Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1917, Image 3

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(By DR. L. W. BOWERS.)
The late S. Weir Mitchell, M. D..
in his book entitled "Wear and Tear"
has well said. "To insure perfect
health, every tissue, bone, nerve, ten
don or -muscle should take from the
blood certain materials and return to
it' certain others .... This proc
ess in perfect health is a system of
mutual assurance, and is probably es
sential to a condition of entire vigor
of both mind and body." ,
Man is .a millionaire many times
over in the possession of blood cells.
Woman is not quite so rich, for scien
tists have proved that the normal
number of red blood cells in adult
men is five million; in woman four
and one-half million to the square
The normal cell is not absolutely
round in health but in disease be
comes extremely irregular in shape.
Every one can be in perfect health and
possess the millions, of rich red blood
corpuscles if he only knows how to
go about it. Dr. Pierce, of the Surgi
cal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., advises
every man and woman to purify the
blood by observing nature's laws. In
he first place, if your digestion is
faulty, arid the food you eat is not
properly assimilated and taken up by
the blood, you need a tonic and diges
tive corrector, something that will in
crease the red blood corpuscles; he
believes in going about this in nature's
own way. Years ago, in his active
practice, Dr. Pierce found that an
alterative extract of certain herbs and
roots put up without alcohol, or in
tablet form, would nut the liver, lungs
and heart into more complete action.
This medicine he called Dr. Pierces
Golden Medical Discovery. By pro
moting assimilation it nourishes the
blood, and instead of the ill-shaped
corpuscles, the person's blood takes
on a rich red color and the corpuscles
are more nearly round. Adv.
If Back Hurts
Begin on Salts
Flush the Kidneys at once when
Backachy or Bladder bother's
Meit forma uric acid.
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the kidneys occasionally, says
a well-known authority. Meat forms
uric acid which clogs the kidney pores
so they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from
the blood, then you get sick. Nearly
all rheumatisnv headaches, liver
troubles, nervousness, constipation,
dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder dis
orders come, from sluggish kidneys.
' The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
fhe urine is- cloudy, offensive, full of
Sediment, irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of' scald
ing, get about four ounces of Jad
Saks from any reliable pharmacy and
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
Water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made, from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined, with lithia and has been used
for generations to flush clogged kid
neys and stimulate them to activity,
also to neutralize the acids in urine
eo it no longer causes irritation, thus
ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful effer
vescent lithta-water drink which all
regular meat eaters should take now
and then to keep the kidneys clean
and the blood pure, thereby avoiding
serious kidney complications.-Adv.
Baby's Face Disfigured
With Eczema Scales.
Itched and She Would
Scratch. Spread Over
Side of Face. Cuticura
Healed in Four Weeks.
Above are extract from a
aigned statement recently re
ceived from Mr. C Out
land, 351 Leggett Avenue,
Barnetville, Ohio.
If Cuticura did no more than
soothe and heal eczemas, rashes,
itchings and burnings, bringing
speedy comfort to tortured, dis
figured men, women and children
it would be entitled to the highest
praise. But it does more. By
using the Soap exclusively for
toilet purposes, allowing no other
soap to touch your skin,, with
touches of Cuticura Ointment now
and then to soothe and heal the
first sign of skin troubles, you will
in many cases prevent these dis
tressing experiences. Itisalwaysa
pleasure, not an effort, to use them,
they are so pure and delicate.
For Trial Free by Return Mail ad
dress post-card : "Cuticura, Dept. H,
Boston." Sold throughout the jvorld.
Easy to, Darken
Your Gray Hair
Try this! Brush Sage Tea and Sulphur
Compound through your hair, tak
ing one strand at a time.
When you darken yourTiair with
Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can
tell, because it's done so naturally,
so evenly. Preparing this mixture,
though, at home is mussy and trouble
some. For 50 cents you can buy at
any drug store the rcady-to-use prep
aration, improved by the addition of
other ingredients, called "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound." You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time. By morning all gray hair disap
pears, and, after another application
or two, your hair becomes beautifully
darkened, glossy and luxuriant.
Gray, fadeu hair, though no dis
grace, is a sign of old age, and as we
all desire a youthful and attractive ap
pearance, get busy at once with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
and look years younger. This ready-to-usc
preparation is a delightful toilet
requisite and not a medicine. It is
not intended for the cure, mitigation
dJWCYentton of disease Adv.
Measure to Provide for Money
Left by Liquidating Bank
Barely Passes. 1
(From a Sun Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., April 4. (Special.)
