THr B&fc: OMAHA, THUKMJAi, AfKli, n, 1H. FIERY DEBATE ON WAR RESOLUTION Williams Says La Toilette's Speech Would Better Be come Hollweg's. VOTE IS EXPECTED SOOH OnMMi tnm Pur Ox.) -ny man who stands up in the senate at this time applauding the common enemy, who also is the enemy of the human race, and has not one word in praise of the American president .r the American people. Tired of Such Utterances. "I am .a little tired of utterances !ike that of the senator from Wiscon sin denouncing the entente allies. Which would you rather do, fight Germany now with France and Great ' Britain and Russia, or fight her alone later? You've got to do one or the other. I tell you, if Germany does win that fight on the continent of Europe, she will begin building and getting ready to whip us unless the English fleet prevents it.', "I'm getting tired of this talk that this is a Wall street war. That's a lie Wall street did not sink the Liisi tania. the Arabic, the Sussex, and those other ships. I'm tired of lies like that and I think it is the duty of the American congress and people brand them as lies. - Senator La Follette, In his address, declared that the sentiment of the poor against war would make itself heard, "and, I hope, in a peaceful and orderly way before long, when if we take this step prices of necessities will multiply and they will come to be taxed double again and again. If a vote 'were taken among the Amer ican people it would show tei to one against war,." Says Not Leg to Stand On. . Senator La Follette said: "We have not a leg to stand on to support this war declaration." Reverting to the president's asser tion that the German people were thrown into the war without an op portunity to say anything about it, the senator asked: "Will the supporters of this war bill have a vote on it before it goes into effect? Unless they do that, it ill be comes us to speak of Germany. Sub mit this question to the people. By a vote of ten to one they would reg ister their declaration against war. The German people, he declared, have been more solidly behind their government than the people of the United Statea will be behind the pres ident in waging a war on Germany, People Who Will Rot Asserting that a minority frequent ly is able to shape the national policy, Senator La Follette digressed from his prepared speech to make a plea that the people make themselves heard.' "The poor who are called to rot in the trenches," he declared dramat ically, "have now no organised mouthpiece, they have no press, but some time they will be heard, I hope, in an orderly and peace way. and be fore long, when if we take this step prices ot necessaries will multiply and they will come to be taxed double sgam an again. 1 ne people will be heard: thev will have their dev." The resolution- was not reached' in the house, however, - as had been planned, and is to be taken up at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning under an arrangement to remain in session un til it is passed. v The senate's resolution was adopted by the house foreign affairs commit tee aa a substitute for its own and favorably reported for passage with only two members of the committee against it They were Representative Shackleford, democrat of Missouri, and Representative Cooper, repub lican of Wisconsin. . . . . ' 1 . In the senate patriotic speeches ol support for the president and a de termination to press the war with all vigor were made by democrats and republicana with pledget of nonpar tisan consideration for all war ques tions. ( . - -,' . ; Hitchcock in Charge. Senator Hitchcock, in charge of the resolution for the president in place of Senator Stone, who would not ; support it, declared that aa much as he wished and had worked to avoid , war, he could not vote against the resolution. Senator Lodse. ranbin renuMiran of the foreign relationa committee, pledging the support of the repub licans to the president, called on the government to scire all German ships in American waters to replace those destroyed by submarines and in pas sionate terms called on the govern ment not to conduct a half war. Senator Vardanun. democrat, of Mississippi, was the first to announce he would vote against the war resolu tion. He was followed by Senator btone, who announced his opposition, but, like Vardaman, pledged his sup port to the war when it is begun. Norris Blames Newspapers. Senator Ksrris. republican, of Ne braska, told the senate he was "bit terly opposed to the United States en tering the war." but did not flatly state that he would vote against the war resolution. Wall street interests. Senator Nor ris asserted, are interested in profiting from the United States entering the war. He also declared a "large num ber of newspapers and news agencies have been controlled and enlisted in (he vreateat orooannda that the world has ever known to manufacture sentiment for war. Senator La Follette. who yesterday forced the resolution over until today, was no in the chamber when Sena tor Hitchcock got unanimous consent to take it up. Almost every other senator and many house members were present when the debate began. 1 Hitchcock's Opening Statement In a brief opening statement. Sena tor Hitchcock, in charge of the reso lution, said the present was a time for "action, not discussion." ( "The time for discussion has passed," he said. 