-Naah C.. St mi Fleer YOUR New Easter Corset Come here to our Corset Sec tion and lee the exquisite first model of the season, over which you Should plan to fit your new Easter suit or gdwn. Good to look at, comfortable to wear, fine In every way, la our opinion of th New Warner Corsets Every corset th lowest pric 1.00, to the highest price we guarantee to fit eomfort ably, to shape fashionably, and hot to rust, break or tar. Th maker can glv ua no Stronger guarantee, or can we ahow you better corset. $1.00 to $5.00 ariMS-Nuh CoStttt Floor Fretk out 0 ttit'r tissue mappings A Fascinating Display Thursday of Trimmed Hats at $5.00 flERTAINLY a most Interesting display new creations, origi nated and designed especially for Easter each ona prettier than the other all receive their first showing here Thursday. Largi Hatt Banded Hats Clou Fitting Hats Stylish Turbans, Dress Hatt Medium Sited Hats Every hat bears the Burgeis-Nash stamp of ap proval because It deserves it. Millinery of individual and distinctive, nature, to characteristic of this section of our store. urtMS-Nuk Ca . Piter J AP Crepe Ki monos, $1.00 Pretty kimono of jap crop, plain colors, long sleeves, and finished with belt; a very spe cial value. Kimono at, $1.25 Jap crepe kimonos, assorted fancy stripes, all shades, bell sleeve and belt Kimonos, $1.98 to $3.98 Jap crepe kimono, self or fancy embroidery, all new. shade. Petticoat, $5.00 Taffeta silk petticoats, in th new shades, regular and extra sizes. Apron at 79c Mad of ptrcalt. in blue or pink, small check trimmed, buttoned across front; full belt. ursiM-Nuk C, Stitnd Flaw Here's the G reatest Shoe Buying Opportunity of the Entire Season 20 New Sample Lots-in Sizes 3V2, 4, and 5 Only, at $3.85 THEY are the traveling talesmen's sample lota from one of the foremost shoe manufacturers In the country, bought at a price way under the regular. Th best quality of leathers have been used every pair this season's patterns. Including All gray kid lace 8-inch boots. All brown kid lace 8-inch boots. White nubuck lace Bronze kid lace 8-inch boots. White kid top black vamp 8-inch boots. Black vamp lace 8-inch novelty boots. Twelve different styles of black kid, lace. 8-inch boots. BurfMi-NM ft." . Hmt in m Supremely Smart Trimmed Hats Down Stairs Store, $2.50 In all Modesty w say that you cannot get smarter, more stylish hat than the without paying considerably mor than this pric Thursday. Newest tailor and turban ef fect, all of the most favored trawl, and of th cleverest and moat popular trimming idea. ' Score of pretty style from which to make your selection wide variety of all th correct colorings. To appreciate the unusual value you must see th bate. Burg.M-NM C" D.wa Stain Store Miss Amidon and Miss Stevens are working in Virginia.