Only the changing of eight or ten
votes after a call of the house had
been ordered saved the Adams
Bushee bank guaranty bill, Senate
File No. 96, from being killed on
third reading in the house today.
When the bill was several votes short
o fthe necessary fifty-one, members
who had opposed it changed over and
explained that they did so in the ex
pectation that it would be changed in
conference to meet their views. As
the bill passed the senate, it provided
for the return of all guaranty fund
assessments to a bank going out of
business. The house amended it so
as to provide that the money should
be turned over to the state treasurer
and held by him as a special reserve
guaranty fund, to be used only in
case the regular fund should become
exhausted. The bill had 56 votes, to
37 against. '
The following other bills were
H. R. No. 863 or real estate for
taxes made compulsory when delinquent tor
three year.
H. R. No. 551 Attempted robbery tn a
builfllnr, with the line of a deadly weapon,
punlnhante by three to twenty yean tn the
If. R. No. 44t Limiting- homestead right
of a aurvlvlns spouse, aa against children.
H. R. No. 224 Omaha street ar com
pany required to pave between tracks and
eighteen lncbea outside.
State auditor to examine county officers
when requested by county board or on fil
ing of a 10 per cent taxpayers' petition.
H. R. No. 414 Culverts to be twenty feet
Kearney Company Leaves
For Its Posts of Duty
' Kearney, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) Company L, Fourth reg
iment, left here this morning in two
divisions. One division of thirty
eight men, in charge of Captain L.
J. Butcher, left on an eastbound train.
The other unit of the company, twenty-four
men, in charge of Lieutenant
Frank Tracy, started westward. Sec
ond Lieutenant Crain and thee men
remain behind to look after recruit
ing. The boys were given an en
thusiastic send-off as they entrained
Hundred Thousand Dollars
Bill for Guard Advanced
Lincoln. April 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Neville's bill ap
propriating $100,000 for mobilization
of the National Guards and other
activities was sent to third reading in
thg house.
Nebraska City, Neb., April 4.
(special.) . marriage license r was
granted last evening to John Barton
Wall, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Wall of Russell precinct, and Miss
Fern Fannie Luff, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Luff, of the same
precinct. -Both of the young people
are connected with the pioneer fami
lies of that portion of the county.
They were married today at the Con
gregational church at Palmyra. They
will make their home on a farm near
Harvard, Neb., April 4. (Special.)
Rolland S. Rosenbaum surp-ised
his family and friends Monday even
ing by bringing home a bride, Miss
Delia Tracey of Wahoo. The mar
riage was solemnized in Omaha on
Monday. The young couple have
gone to housekeeping in the furnished
house recently occupied by L. D.
Bills Passed
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 4. (Special.) The
following bills were passed by the
senate today:
8. V. 260. by Hager For registration in
rltles of 6,000 and over, now applle only to
1,000 and over. Passed, 31 to 0,
8. P. an, by C happell Empowers state
entomologist to establish quarantine against
plant diseases. Passed, 31 to 0.
8. F. 42, by Morlarty Allows a new desk
In office of registrar of deeds In Omaha.
Passed, 31 to 0.
8. P. 264, by Albert Requires that con
tract or bill of sale be completely filled out
before buyer signs tt. Passed, 17 to 16.
8. P. ?60, by Gates Bounty of Sfr each
for coyotes and wolves. Passed, 28 to 1.
8. P. 281, by Oberlles Census of crippled
children In Nebraska. Passed, 11 to 1.
8. F. 261. by Doty and Buhrman Requires
annual report by state board of equalization
and assessment of number of acres of land
tn state, and lta value. Passed, SI to 0.
8. P. 243, by Bennett Fiscal agent for
state In New Tork. Passed, 17 to 13.
i S. P. 121. by Mattes and Ncal Increases
salaries of county attorneys all over state.
Passed, 26 to 3, with emergency clause.
8. F. 92, by Mori arty Allows sheriffs to
Issue permits for carrying concealed weapons
to residents of t community. Passed, 30
to 3. i
H. R, 198 Four-year term tor county offi
cers. Passed. 31 to 0.
The Wreckers Are Coming
The Parisian closing out aale of
Coats, Suits and Dresses is in progress
ana now is the time lor you to buy
and save "4 and Va off on your
Spring Outfit.
Year -
For Liquor and
Drug Using
la the SUte of Nebraska
Corner 25th and Cats Sts., Omaha
Remotes permanentlj the cravlnc for
liquor and drugs. -
Always improve, tht seneral health.
Surroundings pleasant.
No nausea or sickness of an 7 kind caused
bjr tht treatment.