'The president has already stated clearly, effectively, most conclusively, the reasons which make this grave step necessary. The resolution provides lor war against the imperial German government It is framed on the lines of other war resolutions. It places responsibility for the. war squarely upon the shoulders of the German government charged with repeated acts of war1 against the United States. It is also unquestionably a declaration of war. "I am impressed with the solemnity of the occasion. Some may be filled with joy at the prospect of war. To me it is depressing and dreadful The enormous cost which the people must fiay, the great increase in the cost of iving, the enormous burden of taxes the people must bear and the still greater heritage of death stagger my mind. The awful sacrifice of lives that must follow sickens my heart. I am sure many other senators feel as I do. For Justice and Liberty. "We want no more territory," Eaid Senator Hitchcock. "We will de mand no indemnity. We have no his toric grudge to settle nor racial antip athy. In this respect we diffe from the other countries already involved in this awful struggle. There is Pan- Slavism against Pan-Germanism. Italy wants back the Trentino, France its lost provinces; Great Britaih has Ger man commerce and German colonies almost in its grasp; Russia wants Con stantinople, and Germany, besides its place in the sun, wants to dominate Europe. , HWe of alt nations will spend our treasure and our blood and sacrifice our lives without the thought of pos sibility of Rain. We are going to war to vindicata our honor and indepen dence as a great nation and in defense of humanity. - Such quarrel as we have with Germany is not of our choosing. It was forced upon us and we did much to avoid it. For nearly three years the president congress and the American people have hoped to avoid it But one desperate act by the imperial German government has followed another. I do not mean to say Germany has desired war with us. l flo not believe mat. But tne im- Hot Water for Sick Headaches Telle why everyone should drink hot water with , phosphate , m ft before breakfast Headache of any kind is caused by auto-intoxication which meana self poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons called toxins, sucked into the blood, through the lymph ducts, excite the heart, which pumps the blood so fast that .it congests in the smaller arteries and veins of the head, producing vio lent, throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You become nervous, despondent sick, feverish and miser able, your meals sour and almost nau seate you. Then you resort to ace. unhide, aspirin or the bromidea which temporarily relieve you, but do not rid the blood of these irritating toxins. a glass et not water with a tea spoonful of limestone ohosDhate in it. drank before breakfast for awhile, will not only wash these poisons from your system and cure you of head ache, hut will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimcnta-y canal. ask vnr riiiannacist loi a quartet pound ot limestone phosphate. It is in expensive, harmless as sugar, and al most tasteless, except for a sourish twinge which is sot unpleasant If you aren't feeling your best if tongue is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colda, indigestion, biliousness, constipation or tour, acid stomach, begin the phos- ptiatea not water cure to rid your system of toxins and poisons. Results are quick aud it is claimed that those who Continue to flush out the stomach, fiver, and bowels every morning never have any headache or perial German government has been desperate and has taken desperate chances." American neutrality, the senator said, had first been shocked by the invasion of Belgium; then the sinking of the Lusitania almost caused war. He said, however, he did not con sider that German had violated any pledges it had given after the sinking of the Lusitania because it had ex pressly reserved the right to revoke that pledge. During Senator Hitchcock's speech Senator La Follette was absent most of the time conferring with Senator Gronna and others who are expected to oppose the resolution. Senator Hitchcock said he had hoped armed neutrality would avert wr. , 'Unfortunately the opposition of the filibuster against that bill re sulted in word going out to the world that the official branches of the gov ernment were at loggerheads," he said. "The result has been that our rights have been more imposed upon than ever; more American ships have been sunk; lives of American citizens have been lost Armed neutrality has passed as an expedient against war. "I have been bitterly opposed to war. I have used my influence to that end. Even when I knew the people were calling for war and a majority of ( congress overwhelmingly was for it, I sought out the president and begged him to remain longer, if possible, un der the policy of armed neutrality as an expedient for peace. But the presi dent had information in his posses sion which made it impossible. ' Country and Congress Ready. "The country is ready and con gress is ready. While the vote has not