Do not bt persuaded that all treatments
an alike. Our. Ii tht most effective, aa
thlrtr-acvni rears of lueceas In treating
the drink habit prove, it. efficiency.
Writ, for literature, or
Phone Douglas 1478.
Take Harney car from either depot
Apparel bought here up to 12 noon
oa Saturday upon which alterations
are to be made will positively be de
livered to you In time (or Easter.
Drandeis Stores
Apparel bought here up to 12 noon
oa Saturday upon which alterations
are to be made will positively be de
livered to you in time (or Easter.
With Three Shopping Days to Easter
Beautiful Blouses for Easter
At the Modest Price of $3.98
We have a complete line
of Crepe de Chine and
Georgette Crepe Blouses
in every color of the rain-.
bow, made up with hem
stitching, beautifully em
broidered fronts with tin
sel cords and bead effects,
and showing a variety of
pearl buttons. Some with
frilled fronts, some Jabot
effects; others show
.dainty little hand-painted
'buttons, $3.98.
One model of Georgette
Crepe shows a hand-embroidered front with a Venice
edged large sailor collar, tight cuff sleeve, $3.98.
Another model of Georgette Crepe, Jabot effect, shows
bandings of contrasting colors and a band around cuff. .
A large sailor collar. At $3.98.
Second Floor
7 T
Never was a store better
equipped to give yon splen
did service. Never ' were
stocks more complete. Never
was Apparel more beautiful
or more moderately priced,
considering the unusual con
ditions prevailing in the
wholesale market.
Three Days Retitain
To Do Your Shopping
Don't Forget This
Apparel bought here up
to 12 noon on Saturday,
upon which alterations
re to be made, will
poiitively be delivered
to you in time for Easter.
Easter Millinery
Hats That Will Please Yon
Come in and select for your
self a hat of, Milan hemp,
which is so well sewn that It
looks as fine as real Milan.
Do not overlook dur ur
trimmed shapes in endless
variety; also China Splits in
all the new colors, as well as
black. Horse Hair Braid and
Shiny Straw combinations,
smart Leghorn Hats with
Milan Hemp top flanges.
We have shapes from the
smart saucer sailor to the
large wide-brimmed hat,
which Is used so much for dress hats this season, shown at such prices
that are easily within the reach of all. They are sold at $1.1, $2.50,
$2.98 and $5.00. -
Trimmed Hats at $5.00 '
Black Hats and smart shiny Srtaw Sailors, trimmed with glazed fruit,
applique flowers, wings, "Americaine" aigrettes, etc., are shown here
In exceptionally interesting assortment.
Wj also mention the high-colored types, which match the new coats
perfectly, in such colors at Gold, Shadow Lawn, Green, Peacock Blue,
Cherry Red, Sand, Purple, Gray, etc. One price, $5.00.
Second Floor
Women's Easter Suits at $25.00
That Reach the Acme of Value Giving
BEFORE WE ENTERED upon this season it looked very
much as though a $25.00 Suit of materials and in the styles
these are made was a thing of the past, but here, as well as
in other instances, the immense buying power of this store
stood us in good stead and now reverts to your benefit in
offerings like these. '
A Suit of Shepherd Check
Fine quality of Serge. The coat Is half belted and bound with black
silk braid. The collar, front, cuffs and Crescent pockets, are edged
with the same silk braid. Plain skirt with tailored pockets. Can be
used for either sport or dress wearv
Here It a Remarkable Suit for $25.00
Made of Tan Men's Wool Serge, and the coat is a little work of art.
It is edged with a brown silk braid around the front and on a new verti
cal pocket. A strictly tailored model trimmed with many small buttons
ind an over collar of white flannel Is daintily embroidered In beautifully
colored silk. The suit is lined with a line quality of gold soft Taffeta,
and it is one of the best pieces of material we have had this season
for $25.00. ,
Other suits at $25.00 are the new models in Rookie, Purple, Wool,
Velour Jerseys, in all colors, and, of course, the Blue Serge in variety,
and a score of others.
Buy the Boy a New Suit for Easter L
Here Is Best Style and Sure Satisfaction
For dress-up .for play
time for every time
we are showing the most
complete stock of the
best styles for boys.
Wo desire to call particu
lar attention to the new
st arrivals in Wash
Suits, which we have pic
tured here.
Nobby styles, with cuff
bottom pants, short or
long sleeves, in a wide
range of the new color
Pinks, greens, blues and
browns and varied fancy
stripes. Sites 2 Va to -7
Very Specially
Priced at $2.75
"DU-PLEX" Suits for Boys, $5 Upward
Two pairs of Pants, each pair reinforced at knees and seats, making
the equal in wear to four of the ordinary pair. These Suits are mak
ing a great hit with the mothers of boys thereabouts, and we are
Jroud to lay that thia store is the tola agent for them in Omaha,
a neat gray effect, very stylish in appearance. All sizes.
Third Floor.
Women's New Silk Dresses
And Coats in Distinctive Styles
SMARTNESS and Individuality in
every garment we are displaying for
this Easter season and the prices in
every instance are very moderate. We
were never better prepared to cater
to your every want.
..Smart Frocks that show distinction
and style, in taffetas, georgette, crepe
de chine and meteor. Beautifully
made, smartest accessories in trim
mings. Special values at
$25.00, $35.00 up to $50.00
The new Coats for Easter are wonder
ful values in styles, color and ma
terials. We show the newest models
in popular cloths, Bolivia, Gabardines,
Burella Point Twills and Gunnyburl,
$25.00, $35.00 u to $55.00
Second Floor.
The Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women
Offers Easter Dresses, Coats and Suits
All at the One Price, $25.00
A moderate price, indeed, considering the splendid style, excellence of
material and good service these garments will give. There's a certain
intangible "youthfulness" about every one of these garments that is
fascinating in the extreme.
Dresses at $25.00
Of Taffeta and Georgette Crepe, filmy, soft and fine, beautiful to look upon and ex
tremely stylish. Some in the Striped Taffeta, others in plain colors. All the newest
shades. . . .
Coats at $25.00
.With all the smart "fixings" that go to make the Coats this season more desirable
than in any other year they are decorated with the newest and smarest features
and in such excellent materials aa Feather Fluff, Gunnyburl, Gabardine, Tricotinc,
etc., in all the "high" shades. ,
Suits at $25.00
Beautifully tailored, with all the smart strappings, patch pocketlngs, beltings and
button trimmings. Made of Wool Jerseys, Men's Wear Serge, Tricotine, Gabardine,
etc., in Navy Blue and all the "high" colors. Belted, Pinch Back and semi-tailored
Second Floor .,
Easter Plants
The largest and most complete Easter Plant Display
ever shown in Omaha, consisting of Easter Lilies, Rose
Bushes, Spireas, Hyacinths, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, Tu
lips, Daffodils, etc., at special prices.
Cut Flower Dept. Pompeian Room.
School Girls' Dresses For Vacation
A very special offering of Ginghams, Chambrays, Repps, etc.1 One model in
particular that is very unusual is made of striped gingham with an over
jacket effect of brown gingham, edged with the striped material and a sailor
collar. This Jacket is suspender effect and one side extends below the waist,
buttoned on to the jacket with eight tiny pearl buttons; sizes 6 to 14 years.
Worth $1.60; special at $1.00. j
Coats in Cutest Styles
A little novelty wool check Coat with a great big sailor collar, patch pockets,
belt, sport buttons, turned back cuffs, a real nifty style. This fine little
Sport Coat at 35.00.
Another Coat at $5.95 is a two-tone shepherd check; patch pockets, wide belt,
collar faced with green repp silk. .Very stylish, at $5.95.
Here is a Coat of $8.95, which is made of Wale serge, with hand-embroidcrei
scalloped white Pique over-collar, and cuffs; smoked pearl buttons and a wide
belt ornament this pretty Coat. v
At $10.00 we are showing one of the daintiest little Coat models we have had
the pleasure of displaying thia season; made of a good quality of wool pop
lin with a high shirred waist line. Six pearl buttons and a white repp silk
over-collar and cuffs, beautifully lined with a novelty Paisley design.
Second Floor.
Adler's Washable Kid Gloves $1.25
Splendid Values for Easter 50 Dozen Only
These Gloves are selling freely in our regular stock at $1.75, and ,
u purciiaseu in uie present marKei we couia not seu tnem ior less
than $2.00. All sizes, all the new desirable shades for Spring.
Main Floor Center-
ill Vi
Wall Paper Specials
For any room in the house, all new designs; most have cut borders to
match, selling daily for 12 Vic and 15c; tomorrow your choice of two
(loz--n pattern;!, per singb ro'.l .Oo
For li . in; roomc, dining rooms and reception halt, a special showinc
tomorrow of new siripca, weaves, all-over effecta, etc., conventional
and floral art l jjkj, v.t!i csc'.i, wovfi 23c and 30e, tomorrow,
roll. at. ,17e
Thin "O-inc'i p; it! - jtrr;-, cut est b:rdcn to mslcH er.c!i color;
st;u"J:i.-d value : ThursKfey. roll, at. . 1U