been recorded, the decision has been made. It is war. "I cannot vote against war. Sena tor Hitchcock concluded, "without do inir a vain and foolish thing. It would only serve to weaken my country in the lace ol the enemy ana tne worm when war is inevitable. I am ready now to take my place with those who will back up the president for the honor and protection of the nation." Solemn Promisee Broken. Senator Hitchcock spoke only about twenty minutes and was followed by Senator Swanson of Virginia, who said the German government "has re peatedly and grossly violated its treaty obligations to us and wantonly broken solemn assurances," "The issue is not peace or war. Senator Swanson continued. "War has already been declared upon us. The issue is whether we shall accept Only On "BKOM0 QUININE" To set tt cnulna, call for full nam, LAXATIVa BBOMO QUININE. Look for Ignatura of B. W. GROVB. Cures a cold In Una uay. J.C. AQV.riw.nwni. war or abject and cowardly submis sion." . ... Reciting the sinking of American ships, German plots and outrages in this country, Senator Swanson said the Zimmermann plot to incite Mexico against this country "reaches the low est depths of national turpitude." "We have long suspected a disposi tion by Germany to dispute the Mon roe doctr'ne. Now is the time to teach this mischief-making German government that our territorial sov ereignty cannot be made a subject of war bargaining. "The advocates of peace now would place upon this nation the shame of a still greater submission. They would endure still greater affronts and suffer still greater submission." Not Bluffs or Boasts. Reciting the warnings given to Germany against ruthless submarine war. Senator Swanson asked if they "were mere empty boasts and bluff or the solemn voice of a resolute peo ple." "No," he answered. "Congress (ContlniMd oa Fata Klftat, Cotaaw dm.) i "It's Correct If It Burs a Fadden Bittnor Label." THE DUNLAP HAT Is Sold Exclusively in Omaha by Us. We also feature Stetson's, Borsalino's and Crofoot-Knapp's You Will readily find a hat suitable to your taste and adapted to your personality, from our great showing of many styles and shades for spring. Siaes SH to S Prices $4.00 to $20 SI I SOUTH 16TH ST. THOMPSON BELDEN G, CO Ssfabfished t666 Gloriously Ready for Easter Outfitting. . . Your TO you want to say who shall U control your business after Successor yu sna nave Passed away? . . If so name him In your wllL We handle trusts of various kinds. v i:WeshaHbtonultwifli "-. v."-' . I VOU. : A''' - " The Rapid-Fire Adding Machine The Controlled-Key Comptometer - Its quick, one-motion, direct key action its adaptability to every form of arithmet ical calculation adding, multiplying, divid ing, iubtrmcting its superior speed on tack of these operations make it a wonderfully effective machine for marshalling the figure facte required in business. 1 Comptometer speed cuts the cost; Comp tometer accuracy prevent mistakes; and Comptometer service makes these advantages affective on all the figure work of your office. The Controlled-key allow no alighted keystroke to pan unnoticed. 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Cotton Hose, double sole and tops, black or white, 39c. Out-size Fiber Hose, . rib tops, white or black, 59c. , Silk Boot Hose, lisle tope and soles, 69c Easter Apparel of Charm and Distinction for Women Apparel that reflects the freshness and beauty of springtime. Made to meet our own particular stan dard of quality. Priced as low as apparel of like quality anywhere. Dame Fashion has played no favorites. Every woman may choose apparel that is becoming and individual. . . Showings Are Complete Suits, Coats, Dresses, Blouses Smart Tailored Hats Charming in Their Simplicity Fashionable and practical for present wear; well made and smartly trimmed with bands and bows. All the newest shape In every sire. The popular spring colors are all represented gray, rose, gold, purple, black and white ' $2.95, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 to $12.50 Millinery Secead Floor. LaOrecque CORSETS Permit us the opportunity to show you what stylish shapeli ness there is in La Grecque Corsets. We have man; new models that express wonderful ly smart lines and the correct silhouette fashion is demand ing. Thursday Two excellent models at $2 a pair. Front and back lace. Corsets third Floor. f Homeowners! "Wire Your Home Time" is here. It comes with the advent of Spring to bring to your home through the medium of Electricity the same bright . ness and cheer that Spring sunshine gives to the world. Homes of Comfort Are Homes Electrical . Genuine comfort goes hand in hand with ; Electricity. Elec tricity will enable you to enjoy the luxury of brilliant light; safe and eco - nomical for reading, sewing or writing. It will free your wife from practically ' all of the labor of housework, affording as it does the aid of the Electric Vacuum Cleaner, Washer, Iron, Sewing Machine, Motor, Range, etc. It will in- , crease the value of your property If you wish to sell or rent , ' Telephone Douglas 1062 today that we may explain the many advantages oj our service. ,. ' Omaha Electric Light & Power Company By Gcor$t H. Harriet, President M Mi hi knew a miserable moment. Adv.